The Irregular's Children (Tow...


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Disclaimer: I don't own Tower of God and the characters, it belongs to SIU. But this fanfiction may contain s... Еще

Chapter 2: The Moon's Love to the Night (Pt 2)
Chapter 3: End of Masquerade
Chapter 4: Celebrating A New Bond
Chapter 5: Time for Holidates
Chapter 6: The Sunset
Chapter 7: The Intruder
Chapter 8: The Intruder (Part 2)
Chapter 9: At Jinsung's Residence
Chapter 10: Crossed Paths
Chapter 11: Winter's Curse
Chapter 12: Partners
Chapter 13: The Power of Two: Twins Sync

Chapter 1: The Moon's Love to the Night

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bubble bubble

Child 1's thoughts: Water around my body... But I don't feel the cold.

bubble bubble

Two children are waking up simultaneously, each opening their own pair of eyes.

There are two children. The first child has short brown hair, with a blue eye on the left and a golden eye on the right. The second child has slightly longer sky-blue hair, with a golden eye on the left and a blue eye on the right.

Child 2's thoughts: Hmmm..

bubble bubble

Child 2's thoughts: Voices..

They sound..

A woman from a distance: They're waking up!

Both children are looking at the faces that seem to be delighted to see them.

One with blue sky hair and one with brown hair moved closer to them and said something that sounded like a mumble to the children.

Brown-haired guy: They're wonderful!

Blue-haired guy: I agree. Can we take them out of the tube already?

Brown-haired Woman: Yes, now that they have awakened, we can.

The woman typed something on her device and clicked some buttons.

Suddenly the water drained from the tube and the wires detached from the children's bodies and the tube glasses opened. The woman handled them with care, wrapping each tiny body in a white blanket before passing them to the two men with brown and blue hair. The baby with brown hair was cradled by the man with blue hair, while the baby with blue hair was held by the man with brown hair. The new fathers wore expressions of pure joy as they gazed at their children, who seemed curious about their surroundings and reached out with their little hands. The men held the newborns gently in their arms, cherishing the moment.

Woman: Congratulations to both of you!

Now that you are their parents, shouldn't you give them names? Have you thought of anything yet?

The brown-haired guy looked at the blue-haired guy after hearing that.

Brown-haired Guy: Ohh yeah. What should we name them, Khun?

Khun: Hmmm.. I think I'll name him after you. But since he is from us, we're in the middle of him so he can be born, how about, 25th Midnight, Baam?

Baam: That's a really good name! I like it! 25th Midnight it is! Since you named him, is it fair I choose the name for this little guy too?

Khun: Sure, Baam. What will we call him?

Baam: I'll name him Khun Winter. After you too, because you're mostly cold.

Khun: I am not!!

Baam: You are!

Baam laughed and everyone around them.

Khun: Hmmmp!

Khun shrugged and smiled. He doesn't have the will to argue about Baam's choices.

Khun: Fine. It's not such a terrible name.

A small crocodile standing next to Baam commented.

Rak: It could be worse.

Khun is irritated hearing that and yells at him.

Khun: What?!! Like what could possibly be worse than that?!

Everyone laughed again seeing them argue.

Baam looks at the child he's carrying and smiles at him whilst it's stretching its short arms and trying to reach out for something.

Baam: Hi there, Khun Winter. We love you!

Khun approached Baam and both of them looked at their children together in their arms beaming with delight and everyone around them cheered for their new babies.

Night after that Khun and Baam went to their room so they could put their newborns to sleep.

They both sat on their bed whilst cradling the sleeping babies in their arms and whispered to each other.

Baam: We actually made it, Khun.

Baam looked at Khun and smiled.

Khun: Yeah, I can't believe it. A new beginning in our life. We're parents now.

It seems like just yesterday when we couldn't communicate our emotions to one another. We were unaware that our connection could grow beyond friendship. Nevertheless, we overcame those obstacles and look at where we are now.

Baam: Yeah, I still remember it all vividly..

88th Floor, Residential Area

After the test that feels like forever to finish.

Khun: Finally! Whew The test is over. I'm worn out.

Khun entered their room at one of the residential area to rest.

Khun: We can now rest for a bit.

That was tough.

Rak: Yeah! I'm so hungry too.

Khun: You're always hungry.

Rak: What's wrong with being hungry?! I eat a lot to get stronger! Unlike you, turtle! You barely eat so you're weak!

That's why all you can do is sit and command others to do stuff for you!

Isn't that right?!

Khun becomes irritated by the loudmouthed crocodile and tries to push him out of the room, but Rak resists.

Khun: What did you say?!

You here to fight?!

I don't eat because I don't like to eat and I don't want to be fat like you, you glutton!

Rak: Lies! You are just weak and getting weaker! Admit it, blue turtle! If you want to be strong, we should eat!

Rak pushes Khun harder but Khun just push him back harder than him til he's knocked down on the floor and starts to pull him by his shirt to go out of the room.

Rak wriggles and squirms as Khun pulls him to try and get away from him.

Rak: Let go! What's wrong with eating anyway?! Black turtle eats too! So you should too!

Khun stopped pulling Rak to the door, realizing Baam wasn't there yet. It was already twilight.

Khun: Hey Gator.. Now that you mention it, have you seen Baam?

Rak: No. Why?

Khun: It's getting late. He can't be in trouble again, can he? Where is he?

Khun: Pocket, visible mode.

A small black sphere suddenly floats in front of him and he checks on it.

Khun: Hmmm.. no message from him either.

Khun walks out of the room leaving Rak who now got back on his feet and jumped on the bed and started eating bananas that were placed neatly at the top of the lamp table next to it. Khun walked passed the room and out to the balcony and looked around.

Baam appears to be not there either so he turned around and looked up.

Sitting on the rooftop is where he is.

Khun waved at him and called.

Khun: Baam!

Baam: Khun!

Baam smiled and he jumped back down to the balcony.

Baam: What's up? Is something wrong?

Khun: I knew I'd find you up there. Back at your usual spot.

Gazing up the sky again, aren't you?

Baam smiled once more.

Baam: You know me so well.

Khun smiled back as if telling him silently that of course, he does.

Khun walks to the balcony's guardrail, gazing at the garden below and after that, the sky above.

Khun: Tell me about the sky and the stars Baam.

What are you thinking whenever you look up to them?

Baam walks and stands next to Khun and leans on the guardrail with his arms and looks up at the sky once more.

Baam: I couldn't care less of anything before.. Stars.. I didn't see any meaning in reaching for it like Rachel did.

But right now.. Looking at them, I am thinking, all I want is for us to be under the same sky. With our friends, I hope we can create something the same together. Something beautiful that everyone can enjoy basking in. And everyone is sparkling with happiness. Just like the stars above. I think it'll light this dark world we're currently in. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Khun looked at Baam's facial expression with gentle eyes whilst he was listening to him talking.

Khun: Baam...

Baam looks at Khun.

Baam: Do you think it's still possible?

...Or is it just a distant dream in a world like this?

Khun leaps and sits on the railing of the balcony, flips his hair with his right hand and smirks gently. Trying to look cool.

Khun: Hmmmf... If we keep going, I'm sure we can find out. Though I told you before, I'll take you to the top of the tower and we're way up here so far, so I'm sure we can do that when we reach the top.

But not everything is up there...

Baam looks at Khun. His expression suddenly changed. He's suddenly looking glum and serious.

Baam: ...Khun?

Khun: It's nothing..

Let's go inside. We need to go eat and rest for tomorrow's test again.

Khun jumps back onto the balcony floor and turns his back on Baam. Just as he's about to enter the room..

Baam suddenly held his hand and stopped him.

Baam: No. Not this time.

You're always like this..

You always seem to carry your thoughts and burdens alone.

I don't pry as I always respect your decisions because I know you would tell me when you're ready or whenever it's necessary.


I worry for you.

You've always been there for me.

and I want to be there for you too.

I admit, I know I wasn't always but I am here at this moment.

Khun: Baam... It's..

Khun's cheeks turned red whilst he is looking down..

Baam quietly and patiently waits for him to speak..

Khun: ...complicated.

Baam: If it is something we can fix, we can work it on together. You can do things alone but you don't have to.

Khun: It's not something you can fix though..

Baam: Then what is it?

Tell me.

Khun: No!

Baam: Please.. you need to stop being this way!

Khun: Baam.. I really don't want to talk about it.

Khun turns redder and looks down even more and suddenly clenches his fist and shakes his hand off of his.

Baam: Now you are upset because of me! But I'm also upset because it seems you won't trust me or can't trust me enough that I can help you too!

Khun is starting to get irritated even more and his voice starting to rise unintentionally.

Khun: I told you, it's not something you can help with!

Baam talked in a louder voice too to hopefully get into Khun's head better.

Baam: You can't just decide that by yourself!

We wouldn't know if it can be helped or fixed if we don't even try doing it together!

Khun: You can say that because you know nothing!

Baam: That's right! I know nothing of what bothers you! That's why you have to tell me!

Why won't you trust me?!

Am I really just going to be a burden to you?!

Khun: Shut it, Baam!

Baam: I don't want that. I don't want to be a burden to you or anyone else even though I know it can't be helped but as much as possible, I don't want it anymore!

Khun: Stop it, Baam!

Baam: Why does it always have to be you?! Why do you always want to suffer alone?!

Why.. Why won't you let me help fix whatever that bothers you?!

Baam expresses his concern through anger that it makes him feel like crying that after everything Khun has done for him, all he can do is be angry and upset Khun.

It hurts to argue with him. Baam doesn't know like it one bit.

Baam feels helpless. His eyes were about to tear up.

Khun's fist clenched even more and turned around to face him and speak in a thunderous voice with a strawberry-red blushing face.

Khun: Because you CANNOT fix that I am in love with you! Dammit Baam! How can you fix that I LOVE YOU!!!

Baam suddenly in a daze hearing that. As if trying to comprehend what's already obviously stated. His heart felt a pang that strongly hit him deeply and he felt like it skipped a beat for a second and then started to beat rapidly as if it was going to explode. Rendering him speechless and all red.

There was nothing but silence between them. It's like everything has stopped and froze even the time at that very moment. All you can hear is the loud and uncontrollable beating of their hearts, accompanied by the wind blowing as if trying to cool down the intense moment.

A minute later, when Baam finally found his voice back in his throat and gained a bit of his strength back to speak..

Baam: You.. love.. me?

To be continued..

Stay Tuned.

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Thank you for reading!

Spread love and have a wonderful day!

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