Zara: Luffy x OC

By bokuaka120

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This is the tale of Zoro's sister, Zara, as she embarks on a journey with the Straw Hat Pirates, eventually d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

165 10 2
By bokuaka120

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a fiery glow across the deck of the Going Merry as it plied through the gentle swells of the Grand Line. In the waning light, Zara found a secluded corner at the ship's stern, a quiet refuge from the day's earlier tempest. She had been playing a delicate dance of evasion with Luffy since lunch, a difficult feat given the size of the ship.

Beside her, the rhythmic grunt and clank of weights punctuated the air as Zoro, her brother, dedicated himself to his daily regimen. His workout was a reassuring constant in the ever-changing world they sailed through, a mantra of strength and endurance.

Zara herself sought a different kind of strength. Seated cross-legged, her palms rested lightly on her knees, she closed her eyes and surrendered to meditation. It was a practice she had vowed to forsake aboard the ship, yet, here she was, drawn back to the meditative practice that offered her a haven from the storm of her emotions. She breathed in deeply, the salty tang of the sea filling her lungs, and exhaled slowly, her breath mingling with the briny breeze.

As the ship crested a wave, she felt herself lifting with it, her spirit momentarily weightless before settling back down with the fall of the water. Each breath she took synchronized with the ocean's own undulating rhythm, a symphony of calm orchestrated by the natural world itself. In this tranquil cocoon, the chaos of her earlier confrontation with Luffy seemed worlds away, washed over by the forgiving cadence of the waves.

The night had draped its silent veil over the ship as Zara, lost in meditation, was unaware of the passage of time. The steady rise and fall of her chest was the only movement in the stillness until Luffy's aura, vibrant and untamed, approached like a warm breeze over calm waters, disrupting the serenity. She opened her eyes to the sight of him towering above her, an apologetic smile in the moonlit deck.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her tranquil state disturbed by his interruption.

"It's really late now. Even Zoro went to bed," Luffy observed with a glance towards the quiet quarters.

A quick survey of the deck confirmed his words. The ship was bathed in the soft glow of the night, and her brother had indeed retreated. "Oh," she said, a tinge of surprise in her tone, as she gracefully unfolded from her meditation posture. "I suppose I'll retire as well," she decided aloud, brushing off the night's cool kiss from her arms.

As she made to leave, Luffy, normally unhesitant, started to reach out to her, a gesture born of instinct. Yet he stopped midway, recalling her stern plea of not touching her again. His hand, hanging in the night air, returned to his side. "Listen, Zara," he started, halting her departure with the gravity of his tone. "About this morning... I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. You know, I... I cherish food," he confessed awkwardly.

The confusion that painted her face was almost comical. "Huh?" she articulated, bewildered at the sudden culinary reference.

Catching the misstep in his analogy, Luffy scrambled to bridge the gap in his explanation. "I mean, to me, you're as important as the most delicious meal. I care about you more than a feast after a battle. I messed up, and I'm sorry for that," he said earnestly, his honest eyes reflecting the moonlight, hoping his sincerity would mend the rift his earlier actions had caused.

Her gaze softened, understanding dawning over her. In the language of their unique world where food was akin to a sacred treasure, his apology was both heartfelt and profound. A smile, small but genuine, teased the corners of her lips. "My, that's quite the confession, Luffy," Zara remarked.

She pivoted fully toward him, her steps closing the distance as she sported a smirk at his sudden flush of embarrassment. "Does that mean I get your portion the next time Sanji whips up some meat on a stick?" she teased.

The panic that shot through Luffy's veins was almost comical. "I—I mean, let's not get carried away," he stammered, the captain in him retreating before her jest.

Zara's giggle, light and melodic, filled the space between them, a playful note in the quiet of the evening. She knew she would never truly claim his treasured portion, yet the amusement of his nervousness was too enticing to resist. Feigning a pout, she mourned, "I guess you don't really care about me all that much then."

Luffy's eyes widened, a hint of desperation threading through his voice as he backpedaled. "No, that's not it at all, Zara! I do care, it's just that—"

He was cut off by her laughter, a sound that seemed to dance on the ocean breeze. Zara shook her head, the moonlight playing in her eyes, turning them into pools of mirth. "I'm teasing, Luffy. I wouldn't take your precious meat on a stick. But your face was priceless."

Relief washed over Luffy like a wave, and a sheepish grin replaced his look of dismay. "You really got me there," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, we're good?"

Zara's nod was gentle, now calmed into a soft glow that seemed to radiate from her very being. "We're good, Joyboy," she declared. The term of endearment, so uniquely hers, sent a rush through Luffy, a tide of relief so strong it buoyed his spirit. It had been too long since he'd heard that name, a signal that all was right in their world.

"Alright, I'm heading to bed. Goodnight, Captain," Zara declared, a playful lilt in her voice, adding an unstated promise. Leaving Luffy to stare after her, a silhouette framed by the moonlight that spilled across the deck, casting a long shadow that seemed to linger with Luffy. A sense of contentment settled over him, knowing that he and Zara were back on friendly terms.


Amid the gentle creaks of the Going Merry the next morning, Sanji found Zoro in a rare moment of tranquility. The swordsman was perched on the edge of the ship, eyes closed, lost in meditation or perhaps sleep—it was always hard to tell with him.

"Oi, Moss-Head," Sanji called out, striding over with a plate of freshly prepared snacks. "You're gonna sprout roots if you keep sitting around like that."

Zoro cracked one eye open, his calm facade barely twitching. "Rather be a plant than a twirling ballerina in the kitchen," he shot back with a lazy smirk.

Sanji's eyebrow twitched visibly as he set the plate down with a little more force than necessary. "At least my 'twirling' does something other than getting lost and sleeping," he quipped, lighting a cigarette.

"I find my way just fine," Zoro retorted, crossing his arms. "Besides, better to be lost outside than inside your own messed-up love fantasies, huh, Ero-Cook?"

Nearby, Robin looked up from her book, her eyes glinting with mirth. Zara, leaning against the rail, suppressed a chuckle, watching the exchange unfold with knowing eyes.

Sanji's face turned a shade redder, not entirely from the sun. "My love life is none of your damn business!"

"Oh, I agree," Zoro said, his smirk growing wider. "It's so non-existent, it'd be a waste of time to talk about."

Robin's soft chuckle finally broke free, and Zara shook her head, smiling at the typical display. Sanji, caught between irritation and the need to defend his honor, pointed a threatening finger at Zoro.

"One of these days, I'm going to cook something and you won't get a single bite," Sanji growled.

Zoro opened both eyes now, feigning a dramatic gasp. "Oh no, whatever will I do without my daily dose of poison?"

The cook's hands clenched as if he was imagining them around Zoro's neck instead "You'd probably starve, Swordsman," he snapped back, but in reality he knew he would never let any of his Nakamas starve.

As the bickering continued, Robin and Zara exchanged an amused glance. There was a comfort in the predictability of this routine, a reminder that some things on the Grand Line remained constant, even amidst the ever-present chaos of adventure.

"Their friendship is quite unique, isn't it?" Robin commented with a smile, her voice barely above the sound of Sanji and Zoro's escalating voices.

Zara's eyes danced with amusement, a reflective smile touching her lips. "It's like watching two sides of the same coin," she mused aloud, the nostalgia evident in her voice. "Back in our village, Zoro and I always kept to ourselves—well, until he met her."

Robin's interest was piqued, her head tilting slightly, a silent invitation for Zara to continue. "Her?" she prodded gently.

Zara's laughter was airy, almost musical, as she recalled days long past. "A girl, a year his senior she was his match in every way—sharp, fierce, quick on her feet. I used to tease him, say he was head over heels for her. He'd deny it every time, his face turning as red as the setting sun. They'd clash swords and wits from dawn till dusk, their sparring sessions as fierce as the ones he has with Sanji now."

Robin's gaze followed the two quarrelling men, the corners of her mouth upturning. "And where might this mystery swordswoman be now?" she asked, her tone rich with curiosity.

The smile on Zara's face faltered, her eyes misting over as she looked away, a shadow of a memory crossing her features. "She passed away," she confessed, her voice a hushed whisper lost to the wind.

A shared silence enveloped them, filled with unspoken understanding. Robin's hand found Zara's, a comforting squeeze exchanged. "I'm sorry," she said, her empathy a tangible thing.

Zara inhaled deeply, her eyes returning to the present where Zoro and Sanji continued their ever-entertaining feud. "Time heals," she acknowledged, her gaze softening as she watched the swordsman parry Sanji's verbal jabs. "But sometimes, when I see him spar with Sanji, it takes me back to those days... There's just something about their dynamic," she mused, her thoughts momentarily trailing off.

Her attention was abruptly drawn to Luffy, who stealthily inched toward Sanji's neglected tray of snacks. In one fluid motion, Luffy grabbed the entire tray, the contents disappearing into his mouth in a gulp. Setting the tray back as if it had never been touched, he looked around innocently.

Zara couldn't help the giggle that escaped her, while Robin looked on, exasperated by Luffy's antics.

Sanji, oblivious to Luffy's snack heist, "You're such a neanderthal, marimo head! I'm done talking to you" he snapped, his hands gesturing broadly to emphasize his point.

Zoro just smirked, leaning back casually against the mast. "If you're so busy, why are you wasting your time yapping at me?" he retorted, unfazed.

Exasperated, Sanji spun around to retrieve his tray, planning to escape the futile argument with at least the satisfaction of the snacks he made for the crew. Upon picking up the tray, the cook's brow furrowed, confusion and then realization dawning on his face. He spun around, the vein in his forehead threatening to burst. "LUFFY!"

The pirate captain, now leaning back with a contented smile and a suspiciously full belly, tried to feign innocence, "What? I was just standing here the whole time!"

Zara's giggle erupted into full-blown laughter at the scene unfolding before her, and even Robin couldn't help but chuckle at the captain's predictably gluttonous behavior. Meanwhile, Zoro leaned against the mast, arms crossed, watching the drama with a smirk, silently thanking whatever forces were at play for giving him a break from Sanji's wrath—for the moment, at least.

Luffy bore the brunt of Sanji's ire, the cook's furious kicks a testament to his anger. Yet, through it all, Luffy's thoughts remained cheerfully simple: Still worth it.

After evading a final, steely glare from the cook, Luffy made his way towards Zara, a grin plastered across his bruised face. He carefully maintained a respectful distance, mindful of her words about not touching her. The recent patch-up of their friendship didn't implicate the liberties he once had, and he didn't want to overstep his bounds again.

"You okay, Joyboy? I saw what happened," Zara said, the twinkle of amusement in her eyes betraying her concern.

Luffy just chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, where one of Sanji's kicks had landed. "Ah, it's nothing. Sanji's love language is just a little... violent," he joked, trying to downplay the throbbing pain that suggested he'd be feeling those 'love taps' for a while.

Zara shook her head, her laughter mixing with the creaks of the Going Merry and the distant sound of waves. "Only you could steal a tray of food and then get kicked into next week by the chef, only to walk away smiling." she mused.

Zara finds herself marveling again as Luffy's carefree attitude was infectious.


The days stretched into a lethargic dance of repetition, with the Going Merry slicing through the endless blue. It had been four days into their week and a half-long voyage, and even Chopper, with his usually unshakeable enthusiasm, found himself succumbing to the monotony of the sea.

High above, perched precariously on the figurehead, sat Luffy, as if by tempting fate, maybe he'd hope to fall in just for the thrill of it, yet she prayed her suspicions were unfounded.

Seeking solitude, Zara wandered to the stern, the quiet corner she and Zoro frequented. It was there, as she gazed into the depths, that she sensed it—an immense aura, vast and foreboding, emanating from beneath the waves.

"GUYS, HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!" Her warning tore through the calm as the ship lurched violently upward.

Zara clung to the railing, her knuckles whitening. Amidst the chaos, Nami's voice pierced the air, a tinge of panic threaded within. "Luffy!"

Twisting to witness the scene unfold, Zara watched in horror as Luffy was catapulted from his lofty seat, a helpless figure against the vast canvas of the sky, hurdling towards the unforgiving sea.

Without a second thought, Zara's instinct kicked in. She teleported, the world blurring as she reached for Luffy, snatching him from his descent. They reappeared on the deck in a tangle of limbs, their landing far from graceful. Rolling uncontrollably towards the edge. They should have stopped at the railing. They should have, but they didn't. The inertia was too great, and with a sinking feeling in her stomach, Zara realized they were going overboard. By the time her mind caught up with her body's impulse to teleport again, it was too late — they hit the water hard.

Luffy's hands cinched around her waist, securing her to him as they both kicked furiously, trying to fight the ocean's pull. It was futile; they were sinking, and fast.

As Zara's gaze flicked over Luffy's shoulder, a colossal squid loomed into view, its eye a chilling observer watching them plunge into the deep. A scream welled up inside her, but it was swallowed by the sea as saltwater invaded her mouth, despair took hold.

Darkness crept at the edges of her vision, her grip on Luffy loosening. As the darkness closed in, the last thing Zara felt was the terrible silence of the deep swallowing them whole.

She woke with a start, the worried faces of her crewmates looming above her against the blinding backdrop of the sun. She convulsed with a cough, seawater expelled in a violent spray, some falling back towards her open mouth. She rolled onto her side, retching until the only thing left was the sting of salt on her tongue and a ringing hollowness inside. Once the ordeal passed, panic surged through her—where was Luffy?

Her frantic gaze caught him sitting beside her, safe. She exhaled in relief, then noticed Sanji and Zoro, equally drenched. Surely, they had been their saviors from the depths. "What happened to the squid?" she rasped, her voice still raw form the seawater.

Sanji grinned, lighting a cigarette and drawing a long puff. "It's on deck, lamenting its fate as our future lunch," he said, his smile never waning.

Zara's attention was pulled away by Luffy, who was on the verge of tears. "Zara, I'm sorry," he blurted out.

Confused, she furrowed her brows. "Why are you sorry?" There seemed to be nothing to apologize for.

"You told me never to touch you again, and you had to... It's my fault," Luffy explained, his words tumbling out in a jumbled rush.

Zara paused, a memory surfacing—she had told Luffy that, hadn't she? Cast out in a flare of temper, never meant to be carved into permanence. Realizing now the weight it had placed on his shoulders, guilt pricked at her heart. She reached out, her hand finding Luffy's. "Luffy, look at me," she urged gently, her eyes holding his until the guilt they harbored ebbed away. "There are no apologies between us for saving each other, okay? And I... I never meant for you to take those words to heart," she spoke with tenderness.

"So, it's okay if I touched you?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.

Zara chuckled, her heart lightened by the innocence of his question. "Yeah, Luffy, it's fine," she reassured him.

"Alright, that's enough handholding," Zoro interjected, nudging Luffy with a kick to the face that sent him toppling sideways. The captain's body comically twisted and he flopped sideways, much to the amusement of the crew, who had been sneakily observing the heartfelt exchange. Zara's concern flared momentarily, but it was quickly quenched by the sound of Luffy's untroubled laughter as he picked himself up, the atmosphere now cleared of tension.

*If anyone is interested I will be uploading a Zosan fanfic today. I'll still be working on this one as well.*

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