Never Caught

By angelhalad

15.3K 52 9

I'm back More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

3K 9 0
By angelhalad

Orihime Inoue crossed her hands under her large breasts, pushing them even further out of her low cut blouse as she looked outside at the athletic field and the man leaning against the fence, watching the senior students do P.E. His bright orange hair was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, together with his heavenly scowl and brusque attitude, making him the sexiest man she had ever met, and her newfound love.

Ichigo Kurosaki was his name, befitting of such a great man in her opinion. He was tall, tanned, chiseled in all the right places and the best part was that he was single. He was an amazing teacher and devoted to his students too, even helping them with extra lessons after school. That lucky Kuchiki girl, she was already so smart and now even Kurosaki-kun was giving her extra coaching out of the kindness in his heart.

But, wasn't that weird? Why coach the smartest senior student when they didn't need it? It was no secret that Kuchiki-san's big brother, Byakuya Kuchiki, made sure she got the best of everything, and that she was the best at everything. Heck, right now Orihime could see the slender, petite girl acing her P.E class at the field. Sometimes she felt jealous of Kuchiki's luck; she was so good it was irritating. The girl always followed the rules and never did anything wrong. She even attended her extra lessons after school; even though it was rumored she hated Kurosaki-kun passionately. That was suspicious to. Could it be that they were having a forbidden affair? Instead of doing work after classes, Kuchiki was trying to seduce Kurosaki-kun? Or was she abusing his kindness to blackmail him into spending time with her?

Like that would ever happen! The ginger almost laughed at her day dreaming.

Orihime did not like Kuchiki Rukia, but she was no threat to a real woman such as her. Kuchiki was a delicate little girl, petite and fair like a porcelain doll, so innocent looking. While she was anything but a doll, Orihime was proud of her voluptuous body, big breasts, huge curves and tall height. She liked showing it off too, but recently the object of her latest affections seemed to have absolutely no interest in her. Was something wrong with Kurosaki-kun? Since high school she had been complimented on her looks, through college and now as a teacher in this catholic school yet since the first time she met Kurosaki Ichigo, he had shown no interest in her.

Maybe he was feeling sick? She would be sure to ask him and prepare some fish soup with mustard and chocolate cream for him later.

"Amazing Kuchiki-san!" Urahara sensei cheered as Rukia stopped a few meters away from him to catch her breath.

"What was so amazing?" The raven haired girl scoffed after catching her breath, "I am the best."

"Ah, you sound just like Byakuya-kun Rukia-chan", the blonde cried dramatically, his stopwatch dangling from his wrist strap. Sadly, Urahara sensei happened to be friends with her brother since college, although her nii-sama loved to deny knowing the eccentric teacher.

"Whatever, Coach, I am his sister. How's my time?"

The man grinned and held it up for her to see. "You've improved by two seconds Rukia-chan! You must be so proud."

"A little", she admitted, looking out at the hurdles on the athletic field. Hurdles were her specialty, apart from the 400m run and gymnastics, which she was also really good at. Some credit had to be given to her brother though, the man did not believe in giving up, and had passed that teaching down to her. More like hammered it into her skull with a nail gun but that was just semantics.

She stretched herself out some, conscious of the way her gym clothing stuck to her skin and the envious looks and glares some of her classmates were giving her. Rukia was an athlete, and she ran professionally since she started high school, with her coach being Urahara. Countless times she had performed on the school's behalf in competitions and had been victorious, and due to her circumstances she was allowed to wear whatever she felt most comfortable in when she had P.E. Although she wouldn't say it, she liked to wear what she wanted.

The weather was hot outside today, and Rukia relished the cool breeze sweeping through the field. She was in her normal P.E. outfit of choice, a black sports bra, bright blue Brooks running shorts and white and purple Nikes. A far cry from the regulated black tights and white tee shirt gym clothes but her shorts was insulated, and her sneakers allowed more support while the bra let her move unrestrained. As the bell went off in the distance, she turned towards the fence and began walking over to the bench nestled under the trees. The others had an additional fifteen minutes of running laps, and it would be a waste of time to go back to class for a self study period when she could run some more or enjoy nature a bit.

Pushing her way through the trees, she sighed and sprinted over to the bench, before sinking down gracefully on it. She reached up to run a hand through her jaw length hair, ruffling the coiffed locks into messy imperfection as the wind swept through it. She felt like going for a run again, too many things floating around in her mind to let her relax. There was Byakuya's party for her coming up, Renji was visiting her from Kansai in a week and then there was Kurosaki.

Last week, her teacher had behaved quite unprofessionally with her, and she had as well. She had actually gotten angry enough to hit him, and even though it was his fault for antagonizing her in the first place, it had escalated quickly from there. Suddenly he was angry too, and really serious, physically serious. They had scuffled briefly, he had actually touched her bare skin in quite a rough way and then when she was hot and bothered, he humiliated her by accusing her of wanting him. As if!

She really hated him, but she couldn't refute that at that point she had wanted to touch him, or him to touch her. It was her hormones damnit. She had been so horny all day that even the slightest touch from a man, even a man she deemed despicable, had her ready to cum in her panties.

Well, she did cum after Kurosaki left, just not in her panties but up against a wall with her hands on her breasts and between her legs in the same classroom she'd just been insulted in. And curse him, the image in her mind as she made herself orgasm was of that orange haired ass with his mouth on her neck as he fucked her on a desk.

Damn, she was getting horny now. But that wouldn't do, she had her last class of the day with Kurosaki and she wouldn't be able to get through it without getting frustrated. Thank God she didn't have school during the weekend but today was Monday, and that meant she had to face him sooner than later after that embarrassing ordeal on Friday.

"Ugh", she groaned, burying her face in her hands. The mere reminder made her want to disappear.

"Well well, who knew Rukia Kuchiki played hooky", a voice droned, amused, from behind her.

Rukia's head snapped around to see none other than Kurosaki looking down at her with a smirk.

What perfectly bad timing he had.

"I'm not playing hooky Strawberry", she muttered, looking irritated as she looked straight ahead. "Self study, remember?"

"Rukia, on Friday you assault me, and now you call me names. Don't you know how to behave with your teachers? If I report you to the Principal you can be suspended ya know. Imagine the headlines, Goody Two Shoes Kuchiki Assaults her teacher."

"Then they'd have to suspend you too, since you did the same to me!" Rukia spat back venomously, "Just be glad that I didn't tell my brother. And stop calling me by my first name."

"Is that a threat Rukia? If I don't start being nice to you you're gonna run to your nii-sama? Careful love, with your brother complex and his over protectiveness people will think that you're both fucking", he stated casually.

"How dare you insult my brother you orange haired fucktard! Don't talk to me like that!" Rukia swore, as she shot to her feet, her glare burning a hole in his face as she looked up at him as he towered over her. She didn't care if she got in trouble, Kurosaki just pushed the wrong button and if he wanted her to truly get mad, he was sure as shit gonna deal with it.

"Wow, you're seriously pissed off. Did I guess correctly? Well, that would certainly make for an interesting relationship. What does he call you when he's shoving his cock into you Rukia? Rukia? Sister? When his mouth is sucking all the juices out of your cunt, and his fingers are buried deep inside of your folds. Do you call him by his name, or do you like it dirty and call him brother?

"Are you a slut Rukia? Or do you only ride your brother's cock?"


That was the sound that echoed through the air, which was supposed to echo through the air, if only Kurosaki hadn't caught her wrist. With one hard tug, Rukia found herself smack against him, as he'd moved so fast once again that he was standing in front of her, this time they were both behind the bench.

"Didn't you learn last time Rukia", Ichigo growled, as he tightened his grip on her delicate hand.

Shit. He was referring to that time when she punched him, and just now she tried to slap him…double shit. She was definitely gonna get in trouble now. She might get suspended, or worse, they might call her nii-sama to the school.

"So what? What are you going to do about it, Kurosaki?" She egged, intentionally trying to anger him. If she was going down, she was taking him down with her.

"Punish me?" She sneered.

The orange haired teacher growled lowly, pushing her back against the bench to trap her in the uncomfortable space between the inanimate object and his solid body. Rukia refused to be intimidated, glaring at him in full force with her violet eyes. He could never intimidate her, she was a Kuchiki and her pride was far greater than some English teacher's. His intense amber eyes were burning into her's angrily, his grip bruisingly tight on her wrist and he was smirking evilly.

If he even thought about hitting her, she would tell her nii-sama-

"That's a good idea Rukiahh", he whispered against her ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down her spine deliciously. He closed the few centimeters between them, pressing his big, hard body flush against her's. She had to fight to gasp when she felt her nipples harden immediately as they brushed against his hard chest, but she wasn't going to let him embarrass her again like he did on Friday.

Friday, when he pushed her into a wall, dragged his hands over her ass and made her pussy leak with desire.

Friday, when he humiliated her, insulted her and turned her on in one go.

"You're a slut, Kuchiki", he murmured, grabbing her other wrist to hold both of them in one hand behind her back. Her body arched forward in that position and his eyes fell to the lingering beads of sweat running down her smooth pale skin, over her collar bones and down into the little valley between her pert, small breasts. Breasts whose stiff nipples were currently poking through the black cotton of her sports bra to scrape against his chest with each breath they took. It was a tantalizing feeling that made heat shoot straight to his groin, but that would have to wait.

His other hand came to rest lightly around her throat, holding her in place while allowing her to breathe.

"You're such a bitch too", he whispered, holding her gaze steadily as he pressed even harder into her. "How does your brother put up with you? No wonder you don't have a boyfriend."

His insults affected her that he was sure of, but to get her truly mad, he had to get dirty. And the thing was, Ichigo Kurosaki was a very dirty man. Since their little bout last week, he couldn't get the image of her fucking herself out of his mind. It was just so damn erotic, sensual and downright shameless that he spent several hours during the weekend stroking his pulsing cock to release with the picture of Rukia fucking herself in his mind's eye. And then, holy shit, had he cum. He had come more than he ever had before, all to thoughts of fucking her in his head. It had surprised even him. He would have her soon enough, he knew, but right now, he was gonna tease her as much as he could.

"How does your brother fuck you Rukia?" He whispered, trailing his hand from her neck to her side, where he grabbed her none too gently. Damn, her body was so toned, and her stomach…he could eat off it if he wanted. Oh, he couldn't wait to try that…

Rukia narrowed her eyes even more at her teacher as he pushed her body closer against his, basically imprinting them chest to chest. God, she was getting hot, and she was pretty sure she'd already soaked through her French cut panties, and he was insulting her! Damn him. He was making her think of fucking her adoptive older brother for Pete's sake, so why was she getting so aroused? Why was he torturing her like this?

Looking up into his heated eyes, she realized he knew exactly what he was doing to her. The bastard. She could just ignore his taunts and try to get away from him, or she could do something completely unexpected and put him in his place. Which was, frankly, beneath her.

Pushing her chest firmly into his, Rukia raised her head to meet his eyes defiantly as she lifted a slim leg to rub against his outer thigh, effectively letting their crotches mingle.

In the audible hitch of his breathing, she knew she had pulled the rug from right under him.

"Do you really want to know?" She whispered, letting the smell of his skin, cigarettes on his breath and cologne wash over her senses.

"Yes", he murmured, his eyes intense as ever, except now, his gaze was flickering between her violet eyes and her supple, pink lips.

"I like it hard. The harder, the better. Brother taught me that."

Ichigo's eyes widened a bit, before they smoldered intensely as they held her's, before glancing down at her twin snow white mounds pressed against him.

"Doesn't it hurt you? You're so small Rukia, how do you handle something so big and hard? When he's rough with you, how does it feel?"

"Well, sensei, I'm a big girl…I can take it", the raven haired vixen purred, rubbing herself against the neon haired man's body. Mmmm…he was just so hard and muscular in all the right places, so deliciously fuckable.

"How much can you take?" Ichigo wondered, licking his lips hungrily as he imagined her riding his cock like a porn star. Yeah, she could do it all right, she was a tough one.

"Wouldn't you like to know", she whispered teasingly, rubbing her crotch into his zipper hard, making him gasp softly. He could practically feel her pussy heat through their clothes.

Fuck, he wanted her so bad! Desire swirled in his loins, and he could feel his cock starting to protest against her innocent rubbing. Not good, if she kept this up he would be pitching a major tent in his pants in no time, and he couldn't afford that luxury at school.

"You're wet aren't you, you little slut?" Ichigo muttered, grabbing her slim leg to hold her against his body, halting her tantalizing movements.

Rukia tried not to moan at his dirty words. I'm just playing him, she reminded herself, this is all for the sake of my pride. His words were true though, she was soaking through her shorts just about now.

"Yess…"she whimpered, arching against his body sensually, "I'm wet all over".

Shit, this was too much. Ichigo pushed away from her and put much needed distance between them, as he attempted to calm his frazzled thoughts and semi hardening erection. When his eyes fell on Rukia, the desire came back doubled though. She was smirking at him with her arms crossed under her modest bust, pushing her small mounds out of the bra, while her toned stomach shined in the sun, down to her slender hips, and lower to her tight running shorts, and the mouthwatering camel toe between her thighs, and finally down her endless, milky stems to her sneakers.

Wait, why was she smirking at him?

"Like what you see, sensei? That isn't acceptable conduct from a teacher at a Catholic Girls' School, you know," she purred, raising an eyebrow at the puzzled man.

What? How come she was suddenly back to her normal, perfect student, innocent façade? Weren't they just talking dirty and practically grinding not a minute ago?

Rukia tried to hold her laughter in at his face, but it was just so priceless. He looked kinda cute when he was clueless. Wait…what? Ichigo Kurosaki was not cute; he was demon spawn, sadistic and a pervert!

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He scoffed. "We were just talking about how your precious brother fucks you and now you're acting like-"

"Tsk, Tsk sensei, you should really get your mind out of the gutter. I was speaking about my training, as in running track with my coach. Sometimes my brother can be harsh with me, and the weather is hot so I'm sweating a bit. That's all there is, so sorry if you got the wrong impression," Rukia replied airily, before stretching her hands into the air and looking over to the students leaving the field.

"Well, I have to go now, but I'll see you next period. Bye."

Ichigo Kurosaki stood frozen to the spot after Rukia ran off for a good ten seconds before he smirked and a chuckle passed his lips. She had just played him, and he fell for it hook, line and sinker. This made them even considering Friday's incident, although this time it was him getting aroused instead of her.

"Touché Rukia", he murmured.

Looks like Rukia Kuchiki was more than he bargained for, but no matter, it just made this game even more entertaining. Ichigo slung his jacket over his shoulder as he hummed a small tune, taking the garden path back to his room to plan his next move.

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