Blind is only what you make it

De TrayceeStewart

2.8K 111 77

Waking in your own tomb with nothing but your non seeing eyes is not the best way to start your new life but... Mais

How Can You Not Feel That?
Give Me A Cool Story
Hylia Waits For No One
Your face cloth?
Will You Shut Up!?!?
Whats that!

What I Lost And Yet I Gain

542 14 18
De TrayceeStewart

Links POV
My eyelids pry open covered by crusted debris that made home on my eyelashes and along my eyes waterline. A thick liquid bobbles around my face as my eyes (or eye?) moves back and forward but I can't see anything. I bring my hand up to my eyes and set my hand over them, but I soon realize that my left eye is not there, only a empty socket.

My hand rests on my bare chest before attempting to push myself up. Unfortunately balance is not on my side and I tilt to my left too much and fall to the ground. My eye is wide open and suddenly images flow across my vision, I see everything in a outline, there's a rock sticking out of the ground and a indent in the wall that may move with enough force. But sadly everything is gone just as fast as it appears. My mouth makes a weird sound as if it's disappointed? What sounds like disappointment? I ask myself but quickly forget about it when the world becomes seeable again .

I start to do something weird with my tongue that makes a clicking sound and everything gains more detail. I walk to the weird stone thing and pick up a rectangle of some kind. It has different kinds of glowing bits that I can barely tell from the click seeing thing. I look over and see another arrangement of glowing bits so I slam the stone into it. It chimes a bit but suddenly the dented wall opens.

I continue to click my way through the.... Whatever this is.... till I see a box. The box makes me very interested for some reason? I go over and push open the lid of the box and feel inside. It's a rough material that can bend easily and has two long parts that are about the length of my arm with Two more bigger holes that feel like could fit on my chest. But for some reason this weird flimsy material feel familiar. I open the second box to find something similar it has two long parts that are a bit bigger and longer and only one big hole that could probably fit on my waist.

I quickly try them on and feel loads warmer. I then click my way over a big wall. I clime it easily, but once I get to the top I can feel some kind of wind.

I continue to walk forward until my right eye stings from a sudden brightness. I stop clicking and slam my eye closed. I slowly reopen my right eye just enough so it doesn't hurt I need to adjust. I hesitantly let out a series of clicks till the world around me becomes a little clearer. I can make out a ledge but things were a lot more clear in the other place. "LINK" I hear and turn my head but the noise did not make anything clearer? "YOUR HYRULES LAST HOPE LINK." The voice says and I've been left with some questions. First am I Link? She was talking to me so I guess so. And what's a Hyrule? I shake my head, this is so weird. I start to walk forward until I start to fall downward. Must of missed that ledge I think as I face plant into a heep of mud.

"Oh ho ho" I hear as I tilt my face towards the noise. "Why Link that was some fall" the man laughs but suddenly his breath hitches. "Why Link your eye, one's gone, and the other is clouded with grays and whites" the man says and all I can think about is how this guys voice is not making the world appear either. "Wha-" I cut myself of with a series of coughs as the man waits for me. "W-what is-" I shake my head. "W-who ar-e y-you?" I ask in my horse voice. the man let's out a tiny gasp. "You don't remember do you?" He asks sadly and I just shrug. "Follow me Link, I'll explain everything." The man says as he starts to walk off. I try to follow but I get a face full of bark. "Link.... Can you not see?" I sheepishly grin.
Well turns out that was the dead king (no wonder he made no seeing sounds.) he gives me some kind of flying device after I solve all his dumb shrines. I turn to leave the plateau. "Wait" he says and I turn around to face him (hopefully). "Take this to cover you left eye socket." He says placing a worn piece of cloth into my hand. I rub the fabric in between my fingers before holding it up to my face to cover my left eye. "Oh ho ho, Link here let me do it for you." He says grabbing the fabric from my hand and tying it around my head. "There much better" he says patting my shoulder. I nod and click my way to the ledge and jump.
"It too you long enough to defeat all of the divine beasts" Revali says and I only nod. "I've been watching you during your battles and your aim on your bow is horrible... why is that." He asks snark in his voice but surprisingly it's not overpowering. "Kinda hard to shoot a bow when you don't know what your shooting at." I say and Revali makes a small sound, almost like what I just said hurt him. "That won't do, I will be your eyes for your bow, if you listen to me you will never miss." He says and I start to click to see his outline. Revali sets his wing on my shoulder. "What's with the clicking?" He asks. "Sounds can show me outlines of things, it makes it so I don't run into walls." I say with a tired laugh.

"Let's go save Zelda" he says and I nod
"Do you really remember me?" Zelda asks and I tilt my head to the ground. "Link I-" I cut her off "I'll take you to Impa now... I need some time... please." I say sticking out my hand. She almost sounds shocked. I don't wait for a response, she probably nodded. I grab her arm and teleport to Kakariko Village.

When we get there I gather Zelda in my arms and run through the village. I can feel the blood trickle down my arms and legs. The wounds that will take way more then a day to heal stab at me. I place Zelda at Impas door step. "Link wait-" I ignore it, I go to the great plateau.

I Keel over and cough up some blood as I fall to my knees in the great plateau tower. I lay flat on my back and tilt my head up, I don't know if I'm facing a roof or the sky at this point but I don't care as tears fall down my face, the pain is getting to me, I have one elixir left, it's not enough for this.

I take my Slate off my hip and open it, grab the elixir and just hold it in my hand, the smooth cool glass against my hand feels nice until I pry it off and feel the stickiness of my half dried blood that cling to my fingertips. I hold the elixir in both hands and drink it all. Relief of some of the ache feels my muscles. My eyelids drift but I snap them open... not yet.

I force myself to stand and pull out my paraglider. I jump clicking till I can see it, the tower of time. I stagger through the buildings rough edges and loose rocks until I'm in front of the goddess statue, this was the first place I slept after I left my tomb. I fall to my knees In front of her the goddess herself. "You have done well" she says to me but I stay quiet. "Your journey is far from over but for tonight rest, and sleep here by my statue" she says and I'm too tired to argue. I limp over to her goddess's statue and lean my back against her. My eyelids drift close as I let myself give into the tiredness.

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