The Universe Of Tomorrow

Door gunshyboo

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In this captivating narrative, our familiar universe has been reshaped into a singular, colossal realm known... Meer

the map
tales of Zachery Joseph Knight
Aurora Jones
the shadow stalkers
Thanatos the immortal
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world
White Lion's last story
The Truth Of My Curse
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world pt2
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world pt3
Zazriel the Unsatisfiable
Viking Legend: Bjorn Ironaxe
The Enhanced Odyssey: Unveiling Powers
Spectral Love
The Labyrinth of Forgotten Souls: A Descent into the Unknown
The Infinite Loop of Corporal David Harris
Chasing Shadows: The Quest for the Shifting Core
Roots of Ruin: The Last Sanctuary
Unveiling, Redemption, and Farewell: The Final Odyssey
Shadows Over the City of Tomorrow: Unveiling the Hidden
The Legacy of the Talisman
Scales of Love and Destiny pt.2
The Legacy of the Talisman pt.2
Unseen Ties: The Enigma of Lilith
Tangled Realities : The Enigma of Lilith
destruction of Realities : The Enigma of Lilith
Shadows Over the City of Tomorrow: My Brief Return
Whispers in the City of Mistakes
Ambiguous Embrace: The Toxic Smile Chronicles
Ambiguous Embrace: The Toxic Smile Chronicles pt 2
Aetheria: Realms of the Beyond
Chronicles of the God of Wrath: Judgment Across Worlds
Azure Metamorphosis: The Curse of the Blue Elixir
Emissaries of the Ossuary: A Tale of Twilight Realms
Cycle of the Damned: The Rise of Aterna
The Ultimate Death Match Saga
Chronicles of the Aeternum Legion: The Saga of the Chronos Dreadnought
Whispers of the Deep: the Shifting tides between siblings
Whispers of the Deep: ironclad true nature
Whispers of the Deep: Realities Unraveled
The Walk Between Worlds
the walk between worlds pt.2
the walk between worlds pt.3
The Fixer's Gambit in the City of Tomorrow
Voyage to the Verdant Shadows
Echoes Of Past Minds

Scales of Love and Destiny

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Door gunshyboo

As Lysandra swung her greatsword through the last of the goblins, I raised my holy symbol, channeling a healing spell to mend her wounds. "We should be nearing the heart of the dungeon," I said, my eyes catching the glint of her grateful smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she grinned, her teeth sharp and menacing, even in a smile.

Finally, we stepped into an enormous cavern. Stalactites hung like chandeliers from the ceiling, and a pool of water mirrored the ethereal glow of the fungi. The sight that arrested our attention, however, was the immense golden dragon lying at the center of the cavern.

"You dare trespass into my sanctum?" the dragon rumbled, its voice echoing throughout the chamber.

Lysandra stepped forward, her draconic heritage apparent in her unflinching gaze. "We seek only passage and the spoils of the dungeon, Great One. We mean you no harm."

I clutched my holy symbol tightly. "We come in peace but will defend ourselves if need be."

The dragon studied us, its eyes like molten gold. "Hmm, you carry the blood of my kin, Dragonborn. And you, cleric, your aura is pure. So, I offer a choice: Leave now, or answer my riddle for a boon."

Driven by a mix of curiosity and perhaps a touch of divine foolhardiness, I asked, "What is the riddle?"

The dragon poised its riddle, and after a shared glance with Lysandra, I whispered the answer: "An echo."

The dragon grinned. "Correct. As promised, a boon." It gently nudged a glowing egg toward us. "This is one of my eggs. Care for it, and when it hatches, the dragonling will be bound to you."

We were stunned into silence, the weight of the gift settling upon us. "Thank you, Great One," I finally managed to say, my voice tinged with awe. Lysandra bowed deeply, echoing my sentiments.

With utmost care, we wrapped the egg in our cloaks and placed it in our sturdiest sack. As we retraced our steps through the dungeon, I felt a new sense of purpose envelop us. This wasn't just another loot-filled expedition; we'd been entrusted with a life.

"We've got a bigger adventure ahead of us now," Lysandra said, her eyes meeting mine.

I smiled. "And an incredible responsibility."

We emerged from the Rivenhall Caverns carrying not gold or gems, but a promise for the future in the form of a dragon egg. As we stepped into the sunlight, I realized that sometimes the greatest treasures aren't the ones you can hold in your hand, but the ones that nestle deep in your heart. And as we walked away, the egg secure in our pack, I felt certain that the most incredible part of our journey was just beginning.

As we entered the bustling town, the noise of chatter and the clatter of hooves filled the air. The smell of freshly baked bread and seasoned meat wafted from street vendors, but we had other priorities. A sign caught my eye: "General Goods."

"Let's stock up here," I suggested, and Lysandra nodded.

Pushing open the creaky door, we were greeted by a sudden change in atmosphere. The outside noise became a distant hum, replaced by the musty smell of old parchment, leather, and various trinkets. A gnome, his nose almost buried in a feather duster, was the only other presence, diligently cleaning a shelf near the back.

"Excuse me," I called out, my voice echoing slightly in the quiet space.

The gnome turned around, his face brightening at the sight of potential customers. "Ah! Welcome, welcome! What can I do for you lovely travelers today?"

"We need supplies," Lysandra said, her eyes scanning the shelves filled with vials, herbs, and adventuring gear. "Rations, healing potions, and perhaps something to keep an egg warm."

The gnome's eyes widened at the last item. "An egg, you say? How peculiar! But, ah, yes, I think I have just the thing." He scurried off and returned with a softly glowing crystal. "This here's a Heat Stone. Put it close to your egg, and it'll keep it warm as a cozy hearth."

We exchanged glances and nodded. "We'll take it," I said.

As the gnome packaged our items, I couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement. We were getting closer to finding a suitable place for the egg to hatch, and each step felt like a step into the unknown.

"Anything else you'll be needing?" the gnome asked, handing us our package.

Lysandra looked at me, her eyes asking the unspoken question. Did we have everything we needed for what lay ahead?

I shook my head. "I think we're set, thank you."

After paying the gnome and stepping back out into the bustling street, we looked at each other with a sense of accomplishment. With supplies in hand and a map that marked out secluded spots ideal for a dragon's nest, we were more ready than ever to undertake this new chapter in our adventure.

"As ready as we'll ever be," Lysandra mused, echoing her words from earlier but with a newfound weight.

I nodded, my hand protectively patting the bag that carried the dragon egg. "To the future, then, and whatever it may hold."

Before we could leave the town behind, Lysandra glanced down the road and caught sight of a sign that depicted a blazing anvil. "Wait, there's something I need to take care of. Would you mind making a quick detour to that blacksmith?"

I nodded. "Sure, let's make it quick, though. The egg won't wait forever."

As we approached the forge, the sound of hammer striking metal filled the air, accompanied by the heat of the forge and the smell of molten metal. A female Dragonborn blacksmith, her scales a deep emerald green, was lost in her work, pounding a glowing piece of metal into shape.

Lysandra's eyes met the blacksmith's for a moment, and I caught her lingering gaze travel up and down the blacksmith's form. Realizing we didn't have time for distractions, I nudged her lightly.

"Ahem, business," I whispered.

Lysandra cleared her throat, pulling her eyes away and focusing on the weapons that lined the walls. "I'm in the market for a new battle axe. What do you recommend?"

The Dragonborn blacksmith set her hammer aside and grinned, exposing her pointed teeth. "Ah, a warrior with good taste. Come, let me show you what I have."

As Lysandra discussed materials, balance, and price with the blacksmith, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. We were running against the clock, after all. Finally, Lysandra lifted an axe from the wall, its blade shimmering menacingly in the light of the forge. She swung it a few times, testing its weight.

"This will do," she said, handing over some gold coins to the blacksmith.

"May it serve you well in battle," the blacksmith replied, her eyes meeting Lysandra's one more time. There was a mutual understanding there, one that I sensed was part of the Dragonborn's unspoken code.

"Thank you. It will," Lysandra affirmed, attaching her new weapon to her belt.

We left the forge, the heat quickly dissipating as we hit the cooler air outside. "Got what you needed?" I asked.

She looked at her new axe and then back at me, her eyes meeting mine. "Yes. Now let's go hatch a dragon."

With renewed vigor, we set off, leaving the town and its distractions behind. Now, armed and supplied, we were ready to face the responsibilities and adventures that lay ahead. And somewhere safe and secluded, a dragon egg awaited its time to hatch.

After several hours of walking, the distant silhouette of the mountains finally loomed closer, our designated nesting spot hidden within their rugged folds. As the sun began its descent, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, we decided to make camp for the night.

"Last night before everything changes," I said softly as we sat around the flickering campfire, our meal of rations and freshly caught fish finished.

Lysandra stared into the flames, her new battle axe leaning against her pack. "Change is the only constant in a warrior's life. But this... this is a welcome one."

We both sat in contemplative silence for a moment, watching the fire dance, its warmth battling the chill that descended with the night.

"Remember that time in the Enchanted Forest? When we had to retrieve the Lost Orb of Aris for that elven sorcerer?" I began, looking at Lysandra with a smile.

She chuckled. "How could I forget? We were ambushed by those dryads. You had to use your Turn Undead ability just to give us enough time to escape!"

I laughed. "And yet, when we returned the orb, you insisted we use part of the reward to replant trees in the forest as a peace offering."

She shrugged. "Seemed like the honorable thing to do."

"We've had so many adventures together," I said, my voice tinged with nostalgia. "Fighting necromancers, negotiating with pirate lords, solving the Riddles of the Sphinx Queen... It's been a wild journey."

Lysandra looked at me, her eyes softening. "And it's far from over. But this next adventure—raising a dragon—it's not going to be like anything we've ever done before."

"True," I nodded, my hand instinctively moving to the bag that held the Heat Stone and the dragon egg. "This is different. We're not just responsible for each other now. We're about to bring another life into this world."

She picked up a small stick and poked at the fire. "Do you think we're ready to be... mothers to a dragon?"

I paused, considering the question. "I don't know if anyone can ever be truly 'ready' for something like this. But I do know that this dragonling will be loved and respected. It'll have two fierce moms who will move mountains for it."

Lysandra smiled at that, her eyes meeting mine. "Then mountains shall move."

As the fire dimmed and we prepared to catch some rest, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible woman beside me and for the unprecedented journey that awaited us. Wrapped in our cloaks, we gazed at the stars above, each lost in her own thoughts but united in purpose.

As I lay there, staring at the canopy of stars above us, I felt a sense of anticipation building, a tension that seemed almost palpable in the night air. The thought of motherhood, of sharing such a monumental responsibility, made my heart race in a way that battling undead or facing off against dark sorcerers never had.

I felt Lysandra shift closer to me, her eyes catching mine. "You okay? You seem a bit distant," she said, her voice softer than I'd ever heard it before.

"I'm just... overwhelmed, I guess," I admitted, my eyes dropping to my hands that were nervously fumbling with the edge of my cloak.

Before I could say another word, Lysandra leaned in, capturing my lips with hers. It was a gentle, questioning kiss, as if testing the waters, but it sent a wave of warmth coursing through me.

She pulled away just enough to look into my eyes, her face a mix of vulnerability and hope. "I've wanted to do that for a while now," she confessed. "And considering what lies ahead for us, it felt like the right time to be honest about my feelings."

I looked at her, at this Dragonborn warrior who had stood by my side through so much, and realized my feelings mirrored hers. "I'm glad you took the initiative," I whispered, "because I've been harboring the same feelings but didn't have the courage to act on them."

Lysandra's smile was radiant, almost rivaling the campfire's glow. "Then let this be our first courageous act as future dragon mothers."

Our lips met again, this time with the weight of unspoken emotions and the promise of new beginnings guiding the kiss. As we pulled apart, settling into our bedrolls, it was clear that something had shifted between us. We were no longer just adventurers or friends; we were partners in the truest sense of the word.

As Lysandra moved closer to wrap her arms around me, I took the opportunity to really take in her appearance. I had always found her striking, but the firelight seemed to accentuate her features in a new way. Her scales, which I had always admired, were a luminous white but with a hint of pink at the tips, giving her an almost ethereal appearance. Her eyes, a vivid pink that I had often thought were capable of staring down any foe, now radiated a warmth and tenderness that I hadn't seen before.

The interplay of firelight against her scales created a mesmerizing effect, making her look as if she were forged from both battle and beauty, strength and softness. These were the arms now wrapping around me, arms that had both fought off enemies and held me in moments of vulnerability.

"Is this alright?" she whispered, her pink eyes meeting mine.

"More than alright," I said, leaning back into her embrace, struck anew by the captivating blend of colors that made her uniquely her.

As Lysandra's arms tightened around me, I felt one of her hands slowly move, resting on my inner thigh. The touch sent a ripple of electricity through me, intensifying the moment and making my heart race even faster.

I looked up to meet her eyes, seeing my own heightened emotions reflected back at me. Feeling bold, I took her hand from my thigh and pulled it closer to me, holding it against my crotch as I bit my lip.

The air between us seemed to thrum with tension, each of us acutely aware of the other's presence, of the newfound intimacy that was blossoming in this quiet moment.

"Are you sure about this?" Lysandra whispered, her voice tinged with both excitement and concern.

"More sure than I've ever been about anything," I replied, my eyes locked onto hers.

With that affirmation, the distance that had momentarily reappeared between us seemed to vanish. We came together once more, our lips meeting in a kiss filled with the promise of new beginnings.

She started kissing me way up my back, to my shoulders, my neck, nibbling on my ears. "You are so beautiful. Let me take your pain away tonight." She spoke with such ease.

I turned over, now lying on my back, looking at her. She gave me that special smile again. She reached down and took both of my nipples between her fingers, squeezing them softly. She started sucking on my left nipple while pinching my right one harder. Uncontrollably, I moaned... she knew my weakness... that my nipples were extremely sensitive. She expertly removed my skirt and panties with one hand, never abandoning my nipples.

I was totally naked in front of my best friend...who was sucking my nipples! I tried to comprehend what was truly happening but my thoughts kept getting interrupted. Lysandra  would suck my nipples then tease them unmercifully by pinching and tugging on them even harder. Her fingers slid down my tummy, running through my pubic hair, finally resting on my clit. My legs spread on their own free will.
"You are so fucking beautiful...I have always wanted to do this to you."
She straddled my body, one leg on each side, and looked down at me. Feeling her clothed body against my nudeness made me squirm even more. She traced my lips with her fingers, parting them slightly. Sliding one finger in, she moaned softly as my tongue betrayed me and welcomed her.
She was being so soft, so sensual. I simply stopped thinking at this point and sucked her finger into my mouth slowly. Tomorrow I would think of the ramifications of this, but for now, I needed this love. She moved her finger in my mouth, teasing my tongue. I tried to sit up, but she wouldn't allow me.

"Sweets, this is for you...just lose yourself in me." She was so generous with her healing touches. She slid her finger out of my mouth and kneeled down beside me. Running her tongue over my lips, she finally slid it in. Our tongues did an erotic dance together. She left nothing untouched, nor did I. I am a huge fan of kissing. I could do just that for hours. I have only kissed guys in the past and have gotten to the point of near orgasm simply from that. I thought I knew all there was about it, but I was proven wrong. She explored every bit of my mouth, our tongues sparred with each other, nothing was left untouched.

I was shaking from the intensity of our kiss. I could feel how wet I was becoming. She teased my lips once more before moving down slightly. Her tongue left a wet trail down my throat, along my neck. She continued her tongue bath at my breasts. Licking every bit of them before moving on towards my nipples, Lysandra  took one in her mouth, tugging on it. I couldn't stop moaning, it felt so good. She licked, sucked, tugged, bit.

I have the type of nipples where I can cum just from extreme stimulation to them, but she wasn't about to let me do that. She licked downwards, lickling my belly button with her tongue. She spread my legs further apart and laid down between them on her tummy. I rested on my elbows, wanting to see as much as I could. She stared at my pussy for a minute, a look of complete and utter love evident in her gaze. I have never felt so loved just from a look before. She traced my pussy lips with her finger, getting some of my juices on it. Smiling up at me, she slid her finger in her mouth, tasting me.

I couldn't stop myself from shaking. Lysandra's smile, her look, just the total experience had me forgetting everything but her. She slid her tongue between my pussy lips, tasting even more of my juices. Her fingers teased my clit as she slid her tongue into me as far as she could. She started to slowly make love to me with her tongue. I usually like oral to be fast, because I would rather please than be pleased, but was so new, so wonderful...I didn't want it to ever end. She tasted every bit of me, jabbing her tongue everywhere, twisting it to reach far away spots, lapping up every drop of my juices.
Her finger massaged my clit as she did this. Taking it between two fingers, she rubbed it a bit harder and faster. My hips were raised, trying to meet this sweet assault head on, thrusting towards her. She alternated her technique every few minutes. Her tongue would be inside me as her fingers played with my clit, then she would move her tongue to my clit as she finger fucked me. GOD, how fucking sweet she is.

I didn't think I could take it anymore...I wanted to cum so badly. Every time I would get close though, she would back off, wanting to prolong her sweet torture. She removed her fingers from my pussy and didn't lick them this time. Instead, she slid her hand under me. I nearly came when I felt her finger sliding into my ass. She teased me unmercifully until I couldn't wait any longer. The feelings building up inside me were too much.

With her finger in my ass, her tongue in my pussy, and another two fingers on my clit, I thrust toward her one final time. The feelings that coursed through me were like those I had only read about. It was the longest orgasm of my life. She didn't stop what she was doing. Instead she increased her speed, bringing me to a second orgasm within minutes. By the time she had licked up every drop of me, I had cum more times than I ever had at one time before.

After the intensity of the moment had passed, we lay in each other's arms, the embers of the dying fire casting a soft, warm glow on us. The air was tinged with the sweet scent of the forest, mixed with the smoky aroma from the fire. It was peaceful, a calm that settled over us like a blanket, a calm we had both earned after so many years of adventure and turmoil.

"We've crossed into new territory, haven't we?" Lysandra murmured, her white and pink-tinted scales glowing subtly in the firelight.

I chuckled softly, "Yes, but it's a territory I've wanted to explore for a while now. How about you?"

"Same," she said, her pink eyes meeting mine with a sincerity that made my heart swell. "New but not frightening, because I'm traversing it with you."

My hand found its way to the bag that held the dragon egg, a physical reminder of the enormous change awaiting us. "Tomorrow, we'll be taking on another new territory."

Lysandra followed my gaze to the bag. "Being parents to a dragon is not something I ever envisioned for myself, but I can't imagine anyone I'd rather do it with."

"The feeling is mutual," I said, snuggling closer to her. "But for tonight, let's just enjoy this—the quiet, the peace, each other."

She smiled, pulling me closer. "A perfect moment of respite before our lives change forever."

As we lay there, wrapped in each other's arms and lost in our thoughts, I felt a profound sense of happiness and contentment. For the first time, I had no worries about the future, no fears about what lay ahead. With Lysandra by my side, I felt ready to take on whatever challenges and surprises awaited us.

Eventually, we allowed the pull of sleep to take us, knowing that tomorrow would be a day of significant new beginnings. But for now, in this brief moment of stillness, all that mattered was the incredible connection we had discovered and the promise of a shared future filled with love, adventure, and now, a dragon.

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