Wild Card

By Kaylor-Love

160K 5K 1.1K

"I've learned that you can’t predict [love] or plan for it. For someone like me who is obsessed with organiza... More

Hair & Makeup and Morning Coffee
The One With The Brit
Dressing Rooms
Green Eyes
The Boyfriend
Two Drunk Girls
Silent Dinner
Matching Onesies
The One With The Jokes
Welcome To New York
A Judgement Call
The Morning After
A Little More Brave
What Now?
She Likes Me, She Likes Me Not
The One With The Café
Rain Came Pouring Down
A Promise
Like The Weather
The One With The Awkward Silence
Shoe In Mouth
Two Meanings
A Scribble
Screaming Infidelities
Happy Birthday
White Lies

Fair Game

4.7K 171 70
By Kaylor-Love

"What's got you so worried, love?" Taylor finally looked up, placing her attention on the blonde sitting across from her. Her head was tilted, curiously staring at the singer.

"I'm not worried." Taylor responded, grabbing another bite from the plate in front of her.

Taylor knew that was a lie, though. Just moments ago she had been thinking about Karlie, she still hadn't called and when the singer tried calling her this morning she was greeted by her voicemail. She ended up leaving a few and even tried texting her. She knew she was probably coming off as desperate to the younger girl but she didn't care, she needed to talk to her.

Taylor could feel Dianna's stare on her, clearly not believing a word she said, but she ignored her and continued eating.

Honestly, she had been glad when Dianna called wanting to hang out. She had been feeling lonely and out of place all day. She needed the company. Part of her wanted to confide on Dianna like she used to, tell her everything that had been happening, her feelings for Karlie, how they had kissed and how she was avoiding her, but she didn't think it would be something she'd want to hear. They still needed to talk about what had happened and Taylor didn't want Dianna to think that she had been using her as a replacement for Karlie. No, Dianna meant so much more to Taylor than that.

"Just tell me what's wrong, you know I'll get the truth out of you eventually, I always do." Taylor smiled as she remembered all the times Dianna had made her talk when she didn't want to. It was never easy getting Taylor to talk, her being a stubborn person and all, but the actress had always been able to slip her way through the walls that the singer built for herself. Taylor missed the way they used to be. It had always felt so natural being with Dianna.

"Come on, talk to me." Dianna said after Taylor didn't answer. She reached out for the singer's hand across the table, Taylor didn't pull away, not wanting to hurt her feelings. "Just tell me what's going on and I promise you'll feel ten times better." Dianna squished the girl's hand in an attempt to encourage her.

Taylor didn't answer.

"Why don't I make a guess and you tell me if I'm getting warmer?" Dianna wasn't going to give up that easily. She reached her other hand across the table and placed it under Taylor's chin, making her look up. When their eyes finally met Dianna's expression was serious and intense. "Did Meredith say something mean to you?"

Taylor couldn't help but laugh, it was the first genuine laugh she had given since yesterday. Dianna's own expression broke and she laughed along with the singer.

"Ah, there's that smile I love." Dianna said, pulling her hands back from the singer to take another bite of her dinner and sip on some wine. "Okay, I'll give guessing another try. Does your worrying have anything to do with a particular tall model?"

Taylor was speechless, how did she figure that out?

Dianna shrugged at Taylor's expression, seeming to understand. "I know you, Tay. You like her don't you?"

Taylor sighed, there was no point in lying. "Yeah..."

Dianna gave the singer a sad smile, "Yeah, I thought so."

Taylor instantly wished she hadn't said anything, she hated seeing the hurt expression on Dianna's face. Before she could try to make the actress feel better, she spoke again.

"So what's the problem? Does she not feel the same way?" Taylor hesitated not sure if she should say more. "No, I don't think that's the case. She looked like she wanted to rip my throat out yesterday, so she must like you too. So what is it?" Dianna was thinking out loud now, she wasn't going to give up so easily.

"She has a boyfriend." Taylor finally explained.

"Tell her to dump the guy. Problem solved." Dianna said as if it was the most obvious solution.

"It's not that simple Dianna." Taylor said defeated.

"Yes it is. Tell her how you feel and she'll choose you. I know I would." The actress said, taking another sip of wine. "And if she doesn't then she's an idiot who doesn't deserve you anyways."

"He was in an accident yesterday." Taylor said slowly.

"Then maybe he'll be 6 feet under soon and the problem will solve itself out." Dianna said calmly continuing to eat her dinner.

"Di!" Taylor was shocked by the actress insensibility.

"I'm just kidding, Tay." Dianna said with a light laugh, "By the way have I complimented your cooking yet? If the singing thing doesn't work out you should definitely open a restaurant."

"Thanks." Taylor said, sounding more sarcastic than she meant to.

"Still, just talk to your damsel and figure this thing out."

"I would but she's been avoiding me." Taylor said with a sigh. "I've tried calling and texting and nothing. I considered going to her apartment but I doubt she's there." Taylor was becoming exasperated by the minute.

Instead of answering, Dianna got up and motioned for the singer to take her hand. Taylor did and got up herself, allowing the actress to lead her.

"Where are we going?" Taylor asked curiously.

"Your bedroom."

"Wait, what? Why?" I just told her I liked someone else!

"To build a fortress, what do you think?" Dianna said sarcastically.

"I just told you I liked Karlie...?" Taylor was confused.

"That didn't stop you last time," Dianna said with a smirk. "And from what I gathered, you are not actually dating her. You're fair game, babe."

Dianna let go of the singers hand and continued walking up the stairs towards the bedroom, giving Taylor the option to follow if she pleased.

Taylor wanted to forget about everything for a moment, she wanted to stop worrying about Karlie and everything else that was happening. Dianna was offering her that, but she wondered if this was the best way to go about it.

As Taylor stood at the bottom of the stairs still contemplating what to do, a hand appeared from behind the wall. A piece of small red material falling from it. Taylor didn't need to look twice to know what it was. At that moment Taylor decided to stop thinking and made her way up the stairs.

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