Half-Blood Hero (HP/PJO cross...

By livextoxdance

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Half-Blood Hero
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
The Chapter that is the Fourth
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authours note

Chapter 8

1.2K 37 26
By livextoxdance

Song: Secrets. One Republic. Hehe. Look! A song that actually fits the chapter! :P

Just a fair warning, this is a little umm... Not graphic but...hmmm...disturbing? At the beginning.

~~Caden's POV~~


Everyone's got one. Some just have to stay secret more then others.

But, there comes a time when that secret, the one you tried to bury so far down, locked in a box in the back of your mind, decides to break free.

Maybe it's had enough of staying locked up. Maybe it just can't hold it's tongue anymore and has to break free. After all, everything hates being held captive. I should know.

"When I was little," Nico read, "My step dad used to hit me-" His jaw clenched at this point, "-One day, I took it too far and told him to stop, that he wasn't being a good person and that I would call the cops on him. He said, 'you can't call the cops if you can't talk!' And he did this..." He trailed off where I had stopped typing and they all looked at me.

"Did what?" Ron asked.

I opened my mouth to show them where my step dad had cut out my tongue.

Their faces were horrified, except for Hermione who looked thoughtful and Aaron who had turned away.

"Now you know why she didn't want to tell you guys. She knew you would be horrified," Aaron said quietly.

"Hermione?" Ron asked.

"It would be difficult-" Hermione said.

"Possibility?" Ron again.



"A month, maybe two,"

"Care to share?" Jake asked the two that had a conversation no one could follow.

"Hermione might-" Ron started.

"I do," Hermione interrupted.

"But you said,"

"No, I implied-"

"Oh shut up!" Everyone yelled.

"I don't know how to say it," Hermione said.

"Then just say it! Duh," Drew snapped.

"I know a way for Caden to talk again," Hermione rushed out in one breath so it sounded like, 'IknowawayforCadentotalkagain,'

"Come again?" Andy asked while raising an eyebrow.

"I know a way for Caden to talk again," Hermione repeated, this time enunciating every word. We all looked at her with our jaws dropped.

"Who says we want her to talk? Maybe she doesn't want to or can't!" Drew said snootily.

"Drew?" Aaron asked her.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Thank you for your input, but shut up. You lower the IQ of the whole castle when you talk," Aaron told her bluntly. She looked absolutely stunned when he told her that. Obviously no one ever back talked her.

"Well, maybe I should keep talking. You Hephaestus kids don't have any IQs left to lower!" Drew shot back.

"Says who? The blonde capital B I T C-" Aaron started before he was cut off.

"Hey! Shut up!" Jake interfered.

"Yeah, the last thing we need is for us to start fighting. You know what happened last time," Nico let the sentence trail off.

"What happened last time?" Ginny asked us.

"Meh, couple of burned down cabins," Jake said.

"Had to rebuild the pavilion," Amy added.

"Don't forget the Bug House," Nico pointed out, his arm had found its way around my waist.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"Greek fire but that's not important! You could make Caden talk again?" Nico waved off the first part and got back to the main point.

"Yes. But it will take a full month, maybe more," Hermione said.

"Really?!" Jake asked.

"I'd do anything to hear you talk," Nico whispered in my ear. I smirked and winked at him.

"You don't blush easily, do you?" Nico asked me quietly. I shook my head.

"SECRETS DON'T MAKE FRIENDS!" Jake yelled really loud.


"Five bucks?" Jake offered.

"Nope!" Nico said.


I shook my head.

"Oh my gods! Shut up! You two should just get together already! We all know its coming. Get it over with!" Drew said. We all gave her confused looks. Wasn't she just really snappy a second ago?

"I may be dumb but I am not stupid. I can see you two have something. I'm not just a pretty face!" Drew defended when she saw our looks.

"Well, I'm not going to do it now when you're all looking!" Nico defended. I shrugged and turned back to Hermione.

"What do you say, Caden?" Hermione asked me. I smiled and nodded my head enthusiastically.

"Sweet! I'll get to hear my sister talk!" Aaron said happily.

I smiled nervously and pulled the rope out of my pocket and started playing with it. The wizards looked at me confused and I just shrugged.

"Woah! Do that one again!" Ginny said while pointing at the rope in my hands. I did the knot I had previously done. It looked like a heart.

"That's so cool! Do another one!" Hermione said. And so that's how we spent the next twenty minutes. With me making knots and them guessing what they were.

"Uh- can I speak to Caden?" A shy voice asked from behind me. I whirled around to see the kid from before. Draco or something like that. His goons were with him as well.

I looked back at the wizards who were looking at him with pity except for Ron who was glaring at Draco. Don't even get me started on my friends. Lets just say that if looks could kill, Draco would be twenty feet under.

I looked back at Draco and nodded my head while looking at him with suspicion. I stood up and followed him through a bunch of hallways. He told his goons to guard the door to a classroom and make sure that no one got in. He lead me into an abandoned classroom and turned to me, smirking.

When he was sure that we were alone (besides his goons) he pushed me up against a desk and started kissing me. I shoved him away with a look that was somewhere between 'WTH?!?!' And 'EWW! SOMEONE GET THE BLEACH TO DISINFECT MY LIPS!' Except bleach could kill you...

"Oh come on, baby. Don't pretend you don't like it!" He said and came closer reaching out to touch me. I went to punch him but he dodged it and twisted my arm so I was facing him but I couldn't move.

"Nice try, gorgeous," he pecked my lips and I smirked at him. His face dropped and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked me cautiously. I merely shrugged and Kneed him in the sweet spot. He dropped to the ground and I went to step around him but he grabbed my ankle, making me fall. I fell to the ground, my head banging painfully on a desk on the way down. Well, that's going to leave a mark.

"You'll pay for that one Greene!" He hissed at me and straddled me. He raised his fist and brought it down on my face punching me in the eye. I glared at him and was about to throw him off when a figure tackled him off me and they both went flying.

I quickly scrambled to my feet to see Nico pounding in Draco's face. I pulled Nico off Draco and looked at Draco on the ground. Obviously he was unconscious but I still didn't want Nico to have killed him. I looked back at Nico to see him fuming. I lightly touched his arm and he looked at me. When our eyes met, he visibly relaxed although he was still incredibly angry.

"Are you alright, Cade?" Nico asked me softly despite his anger. I nodded and he grabbed both my arms pulling me into a hug. I returned it and we just stood there like that for a few seconds until he pulled back to look at me.

"Did he hurt you? Well obviously because he punched you in the face but did he hurt you anywhere else?" Nico looked me over for any visible injuries and when he was satisfied, he hugged me again, softly pecking my forehead. Who knew Nico had a soft side?

Nico trailed his fingers over the already forming bruise on my face and his face got an evil glint to it.

"I swear, he will never come close to you again. If he even so much as looks at you the wrong way, he's dead meat," Nico said darkly.

I signed to him, 'How did you get passed the goons in front of the doorway?'

"Uh, let's just say they're a little preoccupied," Nico said, scratching the back of his head nervously. I nodded my head and grabbed his hand, leading us out of the classroom.

In the hallway I saw Draco's goons fighting off three skeletons each, all of them wearing army outfits. I laughed at the sight and once we were around the corner, he snapped his fingers and the skeletons appeared beside us.

Of course Nico made one play with my hair and I playfully glared at Nico and flattened my hair. Before we got back to the others I asked Nico if we could keep what Draco had done a secret. He didn't want to at first but eventually gave in. No one can resist my puppy dog eyes!

We walked back in to the almost empty great hall and sat with the rest of the group.

"Where were you guys?"

"I swear if you got my sister pregnant you're a dead man Di Angeles!"


"We are so late!"

"Professor is going to be mad!"

These shouts rang out as soon as they noticed our arrival so we sat down and they all looked at us expectantly. I merely shrugged my shoulders at them all.

"You're explaining later! Right now we have to go to class!" Hermione ushered us out of the room and down some hallways.

We showed up ten minutes late for the lesson but blamed it on us getting lost. I'm sure the professor didn't believe us but he let us off with a glare and a warning.

Throughout the lesson, I couldn't focus at all. Between Nico 'sneaking' glances at me and me thinking about the events of lunch, I couldn't even tell you what class I was in! Something about ancient dudes and writing on cave walls with funky letters. (A killer on my dyslexia!)

Finally the bell rang. Only one more class to go!

"Uh, anyone know what class we have? The schedule just says F.P," Andy said.

"You guys have a free period. This is when you can train or just go back to the common room. We have class though," Hermione told us.

"Unfortunately," Ron muttered quietly. Me, Jake, Nico, and Amy all snickered quietly but thankfully no one noticed.

"So you think you guys will survive without our awesomeness for an hour?" Ginny asked us jokingly.

"Oh I don't know! Might be pretty hard to live that long without you guys!" Jake said sarcastically.

"Save the chit chat for later! We have class!" Hermione said and they headed off to class.

"Well, what do you guys want to do?" Amy asked everyone.

"Capture the flag?"

"There's not enough of us for that!"


"We did that yesterday,"


"I would,"

"Me too!"

"Yeah me too!"

"Hunting it is!"

This all happened so fast I'm not even sure who said what. But it looks like we're going hunting for monsters.

~~~~ Forbidden Forest ~~~~

We moved stealthily through the forest, almost like we were one person. We had decided to split up into groups of two and we were now hunting monsters. We also kind of had a bet going that which ever team brought back the most monster remnants the others would have to admit that 'The oh so mighty monster hunters are way better and cooler than we are,' and yes, we have it written down.

Now you might be wondering how we know that there are monsters in the forest. Well, McGonagal told us that there was monsters for us to hunt in here if we ever got bored on weekends or free periods.

"Psst," Amy said from behind me and pointed to a tree a little ways away where the bushes were moving.

Amy started to build up a power ball and I drew my sword.

"Wait wait! Don't shoot!" Someone said from behind the bushes. Two pairs of hands came up and were soon followed by two faces. Nico and Jake. I looked at Amy with my eyebrow raised and she looked at them.

"We're you following us?" Amy asked them.

"Uh...no?" Jake said.

"Why would we do that?" Nico said at the same time.

"It's like you have no faith in us!" They said together.

"Well that wasn't practiced at all," Amy muttered quietly to me.

Suddenly the bushes rumbled again and we all looked over at them.

"Andy and Aaron. I swear if that's you, you'll die a painful death," Nico said jokingly.

We all looked at the bushes when no one came out. It was silent for a while until we heard a growl and out came a giant dragon, like, I'm talking sixty feet long here!

"I don't think that's Andy and Aaron," Jake said calmly.



So uh, I'm at my uncles borrowing their wifi because mine is still out. Won't update for a while now because of family bonding time.

Happy Easter/Spring!


~ Me!

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