RadVerse Galaxy: Reformed

Por EarthGrim3

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Set after three years after the Frontier Trilogy. Galaxy Reformed follows The Crew trying to adjust to peacet... Mais

Chapter 1: New Day
Chapter 2: Beskan Blues
Chapter 3: Liberation Of Ad Victoria
Chapter 4: Reparations
Chapter 5: Keevs Kate
Chapter 6: Fight (Or Die Trying)
Chapter 7: Close My Eyes
Chapter 8: Kill Sir Troy Burkingham
Chapter 9: Family Reunion
Chapter 10: My Uncle
Chapter 11: Conquest Of Liberty
Chapter 14: Epilouge/Loose ends

Chapter 12: The Battle of Earth

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Por EarthGrim3

The Reforms council meets around a galaxy map in the Beskania capital building. The council is led by Christopher Talio. Francesca and Kix are also apart of it. Tom is second in command. The council is small because of Troy and Marcus's absence. Troy believed to be dead and Marcus believed to be imprisoned. Talio begins the meeting. "We are close to our final plot. The siege and blockade of Earth. We have the most powerful fleet in the galaxy at the moment. This will be a major success that will eventually lead to our victory." Talio announces. Tom speaks up, "We have the best commanders and generals in the galaxy. Aswell as great warriors if things boil down to violence. No doubt it will though." Tom says. "Do we have intel on where Marcus is?" Kix asks.
Suddenly the room doors slide open. An armored Marcus and suited Ferris enter. "I'm right here Kix." Marcus smiles sheepishly as Kixs face lights up. The two hug, Marcus lets go to hug his sister. "Marcus?" She questions how he's here. Tom goes and hugs his cousin.
The two let go. Marcus and Talio nod at eachother with smiles. "What…" Tom and Ferris stare eachother down. Tears forming in Tom's eyes. "Come here man." Tom says with his voice breaking as the two embrace in a tight hug. The two were like brothers growing up. Francesca watches in confusion to seeing Ferris. "I thought you were a dead man." Tom says to Ferris with tears rolling down his face.
"I'll explain later." Ferris goes to hug Francesca who reluctantly hugs Ferris. "Shocked?" Ferris let's go and looks at her expression. "Y-Yeah." She says. Ferris laughs as he looks at Kix. "Congrats on the marriage." He says to him. "Thanks…uh congrats on being alive?" Kix says awkwardly, Ferris laughs. "Explain the plan again." Marcus says to Talio with a smile.

Troy walks to the capital building. He has a bandage covering his missing eye. He is stopped by guards. "Halt. Only officials are allowed after this point." The guard says. He tilts his head after a second look. "Sir Troy?" He says. "Yeah." Troy says. "Sorry sir! Go ahead!" The guard salutes him. Troy walks into the building.
Before entering the council room he changes clothes.
Wearing a black suit, he wears a black hat on top. He grabs pistols and puts them in his holsters and slides a rifle around his back.

He enters the council room. Everyone looks back in silence. Troy smiles, he is almost unrecognizable. He is pale, thin. Missing an eye, wearing a different outfit. His beard and hair is grown out. Talio squints, "Troy?" He walks to him. Troy begins walking to him aswell. The two shake hands. "What happened?" Talio eyes him down inspecting his appearance. "Alot. What are we discussing?" Troy looks around. "The war is soon to be over. In our favor aswell." Talio says. "So be it. Tell me our plan in your office." Troy says. Talio looks around, "Gathering Over!" He announces.

Talio explains the plan to Troy.
"So when I left, we were losing the war. What happened?" Troy asks. "We stopped for a little while and began gathering support and allies." Talio says. "Well good work. Sad that the manor is gone." Troy says. Talio laughs, "What happened to you then?" Talio says. Troy is traumatized by the prison and doesn't want to discuss it. "Don't worry about it. I'm here now so it doesn't matter." Troy says. "Fair enough." Talio says.
"When are we departing anyhow?" Troy says. "Tomorrow. Marcus said that most of the available troops are at a station over by Megatron and Xen." Talio says. "Alright. I have to get some rest then. See you tomorrow then." Troy nods his head as he leaves. Talio is shocked by the sight of Troy. His appearance striking fear into him. He seems different aswell, more serious, more filled with anger.

Kashmir stands on the bridge of his ship. Waiting eagerly for the call to depart from Beskania and begin the siege.
A small Kathan walks to him. "Um, Sir." The Kathan says. Kashmir turns, "Yes?" He asks. "You have a visitor." The kathan looks back. Quinnoi stands, only a little taller than the tall Kashmir. "Who must you be?" Kashmir asks. "I am a warrior. Talio wanted me to tell you something." Quinnoi says. "Well spit it out old-timer." Kashmir says. Quinnoi furrows his brow and grunts, "He doesn't want you to kill Cassius." Quinnoi says. Kashmir steps back and shakes his head. "For what reason!" He asks in outrage. The small Kathan runs off. "He needs him alive!" Quinnoi says. "No! He will die! Brutally! And by my hands! He destroyed my clan!" Kashmir growls. "You speak with Talio then!" Quinnoi Says. "Why even listen to the Human! After what they did to your people! You really should kill Talio!" Kashmir yells. Quinnoi smiles deviously, "Stay Silent if anything happens." Quinnoi nods and leaves. Kashmir smiles slightly, he is still bent on killing Cassius.

The fleet surrounding Beskania departs. The siege of Earth will begin very soon.
Troy and Talio sit in a capital ship. Watching out from the bridge window. They are on route to Earth. "All we worked for. This is it." Talio looks at Troy. Troy smiles, "If you see an Admiral Vurkman, tell me." Troy says. "Alright." Talio replies. "You never fully explained what happened on Ad Victoria." Troy says. "Awhile ago now…but yeah I'll explain. When me and Robard got back I was panicking. Thought we'd get attacked. Robard offered me a drink. Course' I took it, well it was spiked. I blacked out and woke up. Bastard betrayed us, The manor was on fire. After fighting through the smokey manor I made way to the roof. Me and Robard got into a fight. Got me really good, left me for dead. Heh, shot him atleast three times before his ship took off. Thought he was alive, atleast until Marcus said he died." Talio explains. Troy laughs, "Y'know Talio. You're a good guy, and a good friend." Troy looks at Talio sincerely. "You are too man. Only time my boss didn't screw me over, or get killed in front of me." Talio says. "I'm not your boss. We couldn't have done this without you." Troy says. "Thanks. Why say this now?" Talio asks. "Because someone gave me a message." Troy opens a video message on a holo-table.
True Sam stands on the screen. "I'm Alive. Troy…You're alive too. We will meet soon. One last fight, me and you. Just me and you. No holding back." True Sam says. "That is all." The message ends. "Well damn man. Good luck." Talio says.

-New York City-
The city of New York is bustling. Being the capital of Earth. It has seen its fair share of war. Especially when it was almost destroyed by the Eye Spawn in the early 2300's. Admiral Vurkman from the Centuari is here for business. He walks through the capital building. The skyline of New York is beautiful as always, the bright blue sky in contrast to the buildings. The ship's flying by. It's peaceful even in time of the Insurgency. He stops when every a massive shadow covers the city. He looks up out a window. The Reform is here. They begin sending ships down. The massive fleet looms above the sky. The city begins panicking.

Some civilians welcome the Reform soldiers with open arms. Some resent them for the war and for being traitors. Troy and a group of soldiers walk through the now deserted streets. People watch from their windows as the legion of soldiers make way. They are heading towards the capital building.
A group of Alliance soldiers meet them in the street, guns aimed. Troy raises a hand, "Stop!" He orders his men. "Let us go through. No one has to die today." Troy says hand still raised. The Alliance officer speaks up, "There's no way we will let you keep going." He says. Troy quickly puts his hand down. His soldiers open fire and kill the group of soldiers. "Keep going." Troy orders.

Francesca goes in a group with Ferris. Their plan is to sneak into the capital building and shut down defensive systems. Ferris still has his credentials as he is not known to have joined the Reform.
The two wear suits as to look apart of th crowd. They walk up the capital street. Soldiers run up and down the street in panic. They hear gunshots from a few blocks away. "That must be Troy." Francesca says. "Let's just hurry." Ferris says. "Stop!" An officer says. The two stop in front of him. "Yes?" Ferris asks. "Let me escort you to the Capital building. You two will be targets for the traitors." The officer says. The two begin following him.

Talio hides in a disguise. Wearing a suit and a mask that many Aliens from the west wear. It is a Beskan-like mask. He is already in the Capital building. He walks through the halls. Quickly he walks into a closet. Talio pulls out his communicator. "Onasi's?" He says. The communicator buzzes in, "Yes?" Francesca says. "Are you here yet?" Talio asks. "Almost, we have to stay quiet. See you soon." Ferris cuts in. Their communication is cut. Talio radios Tom and Marcus.

Tom and Marcus sit in a capital ship. "Wonder if things are going well down there." Tom says. "Why are we even up here? We should be down there." Marcus says. "Hold on." Tom grabs his buzzing communicator. "Yes?" Tom says. "Fire on sector 12B of New York. Then get your asses down here and rendezvous with Troy at central Square." Talio orders. "Got you." Tom cuts off the call and he turns to the ship officers. "Fire all guns on sector 12B!" He orders. The officers fire all guns on the sector.

Troy walks through the empty streets. The capital ship above fires on the city. Buildings crumble and fall. Explosions and gunfire is heard. Troy then sees a ship begin to fly down.
The ship lands in front of Troy and his legion. Tom and Marcus walk out. Tom wearing his Beskan armor and wielding the serrated blade. Marcus wears his outlaw outfit he's had for years. They smile at the sight of eachother. "That bombardment will send soldiers that way." Tom says. "Let's keep going then." Troy orders.

Francesca and Ferris arrive at the capital building. Acting as a refuge camp for nearby civilians. The building is full of wealthy people and politicians. A man is set against the wall holding his bloody abdomen. He is dying, blood covering his hand and body. Francesca shakes her head at the site. "This is what has to be done for Liberty." Ferris says blankly. "This could've all been avoided if I convinced Kix and Marcus to stay." She says, standing still. Ferris turns back with an annoyed expression. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You will have no pity." He says angerly. He sighs, "Now, we have a mission to do, so stop being a coward and come with me." He says. Francesca frowns with tears in her eyes. "What is your problem!? I haven't seen you in years and you decide to come back and be a hero!? You're a bad person! My dad died because of your people, you chaos sympathizer!" Francesca quietly yells at him. Ferris sighs with anger. "You have no idea what I have went through. At all. So, yeah! I want to redeem myself. Clearly you don't care. I lost my damn brother to Archon Nero and the cult! so go to hell Francis." Ferris turns away and walks deeper into the capital building. Francesca stands and watches her cousin walk away again.

Talio sighs as he loads guns in the janitorial closet. Quinnoi should be meeting him any second.
Talio walks out, the tall skethor stands. "Did you get my message to Kashmir?" Talio asks. "Of course." Quinnoi says. "Alright, let's get the communication codes." Talio says as the duo begin walking into an elevator.

The battle rages outside, ships battle in the sky. The fallen ships crashing into buildings and streets. Troy, Marcus and Tom are at the fronlines of it, unable to get to the capital street. They hide behind cover as bullets rip through the air above them. "Do we have backup?" Tom asks. Troy covers his head, "We got a sniper!" Troy grins as he taps a communicator. Heavy bullets fire into the soldiers that are attacking. The onslaught has stopped. Troy speaks into the communicator, "Thanks Kix." He smiles. Kix's voice chimes in through the communicator, "No problem."
Troy brushes dust off his clothes. "You guys go, I have something to do." Troy says. "What?" Tom asks. "Just go, I'll be alright." Troy says. "We all stick together c'mon Troy." Marcus says. Troy chuckles coldly, "What are you guys, scared?" Troy says. "Fine." Tom aches. The two begin to walk away. "Wait!" Troy says, the two turn back and stop. "If I don't make it...screw it" Troy turns away and walks off, brandishing two pistols. The other two shrug and leave.

Talio and Quinnoi reach the data room. It is a big cavern like room in the lower levels of the capital building. "Search for the communication code of President Granado." Talio says. "Alright." Quinnoi begins searching databases. "Should've brought a robot with us." Talio says as he searches. "Those Onasi's better not have that annoying robot still." Quinnoi says. "Who?" Talio mumbles. "Ah!" Quinnoi pulls out a data card. "Here Talio!" He hands Talio the data card. "Let's get outta here." Talio says. The two turn to see the elevator open. Cassius and Leo dawned in full M.F.G armor and masks begin to open fire. A bullet bounces off of Quinnois armor. The two dive for cover. "How the hell!?" Talio blind fires his pistol. A second elevator opens and Kashmir comes dashing out with a sword, he punches Leo knocking him to the ground. Cassius aims his gun at the Kathan but his gun is knocked out of his hands. Kashmir then strikes his leg, Cassius falls. Quinnoi and Talio watch this unfold from their cover.
Leo tries to fire his gun at Kashmir. Kashmir kicks Leo's head knocking him out.
Kashmir tears Cassius’s helmet off. "Who are you!?" Cassius asks as he tries to cover his leg which is bleeding profusely. "Kashmir, Warwi, Napoleon." Kasmir dives his blade into Cassius chest. Cassius’s eyes widen as blood pours from his mouth and chest. He stops breathing, the sword sticks out of his chest. Kashmir wipes his bloody hands on his pants. "Avaka swari, Napoleon." Kashmir recites his clan saying.
Talio stands from cover. "He was supposed to live! You disobeyed orders!" Talio yells. Quinnoi grins as he pulls out his sword and stands quietly behind Talio. "When this is over and done you're gonna have som-"
A sword pierces through Talios abdomen. "Wh-wh-fuck..." The sword slides out as Talio falls to the ground. Quinnoi flicks his sword to remove the blood. The two killers nod at eachother as they leave.

The alone Francesca recieves a ping from Talio. A distress alert. Instead of going with Ferris she decides to go to the lower levels to find Talio.
She takes the elevator down. The music is distorted and glitched, not being pleasant at all. The elevator opens, Leo's helmet is off, he holds Cassius’s dead body in his arms as he sobs. He doesn't even notice Francesca speed walk past. The body of Talio lies. In his hand the data card. "Talio! Chris!" Francesca shakes him profusely. "Come on!" She feels for a pulse. "No one is supposed to die!" She keeps shaking him. Talio awakens with a deep breath. The teary eyed Francesca smiles. "Let's get out of here." She puts him over his back.

Ferris reaches the very top level of the capital building. The control room is completely empty. The massive windows show the war and destruction outside. "Ferrick..." A shadowy figure lurks in the window. His red eyes glow, he wears a tattered cowboy hat. "Who are you." Ferris reaches for his gun, it's gone. The outside has now gone white, infact everything is white. "Francesca seems like an...erm...unruly warrior. You, you are different, with determination, deep thought, troubled." The figure says in his charred voice. "What?" Ferris looks around. "Press the destruct button and you go free, and I'll throw in an extra prize." The figure says. "Extra prize?" Ferris asks. "Either that or you're my slave for the rest of infinity." The figure says. "...yes...yes sir." Ferris nods.
The surroundings go back to normal. He stands in front of the control panel. He presses the defensive systems down with no hesitation. He stops himself on the self destruction button. He shakes his head, "Damn it." He pushes it, everything goes black.

Tom and Marcus are about two miles away from the capital building. Suddenly the building explodes. The explosion sending shockwaves. The streets fill with debris and dust.
They hear groans from an alley. The duo walk through to see a dazed Ferris sitting against a building. "What the hell?" Marcus says. "I-...was just in the...building?" He looks around as he stands. "I got the systems down." He says. "You have everything down man!" Tom says. "Let's rendezvous at times Square." Marcus says.

Troy stands in a desolate street. The battle has calmed since the building fell. True Sam flies in on rocket boots. "Let's settle this one eye." Sam takes off his jacket. "Your move cyborg." Troy says as the two eye eachother down. Sam quickdraws his gun and grazes Troy's body. "Damn!" Troy pulls out his two pistols and fire them upon Sam. A bullet hits Sam's breathing apparatus. It falls off his face. His face sunken in where the apparatus is. "Damn you!" Sam says in a shakey robotic voice. Troy runs to him and digs a knife into his neck. Sam uses a wrist flamethrower to get Troy away. A knife sticks out of his neck. The two calmly look at eachother. Sam takes the knife out and tosses it over to Troy. The two nod at eachother in mutual respect. Sam flies off with his rocket boots. Troy grabs his knife and leaves.

The rendezvous camp heals Talio who staggers when he walks. Everyone has made it safe. Kix runs to Francesca with a hug. The two embrace happily. Marcus hugs Kix. Tom and Talio shake hands with a smile. Francesca and Ferris eye eachother with aminosity. Troy arrives at camp with open arms. "I just received good news." He says holding a communicator. "What is it?" Talio asks. "Peace talks are tomorrow."

The peace talks are happening at the old military capital in Atlanta. The crew walk towards the building. The day is grey and cloudy. The remaining soldiers drop their guns and salute Troy. The crew are happy at the end of war.
President Granado sits at desk. Troy sits on the other side, the crew standing behind him, and Talio at his side. "Sign here and here, then I and the council will step down." Granado says. Troy writes his signature at the designated areas. Troy drops the pen and leans back. "Today, marks the end of the Reform Uprising."
Granado shakes Troy's hand. "You all have a good day." Granado leaves the room.
"That's it..." Troy says looking back proudly.

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