Desperate Affairs

Από georgiapeach_30513

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Engaged to Andy Barber, and deeming him too safe, and only wanting to be intimate to get you pregnant, you st... Περισσότερα

Is That How Good Girls Answer?
Makes Perfect Sense
Don't Walk Away From Me
And The Father Is...?
I Want the Truth
Andy's Phone Call
Go Strategies
Which One?
Start From the Beginning
Jake Jensen
Safe Place
What Exactly Are My Options?
Dr. Barnes
New Beginnings
Girl Talk
Daddy's Good Girl
Favors With a Price
Her Eyes
That Night
I Think you Know Why
Two Most Important Men in Your Life
Mrs. Barber
That Bad, Huh?
Just Friends
You Might Be Surprised
I Heard That
His Good Girl
You're Prepared
What Did You Do?
I'll Get What I Want
Things Are Going To Change
Need Your Assisstance
I Love Her
Be A Good Girl
I'm Not
Three Days
I've Waited Long Enough
I'm the Lucky One
I'm Not Wearing That
Begging You to Let Me Take You Out
Because of You
Only If You Want To
I Know All Too Well
It's Been A Long Day
You Have A Deal
Before Christmas
It's Time
It Was All Worth It
We'll See

Meeting The Thrombey's

145 6 7
Από georgiapeach_30513

Summary: What does Jake find out? Time to meet the Thrombey's

Pairings: Andy Barber X Reader, Ransom Drysdale X Reader (past)

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: Explicit language, implied spousal abuse, conspiracy (?), The Thrombey's, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 6.8

Nervously you ready the girls to talk with Jake. After the fight Andy was back to himself. Randomly looking at you, telling you how sorry he was, and that he had just been stressed. Letting you know that he would never get that angry again, that you guys were a family, and Aster needed her parents together more than ever.

Everything that's happened with Andy runs through your mind. You had thought he would make the perfect dad, and he does. However, thinking he would make the perfect husband, you have major doubts now. Scared of him, and even more scared of giving up time with Aster has you with many sleepless nights.

When you arrive at Jake's store front, he gives you a quick wave from the phone and you sit in the waiting area. Peering into the stroller at your perfect daughters. No matter what they are yours. They smile up at you, and then begin jabbering amongst themselves.

"Mrs. Barber, come on back. I'm gonna walk you through some things," you follow the adorkable Jake to his personal computer. Nearly slapping yourself for checking out his butt, that you can only barely see with his loose khakis.

He brings up a chair for you, almost too close to his before he starts tapping away. "I know you didn't ask me to do all the searches I did, but I had to help you out you know," he looks into the stroller at the girls, making little faces at them before gesturing for you to sit. "Please, sit. It's a lot."

Walking around the stroller, you make sure the girls are content before bringing your attention back to Jake. Both of you stare at each too long before he rattles his head, looking at back at the computer. "This is quite a web that's been weaved. The original email I was able to dig up, Andy had deleted it. Traced it back to an IP address, and checked that out. It came from Richard and Linda Drysdale's house."

You turn your head over to him. "So that means either they or their son Ransom sent it? Didn't clear much up."

"Well, it's worse. That's just where the original came from. Every photo after that bounced around. They were sent from the IP address from the Drysdale's to an address in St. Petersburg, Florida. The house is registered to a Roberta Taylor."

"I don't know a Roberta Taylor, or anyone in Florida for that matter. Must be someone connected to Linda, wouldn't you think?" you finally look over to Jake after studying the computer. Too slowly he jumped back from you. You caught him sniffing your hair. "What are you doing?"

"I, uh, sorry. What shampoo do you use?" he slowly asks causing the two of you to awkwardly look at each other. Jake clears his throat before beginning to talk again. "Yeah, anyways. That house is a rental. Would Andy know anyone in St. Petersburg. It might do you some good to ask," with a fake smile you nod. There's no way Andy knows anyways in Florida.

"I also took it upon myself to um..."

"You didn't look at those pictures did you."

A stiff shake of his head and a tiny shrug of his shoulders, let's you know he did look. "I mean, not closely. I had to dig through a lot of emails. Needed to uh, well, make sure it was the right ones. But now, I looked through your phone..."

"My phone? Why?"

"Just a hunch. You know your phone has been tagged?" you shake your head no furrowing your brows. "It's um, someone is watching everything you do on your phone. Phone calls, how long, which texts you send or come through, GPS giving them your whereabouts."

"And they can read them?" you had figured Andy would have done something like that, which is why you didn't call Ransom to set up an additional test. Jake nods his head.

"Look, I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but are you okay?" you sigh looking at your girls before back in the spectacled eyes of Jake. "I mean, I'm no expert, but there's some messed up shit going on with your life. Not to get personal, what's all this about?"

For some reason you trust him. He's goofy, but he seems sincere, honest, caring. You hadn't had that feeling in so long. You've spent so much time curating your life to what you thought was perfect, you hadn't stopped to think that maybe this perfect family you were hoping to make isn't perfect at all. At this point far from it. "I'm a good listener. Most of the time. Terrible at advice, things just roll off my tongue that are usually inappropriate or make no sense. But you're a mom and you have someone following your every move through your phone. They know you're here right now."

"I got involved with two powerful men."

"At the same time?" you huff but nod your head. "Was it just fun?"

"One was. The other I," you glance back at the girls. They're the only ones keeping you sane, and you're beyond blessed that they're good babies. "The girls, they're twins, but have different dads."

"The two powerful men?"

"Yeah. One is a rich prick. Full of himself, but deep down I think he has potential to be a good person and good dad. The other...I'm not sure anymore," petting along Iris's face before cupping Aster's cheek you look back at Jake, only to quickly look away.

"He the husband?" when you don't say a word, he only nods.

"He's a great father though. To both girls."

"Good fathers don't always mean good husbands," you twist your teeth, fighting back the urge to cry. You have never been this candid about Andy, and you definitely haven't been this honest with yourself, much less with a perfect stranger. "Look, I know it's not in my job description, but I'm smart. I got resources. I'm not just an IT guy," he gives you a quick wink. "It's not much, but if you're in a situation you need out of. I can be that guy."

"Thanks Jake," tears roll down your cheeks, and you try to fan them away, only for Jake's thick thumb to wipe them across your cheek. Unable to look away from his sweet crooked grin, the sight of it warming your whole body, but you can't do this. Infidelity got you into this mess. Another won't get you out. "I've...we've got to go. Thanks for everything. I guess my services with you are finished."

"Unless you," Jake clears his throat, looking down at the girls before reverting his eyes back to you, "need me for anything else. Or help you get out of whatever you're in, I mean it."

"Right, thanks. I got your number."

"I've got yours," his teeth clenches before grimacing. "I'm sorry. I won't call you. I do take this seriously."

You give a little giggle before you get a ding on your phone. Removing your eyes from his to glance at your phone. "Shit."

"The husband or the rich prick?"

"Rich prick. Time for reality to set in. Thanks again Jake," turning you push the girls out to your car. Thinking of the difficult conversation you have to have with Andy. Well, two conversations. And the plethora of conversations with Ransom, and his family.


When you mentioned how Ransom was ready for you to meet his family along with Aster at dinner. Andy's demeanor changed. Silently he stabs at the food on his plate. You watch his teeth clench, his hands rubbing along his brow. "You wanting to do this alone?"

"His grandfather wants to meet me. Have a conversation. Just me and Harlan."

Looking up at you before his gaze turns back to his plate, he huffs, continuing to puncture every single piece of food on his plate. "Iris won't be meeting them. I guess I'll keep her. We're going to have to go to court. I need things to be legal for my daughter," Andy pauses, growling angrily. "His daughter. No overnight visits. He has to take a drug test. She'll be at his house away from them."


"No, we're going to court with this. If he wants to see her, he needs to prove himself. You know what? Our daughter will not be around him if he can't pass a drug test. I've been raising her; I should have a say so."

"I agree. Nothing concrete right now. He can have visitation until mediation. Now, I spoke with Jake. The original photo can from an IP address at Richard and Linda's," Andy looks up at you scowling shaking his head. "However, after that they were sent from their address to someone in St. Petersburg, Florida before sent you."

"What?" Andy asks surprised.

"The address is from a house owned by a Roberta Taylor," when Andy chokes on his food you look at him shocked. "You know her?"

"Nope. I've only visited St. Petersburg a few times."

When he divulges this information, you think back. Remembering Andy has taken several business trips to St. Petersburg. You force yourself to remember to look back to see just how many times he's been there. "It's a rental property."

"Hmm," he answers, seemingly disinterested in everything you said.

"It might be nothing. Linda might have hired some random person to get us off her scent."

"Yeah, probably. It's over. Haven't gotten any since before we were married, I guess that's when you stopped. I'm really not that worried about it."

Silently you and Andy eat dinner. Periodically tending to the twins, almost feeling normal for a moment. "Who called you?" looking up at you, Andy twists his eyebrows not following. "When I went to Ransom's. You said someone called you. Who?"

"Client. They're neighbors with him."

"He doesn't have neighbors."

"Right, he lives way out. They happened to be in the garden. Saw your car drive past. Doesn't take a genius to know where that driveway leads. Can we drop this. I don't want an argument."

"I'm sorry. How was your day?"


Trying on your sixth outfit of the morning, you look at yourself only to start taking off the garments, discarding them on the bed. When your husband walks in, holding tightly to Aster, you offer her sweet coos, before going back to the task at hand.

"Honey, it's not a beauty pageant."

You roll your eyes playfully, "I know. It's meeting my...our daughter's other family. Well, Harlan, maybe the others. You've only got one chance to make a first impression."

Walking over he gives you a quick kiss on your cheek, "And you're perfect. Harlan I'm sure will love you. The rest of the family, Ransom included, are all crazy."

"And we're not?" you mutter under your breath. "I just want, no need, things to go well. I need to understand who and where our daughter will be. Ransom won't always be at his townhouse."

"I know. You want me and Iris to go too? We can wait in the car?" you watch Iris finally crawl into the room. Sitting down on the floor reaching up for her daddy. Andy leans over to pick her up as well. Giving both girls kisses.

"No. I don't know how long this will take. And even though my sweet little Iris Jade is big on her sleeping, she's also a baby that's now mobile. She needs to be able to move. The car isn't the best."

"Well, hopefully it's not too long. I don't like sharing you two."

Those words sit heavy in your chest. You try to ignore it grabbing another outfit. "What about this?"

"Perfect. You better hurry or you'll be late. One chance to make a first impression, remember?"


You follow the directions to Harlan's estate to a tee. And still, you doubt exactly where you're being led to. Living even further away from civilization than Ransom. It's weird when you and Andy live in a tight nit community, with neighbors everywhere. But when you finally spot the house, you just know that it's Harlan's, and then you see the stupid Beemer in the driveway. You look back in the mirror at Aster, who giggling, plays with her now bare feet. "You never can keep shoes on, can you sweetheart?"

Hearing your voice, she screams out her nonsensical words. Slowly driving up and parking next to Ransom you see him walk down the steps, smiling at you before reaching back to get Aster. "Where are your socks and shoes?"

"She takes them off on long drives. You think he's secluded enough?"

"The further out you are, the less people can hear you scream."

"Well, that made me feel comfortable. Can I have my daughter? You said we needed to meet Harlan."

"Our daughter. He wants to meet with you privately. I'll babysit while you're talking with him," you don't like this. Other than Andy, no one has ever had your girls without you present. And the ominous statement about screaming doesn't put you at ease. Not to mention...

"You're the father. You don't babysit. Remember that," you look between the two. Her in his arms, he could never deny the girl. "Fine, here's her bag. If you need anything, diaper change, breastmilk heated up. Please come get me. I'm assuming you'll know where I'll be at?"

"Yes. Do you need me to get you when she breathes too?"

"Ran, this isn't easy for me, okay? She's never been away from me."

"We'll be in the same house. It's not that big of a deal. Come on, follow me, I'll point the way."

He leads you into the house. Barely acknowledging any of the help that bustle around the estate. Okay, go down that hall, and up the stairs. His room is all the way up.

"I can take her. I need to give him some meds anyways. Marta."

"The help," Ransom responds.

"No, we're not gonna do that. Aster will respect her, so don't give her a reason not to," Marta stifles a laugh, but Ransom shoots daggers at you.

"Thank you, Marta," he dryly responds before turning and walking into another room.

You follow Marta, "What is it that you do here?"

"Harlan's nurse," is the only thing she says. You know there's no telling what she thinks of you. You have a baby with Ransom, who also has a twin, but a different father. Mess, that's what it is. And it's all your mess. "Harlan, Mrs. Barber is here."

"Ahh, Y/N. I'm glad I finally got to meet you. Go on, sit."

You follow his instructions, waiting on him to be the first to talk. Neither of you speak, while Marta helps him with his medicine. When she finally leaves, is when Harlan changes his posture. Straightening up, before bringing his hands together, lacing his fingers, and he leans forward, looking straight at you. "I'm sure you're full of questions. Can I ask a few quick ones first?" you nod your head for him to continue. "Do you love my grandson?"


"Do you trust him?"

"Not fully."

"One last question for now. Why did you get involved with him? Unprotected no less. Children are a lifetime, even after eighteen."

"I was unaware that I wasn't protected," you look down at the floor. Personal question, but it's the reality check that you desperately needed. With a smile from Harlan, you see he's beckoning you to ask him anything. "Why was he so pushy with the DNA testing?"

"You don't think a man deserves to know if he's fathered a child?"

"I do. But he was uninterested. He saw me pregnant. Told me he was glad they were both Andy's. Only for him to pop up randomly demanding a paternity test."

Harlan sits silently. With a deep breath and a lick to his lips his gravely and commanding voice speaks. "Some of that was due to me and some his mother."

"So, there is something in it for him?"

"Let me start by saying, after he saw you pregnant, he didn't just write it off. He came to me scared. No matter what you feel for him, he cares about you. I know my grandson; he doesn't mention women. He's mentioned you multiple times. He was worried that Andy had trapped you. He was worried that the twins could be his. He didn't know what to do. I told him to trust himself. After my daughter saw the baby, she knew she was Ransom's. Told me that she knew in her heart that baby belonged to him. I was overjoyed. He's harsh and a..."

"Ass hole?"

"Yes, but he has potential to be a great man, a good father, possibly a good husband," huffing out a laugh you shake your head, and look down into your lap. "You doubt his ability to be a good husband?"

"I feel like you're insinuating me as the wife."

"I'm not insinuating anything. I'm speaking about Ransom."

"I feel Ransom and I may be toxic."

"Might have something to do with you having an affair with him, while engaged to Andy Barber," again you look at your lap. "Given the right situation, you two might not have been toxic. I will not deny he's pompous. But had the occasion arise that you two given yourselves a real chance..."

"You can't change the past. It's done."

"But there's always a future. Especially considering there's an offspring. However, let's not talk about you and Ransom. That's not what's important. I told you I was thrilled about him having a child. I can't wait to meet Aster. But you're right. His inheritance has been changed. Along with an added inheritance to his daughter. I understand she has a sister. I want, if you and Andy would allow, to write in her twin as well."

"No, that won't be necessary."

"I understand it's a lot of information. I can't speak for the family, but I won't treat the girls differently. While, Ransom may not have fathered Iris. That's still my granddaughter's twin. Not just her sister. I also won't lie to you, Linda and Richard have requested I not do that," when you let out an exasperated sigh, he raises his eyebrows. "Am I led to believe you're not a fan of my daughter and her husband? They are your daughter's grandparents."

"I have reason to believe that Linda meddled in mine and Ransom's indiscretions. Trying to alert Andy of the situation."

Harlan laughs at you, and trying to be respectful you deeply breathe. "My dear child, if you knew one of your daughters was having an affair, and she was also engaged to another man, what would you do?"

"I'm not Linda's daughter."

"But Ransom is her son."

"That doesn't give her a right to snoop through her son's phone, and send Andy photos of us in sensitive positions."

"I'm assuming you have proof of this?" he asks, looking perplexed, and genuinely concerned.

"Something like that. I may not know it was Linda, but they were sent from hers and Richard's computer."

"I see. Couldn't it have been Ransom?"

"No. We had an um..."

"That's right. The contract," when he sees you look at him surprised, he chuckles. "Ransom and I talk more than you thought, huh? He has his flaws, but with time and guidance, he could be good."

"Can I be honest?"

"I thought that's what we were doing?"

"Your family scares me. Having my daughter here, without me, and with a man who had no interest of having a child, scares me. Everything about this scares me. I just need to know, when she's with Ransom, and with his family she's safe, she's loved, cared for, and treats people, every kind of people, not just the family, with respect."

"That last thing. It's one of Ransom's unfortunate flaws. I think you could change him. He already is changing," the two of you look at each other, and he smiles. "But we're not talking about the two of you are we? We're talking about the care that Aster will receive while away from you. I may be an old man, but I'm for the most part loved and respected by my children, their spouses, and my grandchildren, now a great grandchild. You have my word that I will watch to make sure she's cared for. Now, I understand you two haven't gone through any lengths of his time with her, or even child support," you shake your head no. "We'll get to that point in time. The family would like it legal, for the safety of everyone. I have a request though. I would like her last name to be changed to Drysdale."

You knew this was coming. In many ways, that's what needs to happen. You know it'll break Andy, and then the prospect of your twins now having two last names. It will be blatantly obvious even to strangers that they have different dads.

"At least think about it. He deserves to have his daughter carry on his legacy."

"I was thinking more of the embarrassment of the girls. Twins with different last names."

"You weren't thinking about that when you were sleeping with two different men. I hate to be brutally honest, but it seems like you need some honesty. Ransom also fears for you and the girls around Andy."


"Andy is a kind, just and fair man? With you I mean? Andy's a great lawyer, he's been good to my family, especially my grandson."

"Andy's been finding this situation stressful."

"Has he hurt you?" unsure of how to answer you just shake your head, diverting your gaze back into your lap, twiddling your fingers. "Has he hurt the girls?"

"Never. Andy's a great father."

"How about husband?"

"We're newlyweds, it takes times."

"Don't make excuses for the ones who don't deserve it. I won't dwell on it. If you or the girls should ever need a place, I've got room. Aster will be provided her own room here. I've requested that the family doesn't spoil her too much, because she does have a twin sister."

"Thank you," he knows you're thanking him for more than wanting the family to not spoil her. He knows that your thanks are for the prospect of having a place to go, should you need to get away. The man hardly knows you, and has showered you with so much kindness.

"Now, how about you introduce me to my great granddaughter, Aster?" you walk over extending an arm to help him up, which he does take, but you allow him to lead the way, and when you go into the sitting room, you're overwhelmed by the amount of people. You had figured it would just be Ransom, no. You see his mother, and too many people you don't know. All gushing over your sweet flower. When Aster gets sight of you, her face crinkles up, crying as she reaches for you.

Walking over to the young girl that holds her you pick her up. Pressing her tightly against you and humming a sweet lullaby. She notices Ransom walking over to the pair of you. Through her tears Aster let's out a little giggle at her dad, quickly you glance up at Ransom, who only has eyes for her. Noticing the quick melt of his face, you look back down at Aster, giving her a quick kiss. You don't notice the silence in the room, the people watching the three of you. Watching the sweet moment, even from the pompous ass.

When Ransom finally notices the quietness and everyone looking at you guys, he huffs walking out of the room, leaving you in a room of strangers. "Y/N, can I see my great granddaughter?" walking over to Harlan you lean forward, and Aster clings tighter to you. "Don't force her to sit with me," he smiles at the little girl. "You do look like your daddy though, don't you? You're such a pretty little thing, remind me of your dad."

"She looks just like him. I knew when I saw her at the park that she was a Drysdale," recoiling, you keep your eyes on Harlan. You know that the voice comes only from Linda. "Will we get a chance to keep her? We're her family."

"We still have to work out the details with Ransom. No overnight visits right now. She's not been away from me, and he's not been a father."

"It's hard to be a father, when you're not given the chance," the man puts his hand on Linda's thigh, and you know, that's Richard.

"I wasn't aware of Ransom's parentage when she was born."

"You had to know it was a possibility when you were underneath him. Don't tell me you don't look at that little girl and know that she's his."

"Linda! That's enough," Harlan shouts, making you jump, and Aster whine.

"I'm just saying, the little tart should have been worried about her fiancé instead of my son."

"And you think I didn't have a role in it, mother? We've all established we were having an affair. We all know that my daughter has a twin, that isn't mine. Cleared the air. Now, if we can stop being so fucking rude to the mother of my daughter, that would be great. Realize that she holds my custody in her hands. You want Aster around here; you won't speak ill of her mother. She had an affair just as much as I did. She didn't rape me," Ransom's voice booms through the sitting area. The more he speaks to his vulturous family, the closer he gets to you and Aster, ending by looking at her with a smile, and then back to the room. "Have I made myself clear?"

The room all nod, speaking their yeses. "Now, let me introduce you to everyone," he says, looking back at you. "You met my grandfather. This here, is my lovely mother and father, Linda and Richard. I understand you already met my mother once. Here is Joni and her daughter Meg. Then there's Walt, Donna, where's your creepy son, Jacob?" you elbow Ransom. He just got finished chastising his family for speaking poorly on you, only for him to make a comment about someone's son. "At any rate. He's somewhere, young, always has a phone in his hand. That's Jacob."

"You're forgetting someone?"

You don't need to turn around. Your body tenses up, chills run up your spine at the sound of his voice. "No one invited you," Richard tells him.

He walks over to your side, his hand touching your daughter, and you jerk away, and even Ransom pushes his hand off, "I'm Robert. You must be Mrs. Barber. And that means, she's my bastard niece."

"She's not a bastard," your voice strong protecting your innocent child.

"She's like me, huh, mother?" Robert's eyes turn to look at Linda, daring her to make a comment.

"Robert, you'll refrain from speaking ill on my great granddaughter, or you can find the door. Are we clear?"

"Crystal. Just wanted to see the woman who liked spreading those pretty legs for my narcissistic brother."

Ransom squares up with him. Pushing his chest into Robert's, "Is there a problem?"

"Sweet cunt she's got, huh?"

Now the majority of the people in the room you would wager, know nothing about that time, but still the gasps that happen shock you. Ransom pushes Robert out of the sitting area, and Richard comes up to you, missing your hip, and his hand lands directly on your ass, slowly rolling up before he pushes you and Aster in the opposite direction, "Sorry about my wife's illegitimate son. I should have stepped up and been a better father."

"Are you okay?" Meg asks, shooing Richard away. With nothing to say you only nod your head. Feeling the warmth from a now oddly shy Aster, you know it's time to change her diaper.

"Excuse me. I need to, she's wet," you walk to grab her diaper bag, spotting Ransom coming back alone. "I need to change her."

"Oh, um, come on," his hand pushes up against your mid back, much more appropriately than his father's hands, leading you into a small room on the ground floor. Your eyes look around at the room that was prepared for Aster. Complete with a crib, changing table, closet full of clothes. Looking like it came directly off Pinterest. "Do you mind showing me? I won't always have you with me."

For the first time since being here you relax. Smiling at Ransom you show him the proper way to change his daughter. Aster chatters up at the two of you, smiling, giggling, and feeling comfortable herself. "Everyone kinda helped pick everything out. Jacob's the youngest. There's not been a baby in a while," he picks up Aster, and uses his hand to guide you through her room. "No expense will be spared. She'll have everything she needs and then some. And if there's anything you know she prefers, we'll...I'll get it."

"It's perfect. It's just..."


"Yeah, your family. They're..."

"I know. Sorry about Robert. He really wasn't invited. Sorry about mom. She's bitter. Aster's nearly one, and she feels she's missed out, ya know? Me, too. I'm just not as hung up on it. I want to try, I do."

"It has nothing to do with the extra money?"

"He told you? Figured he would. At first, yeah, but then she liked me. She reaches for me, and talks to me. It's like she chose me. And she's...yours."

Too often these days mixed emotions run through you. In this moment, there's more than ever. Ransom is usually such an ass. Before it didn't bother you, because you weren't attached. It was always just sex between the two of you. But lately, when these tender moments arise, you feel tingling in your body. Lust running through your veins. The man holds onto your daughter, and takes one step to you, closing the gap between the two of you, close enough to the feel the shaky hot breath coming off his lips. Lips that you know you didn't kiss nearly enough, believing kissing to be more intimate than even sex.

But when his eyes dart from yours to your lips, you lean in, careful to miss your daughter. And when he leans into you, bringing his lips closer to yours, you don't want him to stop, but then the door opens abruptly and Linda clears her throat, you both turn to look at her, looking pissed off with her hip jutted out and her arms crossed. "Lunch is ready," she says haughtily. "Would you like to call your husband to join us?" her voice emphasizing husband. You know it's wrong. But your emotions of late are all over the place, and for once, you want something sweet and happy. You didn't know there would come a time that you would miss that side of Andy, and you're not sure Ransom could fully give you that, so it is a good thing that Linda interrupted the moment.

"We'll be right there," Ransom tells his mother, but she still refuses to close the door. "I said we would be right there mother," Linda turns to stomp off, leaving the door wide open behind her. "Where were we?" he asks, leaning back into you. Putting your hand up on his lips to stop him, you reach to grab Aster, and he pulls back.

"Sorry, Ran, but we should go eat lunch with your family."

"I know what we were about to do," he snidely tells you, cocking up an eyebrow as he looks down at your figure.

"And it's a good thing it was stopped," he only rolls his eyes at you before walking out. You follow behind him. Needing some space, and not that it would matter, his father sits you beside him, across from Ransom and Aster, who has a high chair right beside her dad. Meg on the other side of you for the most painfully difficult lunch. You mostly sit quiet, stealing glances at Ransom and Aster. You assume he tried to be flirty with you, only to have kicked Meg instead, and when you giggle, he shakes his head at you, turning his attention back to Aster, who very slowly gets used to the people. Opening up mostly for Ransom and even Harlan who sits at the head of the table, right in between Meg and Aster.

Harlan is very delicate with Aster, and he loved when she would talk her nonsensical words to him. After lunch, Ransom politely tells his family that you and Aster should be getting back home. Promising there would be more time with the little girl, but to of course not get too used to her, because he wasn't sure how often he wanted her around them. Linda put in her two cents, Richard agreeing with every word, and adding a few choice insults, that you choose to ignore.

Walking you outside to your car, Ransom buckles Aster in, but you readjust her chest strap, reminding him exactly where it needed to be, in order to keep her safe. You can tell he absorbs everything you tell him about taking care of her. When you close her door, he follows you around the car, opening up your door before the two of you stand looking at one another. "I know it wasn't perfect, but thank you for being patient. I know it couldn't have been easy."

"No, but that's her family. I want to get along with them. They're apart of her."

"Please, don't say that. She doesn't need that on her shoulders," the two of you laugh, and he leans in to hug you. "I mean it, thank you," lingering in the hug, you just hold onto his toned frame. "I want to have a united co-parenting thing. I know it'll be best for us and her."

You pull back from the hug, but still leave your arms resting around his waist. Every part of you needs to just look into his deep blue eyes, reminding yourself not to get too deep with him. But when he leans forward, first kissing your cheek innocently, only to move to your neck and back to your lips, giving you the softest chaste kiss. But when he pulls away, it's only slightly. His lips still too close to yours, and when he tells you, "You feel it, too, don't you?" his lips sporadically touch against yours.

"We can't do this, Ran."

"Why, daddy Andy? He's not the man you fell for though, is he? Looks like we're trading places," he finally backs away from you. Leaving enough room for your lips not to touch against the others.

"He's a good dad."

"What about for you? We could make this work."

"I'm married," you remind me, but the two of you still are too close. Neither of you noticing the glare coming from Linda, and the rest of the family walking past any windows, and not too casually.

"There's a thing called divorce."

"I don't want to make too much of a mess."

"So, we're doing the affair thing again?"

"We're doing the co-parenting thing."

"Fucking hell, Y/N. You're just going to stay with him, even though he's getting..." his voice raises, and he removes your hands from his side.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"And you're still trying to make something work."

"It was just sex between us, don't forget that."

"Was. Past tense. Dammit, you have options. Don't push yourself into something just because you think it's perfect to other people."

"Don't act like you know what goes on in my home."

"Can you just...fuck...just think about it? That's all I'm asking."

"If you just promise to do everything to keep our little girl safe and happy? Ran, when overnight visits happen, I have to trust you."

"My bed's big enough for you to stay," when you look at him angrily his smug smile leaves his face. "You're married, I get it. It didn't bother me when you were engaged, still doesn't."

"It should. I really need to go. It's nap time. Iris will need her sister."

Ransom opens your door wider, holding onto you, assisting you in the car, and when his body turns to the side, he sees the family watching him. He sees the many expressions everyone makes. From shock, to happiness, to the anger from his mother, and he gives her his signature crooked cocky grin. Staying outside until your car is completely out of his sight.

When he walks back into the house, Harlan lifts a finger to wiggle at Ransom to come to him. "Help me to my room, Ransom."

Ransom knows that's an excuse to talk to him, but he does as his grandfather asks of him. Leading him to his room. Harlan sits in a chair, the Go board in front of him, motioning Ransom to sit and join him. "Did you ask her?"

"Not exactly."

"Are you afraid of what she'll say?"

"A bit."

"It looked like the ball is in your court. Regardless of what she told me. I saw you two. She's not as emotionless towards you as she's pretending to be," Harlan lays down a piece, and Ransom counters him.

"She's stuck on having her perfect life. She won't divorce him easily," the two men lay down a few pieces, before Ransom studies the board. Trying to get you off his mind. Ransom sighs, his eyes never leaving the board. "He's losing her though. I see it. I don't know he's being abusive. But I suspect it. I see her light fading."

"You need to act fast. If she leaves him, and she hasn't admitted her true feelings concerning you, she'll find another. She doesn't have the best taste in men. And now you have a daughter to worry about."

Ransom nearly slams a piece down on the board, ending the game, with him as the victor. "I'll worry about my problems. You just hold up your end of the bargain."

"Play nice, son. It'll get ugly before it gets better."

"I'm aware. Andy thinks he's so smart. He's an idiot. She'll find out all his secrets. I wonder if she's aware of his father or the others."

"Ransom, let her discover this herself. Don't you worry about it. You get involved and she'll hate you. Let the game, if you will, play out. You just may beat it. Much like you did tonight. Get some rest. You'll need it. She did dig up who sent the photos to Andy. She knows your mother's involvement. Knows she was sending them to him. But how was she to know he would send them to his brother?"

"I hate this. For her and for Aster. Why can't I just..."

"You tell that woman all of Andy's secrets then she's going to distrust you. She's suspicious of Andy. She'll keep digging. She got in touch with that paranoid Jake Jensen. He's the one that discovered who was sending the photos."

"Yeah and Jensen goes above and beyond what he's asked. He probably looked in her phone, and her history. Andy's history," Harlan smiles shaking his head at Ransom. "You think he'd dig that deep? Bring all of Andy's family to life?"

"Jake Jensen does anything for a pretty face. Remember, she has to realize her feelings for you before she gets a divorce. She's pretty. She has options. Jake Jensen could be one of them."

Ransom bids his grandfather goodnight. Ignoring his mother's protests as he walks out the door to go home to an empty house littered with baby stuff. He hopes there will come a day that you and the twins will be living there with him, maybe in time.

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