By TVreviewer

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~ Sequel to My New Home. Read that first to understand what's going on ~ A year after the events of My New Ho... More

~ CAST ~
~ Prologue - The Boy With Cute Freckles ~
~ 1 - Summer From Hell ~
~ 2 - Ride Along ~
~ 3 - Final Day A Juinor ~
~ 4 - First Day A Senior ~
~ 5 - Little Man, Big Mouth ~
~ 6 - Big Brother Owen ~
~ 7 - No ~
~ 8 - Hunter ~
~ 9 - Drama, Drama, Drama ~
~ 10 - House Party ~
~ 11 - Drunk is the New Love ~
~ 12 - Almost Kiss (Two Years Earlier) ~
~ 13 - HANGOVER ~
~ 14 - Big Brother Eric ~
~ 15 - Mother Issues ~
~ 16 - Therapy ~
~ 17 - Friday Night Lights ~
~ 18 - Category: Gay ~
~ 19 - Pool Party ~
~ 20 - Family ~

~ 21 - Homecoming ~

161 5 3
By TVreviewer

~ ~ BOTH POV ~ ~

~ Elliott's POV ~

Driving is therapeutic for me, most of the time.

After getting on my fathers blue suit, somewhat styling my hair into something presentable, and stuffing my feet into the first sneakers I found.

(There's no way in hell I was going to break my feet wearing my torturous dress shoes, yeah no- I don't care about this dance that much).

I said goodbye to Koda and quickly ran off to my car before I could get any shit from my mother or father.

The actual drive to the Alder High was nice, Alder  looked breath taking in the late October evening. I enjoyed the quietness and treasured it because the quiet hum of nature was the last good thing that'll come from tonight.

I could feel it, deep in my bones, today will be a shit show.

I tried to brush those thoughts aside and focus on the decent but, as I finally made it to the parking lot, I nearly went out the exit.

The, already normally crowded parking lot as is, was a soup of honking and crammed cars.

After a MMA style parking spot fight for a semi close up spot to park (which I had lost and been forced to park in the furtherest lot of the school, and a pretty far away spot mind you) I sat in my black car for a minute.

Debating, I took the cigarette pack from my center console and stuffed it in my inner suit pocket with my keys and phone.

I stepped out of my car and bent down to my car rear mirror, examining my hair. I slicked it back in place and made sure I had none of my dinner (salad and oranges) in my teeth.

After feeling ready, well physically, I started the long ass journey to the front entrance.

There were more groups, dates, and people waiting for other people to get here once I got closer to the entrance.

I gave the ticket lady my ticket and waited near the door for Carrie to arrive, she's the only reason why I came after all.

The dance started at 7:20PM and it was 7:18PM, knowing the Anderson family they wouldn't be here for another 20 minutes at least.

I went on my phone and chilled for, you'll never guess- 20 minutes, before I heard a loud giggly sound and my name being called.


I looked up to see Carrie, her short black hair moved with every step she took.

Her dress was velvet purple and very low cut. And barely covered her, I was surprised it covered any of her.

Still, she looked beautiful and I was proud of her for being able to wear something she could never have months ago.

"You look great," She said. "That suit is so nice on you."

I smiled. "I look homeless compared to you, that dress is...something. But it looks nice on you."

She smiled. "Owen had a fit when he saw it, Eric too, but managed to convince my dad it was part of my healing process."

"You go girl I guess." I said, laughing.

"That is my girl." Brent said, coming up behind Carrie and kissing her cheek.

He wore a normal black suit with his hair as wild as ever. He gave me a half-hearted smile and waved.

"Wow you two look cute," I blushed, now that I'm realizing my sexuality i thought maybe that would be taken the wrong way (even though the only two people who know about my questioning is Owen & Kyle). "As couple." I added quickly.

Carrie looked at Brent and kissed him. "We are but just wait until you see Charlotte and Liam, they are definitely the it couple tonight."

"Penelope coming?" I asked. The was one of the only people at this school I liked and she possibly might stand me, we were both nerds with comics and she knew when talking wasn't needed.

She'd probably be on the same level, if not even less excited, to be here. We can share our misery together.

"She said she might come later but she won't be spending more than, her words, 30 minutes." She, Carrie, said.

Great, I guess my misery will be shared with overpriced dance food and a cigarette or two.

I took a deep breath and asked my next question. "And Owen? He's here?"

Carrie nodded. "He's right," she turned and looked around for him. "There." She said.

I looked to where her eyes were and saw him.

Owen looked, and I'm saying this in the most professional and respectful way as possible, so fucking hot.

He wore black suit pants and a white button up dress shirt and apparently had my idea to wear normal sneakers. His hair was styled but only slightly, like he'd given up halfway through.

I stared. I stared even though I knew I shouldn't. I knew there would be consequences.

Those consequences came when his icey blue eyes happen to meet mine, his filled with utter anger and pain while mine were filled with, what I could only describe as lust.

In a flash, his eyes darted to anything that wasn't me.

I looked away after a moment, feeling sick.

"You alright Elliott?" Carrie asked, noticing my expression change.

I faked a smile. "Yeah just not looking forward to this excuse to hook up."

She laughed and looked at Brent, who blushed.

Damn they really were cute together.

"Well we'll have fun, I promise." Carrie said.

I'm not so sure about that but I relented for her sake.

"So much fun." I teased.

"Exactly, now come on! Let's go to the gym where the fun is." She took both me and Brent by the arm and hauled us through the hallway to the gym.

The gym was decked out in our school colors, Red and Gold. There was a DJ at the front of the gym, a dance floor for most of the floor then on the back way the bleachers that been opened.

Yep that's my spot.

I couldn't go there just yet, I had to make a little effort to please Carrie.

"CARRIEEEEE!" A squeal made us all turn, it was Charlotte in a ballgown blue dress booking it to us, Liam coming slowly behind.

He already looked tired but he wasn't going to tell Charlotte that- no, he was going to party his ass off with her then hook up after.

"You look so hot!" Charlotte squeaked, hugging her best friend.

"You too girly."

"No, I mean you are smoking. Seriously I couldn't pull that dress off but you- fucking hot."

Carrie blushed, not one for compliments, she just shrugged. "Thanks Char, I appreciate it."

"Penelope better get her introverted ass here." She said, Carrie nodded.

"We can only hope."

"Sis, where's the hard ass?" Liam asked.

Carrie shook her head. "Moping near the entrance, what about the No ladies ladies man and Kyle?"

Referring to her other brother here, Luke.

Liam stuck a finger out behind him and shrugged. "Trying and failing to pick up girls. I have no idea where your fruity friend is, probably off hooking up with someone."

"Sounds about right, on both account." Charlotte said, taking Liam's hand.

"Good thing you have the perfect girlfriend and don't need any other girls, right?"

Liam smiled. "Obviously." He planted a kiss on his girlfriends cheek.

They were cute, in a way, too.

"Alright well enough talk of introverts and grumpy people, let's fucking party!" Charlotte took Liam into the mass of students dancing and screaming and singing along to the music.

After a few moments, Brent and Carrie followed. Carrie motioned for me to come with but there's no way in hell I'm being a 5th wheel.

I gave her a small smile before making my way to my spot for the night, or more accurately the spot for the next hour, the bleachers.

I sat my ass down and finally sighed a breath of relief. Even thought the lights flashing hurt my eyes, the music pounded in my skull, and I was fucking hungry- at least I wasn't forced into the dance floor and make an embarrassing attempt at dancing. Or being shot...twice, that wasn't fun either.

I sat back and tried to relax, everything was fine, it was just peachy. All of this will be over in less than an hour. You. Will. Be. Fine.

All that positive affirmation went out the door and slammed on the pavement outside when I saw him enter the gym.

Owen, again looking fucking hot, entered the gym. And, again, I stared. I watched him make his way around the crowd and disappear, he was probably with Carrie and Brent now.

Damn it, I had finally gotten Owen out of my head for just the slightest second but nope- he just had to enter the room and make my heart skip a beat over again.

It's not his fault, he can't help it I'm utterly attached to him.

But he did kiss me. Fuck, not only can I not get the actual kiss out of my mind but his reasonings for it too.

He just denied it, I don't blame him, but damn do I wanna know why.

It's eating me up inside.

It's more confusing to me than my sexuality.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I gripped the ends of the bleachers tight and tried to calm my mind, and the raging thing in my pants, down.

Fuck, I couldn't.

I stood up abruptly, scaring the people nearby on the bleachers. I started gunning for the gym door, instead of running outside and leaving and risking crashing my car from stress- I managed to find an empty science room by dodging the security guard and ducking into the room.

I went pasted all the lab tables and unlatched the window sill and flew it up. I stuck my head out, letting the fresh air cleanse my mind.

I shakily took the pack of cigarettes out and took  out my third one, I grabbed the candle lighter and lit it. The bright orange flame from the end of the cigarette was the only light in the room.

I took a drag, then another, then another.

Finally, I leaned back against the window and took a breath of clean air.

I stared out the window for a while, not seeing much but the wooded area behind the school.

Just as I was getting ready to put out the smoke and go back to the dance, the door flung open and came inside.


~ Owen's POV ~

Ten minutes in and I wanted to go home.

Carrie was having the time of her life, dancing with Brent.

Charlotte was grinding on my brother, something I never ever needed to see and regret it highly.

Another thing I never needed to see but saw still, Luke trying to dance and flirt with any girl who'd tolerate him.

I was stuck in the middle of the floor, alone and hating every second of it.

Penelope wasn't here to hide in a corner with, hell Kyle wasn't even here yet- sure maybe I rebuffed all his advances and didn't want to hook up with him but at least I'd have someone to talk to who wasn't on a date with someone else.

He was out of the question too.

I could never speak, look, or even think of him again.

I won't even think of his name.

I did have that slip up though, earlier when I had just walked in. We locked eyes, I saw the look in his eyes- it was a horny one. A desperate one too.

I mean he was openly checking me out for all to see.

I can't make that mistake again.

From now on, he's invisible to me. Non-existent even.

Well he's not non-existent if I keep thinking of him, you dumbass.

I decided to make my way to the cafeteria where all the food sections were.

I looked at all the food choices: Pizza, burgers, sushi, salad, and pasta too.

I went to the pizza section first, getting two slices of pepperoni pizza before sliding next to the pasta section and getting an order of fettuccine Alfredo. And a coke to boot.

I started to make my way to the seating area but, after seeing two couples making out furiously and a fight happening all at once, I knew I had to find a more secluded spot to eat.

I traveled out to the hall and up the stairs to the science area, no one would be up here. I knew it for sure.

If a couple was trying to hook up they'd do it in one of four places: In their car, in one of the math rooms because they are close to the gym, maybe in the wooded area, and under the bleachers if they're feelings frisky enough.

I'm not proud to admit it but I used to do that with Delilah when we were together.

But no one would venture up the stairs and down the furtherest hall to have sex- no, I'd be alone.

The way I wanted it right now.

Just me and my food.

Sadly most of the science labs were locked, the last one on the end wasn't though.

I silently celebrated and threw the door open, eager to scarf down my food.

The second I entered the door, I heard scrambling from the other side of the room.

Shit! Is their a couple banging in here?!

I quickly took a glance and hated myself for it.

It was him.

He was attempting to stand up straight and close the window he had opened.

I was ready to run out of there and not face this potentially, very likely, sour situation.

Something stopped me though, the thing I saw in between his fingers for half a second maybe. The white and orange thing.

I wasn't hundred percent confident on what it was but, judging from the smoke bellowing around the room and his coughing- I was pretty certain.

That's what made my feet turn on their heel and book it toward him, before he could react or my brain could tell my body to ABORT ABORT- I grabbed his arm and lifted it to see it.

I was right; in his hand was a still lit cigarette.

I stole it from him and threw it on the ground, smashing the embers out.

Again, before my brain to shut this whole thing down, my mouth began moving.

"What the fuck is this?!" I demanded.

He snaked his hand out of my grip and finished closing the window.

"Just having a smoke, it's nothing."

Nothing? Nothing?!

My flight or fight has changed from flight to fight.

I scoffed. "Nothing? Lung disease is nothing to you?"

"Of course not," he said, not looking at me but instead out the window. "I'm not having packs everyday, just one or two- or three."

I blinked, confused.

"Three a day? Jesus when did this start?! I mean how can you be so stupid?!"

He sighed, still not looking at me.


"T-today? I- what- I don't even know what to say. Besides your stupid as fuck and need to kick this habit now."

I don't even know why I care, I shouldn't. He's not my problem anymore. I should just get the fuck out and tell Carrie, she cares- she'll yell at him and get them away from him.

"Why do you even care?" He asked, sounding tired.

"I-I don't but Carrie will."

He shook his head, still looking out the window. It started to annoy me.

"Don't, there's no need to worry her."

"Then stop smoking."

"It's none of your business Owen, it shouldn't have to be. I'm not your problem anymore. Just leave."

I wanted to but at the same time I wanted to knock his teeth out. He was being stupid, actually he was more than stupid- idiotic.

"Your risking your life for what? A fucking smoke. It doesn't make you cool, it doesn't help you. Your just- just stop doing it."

"For someone who says they doesn't care, you certainly sound like you do." He started getting another cigarette out, still not looking at me.

Fucking hell, I'm going to lose it on him.

"Don't you fucking dare light."

"Owen, please leave." He said bringing the smile up to his lips.

"I swear to all that is fucked if you light that thing I'll-"

He lit the motherfucker.

I lunged at him and forced the damn smoke out of his hand, I threw it and stomped on it like the first before grabbing him.

He was trying to leave, but I wasn't going to take that disrespect.

I was angry about a lot of things and ready to bust this asshole.

Not just for smoking, not just because I hate him I'm general but for that fucking stunt he pulled at Kyle's pool party.

"Don't-" I started.

"Let me go." He said, quietly but serious sounding.

I slammed him against the wall by the window and put my fingers around his throat and my other arm gripping his arm and keeping it firmly against the wall.

He was pinned and he knew it.

"I'm not in a good mood today Elliott," I paused- fuck I said his name, well to hell with keeping his name out of my head. "So just give me the fucking cigarettes and you can leave."

"Or you can get your hand off my neck and I'll just go."

I squeezed his neck harder, not enough to kill him obviously but enough to make him uncomfortable. He let out a cough and finally locked eyes with me.

We were silent for a moment, just a moment, before his eyes broke eye contact and slide down my face and neck. They landed on my shirt before sticking there for longer than normal.



"Say it."

"I have nothing to say."

"You've been pretty brave up until now, say what's on your fucking mind or I'll beat it out of you."

I was saying anything now, just to edge him onto a fight. I was bloodthirsty now, blinded by rage and maybe other things I didn't want to look into right then.

"Your shirt." He mumbled.

I shook the confused and surprised look off my face and snarled. "What about it?"

"You look good, with the buttons undone."

His face was bright red now and so was mine, from more than anger.

"Fuck off."

"You wanted to hear it."

"Fuck off!" I shouted.

"So I can leave now?" He asked dryly. I let go out his neck and moved away.

I rolled my eyes. "Give me the cigarettes first."

He started to leave but there's no way I was letting him go this easily, without getting those god damn cigarettes in my hand.

I gripped his shoulder and threw him against one of the lab tables, before he processed what happened- I was in his face.

I practically destroyed his suit jacket getting it off of him and ripped the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.

I ran to the window and flew it open, throwing the pack out into the dirt below.

I turned to him, with a smirk.

"Happy now?" He asked.

"Extremely, you should be too. I don't have to  tell Carrie about your idiotic lapse in judgment- and that happens often now."

"Don't involve her in my problems, or yourself."

Truthfully, he was right. I shouldn't care- and I don't- but here I was making sure he didn't get them.

Carrie certainly shouldn't have to deal with his shit.

What was I saying? I need to leave now and chill out. But my stupid guy brain couldn't let me just walk away sit while he talked to me like that, he hasn't been this vocal since we were still friends or when I-

When he accused me of kissing him.

You did, dumbass.

"You said yourself I caused some of your problems so I am involved dumbass." I regretted it, I wanted to punch myself for bringing up that.

I didn't explicitly say it but, from the blush on his cheeks and the look in his eyes, he put two in two together.

"Owen, why did you do it?"

Oh fuck, I opened the why did you kiss me can of worms.

Time to shut it up and him too.

"I don't know what your talking about." I mumbled as I started to walk toward my food I had put onto a table.

"Owen, please."

"Don't please me." I said, not looking at him.

"Owen, I can't stop thinking about it- just tell me why you did."

"Stop being weird." I said, voice cracking.

Before I could get my food and get the hell out of here, his long boney fingers took mine and swirled me around to face him.

"Tell me and I'll drop it, I won't mention my- uh revelation to you again."

His expression was so fucking vulnerable, and his dumb fingers made my heart beat faster. My mind was in a state of utter confusion and pent up anger and- yes, horny.

"I don't fucking know, Elliott! I don't. I was drunk and it didn't mean anything to me."

Jesus Christ, that was the last thing I wanted to say.

He moved his hand off mine and to my face.


"You finally admitted it." He said, it sounded like a weight had been taken off his chest.

I cleared my throat and tried to calm my roaring body. "Yeah well- don't get excited. It doesn't mean anything. People do fucked up stuff when drunk out of their minds- you out of all people know that."

"Drunk actions are sober thoughts." He pointed out.

I scoffed and threw his arm off my face. "You saying I wanted to kiss you? Not only are you generally scum of the earth but your a dude."

Again, denying my sexuality.

"No, I know you don't. But maybe- maybe you like guys and I just happen to be there."

Oh no, no- he can't starting using his brain now.

"I'm straight," I said, before having the worst but most genius idea I've ever had. "And so are you."


"Elliott, your a dumbass. I was drunk and kissed you and now you think your gay but I know you- you aren't. You just got your hopes up thinking we could be friends again and interpreted it as gay feelings."

He blinked, then blinked again.

"So I'm leaving and forgetting this conversation ever happened, you do it."

He lowered his head and whispered something I couldn't hear.

I groaned. "What?"

"I got hard to other guys, Owen- not just you and I realized the only time I hooked up with women was when I was blackout drunk. I don't like girls, I like guys."

Oh Jesus Fuck. God, if you can hear me, strike me down so I can get out of this situation.

"O-other guys? What have done-"

He interrupted me. "Porn."

Strike. Me. Down.

"Have you told anyone else?"

He shook his head then thought again. "Well yes, Kyle."

"You told him?!"

Elliott shrugged. "I didn't know who else to talk to, it was before I told you about the kiss."

My eyes widened. "Did you tell him about the kiss?!" I demanded.

He put his hands up. "N-no, I promise."

I sighed and slumped against the lab table.

"I'm sorry."

"Just shut up." I said, exhausted.

My brain was mush and I wasn't thinking clearly or "straight".

"I know I'm the last person you want to talk to but if you feeling how I feel, you can talk to me. Even if you hate it, I'll always be there for you."

Suddenly, he felt far too close to me.

"I have nothing to say to you," God, his eyes. He's looking at me like he wants to- "And stop fucking staring at me like that!"

He lowered his eyes away from me. "Sorry I just- it's just-"

"What, Elliott?" I snapped.

"Your good looking." He mumbled, face as red as Charlotte's hair.

"I hate you." I admitted.

He nodded. "I know."

My hatred for Elliott paired up against my pent up feelings was a close match but, the pent up horny won by an inch.

"But I can't deny the fact your hot too."

He smiled at me and took that as an invitation to put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm glad we can actually agree on something for once."

He did not move his eyes off my shirt- Damn will he stop looking at me like that?!

"Yes, it's the one thing."

He actually bit his fucking lip and said. "You have no idea how much I've been thinking about you."

Common sense won out for a moment. "Stop it, don't say something you'll regret." I warned.

He chuckled and squeezed my shoulder tightly. "I wouldn't regret it."

"You will when I deck you in that pretty face of yours."

"You think I'm pretty?"

"So you want two black eyes?"

He laughed. "That's nothing, I've been shot-twice."

"Oh yeah, your such a badass." I said sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that."


He still had his hand on my shoulder.

"Move that hand or I'll shoot you myself."

He began to slide his hand off my shoulder and to the hem of my shirt, I kept the first three buttons in buttoned for a bit of flare.

He played with the fourth button, staring at it intently.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"You didn't say take your hand off, just- just not to have it-"

"You really want it off me, huh?"

Fuck you mouth.

He nodded.

"Then take it off."

Fuck you vocal chords.

His eyes snapped to mine, wanting clearly there.

"Can I?"

"Can I?" I mocked, "Take it off before I change my mind."

His eyes widened, realizing I was somehow serious about it.

His fingers frantically fiddled with my buttons, quick to take my shirt off before my brain boots back up and tells me how bad of a decision all of this is.

After getting one button down, he stalled on the fifth. His fingers couldn't get a grip on it and he kept loosing it back into the hole.

"Jesus." I said, swatting his hand away and doing it myself.

I ripped through the buttons and slipped out of the shirt in less than 30 seconds.

The shirt landed on the floor.

We stared at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time, me at his stupidly hot face and him at my bare chest.

Eventually, he spoke. "Can I touch you?"

My body lit up but I couldn't let him know that, I had to act nonchalant.


"You were the one who offered to take your shirt off."


He stepped forward, now just inches away.

He grazed his fingertips against my abdomen, he traced my six-pack (which wasn't as defined as it usually was) and moved up to my collarbone.

"I need to hit the gym." He said, half-laughing.

"Take yours off, then we'll see."

"Y-you want me to take mine off?" He asked shyly.

I scoffed. "Well if you want to do this right, it only seems fair."

The this were doing is absolutely bonkers and wrong on so many levels but my sanity seems to have left me.

He nodded and took his jacket off, hanging it over on a lab seat, he then started unbuttoning his shirt- slow and agonizing.

Eventfully he managed to get the damn thing off and place it over his jacket.

"So...what do you think? I'm slacking off in my workouts?"

He was not, I could admit that- in my mind at least.

"You look fine." I said, nonchalant.

He stepped closer. "Thank you."

He lifted his hand, like he was going to touch me, but hesitated.

I rolled my eyes and pulled his hand back to my chest.

He kept his hand on my chest, a light and gentle touch- it aggravated me.

The only reason I was letting any of this happen was- well truthfully I don't fucking know why- I am going insane or already there.

I've been single for the past half a year, I've had pent up horny hormones for that long and longer than that.

Maybe, even though it's with Elliott, I can let off a little steam and not think about Elliott or his weird feelings again.

It's killing two birds with one stone.

"You just gonna fondle me all night?"

He chuckled nervously. "What do you want me to do?"

I pushed off the lab table, making us bare chest to chest.

"Make me cum." The words rolled off my tongue, in a quiet growl.

He took my face in his hands, making me face him. "Are you sure?"


"Of fucking course not but I'm hard and I don't see anyone else here."

As he started smiling, I moved my lips close to his.

"This doesn't mean anything, nothing. Got it?"

He nodded.

I moved the rest of the way to his lips, they crashed together in a clumsy mass of mouth.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, the small of his back, and pressed him against my hard length. A gasp escaped his lips.

He gripped the back of my neck.

We both rhythmically grinned against each other, I could feel even though both our pants and boxers that he was hard too.

I ripped apart from him, frustration and horny overflowing my body.

"Get on your knees." I demanded, not caring anymore.

I was insane, I snapped- whatever you want to call it. All I know is I'm horny and the only person who can fix that right now is the guy I hate.

"You want me to-"

"You said you wanted this Elliott. Backing out now?"

He shook his head violently. "N-no I'm surprised you want to."

I took his mouth again with mine and pulled away. "I told you what I want."

He, very slowly, lowered himself onto his knees in front of me.

I started to unbuckle my belt as he slicked the hair in his face back. Kind of like how Delilah used to put her blonde hair up before giving me head.

I slid my belt off and unzipped my fly, my bulge plopped out but was still covered by my very thin black boxers.

The outline of my dick was clear.

"And your-" he started to ask again are you sure? Or you want this?

I responded by pulling my boxers down, my dick practically smacked Elliott's nose.

He stared at it for a moment, like it was an Alien.

"What? Is it small?"

He licked his lips. "I want it."

I gripped his black hair and positioned his face adjacent to my length.

"Then suck it."

"Can I touch it first?"

I huffed. "I don't care just do something."

He, like it a fragile doll, grasped the end of my dick and ran his hand along the shaft.

I shivered at the sensation and placed my hand not gripping his head on the lab table to keep me from falling over.

He lightly grazed the tip of my dick before moving in and licking it.

"Shit!" I murmured.

I couldn't take it, I needed release.

He licked the tip again and I gripped his soft silky hair tighter. I put his mouth to match the height of my dick and smashed his opened mouth around it.

He spattered and held my arm controlling his head as I moved his warm mouth back and forth around my harder still dick.

"Fucking hell."

His eyes watered and his mouth contracted but he didn't fight me on it, he let me shift my hips so my dick deepened into his throat. Now he made thick gargling noises.

The admittedly hot noises his throat made paired with my grunts of lust were the only sounds in the science room.

At this point, my hand in his hair was only used as an anchor- I was using my hips to slam my dick deeper and deeper into his mouth with no mercy.

He whimpered and chocked but didn't stop me, just teared up and kept hold of my arm.

I was letting out all my aggression in every thrust and he took it all, his eyes met mine.

There was a little pain in them but mostly utter fascination and need.

Need for me.

I was three minutes in and close, I had no intention of backing out or slowing down. If anything I went faster.

He started moving his head on his own now which was good, I could barely move my hips against the wave of pleasure and ecstasy that crashed over me.

I let go of him and clasped my hand over my mouth to subdue the moan threatening to escape, my other hand had a firm grip on the lab table to keep me in place.

I wasn't moving now, just letting out shallow breaths.

He guided his mouth down my dick and back up, he'd then lick the tip and do it all over again.

That threw me over the edge, with one last thrust- I released my cum into his mouth.

I slipped out of him and leaned against the table for support.

Jerking off at night to porn was one thing but this...getting a blowjob for the first time in months was a giant relief.

I stared down at him, his grey eyes filling me with a strange feeling.

His lip had a dribble of cum on it, he whipped it off with his thumb and licked it.

"I- that was better than any girls I've gave head to."

I didn't say anything.

"Did it- feel good?" He asked.

I didn't say anything. 

Post nut clarity smacked me like a freight train.

Red alarm bells, that had waited until the disaster already happened, blared inside my brain.

I just let Elliott fucking Reed give me a blowjob.

No, no, no, no this did not just happen?

How could I let this happen?!

He stood up from his kneeled state and looked at me with concern. "Owen, are you okay?"

He gingerly touched my face but I responded with a smack to his.

He rubbed his cheek and gave me a flabbergasted look. "O-Owen I-"

I grabbed my shirt and flung it over me, I put my arms through the holes and started button up the shirt.





I got my shirt back in presentable condition and ran out of the room without saying a word, leaving the food I was excited for.

He didn't say anything after me, grab me, or block my way- he let me go.

Thank God, I didn't know what I'd do or say if he tried to stop me.

I went down the stairs, through the hallway, and out to the parking lot.

I got in my Jeep and put my head on the steering wheel, tears welled up in my eyes.

Why had I done that? Well I know why but- still, it was so stupid.

I felt my tears stain my cheeks and my back started to shake.

I wanted to go home but I had to wait for Carrie and Brent, I was their ride after all.

Well maybe they could get a ride from someone else- maybe Charlotte or if Kyle's here (which I don't doubt he is) and I'm sure Elliott would.

Fuck, Elliott...

I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles went white.

I stayed like that for a while, trying to calm myself down for when I see Carrie and Brent again.

A knock on the passenger side window made me jump, it was Brent. His brown hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat and his tie was unknotted and hanging over his shoulder.

He motioned for me to unlock the door and I reluctantly did.

He plopped into the seat.

"Hey!" He said, not noticing my current mental state.

"H-hi." I said weakly.

"Carrie will be here in a bit, she's helping Charlotte with something."


He finally looked at me, really looked at me, with his big brown eyes and narrowed them.

"Are you...crying?" He asked.

I didn't say anything, just leaned against the window.


"Hmm?" I said.

"What happened?"

"N-nothing." My voice cracked, giving my lie away.

I heard him move the center console and slide next to me, he put his hand on me.

"Owen....talk to me."

The flood gates opened and I tried to muffle the cried in the palm of my hand.

"I made a mistake." I admitted.

"What did you do?"

"I hooked up with someone."

"How is that a mistake? You got laid, I see that as a win." He said in his cheerfully optimistic voice.

I shook my head, looking out the window. It was getting dark and the orange-pink sundown was a sight to see.

"It was with a person I shouldn't have."

He thought for a moment. "Someone in a relationship?"



I chucked a little, brightening my mood just a little.

"No- I wouldn't be this upset if it was just Penny."

"I have no idea then- wait...oh God it wasn't-"

He knew! He had to have if he was reacting like this...I hadn't even told him I was bisexual and now he was learning I hooked up with Elliott of everyone.

"Delilah...?" He trailed off.

I whipped my head to face him. "You think I'd ever be with her again?!"

He put his hands up. "No- I don't know! You seem really upset about this person, she was the only one I had left."

I sighed. "It doesn't matter."

"It does to me- your upset, I want to help."

"I-I should tell you something, maybe."

It was time, we were alone and I probably wouldn't have a better opportunity to come out to him.

I breathed out by emotions about Elliott, I need to push that out of my mind right now (and forever).

"I hooked up with someone, obviously, but it was um-"

"Mhmm." He urged.

"It was a guy." I blurted.

"A what?"

"A dude."

He furrowed his brow and thought for a moment, utterly confused.

"A dude? But-"

He looked at me for a solution but all I gave him was a terrified expression.

"I'm bisexual."

"Bisexual?" He repeated.


"Did the guy hurt you?"

I tilted my head, not expecting that to be the next thing out of his mouth.


"Did the guy you hooked up with- did he hurt you? Is that why your upset?"


"Did he upset you?"

"I mean yes, no- I just I got overwhelmed. That was my first time with a guy."

"Oh okay."


"Can I ask a question?"

I sighed, I was ready for the questions.

"I never had a crush on you, I've always seen you as a brother."

He laughed. "I wasn't gonna ask that, well not yet. I know gay people have standards."

"Well then what were you gonna ask?" I said, chuckling.

"Did you take it up the butt?"

Before I could smack him or roll my eyes into my skull, Carrie entered the backseat of the car.

"Hey y'all!"

Forgetting his pervious question, he moved close. "Does she know?" He whispered loud enough for Carrie to hear.

"Know what?" She asked innocently, she wiped her hand against my cheek. "Are you crying?"

"She does know."

"I know what? And are you okay?"

"Wait- who else knows?"

"Dad and Eric."

"Excuse me, what do I know? And Owen, are you okay?"

"I turned to her. "You know I like guys, that I'm bisexual."

She nodded. "Oh yeah, I know that. You told Eric? When?"

"Fishing trip."

"Ohhh. Also are you going to tell me why your so upset?"

"He hooked up with a guy."

Her jaw dropped. "You did?!"

She climbed the backseat, over Brent, and sat in the middle.

"Kyle was with us the whole time and I don't know any other gay guys here, who was it!? And why are you crying, did it end bad or-"

"I just- got overwhelmed, it was my first time with a guy."

She nodded and took my hand. "I'm sorry Owen, but we're here for you."

"I know."

"So like...did you take it up the ass?" Brent said.

I smacked his arm. "No asshat, what makes you think I'd be the one taking it."

He shrugged. "I don't know, let me rephrase, did you take ass?"

"I'm about to beat yours if you don't quit it."

The two laughed.

"Seriously though, I'm ready to go home."

"Me too." Carrie said, taking her heels off.

I started the short drive to Brent's apartment, on the way- he shared a little insight.

"Honestly, you liking guys is a plus. Now if a guy breaks your heart I can punch him in the face."

Carrie sighed and I just smiled and rolled my eyes.

At least he was taking it well, not that I thought he'd be homophobic, but I didn't know what to expect honestly.

Two minutes later, I parked outside Brent's place.

Carrie walked him up and spent five minutes making out and groping each other.

Eventually she pulled away and ran back (barefoot) to the car and hoped in.

The car ride was silent, expect for the hum of the pop song Carrie put on.

I parked into the driveway, me and Carrie walked into the house.

It was 9PM so all my brothers (expect Benji who was fast asleep now and the twins who were still partying at the dance) were up, leaving Xander in the living room playing video games.

He just snickered at us when he saw us.

Both me and Carrie went down the hall to dads room so he knew we here home before curfew. (Which was around 10PM on school nights and 11PM on weekends)

He was laying on his bed, reading glasses on. A book in his hand.

He looked up at us and smiled.

"Hi dad." Carrie said, climbing onto the bed next to dad.

"Hey sweetie, how was the dance?"

"Good! It was great."

He looked at her pointedly. "And you were good?"


He kissed her forehead.

"The twins?"

"Still living life."

He sighed. "Well have two hours left."

Carrie smiled and stood. "I'm gonna get ready for bed, night dad."

"Goodnight sweetie."

She gave me a half hug before leaving the room.

Dad patted the spot beside him and I sat down.

"How was your time?"

"It was okay." I lied.

"Come on, I notice when my sons eyes are red. I know your not stoned so..." he trailed off.

"I uh kissed a boy at the dance."

"That redhead boy?"

I laughed. "No, not Kyle. It was uh- you wouldn't know him."

He didn't look convinced, our school was had a small population and he knew most of the parents being in PT after all.

"Why are you upset about it?"

I wasn't good at lying to my dad, so I didn't bother, just brushed it off.

"I'm gonna get ready for bed."

He sighed and ruffled my hair. "Alright kid, I love you."

"I love you too dad, goodnight."

"Goodnight son."

I left his room and went to the basement door, not before patting Xanders head. He flipped me off and went back to gaming.

I went down the basement stairs and entered my bedroom, I nearly fell over seeing a figure in my room- before realizing it was just Carrie.

She had on sweats and one of my oversized shirts she loves, she was already under my covers.

"Well hello there." I said.

She smiled. "Hi."

"What are you doing here?"

"I just- you seemed upset so I wanted to stay in here with you."

I sighed but appreciated it.

"Alright, you can stay."

I threw my dress shirt off and threw it over her, she kept it on until I completely changed into PJs.

I normally sleep in boxers and nothing else but I wasn't about to do that with my sister, I put on a Alder High Football shirt, boxers and checkered pants.

I slipped into bed next to her and quietly thanked dad for getting me a king sized bed.

"Comfy?" She asked.


"Wanna watch a movie until the twins obviously come home later than curfew and get chewed out by dad?" She asked. M

"Hell yes."

She grabbed my remote and started playing a random movie off Netflix, a thriller.

I put an arm around her and whispered. "Thank you for being here."

"Anytime for you big brother."

I held my sister in my arms and smiled, I was happy for the moment.

And not thinking about the shit show that was my senior homecoming.

~ HEY YALL hope you enjoyed. This is officially my longest chapter at 7,500 words! I know the science lab scene was crazy lol. Stay tuned! I know big uploads today ~

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