For Her (Book 1)

De GraysonCreates

19.7K 910 181

Know where your loyalty lies, Malfoy... *************************************** Hogwarts doesn't have one Mal... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Second Year

Chapter 2

1.9K 87 9
De GraysonCreates

As Y/n stepped through the magical archway, the world transformed before his eyes. The once mundane and bustling London street dissolved into a whimsical realm of enchantment and wonder. Diagon Alley stretched out before him, an extraordinary tapestry of ancient buildings adorned with ornate signs and mystical symbols.

Y/n stood frozen, his gaze sweeping over the magical emporiums and vibrant shopfronts that lined the cobblestone streets. The air buzzed with the hum of incantations, and laughter echoed from every corner, intertwining with the melodies of street musicians.

His heart fluttered with excitement as he took in the captivating sights. The glowing windows of Flourish and Blotts beckoned him with the promise of untold knowledge, while the bubbling cauldrons at Potage's Cauldron Shop emitted a mesmerizing swirl of colourful vapours. Magical creatures peered from cages at the Magical Menagerie, their vibrant plumage and curious eyes capturing Y/n's imagination.

As he ventured further, the enchanting aroma of freshly baked goods wafted from the doors of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, inviting him to savour the sweet delights within.

Y/n's eyes widened with awe as he observed the extraordinary customers strolling through the streets. Witches and wizards of all ages, clad in robes of varying colours, busily conducted their magical transactions or engaged in animated conversations.

The gleam of gold caught his attention, drawing his eyes to the imposing presence of Gringotts Bank. The towering marble building stood as a testament to the financial heart of the wizarding world, promising secrets and treasures within its guarded walls.

Above it all, the bustling Leaky Cauldron provided a gateway to both the mundane and the magical worlds, a portal between the known and the extraordinary.

Y/n's heart swelled with a mix of anticipation and gratitude. The opportunity to explore this hidden realm, to procure the tools of magic that awaited him, was a privilege he had never fathomed. The knowledge that his family, flawed as they were, stood beside him filled him with a sense of belonging and purpose.

As the Malfoy family strolled through the vibrant streets of Diagon Alley, Draco's competitive nature began to surface. A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes as he turned to his parents.

"Father, Mother, I have a proposition," Draco declared, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

Narcissa furrowed her brow, her concern evident. "And what might that be, Draco?"

Draco's gaze shifted between his family members before he continued, "Since Y/n and I have the same items to purchase, why don't we split up and see who can gather everything the fastest? A little friendly competition, perhaps?"

Narcissa's expression tightened, worry lines forming on her forehead. "Draco, I'm not sure splitting up is a wise idea. We should stick together for safety."

Lucius, however, considered Draco's proposal with an intrigued smile. "Draco may be onto something, Narcissa. It could be a valuable lesson for the boys. What do you think, Cynthia?"

Cynthia observed her brother and Y/n for a moment, recognizing the twinkle of competitiveness in their eyes. She then turned to her parents with a playful smile. "I think it's a great idea, but you know what? I'll tag along with Y/n instead. It's always more fun to be on the winning team."

Narcissa shook her head in defeat as she smiled at her daughter. "Fine, so then how will this work?" She shifted to stare at her two sons.

"Well, Father and I will go this way," Draco gestured down one side of the road before pointing across from him. "The rest can go that way, we all meet up here when we are done," Draco smiled as he stuck his nose into the air, confident that he'd win this competition no matter what.

"Fine with me," Y/n smiled as he turned and began walking off, listening as Cynthia and his mother catch up to him. "Sorry that you girls have to be stuck with me for the day," Y/n chuckled as he adjusted his jacket collar.

"Nonsense, my boy," Narcissa placed a hand on his shoulder. "Cynthia and I are happy that we get to," She smiled at her children as she led them through the Alley. "First stop?" She looked at the list in her hand. "We are closer to Magical Menagerie, so..." Narcissa trailed off as she read the signs above them while walking.

Y/n stepped into the enchanting interior of the Magical Menagerie, his eyes were wide with anticipation. The air was filled with a symphony of chirps, hoots, and magical whispers, creating an atmosphere that stirred his sense of wonder. As he scanned the shop, his gaze fell upon a large, striking owl perched majestically on a branch.

The owl had beautiful ebony feathers, each one shimmering with a subtle iridescence that caught the light. Its eyes, a mesmerizing shade of amethyst, gleamed with intelligence and a hint of mischief. Y/n felt an instant connection to this extraordinary creature.

Approaching the owl, he extended a hand, hesitant yet hopeful. The owl regarded him with a keen gaze, tilting its head slightly as if appraising him. Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as the owl gracefully hopped onto his outstretched arm.

"Hello, my beautiful friend," Y/n whispered, marvelling at the owl's elegance. "I think you and I will share remarkable adventures together."

With a sense of awe and gratitude, Y/n decided to take this owl as his trusted companion. It was a creature as unique as he was, and he knew they would form an unbreakable bond on their journey through the wizarding world.

Leaving the Magical Menagerie, Y/n held his new companion carefully in his cage, their connection already palpable. As they made their way to Flourish and Botts, Y/n couldn't help but feel an unspoken understanding between them.

Upon arriving at the bookstore, Y/n was greeted by the familiar scent of books and the soothing atmosphere that only a haven of knowledge could provide. As he perused the shelves, he marvelled at the vast array of magical tomes that awaited him.

Just as he had chosen his required books, a familiar figure caught his attention. Narcissa appeared beside him, her eyes sparkling with pride and joy. "I think this is all, Mum," Y/n spoke as he walked over to the counter and watched Cynthia pay for the books.

"It is, but there is also this," Narcissa smiled as she handed him another book. Y/n studied the cover, a black leather cover with a golden lining. "It's the history of charms and how they have changed over the years. Signed by Bathilda Bagshot herself, only copy to ever have it done."

"What?" Y/n opened the cover carefully to see the signature. "How?"

"Normally with a quill," Cynthia answered sarcastically as they left the store.

"Oh hush," Y/n rolled his eyes as he closed the book and studied it once more. "This must have been expensive,"

"Nonsense, you love your studies so you need something like that," Narcissa smiled at her son as she led him and Cynthia through the alley once more, They had been moving from shop to shop while marking things off their list.

"And finally," Cynthia spoke as they reached Ollivander's. She walked into the store with her brother as their mother waited outside. "Let's be quick so that we can get back before Draco," She led them towards the counter.

"Mister Malfoy, wonderful to see you here," The old man spoke. "Your brother was here not too long ago," He explained as he carefully measured Y/n's arm span and studied his features, Mr. Ollivander then disappeared into the depths of the shop, returning with two boxes and handing one to Y/n. Y/n took the wand out and studied the dark wood before gently twirling the wand, watching as a few books slammed off the shelf. "No, okay," Ollivander muttered before handing the second box.

Just then Y/n heard the bell on the door ring but chose to ignore it as he studied the lighter wand in his hand before giving it a twirl, This time however, he watched the tip glow blue before a sudden surge of electricity shot through his arm. "Bloody hell!" He growled as he placed the wand back on the table, trying not to fling it across the room. "Shut it," Y/n turned to his sister who was breaking into fits of laughter as she stood next to a family of three. "My apologies," Y/n gave them a slight bow, slightly embarrassed by his outburst.

"No worries, wands are a handful aren't they?" The girl stepped forward, her brown hair was all over the place as she extended her hand. "Hermione Granger," She introduced herself with a serious face.

"Y/n," He shook her hand with a smile as he looked at her other hand. "Hogwarts: A History?" Y/n looked confused for a moment.

"I know, strange that someone like me is reading this type of book," It was now the girl's turn to be embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Y/n stuttered as he tried to save himself. "I just meant... I've read it a few times myself," Y/n scratched the back of his head, in fact, he had read that back when he was around seven and still has that same copy to this day.

"Hey, stop embarrassing the lovely girl," Cynthia threw her arm around Y/n's shoulder as she smiled at Hermione. "Is he being a creep?"

"No," Hermione asked shyly as she heard Y/n growl before pushing her off of him.

"Come now, introduce me," Cynthia smiled at her brother as she watched him roll his eyes. "Where are your manners?"

"Cynthia, this is Hermione Granger,"

"Hi," Hermione extended her hand to the taller girl.

"I'm Cynthia Malfoy aka the world's best sister," Cynthia smiled as she shook the brunette's hand.

"Mister Malfoy," Ollivander called as he returned with a third box. "This should be it," He took a wand that had an orange hue to it and studied it before handing it to Y/n who stared at it for a moment before giving it a wave, A vase across the room exploded with a loud echo. "How much magic do you have?" Ollivander asked as he watched the glass scattered across the floor.

"Cynthia," Y/n spun around to his sister who was almost kneeling with tears coming out as she laughed. "Go wait outside with Mum," He ordered as she stood up, wiping the tear from her eye.

"You wouldn't kick your favourite sibling out, now would you?"

"Out," Y/n glared at her as she giggled before leaving. "Sorry, once again," Y/n apologized to Hermione and her family. "And to you as well Mister Ollivander," Y/n turned to face the shopkeeper with his head slightly bowed.

"It's alright, young one..." Mister Ollivander walked into the back of the room, a look of concern etched onto his face.

"Family, am I right?" Hermione smiled as she moved to stand next to the slightly taller boy as they waited for Ollivander to return. "My parents are muggles so they have been so worried the whole day, This is the further they've let me walk away from them," She explained as Y/n looked over at the two who were looking around the shop.

"My mother can be like that sometimes actually," Y/n chuckled as he turned to face the counter once more. "Today was one of the days she doesn't mind me disappearing because there isn't a place here that doesn't know them,"

"Your family's famous?" Hermione asked curiously. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the fact that she had never heard of the Malfoys, it was a comforting reassurance that she didn't automatically hate him because of his last name.

"Normally for the wrong reasons," Y/n shook his head as he watched Ollivander return with a box covered in dust, Ollivander blew the dust off before carefully opening it and taking the wand out, watching as Y/n's eyes grew wide. "Is that a Poplar wand?" Y/n asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Indeed, Mister Malfoy," Ollivander smiled as he handed it to Y/n. "Give it a swirl," he motioned for Hermione to step aside, which she did.

Before Y/n could make a single move with the wand, the wind around him seemed to pick up as a warmth spread across his body. The wind grew stronger until Y/n dropped his hand to his side, The wind grew still on command as a blue flame circled his wand and hand.

"I believe we have found your wand, Mister Malfoy," Ollivander smiled as he watched Y/n study the wand some more, paying for it before turning towards Hermione.

"I'll see you around then," He gave her a small smile which she returned with an aura of confidence as he turned to leave. Walking out of the store he was quickly met with Cynthia yanking the wand out of his hand and looking at it. "I believe that is all of it," Y/n spoke as he took the bag from his mother and smiled at her.

"Such a lovely wand, a lovely book and a beautiful owl," Narcissa smiled as she looked at the creature in its cage. "I'm glad," She turned to leave only to be stopped by Y/n who dug through his bag. "What's the matter?"

"I'll be right back," Y/n pulled his book out of the bag and gave the bag to his mother, turning and running back into the shop as he left a confused Narcissa and a smirking Cynthia behind. "Hey," He called out to Hermione who stood there watching her parents pay for her new wand.

"Y/n?" Hermione turned to the boy as she watched him get closer.

"Enchantments Through Time," Y/n read the cover as he held the book out towards her. "It's another book written by Bathilda Bagshot," Y/n explained as the brunette took the book and stared at it.

"I could never,"

"Read it and tell me what you think when we see each other at Hogwarts again," Y/n smiled before turning to leave. "Take care of it, okay?" He spoke as he reached the door.

"Of course," Hermione smiled as she watched him leave once more, eyes scanning over the entire book as her smile grew larger.

"Such a nice gentleman," Her father spoke as he and his wife joined their daughter. "You do know you aren't allowed to date?"

"Father," Hermione glared at her parents, a slight tint on her cheeks as she turned her attention back to her book and ignored the laughter of her parents.

"What was that about?" Cynthia asked as the three walked through Diagon Alley for the final time.

"Shut up," Y/n didn't even look at his sister as he spoke.

"I am just asking you a question," Cynthia rolled her eyes as she looked into her bag for the last time.

"No, you are interrogating me, shut it," Y/n repeated as they walked.

"Well, look who it is," Draco's voice prevented Cynthia from continuing her questioning as they came around a corner to find Lucius and Draco standing there, waiting for them. "I thought you wanted to be on the winning team, dear Sister," Draco chuckled as he looked at Cynthia's irritated expression.

"If Y/n didn't get distracted then we would have," Cynthia stuck her tongue at her brother who just rolled his eyes as he shifted his gaze towards Y/n, waiting for an answer from him.

"Let's go home," Y/n shook his head, not really in the mood for these banters right now.


Shopping is done and dusted, Hermione has been met and we are getting ready to begin our journey!

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What are your thoughts on our wand?

Are you ready for Hogwarts?

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