By GuildMaster_RiP

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KDA popstars rising to fame in just 1 night but despite their talents there are also the people behind the sc... More

Chapter 1:A Devil Behind the Smile.
Chapter 2: Seraphine
Chapter 3: Pizza?
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Fight?
Chapter 6: Polaroid
Chapter 7:My Queen
Chapter 8:The storm
Chapter 9: Catching Up
Chapter 10: There goes my peace
Chapter 11: I can dress up nice too!
Chapter 12: Party Night! (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Buckle Up.
Chapter 15:Bloody Night
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17:MOM?!
Chapter 18: She Actually has Pretty Eyes
Chapter 19: The Aftermath.
Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!
Chapter 21:Unwanted Guest
Chapter 22: Remenicsing
Chapter 23: Closure with your Demons.
Chapter 24: Wild Goose Chase.
Chapter 25: Midnight Snack
Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.
Chapter 27:What are they doing?
Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze
Chapter 29:Let's go to the Mall!
Chapter 30: Im through with you.
Chapter 31: SURPRISE?
Chapter 32: Game Night!
Chapter 33: New Start
Chapter 34:Walk with me ?
Chapter 35: Back to work.

Chapter 36: Trust

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By GuildMaster_RiP

Message from the Artist/Author: Heya, been a really long time, though i  finally got this one out. For what happened ill be saving all the details and just sum it up with me  doing life and trying to just make ends meet while trying to keep a hold of myself from relapsing mentally. Though  this chapter has been a big roller coaster of ideas and emotion that i didn't know how to break it all down in a better way but i've came to a conclusion to this chapter of the story ,thank you for still believing in me and i hope you enjoy! And see you at the next chapter!

(Y/n) POV

Gasping for air i woke up on my chair where my Computer is set up, looking in front of me is my computer screens with different programs on and sticky notes hanging on the top part of my screen, moving slightly i felt the back of my neck and the bottom part of my back aching after passing out on my chair. I removed the neck pillow and placed it around the head rest of my office chair.

(Y/n):Another day another all nighter.

Its has been 7 days since my employment as creative director for the band and now im collaborating with the studio that we are going to work with for the music video. So far we've already started processing the concept of the settings, costumes, and props to the rest of the team now its just their job to pass me the concepts while i supervise to meet the director and bands vision.

(Y/n):God it does pays to do less, but the real pain in the ass is searching the right stuff for the budget.

After rubbing the side of my head trying to focus on waking up , I stood up and stretched my body feeling the numbness of my body from sitting all night slowly getting ligther. Though I'm also thankful that the studio let me do the work from home and do my thing while i do a video call to the team. I went to the kitchen grabbing something i can snack with, thinking what to eat i decide maybe to go outside get some outside interaction to have a change of pace. I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys since i borrowed the car from Paxton instead and head to Sera's work to grab something to eat. Getting in the car i turned on the hazard and before leaving i double checked my phone if they were any new things that was going up while i was busy, and so far the girls are doing various collabs with brands to be their models for there new products though Eve was been meaning to visit me but i told her that i was also busy and gave her rain checks. Same went to Li she's been wanting to just visit and chill though Eve has been stopping her, but i myself told her that i needed to focus as well.

(Y/n):Though she must be getting jealous when Li tries to go.

Sera on the other hand was able to get her old job at the cafe even though she earned a lot from working with mom, I scrolled down more and forgot that Nicole actually message me during the week about that "talk" i just replied her that ill let her know since ill be busy for the coming day but i was also trying to buy some time till i feel mentally ready to face her.I toss the phone to the side and started the engine driving to the cafe making a small visit to sera while grabbing something to eat.


Reading a book at the pantry on our backyard i was getting very frustrated that i haven't seen (y/n) for the past week despite our hectic schedule since our return here it seem we can't get a break from being idols. I put the book down and drank some coffee looking at the phone on the side our text message with (y/n), lately we have been communicating much more often now after what happened at the party a week ago which makes me happy with these changes. Though I've been meaning to visit him but i didn't knew when or how i'd i visit him without interrupting him at work. Biting my the tip of my nail i was conflicted to text him.

Eve:Argghh, come on Evelynn weren't you suppose to be taking a aggressive approach.

I texted (y/n) if he was free and just placed the phone on the table face down, letting a large sigh of having a nerve wracking decision. The next second i got a text though it was suspected since he was working but as i flipped my phone to see his reply i rush to my room to get ready.

(Y/n) POV

Putting my phone on my pocket i entered the Cafe from a distance i could already tell who it was on the counter, a girl with pink hair looking slightly sleepy than her energetic look.

(Y/n):Hey Sera.

Sera:Huh? Oh hi (y/n).

(Y/n):Not looking any good today.

Sera:Oh...Akali and I have been up all night..


Sera:No she's actually helping me on a new song im trying to make.

(Y/n):Nice, let me hear it once you've record it?

Sera:Absolutely and of course ill need your help too~

I rolled my eyes and just smiled at her smirk.

(Y/n): You know my rates, now can i have my order? kinda starving.

Sera:So what would it be.

(Y/n):Ill have a Alfredo pasta, Turkey sandwich and a Macha latte with extra milk.

Sera:Hungry aren't we? Some's been working hard at their new gig.

She chuckles as she started typing on the screen for my order.

(Y/n):I haven't ate much last night gimme a break.

Sera:Then congratulation for a hard days work, that will be $25.56.

(Y/n):No friend discount?

Sera:ill put in a small extra piece of chicken breast and a sprinkle of cheese on your Alfredo.

She starts chuckling more though its nice her getting lively again.

(Y/n):Fine ill take that.

Sera:Ill get your drink ready then come to you, yeah?

(Y/n):Sounds good.

I didn't go further and just took a seat on the ground floor near the window area. Looking around the whole floor was half filled with people.

Maybe bringing Eve here wasnt the brightest of ideas.

I sat on the chair near the window to get some sunlight at least once in awhile than lurking in a corner. I brought out my phone to see any updates on the teams progress so far and any message for venues we can use for the Set. Most of the time i spent was still work related though it is nerve wracking of how much i have to be present in this whole project.

Sera:Heres your drink.

Greeted to the now cheerful pink haired waitress she placed the drink and sandwich on the table.

(Y/n):Thanks Sera.


(Y/n):Ben not around?

Sera:He took the shift off.

Her gaze went else were as her body language seemed like something was wrong.

(Y/n): things now progressing for the both of you?

Sera:good friends.

I brought up my hand and close it for a fist bump.

(Y/n):you know im rooting for you.

She smiled and lightly bumped my fist, after that she didn't say much but had to go back or else she'll get in trouble.

Sera POV

Half an hour has passed the day was getting slow with a bit of customers coming in today. Thinking about what (y/n) said i did a loud exhale from all that frustration.

Sera:Maybe i'm always focusing on something else.

It true that i did most of was help (y/n), compose music help the girls that i neglected these feelings i have.

Sera:Maybe i should give up...

Eve:Hello Sera,Dear.

Sera:Yeah maybe Eve can help me, she's good at these kind of stuff.

Realizing I've actually heard Eve voice for a second i looked up and saw different girl with red crimson hair, with a much more different fashion eve would have.


Eve:Hello darling~

Sera:New hair?

Eve:Oh this? Just a gimmick.

The tips of her hair slightly turned back to white like a filter she just turns on and off.

Sera:Right, forgot you can do that.

Eve:Mhm, is (y/n) here?

Sera:Yep and you two finally on a date?

Eve:I wish but were just hanging out for the mean time.


I cocked a brow and look at her with curious expression.

Eve:Well obviously ill make (y/n) like me.

Sera:And how's that plan going to you.

Eve:I-it's a working progress.

She looked away with her lips slightly pouting while she fixed the ring she has on her finger.


Seeing how Eve was Atleast doing her best to impress the person she likes here i am still at my first step as just friends with Ben. Eve was looking through the glass windows of pastries we have.

Sera:Hey, Eve how do you do it?


Sera:You make the person you like notice you..


I was suprised by her words thinking who is the guy , though i looking at her eyes that was filled with frustration while yearning for that person to notice you, something that i can relate and see a distant reflection of myself in the past.

Eve:I wish i have a concrete answer to this eternal question.... but

I removed my shades and gave her a genuine smile.

Eve:All i can share from woman to woman is just be yourself dear, and don't be afraid to take leaps with the person you like..

Remembering that time as i should've confessed to (y/n) back then maybe it would've been different form now.

Eve:cause it may be too late before you even make a move.

Sera look down thinking of what i said with a slight gloomy expression.

Sera:You really think I can do it?

Eve:I know you can do it.


Looking at my Emails though my phone I heard a familiar voice and felt a tap on the shoulder, looking over instead I was greeted by a woman with crimson red hair that sounded just like Eve.

Eve:Hello Darling.

(Y/n):Eve? Your..

I paused for a second trying process who i was looking at. She was much a different Evelynn than i know from her clothes right now with a much more semi formal with a turtle neck while wearing a sweater coat around her.

Eve:Hair? it's just a gimmick dont worry about it .

Her hair slightly turned back to white just to show what she meant, reminding me Eve has some shapeshifting ability.

Eve:Though im glad you'd notice.

(Y/n):its hard to not miss it.

Eve went to the opposite side for a seat while I was still looking at her while being amazed at her new look.

Eve:What? Cat got your tongue?

(Y/n):You can say that.

Eve:Oh is (y/n) actually into redheads?

She leaned forward placing her chin on the palm of her hand while she rest her elbow on the table, smirking at me as she tries to get a reaction from me.

(Y/n):Why? Would it matter?

i looked away hiding my face getting flustered trying to hide a smile.

Eve:I dont know maybe i might keep this look.

She lifts some of her and plays with it, twirling it around with a finger.

(Y/n):I think you look better the way you are.

Looking at the corner of my eye Eve looked at me with surprised looked as  she wasn't expecting i'd reply like that? I noticed her top part of her cheeks were getting red. I rested my arm on the top of the back of the chair and smirked at her slightly making fun of her as well by saying the same thing as she did.

(Y/n):What happened, cat got your tongue?

Eve:In your dreams.


I was caught off guard by (y/n)'s words not gonna lie, it was cheesy but still got me somehow.

(Y/n):Though i am curious how that works from your kind.

I showed a face of Confusion from (y/n)'s words

Eve:I didn't get that, darling.

(Y/n):like that shapeshifting.

Eve:What about it?

(Y/n):im guessing thats your version of incognito?


(Y/n):Why not you know...

He did some hand gestures around his face just hovering his hands around it.

(Y/n):Change your face?

I see where his getting at.

Eve:We do have a law with our kind, we can't shape shift into someone else face or body but we are allowed to modify our bodies to a certain extent.

(Y/n):How do you guys even keep track of those people who might break the rule?

Eve:Blood oath.

I flip my wrist and lit up the sigil that we engraved agreeing that we can take this form that we made and never use our abilities to a certain extent.

(Y/n):That's interesting.

I was happy (y/n) took some interest in my kinds history to say that me and him are finally getting to know each other and picking up the pace we've lost back in high school.

(Y/n):You guys must be really in high demand as models in the fashion industries.

Eve:Ugh don't get me started, money is good but changing left and right is tiring! They want one thing then  to another, it doesn't stop!

(Y/n) POV

Eve and I spent Several with her telling stories about her friends that are the same of her kind that do modeling and acting, to how it's tiring for them to change all the time per clients demands, though it would seem Eve had a somehow experience to it. Feeling some butterflies on my stomach, the feeling of nostalgia kicking in from looking at Eve.

Eve:Something wrong, darling?

Waking up from my train of thoughts eve was now looking at me with my smile i can no longer erase from my mind.

Her smile turned slightly to a smug so i just rolled my eyes and averted my gaze.

Eve:Awe come one whats wrong~

She started poking my hand leaning slightly forward anticipating a reaction from me. Though this reminds me more of back then in the library with her, Eve would tease me left and right non stop while i work on her presentation.

(Y/n):I just saw a bug flew to your hair.

I raised my cup for a drink hiding my smile and chuckle from her as she sat back and started patting her hair.

Eve:Are you serious? Darling, don't joke something like that.

Bit softly bit my lips while drinking as she looked at me with a dead serious look while i just smiled.


She raised her shades then took a sip of her drink as well while making a slight pouty expression.

(Y/n):Awe come on i was having some fun for myself too~

Eve:Ha ha. But just admit it you were entranced by me a minute ago~

Here we go again.

I snickered and rolled my eye the more i give in, Eve's is just gonna get full of herself but that the good thing cause she wouldn't expect most replies.

(Y/n): How'd you know?

Eve:Oh dear (y/n), you have that same look back at high school. My eyes can't deceive me from what a person is feeling.

Peeking my interest i continue listening to what she's going to share.

(Y/n):So what was i feeling?

Eve:Flabbergasted? Taken away?

I rubbed my chin and nodded my head while listening to Eve's observation

(Y/n): Mhm mhm....Interesting


She smiled at me while i cocked my eye at her.

(Y/n):Keep dreaming Eve.

Eve:Oh come on I'm slowly getting to you aren't I?

(Y/n):No comment.

Spinning the straw around my drink i felt my cheeks numbing from my smile I'm making. The happiness Im feeling and how much I'm enjoying my time with Eve and how longed we enjoy each others company with a old nostalgic feeling mixed with a bitter sweet taste. Though i've also felt a small empty part of myself was found in this moment, the same bitter sweet feeling but the bitter taste out weighed the sweet joy i was feeling ,even if i try to remember I couldn't tell what caused this pain to trigger again from memories i still couldn't remember. Maybe from the the fact i have met Nicole once more and now that i am experiencing all this emotions with Eve i am not confronted as well to the ghost of my past.

Eve:Something wrong darling? You seemed to be in deep thought.

Eve looked at me with a concerned expression while i fiddle the side of my cup moving my thumb up and down feeling the cold surface of the cup with the thought if i should tell Eve about Nicole. But somehow I'm scared the question is "of what?", what was i there to lose Eve and I are friends and we've shared that common memory of that person...she deserve to know to say the least.

I took a deep breath and re-adjust my posture on my seat.

(Y/n): Can you promise me to not over react?

Eve:Yeah i can, whats the problem darling?

I cleared my throat 1 more time before telling her the news i have.

(Y/n):I've....met Nicole.

Eve:you've met her?

(Y/n):Its complicated... I got this gig i told you about then i just met her by chance.

Eve:Are you talking about "that Nicole"

(Y/n):The one and only.


I was very surprised when (y/n) mention Nicole's name , something that i have not heard again ever since that day me and (y/n) had closure. My breathing and blood pressure were increasing, the thought of me wishing that i was the one who saw her so and grasping her neck while watching her Eye cry in fear. I kept a some how composed reaction. Though my curiosity bit me as i wanted to more on what happened.

Eve:And? What happened?

(Y/n) was grinding his teeth while taking his time to form his words.

My train of thought playing different scenarios of what might have happen to them, knowing Nicole's true color and the thought of (y/n) and her meeting once again i can't help just think of the things she will say or do to (y/n).

(Y/n):She wanted to talk.

I snapped back to reality from (y/n)'s words , completely in disbelief from what he said.

Eve:Nicole? Wanting to talk. To you?

(Y/n):I'm also confused myself, Karthus somehow talk to me and i just-

Eve:wait wait wait, Karthus talked to you? Are you saying that your gig is with Pentakill?

(Y/n) looked the other direction, puckering his lips like "oh snap i talked too much" was written all over his face. I slouch back and crossed my arms around looking at (y/n) with a cocked brow.

Eve:Anything else you want to share?

(Y/n):Ahri know about the Pentakill gig.

Eve:just her?

(Y/n):Cross my heart.

I was slightly hurt that (y/n) hid this from me and that Ahri already knew about it, though it was also surprise to me that (y/n) was also working with Karthus and his band of mischiefs.

Have to check up on that old man, also might give me the chance to meet Nicole myself, 2 birds 1 stone.

(Y/n):i was planning of telling this


Just when the mood was getting better all it took was just turn of the conversation and it was all ruined.

(Y/n):I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner.

Looking at (y/n) who was looking upset I couldn't get mad at (y/n) even if it hurt me that he didn't told me about it. I wanted to but looking at him he was being sincere for me now i wanted to know and believe his now trying for our friendship.

Eve:You had you reason, especially for nicole.


Eve:So? Did you talk?

(Y/n):That's were the spicy part goes....we haven't

Eve:Huh? Why?

(Y/n):Look it's not easy for me to just suddenly talk to the person you hate and  just appeared then wanting to talk to you like nothing happened.


(Y/n):So i told her to ill tell her about it....and..


(Y/n):Today i've talked to her to meet up tonight.


(Y/n):at a pub near the Piltover bridge, not far from my place.

Eve:Great, im coming with you.

(Y/n):Eve this is something between me and Nicoles.

Eve:Oh i got some my own fair share Nicole too, darling.

I was eager to finally get my hands on her neck and just squeeze the life out of her.

(Y/n) POV

I was worried telling Eve about Nicole would just make her violent but to my surprised she handled it much better than i expected though i had my small doubts that she's just suppressing her anger, though stopping her won't do any better knowing how committed Eve can go.

(Y/n):Im serious here, Eve.

Eve:Why are you even giving her a chance, you know-

(Y/n):If it makes her stop from pestering me ill gladly listen to whatever story it is whether it's bullshit or not I just want this over.

I clenched my fist tightly from thinking i wanting to move on to my life. A closure if better described, if karthus is right about people changing then whats the point of myself trying if i can't believe people can change, the matter is showing the result and pushing on to improve myself by finally handling my own demons head on.

Eve:I just worry, Darling.

She placed her hand on mine that was resting on the table which made me slightly pulled back my hand.

(Y/n):Then trust me on this. I'm already letting you come with me but I need to trust you won't do anything.

Eve took her time, after taking a deep breath she agreed.

Eve:Fine, ill give her "slap at the wrist."

(Y/n):No physical involvement.

Eve:Finee, a proper girl to girl talk, but your leaving me with her.

(Y/n):Fine by me.

I really wasn't interested of Eve's beef with Nicole though it was already obvious what's it about. Though now that me and Eve came to an understanding now all i can think of are the things i've said.


A strong and familiar word i've never knew i'd be using, after-all those years of doubt flooding my thoughts, questioning every persons real intention whether or they were really sincere of there friendship with me. Yet despite the doubts i have they've stayed on my better and worse.....not because of pity nor what was on my name but who i am, and i was a fool to continue to doubt them.

Akali POV

Woke up from a faint voice, opening my eyes that were starting to focus on the rooms ceiling i moved them to looked at where the voice were coming from.

Kai'sa:Hey Kali wake up already, its laundry day.

My face was still groggy while my head was spinning around still trying to gain control of myself.

Akali:What time is it...

Kai'sa:2pm, com on i've already cooked you brunch.

Akali:10 more min-

Before i even my sentence the next thing i knew everything was black, soft and stinky, next thing i knew pile of my clothes that i left on the hamper where tossed to my face.

Ahri:I'm not doing them so stand up.

My voice was slightly muffle but it didn't stop me form having a nice nap.

Akali: Nice try gumi but that-

I felt another heavy pile went straight to my belly.

Akali:Last months?




The two left me while i trying to push the clothes off my face trying to catch my breath.

Akali:Yeah, maybe today is the day.

I started packing up the clothes from the floor and bed to the hamper, picking up each piece i stood up and tossed them i looked to my work corner and saw (y/n)'s shirt that i borrowed , fitted on the office chair like it was some kind cover sleeve. I took it off and stared at it for a few seconds I didn't knew what came into me but i wore it and looked at myself into the mirror, I tilted my head slightly while shyly holding my arm I've recall what Eve asked me about my feeling with (y/n) it was clear to me i did had a small romantic fling with (y/n) but it was all put to a just platonic friendship with him.My head suddenly ached, rubbing the side of my head i recalled a blurry memory i can't make up with, though it was just looking at my own self on a mirror..but...somewhere else..

Coming back to my senses I picked up the remaining clothes and carried the hamper to the laundry room near the garage. Arriving to the area, i started shoving my clothes in the machine after that i realized i was still wearing (y/n)'s shirt removing it i took another good look at it.

Kai'sa:Missing him already?

I tossed the shirt to the machine by surprise, looking at my side I and saw Kai'sa making a smug face while leaning on the door frame of the laundry room.

Akali:Got no idea what your talking about.

Acting oblivious to her to even give her a chance to make fun of me.

Kai'sa: Oh come on Akali, i wont tell the others~

Akali:I said it was nothing!

I ended up lashing out to Kai'sa out of anger as this topic always makes me frustrated. Realizing i snapped at Kai'sa was looking at me, surprised.

Akali: I....I'm sorry Kai'sa

I stood up and walk pass her and decided to wait in my room as i didn't have the energy to eat for the afternoon. I tossed myself to the bed, landing on my front I took a deep breath before turning around and looking at the ceiling, This whole week felt like a roller coaster but work and hobbies helped me from these conflicted feelings i hold something I have not kept in touched not until i met with (y/n) again after years. A fleeting feeling that i have kept for the sake of my friendship with (y/n), but was it really for that reason? But when I'm with (y/n) i feel certain feelings that i somehow familiar with, but when I dwell into more it just becomes unfamiliar to me of the "hows and why's" i feel these , as if i was longing for it like it was lost to me.

I felt my stomach grumble making me pout.

Akali:I should've grabbed something before coming back in...

I heard another knock as i didn't felt like seeing them for the meantime.

Akali:Go away...

I heard the door opened despite me telling them off, i adjusted my head and saw Kai'sa.

Akali:Kai'sa...just give em a few hours-

My stomach grumble loudly make me flustered while i heard Kai'sa chuckling on the side.

Kai'sa:I've brought you the meal i cooked, soo...truce for the meantime?

I sat up in bed and looked at her as she smiled at me holding the meal she made.'s my fault for lashing out to sorry.

Rubbing the side of my shoulder feeling ashamed from what i did. Kai'sa placed the food on my desk and sat on my side placing her hand on my shoulder.

Kai'sa:Hey, it's alright okay? But if there is something bothering you, we're here for you.

I wouldn't know if Kai'sa would understand what i'm feeling since i don't know if she even dated anyone or had a crush on someone, its embarrassing that we've been together for 5 years yet we still don't know some things about each other.

Akali:Have you ever fell in love with someone?

Kai'sa:So it is about (y/n)?

I got flustered from seeing her smile.

Akali:No! I mean....i dont know...

Kai'sa: I guess i can finally share it to you too.

I as confused of where she was going to but i sat comfortable ,lifting my leg up and resting my head on my knee.

Kai'sa:I do have my fare share, but not in a relationship.

It pique my interest that Kai'sa had atleast some love interest.

Akali:Wait finally? So the others knew?

Kai'sa:Mhm, you just didnt'  asked.

Kai'sa chuckle as i was still dumbfound but then again Kai'sa is not that much talkative about their lives unless you really ask, but it didn't went to my mind about her having some love interest.

Kai'sa POV

I was surpised at Akali's question as i was expecting something about what was troubling her. Though it wasnt a story i was shy to tell..

Akali:So so who is this person?

Akali took the bowl of food and sat at the same spot excitedly waiting for my story, i chuckled as she look cute and silly.

Kai'sa: he's a friend i met at highschool.

Akali:Didn't you studied at a all girls with Ahri?

Kai'sa:Yeah, but i met him at my dance class outside school.

Akali:Explains it.

Remembering everything gave me the feeling of bliss as it was a important turn of my life meeting him.


I woke up from my day dreaming as a familiar face introduces themself

John:Hey wake up, coach might make you do laps again to wake up.

The guy with brown hair and glasses is John who've i've became friends with. He lend me a hand and grabbed him at the wrist to stand up.

Kai'sa:Gumi brought me over night to meet some friends from Piltover High.

John:Isn't your dad strict on you staying late out?

Kai'sa:He's  slowly easing up.

John:Well his little girl is going finally to college~

I nudge my shoulder making me move slightly to the side making me do the same but slightly push him softly. I wasn't really social person back then because of my parent's being strict and me traveling my whole childhood because of my dad's work, but after my dad  finally settled in working at Piltover and meeting Gumi at my first years in high school things were first rocky but it slowly sailed being with her i've met many people and learned many things and pushed me to dancing.

Kai'sa:Oh stop it, i still need to find a college to attend.

John:So tell me who these "friends" you met, what type of people are they~

I thought of teasing John so i tried to make a lie.

Kai'sa:They're all guys.

John:Oh dating?

He made a interested expression.

Kai'sa:Nah its a lie.

I giggled just as i wasn't really expecting his reaction.

Kai'sa: Plus i'm not really familiar with all this love and dating.

John:Are you not....

I looked at him with a cocked brow.

John: you know interested in..

He pointed his chin to the side, pointing out the women on the side who are warming up making his point if i was interested in women.

Kai'sa:No, cause that would be a different story.

John:I'm sure you find that spark but for now, warm ups.

He patted my shoulder and joined the rest to do their warm ups.  I looked at his back thinking about what he said.

Finding that spark....

I didn't thought of it that way of how love is or what it feels...not with him nor did the idea pass the head. What did it takes to find this spark? Everyday i go to train to dance here i feel excited unlike any other day in school when i dance my heart beats as it like it was going to explode just like in any drama novels explain it, is my love for dancing almost the same as love?

Though  when i'm with John or if we both dance partner it just happens though confused if  it was  love or my excitement to dance?

But the question keeps lingering in my mind

Do i love him?

My mind and heart both confused made it hard to me to trust which feeling is which.But as time flew soon....

John: Kai'sa?

My focus shifted back but the setting has now changed looking around i saw John but now with another girl. It was now clear to me  who she was, as his hand was wrapped around hers . My heart ached as if some stabbed it with a knife and needles, though it was clear to me to finally realize it....I knew it was love that i felt for him.


I woke up once more from my thought as if time flew so fast but it was just second.

Akali:So? Who is he?

Kai'sa:Someone i met before you and Eve , he was at dance class i attended.

As i thought of him 1 more time, it wasn't all heart breaks and tears but appreciation that i met him...because i can now atleast understand what love is.

Kai'sa :Though things didn't really went well


Kai'sa:I was too blind to my own feelings and didn't trust what this feelings i had. But i was also young and new to all of it..


Kai'sa:but i was thankful...he thought me a lot of things... one of them is to trust my heart and feelings...

Akali made a small pouty expression as she look down.

I raised her head up.

Kai'sa:So whatever your feeling, trust it because it's the most honest thing you love everything is expressed through what your heart feels.

Akali:But your still telling me more of this John dude.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes as i thought i could also get some tea from what Akali is going through but today i think i she need some time to think for herself, and i hope she finds her answer.

Kai'sa:Alright fine.

(Y/n) POV

We arrived at the pub in time looking around i couldn't find Nicole inside, i widened my search and looked at the outside part of the pub. Though the place looks very victorian style but with candle lamps made with gears dangle but rather than candles there are small bulbs inside it while they lit up the room  string lights.

Eve:She has taste in classics ill give her that.

I looked behind me and stared at Eve with a cocked brow.


I shook my head as i wasnt expecting Eve to say that. I texted Nicole before hand but i haven't received any reply not until now, i looked at my phone and read the text on my lock screen seeing her reply "Outside" So i looked further out and saw Nicole who was by herself but wearing a unbutton cardigan with a tanktop as a under shirt, rip jeans and a beanie.  Walking to her i stopped mid way and looked at Eve.

(Y/n):Eve, promise me alright?

Eve:I know Darling.

(Y/n):I trust you.

Eve:And i wont break it, so lets go.

it wasnt as convincing from her tone as Eve grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to Nicole. I was getting nervous and slightly un comfy but it wasn't like those heart clenching times i've been exposed to people who have mistreated me.

(Y/n):Hey wai-

We arrived the at the table and Nicole was suprise i was with someone but she doesn't know it's Eve, well thats what i think.

Nicole:H-hey (y/n). I didnt expect you to bring...



I took a deep breath after hearing her say that. is it alright..

Exhaling i look at Eve with a poker face.

(Y/n):Can you give us some time.

Eve:Of course babe.

She pecked me by the checked which made me shudder.

I swear im gonna smack this woman.

I sat on the table and noticed Nicole has already started drinking.

Nicole:How long?


Nicole:How long have you two been dating?

As i'm still flustered by the little stunt Eve made, I tried to think of a quick response cause Eve just brought it out of the blue hoping we could have just introduced her in a much later time after me and Nicole chat.

(Y/n):Not long, 5 months.

Nicole:I see...

There was a small awkward silence after, the only thing filled that silence was the cheerful loud crowd in the pub and the loud beating of my heart with my right leg rapidly stopping my feet of how uncomfy i am feeling right now. 

Nicole:How about a drink? Do you want some?

(Y/n):No need i-

A felt and heard loud thud on our table was hear as it also made a small shake, we looked at our side to see Eve holding a pint of draft beer on her hand.

Eve:Got you a drink babe~

I looked at her with a straight face while she just smiled back at me ,my left eye started twitching slightly.


Eve was just standing still and looking at me, waiting for me to do something.She slightly titled her head while  i tried to keep a straight face but Eve slightly push the drink to me and smiled more, i tried to biting my lips  suppressing  my embarrassment .


She then smiled and left the two of us leaving me defeated and embarrassed of what i've said.


When i pull the drink closer i felt my left cheeks became warm as it spread all over my ear feeling flustered as i realized she kissed my again before leaving.

Nicole:You sure the both are dating? Seems 1 sided.

(Y/n):It's complicated.

Nicole:Well you gotta keep her tight or else.

she pointed out Eve who was at the bar grabbing a drink for herself but with a bunch of guys seated around it were trying to flirt with her. till i noticed one of the guys was going to manhandle her, Nicole told me off.

Nicole:Hey aren't yo-

A loud thud was heard from the place were Eve was, next thing you see was Eve had two of the guys down on the floor.

(Y/n):She can handle her own.

I took a sip of my drink looking at the reflection of myself  through the glass, as i think of what just happened, i seemed  to not be  fazed when Eve being flirted with other men. Why? Cause of how i see my own self worth for Eve isn't as high as i think of myself? Or it was just a normal nature of Eve if she wants something she will take it. Going back thinking the things done to me only sent warmth from my face but through my chest and butterflies in my belly. I took another sip drowning some of it away from my system.

Nicole: Well your girl is something, She does reminded me of Eve.

I was slightly getting ticked off as the topic was getting further and further.

(Y/n):Look Nicole, I'm here to listen to whatever story you got not socialize with you. So what Ever you have to say, just say it.

Her expression changed to a slightly gloomy expression, did i felt bad? No, especially to someone who's treated me like trash.

Nicole:Well....first of....I just want to apologize.


Nicole:Everything. High school. Eve.

(Y/n):How is Eve any part of this?

I leaned back and crossed my hand together listening to Nicole's "apology"

Nicole:I felt like... I damaged your friendship with her... seeing how everything all went down between the two of you.. it was my doing that you pushed Eve.

So Eve and Akali were right....i was the one who pushed her away.

Knowing everything is all aligned i still can't shake the feeling that something isnt right like there is more to it than just that, like putting puzzles pieces that fit but doesnt match,  but what ever  it was i shook it off thinking  for the time being now that i've now have a grasp of it and maybe everything fill be clear to me of whatever it is in the future.

(Y/n):Then why now?

Nicole sat in silence in a few second while she fiddled around her glass.

Nicole:I've....come to a understanding...of your side of the spectrum..

I slightly got angry hearing her words as how is she even capable of saying that after what she's done. Though i acted maturely and continue listening before getting my emotions involved again.

(Y/n):How? You have powers so is  there no way you'd now what we felt.

Nicole:My mom..... was actually divorced when i was in high school but married another guy after a few year...

I took a sip of my drink listening to her sappy story.

Nicole:and of course they had a kid.

I already knew were the story was heading as she said those lines but i sat and listened for the respect of her even trying this. She brought out her phone and showed a picture  of her little brother that seemed like 6 or 7

Nicole:and of all things when you reach that age...

(Y/n):Your brother didn't get his powers.

Nicole:Yead .and with  family that has hold a arcane lineage, that gives birth to one who doesn't posses such thing is really something you'd question what went wrong.

(Y/n):Your dad's genes?

Nicole:Unlikely, he also possesses the arcane.

(Y/n):Then the change of heart.

Nicole:Yeah......but after that day i looked at my little brother crying at his room to every single day he came back home after a few a weeks....he always tells me  was being made fun of the kids at school for being a "blank".

I took a deep breath as i've also felt that pain in my chest.

Nicole:I stood there in front of his door room, helpless to do anything because i was never treated like that from anyone.... but in that moment i realized that everyday i took, hurt and degrade someone who didn't have powers and when i look at my little brother it was like i was looking at a reflection of the effects of  my own actions.

Her words hit the nail as it was a something i could related to his little brother but i slightly doubtful of her as she herself is a very deceiving person.But i kept it to myself as i wanted to see her change by her action not just her words.

Nicole:So i'm deeply sorry for everything i've done.

I adjusted my posture and sat back taking a deep breath and thinking for the next words that will come out from my mouth.

(Y/n):Listen Nicole, i can't tell you that, I accept your apology.


(Y/n):But maybe someday i can find it deep in my heart to forgive you...

Nicole took a sip of her drink as she looked a bit upset while i was feeling lost with my feeling despite remember that day with Nicole right now it didn't hurt remembering anymore, as if passed it was just a bad memory in time.

(Y/n):anything else?

Nicole:think...that's about it..

We sat in silence, processing the things I've heard.

Nicole:Can i have a moment? Ill be right back.


Nicole POV

I went straight to the rest room and to the faucet, splashing water from my face i felt my face getting heavy. I took deep breaths as i really wasn't ready despite all those days of waiting.

Nicole:Great...just great...

???:Hello Nic, dear.

A familiar voice echoed at the restroom as i turned my back I was just  (y/n)'s girlfriend.

Nicole:Oh it's you i thought you were-

Her appearance change as her red crimson hair turned to a silver white and her eyes from Blue to yellow.


I was first speechless as i didn't expect it was Eve all along.

Nicole:Wait,you and (y/n)?


Nicole:Oh then it was just all...

Eve:Of course, just to keep the people away from sniffing around plus it was fun to do some roleplay~


It's was slightly awkward for me as meeting Eve again after years ,as things didn't end well on those last few months of high school, she walked towards me as i was getting cornered to the counter of the faucet area. She was looking straight at my with a piercing gaze.

Nicole:S-something wrong Eve?

Eve:Don't play dumb,i knew what you did to (y/n).

At first i was lost of what she meant but if (y/n) is here about our issues then Eve must also know.

Nicole:w-wait h-

Before i could speak i felt her hand gripped my neck with my feet lifting up from the floor.

Eve:If it wasn't for (y/n) i would've removed  you off to the face of the earth.

Her gaze started to send shiver's through my spine and goosebumps all over my arms, she didn't choke my neck but just lifted me up though it was still difficult enough to breath. My heart was beating fast as i tried to speak i felt her finger's slowly grasping my neck, i tried to break free so i  focused my minds  so i could cast my magic.


It felt so good seeing her eyes showing struggles and fear, a electric sensation course around my body  slowly drowning on my own rage and  ecstasy i snapped back to reality before i let my own self do anything rash so i immediately let her go as she tried to gasp for air. I felt a small breeze so  I looked at hand her  that was about  to cast magic but was slowly fading, my gaze focus back to her while she just looked at me with eyes filled with confusion and anger.

Eve:Let this be a warning from me to you, i don't care what you want from (y/n) today, but if you lift a single finger at him ever again like last time.

I cupped my hand on her cheeks and squeezed it as humanely tight as i can .

Eve:I will UNMAKE YOU, Understood?

She  nodded her head and i let go of her face and booped her nose leaving a satisfied  grin on my face.


I took some tissued on the side and wiped my hands on it before tossing it to the trash can.

Eve:Nice catching up, dear.

I walked back to (y/n) feeling the fresh with blowing through my face, I sat beside him feeling a bit satisfied.

(Y/n):What did you do?


(Y/n):Come on, it's written all over your face.

Eve:Oh me and our little friend had our "girl to girl talk"


Eve:She's alive just give her some time to process everything.


Eve:It was "revealing" if

(Y/n):You didn't hurt her right?

I bit my lips and tried to look away.

(Y/n):Eve i trusted you with something and you still did it!

I was shocked at (y/n) slightly raised his voice

(Y/n):i can't keep having you going rampart on people just on my behalf.

Eve:It was between me and her (y/n), not you!

Nicole:Hey if you two are on couples quarrel can I leave?

We both looked at Nicole who was standing in front of us as me and (y/n) took our distance away from each other while Nicole sat back at her seat.

Nicole:Well i'm happy to see the band is back.

Our eyes shifted to Nicole looking at her with a straight look, as we aren't really happy to be with her.

Nicole:or not. Though do you have anything to say on your side (y/n)?

(Y/n):I hated thats all, from what you did to me i hated you with all my life.

Nicole:I see....

(Y/n): But for now ill just try to move on from here, i've gotten tired blaming other people from what you did so that why I've came hear to listen to you and finally make amends to this burden.

I was happy (y/n) was moving on and making changes to his life while also seeing the bigger picture of things.

(Y/n):So that just about it Nicole, i'm done with you and if we ever meet in the future who knows i might put everything away now.

I didn't say anything cause it wasn't my position and issue to begin with. (Y/n) took another sip before putting his drink on the side.

(Y/n):Alright im leaving soon, i still got work to do.

Eve:Hard working just like your mom.

(Y/n):Shuddup, aren't you leaving as well?

I looked at Nicole who was in the middle of drinking but stopped as she was looking at us.

(Y/n):How about you Nicole? Don't you got work at the office tomorrow?

Nicole:Karthus told me to take the day off since they're working on their album at Mord's studio.


Eve:Speaking of that old fellow, I got to meet with up with him again.

Nicole POV

As the two were left the table, the  whole atmosphere  became much calm. Though i wasn't expecting that it was Eve who was actually who was with (y/n). I looked around to find the 2 and  watched them from the side thinking in my mind how much time has passed but how they're still the same were they left off. Though seeing how things went Eve's side that i usually see when (y/n) is in danger it all made sense why she'd do the same thing to me up till now....

Nicole:she hasn't change at all..

And It hasn't changed till now for her...I sat on my table thinking of the results of today went and it was expected that  (y/n) didn't  forgive me, but let alone listen to what i had to say was something un expecting. Thinking of what he said...all i can do is try to be the better of me...not for him.. but for everyone..

I took another drink but taking almost 1/4 of my cup, feeling the alcohol slowly pouring down my throat yet the disappointed feeling of not getting drunk from my drink.

This really sucks...

(Y/n) POV

Feeling relieved on our way back to Eve's car feeling my heartbeat beating fast I took a deep breath feeling the cold breeze blow my face my chest slowly felt light like heavy chains

i stopped at the door and leaned my arm on top of the car.

(Y/n):Eve we need talk.

Eve:I told you (y/n), whatever happened is personal to me and her.

(Y/n):I know and i just want you to take it easy, i know you get very erratic.

she cocked a brow at me while i just looked at her with wide eyes making a point.

Eve:I'm not that erratic.

I slightly tilted my head and just look at her with a straight face.

Eve:Fine, but whatever happened between me and her is none of yours (y/n) i didn't do it on your behalf but mine own.

It was clearly obvious for me  especially to what may the two have fought about, what other else what we've been through both victims from the same person unless something else did happen when i was gone, either way i wanted to hear it from Eve herself.Though thinking about  it still pestered  my head of the possibility, but she was right it was something between them and i wasn't in the position to but in even if then i still worry her methods.

(Y/n):I just worry.

She leaned on the top of the car and looked at me.

Eve:And thats what makes you special from the rest.

She went in the car leaving me flustered and speechless with her words that are now hitting me in ways i thought i wouldn't feel again.

I really need to stay on guard from this woman.

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