𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓 | #𝟏...

Por rhyzwrites

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𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐔𝐓𝐘 A U R E L I A : " I applied here to get away from my family and to... Más



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Por rhyzwrites

" done deal. "

AM I SERIOUSLY about to do this with my boss? Maybe. Most likely.

I stare at the empty space underneath my name on the last page of the contract, and then Rainer's signature under his. I nibble on my bottom lip, my gaze moving between his filled space and my empty one. I anxiously click my pen as I tap it on the paper. I can feel Rainer's eyes on mine, they're basically burning through my thick clothing and into my skin. I can also tell he's annoyed by my repetitive actions.

This contract is inevitable. No escape, no choice. I must say, I'm not in a good position right now, financial wise, and forty-five million is no joke.

I look up at Rainer for a second, his usual stern expression on his face as our eyes meet. I sigh heavily before turning my head back to the paper, my pen clicks and I immediately start writing my signature on the blank space. Each stroke and curve that spells out a letter of my name is a part of myself sold. Trapped in a contract.

As I finish signing, Rainer places a palm on the edge of the desk, just next to the stacked papers and leans on it. He looks at me, and then the signed page, and back at me with a smirk. His simple action sends shivers down my spine.

I carefully place the pen down next to the papers and stand up in front of him. With his body leaning on the desk, I'm much closer to his face and for some reason, I realize that he has a stubble. At least I know he's hygienic, but his addictive scent already gave that away. It was very minimal hair, ones that you could see only if you were close enough or a neat observer. And I am not a neat observer at all.

His hot breath trickles against my skin, and his gaze is on my lips. Said lips part to say something, though he cuts me off. "I think that's all, Gold. Unless you want to discuss something?" He tilts his head which inches him even closer. Heat rushes to my cheeks and the tips of my ears, and I'm hoping it doesn't tint them. I'm frozen in place, though thankfully I'm able to shake my head.

Rainer nods and steps away, his back is turned on me and I take the chance to place my hands on my cheeks as an attempt to lessen the pink hues. He walks towards his bookshelf and seems to be looking at a particular book, but I don't care enough to stay and investigate. That would only mean more conversation and the contract was already enough for my interactions with him today.

I start to make my way towards the door, not looking back at Rainer until I reach it. My hand is on the handle and I lean on it slightly as I turn around on my heels to look at him.

I snicker. "Just so you know, sir, I would've done it for forty."

"And I would've done it for 50, Gold." He bites back with a chuckle.


I entered the office this morning to a hidden check in my drawer for sixty million dollars. I'm lucky as hell that none of my nosy co-workers decided to look through my organized desk. I'm looking at the check in my hands, feeling the texture of the paper for about the hundredth time to make sure it's real.

"I can't fucking believe it.." I whisper, looking up to see Salem who's also dumbfounded.

"I can't believe you, Ari!" She says, standing up to move closer to me. We're sitting side by side, our eyes widen in awe as we stare and reread the words on the check yet again. "You're such a fucking charmer," Salem laughs, "You both agreed on forty-five yet he gave sixty? That's an extra fifteen!"

The sound of people talking overlaps Salem and I's conversation. It's currently ten o'clock and I have a meeting scheduled with the fabrics department, that includes Sofia, in a few minutes. I should be going, though my mind still can't seem to grasp that I have sixty million dollars in my hands right now.

Well, I used to until Salem decided to take it from my hands and inspect it herself.

"Sal, I need to get going. I have a meeting in a few minutes and I need to prepare." I say with a sigh, getting up as I look down at her. Salem frowns at me and I can't help but feel a bit guilty for having to leave her. It wasn't easy getting her in too, it's mentioned in the regulation of the company that outsiders are strictly not allowed unless attending an event, meeting, or things such regarding business.

Technically, it was kind of for business purposes since we are talking about this check. But then again, I'd rather not be scolded by Rainer because who knows what things it could escalate to considering the fact that we're now placed under a contract. A sex one, to be specific.

Even though it officially commences on Friday, it wasn't like I wouldn't enjoy doing things with Rainer already. There isn't any harm in starting things in advance. The thought of it makes me bite my lip, as an attempt to stop myself from acting in such ways in public, and in front of my own best friend.

"I'm sure you know the way out, Sal, we basically walked the whole place as we talked about that.. Eleanor, was it?" I turn to her and she nods. "Since you're already inside, no one's gonna ask for your ID or anything so.. I'll see you tonight?" My arms are full with my laptop, some important files, and a cup of coffee which leaves me with no choice but to just give Salem a quick kiss on the cheek.

It takes a few minutes for us to actually say our goodbyes, and I end up rushing to the meeting room. Other employees give me bad looks and weird stares as I push through crowds, but I don't mind. It's now ten-fourteen A.M., the meeting starts at ten-fifteen but I'm lucky enough to see the blurred window of the meeting room's door.

I fasten my pace and thankfully, I enter the meeting room at exactly ten-fifteen. All eyes are on me and heat is rushing to my cheeks again, if only Salem wasn't such an attached bitch I would've been here earlier. My eyes wander the large room to see a full table, not a single seat is left and when I turn my head to look at my supposedly reserved seat to my left, I'm quite literally jaw-dropped.

The fucking devil is staring back at me with a smirk. His intertwined hands are placed on his lap and he's sitting with one leg over the other. I can only bet that he's the reason why all of the employees are sitting upright. I look over to Sofia, who's at the other end of the table, and she looks at me with an 'I'm sorry' look while shrugging.

It's complete silence, and I scan the room for an extra chair.


"You can sit with me, Ms. Emberlyn." Rainer offers and I want to chuckle at how he's calling me by my last name again. He motions for me to come over with the curl of his index finger and then gently pats on his lap. I'm frozen in place, and I start picking at the skin of my fingers as I debate on following his request.

I sigh, and make sure to keep my posture as I walk towards him. The whole rooms eyes follow my movement and some of their mouths go agape, watching me sit on Rainer's lap. How the fuck am I supposed to stay professional when my ass is inches away from my boss, or let's say Dominant,'s dick?

It takes a bit of shuffling for me to finally feel comfortable, and when I finish, Rainer says, "You may start." In a stern voice. I'm focused on Sofia's presentation being projected on the whiteboard, until suddenly, I feel a large hand snake up my waist. His cold touch coming into contact with my bare skin sends shivers down my spine, and I suck in a breath.

Rainer is relaxed, and I'm as stiff as a fucking rock. I don't get how he's relaxed in a position like this, though sometimes I catch him bucking his hips up into me to get more comfortable.

Well, at least I hope that's why.

I can only smile and nod, trying to limit my movement so as to not accidentally end up sitting on a certain spot. The tension in the room is killing me, the employees are all tense, Sofia isn't smiling as much as usual, and Rainer's hand is on my waist.

What shocks me is that he seems to notice the awkwardness, and decides to speak up by saying, "If any of you are uncomfortable with this setting and the position of my secretary, then I may as well fire you." And they all turn their heads to look at us. I, too, am wide eyed as I look at my friend all the way across the room.

"We're here for business. So get rid of this tension, or else you'll face the consequences." His grip on my waist tightens and his jaw is clenched. The whole room nods and I attempt to give them apology looks, but a soft pinch to my side stops me.

"Don't apologize. They need to learn." He whispers into the shell of my ear. Heat rushes to my cheeks at his deep, velvety voice and I look at him with furrowed eyebrows. I can't help but roll my eyes, and just continue listening to their discussion.

Every now and then, I give a few comments and thankfully, Rainer nods to them. It's a much more relaxed atmosphere now, this time, I talk more and thankfully Rainer nods to my responses.

"But besides all of that, we should still look out for more trending fabrics and of course, we need to stay cautious of how our fabrics react to things like being hand washed or put in a machine." I explain, "Costs are important too, please be mindful of the records of where we get our fabrics and stick to the budget too."

The employees nod in unison, some take down notes on small notepads while the others press buttons on their tablets. There's a moment of silence, I bounce my leg anxiously and I'm subtly nibbling on my bottom lip. Rainer notices and his hand slithers down to my bouncing leg, while his free one goes to my other side.

The silence is then filled with Rainer's voice as he says, "I think we're done with today's meeting. What do you think, Ms. Emberlyn?" Before turning to me. I nod, he scans my face then hums in response.

"Thank you all for attending, this meeting has now concluded. Everyone is dismissed.." He says, and they seem shocked by his appreciation, though they don't complain and thank him back. Sofia seems shocked too and she simply raises her eyebrows at me with a downward smile. I chuckle softly, though Rainer's squeeze on my waist makes me stop and I then realize who's lap I'm in again.

I try to stand up but then suddenly, he pulls me with both hands by the waist and I fall right in between his legs. "Stay." He whispers, and I can feel his lips grazing the shell of my ear.

I let out a shaky breath, and Sofia sees me still sitting in Rainer's lap. Her eyes widen and she chuckles before taking her laptop and also exiting along with the other employees. The last person leaves with a bow and I'm left alone with Rainer.

The second the door shuts, I immediately push myself off of him. I stand in front of him with a scowl expression and my arms crossed. "What was that? Why— Why would you offer something like that? In front of all those employees?" I have a worried tone, my left hand is sticking out to the side and pointing at the closed door. Rainer is silent, his arms over one another and his legs spread in my direction.

"You should get used to it, Gold. It'll happen in my office a lot." He smirks.

I chuckle, my mind wanders to the thought of us together in his office. Alone. Sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around my waist, and his lips on mine. Fuck. The more I think of it, the more I realize how much I'd actually enjoy that.

"How have you been recently?" He asks.

I furrow my eyebrows, "I'm alright. Why..?" I tilt my head, genuinely curious as to why he'd ask such a random question.

"I care about you, Gold. I hope you know that." He says in a voice so low it's almost like a whisper. He acts so careful with me, like I'm thin ice; one wrong move and I'll shatter. And it's not exactly false.

Rainer stands up and starts walking towards me, he stops just inches away. The tip of his Oxford dress shoes are almost touching my heels, and I'm wishing we're even closer. He brings a hand up and places his curled index finger under my chin, tilting it up so I can look at him. Our eyes meet, and this time, there's feelings in his.

"You can tell me anything, Sunshine." I can sense his sincere tone. My cheeks are no doubt tinted a vibrant red upon hearing the new pet name. I used to think he was just a heartless asshole, and I still kind of do now, but my vision of him has changed. Most people would think that I see him as my Dominant now, and technically he is, and I should, though my feelings are way different.

Under his rude, cold facade as the CEO everyone talks shit about, lies a kind, sweet personality that's caring to certain people.

Or just me.

But there's one specific thing I haven't been able to get off of my mind and I feel guilty having to ask. After all, he said I could tell him anything. As I break eye contact, I take a deep breath before finally speaking. "Who was that woman?" I glance back at him, and his eyebrows are scrunched, so much to the point that they nearly make one line.

"The one on my first day?" I try to narrow down his thoughts. I'm guessing it worked with the way his face immediately relaxes and how his lips curve into a smile. He chuckles and I look at him, confused and still wondering who that was.

This is the biggest I've seen Rainer smile. He tilts his head down and shakes it slowly while trying to cover up his smile with his hand. Even so, I notice something about him which has me screaming internally.


Rainer Morelli has dimples, and his eyes disappear when he smiles too hard.

The sight of them makes me smile too, and I can't help but chuckle softly. Rainer finally gets a hold of himself, and he looks at me with a small smile before going back to his poker face. I'm still smiling slightly as I look up at him. "So, who's the woman?" I tilt my head.

"Isabella Morelli-Hale, my younger sister. She may be a bitch but she's.. Okay once you get to know her." He explains, and I immediately feel bad for making such a fuss about it. I'm slightly shocked, but then again, it's not like it's impossible that he has siblings. I wouldn't be surprised if Isabella took on the asshole genes.

More information acquired, Rainer is an older brother and his sister is jaw-dropping. I would've never guessed, due to the fact that she has brown hair and hazel eyes while he has the exact opposite. It's possible they got each parent's genes, but I don't want to ask. It's awkward enough with all of this silence and how we're alone in a meeting room.

Rainer's gaze moves from my eyes and then to my lips. And then suddenly, his lips are crashing into mine, like a fucking magnet and I'm a huge block of metal. His body moves against mine and his hands immediately hold onto my neck and chin, guiding me towards him. The feeling and taste of his lips on mine sends a jolt of energy through my veins.

His grip on my neck tightens and I moan softly into our heated kiss. My heart is racing, each movement of his body against mine makes it beat even faster than before. Rainer's lips are absolutely devouring mine and dominating me as a whole, and I have never felt better.

I try to catch a breath of air, which leaves my mouth hanging slightly open and he takes the chance to slip his tongue into my mouth for a quick second. Then he pulls away, and it feels like I have lost and at the same time earned everything I ever wanted.

"Wasn't that better than the annoying silence we just had?" He smiles, running his thumb over his bottom lip.


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