There Is No Light 🌇 Without...

De MaryMorningstar81

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In this fourth and last book of the MAGIC OF LOVE series we meet the youngest son of Jace Haronnate Nicolae a... Mais

Fifteen Years Later ...
Cause And Effect
A Visit To Budapest
Alice In Wolfland
The Way She Makes Her Bed, She Has To Sleep In It
Every Action Has A Reaction, And Every Choice Has Consequences
Italians Do It Better
Unexpected Betrayal
Book Of The Damned
It's Showtime!
A Promising Fender Bender
Moonborn's Secret
Together Again
Witch's Heart
Delusions Of Grandeur
Dead Man Walking
The Strongest People Are The Ones Who Get Hurt The Most
Greed Is The Worst Sin
Vintage Night
If The Child Survives, There Is Hope
Valentine's Eve In The Light
Valentine's Eve In The Dark
Valentine's Day In The Dark
The Prophecy

Valentine's Day In The Light

402 19 0
De MaryMorningstar81



It's almost ten o'clock and Luna is still sleeping in the arms of Nicolae, who has kept still all night so as not to disturb her. He just looked at her and counted her breaths. Suddenly, she starts to stir as she wakes up, and Nicolae closes his eyes and pretends to be asleep. Luna, after stretching first, still in his arms, sits down on her butt and turns to face him. How beautiful he is when he sleeps!

On another day she'd let him sleep more, just to admire him a little longer, but not today. Today is the day she has been waiting for so eagerly. The day she finally learns the big secret about Nicolae and his family. Since she can't wait any longer, she wakes him up and runs her hand through his hair.

Luna: Nic, baby, wake up! It's already past ten. We're going to lose breakfast.

Nicolae stretches, yawns, and speaks in a hoarse voice, perfectly pretending his half-awake state.

Nicolae: Do you care about breakfast or about what is going to happen?

He opens his eyes and smiles at her when he sees her wrinkling her nose adorably.

Luna: What do you think I am? Of course, I care about breakfast, because I'm just hungry.

Nicolae: All right. While I splash some water on my face, you order a full traditional breakfast for two and a pot of Italian cappuccino for four.

Luna: Why so much coffee?

Nicolae: You'll see.

He gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom, but before he goes in there, he tells her something that piques her curiosity even more.

Nicolae: And put something on. Your body is fantastic, but only for my eyes.

He disappears into the bathroom before Luna can ask him about it, so she follows his instructions to the letter, playing out different scenarios in her head. So, after talking to the receptionist and placing the order, she puts on black leggings and a long gray sweater, sits on the edge of the bed, and waits.

A few minutes later, Nic comes out of the bathroom. Luna immediately gets up and walks over to him, but before she can open her mouth, he shuts her up with his finger on her lips, spins her around and grabs her by the shoulders.

Nicolae: When the boss is here, baby, nobody talks.

An exclamation of surprise, mixed with awe but also relief, escapes her lips when she sees Sebastian and JJ smiling at her in front of her. She turns and looks at Nicolae with astonished eyes.

Luna: How did they get here?

Nicolae: They teleported. JJ has that ability, among others.

Luna: And how did they know to come? You didn't talk to each other on the phone.

Nicolae: I've communicated telepathically with Sebastian. He's our leader and we're all connected to him.

Luna's gaze goes from one to the other without saying a word. In fact, none of them speak. They want to give her the time her brain needs to process and accept this first information. Meanwhile, Nicolae takes the breakfast tray and gives a hefty tip to the groom who brought it. Sebastian and JJ sit on the couch while Luna remains frozen.

Nicolae puts the tray on the coffee table and serves the hot fragrant coffee to the guests. He then walks over to Luna and gets her to sit on the other couch, gently nudging her. He presses a mug of coffee into her hand and brings her hand to her mouth.

Nicolae: Take a sip.

She drinks like a robot, not taking her eyes off Sebastian.

Sebastian: You know, Nic ... Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for us to show up in front of her like that. I feel like we broke her.

JJ: Nope. She's tough, Chief. She's not going to be broken that easily. I can feel her strength. She can handle it.

Nicolae: I think so, too. Right, baby?

Nicolae's voice snaps her out of nirvana and she asks the first question that comes to mind.

Luna: Are you aliens?

Sebastian and JJ burst out laughing, while Nicolae, also laughing, sits down next to her and hugs her.

Nicolae: When I told you yesterday that we were celestials, I didn't mean that we were from outer space, baby.

Luna: And what did you mean then? Where are you coming from?

Sebastian: From Heaven, Moonlight. Me and my family are hybrids of vampire and wolf, created by the hand of Night, God's sister, and everyone else is an angel, born of the Creator Himself.

JJ: Except for me. I'm a Nephilim. Half angel, half human. My mother was mortal when she gave birth to me. I also have the touch of Archangel Michael, like my grandmother and my parents.

Luna: AWESOME! Tell me everything.

For the next two hours, Sebastian, with the help of JJ and Nicolae, tells everything to Luna. She listens intently and keeps her mouth shut until JJ spreads his golden wings and Sebastian takes his true form. She jumps up like a spring and screams in admiration.

Luna: Yes, damn it! After all, there is a God!

Without fear, she walks up to them and scrutinizes them. She bombards them with questions, which they answer joyfully while she touches them to make sure everything she sees is real. Then she turns to Nicolae.

Luna: What about you, Doc? Don't you want to show me your wings?

Nicolae: Later, when we're alone.

Even though she says otherwise, she can't hide her desire to be alone with Nicolae, and Sebastian understands completely. So, he walks up to her and takes her hand.

Sebastian: Now you know everything. You're just one step away from becoming an official member of our pack.

Luna: And what do I have to do to complete my acceptance?

Sebastian: You must connect with me by drinking a drop of my blood.

Luna: Will this drop make me like you?

Sebastian: No, sweetie. Transforming into a hybrid is a bit more complicated. Because of my blood, you'll be under my influence like all the other members, so I can locate you and sense the danger if you ever get close. Also, it's a safety valve that prevents you from telling our secret to anyone you shouldn't.

Luna: I'd never tell anyone.

Sebastian: I know, Moonlight. I'm not questioning your faith. It's just a formality.

Luna: All right. Do what you have to do, Chief.

As Sebastian presses his finger against his fang and a drop of blood drips onto Luna's tongue, JJ whispers to Nicolae.

JJ: You do realize you've hit the jackpot, right?

Nicolae: Between you and me, I still can't believe my luck.

JJ: You went to bed with her?

Nicolae: No, not yet.

JJ: What are you waiting for? She's ready. Her pheromones are going crazy.

Nicolae: The right time.

As the two talk, Sebastian finishes the necessary ritual by pressing a fatherly kiss to Luna's forehead.

Sebastian: Welcome to the pack, Luna Caffrey.

Luna: Thanks, Chief.

Afterwards, Sebastian and JJ greet the couple and leave the way they came, leaving them alone. Nicolae stands a little apart from Luna and waits for her to take the initiative, which of course she does.

Luna: Why are you sitting so far away from me?

Nicolae: I'm waiting for you.

Luna: To do what?

Nicolae: To call me to you.

Luna: Do you really need my call?

Nicolae: I don't know. Maybe after all you've learned ...

Luna: After all I've learned, I'm unimaginably happy and terribly justified.

Nicolae: I understand your joy very well, but why justified?

Luna: Because I was right.

Nicolae: About what?

Luna: You, Nicolae Matthew Harronate, are really an angel. A real angel and now it's time for you to show me your wings.

With the now familiar motion of his shoulders, Nicolae spreads his golden wings with silver highlights at the tips. The room fills with sunlight and Luna's eyes with admiration and love.

Luna: My golden angel ...

She approaches him and touches his golden feathers with trembling hands. Her touch makes Nicolae shiver. He has never felt anything like this before. Her fingers burn him with a delightful fire that he greets with joy. She walks and stands in front of him. Her eyes gaze at him in fascination as she stands on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around his neck.

Luna: Kiss me.

Nicolae: Not yet.

Luna: Why?

Nicolae: I promised you that our first kiss would be something magical, and I intend to keep that promise.

Luna: Then do it. I can't wait any longer.

He activates the magical shield that makes him invisible to the human eye, lifts her in his arms and flies out the window. He flies higher and higher and she keeps her eyes open, not wanting to miss a single moment of this dreamlike journey.

The earth recedes beneath their feet as different birds fly past them as they approach the first clouds. The air gets thinner as they get higher, but Luna has no trouble breathing in Nicolae's arms. She doesn't get cold either, although the temperature is quite low.

When she manages to take her eyes off the incredible things around her, she looks Nicolae in the eyes.

Luna: This is ... Divine. Thank you, Nic.

Nicolae: I thank you, Luna, for coming into my life and giving it meaning. Before I met you, I was only half a person and now I'm finally complete. You've completed me.

She tries to say something, but his lips cover hers, making her forget even her name. She had imagined this kiss, but the reality is something unimaginable. She's kissing a real angel in the clouds.

She rolls into his arms and wraps her legs around his waist. His arms pull her close and his breath in her mouth, his angelic breath, cools her heated body. If this is what Icarus felt as he approached the sun, it was worth his fall.

His wet lips have a taste Luna has never tasted. His hot tongue dances sensually with hers as his hands touch parts of her body that no one else has ever touched. The sound of his wings moving in the air further stimulates her already tense senses. Her hands tangle in his hair as a warm light blinds her behind her closed lids.

The kiss ends, leaving Luna breathless and Nicolae with a wide, beaming smile on his face. He reaches up and caresses her face and she leans her head against his palm.

Luna: You did it, didn't you?

Nicolae: What?

Luna: You made our first kiss special.

Nicolae: Was it really special?

Luna: I'm flying above the clouds in the arms of an angel. How much more special could it be?

Nicolae: I only want the best for you, baby.

Luna: I already have the best, Nic. I've got you.

He kisses her again, harder this time, and makes his way downstairs.

Luna: Are we going back already?

Nicolae: We have to, baby.

Luna: I wish we could stay up here forever. It's so peaceful. This silence ...

Nicolae: We'll fly again, baby.

Luna: It's always been my dream, you know.

Nicolae: To fly?

Luna: To have wings, and now, through you, my dream has come true. I'm not jealous of the birds anymore. Thanks, Nic.

Oh, yes! After that, it's the right time for Nicolae to give the first hint of her future transformation.

Nicolae: So, if I told you that you could get your own wings, would you want to? I mean, would you do what it takes, even if it's painful?

Luna: Without hesitation.

Nicolae: That's good to know.

Luna: Why?

Nicolae: For the future, baby.

Nicolae's expression is such that Luna knows full well he won't talk, no matter how much she insists. But she doesn't care. Now that she knows the secret, she can wait, even forever if she has to. So, she asks no more questions.

When they land on the suite's balcony, Nicolae gathers his wings and Luna, overcome with curiosity, goes behind him and starts working the slits on his back. She gently touches the slightly redder skin, which makes Nicolae shiver.

Luna: What's going on here? Are you in pain?

Nicolae: No.

Luna: What do you feel then?

Nicolae: Euphoria and ...

Luna: And what? What else?

Nicolae: I'm getting horny.

Luna: Oh!

He turns around and takes her in his arms.

Nicolae: An angel's wings, baby, are the most important part of his existence. If you want to hurt an angel, you have to hurt his wings. Also, a little pressure on the slits is the short way to a terribly intense orgasm.

Luna: Mmmm ... A very useful piece of information, that last one.

She steals out of his arms and runs to the bathroom, winking at him. He runs his hand through his hair and chugs.

Nicolae: This woman is going to send me to the loony bin.

He goes inside and looks for his cell phone. When he finds it, he calls his Yan, who picks up after two rings.

Damon: Hey, lover boy! Before you say anything else, give me the number.

Nicolae: What number, shithead?

Damon: The number, how many times you've fucked her.

Nicolae rolls his eyes.

Nicolae: Zero, perverted beast. No sex yet, only two kisses.

Damon: Who are you and what the fuck did you do to my fucker cousin?

Nicolae: For Fuck's sake! Do you ever get serious?

Damon: If I do, I'll lose my charm.

Nicolae: Are you going to listen to me or should I hang up?

Damon: Of course, I'm going to listen to you. Tell me. How did it go after my father and the Nephilim left?

Nicolae: Great. She took it much better than I thought she would. She's perfect, Damon. I'm finally happy.

Damon: I'm happy for you, Nic. You deserve it more than any of us.

Nicolae: I'll tell you the details in person. Tell me now, how are things going for you and Alice?

Damon: We're having a great time. The place is a dream. It's just ...

Nicolae: What's going on, Damon? Is there something wrong with Alice?

Damon: She might be pregnant.

Nicolae: By who? By you? How is that possible? Can you procreate?

Damon: The wolf in me can. At least that's what Mr. Google says.

Nicolae: Damn it! If Alex said that, then it's definitely true.

Damon: And you want to know what the best part is?

Nicolae: Is there anything better than this?

Damon: If that's the case, my baby will be a Tribrid, Nic. Vampire, wolf, and human. The first of its kind.

Nicolae: Like JJ. That's great, but what about Alice?

Damon: That's the dark side of the case. The Tribrid exists only in theory. No one knows the fate of the mortal mother and that drives me crazy.

Nicolae: Don't worry about it, buddy. JJ didn't let anything happen to Artemis. So will your baby. And if that doesn't happen, I'll be there. As long as I'm around, nothing will happen to Alice.

Damon: I know that, Nic, and that's why I haven't gone crazy yet. I'm counting on you.

Nicolae: I'm not going to let you down.

Damon: I know that too. Tell me something else now.

Nicolae: What is it?

Damon: When are you going to fuck her?

Nicolae: Go to hell, you perverted.

Nicolae hangs up angrily, hearing the echo of Damon's laughter.

Nicolae: Crazy hybrid.

He throws the cell phone on the sofa and joins Luna in the bathroom. She has finished showering and is now standing in front of the mirror getting ready for the wedding. With all this, the afternoon is already here. He gives her a kiss on the cheek and goes into the shower stall.

Luna: Did you talk to anyone on the phone?

Nicolae: With Damon.

Luna: What are they doing? Are they having a good time in Romania?

Nicolae: Better than you can imagine. And I've some news for you.

Luna: What?

Nicolae: There is a possibility that Alice is pregnant.

Luna: Oh, my god! That's great news! But ... Wait a minute! Damon is a hybrid and Alice is a mortal. What will the baby be?

Nicolae: A Tribrid. Vampire, wolf, and mortal.

Luna: Awesome!

After taking a shower, Nicolae gets out of the stall and wraps a towel around his waist. Luna, wanting to keep up appearances, doesn't look directly at him, but she glances through the mirror. Nicolae notices but doesn't say anything so as not to embarrass her, but deep down he enjoys it.

A short time later they're both ready for the wedding. He looks stunning in his black tuxedo and she shines in her red evening gown with plunging neckline.

He goes to the minibar to wet his lips with some whiskey, and she walks up to him and takes a full spin in front of him.

Luna: How do I look to you?

Nicolae: This dress ... We didn't buy it together. When did you buy it?

Luna: Lucida gave it to me. Don't you like it?

Nicolae: Remind me to send her flowers when we get back. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I've already been to heaven. You'll even steal the thunder from the bride.

Luna: And you're not bad looking either. You're a sight for sore eyes and that tuxedo makes you even better, if that's even possible. Can perfection get any more perfect?

Nicolae: Okay. That's enough, Miss Hyperbola. We have to go.

Luna: I don't understand, mister. Are you the only one who gets to give compliments? And anyway, why are you in such a hurry? Are you that excited about this wedding?

Nicolae: I'm looking forward to what comes after.

Luna: The wedding party?

Nicolae: Our own party, here, in bed, just the two of us.

Luna: In that case, can we skip the wedding?

Nicolae: I wish we could, baby, but then all our efforts to avenge your relatives would be for nothing.

Luna: You're right.

Nicolae: Besides, we still have the whole night ahead of us. I don't sleep, remember?

Luna: Is that a promise?

Nicolae: No, baby. That's a fact.

Luna: Hallelujah!


The luxurious hall with the pool in the middle is full of people. The chairs are covered with white fabric, while the tables are decorated with orange tulle and two-tone, white, and orange, roses.

Orange is an in-between color. It's the combination of red and yellow. It inspires, balances, and liberates. It's the color of ideas and imagination. It symbolizes luxury, splendor, and happiness.

White, a color that stands for harmony, expresses simplicity, perfection, innocence, truth, youth, light, spiritual authority, and honesty. It favors coexistence, unity, and love. Why Steve and Anna chose these colors for their wedding, only God knows. Anyway!

Nicolae and Luna are sitting at the first table next to the main table. As the person in charge told them, it changed yesterday afternoon. The original seats for Miss Luna Caffrey and her companion were at one of the last tables further back. As expected, they get all the attention, even from the newlyweds. The same thing happened at the wedding earlier in the hotel chapel.

Luna pays no attention to anyone except Nicolae. The same is true for him. They watch the entrance of the couple, the cutting of the cake and the first dance. After that, the food is served and Nicolae concentrates on feeding Luna, who enjoys the treats.

All the while, Steve kept sneaking glances at Luna. He even looked at her when he danced with Anna, who didn't understand anything. After the best man's speech, Luna stands up and asks for the microphone. Everyone turns their attention to her and especially Nicolae, who has no idea what she's up to.

Luna: Good evening, ladies, and gentlemen. For those who don't know me, I'm Luna, the bride's first cousin. First of all, I'd like to wish the bride and groom a happy and long life.

Anna raises her glass to Luna.

Anna: Thanks, cousin. We both thank you.

Luna smiles, but her smile isn't a smile of joy. It's a mischievous smile that hides a lot, and the only one who sees through is Nicolae, who looks at her thoughtfully. This time she smiles reassuringly at him and continues.

Luna: As you can all imagine, my joy is great at my cousin's incredibly good fortune in marrying this man who loves her so much, and so, I want to give her one more gift.

She says "one more gift" because she already sent a five-hundred-dollar gift certificate from a department store for household goods. Nicolae demanded to pay this money, but Luna refused. He had already done too much and besides, she had saved that money and spoiled it for them to shut them up.

Now Nicolae and almost everyone else in the room look at her in wonder, and she hurries to answer them.

Luna: A song from me and my boyfriend.

Steve stands up and wants to refuse, but the loud applause of the others, including Anna, who seems to have taken Luna's threats seriously, brings him to other thoughts.

Steve: Thanks so much for this, cousin. We can't wait to hear it.

Nicolae, realizing Luna's intention, gets up and follows her to the dance floor next to the pool. The DJ, already informed by Luna, plays the song and while the sweet intro music plays over the speakers, Nicolae whispers something in Luna's ear.

Nicolae: You want to humiliate them as much as you can, huh?

Luna: No. I want to give them a real gift before I write them off forever.

Nicolae: What do you mean by that?

Luna: This is all a farce, Nic. None of them know what love really is. They're bad people, but let them have a chance to know what it means to really love someone for the first time in their lives.

Nicolae: You're right, baby. Let's show them.

He hugs her and with the same microphone they start singing.

Nicolae: * You look like a beautiful flower on the earth. You're a treasure chest in the desert. You. Only you. *

Luna: * You look like the sun in the blue sky. A bright star in the sweet evening. You. Only you. *

Both together: * I'll love you until I become you and you become me, and until the future, the present and the past become you and you become me, I'll love you. *

She leans against his chest and he rests his cheek on her head. They close their eyes and continue singing.

Luna: * You look like summer in my dull life. A warm hope in the heart of frost. You. Only you. *

Nicolae: * You look like a bright dewdrop in the morning. A fragrance that comes from a faraway place. You. Only you. *

Both together: * I'll love you until I become you and you become me, and until the future, the present and the past become you and you become me, I'll love you. *

The song ends with the two kissing and the crowd applauding.

Luna's parents realize that their daughter isn't who they thought she was and regret their behavior toward her all these years. But don't fool yourselves. They don't regret because of their love for their daughter, but because of the chance they missed to join one of the richest families in the world.

Anna, who seems to have a small amount of empathy, wipes away the tears that come with the realization that her life is ruined next to an unworthy man who will never love her. At least not with the kind of love that unites Nicolae and Luna. As for Steve ... His hatred for Nicolae and his lust for Luna, combined with the excessive amount of alcohol he has consumed, lead him to make a completely wrong decision.

When Luna goes to freshen up, he follows her into the ladies' restrooms and locks the door behind him. Luna, who has no idea what he's up to, looks at him through the mirror and addresses him in an ironic tone.

Luna: Are you not only an asshole, but also blind? Here's the ladies' room.

Steve doesn't answer and Luna, looking directly at him this time, recognizes the danger. His alcohol-red eyes glare at her like a hungry lion at a defenseless gazelle, while his hands, glued to his sides, shake uncontrollably.

She looks around as she takes a few steps back, searching for an escape route, but all there is is a small window high up on the opposite wall. Even if she somehow managed to reach it, she'd never fit through it.

Steve: What's the matter, bunny? No monkey business this time? Have you lost your mojo?

Luna: Stay away from me, Steve.

Steve: What if I don't want to stay away from you?

Luna: Then you'll regret it.

Steve: Who's going to make me regret it? You or that mama's boy you're dragging behind you?

Luna: Steve, please stop. Think about Anna. You just married her.

Steve: I don't give a shit about that bitch. All I care about is her old man's money. I want you.

Luna: But I don't want you.

Steve: And who's asking you that?

Luna: Steve, stop it!

Steve: In my life I've learned to take what I want, bunny, and now I want you and I'm going to take you whether you want it or not.

He lunges at her and throws her to the ground with a powerful shove. As she falls, she hits her head on the edge of the sink and cracks her forehead. The wound begins to bleed, but even that doesn't stop Steve from lunging at her, growling.

Although the blow makes her dizzy, her mind works like clockwork. In seconds, before he can do anything irreparable, she gets a picture of the situation and realizes she can't get out of this alone. She's strong, but Steve is drunk and that makes him stronger, but also more ruthless. She knows she needs help and, wasting no time, does what she has to do.


She only calls instead of shouting, because she knows Nicolae can hear her even from so far away. She also relies on her connection with Sebastian, who will sense the danger and do something.

Steve, not knowing exactly who he's dealing with, starts laughing at Luna's cries for help and doesn't stop groping her and trying to take off her dress. Luckily, he's so drunk that he can't coordinate his movements.

Steve: You should try harder, bunny. Your asshole can't hear you.

Luna stays quiet and allows his sweaty hands on her body and his stinky breath on her face. She makes no attempt to protect herself. She just waits, which of course, despite all the alcohol in his blood, doesn't go unnoticed by Steve, who looks up at her.

Steve: You're not even trying to push me away. That means two things. Either you want me as much as I want you or ...

Luna: Or what?

Steve: You trust him so much that he'll come to your rescue.

At that moment, the heat that Luna feels every time Nicolae is near her wraps around her body, making it inaccessible to Steve's vulgar attacks. Then, knowing that her angel is behind the door, she smiles and ...

Luna: Guess what, you fucking asshole!

Sure enough, the locked door shatters as if hit by a battering ram and Nicolae bursts into the room with eyes radiating golden flames.

Nicolae: You fucking son of a bitch! You're dead!

In the next moment, Steve feels himself fly across the room and crash hard into the wall. The pain in his body makes him pass out, but only briefly. The kick from Lucida, who entered the room with Sebastian and JJ right after Nicolae, makes him regain consciousness and open his eyes.

Lucida: Hello, Mr. Adams. I'm pleased to inform you that you're under arrest for assault, attempted rape, and battery on Miss Luna Caffrey.

Steve: No! I ...

Lucida: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Did you get all that?

Steve: Yes.

Lucida: Lovely! Now get up and get ready to meet the devil, you son of a bitch.

Lucida lifts him up, not very gently, handcuffs him and leads him outside. Before leaving the room, she winks at Nicolae, who kneels next to Luna and holds her tightly in his arms. Sebastian and JJ greet him from a distance before following Lucida. Once they're out of human sight, Sebastian stuns Steve and JJ teleports them to the precinct, where James is already waiting to interrogate Steve.

Meanwhile, of course, all the commotion has attracted people who have gathered outside the restrooms. Among the crowd are Steve's parents, Luna's parents, Anna's parents, but also Anna herself, still crying uncontrollably in her wedding dress, which now seems to her like a lifelong straitjacket that takes her breath away.

Nicolae lifts the still bleeding Luna in his arms and wants to leave the room, but Jacob, Steve's father, beats him to it.

Jacob: Mr. Harronate, I ... I want to apologize ...

Nicolae: Save your apology for someone who cares, and get out of my sight. I've to take care of my girl. We'll discuss the rest in court.

Nicolae leaves Jacob behind and gets out of the restrooms. He walks to the elevators without anyone getting in his way. Before disappearing into the box, he gives an order to the hotel manager.

Nicolae: Don't let anyone disturb me. Only Sofia and only when I ask for it. If you disobey my order, you'll all be fired.

Manager: Of course, sir.

He enters the elevator and Luna holds onto him. None of them speak a word until they're upstairs in the secure suite. He makes her lie down on the bed.

Luna: You heard me. I was sure you'd listen to me.

Nicolae: What took you so long to call me? All of this could have been avoided.

Luna: It was the only way Lucida could arrest him, if he was caught in the act and I wanted him to go to jail.

Nicolae: Did you do it on purpose?

Luna: I didn't cause it. I just took the opportunity.

Nicolae: You're unbelievable.

Luna: I'm hurt, Nic, and my only consolation is that they'll all be punished.

Nicolae: They will.

Luna: I know. Steve will serve a short sentence, Anna will be left alone, their parents will no longer have a face in society, and my parents ... They'll live with the knowledge that they've lost the possibility of being related to your family.

Nicolae: Does that mean you're done with them?

Luna: Absolutely, Nic. They're dead to me. I don't have a family anymore.

Nicolae: That's wrong. You have a family. Mine.

Luna: Are you part of the package?

Nicolae: Yes, of course.

Luna: Then that's all I want. The only thing I need.

His hand that had been on her cheek for so long moves up and reaches her forehead, his healing light obliterating the wound without leaving a scar. She touches her forehead, then takes his hand and kisses it.

Luna: Thanks.

Nicolae: If you really want to thank me, kiss another part of my body and not my hand.

Luna: Like what?

Nicolae: Start with the mouth and we'll see. Unless ...

Luna: Unless what?

Nicolae: All that you went through before ... You're sure you want us to ... If you say no, I'll understand. I can wait.

Luna: Tell me something, Doctor. If a vessel doesn't stop bleeding, what should you do?

Nicolae: Cauterization.

Luna: See? The same thing applies here. I'm the vessel and you're holding the cautery. So, what are you going to do?

With slow movements, he removes their clothes and leans on the bed with her, both completely naked. Although it's their first time, they feel like lovers who've been up there countless times before. His strong hands crawl trustingly over her velvety body, respectfully touching each sensitive female chord as expertly as a priceless musical instrument. He treats the body of the woman he worships with special care and plays music on it. And she sings.

She feels herself melting like wax under the hot breath of the sun. He feels no shame, no pain, no fear. She closes her eyes and opens her body to welcome this man who isn't only a skilled surgeon, but also guides his ship through stormy seas and rocks in the harbor like a good captain.

Her body is like a wild sea and threatens to drown her, but the boatman is capable, and as high as the waves lift her, he doesn't let her collapse, but, holding her, confidently leads her to the highest peaks of pleasure, worthy to be reached only by those who know how to love and be loved.

As she climaxes, she feels like she's flying high. She feels his touch as if it were something divine sending her to heaven and perhaps even higher, a breath away from the gilded throne of the Creator. Two words come out of her mouth as she collapses in his hot embrace, gazing deep into the golden green depths of his eyes.

Luna: My angel ...

Shortly after, a sweet and deep sleep closes her eyes. He adjusts his body so that his back is free and spreads his wings. He presses her to him and wraps her body with one of his wings to offer her a comfortable and safe haven. He remains very still and looks at her adoringly while she sleeps blissfully and in love for the first time in her life.

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