Door Urvashi_13

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When a handsome, arrogant, and rude devastation named Aiden entered the life of a sweet innocent Emerald, she... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Book 2
Author's Note

Chapter 42

256 8 0
Door Urvashi_13

With a silly grin on my face, I entered the dorm room and found Ava and Grace smoking a cigarette.

My smile disappeared, instantly.

Aiden and Ava kissing each other on the night of the party flashed in front of my eyes. This was the first time, I had encountered her after that party night, and in an instant, strong dislike and distrust rolled inside my body.

Ava was the first one to notice my presence at the entrance. Cautiously and promptly, I walked inside. Ava was leaning on the bed, with one hand wrapped around a cigarette and the other examining her nails while reclining on the floor, and Grace was in the exact position next to her. Her head was drooping and her face flushed, she was intoxicated, lethally intoxicated.

The mirth and glow of this fine morning shouldn't be ruined by Ava's undesirable attention to me, so I stepped in direction of my room.

" So, is it true, sweet innocent girl that Aiden loves you?" Her remark stopped me from taking a further step ahead, I tilted my head in her way.

" I don't see this as your concern, it's between him and me," the examination of her nails stopped and a scowl accumulated on her face, hearing my straightforward outcome. She rose from her place while taking a drag from the cigarette and approached me.

" Sweet girl is no sweeter anymore, I see," she said, before blowing the smoke on my face. I looked away as the sharp smoke smell hit my nostril. I wanted to cough badly, like very badly as the bitter smoke reached my throat, however, I would never give her the satisfaction of knowing she have some kind of effect on me. I wasn't looking out for any conflict, so I decided to leave for my room without encouraging this verbal confrontation, however, she had some other plans.

"He is a very smart talented man and when I am talking about his talents, I assure you that limitation doesn't exceed till business but also in the bedroom, he has that kind of tongue that makes women go crazy and I have a good amount of experience and don't get me to start the way his dick fits inside me. And his fingers-"

I stopped hearing her, my heart stopped at her discourse, I always knew Aiden had a history with many girls yet this truth never fails to hurt me, and build doubts in my head. I knew she was saying this to get under my skin and she was mildly in the succession, however, morning and the night before flashed in front of my eyes, the way we communicated differently, in a profound manner which he never had done before and that was enough to obliterate the mist of qualms.

" Yes, maybe he has a past with you but his present is me." I smirked as hers vanished, my heart rejoicing in delight. Confidence settled down as my shoulders lifted standing face to face with her, the proudness to speak my mind in front of her was beyond the sky. Her eyes infinitesimally narrowed at me and the lit cigarette crumbled under her foot.

" He only knows how to destroy and that is what he is going to do, he will break you," she said, venomously.

"Are you sure? You just know what he shows but I know beyond that." I could see the frustration building in her eyes, she wanted me to shrivel into words and fear the future with Aiden, however, she doesn't know what Aiden and I went through to reach the place where we were today, I won't easily give up and she must know.

"Standing up for him? You are going regret it, you would wish you never met him and I would love to watch how he will break your fragile heart." She looked straight into my eyes and a shiver went through my body with the certainty her voice held, yet I stood on the ground with my chin high and no evidence of fear on the face. She dismissively waved her hand in the air and whirling around she reclined next to Grace.

Grace staring at me, with dull eyes I might say. She kept gazing and gazing never blinking. I realized in the entire argument she never come to my defense like every time she had come. I certainly know that it wasn't her obligation to help me, nevertheless, she was always there. So, what happened now? Maybe she was deep under the influence of heavy intoxication.

Again, when I glanced at her, she was drinking the alcohol from the bottle like it was water. I wanted to ask her if something was going on with her and why she seems so distant, however, this was supposed to be postponed until we were alone and she was sober. Coming here was the worst decision, I should have stayed at Aiden's place and should have completed my work there.

The sound of glass shattering broke me from my deep consideration. I saw a bottle of alcohol bottle is shattered in front of me.

Ava had a smirk on her face, she had thrown the bottle.

" Like this," she stretched her one hand in front, pointing to the shattered pieces of glass. "You are heart is going to be shatter by him."

I froze.

Why she was being so rude? I haven't caused any harm to her.

She laughed and took a long drag from the cigarette which was laying on the floor and was used by Grace earlier. I couldn't stay here if Ava when her remark lingered here, so I decided to leave for Aiden's house for the night because the possibility of her going from there seemed next to impossible.



When I reached his house and the housekeeper which I became familiar with due to the countless times I have spent time here welcomed me with a warm smile. Aiden was occupied with work so the only alternative left was to wait for him and I certainly remembered that one time he told me about a library in the house, so here I was, sitting on a comfortable chair with a towering shelf containing the books of different genres. After Aiden's room, this was certainly my favorite room in this mansion.

The book currently has me engrossed in its quite fastidious and subtle words. Just as I slightly shifted to get into a comfortable position on the chair, familiar strong arms wrapped around me and picked me up from the chair, and placed me on the lap, I knew it was Aiden due to the warmness and safety I always feel in his arms, my backside pressed on his hard muscles chest and smile spread on my face.

"You should stop sneaking like this," I smiled turning slightly so I could look at his handsome face. He squeezed my side mildly as his hot breath was fanning over my ear. "Now where is the fun in that," and with that, he slammed his lips on my mouth.

Our lips started to move in perfect rhythm as his arms held me in the tightest grasp. His mouth moved down to my neck and I moaned. I cupped his face and brought my lips against his, I kissed him, hard. That might indeed give birth to the stars to revolve around his head.

" It was amazing," he said, after the kiss, while I try to catch my breath. I leaned into him as my head was on his chest and legs limping loosely around the side, we sat there for some time, basking in each other warmth, safe and sound in our world.

" As much I love that you are here, what brought you here? Didn't you want to complete your assignments?" There was pure confusion in his tone. For some unknown reason, I didn't want to enlighten Aiden about what happened between me and Ava earlier. Certain matters should be handled without any support and this was one of them and I have already dealt with it smoothly.

"I just missed you." Well, it wasn't a lie because I truly missed him even though it's been a small gap of time.

" I missed you too." He ran his hand through my thick long hair and my hand tightened around his neck. For a long moment, my eyes closed and a soothing breath and heartbeat were only heard in the still room.

"Aiden?" I called breaking the comfortable silence. He hummed in response.

"Can I ask you a question?" He kissed the top of my head.

"Will the no would stop you from asking?"

My lips curled upside.

"Okay go on," There was a fraction of hesitation in his tone but his inquisitiveness gained a victory.

"What happened to Holden's father?" I finally asked after a moment of silence. His shoulder stiffens. I slightly shifted on his lap and looked up at him and encountered an icy cold exterior.

"Why are you asking?" His voice was harsh and guarded.

"I know nothing about you, Aiden and you know everything about me, it's only fair."


Heavy silence.

" Aiden," I called out as he averted his gaze from me. When his eyes reconnected with mine, they were unreadable yet so readable.

"Do you trust me?" He asked looking straight into my eyes. He knows I do trust him otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here. Where was this coming from? Then realization struck me he wanted reassurance for himself. Whatever was going to come out of his mouth was disastrous and he wanted me to stand next to him. And I will be there to support him.

" Yes, I do." I said without a wavering. Unconsciously, he left the breath that he was holding. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he stared straight into my ocean eyes.

" Holden and I used to be friends, good friends." He paused and continued, "I was fifteen at that time, Holden's father used to deal with legal matters in our office. All the confidential matters regarding finances were shared with him."

He paused again.

" One day, my father was away for a business trip and I caught Holden's father, jack, stealing the money from the vault present in my father's office at home," his voice, as well as his face, was devoid of any emotion. " He didn't know I knew, at that point of time in my life, I didn't even care what others does, so I didn't tell my father anything, a year went by, and my father used to be concerned about regular stealing of money from the house and office. I knew it was Jack's doing but I kept my mouth shut until–" another agony-filled pause lingered in the air.

His eyes filled with rage and bitterness as recalling the past, his jaw clenched and his hand tightened around me.

" –I caught Jack fucking my mother in the kitchen," his tone was cold and harsh. The moment was poignant and gloomy, his pugnacity subjugated mild hurt which was wavering in his eyes. A grasp voluntarily withdrew from my mouth, the surprise was certainly visible on my face which I endeavor to conceal.

" Do y-you mean that..."

" No, they were not having affair, it was a one-time thing. That was the day, I told my father everything about Jack. Fucking, stealing and everything, not a minute after, he was behind the bar with charges of stealing and many more." He took a deep breath before rejoining.

" It was anger, that made me make a decision. I just couldn't grasp the fact that my mother was fucking my friend's dad."

His countenance was blank and barren, and the more the past reveal the more gloom clouded around us. Surprise after surprise was unwrapping and there was yet myriad left.

His mouth open to proceed further. " You know why Holden says that I killed his dad because in a certain way I did exactly what he accused me of."

" What do you mean?"

" My father pressed the charges which gained Jack a life sentence," he pulled his hand from my waist and ran through his hair in agitation.

"My father had made sure that no financial help should reach Holden's family. It was one month in jail and jack tried to flee from jail because he had a family to take care of, he was a good father....but, he wasn't fast enough and was shot by police."

The revelation left me speechless, so I entwined my fingers with him and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, his eyes closed, instantly.

" He wouldn't be dead if I didn't tell my father about him, I am a murderer of his dad," his voice was quiet and low, a reflection of silent remorse which he was withstanding. Whose fault was it, Aiden's? Who couldn't stand seeing his mother with someone else, or it was a man, who was stealing behind the people who trusted him? During the entire tribulation, suffered an innocent family and the friendship.

But I was certain Aiden wasn't at fault.

" Do you ever regret giving him away?" I asked softly pushing a piece of hair back that had fallen on his face. His eyes remained closed but slowly let out a heavy breath through his mouth.

" Yes I guess, but then again I don't regret it....you know till jail it was fine because he was serving for his wrong deeds with his whole life, but then he was dead and no matter how much I hated him for having a fling with my mother, I didn't want him dead, after all, he was the father of my good friend."

His answer only made me more curious about how deep friendship they both had as Aiden pertained to Holden as a good friend, were they best friends? Myriads of questions rise whose mystery was yet to unsolved.

" Do you want to be friends back again with Holden, he is not a bad guy just lost because after all, he was his father."

" I know; however, we have come very far to go back to resolve anything. I am contented with all I had and I don't think I could ever forgive his father's betrayal just like he can't forgive mine."

There was a profoundness and truth in his words, some relationships are just meant to be left as it is, and there is nothing like time can mend it. We have to accept and move on without trying to search for reasons and answers or asking questions. Just like Aiden did, he knew that day that things between Holden and him will never remain as they used to be, so he set himself free and today he doesn't have the baggage of all things he could have done to fix things between them.

" Do you feel hurt when he accused you of something that was beyond your control?" His eyes promptly opened and fixed on me.

"Sometimes yes, but my actions would have been ten times worse if I would be in his place."

" You are-" his lips interrupted before I could say anything. His hands adjusted me on his lap so I could certainly feel a member growing hard underneath my bottom.

"Stop with your questions because right now I have something else in my mind," and with that, he carried me in his arm still kissing. The sparks that burned on my skin made me forget about the thick tension in the air just a mere moment ago. Soon we reached in front of his bedroom, and he put me down.

" Let me show you how much I fucking missed you in this short period," this time it was my lips that slammed upon him and my hands that wandered to remove the fabric that was separating us from being the skin closer to one another. With one swift move, we were inside his room and with another gentle movement, we were falling on the soft duvet that felt like heaven. His lips measured every inch of my body and his hands did the magic wonder of bringing ecstasy.

In the middle of the night, when I laid my head on his bare chest hearing his soft beating heart and his hands wrapped around me in the subtle stillness, I heard him asking me something, softly.

" Why didn't you believe him when he told you that I killed his father because it wouldn't be a problem to believe seeing how cold I was at the start."

I smiled, kissing his chest.

" My answer is the same, every action had a hidden story behind it, and see I wasn't wrong because it indeed had a story and also deep down there is a feeling that you could be cold-hearted but not a murderer," in the end there was a teasing tone.

His lips twitched upside and with a quick shift, he was above me.

" Okay then allow this cold-hearted individual to take you to the moon," and with that, his lips collided once again with mine.


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