
بواسطة UsakiGiorgio

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[TWICE A MONTH SERIALIZATION] LIST OF SAGAS AND ARCS: Miyagi Island: - Aftermath of The Storm arc: 1 - 11. Ky... المزيد

Chapter 1 - The upcoming storm
Chapter 2 - Azure rescue
Chapter 4 - New Dawn
Chapter 5 - Memory
Chapter 6 - What hides beneath your smile?
Chapter 7 - Forgotten Legacy
Chapter 8 - Hiro's secret
Chapter 9 - departure!
Chapter 10 - Fools' Idyll
Chapter 11 - From storm to hell
Chapter 12 - The right hand
Chapter 13 - Preceptor
Chapter 14 - Bashful

Chapter 3 - Hospital in the skies

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بواسطة UsakiGiorgio

Hiro woke up. It was 9 o'clock. He slowly got out of bed, putting on his slippers. The room he was in wasn't big. It had one bed, a couple of chairs, and a folding screen. Hiro hadn't left the room until now. He approached the door and pulled the handle. To his surprise, he saw the street where his father had dropped off Ichike a few days ago.

- What's going on? Am I not in the hospital? - he looked around. Everything seemed normal. The only anomaly was the door that didn't lead to any building. - Is this some kind of Narnia? Well, I'm not in a wardrobe, I guess.
He couldn't understand why the door led outside instead of a hallway, but after his previous experiences, he wasn't shocked. Suddenly, he felt someone touch his arm.
- I don't recall discharging you.
Hiro turned around and saw Doctor Suguna.
- Close the door before you fall out - she said with a smug on her face.
- Fall out? But we're not high up - he looked at the street again, this time they were in the air. The whole landscape looked like a bird's-eye view. Instinctively, he closed the door, breathing slightly heavily. Hiro had a fear of heights from a young age.
- I'm in the mood for a laid-back conversation, care to join?
The doctor grabbed Hiro's arm and led him to the bed, telling him to sit down.
- What was that? Are we not in the hospital? - he asked, bewildered.
- We're not in the hospital, this isn't an ordinary building - she replied, slowly sitting on a chair.
- Then what would happen if I went through the door?
- Most likely, you would fall down and shatter into tiny pieces - Suguna crossed one leg over the other.
- I saw the street, it looked completely normal. I thought that when I went beyond the door, I would be outside.
- It's second time I'm saving you from death - she replied with a smile. - You saw how the perspective of the street changed when you looked again.
- Indeed, it seemed like I was seeing the whole neighbourhood from above, but that doesn't change the fact that initially, everything seemed normal.
- Take a moment to think about it. You should understand what you've experienced.
Hiro suddenly remembered that Suguna was Orine's aunt.
- Are you a user of aura?
- You're asking even more questions than previously - she took out a cigarette from the pack. - Aura, aura, and aura. Let's start with the correct terminology - she took a lighter in her hand and lit the cigarette. - The correct name for the phenomenon you refer to as aura is Reiki. It is a form of manipulation of life energy as well as spiritual energy. Tell me, do you believe in the soul?
- Yes, although I'm not very religious.
- I have always believed in science. Spiritual experiences or leaving the soul from the body used to seem idiotic to me. However, my worldview was quickly shattered. When I was studying in medical school, we had the opportunity to treat a certain patient during one of our classes. His wounds were not deep. Mostly lacerations from a sharp object and two puncture wounds. We easily patched him up, but he remained in a coma. That's when our teacher posed the same question to us as I posed to you just now - she rested her hand on the back of the chair. - She knew I didn't believe in spiritual bullshit. That's when he appeared.
- Who was it? - Hiro asked, consumed by curiosity.
- He had white hair, black glasses - she squinted her eyes slightly, raising the corner of her mouth. - And those red eyes. Oh, he was something. When he looked at you, it felt like he was looking straight into your soul. Ironically, he was precisely concerned with the human soul - she looked at Hiro's chest. - He approached the patient, placing his hand on his chest. A moment later, the patient opened his eyes. We were all surprised. Then he said to us, "A doctor saves a human life not only by treating their body but also their soul." Since then, I have no doubt about the existence of the soul - she averted her gaze towards the window.

- So why can't you help Naomi then? You're a doctor, you understand the soul. Isn't that the source of the problem? – he hoped that Suguna simply overlooked this stage of treatment.
- Doctor Hiro, did your eardrums explode? - she asked, tilting her head slightly. - Never mind, at least you catch on quickly. Yes, as a doctor, I can manipulate the patient's soul to some extent. That's how I was able to put you back together.
- Then why can't you do the same for Naomi?
- You should be able to figure it out on your own, but I'll enlighten you - she sighed lightly. - Naomi was attacked using Reiki. Unlike you, her spiritual energy was disrupted by the attacker's energy. It's as if that person directly assaulted Naomi's soul. Such cases are dealt with by exorcists.
- Exorcists? That sounds more like a religious institution than a medical one - he raised his eyebrow slightly.
- Monks were once excellent medics, but it's not the time for a lecture on the history of medicine. Exorcists are specialized medical professionals who not only treat the body but also the soul.
- So, does that mean you can't heal the soul? - with that question, the spark of hope began to fade.
- Sheesh, finally, you've caught on - she replied, lightly adjusting her hair. - I can heal the soul to some extent, but Naomi's case is more complicated. A regular case of soul damage after a fight can be fixed by any experienced doctor. Your friend was subjected to a special attack.
- Special? According to Rui, it looked like he flew past them.
- Your eyes aren't accustomed to the speed at which Reiki adepts move.
- Wait. Orine said that manipulating Reiki is child's play.
- It's hard not to agree with her, but she didn't tell you a very important fact.
- What is it? - he asked, rubbing his head.

- Only those who possess powers themselves can see Reiki.
- I thought everyone could see Reiki - he replied, clearly surprised.
- That's a fact Orine omitted, maybe she didn't even know it herself. Everyone has Reiki, but not everyone is capable of using it. Just like not everyone is able to perceive it. Do you think if anyone could see "auras," there wouldn't be a crowd of gawkers or the police at the scene of an incident?
- Indeed, they didn't mention any disturbances in the city. Wait, what happened to the hospital?
- Hold your horses. You're asking too many questions at once. A moment ago, you asked me about your friend's health, and now you're asking me about the hospital? You dont make sense.
- I'm sorry, I do that a lot. I ask a lot of questions and mix up threads. Ichika used to yell at me because of that, saying that what I say doesn't make sense - he smiled lightly, but not with joy. There was a sense of regret in his eyes.
- You're scatter-brained but devilishly curious, well then - she adjusted her coat slightly. - What do you think will happen if someone pours their soul into the very centre of another person's soul?
- Most likely, it will lead to some conflict.
- In simple terms, that's exactly how it looks. The attacker who assaulted Naomi placed a part of their soul at the epicentre of her soul.
- Is there no way to get rid of that soul?
- It's possible to perform an operation to separate the two souls, but as I mentioned before, that's the job for exorcists.
- Then why do we need to find Hadake instead of an exorcist?
- The simple reason is that only Hadake can restore the soul to its full glory, purging it of any ailments. Soul separation is a complex operation with a success rate of thirty percent. I don't think you'd want to risk your friend's life when there is a safer method available.
Hiro bit his lip. The news of the alternative intrigued him, but he didn't want to test it on his Naomi.
- Oh, don't fall into despair so easily - Suguna replied with concern as she got up from her chair and approached the table.

She extended her hand, in which she held a cigarette, pointing her index finger towards the table. Golden lines began to merge into one, forming an ashtray that looked no different from a real one.
- What did you just do? - Hiro was clearly surprised. Just a second ago, he was wrestling with his thoughts, but the sight of the object being created dispelled the storm in his mind.
- This? I created an ashtray for myself. Where else do you expect me to put out my cigarette?
- But it looks completely real – the boy stood up abruptly from the bed.
- Because it is real - she replied, extinguishing her cigarette - Do you think you're still dreaming?
- No, but how is that possible? - he asked, unable to comprehend what he had just witnessed.
- Where do you think we are? - she asked, putting her hands in her pockets.
Hiro recalled the moment a while ago when he almost fell from a height.
- Has it finally penetrated that thick skull of yours? Goodness, do you have a short memory or is it progressive Alzheimer?
Hiro looked around. The room appeared completely normal. The windows reflected the familiar view of the forest near the hospital, but what he had experienced made no sense. After a moment, he realized that he wasn't in an ordinary room.
- Where are we exactly? - Hiro quickly gathered his thoughts. His main goal now was to uncover Suguna's secret.
- Now you're asking the right question - she slowly closed her eyes, lowering her head. - We are in a place that I created.
- A place that you created? - he asked, slightly surprised. The view from the window resembled that of the hospital, but the door led somewhere completely different.
- Just as I mentioned before. Doctors also need to understand Reiki. Without knowledge of the soul, healing would be an impossible task.
- So, is this your ability then? - Hiro approached the doctor. He knew that this phenomenon could only be explained by supernatural abilities.
- Bingo - she snapped her fingers. - My ability is Yasenbyoin (field hospital). By channelling Reiki, I can create multiple small rooms and even an operating theater - she approached so closely that Hiro could feel her breath. - No one can enter or leave without my permission.
- Are we in some other dimension? - his heart started beating faster. Even though Dr. Suguna was older, she still looked incredibly beautiful.
- Not exactly. Did you notice when you looked again? - the doctor moved away from Hiro.
- But initially, everything seemed normal, as if I were on the street - he replied, trying to calm his emotions.
- I was teasing you a little - she chuckled. - At first, I allowed you to leave this room, and then I revoked your permission.
- Doctors have really interesting jokes - he remarked, rubbing the back of his head.
- Oh, come on now. Can't you loosen up a bit? Do you think I enjoy behaving like a serious doctor twenty-four hours a day? - she replied with a crooked smile, looking at the boy.
- I still don't understand how it works - despite being an intelligent person, he still couldn't grasp the exact situation he was in. For Suguna, however, it was routine.
- Let me dumb it down for you - she slowly took her hands out of her pockets. - When I grant someone access to a room on the surface of the earth, doors appear. If a person is within my reach, I can even create them before them - she blew air on her hair, which started covering her eyes. - Here's a question for you. What do you think will happen if I don't allow someone to leave the room?
- I have no idea - he answered, feeling confused. He didn't understand where this was leading.
- Really? But you tried to do it - she said, trying to steer Hiro in the right direction.
- I tried? - he lowered his hand. - Well, I wanted to pass through the door, but it looked like I opened it while flying in an airplane - he quickly connected the dots and arrived at the answer. - So, does that mean when you revoke permission, the doors open somewhere high above the clouds?
- Warm, warm, but you're wrong - she wagged her finger. - Earlier, I told you we're not in a different dimension. So where are all the rooms I created?
- Ah, you're scrambling my brain - overwhelmed by the excess of information, he held his head.
- It's not rocket science, but I think you've overheated - she gently pushed Hiro onto the bed. - All the rooms are in the clouds.
- Clouds? How is that possible? I didn't see any clouds - he blurted out, his face turning red.
- Reiki is everywhere. I've modified the cloud structure a bit, so for an ordinary person, the rooms look like ordinary clouds - she sat beside Hiro on the bed. He was clearly flustered by the doctor's proximity. - You didn't see any clouds for a simple reason. You can see Reiki.
- If that's true, then why don't I see any flying rooms? - he asked, trying to maintain his distance.
- Even a skilled user would have trouble noticing them. Reiki can be concealed - she replied, extending her arms behind her and resting them on the bed. - Besides, even if someone did notice them, I don't think there's anyone who can fly.
- I thought that aura could be forged into a weapon that reflects it - he glanced out the window.

- I didn't say that Yasenbyoin is my Reibuki - Suguna replied, staring at Hiro.
- Reibuki? What is that? - he asked, confused.
- Reibuki is the phenomenon that Orine told you about - she reached for the lab coat again, this time taking out a pack of mints. - Want one? - she extended the packaging towards the boy.
- Why not - he replied, taking a mint. - So, Reibuki is a manifestation of Reiki - he added, chewing on the candy.
- Exactly - she declared, putting the mint in her mouth. - Your blunder was equating Reiki with Reibuki.
- It's getting more and more tangled, I'm starting to lose track of it all - he said, bewildered, as all the information mixed up in his head.
- Simply put, Reibuki is a weapon - she put the packaging back into the lab coat pocket. - My ability, on the other hand, falls into the category of Kotodama. To save your feeble neurons from going into meltdown, Kotodama is a kind of magical trick caused by a change in the structure of Reiki, but it can also be used as a weapon.
- Why someone would need Reibuki if they can use Kotodama? - he asked, with a contorted expression on his face.
- As many people using Reiki, as many ways to utilize it. Not everyone needs Reibuki, just as not everyone needs to use Kotodama. You are only limited by your own abilities.
- Does that mean not everyone can acquire Reibuki? - he asked, resting his chin on his hand.
- Not everyone needs Reibuki - she stated, raising her right hand. - It all depends on the person. Some people use Reibuki, some use Kotodama, and others combine both - she added, placing her hand on her knee. - Everyone fights and uses their abilities as they see fit, or to be more precise, everyone uses their most effective skills in which they excel, to defeat their opponents.
- I was hoping for some sort of division. It would make things much easier - he replied, slowly rubbing his chin.
- This world is not simple - she said, looking towards the screen. - You will encounter many surprises, witness many phenomena you never even dreamed of.
- Can I prepare in any way? - he asked, hoping to hear some golden advice.
- You can't prepare for everything - she replied firmly. - You can only acknowledge that anything is possible - Suguna slightly bit her upper lip. It was a subtle gesture, Hiro noticed it, but decided not to mention it. - You can't think that something is impossible. That mindset won't allow you to analyse the abilities of your opponent. You'll be shocked - she declared, turning her head towards Hiro. - Your sense of sight will leave you paralyzed, your brain won't be able to comprehend what you're seeing - she added, slowly getting even closer. - And if that happens, you'll meet your demise - she said, staring straight into Hiro's eyes. Her gaze seemed to penetrate his very soul.
- I won't allow that - he replied, swallowing hard. - I have to do this for my family, for my friends - he added, clenching his hand into a fist.
- A good reaction - she said, slowly stepping away from Hiro. - But don't be so confident. Sometimes retreat is necessary - the doctor slowly got up from the bed. - We've had our talk. Go home, change your clothes.
- I will, thank you.

Suguna began to walk away from the bed. Hiro, looking at his clothes, realized a certain fact.
- Wait a minute! How on earth am I wearing hospital clothes? – the woman stopped. - My clothes definitely didn't get destroyed during the fight with that monster. Someone must have dressed me.
- That's what you're worried about? I dressed you myself - she replied indifferently.
- Why?! I could have stayed in my own clothes - Hiro felt embarrassed about being dressed by an older woman.
- Don't be so shy - she stated, leaning against the screen. - There was nothing worth looking at anyway.
- Where did you put my clothes? - he asked, blushing on his cheeks.
- I threw them away as garbage.
- What?! -he replied, unable to believe that Suguna got rid of his clothes. - I liked that jacket. It could have been fixed - he added, getting up from the bed.
- Patients shouldn't be walking around in trash bags.
- Bitch... - he muttered quietly.
- You don't have to get so worked up. I told Orine to buy some clothes; they're probably already in your wardrobe.
- Orine in my wardrobe? Are you a doctor or the leader of a guild of thieves? - Suguna's actions seemed increasingly irrational to Hiro.
- Be glad she went there. Homeless people would have probably taken the remnants of your clothes along with other valuable items.
- I forgot, I didn't lock the door behind me - Hiro realized that if it weren't for his friend, his home would have been completely looted. - I don't know if I'll be able to repay you - while discussing his friend, one question came to Hiro's mind. - Speaking of Orine - he grew serious in an instant. - Why didn't you give her all the information?
- Don't strain your brain over it - she waved her hand. - I told you it doesn't matter anymore - she added, slowly approaching the window. - That information was reserved only for you. Do whatever you want with it.
- Why only for me? - he said, placing his left hand on his chest. - If others knew everything, we could have prepared a better plan.
- I've already told you the reason, I won't repeat myself - she replied, closing her eyes.
- Since that's the case, can you tell me why you didn't pass on all that wisdom to Orine? You're her aunt - he retorted, irritated by the doctor's actions.
- Watch your tongue - she replied coldly. - I won't discuss family matters with you - Suguna was clearly agitated by Hiro's words, and seeing his reaction, he decided not to respond. - I save your sorry life, offer you a chance to restore Naomi's health, and this is the thanks I get? – her tone was calm, yet full of anger. - Who do you think you are, preaching to me? - she asked quickly, turning towards the boy, but she didn't hear a response. - Never mind, I'm done talking. Go home, change your clothes, and then go to Orine - she said, clutching her head. Slowly, she began to move towards the door.
- I'm sorry - he bowed as a sign of apology. - Thank you so much for everything you've done for us; I'm very grateful. I behaved inappropriately - Hiro's words touched the doctor.
- You're a good kid, but watch what you say - she approached, placing her hand on his shoulder. - Words can sometimes be stronger than blades; they hurt more than physical wounds - she slowly withdrew her hand and headed towards the exit. - Good luck or something, just don't get yourself killed by leaving this room.
Hiro straightened up. Suguna opened the door, heading outside. Hiro felt determined; the doctor's words motivated him to take action.

- Chyotto (Wait a moment) - he looked at his clothes again. - Should I go home like this? People will think I escaped from the loony bin - the thought of walking on the street in a hospital gown terrified Hiro. - Actually, I forgot to ask her about the hospital and our school - he continued, slowly approaching the door. - Even if it wasn't on the news, the authorities must have taken an interest in that incident - he turned the doorknob, trying to leave the room. - I'll ask Orine, but first I'll go home.
After opening the door, Hiro saw a corridor with many doors, but no stairs. - Nani sore? (What's this?) - he said, surprised. - It looks like a Jehovah's Witness training centre.
He walked through the door for a moment, looking for a possible exit, but found none.
- Great, now I'll spend eternity trying to get out of this maze.
He walked along the corridor, searching for any clue.
- It's useless, I'll open this one - he energetically pulled the doorknob. - A... - he let out a short sound because Tsukasa, a classmate whom Daichi was supposed to give a ride home, was standing right there, completely naked, taking a shower.
- The perverts are getting bolder - she said coldly. Hiro didn't respond, quickly closing the door and leaning against it. - What the hell was that? - his heart rate soared, and he started breathing heavily. - She's sharp, but damn, she has an amazing body - the image of Tsukasa's naked form burned into his memory. - She may act like a noblewoman, but those legs and chest... - he closed his eyes, giving in to his imagination 
I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world ♪ - he started humming one of the songs he often heard while driving with his parents. - Her hair is great too. Long... black, perfect figure - Hiro lost himself in his thoughts, slowly sinking to the floor. - If I had a chance, maybe I would talk to her - he gradually stopped thinking about Tsukasa's appearance. - What am I even thinking? - he chuckled. - I'd be too scared to approach her, let alone start a conversation – the boy stood up from the floor. - Alright, enough of these foolish thoughts. It's time to get out of here - he declared confidently. - Which door to choose? - he looked back. - Definitely not these, I'll try somewhere else - he walked five doors down. - Maybe these? - Hiro touched the doorknob and felt a slight electric shock run through his body. - What was that? - he asked himself. - One more time - he touched the doorknob again, feeling a different sensation. - Now a tingling sensation? What's going on here? - he moved away from the door, carefully examining its structure. - Just regular doors, nothing special - he thought for a few minutes. - Oh right, I'm in Suguna's created space - he began analysing his conversation with the doctor, searching for clues. - Her Yasenbyoin is made of clouds, she modified their structure using Reiki - invoking Reiki, Hiro understood the riddle of the corridor. - If everything I see was created through Reiki manipulation, and I can sense it, then the electric sensation is the key to leaving this room - Hiro started touching each doorknob one by one, comparing which door caused the strongest tingling sensation. After a while, he found the one that had the most powerful effect. - Got it - he said proudly.

He turned the doorknob, pushing the door open. - Well, we're home! - Hiro's home appeared before his eyes. He stepped outside slowly.
- You can't prepare for everything, you can only acknowledge that anything is possible - he recalled Suguna's words with a smile on his face. Hiro started walking towards the gate.
- It's time to prepare for training - he said energetically, grabbing the handle. - Ichika, I'll take you back home - he said, tightly gripping the iron bars.
Hiro entered with confidence. He opened the door and took off his shoes.
- Tadaima (I'm home) - he said, leaving the entrance and heading towards the kitchen.
He decided to prepare something to eat. Both the kitchen and the entrance were perfectly clean.
- Oh, what's this? - Hiro noticed a container lying on the counter. - Who could have left this? - he wondered, noticing a sticky note. It read, "Eat well first," signed by Orine. Hiro put the note aside and opened the container. - I didn't know she was this caring - he thought as he found Gyudon, rice mixed with beef, inside. – It looks delicious - Hiro loved all dishes containing meat, so he quickly took chopsticks from the drawer - "Itadakimasu!!!" he said loudly, folding his hands in prayer.

He ate it fairly quickly. Usually, when Hiro eats something delicious, his consumption speed increases significantly.
- Gochiso sama deshita (Thank you for the meal) - he said after finishing the meal, washing the container and disposing of the chopsticks. Then he went to his room. He opened the closet in search of new clothes.
- Suguna said that Orine left something for me - he looked around the closet but didn't notice any new clothes. - Maybe she forgot? - he wondered, closing the closet doors. - Wait, this isn't my room - Hiro began to deeply contemplate where he was. - Oh, right, this is Eito's room. I'll go to mine - not wanting to dwell on how he ended up there, he decided to go to his own room. - Strange, why did I think that? But it doesn't matter now - he said, opening the closet where he saw a black suit jacket with among his clothes, next to his favorite red shirt. - How much does Orine know about me from Ichika? - he took the hangers with clothes. - They must have talked a lot about me, probably complaining that my closet is a mess - he said, putting the jacket and shirt on the bed. He approached the cabinet and took out a belt, to his surprise, next to the belt, there was a new pair of dark suit pants. - Not bad, she really went all out - Hiro smiled, taking both items from the cabinet. - Well, it's time to get into my new clothes - he quickly changed into the new outfit. - Quite good, it fits me perfectly - he commented, looking at himself in the mirror opposite his bed. - I don't know how to thank Orine and Suguna for all this - he looked towards the window. - I've never ventured beyond Miyagi Island. I've spent my entire life here, and now I have to reach Chūgoku. It's a crazy plan... Well, I love challenges - he left his room and headed to the living room. - I still have plenty of time, I'll try to practice sensing Reiki like back then.
Hiro dedicated the remaining free time to attempting to find the energy he had experienced. He spent a few hours walking around the room, touching various objects. Soon, he had to prepare for his departure because an intense training awaited him.

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