No Solace (The Flames of Retr...

By inkysparrow

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***Amby Awards Top Pick for Young Adult 2023*** ***Featured on Stories Undiscovered for September 2023*** ***... More

A list of the Aptitudes and what they do
A History of the War and the Cataclysm
The Nations of the Earth after the Cataclysm
Chapter One -Saint Atrize's Festival
Chapter 1.5 - Emily
Chapter Two - The Church of St. Perron Renaud
Chapter Three - The Lastender Estates
Chapter Four - Father's advice
Chapter Five - The Night Market
Chapter Six - In the Imperial Dungeon
Chapter Seven - Pirates
Chapter Eight -The Beltritian Port and the Doctor
Chapter Nine - Dr. Larimar
Chapter Ten - Meeting the Tavla
Chapter Eleven - The Deal
Chapter Twelve - The Dance
Chapter Thirteen - In the Arena
Chapter Fourteen - A heart in the abyss
Chapter Fifteen - The distances between belief and truth
Chapter Sixteen- The Best Laid Plans
Chapter Seventeen -The Oracle Matenli
Chapter Eighteen - Departure
Chapter Nineteen - On the way to Janesport
Chapter Twenty - Stratagem
Chapter Twenty-One - A sea of serpents
Chapter Twenty-Two - Revelations
Chapter Twenty-three - Mistakes were made
Chapter Twenty-four - Another Fine Mess
Chapter Twenty-Five - Onward to Sanfelton
Chapter Twenty-six -The Port of Sanfelton
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Kohl Sanfelton
Chapter Twenty-Eight- The Magic Tower
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Schemes in the Embassy
Chapter Thirty-One - Chevral Deming
Chapter Thirty-Two- The Lies We Keep
Chapter Thirty-Three - A Childhood Crush
Chapter Thirty-Four - An Unsavory Invitation
Chapter Thirty-Five - An Awkward Carriage Ride
Chapter Thirty-Six - An Uncomfortable Dinner
Chapter Thirty-Seven - The Seeds of Change and Rebellion
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Confessions
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Mata Hari doesn't live here.
Chapter Forty - New Opportunities
Chapter Forty-One - Bitter Tea
Chapter Forty-Two - The Flames of Retribution

Chapter Thirty - A Ball to End All Balls

37 4 9
By inkysparrow

The imperial ballroom was a grand and opulent space, with high ceilings adorned with intricate gold and silver moldings. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm and inviting glow over the room. The walls were covered in rich tapestries depicting scenes from Sanfeltonian history, while the marble floors were polished to a mirror-like shine. The room was filled with people dressed in their finest attire, their laughter and chatter filling the air. The scent of exotic flowers and perfumes wafted through the room, adding to the atmosphere of luxury and extravagance. At the center of the room was a raised platform, where the royal family sat on ornate thrones, watching the festivities below.

As I entered the ballroom, my nerves began to get the better of me. I knew that I would be facing some of the most powerful people in the Sanfelton Empire.

I would be facing the emperor himself.

As well as some old "friends".

Renata was easy to spot, with her elegant dress and haughty expression, she was obscured by several people, but I marked her, turning away before I sneered. Kohl was standing by the refreshment table, sipping on a glass of wine while looking impatient about something. I glanced at the platform, noting the rest of the royal family sitting there with no room for him.


And then there was Darla, my duplicitous cousin. I could feel my anger rising as I saw her laughing with a group of her friends, completely oblivious to the fact that I was watching her. She seemed to be doing quite well, judging by the cut and material of her red dress. It was more than her barony would have normally been able to afford. Peony, her sister, was standing like a ghost next to her in a drab gray gown.

Poor Peony. My other cousin was everything Darla was not, but she followed her sister as if she was a goddess.

I did not spot Chevral anywhere, and that was strange. The man loved a party. He also loved hanging on the coattails of Kohl Sanfelton.

While pondering that, I made my way towards the platform where the imperial family sat. As I approached it, I felt the eyes of nobles following after me. It seemed that Ursula's outfit for me had made an impression.

At the foot of the platform, I could feel my heart racing with anticipation. This was a litmus test. The emperor kept empaths near and they could reveal me in seconds. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves as I climbed the steps to the platform.

As I reached the top, I bowed low before the imperial family, "Your Majesty," I said, my voice steady and respectful. "I am honored to be in your presence tonight."

The emperor looked at me with a cool, appraising gaze, his expression unreadable. "Rise and look at me." When I did, he asked, "Kaashif Rathe, is it?" His voice was deep and commanding. Despite being close to sixty, he was still devastating to behold. Next to him, his dark haired queen, who looked just like Kohl, was staring out at the ball with a bored expression.

"Yes, your majesty," I replied, keeping my eyes on him.

The two empaths at his feet, twin sisters dressed to look like butterflies, stared at me. One of them tilted her head, appearing confused, but neither sounded the alarm that I was false. The other smiled at me, which was cause for concern.

Empaths didn't smile. Ever.

The emperor, however, was oblivious to the change in her expression, and I silently thanked Faluel.

Keeping my face straight, I gave my regards to the crown prince, Quentin as well, and glanced at Altair with a nod, not sure if I should start a conversation with him on the dais.

After a few more polite words, I was excused. I bowed low once more, my heart pounding with relief. I had managed to get through the encounter with the emperor without arousing suspicion. Now, it was time to focus on my true targets.

Before I could get too far into my plans, Altair stepped down from the platform and grabbed my hand. "Wait."

Altair's grip on my hand was light but imperious, and I could feel the weight of his stare on me. I kept my expression mild. "What is it, your highness?"

"I'm hurt, Kaashif. You greeted my father and brother, but for me, I received a simple nod?"

I could feel the tension in the air as Altair spoke. His grip on my hand tightened, and I could see the anger in his eyes. I knew that I had to tread carefully with him.

"My apologies, Your Highness," I said, my voice calm and respectful. "I didn't mean to offend you. I was just following protocol. The only imperials to be addressed would be the emperor and his heir. It is rude to address or be addressed by the rest of the family on the dais unless it's by the emperor's leave."

Altair's expression softened slightly, but his grip on my hand remained firm. "After our time together, I would have expected a lapse in protocol," he said.

He released my hand and stepped closer to me, his eyes fixed on mine. "I thought you had approached the dais to seek my company."

I kept my expression neutral, all too aware of the warning just that afternnoon. "I apologize, your highness. I didn't want to assume such a thing."

Altair raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "Is that so?"

"Although I'm not an ambassador, I am a representative of my country. I can't ignore protocol." I paused, allowing my smile to grow charming. "However, I would be delighted to have your guidance, your highness."

Altair's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before he slung his arm over my shoulder, his expression unreadable. "Well then, let me introduce you around."

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. Kohl had mentioned that this night would be filled with surprises, and I hoped I could keep my promise to Ursula.

Altair led me around the ballroom, introducing me to various nobles and courtiers, finally arriving in front of Lord Tiberius and Lord Aric.

Lord Aric was everything that the ambassador had described, and Lord Tiberius was a tall, slender man with delicate features that were almost feminine in their beauty. His closely cropped hair was the color of honey, and his eyes reminded me of moonstones that seemed to reflect the light and emit a gray luminescence. He was dressed in a fine silk tunic, embroidered with gold thread, and a pair of fitted pants that hugged his lean frame. He gave me a haughty look as he studied me.

"Gentlemen, this is Kaashif Rathe," Altair said, gesturing towards me.

As Lord Aric and Lord Tiberius greeted me, I could feel their eyes scanning me from head to toe. I had a feeling that I'd come up wanting in their eyes.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lord Aric, Lord Tiberius," I said, bowing respectfully.

Lord Aric tilted his head to the side, his expression unreadable. "And what brings you to Sanfelton, Kaashif Rathe?" he asked, his voice was like an icicle, smooth, cold and sharp.

"I am here to attend the royal academy," I said, keeping my tone respectful.

Lord Tiberius spoke up, his voice soft but with a slight growl, as though the delicate beauty was all a ruse. "And what do you hope to gain from attending the royal academy?" he asked, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I hope to gain all the answers to my questions, since you are a Seeker as well, Lord Tiberius, I'm sure you understand," I curved my lips upward, the very picture of an earnest young adept.

As I spoke, I could see a flicker of surprise in Lord Tiberius' eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a cool, assessing gaze. "Indeed, I do understand," he said, his voice still soft but with a hint of steel. "The academy is a place of learning, but also of rigorous testing. It is not for the faint of heart."

"I am prepared for the challenge, Lord Tiberius," I replied, my voice steady, understanding the hidden meaning behind my countryman's words. I would be put to the test in every way possible.

Instead of allowing them to question me further, Altair led me away from them to my surprise. As we walked, I could see the other nobles and courtiers watching us with interest. It was clear that they had taken note of Altair's protectiveness. I would have some trouble being sneaky with all the eyes on me.

As Altair led me towards a quiet corner of the ballroom, he turned me to face him. "You handled yourself well in front of my friends," he said, his voice low. "But I didn't like how interested they were in you. I want to be the first to learn all about you."

I worked to keep my body from tensing up at his possessive tone. "That is flattering, your highness. I will keep that in mind."

Altair smiled, his expression softening. "You don't have to call me your highness all the time, you know," he said. "We're friends now, aren't we?"

No. No we weren't, but if he wanted to think like that, it only helped me. I flicked my eyes downward, as though I was shy. "Of course, your highness," I murmured.

Altair chuckled, his hand coming to rest on my shoulder. "You're a strange one, Kaashif Rathe," he said, his tone teasing. "But I think I like you."

I smiled, feigning pleasure. "I see, your highness."

As Altair and I continued our conversation, I could hear a commotion coming from the other side of the ballroom. I turned to see that Chevral Deming had arrived, and he was upending all the tables and smashing the champagne flutes.

As the commotion grew louder, Altair and I made our way towards the man. The guests were scattering, trying to avoid the chaos that had erupted.

Kohl was standing off to the side, with his arms crossed, looking like he'd become the emperor. My eyes narrowed, knowing this was probably the surprise he'd promised.

As we approached Chevral Deming, I could see the insanity in his eyes. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were torn and stained with wine. He was shouting and throwing anything he could get his hands on.

Altair moved in front of me, shielding me from the chaos like I was a damsel. "What is going on here?" he demanded, his voice firm.

Chevral Deming turned towards us, his eyes wild. "I won't stand for this!" he shouted; his voice hoarse. "I won't let them get away with it!"

Altair's expression hardened. "Get away with what, Chevral?"

Chevral's eyes flickered towards Kohl, who was still standing off to the side, watching the chaos with a smug expression.

Altair's eyes narrowed as he turned to Kohl. "What is this, Kohl?"

Kohl blinked his eyes innocently. "I was standing here when he walked in. What could I have done?"

Giving lie to Kohl's words, Chevral flung himself towards him, a wild, ingratiating smile on his face, before being held back by two guards. "You forgive me now, right? You said I was your family, Kohl. Will you take me back?"

Altair addressed him. "Come on, Chevral," he said, his calm. "Go home and get yourself cleaned up."

Chevral's smile faltered, "'re not angry with me?"

Altair shook his head, but his expression was anything but pleased. "No, Chevral. Go home."

Chevral began to sob. "No! You're supposed to be angry! Arrest me!"

Kohl was chuckling at the chaos.

I could see the disgust on Altair's face as he turned to Kohl. "You. Was this your grand spectacle? You've caused embarrassment to your emperor."

Kohl's expression remained smug, but I could see a flicker of rage in his eyes as Altair referred to their father as Kohl's emperor. "I did nothing of the sort. I was just standing here. Chevral is clearly insane after being censured."

"That's right your highness! I believe that Lord Chevral meant to harm poor Prince Kohl," a woman said as she tucked her hand around Kohl's arm.

"Thank you, Lady Isadora," Kohl said as he dropped a kiss on her lips. Then he gave us a smug look. "You see?"

As Lady Isadora clung to Kohl's arm, I could see the way her eyes darted between him and Altair. It was clear that she hoped to curry favor with both princes, but Kohl seemed to have the bulk of her esteem.

Altair's expression remained cold as he addressed his brother. "You will leave now, Kohl."

Kohl's smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "As you wish, your highness," he said, before turning to Lady Isadora. "Shall we go, my dear?"

Lady Isadora nodded, her eyes still fixed on Altair. "Of course, my lord," she said, before following Kohl out of the ballroom.

The emperor clapped his hands. "With this unfortunate incident, we will end the ball."

The crowd murmured in disappointment, and I stole a glance at the dais. Empress Erzebet was glaring at Altair, but the emperor simply looked weary.

I turned to stare at the door that Kohl had left through. "Why do you suppose he did that? I noticed he didn't have a place on the platform."

Altair's brows furrowed at my question. "It's a private matter. I cannot share it with you."

What a pity. I would not get the information I sought from any of my marks that night. I knew it was not the time to press Altair.

Instead, I nodded my head in understanding. "Of course, your highness," I said, my voice soft. "I understand that there are some things that are best kept private."

Altair's expression softened, and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you, Kaashif," he said, his voice warm. "You're a good friend."

"Well, I hope to be considered as such." I returned his expression.

As we made our way back towards the main ballroom, I spotted someone that made my heart turn to ice.

Merx Lastender, my beloved Merx, was escorting Renata out of the ballroom. While I hadn't seen her clearly when I first spotted her, it was apparent that she was pregnant.

Merx had a protective arm around Renata's waist as they walked, and she leaned into him for support. Her face was pale, and she was speaking to him with a tender smile.

I turned to Altair, my voice shaking. "Your highness, may I be excused? I need to attend to something."

Altair's expression was one of concern as he nodded his head. "Of course, Kaashif. Is everything alright?"

I nodded with a thin smile, not trusting myself to speak. Instead, I hurried outside, blindly running with no destination.

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