That's The Spirit

De JoyBoy825

9.9K 286 60

Jaune arc was just like any other kid just wanting to make his dream a reality of wanting to be a hero and th... Mai multe

need a little help (its decided)
Jaune's Bio
Spirit Guides
Where Promises Lie
The Deafening Silence
Chasing The Monsters Away
chasing the monsters away part 2
A New Beginning
We all start somewhere

Stiching the scars of the past

653 24 1
De JoyBoy825

POV: Jaune

In the cave as both Jaune and magenta sit trying to calmdown on the near death experienced as they were taking deep breaths trying to eas their rapidly beating hearts as they do

Jaune looks to his sister "Are you feeling any better does it hurt anywhere" he asked as she shook her head 

"no I'm actually feeling better whatever you did, thanks Jaune" she said awkwardly as an awkward silence followed 

"pfffffttttt HAHAHA"the awkward silence was broken by Jaunes chuckling quickly turned to laughter which confused Magenta

"what's so funny?" asked Magenta why her brother was laughing 

"it's just that we were able to something that people at our age was thought to be impossible able to outrun  and trick the grimm in to thinking that we died and we almost did but were still alive because of ...whatever you did how did you do that"as Jaune calmed down and asked his sister on how she was able to direct them and how she knew that the cave was at the edge 

"I don't know how it happend I just did you know, how do I explain it, it's like I was being guided by something or someone it felt that I could feel like i was being guarded by that something they were just let me 'see' like i felt like ...ugh i don't how to explain it but it was like i-"

"was seeingthings from the planet itself" Jaune finished her sentence as she turned to his direction and just nodded not understanding it herself 

"it sounds crazy I know but that's the best way to discribe it I know you'll make fun of me for it won't you"she asked with her head down 

"no I don't" he said without thinking  as she kept looking down but he knew she was still listening 

As memories that are not his own of someone that also had a connection to the planet itself

A brunette haired girl with green emerald eyes that shine a pink bow on her ponytail with a red jacket and pink sun dress but the memories showed him to not be fooled by her demeaner for she is quite the fighter as memories showed him the battles they- no Cloud and them once fought and it made a smile form on his face

"I think it's really cool and a really useful power cause in a way you can see what's coming and can think of plan to work with it and in a way if you look at it you are remnants favorite" explained Jaune saying that last part quite to himself, if anyone said that he was jealous they were wrong dead wrong he wasn't jealous no not one bit not him no sir

But it made his sister laugh which now he was confused in which a smirk was showing on Magenta

"So someone's jealous huh?" As she said and Jaune blushed in emberrasment denying it and but then also joined in the laughter as tension that was once in the air desipated

but Magenta quickly turned around which alarmed Jaune so instinctively summon the ultima blade as images assault his mind which caused a splitting headache but pushed it aside as much as it hurts

Yet a a strong memory forced itself to the front of his mind

(I don't own Final Fantasy XV)

'Stand tall' was what kept repeating over again in his mind confused about what was said and what was happening with him why did he see Noctis and three others with him who were and bride to be was Noctis  getting married?

'You may want to focus on your sister in where she's going you know' said Noctis inside Jaune's mind as he shook of the thouhgt and ran to catch up to her and when did they were deep within the cave but what he saw shocked him

(I don't own this drawing also ignore the hole and imagine it's a small pond 

Crystals all around him and a small tray of light enters from a hole on the ceiling of the cave system and it was reflecting from the Crystals as they shined beautifully and eccentric

And saw his sister was also exploring the cave but then he saw crystals as a feeling was telling him to touch the crystal and as he does a feeling was felt he did so

The Crystals were reacting to something within him as they flash a bright light

As the Crystals turn to dust and start going into his arm and he was feeling something as if something deep within him being filled up like a jar being filled with water but the jar cracked as if it was to much for it to handle as a bright light filled the room 

POV  change:???

As the hooded figure was still looking throught the scope seeing the two kids running from the grimm and when he saw the boy swiftly dodge as he left an after image "hmm interesting" as he kept seeing what was happening and when he saw them jump of the cliff he let out a sinister chuckle "that crazy son of a bitch... oh well can't win all of them it would of been taisty to take that semblence his" as he said slightly disapointed not able to add another semblence to his vast arsenal 

'cause with great power comes great opportunity and the weak shall die' he thought to himself 

' i thought it was a healing semblence but maybe he was awakening the other brats Aura'ashe was thinking the sound of a gun getting ready to be used was behind him and saw that it was a boy with gray hair and gray eyes 

"so you deciding on pulling the trigger or what cause you and I both know you don't have the balls to do it cause if you did you'll be in a bigger shit hole besides don't you want your semblence back~" he said as he knows that the boy lowered the gun "now that my fun was ruined " said the assassin still looking through the scope of the rifle one last time and was going to leave but

An explosion of light shines through the forest shaking the very ground they were standing on and the hooded man had a feeling in his gut and the possible thought started to make his blood pump with a feral gleaming smile the only thing that is seen

He went back to the scope and what he is seeing is making his blood start to pump like he was running 5 miles and what he was seeing was a spectical that no one has ever witnessed as then storm started to surround the area

As it was raining hard then two lightning bolts strikes a certain area and as quickly as the lightning struck the storm clouds cleared along with the rain and this got his full attention

( I don't own death note I just love the laugh)

As the boy saw the man laughing like a madman he was trembling because he saw many sides to the man anger, annoyed,etc... all of it but this this wasn't something that he saw this man the assassin a killer a hunter, his father laughing he only ever hears him chuckled but laughing it felt...unsettling

As the man turned around to look at him he started to shake

"Mercury get the the note" he said as Mercury did and was getting ready to go and attack them but was stopped

" where do you think you're going"  the man asked

"To go after them" Mercury answered

"Ah like I taught you, good you do have some capabilities for learning after all but no why do that now let's make this fun why don't we, get the bow and arrow" said the man Mercury listened and got the bow and arrow

As the man started to write down on the piece of paper

'Well well well it seems like you have survived from some crazy shit and you just got out of a another shitty situation with such power as well I'll give a heads up that I will take such power because it will be a really big help so hold on to what's mine for me and keep it nice and toasted for now your safe but not for long.

-white death '

(Sorry if it doesn't sound threatening I'm not good at doing threats but i'm good at promises sorry just had to add that it sounded better in my head)

He tied the note to the arrow and his eyes started to flash a yellow light and a cross hair looks and stares into the air holding not doing anything then suddenly letting the arrow fly into the distance

POV change: 3rd person

-Present time-

"And that's what happened we were able to escape into a cave and we got  lucky that Jaune's semblence activated and was able to heal me enough for us to escape and he was able to carry me when I was exhausted" Magenta explained to her parents as the looks on their faces showed that they were shocked that Jaune was able to kill one Grimm with no aura was really impressive and was able to get out of such a difficult predicament for most people hell mostly people for their age should be impossible but were happy nonetheless as her father was staring at her and she shuffled under the eyes of her father

But a sound of a clap got all there attention back

"Well then since you are alright and  feeling better ill make your favorite food" said Violet

" I'll help too" said a voice as they turn around and see Jaune at the door with his hands clean of blood but his sweater still holds the stains

" I would also like to help in the kitchen as well" said her dad which shocked them but for her mother was more than happy for them to have a bonding moment

"Well then you two go home and get the food prepared while me and the girls will stay with Magenta to feel safe" said Violet

as they left Magenta turned to her mother and notice that she was looking at her like she needed to explain herself 

"so what else is there because you didn't want to say anything infront of your father now talk or your grounded for a month " as a dark aura and a cold feeling was felt in the room 

"you know what im gonna look for some snacks" said Rose quickly leaves for snacks 

"oh look a new sequel gang fighters 6 just came i'mm gonna go and wait in line for it by" said  Rouge

'wait don't you buy games only you traitors!'mentally scold her two other sisiters

"oh look my best friend Terra called to hang out ok got to go bye"said Saphron

'we know you like her Saphron it's not a big secret now hurry up so you can give me a grand baby' thought Violet hope to get a grandchild soon 

"oh uh i forgot to... uh feed my football bye"  Noir quickly ran out of the room and in the hall way they could hear "really feed my football did you kick your brain away too"said one of the girls outside

while two twins were sitting down enjoying the drama that was happening while eating popcorn 

"so how do you think she'll get her self out of this one" said Argent while stuffing her face with popcorn 

"hmm probably try fabricate a tragic story that will get mom to keel over" replied Or also filling her face with popcorn (also Or means Gold in french)

"I bet she won't keel over and give Magy a good ranting" said Argent betting against her twin 

"oh that so ok then what we bettin then" asked Or  

" the loser has to do the others Homework for a week" she said 

"oh Your on " as her twin agreed and shook on it and Arc never go back on thier word as the family moto goes

'are you guys really betting on my survival those traitors the lot em!' she cursed at her sisters leaving her in the mercy at the beast known as their mother 

"so i'm waiting" her mom said making her tremble 

"um well you see um uh " as she sees the look in her moms eyes she can only think three words 

'oh crap baskets ' 

POV Change: Jaune & Gilbert/ Dad 

an awkward silence was between the two as they walk on the side walk to where they just couldn't see eachother eye 

Gideon looks at Jaune and remembers what he and violet talked about 

-flashback to few hours before-

"Gilbert"  Violet called her husbands attention yet he didn't turn around as she walked towards him as she walks towards him him still looking down at something and follows his eyes direction and a frown follows

(Gilbert is Regis and pretend that the background is Beacon)

As Gilbert unconsciousnessly rubs his metal arm where his real arm use to be

And felt a cold feeling on his shoulder then gently grabbing his hand

"Gilbert please stop doing this to your self" Violet said softly as gently tightened her hands on his

"Please" she begged pleading him

" why... why did... how am  I suppose to live when they had brighter futures and I was ...was-"he couldn't finish his sentence for he was trembling as tears fell

As seeing her love she felt her heart feel like it was being squeezed and it was painful for her

"It should have been me if I was somehow able to-" Gilbert was taken out of his thoughts when he was tackled down on the bed

(Gilbert's the one laying on the bed, Violet's the one on top)

"Don't ever say that do you hear me without you our family wouldn't be here we wouldn't have beautiful children, have a life that we are surrounded by love every day with you and to see another day with our kids is the only thing that I need If you think you don't deserve it well to bad cause I'm going to tell you that I love you for the rest of our lives no matter how big or small I'm going to remain with you so your stuck with me cause I'm not going anywhere cause you and our family are my life and it's going to stay like that got it!" Violet said passionately while looking at him in the eyes of her love

As he looks at his love, his wife he  wonders to himself "what did I ever do to deserve you" as he raises his hand on her face as he gently rubs her cheek lovingly

She chuckled and gives him a kiss and simply answered "you loving me" while looking at him with full of love in spades to give him

As they layed there in bed in eachothers embrace in comforting eachother

"you wanted to talk about something  dear" Gilbert asked his wife since she wanted to speak about something

"No that can wait later when your feeling better" she said but Gilbert gently pushed her

"Please speak your mind if it bothers you I want to know so we can find away to work over it" he said Gently grabbing her hands with a gentle squeeze

She is in thought waying out her options and then let out a sigh
And Gilbert sat straight to hear what she is about to say

"Its about you and...Jaune" she said nervously

"Oh?" He said waiting for her to continue

"I'm worried that the two of you are drifting apart and you two haven't talked to eachother in a few days so I'm worried" she said

" Oh well... I don't know what to say it's just that I just don't want him to see things and *sigh* I just don't want him to exprince such pain and darkness that this world has and thought that it would be a phase and would be back to watching cartoons playing video games, but no he's so stubborn at wanting to be a huntsman a hero" he said as she shakes her head I'm agreement

"Well he is your son as the saying goes like Father like son" she said as she lightly chuckled

He smiled a that thought but It quickly turned to a frown "and that's what scares me"

"What do you mean?" She asked

"i'm proud that Jaune would stand up for something that he deams precious but being a huntsman is something that i just wish it wasn't it if he wanted to be a technichian good, a plumber ok, hell even a doctor fantastic but a huntsman it's something I think he can't handle its a heavy job it's brutal nearly endless darkness" he answered honestly worried 

as Violet remembers the look of burning determination that her son had when he declared the the duel a few days ago she let a small smile show for she as her husband felt terrified at the thought of her son wanting to be a huntsman she can never not worry about her little boy wanting to do a dangerous job brutal and heartless but when faced with the odds stacked against him looks more determined to get over the obsticle not being swayed 

"well i think you have no faith in our son then" she said as he turned around looking at her confused 

"what of course i have faith it just that-" he was stopped when he couldn't think of anything else besides trying to protect him but theres more than that 

"have you seen the way his eyes shine when he talks about something hes passonite about?" she asked him 

and of course he has on multiple occasion when he smiles and when he gets excited the room around shines brightly and it's infectious even at the thought a aghost of a smile was creaping up on his features 

"of course I have seeing such a beautiful spark thats within him it's amazing that being able to do anything and I want to bring it out and I-" and was stoped once more when her wife put a finger on his lips stoping him from continuing as he looks at her with aa look that caught him

"I know you try to do whats best for him and try to draw out his potential but we can't force it there will be a time and moment when it will be drawn out on it's own" she said and took of her finger of his lips

"and what if its a crucial moment?" he asked 

"then we can only prepare him before the moment comes" she answered 

"if he doesn't know if it's wrong" he asked again

"then he will learn the hard way as the rest of us because life is sometimes the greatest teacher it may be brutal but it's fair in teaching the lesson"

"but what if he can't make an important desicion?" he asked once more 

"we can only hope that he makes the right one" as she answered with a smile as he sighed 

as she again grabs his hands and puts the on her face 

"i understand your worries but we as parents can't control everything they do we can only guide them if they do something wrong and learn from it we will be there and we can show them a better path but we can't force them down that path and they will have to walk it willingly and they will grow and we can teach them what not to reapeat the same mistake we once did and sadly one day they will learn how fly out of the nest and they will be able to walk on there own without holding our hand but for now lets do everything to support our children and enjoy the journey with them" she wisely said to her husband as he knew she was right 

"your right"

"hmm i know i am and please try to see it in Jaunes perspective please for me" she asked him

as he lets out a sighs and nods "i'll try"

"and that's all i'm asking for" she said  as they were about to kiss the moment was ruined when the phone rang 

"i'll go get it you stay here and think of a way to make it up to our son"she told him as she was about to leave he slapped her butt as she yelped and looked at him and looks at him with 'the look' and so he laid down and she put on her gloves and went  to answer the call and then few silent seconds later 

"WHAT!!!!!!" as the scream was heard all in Ansle 

-Flashback end-

He looks at Jaune as they continue to walk their way home 


"yeah?" Jaune turned his direction 

"i'm glad both of you are ok you did great coming the hospital and you did good son"he said awkardly 

Jaune blushed in emberrasment getting praised by his father but was happy and smiled "thank you dad" he said as this also caused Gilbert to also let a small smile appear on his lips and the awkward air was replaced with a comfortable silence and it was broken by Gilbert 

"Jaune Why do you wish to become a Huntsman?"Gilbert asked his son

"Because I want to be a hero to be able to save everyone" he told 

"no I mean why do you want to be a hero as a huntsman you can be a hero in different ways like becoming a police officer, firefighter the army and more but why a huntsman specifficaly"asked Gilbert genuinly curiose what his sons answer will be 

as Jaune was thinking why did he want to become a huntsman sure being a hero was a part of it but there was something else too, as looking at his hands and looking back at his backpack with the blood stains of his sister something in him stired " I don't want people to be scared anymore i want them to be able to smile like their not a care in the world" he said 

" well that's a-" he was going to say but was cut off

"and because I don't want to hear them cry anymore and be seperated from those they love I want them laugh like you, me, mom, Saphron and the rest do when were home to have fun to smile" said Jaune while looking at the distance the cries of his sister still fresh in his mind on loop like a broken record and till this day he will promise that people will smile and one day people they won't have to cry anymore and an Arc never goes back on there word 

as Gilbert  looks at his with seeing that once small spark turning to a flame right in front of his eyes a sense of pride welded up on his chest when hearing the words of his son he thought that he would want to choose a different career choice after such an experince but his has been more invigorated him to go even futher then he could, to go beyond a a full smile showed itself on his face as patted his sons head 

"well then i hope to see you become strong go far but now let's see how good you will be when i'll make you eat dirt" said Gilbert with a bit of an old competative spirit that was once thought  extinguished being revived by the smallest of sparks and competative smirk found on his face 

"oh yeah don't be so sure old man" Jaune replied in good fun of the competative spirit 

"Old man aye...hehehe i may be old but this old man has a few tricks up his sleeve, okay then how about a race back home then" as the man said and then asked 

"oh your on i'll beat you old man" Jaune said while pointing at his father 

"oh that what you think well think again brat" he replied in good fun as they both got into running positions 

"ok ready"Gilbert asked his son as he nods 

"GO!" he instantly yelled while running ahead, with this surprising  that his dad cheated Jaune 

"hey cheater!" he yelled trying to catch up to his dad  while his dad let out a hearty laugh

with both Cloud and Noctis sitting on the edge of a building smiling at the interaction that they are witnessing between father and son and chuckled at what Jaune said 

'expect the unexpected Jaune' they both thought in unison as they both look into the distance of the father and son duo 

-Time skip 1 year-

after what happened in the forest and sadly not winning the fight against his dad he was going be depressed when he couldn't become a huntsman was being the key word because his dad said that his fighting stile so he offered to help him smooth it out like it's totally not training yeah not at all and with the help of both cloud and Noctis he was able get a better grasp on his abillities and getting more memoriesfrom both Cloud's and Noctis's lives  thats not all with some convincing from his mom and Magenta their dad started to train all of them for if there is a serious emergency they are able to defend themselves and now understands why his dad didn't want him to become a huntsman and was told how both his parents lost their limbs and was saddend and talking to Cloud he was in for a surprise at to what Cloud told What cure can do and so will his parents 

as the two parents enter the room "so Jaune may I ask what's the surprise" asked his mom 

"nope" he said while poping the P while giggling 

"can you atleast give us a hint"his dad asked as he shook his head still smiling now just jumping at the tip of his feet 

"please Jaune we're not mind readers" said his mom getting alittle excited just by his reaction 

"okay " as motions them to get closer as they did to hear better on what he would say 

"close your eyes and no opening until I say so ok" he said as the two look at eachother with raising an eyebrow but did as they were told and everything went black and they could only listen 



after the snapping sound they heard they for some reason felt ...light 

"okay now you can open your eyes" as they did and nothing  but they thought that their son gave them a kiss in the cheek and thought that it was sweet of him so they smile at then his smile somehow became brighter as he went to his dad and gave him a mirror, Gilbert thinking that he got pranked again with marker on his face and wanted to see but then 

*gasp* he turned to his left and saw that his wife putting her hands over her mouth in shock and disbileaf showing 

and thinking that he looks completely ridiculous preparing for the complete humiliation and emberassment he prepared himself to laugh at himself and when bringing up the mirror no laughter was heard to where the only thing heard was the clock ticking away 

because in the mirror looking back at was himself but having both Eyes and not a single scar  not eye bags  or anything  as he goes to touch his face to see the reflection copy his movements  but the noticed that instead of a metal arm it was one of flesh and blood and bones in shock he dropped the mirror as he opened and closed his hand still trying to register if this all dream or not 


Violet jumped in surprise as the sound of hand and hitting face echoed in the room 

"OOOOOOOOOwwwwwwww! ok this is not a dream" Gildret groaned out to himself but then rememberd tha he heeard to snaps right he turns to Violet with hope and walks up to her gently grabbed her hand

Violet felt her husband gently squeeze her hand... wait a minute...SHE CAN FEEL HER HANDS!, she quickly took of her gloves and tears were falling as she started to grab her husbands hands and the two started to break down in tears joy as they lean to eachother on their fore heads as they smile while tears stream down there faces

Jaune quietly leaves them in the room before he completly closes the door he sees through a small crack and sees that his two parents hugging and leaning at eachothers fore heads smiling and crying tears of joy a gentle smile was shown as he gently closed the door 

"that was a really nice thing to do Jaune " said Noctis leaning on the right side of the door  "It's good to know that your using the magic we gifted you for good use and not for selfishness"said Cloud laying on the other side of the door 

"well duh i have two great teachers that keep me in the straight and narrow"he said coffidently

as said two teachers look at each other as they start to fade in and out at being see through and not  they know that they still have enough time but they just don't know just how much of it left days, months, Years, it's not easily destinguishable 

POV change :????

"this little village is where the brat you've been talking about is here huh?" said a young females voice 

"Yeah he is and remember the deal" said Marcus Black reminding them of their deal 

"I know you get the kids semblence and we raid the place i know what we agreed on" she said in a cold voice not caring for what she is about to do 

'oum I got a bad feeling about this' thought Mercury having a feeling that things won't go the way they think 

" so the roomers are true the leader of the Branwen tribe really as cold as they come" then the sword was right over his neck ready  to cut his jugular 

"you don't know anything about me so don't say you that you do" she said in a cold tone warning him on was he says 

he didn't flinch or look nearvous he just slowly looks at they sword the looks at her for a few seconds then a smirks shows on his face as puts his arms up as a mock surrender 

"fine fine you win even I know when I need to Yammer on or shut it" he said 

"good"she said as she sheaths her Katana  "we attack five days from now at night fall" she said as she walks away and Marcus sees her leave 

"I like her"he said 

"why don't we attack em now since we'll have the jump on em?"  asked Mercury 

Marcus let out a sigh of dissapoinment "you really are an idiot aren't you" he said and walked away for his idiot son cause he would probably kill him no scracht that he will kill him if he continues being an idiot 

(AN: hello everyone hope you enjoyed and sorry to ask if you can wait  one more chapter till the beginning of Beacon but anyways take care and have a great day until next time Peace)

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