My savior (Five Hargreeves) (...

Bởi Avengergirl99

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"Meeting you was a choice, becoming your friend and gain your trust was my mission, but falling in love with... Xem Thêm

Cast of act One
0. Introduction
1. The mission
2. Five Hargreeves
3. The worlds ends in eight days
4. Academy
5. The eye and Delores
6. Panic attack
7. Drunk and voices in the head
8. Hypnotize
9. Probability map
10. An anchor
11. Who is Harold Jenkins
12. Telling the truth
14. Where is Vanya?
15. Beautiful scars
16. Mind control
17. Broken trust
18. Super Star Lanes Bowling
19. Stopping Vanya
Cast of act two
0. Introduction
20. Right back where we started
21. Waking up
22. Finding Diego and Luther
23. The Footage
24. Promise me
25. Love is weakness
26. Majestic Twelve
27. The gala
28. Hargreeves siblings reunion
29. We have until Monday
30. A light supper
31. Seconds, not decades
32. Öga För Öga
33. Break his heart
34. The seven stages
35. Vanya kills the president?
36. 743
37. Saving Vanya
38. New you
39. Y/n VS Five
40. The power of love
41. I love you too

13. I heard a rumor

211 7 2
Bởi Avengergirl99

"Life is precious and passes by quicker than we realize. Let's make the most of it"


When Five have changed into his umbrella suit, he walked into Klaus' room.

"Hey. Get up. We're going" Five said as he entered the room. Klaus was laying in his bed doing something with a string and two sticks.

"Where?" Klaus asked "To save the world" Five said "Oh, is that all? Great" Klaus said before he sat up on the bed.

"So, Pogo said Dad killed himself to get us all back together, right?" Five asked as he was walking back and forth in the room "Yeah, so?" Klaus asked as he was getting dress "So it got me thinking. I had to jump to the future to figure out when it happened, but Dad, he can't time travel. So how'd the crazy bastard actually know to kill himself a week before the end of the world?" Five asked "Well, you know..." "Don't answer. That was purely rhetorical" Five said cutting Klaus off as he was pointing his finger at him while Klaus gave him a look.

"Truth is, our whole lives, he's been telling us we'd save the world from an impending apocalypse" Five said "Yeah, but I always thought he just said that to scare us into doing the dishes" Klaus said as he put on his shoes "Me too. But what if the old man really knew it was going to happen?" Five said "Yeah, but knew how?" Klaus asked "No idea. But the fact remains his fakakta plan worked. We all came home. Since we're here we might as well save the world" Five said "Oh, yeah? What, like the two of us?" Klaus asked "Uh, well, ideally, no, but...gotta work what I've got" Five said as they walked out of Klaus's room.

Then they heard the sound of running footsteps and someone grunting and they saw Diego came running towards his room.

"Where have you been?" Five asked "Jail. Long story" Diego said as he rush into his room "Long story. Where's Luther?" he asked "Haven't seen him since breakfast" Five said "Yeah. Two days until the world ends, he picks a great time to drop off the grid" Klaus said "Shit. Allison is in danger" Diego said causing Five and Klaus to look at each other.

I'm going to help Allison and Diego and then I will leave, you will never see me again

Allison is in danger.

Y/n went with Allison, does that means she is in danger too?


Fuck, what have I done?


Five, Diego and Klaus quickly found Luther sitting in a bar "Look" Klaus said as soon as they enter the bar and spotted Luther sitting by a table drinking.

"Trying a little hair of the dog, are we? Hm?" Klaus asked as they walked over to him "Leave me alone" Luther said, looking down at his drink.

"Give us a minute" Diego said as he took a seat next to Luther.

"Okay. Come on. Maybe they'll brood each other to death" Klaus said before him and Five walked over to another table, giving the two some space to talk.

"Look, Dad was wrong to lie to you. To all of us" Diego said "Look, I did my time. All right? Four years up there, watching and waiting because he said the world needed me. Four years of nothing but soy paste and processed air because I was naive enough to believe that dads don't lie to their kids. But guess what? The joke's on me. I'm done. With all of it. With him. With you. With this family. You wanna save the world, you go right ahead. I'm fine to sit here and finish my beer and...get on" Luther said.

Five looked at Klaus who trapped his wrist impatiently saying that they needed to hurry.

"Trust me Klaus I know" Five said "Are you okay?" Klaus asked "I'm a little uneasy" Five said "Is it because your girlfriend is in trouble and in danger?" Klaus asked "She is not my girlfriend anymore" Five said "Oh, come on. I've seen the sexually tension between the two of you" Klaus said "It's not like that anymore. Beside I shouldn't even be here, I should be out there with Y/n" Five said "I thought you don't want you near her" Klaus said "I don't" Five said "You are still in love with her" Klaus said "That have nothing to do with that" Five said "That is not an answer" Klaus said and Five rolled his eyes.

"You should have led with that. Jesus Christ" Luther suddenly said before slamming his hands on the table.

Luther then got up from the chair before rushing outside, towards the car with the others right behind him.

Five blink to the driver seat "Why do you get to drive?" Luther asked "Hey. It's not just you that is worried. So am I" Five hissed "And if you are not happy about me driving, you are more than welcome to find another car to drive or walk" he snapped before he got into the diver seat.

"What is wrong with him?" Luther asked "He is in love" Klaus whispered to him which cause Luther to glance at Klaus "You are not the only one that is worried about the woman you love" he said.


You arrived at the cabin to see Allison getting out of the car "Allison" you said and Allison turned around to see you "Y/n, what are you doing here?" she asked "I came here to help" you said before you looked around as you could hear the sound of the violin playing from inside.

"Come on" Allison said and as you walked up to the porch, you noticed that the wind was blewing so much that the lamps above you was swinging back and forth, rocking chairs were rocking back and forth violently while the wind chimes were going crazy.

"What is going on?" you asked "Vanya? Is that you?" Allison shouted over the wind.

When there were no respons, Allison grabbed the door knob before opening the door, walking inside.

As you entered you spotted Vanya standing in the middle of the room playing on her violin, her back facing you while chairs and lights was moving.

You and Allison noticed that the lamps swing back and forth.

"Vanya, there you are" Allison said loudly causing Vanya to stop playing before she turned around to look at the two of you "What is going on?" Allison asked.

You almost jumped when the door slammed behind you.

"What are you two doing here?" Vanya asked "We came to find you. Are you okay?" Allison asked "Yeah" Vanya answered "There's something...weird going on. What's causing it?" Allison asked as she was looking around the cabin while there was the sound of insects chirping.

"Me" Vanya answered and Allison tilted her head before taking some steps towards Vanya "What do you mean 'me'?" she asked "I mean...I made those things happen" Vanya said and Allison looked around the cabin again "With my powers" Vanya said and the two of you looked back at her "Turn out I've had them all this time. It's weird, huh?" Vanya asked and Allison let out a small gasp "It's in--it's incredible" she said.

"But?" Vanya asked "Ca--Can we do this in the car?" Allison asked "Why?" Vanya asked and Allison let out a sigh "You're not gonna want to hear it" she said "Well, that's never stopped you before" Vanya said and Allison nodded before she took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"Leonard Peabody? His real name is Harold Jenkins" she said before she took a step towards Vanya "Remember when I couldn't find anything in the library on Leonard? It's because Leonard Peabody doesn't exist. Harold Jenkins does. He was in prison for 12 years. He murdered his father when he was 13" she said "This is...insane. His dad was an engineer at the--" "I have a police report in the car, Vanya, she can show you" Allison said, cutting her off.

"He is not a nice guy, Vanny" you said.

"I don't...I don't understand" Vanya said, shaking her head while Allison took a couple more steps closer to her "Leonard, Harold, I--I know it doesn't make any sense, and I know it sounds crazy, but we were in his house" Allison said "She is right, he had picture of the whole Umbrella Academy with their eyes gouged out. He has a murder shrine for the Umbrella Academy" you said.

"Wh--What? I--" Vanya said "I promise I will tell you everything in the car, but it is not safe here" Allison said, grabbing her arm lightly and pulled her a few feet towards the door.

"No, stop" Vanya said, pulling away before she sat down on a chair as she let out a sigh and Allison crouched down in front of her.

"Look, um...I can't imagine how hard it is for you to hear you feel right now, but I...I love you, and I--I just...I wanna be here for you, as your sister. And Y/n. She want to be there for you too" Allison said and you nodded "Yeah" you said.

"There's just no way" Vanya said as she looked down on the floor "I love him" she said as she looked back at Allison.

"This just doesn't make any sense" she said as she put her hands on her head "And this power...I--I don't know. I don't know what's going on" she said almost crying while she moved her hands away from her head before putting her fingers on her forehead "I don't know what to do" she said, covering her mouth with her hand.

You knew how Vanya was feeling right now, finding out you have powers after being told your whole life that you are ordinary and then someone you love turn out to be bad. Someone you trust are just using you, manipulating you.

"I understand now" Allison said causing Vanya to look at her "When we were four, Dad told us you were sick. You had to be isolated. We were so young. None of us knew to question it. But then he asked me to do something I never understood..until now. He made me an accomplice" Allison said "What?" you said while Allison looked down in sadness as she think back to the time where their dad forced her to rumor Vanya into thinking that she didn't had any powers.

"I heard a think you're just ordinary"

"You did this to me?" Vanya asked "I...I...I didn't realize" Allison said "You knew this whole time? That I had powers?" Vanya said angry as she stood up from the chair.

"No, no!" Allison said as she stood up "I didn't really understand until I came today, until I saw it" she said and Vanya turned around to look at her.

"Well, now it all makes sense. This is why you never wanted me around" Vanya said "What? No!" Allison said "You couldn't risk me threatening your place in the house, your--your dominance" Vanya said "That is not true" Allison said "You couldn't handle the face that Dad might find me special" Vanya said, raising her voice.

"You are special, with or without powers" Allison said "Don't--Don't say that!" Vanya said "We have a chance to start over" Allison said "You destroyed my life!" Vanya shouted at her.

"Calm down" you said "Calm down?" Vanya looked ar you "Do you have any idea what I've been through, Y/n. No you don't?" she said "Vanya she was four. She didn't knew any better" you said as you took a step closer to Vanya.

"Vanya! She was a child, she didn't know any better. When you are a child you trust your parents, your parents' siblings. You do what they say. Sometimes without even questioning it, 'cause you think is the right thing to do and you want to be a good child" you said as you took a step closer to Vanya so you were standing next to Allison.

"Leonard is using you Vanya. He somehow know about your powers and he hate your siblings and therefore he want to manipulate you into killing them for him. He is the villain here. Not us. We are trying to help you" you said "Stay out of this Y/n. You're not even family. You're just here so Five has someone" Vanya shouted at you "You don't know how it feels like!" she shouted "I know more than you think" you said.

"Oh, please, Vanya. Everything is out in the open. We can move on!" Allison said, raising her voice.

"Oh, I'm moving on. But not with you, with Leonard" Vanya said "With Harold, you mean" Allison said "With Leonard! The only person who has ever loved me for me" Vanya said aggressive and the sound of rumbling was heard.

Allison let out a small laugh while Vanya calmed down slightly "Both of you look me in the eye and tell me you're not threatened now" she said as she was looking at Allison and you as there was a high-pitched sound around you while things started moving again while the chimes began to move back and forth making a clattering sound, the chandelier lights started swinging back and forth as you could hear the wind whistling.

You and Allison looked around before you looked back at Vanya "I don't wanna argue with you" Allison said "Then go!" Vanya screamed, causing things around to make a crashing noise "Uh--" Allison said as she heard the things clattering and crashing.

"We're only trying to help you" Allison said "I don't want your help!" Vanya shouted "Vanya, I love you!" Allison said "Stop saying that!" Vanya shouted again and the wind picked up as more objects clattered to the floor.

You and Allison looked around the cabin, you saw how a wave of energy started came through the room while lights started swinging back and forth more and more and the sound of glass smashing was heard.

The rocking chairs started rocking again. The curtains and the wind started picking up more and more. The wind chimes got louder and a dream catcher in the window started spinning around. A metal lamp on the table started making a rattling sound as it moved around.

"Are you...Are you okay?" Allison asked as the two of you noticed that Vanya's face turned pale white "I said go!" Vanya screamed and the light in the chandelier above exploded causing glasses to shattering everywhere which made Allison and you to let out a gasp as the glass came down around them.

"Please don't make me do this" Allison said as she looked at Vanya and more glass was smashed.

"I heard a rumor..." Allison said but then Vanya swung her violin bow, slicing through Allison's throat.

When Vanya lifted her violin bow you lifted up your right arm to shield your throat which cause the bow to also came in contact with your right arm causing you to let out a gasp and a grunt.

Allison let out a gasp before she started choking as blood quickly came running out of her throat.

At the sight, Vanya quickly dropped the bow "Allison! Y/n!" she said.

Vanya was gasping while Allison was choking as she put her hands to her bleeding throat while Vanya put her hands on Allison's shoulders as her eyes went wide.

Allison dropped to the floor "No! No! Allison" Vanya said crying as Allison felled to the floor with a grunt.

"I didn't mean to" Vanya said "I know V, it's okay" you said "You're bleeding, Y/n. You're bleeding" Vanya said and you looked at your right arm to see a huge cute where blood was pouring out.

"Fuck" you said as you felt the pain "Vanya, it's gonna be okay" you said as you took some steps forward making yourself almost stumble.

Vanya kept screaming with tears in her eyes as she was holding Allison "It's okay Vanya, it's okay" you said as you were trying to hold yourself up.

Vanya then looked at you "I'm sorry" Vanya said as your eyes got heavier.

I survived so much. Why am I about to pass out from this?

"Shit" you said before you collapsed to the floor.

"No, Y/n" Vanya cried.

Then suddenly the door swung open "Vanya, wait" Leonard said but stopped when he saw Allison laying as she kept choking, he then looked over at you, who was also laying on the floor. Your arms covered in blood as blood was pouring out.

Vanya then looked back at Leonard "I didn't...I didn't mean to" she said before looking back at Allison and you "I'm sorry. I'm sorry" she said sobbing while she was trying to stop the bleeding with her hands "I..." she said sobbing.

"You did what you had to" Leonard said with a smile before he started gathering their things "Vanya! Vanya! We have to go!" he said as he picked up her violin case, violin and the violin bow while Vanya kept sobbing and started hyperventilating while she looked down at her sister Allison and her friend Y/n.

"No! I can't just leave them!" Vanya said crying "We have to go now!" Leonard said "Oh, no, no..." Vanya screamed "Vanya, come on!" Leonard said as he grabbed her arm and dragged her with him "No, no, no, no, no!" she said "Vanya, come on!" Leonard said as he grabbed her arm and dragged her with him "No, no, no, no, no!" she said "Now" Leonard said as they rushed out the door.


Five was driving the car down the road toward the cabin while Luther, Klaus and Diego was sitting in the backseat.

Luther then leaned forward by Five's ear "Hey. Can you go any faster?" he asked "Ask me again, and I'll burn you with the cigarette lighter" Five said and Luther leaned back before Five started pressing harder on the gas "He's worried about Y/n" Diego whispered.

'Please be okay Y/n' Five said inside his head.


As soon as they got to the cabin, they all got out of the car and rushed towards the door.

Luther opened the door to see Allison laying on the floor in a pool of blood "Allison! No!" he shouted as he rushed over to her before crouching down beside her "No, oh my God, Allison!" he said as he picked her up and started sobbing. "Please look at me, please..." Luther said crying.

Five's eyes then felled on you "No, Y/n!" he cried out as he rushed over to you who was also laying on the floor, bleeding from a huge cut that started from the middle of your right arm to your right wrist.

Five crouched down next to you "Five" you whispered "I'm here" he said "I tried. I tried to help her. I really tried" you said "It's okay. It's okay" he said as his eyes widened when he saw the deep cut.

He then looked around to find something as he put his hand on your arm. 

He took his hand away from your face and arm before he started to undoing his tie quickly.

"Help Allison" you said quietly "No" he said as he put the tie on the large cut along your right arm wrist still putting pressure on it.

Klaus then threw a towel that he found in the kitchen to Five and he caught it before he started wrapping the towel around your waist and arm.

Five put his other hand on your cheek, trying to wipe the blood away "Don't close your eyes, please" he said and you gave him a small smile before you closed your eyes.

"No, please Y/n, don't you leave me. Please, not when I just you back. Please stay with me. I can't lose you again" he cried.


"What is grief if not love persevere"

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