Love Hurts, Real Love Heals

By Azsan6

33.2K 2.8K 127

Falling in love for the first time, being in love for the first time, feel happy as a lover for once then the... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 44
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45

Part 15

659 66 0
By Azsan6

-not edited-

Tee, Kit and Farm are ready to see the fashion competition joined by Tan tonight, they even wear clothes made by Tan because he forced them to do so. They are not used to wear this type of clothes but they wear it for Tan.

They are really awkward because this is their first time at a place like this. lots of people here,maybe some famous designers too since they never care about something like that.

Tan got them VIP tickets so they need to walk on the red carpet to enter the hall. They really want to run away since lots of eyes and cameras on them. It's not an exaggeration to call them attractive and look good.

"Khun, which designers your clothes from?" Ask one of the reporter there.

Three of them look between them, they don't know if Tan has other name as a designer. But they want to tell the reporter since they like the clothes very well.

"Uhm, we, us..." Farm try to talk but what to tell when you don't know right?

"We are wearing clothes from Tan Kristal's design." Someone saves them by answering the question. They don't even know that Tan use the name, what kind of friend are they?

"Khun Darvid" three of them bow to their CEO. Tae smiles at them and talk a little bit more to the reporter who is asking more questions.

The short interview lead to a short photography session that suddenly become longer when more photographers ask them to pose too.

After 40 minutes spent outside without they know why, they enter the hall since it's already time for the show. Tae leads three of them to their seat. Tee doesn't like the idea of having Tae here but Tae help them with tonight.

Kit and Farm don't even care about their boss since they are so excited about tonight. Tee sits beside Tae, he tried so hard to run and avoid Tae but tonight he needs to sit at Tae's side, all he can do right now is sigh.

They enjoyed the show and can't stop clapping their hands when Tan appears at the end with his collections. Three of them know nothing about fashion, they will wear anything wearable and affordable.

Tan didn't win the first place but he looks happy because his brother and friends are here. He can understand why he didn't win and he respects the result. He enter the competition not aiming for winning the first place, he wants his designs to be seen by people.

"I hope Tan is okay" mutters Kit, they are still waiting tor Tan to come to them.

"I think he is okay. His aim is not the first place but he wants his designs to be seen" answers Tae , he knows three of them are worried about Tan but he knows his nong.

"Many photographers took photos of Tan's designs earlier, I'm sure it will help" replies Tee hoping it will make Tan a little happy tonight.

Tae smiles sincerely, finally his nong found good friends. Maybe Tee, Farm and Kit don't have rich parents like Tan's friends before but their care and honesty means a lot more.

"Guys! Phi Tae, thank you for coming" Tan comes running to them and hug Tae first before he group hug his friends.

"Good job today Tan!" Said Farm proudly, he is really proud to see Tan on the stage with his designs.

"You are awesome!" Adds Kit and Tee agrees with it.

"You guys look awesome too! Can't believe you will wear the clothes I sent"

"Of course we will wear it! We like it" Farm really loves what he is wearing tonight.

They talk some more and Tae just stare at them with a smile. He is happy his nong is happy.

"Go finish your stuff and then we can have late dinner and together, on me" Tae pats Tan's back. It's already late but they didn't have dinner yet and he knows everyone is hungry.

"You will treat us khun?" Ask Kit excited.

"Yes, whatever you want to eat today" offers Tae.

"Hotpot!!!" Cheers Farm and Kit together. Tee wants to smack his friends for being shameless, they didn't even know Tae well but acting so close already.

"Hotpot it is. Any place open this late?" Ask Tae more.

"We know a place! Let's go!"

"Give me the address, I brought my car here" ask Tae and ready to type it in his phone.

"You go with Khun Darvid, we will find Tan and go there. You go first to get a table!" Kit and Farm push Tee to Tae, they even run away from the place making Tee speechless.

He wants to run away too, how dare his friends do this to him. Tae chuckles when he sees Tee's face. From the reaction alone Tae can know how Tee wants to run now.

"Let's go Tee" Tae a little bit push Tee's waist to make they moving, they need to go now since it's impossible for Tee to join Farm and Kit.

Tee helplessly walk together with Tae, he really wants to bite his friends head off.

They once again need to walk through the red carpet to go to the car. They thought most people left already but they are wrong. People are busy taking pictures and changing contacts. This is networking.

"Khun, may I take photo of you too?" A photographer ask Tae and Tee politely. Tee wants to object but Tae nods his head.

"Sure" Tae already ready to pose, his hand remains on Tee's waist guiding Tee to pose.

Tee just smiles a little bit, he wants to leave so bad.

"Thank you, this is my card if you are interested in modelling" the photographer personally give the card to Tee with a smile. Tee looks confused but when his hand want to take it Tae grab it first.

"Thank you. Our clothes are from this designer." Tae puts Tan's card as exchange. He excuse himself by pulling Tee to go with him. Tee just obey like a good kid

Tae opens the door of his car and wait for Tee to enter it. Tee didn't say anything since he thinks Tae is angry about something, Tee enter the car and wear the seatbelt when Tae said so

Tae also enter the car and ask Tee to put the address in the gps.

"Let's go!" Tee can't understand why the situation is tense now so he tries to cheer up a little bit.

Tae sighs and look at innocent Tee. Tae sighs and lean a little bit to Tee's side to button the shirt Tee is wearing inside the thin jacket. It exposed Tee's chest  more than necessary.

"I can do it khun" Tee is embarrassed when Tae come too close to him just to button his shirt, he can just tell Tee to do it. his hands functioning very well.

"Done" Tae buttons Tee up to the neck like a nerd but Tee doesn't dare to touch it anymore. He just sits silently on his seat while Tae is driving and listening to the radio.

"Do you like the show?" Ask Tae when they are very quiet.

"I don't know much about fashion so I just look at it" answer Tee honestly. He can't understand why the winner wins the first place since the clothes were weird to his eyes

"Me too." Tae agrees with Tee.

"This is your first time at the show?" Ask Tee.

"Nope. I tried to come every time Tan asked me. I still remember his last year in uni, his final year project. Everyone has their families and friends coming to support, Tan just has me at that time" Tae still feels bad for Tan at that time.

"Just you?" Ask Tee surprised.

"I'm sure he will tell you guys more later but to make it simple, my father didn't support his interest. Tan never say anything about his studies or project to our parent. He is the youngest but I know he was hurt when our father opposed his ambition"

"Oh, how about his girlfriend?"

"She came to most of the event, he only has Lily and me as his support. I know he was hurt by my father's word when he told them he is taking this course. He stops telling my family about his studies and projects, he just tell me and Lily"

Tee feels pity toward Tan, he only see the happy Tan before. Who knows a man that look perfect like Tan also has his own problems. We really can't judge people by their appearance.

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