I'm With You {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

60.5K 2.1K 113

The tragic love story of Prince Aerys of House Targaryen and Lady Alicent of House Hightower was a well known... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Part Two
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Part Three
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Part Four
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Sixteen

2.1K 82 3
By rainbowkiller0

Rhaenyra and Aerys had remained in the King's chambers as Viserys slept, neither eager to leave him after not seeing him for so long. Aerys sat in a chair by Viserys' model of Old Valyria, staring at the stone creation. He remembered in his youth how he had spent hours watching as Viserys poured over the historical accounts and created plans.

Rhaenyra had paced the entirety of the room, worrying over her father's state. She had retreated inwards, thinking over any possible option she had. Part of her wanted to find Alicent and scream at the Queen for not telling her of her father's condition. The Other part of her told her to look in the mirror, she had forced them to move to Dragonstone, abandoning King's Landing.

"I believe we should consult Maester Gerardys" Rhaenyra spoke finally turning to face Aerys, taking her husband's hand. "Perhaps if he could see the King, he'd suggest a different sort of treatment."

"We shall send for him." Aerys agreed. "I don't see us returning to Dragonstone any time soon."

"It is our home, Aerys. Our children's home."

"We are needed here." Aerys stood up, grabbing his wife's other hand so he held both. "I know you don't wish to hear it, but the end of Viserys' reign is nearing." Rhaenyra attempted to pull away at that, not wanting to even consider her father's death. Though Aerys remained firm, as he forced his wife to consider the possibility. "If we do not stay now, Seven knows how long we shall have."

Rhaenyra stared at her husband. She wanted to be angry, to scream at him for even speaking of her father dying. But once again a part of her spoke the truth, Aerys was right. The Princess nodded, much to Aerys' surprise. He had expected a fight of some sorts, one where dragon's tempers reared their ugly head.

Aerys pulled Rhaenyra closer, wrapping his arms around his wife. Though Aerys couldn't remember losing his mother or father, Viserys was the closest thing he had to a parent and he didn't want to say goodbye. Aerys could only imagine how devastated Rhaenyra was.

The sound of the door opening caused the couple to pull apart, There Alicent stood dressed all in green, a shine of silver hanging from around her neck. Aerys couldn't deny that she was still as beautiful as she was in her youth. Back when it was them together, and all Aerys could think about was asking for her hand. The Prince couldn't help but wonder what could've been if he had gathered the courage to ask quicker. Maybe it would be her he was holding instead of Rhaenyra.

Though looking at his wife, Aerys knew he wouldn't change anything. He loved Rhaenyra too much. He couldn't betray her; he would rather die. His sweet wife, the mother of his children. Hell, she was heavy with his child right now. Aerys loved her and all she had done for him, loving him at his lowest points when he still tasted like heartache and betrayal.

"Princess Rhaenyra." Alicent took a breath before addressing Aerys. "And Prince Aerys. It's been so long since we were granted the joy of your presence,"

"Indeed, Your Grace." Rhaenyra responded.

"Though not long enough to merit a greeting upon our arrival." Aerys muttered under his breath, before addressing Alicent. "I assume you have been busy ruling in my brother's stead."

"I do not rule, as you well know. My father and I are mere stewards of the King's will and wisdom."

Both Aerys and Rhaenyra looked to where Viserys laid hidden behind curtains.

"King Viserys' condition has worsened since you saw him last."

"I have no doubt about it, though we would have visited had we known how dire his condition was."

"The King did not wish for any visitors. His condition subjects him to considerable pain. On the advice of the maesters-"

"Ah, the maesters." Rhaenyra interrupted, stepping closer to the Queen. "Of course. It is they who keep him addled on milk of the poppy while the Hightowers warm his throne."

"Rhaenyra, if you would see him without it, almost blind with suffering."

"Oh, Alicent, I have no doubt it was an act of the purest mercy, but tell me for the King's suffering, did the maesters also prescribe the removal of Targaryen heraldry and the installation in its stead of various statues and stars?"

"The emblems of the Seven serve only to guide us on an uncertain path. To remind us of a higher authority."

Sensing a fire growing within his wife, Aerys stepped forward. "I have no doubt they bring you comfort, Alicent, but I would like them restored to their rightful place. The Red Keep shall be returned to its rightful state, it would make my family fill more at home."

"Do you mean to stay?" Alicent asked almost eager.

"Yes, we shall also be taking over my brother's care while here. Our own maester shall be joining us and begin searching for a better treatment." Aerys placed a hand on the small of Rhaenyra's back and began guiding her to the door. "Now, please excuse us, Your Grace, we wish to find our sons."

Alicent watched as Aerys followed his wife out of the room. A panic feeling began to claw up her chest as she began to pink at the skin on her thumb.

Aerys was almost out the door when Alicent called his name. The prince froze in his place before slowly turning to face the Queen.

"I wished to speak to you for a moment. Please."

Aerys glanced back at his wife, wanting to know if she was comfortable with such a thing. At Rhaenyra's nod Aerys turned back into the King's chambers, not watching as Rhaenyra continued down the hall.

Silence filled the room as Aerys waited for Alicent to speak, though it seemed as if the Queen had lost her courage. Growing impatient Aerys decided to speak.

"You wished to speak to me?"

"Yes, I- I wanted to apologize." Alicent stared at the floor, gone was the confident woman that had went toe to toe with Rhaenyra, in her place was a meek lost girl.

Aerys recognized the image before him, remembering how Alicent had looked when Viserys had announced his intention to marry her.

"Whatever for, Alicent." Aerys spoke in a gentle tone as if he was dealing with a flighty and wild animal.

"On Driftmark, I acted without thought. I attempted to attack the Princess and ended up hurting you."

"It was understandable. Your son had been harmed and mine received no true consequences. I want you to know that Luke was punished, he wasn't sent to the wall but he did have to work as a stable boy for a month. He complained of the smell the entire time." Alicent chuckled at that, finally looking into Aerys' dark brown eyes.

"I fear Viserys would have had our marriage annulled if it was not so obvious it had been consummated." Alicent smiled.

A flash of silver caught Aerys' attention. Without thinking the Prince reached forward lifting the pendant. An emerald green dragon sat between his thumb and forefinger. Memories of a warm sunny day under a weirwood tree flashed before Aerys' eyes.

"You kept it." He whispered.

"It is my most prized possession." Alicent answered, her eyes locked on Aerys' face. "I haven't taken it off since you first gave it to me."

For a moment it felt as if it was just Aerys and Alicent in the world. As if they were stood under the weirwood tree and Aerys was just a prince and Alicent was just the Princess's companion. Back when all Aerys wanted was to give her all sorts of treasures so that he would be able to see her smile all the time.

A wheeze brought them back to reality. Aerys wasn't just a prince, he was heir to the Iron Throne. And Alicent was no longer the princess's companion, she was the Queen, his brother's wife.

"I should go," Aerys frowned, turning from Alicent and walking out the door.

AN: It physically hurt to write this, I feel so bad for the pain I've caused these two.


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