De mi3na7lee7

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In a world very far from earth, there was a utopia where only women reside. These women were blessed by not o... Mais

Trailer + Character Introduction
Chapter 2: A New World
Chapter 3: The Taboo
Chapter 4: The Aftermath
Chapter 5: A New Beginning

Chapter 1: It Begins

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De mi3na7lee7

Long ago, in the galaxy, far far away, there was a planet unlike any other.

This planet was named Morganyen, home to the Morweens. The Morweens were a race of ordinary people who lived in harmony. It was like any other normal planet. The women cooked and breathed the children, while the men hunted, drank and had intercourse with whomever they desired.

But that all changed, on one faithful day.

A star flew towards the planet. But the closer it got, the more it didn't look like a star. It was a Meteor.

It hit the planet. For days, the meteor just stayed there, and nothing happened. Until one day, it suddenly cracked open, causing some kind of fog to take over the planet in half a day.

Those who breathed the fog in, either died immediately or died shortly after. But there was something strange. Only the men who breathed in the fog, died. The women on the other hand were fine.

The men were furious and chased the women away. The women were devastated but left.

They lived in hiding, wanting no more trouble with the men. After some time, the woman started to change. Both mentally and fiscally but also in beauty as they never got older. Their time stopped at age 25, one could say.

They were blessed with special skills. Some of them were given immense strength. Some, the power of hypnosis, for some, the power of archery, some got the power to build, some the power to hunt and some became breeders and when they realized this, the women decided to build a city of their own.

They created a utopia they called Hyldygos. They also gave each other's blessings, different names.

Strength was called GARTY
Hypnosis was called SIREN
Archer was called MUITENIN
Builder was called BOSKTO
Hunter was called VALKA
Breeder was called ORDEN
And together, they called each other NAUI meaning "Rankers".

The women finally lived in peace once again. They had the place they finally wanted, all the food they could eat, and a family.

Even though some of them missed the men, some of them were happy that the men were no more in their lives. As they could reproduce on their own. And they always got girls, no matter what.

But one problem arose...

Who would lead them?

Every Rankers was saying that they should rule. And everyone denied. They were going to wage war if it wasn't for a sick little girl.

She said that every child, who wasn't sick, who had just unlocked or hasn't unlocked their gifts yet should compete in the trails they build.

And that's what they did. The trails were built in order to strengthen the women.

For 5 days and 5 nights, the children were in the trails. Fighting against vicious animals, dangerous plants and sneaky traps.

Some cried saying that they wanted to go home or stop. Some didn't and kept going forward. Lives were lost. But they had to keep going.

And on the 6th day, only 3 came out of the trails.
A MUITENIN, GARTY and a girl who hadn't awaken her gift yet.

Some of the women were sad as their NAUI died, while some rejoiced.

The final battle commenced. They needed to battle each other. The MUITENIN and GARTY thought that they should team up and defeat the girl who didn't have her gift.

And so, they did. They beat the little girl up until she couldn't stand anymore. But she didn't give up.

They laughed at her because of how pathetic she was as they walked away. The girl became enraged. She got up with all the pain in her body and stared at them.

You could see fire in her eyes. The two girls started at each other before deciding to kill her. They launched towards her when she suddenly opened her mouth.

She started singing, a very hypnotizing but different song. The two stopped. They couldn't move. They tried to but it was futile.

The girl kept on singing. The two girls body moved but they weren't the one doing the moving.

The girl kept on singing as her song became worse and worse. The two girls launched at each other. They were about to kill each other when a woman yelled for her to stop.

The MUITENIN and GARTY surrendered. The girl realized that she was a SIREN and so they won.

The SIREN rejoiced. The girl would become Queen. But she didn't want that. Instead, she made the girl, who made the suggestion, who was also a SIREN, Queen, as she deemed herself unfit.

And so, the girl became the Queen while she became something else.

Over the years. The Queen has ruled with grace and empathy. And her warriors were better than ever.

They were skilled in games, dancing, swimming, singing and fighting with weapons and without. Weapons like guns, swords, spear, shields and of course bows and arrows.

They also created ships for the air and ships for the seas. They were also blessed with horses. Some of them had wings, while some didn't.

They were living their dream life. And everyone loved it.

One day, while everything was peaceful and calm, the Queen along with her First in command, were in her chambers. They were talking.

As usual, the MUITENIN were scouting the borders, as they protect the city borders. One of them, suddenly saw something from afar. As she looked closer and realized that it was a spear. She was quick enough to catch it. But soon, more spears came. They were suddenly attacked.


Some of them survived. But they weren't alone. They rode on their beasts as they charged towards the city were the women lived.

They attacked the city, destroying everything in their path. But they didn't get far.

The MUITENIN attacked them with their bows and arrows. A lot of them got injured, but some of them survived.

The rest that survived, launched forward.

The SIREN blocked their path as they sang a song that instantly killed them.

The leader of the men was shocked at what he saw. But nevertheless, he continued fighting.

He took another route. He saw that the castle was insight. He and the rest of the men that were left attacked it.

He and his men split up into two teams.

The other team, thinking that they would kill the Queen and take back what was rightfully theirs, thought wrong.

The VALKA were standing there, waiting for them. The men launched forward. For them to not be able to come 5 feet close to the women as their heads were severed from their body's.

Only the leader and 4 other men were left. They were reaching the gates of the castle.

The GARTY were patiently waiting for them. Their leader, also the Queen's Second in command, used her hands and hit the ground making the earth shatter.

The ground beneath their feet, started crumbling. The men fell down into a deep hole that was designed as a trap.

The men screamed as they demanded that they should be released.

All the NAUI, including the BOSKTO & ORDEN walked towards them and looked down at them. The men thought that they could stand a chance against the women, only...

For them to...


The women were stronger than ever and they easily overpowered the men without any casualties.

The Queen's, Second in command, walked towards them. "Grat to mir nach mun, en te mew nop gu. Gau te Ketha au tu gem. (If it was up to me, you would already be dead. But the Queen needs you alive.)" she said.

The men were bound by their hands and feet and taken to the Queen. They entered the palace. They walked a very long hallway before entering the throne room.

They entered and every woman started screaming at them. They stood only a few feet in front of the Queen.

"Kefka. (Kneel.)" one of the MUITENIN said as she raised her spread towards the leader's neck. But the men didn't budge. Instead, the leader of the GARTY held them by their necks and forcefully pushed them down.

"Ham nu ow ty. (That's enough.)" the Queen said as she raised her hand. The woman nodded and walked towards her Queen.

She bowed to her Queen, which her Queen accepted with a nod, and stood at her left side.

The men spat at the Queen. Stating that they deserved to rule. They cursed the women that they planted the virus that kill off all the men.

All the women spat back at them. Telling them that they deserved what happened to them.

The Queen, on the other hand, was in pain. She wanted to bring the men into their kingdom. But now, she realized that her plan was futile.

The leader of the men rushed towards the Queen as he wanted to kill her. But, for him to fail. As the Queen's First in command, a SIREN, blocked his attack with her bare hands.

She punched him at his stomach making the man fall. The man grunted towards her, but she didn't even look at him as he glared at her.

The Queen offered them a choice, either they would be executed for their crimes, or they could become their slaves and serve them for the rest of their lives.

The men argued that they would rather die than become a slave. The Queen granted their wish. She ordered her Second in command, a GARTY, to end their lives.

But not quick and painless...

Slow and painful.

The men screamed as they were being tortured by the GARTY. They wanted it to stop. But their wish wasn't granted.

They were being interrogated. The women asked them if there were more of them. The men kept quiet and continued to be tortured.


One of them gave up. He told the women everything they needed to know. After he told them everything, the Queen ordered the GARTY to cut off their reproductive organs as they weren't needed anymore.

The men screamed in pain and it made the women laugh.

The Queen sent a party towards the location the men gave them. Sending her First and Second in command.

Her First in command, a SIREN, a woman standing at 6ft9, having butt long, silver hair that was braided like fish scales. Fully covered in armor, a long sword attached to her back and a cape to cover her sword.

And her Second in command, a GARTY, a woman standing at 7ft1, having waist long, blond hair that was braided into a high ponytail. Also covered in full armor but no cape. She carried 2 big axes that were quite heavy that she also carried on her back.

Fully covered in armor that was made with the strongest metal known to man or woman.

Both of them, along with a few other soldiers, set off towards the coordinates the men gave them. Two ships were ready for takeoff. The warriors entered their ships.

The Queen walked towards them. The SIREN nodded towards the GARTY to go and so she did. The SIREN walked towards the Queen.

"Gany henu? Gam Im gau fo tum te? (Your highness? What are you doing here?)" the SIREN asked as she kneeled in front of her. "Wangtu, temne. (Please, stand.)" the Queen said. But the SIREN didn't. "An um o tem tan qom no su. (I order you to stand.)" the Queen commanded. And so, she did.

She looked down at the Queen as she was taller than her. "An nu em ke, o can go im. (Be careful and be safe.)" the Queen said as she extended her arm to touch her, but the SIREN stepped back before the Queen could.

The SIREN nodded and left. She entered the ship, and they flew off. The Queen waved at them as they flew off.

Their ships were fast. So, they reached their destination in less than an hour. They saw a huge cave. The ships couldn't enter, so they marched on foot.

The plan was that the GARTY, along with her troops, would enter and if, within an hour, they didn't return, the others would join them. And so, they did.

The GARTY, along with her troops, entered with caution. After a few minutes of walking, the cave ended. And they saw nothing but felt a presence. They were on high alert.

It was suddenly quiet...

And then...

They were attacked.

By not one, not two but a whole army of monsters surrounded them and the men were nowhere to be seen.

The woman fought bravely, it was a very bloody battle. The question was, who was going to win?

The women were strong but so were the monsters. The women had no choice but to release one of their deadliest attacks.

They used their strongest attacks and fought the monsters. They fought long, hard and brave.

In the end, they won. With a few casualties. The women walked towards the exit. Helping one another. They exited the cave and the others, that stayed, helped their sisters towards their ship.

The First in command ran towards the Second in command. She helped her walk towards the ship. "Dom ug ni ve? Ag u e dwa gim Guo? (How are you? And what were those things?)" the SIREN asked.

"Am ni ve. An em gi, dow an hy. Un ach fam goi dem tem Un su. (I'm alright. But those things, they weren't normal. We had to use our second phase to defeat them.)" the GARTY responded. The SIREN nodded.

They walked towards their ship, when suddenly, they heard a noise, not just any noise. A very powerful roar. They turned around to look at the entrance of the cave. They saw nothing.

But suddenly, the ground started shaking, tremendously. They heard something growl. They suddenly saw a huge paw come into the light.

That thing walked out and it was huge. It was like 9-10 ft tall and standing on 4 paws. And it looked very dangerous and powerful.

The beast roared, releasing a terrifying sound that was very loud. Even the people at the castle could hear it.


She took out her sword and ran towards that monster. She started attacking it. Her fellow GARTY also joined the battle. She nodded at her and both of them started attacking that monster together.

The others came as well. The MUITENIN aimed their arrows at the beast. They fired their arrows and the SIREN & GARTY moved out of the way. The beast roared in pain.

The VALKA, GARTY & SIREN all attacked the monster with everything they had. The SIREN used their voices to try and hypnotize the beast. It was working.

The GARTY used their axed to try and cut the beast. The beast roared at them. The SIREN kept on singing as the GARTY, VALKA & MUITENIN kept attacking it.

The beast went down. The women rejoiced. They screamed in the name of victory. They all went back to their ships.

The First and Second in command smiled at each other as they also walked back to their ships.


The beast suddenly opened its eyes. It slowly stood up. The First and Second commander turned around as they widened their eyes.

The beast got up. It slowly spread something out of its back. It was wings.


It launched towards the First and Second commander.

But before they could prepare, the beast snatched them and took flight. The women took their ships and flew after it.

The SIREN & GARTY were struggling to get free. The women attacked the beast, using the ship's weapons, making certain to not harm their commanders.

The beast roared. It suddenly glowed a bright red color. And all of a sudden, it was gone. It was nowhere to be seen.

The women stopped as they couldn't believe it. The beast and their commanders, ....

We're gone....

With a heavy heart, they returned to their kingdom. The Third, a MUITENIN, and Fourth, a VALKA, in command entered the throne room.

They kneeled in front of their Queen along with all the other soldiers that returned.

Every NAUI had a different bow. But simultaneously, they all kneeled in front of the Queen.

The Queen smiled at them as they returned. "Gamte. Quen to fin ne. Ham te in me gon dum ti wa? (Well done. You have returned. But where are your First and Second in command?)" the Queen asked as she couldn't see them.

"Gan um gi ne. (Permission to stand.)" asked the Third commander. The Queen gave her permission, and she stood up. She walked towards the Queen. She leaned in and whispered into the Queen's ear.

She told the Queen what happened.

"TEM! TEM! (NO! NO!)" the Queen yelled as she couldn't believe it. She got up from her chair and shook her head. She walked towards the Third commander and held her hand.

"Gim me. Gan nu wi. Gron fu e tan... (Please. Tell me. It isn't true...)" the Queen asked her as she looked at her with pleading eyes. But the Third commander only held her head down.

The Queen was devastated. She slowly sat down on her throne and gathered herself. "An gum e ti. An gem U a e. Gum a que fo vu al kot mi na kong. (You wil now lead the forces. You and the Fourth commander. Until I find someone to replace the First and Second commander with.)" the Queen said with deep sorrow in her heart.

The Third and Fourth commander nodded. And everybody else left. She waited until the doors closed. She got out of her seat and ran out of there.

She kept on running until she stopped in front of a door. She opened it and closed it. She looked around the room.

She walked towards the bed and sat down on the floor. She touched the blanket and started crying.

"I... I an fu tem gon? (Why... Why did it have to be you?)" the Queen said. She continued crying not caring if people could see or hear her.

While that was happening, another scene took place.

The First and Second commander survived. And so did the monster. In fact, they were still flying.

The women were unconscious. But soon, one of them woke up. The SIREN woke up. She tried calling her comrade, but she didn't wake up.

The SIREN looked around. They were flying over a planet. She slowly tried removing her sword from her back. She was successful in removing it. The beast noticed this and slowly squeezed her. She groaned in pain.

With all her strength, she took her sword and cut of the beast's leg. The leg that held her. The beast groaned in pain and she held on to another part of the beast not letting go.

She saw that the beast was squeezing her friend. She placed the sword in her mouth and slowly climbed on top of the beast.

She landed on the beast's back. She took her sword and stabbed it into the beast's back. The beast roared in pain.

The beast started falling. The SIREN held on to her sword as she wouldn't fly away. The beast tried to regain its strength and flap its wings, but it couldn't.

It landed on the ground and kept on rolling and rolling. It eventually let go of the GARTY while the SIREN lost her grip and also fell off of the beast.

She landed on the ground. She saw her comrade and tried to get up. She couldn't so she started crawling. She stopped and looked around.

"Wen u do a... (We are from home...)" she said as she continued crawling towards her friend. Her vision became blurry as she was injured. She slowly lost consciousness...

On a planet that wasn't her own...

Will they be able to return home?

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