The Emperor of Arcadia

Von Darkdecade97

90.3K 1.8K 3.8K

Jaune, is a "normal" student in Beacon, known as the Leader of Team JNPR to his friends and in Beacon, he is... Mehr

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

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Von Darkdecade97

Jaune Arc is having a nice cup of tea at one of the Coffee Shops in Vale. He is casually reading the newspaper when one of the servers approaches him.

Vale Worker: Sir, your meeting is about to begin?

Jaune nods and brings his tea with him, the server began leading him to one of the more private rooms in the Cafe, once he is inside, the server placed a spell inside the room. In reality, this cafe serves as a safehouse for the Arcadians, a hidden Kingdom in Remnant and Jaune is a citizen in that Kingdom. But not just any citizen, no, he is someone very special.

He sits down in one of the chairs as he looks at a big screen. The screen began opening up revealing the caller to be his Mother, Juniper, and his 7 Sisters, Bianca, Aqua, Saphron, Jade, Violet, Rosemary, and Olivia.

Saphron: Really Jaune? Tea?

Jaune: Well, I'm a long way for a proper pint, so this will have to do. Plus Junior's place got closed down because of a certain Blonde Bimbo I know destroyed the place.

Jade: Yes, I heard about that. Mel and Mil got "injured", I take it you gave her payback?

Jaune: Not yet, but I plan to.

Juniper: It's nice that you are all getting along despite not seeing each other for months. But I believe it's time we get down to business.

Olivia: So what is the occasion, Mother?

Rosemary: Yeah, you usually don't call us unless it's something important.

Bianca: Please tell me we finished off that asshole and get to go back home?

Violet: Yeah, can we? I know we hate the shit out of Atlas. But the people in the Academy are great people, surprisingly. It's only those outside that are complete assholes.

Jade: Tell me about it, I even got promoted to work with Dr. Polendina. Heard they made an Android that can produce Aura.

Juniper: Really now? That's interesting, but that is not what I wish to talk about

Jaune: So what is it, Mother? Did something bad happen back at home?

Juniper: Sadly yes, Nicolas is increasing his forces. But not in Arcadia, but in the 4 Kingdoms.

All of the Arc Siblings looked at their Mother in shock.

Jaune: So Nicolas is here?

Juniper: Yes, my spies and the Shadows have been monitoring his activity all around the 4 Kingdoms. Says, he is amassing an army in Vacuo and Mistral, with all the bandits and criminals there, he has his manpower.

Bianca: That does make sense, I heard reports of bandits joining up due to a powerful leader.

Saphorn: And it turns out it was Nicholas we were hearing this whole time.

Aqua: What of the other Kingdoms?

Juniper: He is staying off Atlas and Mantle, the same can be said for Vale. But I heard he has been working with the White Fang and unfortunately, we got confirmed reports from the Grimm Kingdom and our spies in the Land of Darkness that he is also working with Salem.

Jaune: Working with Salem, huh? Knew he would turn to her, what do we have from their end?

Juniper: Watts reported that Nicolas is working with Salem's Agents in Vale. Their names are Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, and Alistair Kurokoro. Those are the names Mercury gave us.

Aqua: We're lucky Nicolas hasn't met Mercury and the others. Cause if he did, then Merc would need to abandon his mission.

Juniper: Indeed, we got lucky there. Jaune what's wrong?

They all look to see Jaune in a thinking pose, he looks up and sees all of his family staring at him.

Jaune: Oh, sorry. It's just that Alistair guy, he's already infiltrated Beacon.

Jade: How?

Jaune: Mind Control Semblance. He is basically acting all friendly to my former Team and Team RWBY, basically using him as a means to replace me. Lie and Nora didn't get affected due to their Spell Buffs and Lie's willpower when it comes to that sort of thing. But they did feel him using it on them.

Saphron: You said Former, did they replace you already?

Jaune: Oh, they did. But Lie and Nora weren't having it and argued with Ozpin. They decided to make the Team a two-man team, while us, 3. You should've seen the look on Alistair's face, he was not pleased by this outcome. 

Violet: Man, I would pay to see that.

Jaune: I also heard info from Merc, that Alistair says Nicolas is his "Father" and that he will lead him to greatness.

Saphron: And obviously that's bull.

Jaune: Yup, I had Watts look into it and turns out, Nicolas has been going to numerous orphanages and "adopting" them as well as finding homeless kids and molding them to be his pawns for his little war.

Juniper: I see. Then I'll have to inform the Elder Arcs about this issue.

Jaune: But in all seriousness, why are we here, Mother? Are we going to back to Arcadia?

Juniper: Yes, all of you are. But not to help assist with this problem, but to take the Throne.

All of their eyes widen at this.

Jaune: Excuse me?

Juniper: It's like what I said, Jaune. It's time for all 8 of you to take the Throne. You know I took the Throne at a young age and now it is your turn.

Saphron: Mom, are you sure about this?

Juniper: I am, all of us taught you everything we know and now it's your time to lead the Arcadians to a new age and I believe it's time we brought in the 4 Kingdoms as well.

Jaune: Mom, you know how much the Arcadians hate the Outsiders.

Juniper: I do, but I know with you on the helm, Jaune. Things will change, all for the better. I know there will be bloodshed but it will always come, whether you like it or not.

Jaune: I see.......when will it start?

Juniper: The minute you head back to Arcadia. Pack your things, and be ready for one hell of a welcome.

Arc Siblings: Yes, Mother.

The call ends as Jaune just leans back on his seat and breaths. This will definitely be a long day. He stood up from his seat and heads out to the Cafe.

Vale Worker: I take it the meeting went well, sir?

Jaune: Indeed, and tell everyone that a special announcement will be said back home. It will be a big change once I return.

Vale Worker: Of course, sir.

Jaune thanks the servers and left the Cafe as he heads back to Beacon.

He arrives back at Beacon and immediately heads to his room. Due to what happened with the replacement issue, Jaune, Lie, and Nora were put in an entirely different room. While Alistair and Pyrrha in another, quite frankly they had no arguments about this whatsoever.

He enters the room and finds both Lie and Nora doing their usual thing. Nora on the otherhand is not the same Nora we all know, she is much taller now, around 5'9, she has long brown hair and isn't as crazy and hyperactive at all. But more calm, collective, and more deadly. 

Nora: What's the call, Jaune? What did your Mother say?

Jaune: We're leaving. Turns out my Father is in the 4 Kingdoms and gathering an army. We are to return to Arcadia immediately.

Lie: Now? That's all of a sudden.

Jaune: I'm to be crowned the Emperor of Arcadia the minute I return.

Both Lie and Nora's eyes widen when they heard that.

Lie: Already? Didn't you want to wait a few years?

Jaune: The same can be said for you, Lie. I spoke to your parents on the way here and they informed me you are to be given a seat in the High Council and a position of leadership in Clan Ren.

Lie: Okay, you have a point there. Plus, the same can be said for Nora as she is getting a promotion in the Pegasus Knights.

Nora: Yup, you're looking at the new General of the Pegasus Knights right here and I still have my glorious Valkyrie Squadron.

Jaune: That you do, and I still have to fill out the forms to make your Valkyrie Squadron part of my special Elite Guard. Now come on, we have to gather our other contact.

They both nod as Team JNR heads out to the Hallway, they continue on and reached one of the doors. Jaune began knocking as they head the sound of footsteps heading to the door and opens it, revealing himself to be Dove Bronzewing.

Dove: Hey guys, look it's Jauney-boy and his friends!

The rest of Team CRDL look to see Jaune's team.

Cardin: Well, well, Jauney-boy what brings you here?

Jaune doesn't say anything and shows him the Arcadian Royal Guard Emblem. All of Team CRDL shuts up and Cardin quickly had both Dove and Sky check the hallways for anyone. But Dove saw something and quickly ushered Jaune and his Team in.

Jaune: You saw someone, didn't you?

Dove: Nikos and her new butt buddy.

Lie: Ha! Butt buddy, that's a nice one Dove.

Dove: Thanks, Lie.

Jaune just gestures Cardin to deal with this problem as he has Sky place a Spell in the door and has Russel place one in the windows. The Spell prevents anyone from hearing their conversation, even the Faunus.

Sky: We're clear.

Jaune: Now then, let us begin.

Cardin: Jaune, what is this about? Did something happen back home? You usually don't show the Emblem unless it is something of great importance.

Jaune: Well it is something very important, I'm going to take the Throne.

All of Team CRDL's eyes widen.

Cardin: That quick already?

Lie: I said the same thing as well.

Jaune: Complications in Arcadia caused this to happen. Nicolas isn't in Arcadia anymore but in the 4 Kingdoms. He is gathering an army of followers on his side and my goal as Emperor is to stop him and bring the 4 Kingdoms as an ally of Arcadia.

Dove: Jaune, you know-

Jaune: Yes, I know we call the Outsiders primitive due to their technology despite them claiming they are the most advanced Kingdom in all of Remnant.

Russel: We still have Atlas to deal with.

Sky: And the White Fang, plus, there will be those assholes that won't take too kindly to other species.

Nora: Especially the Grimm Kingdoms.

Jaune: Our Laws are already strict when it comes to discrimination and if any of those Outsiders mess with my people, there will be trouble and not the good kind.

Cardin: Yup, and the Faunus in Arcadia won't take the kind of bullshit the Outsiders deal with.

Dove: When are we leaving?

Jaune: In a few hours, the Aircraft will arrive with a battalion of Arcadian Shock Troopers.

Nora: That much security, huh?

Jaune: Nicolas is in the 4 Kingdoms, we are all in high alert. Plus, this could be our chance to kill Alistair.

Lie: Finally, I've been waiting to ice that fucker since the minute I laid my eyes on him!

Nora: Ughhh, I always love your colorful personality Lie. But I rather have the quiet and calm Lie.

Lie: Be quiet Nora, you know you still love me.

Nora: ~That I do~

Jaune: Speaking of that moron, is he listening to us at the door?

Sky: Yup, and Nikos as well.

Jaune: Cardin, if you would do the honors.

Cardin nods and walks to the door, the minute he opens it, both Pyrrha and Alistair fell to the floor.

Cardin: So, care to explain what the hell you two are doing?

Alistair: Nothing that concerns you, Winchester.

He stands up and looks at Jaune, his Team, and the rest of Team CRDL. All of them giving Alistair a glare, and he didn't want to admit it. But it scared the shit out of him.

Pyrrha: Alistair is there something wrong?

Alistair: No, let's get the hell out of here.

Cardin just made a mocking gesture for them to get the hell out of their room. He closes the door and Nora had this to say.

Nora: You're right, Lie. I can't wait to ice that fucker.

Jaune/CRDL: Same. 

Cardin: So what happens now?

Jaune: Now? Hmm, hmm, hmm. Let's go practice medicine.

Lie: What he means is, prepare your armor and meet us in Ozpin's Office.

Cardin: Roger that.


After an hour, Jaune's Team and Cardin's Team have all gathered in the elevator. All of them wearing different sets of armor.

Jaune earned his armor during his adventures in the Dark Lands. The Dark Lands is a forbidden place only those that have the strongest armor, magic and weapons can survive. If you don't, you are good as dead. Jaune went with Myrkr there to find a power to help the Grimm Kingdom, the journey was around 2 weeks. Jaune and Myrkr forged this armor using different kinds of Magic and most especially Dark Magic that is known to be Chaotic. It was difficult for him to control it, but with the help of Malthael, who is known as the Angel of Death. After defeating him, he offered to help them and that is how this armor and sword came to be.

Lie is wearing the armor known as the Wandering Samurai, they are Samurai who have lost the way or committed acts that soil the very foundation of our values. They are also Outsiders who wish to join the Clans. Lie had an incident involving one of the High Council Members due to a War that was happening in their Kingdom. Lie disobeyed his orders and went off to battle but the results was him saving numerous Clans and Villages and members of the High Council. Said member was furious that they removed his execution but the High Council gave him the task of eliminating an entire nation on his own and he accomplished it in a span of 2 weeks.

Nora Valkyrie earned this armor during her service in the Pegasus Knights. She is known as one of the youngest knight to earn the highest rank in the army. Her bravery and skills earned her, her own squad, called the Valkyries. Named after her, she selected members she deemed to be worthy of joining the Squad. Their names are discarded once they don the armor and are given the names of the Valkyries, Nora holds the name of Freya.

Team CRDL are wearing the armor of the Royal Guard of Arcadia, Cardin is of the rank of Captain in the Royal Guard and the rest of his Team are Lieutenants. They were sent to Beacon along with Lie and Nora to be Jaune's bodyguards.

They enter the Office to find Ozpin's Inner Circle having one of their many arguments.

Jaune: Are you really having another dick measuring contest? We all know why James likes to bring all those ships.

Lie: It's to overcompensate for his abnormally small dick.

Nora: And I heard from one of my squadmates, their Mother had a one night stand with the General and said his dick looks like a nipple.

All of them except for Ironwood and Goodwitch are laughing. Even Ozpin is laughing.

Ozpin: Guess we should rename you Smallwood now, James.

Ironwood: Quiet!

Ozpin: Don't be such a downer, James. You could use it considering you have a stick up your ass.

Ozpin is now laid back due to him being part of Arcadia. He knows that they have multiple spies all around the 4 Kingdoms and the same can be said for Salem, so they would know her every move. He does not have to worry about her plans and is now relaxing in his office drinking his coffee or hot choco.

Goodwitch: Are we not addressing the issue on who these people are?

Ironwood: Did you not hear their voices, surely you would recognize them or do you have earwax you need to clean?

Ozpin: Yes, Glynda. If you have earwax I have a bunch of tools to do that.

Goodwitch's eye just twitches in anger and looks like she is about to burst.

Ironwood: Glynda, is there something wrong? You look like you need to poop. Well better go, cause constipation is bad for beauty.

Ironwood is also laid back, due to the Arcadians removing his annoying Semblance. He isn't that paranoid like how people knew him to be, although he still likes to use force for everything. It works in Arcadia but not in the 4 Kingdoms.

Jaune: That's enough, both of you. The Professor looks like she is going to explode.

Ozpin: Right, sorry about that. So Jaune, what is the reason for you, your team and Team CRDL to come up here with your armor. Did something happen back home?

Jaune: Indeed Ozpin. Nicolas is here in the 4 Kingdoms and is creating an army, comprised of Bandits, criminals, rogue Huntsmen, the White Fang, everything. I have a feeling if he can't invade Arcadia. He will take over the 4 Kingdoms.

Ozpin: I see.

Jaune: He's also working with Salem.

Ozpin and Ironwood's eyes widen, while Goodwitch is shocked because of other reasons.

Goodwitch: Wait, how do you know about Salem?

Jaune: Be silent, Outsider. This matter does not concern you.

Goodwitch: Outsider?!

Ozpin: Glynda, enough. That is what Mr. Arc's people refer to the citizens of the 4 Kingdoms.

Jaune: Anyways our spies in Salem's Inner Circle reported that Nicolas has been making deals with Salem and is planning on getting the Maidens and Relics to show his loyalty.

Ozpin: And you are one step ahead of him?

Jaune: Indeed I am. Mercury and Adam are keeping tabs on Nicolas plans as he sent in one of his pawns, Alistair Kurokoro to infiltrate Beacon.

Lie: Which he already did because he made buddy buddy with Pyrrha. Who you "planned" to be the next Fall Maiden and Team RWBY because of their connections and your "favoritism"

Ozpin rather has favoritism for Team JNR, because: 1.) Jaune is the Prince of Arcadia and will be the next in line as Emperor. 2.) Lie is the Son of a member of the High Council and will get a spot in said Council soon as well as leadership in one of the most powerful Clans in Arcadia. 3.) Nora is the Colonel and soon to be General of the Pegasus Knights, and her outstanding records when it comes to Valkyrie Squad.

Compared to Pyrrha's title as the Mistral Champion. These 3 overtake her by miles.

The same can be said for Team CRDL as they are members of the Royal Guard and is the Brother of Aya Winchester, who is a General in the Royal Guard.

Goodwitch: Wait, if Alistair Kurokoro is a spy for Salem. Why aren't we doing something?!

Ozpin: Don't worry we have a plan for that. Speaking of plans, what is Adam's status regarding the White Fang's attempts on destroying Vale?

Jaune: I just spoke to him and said he will finish up with the plans regarding the White Fang's operations.

In the city of Vale, Adam Taurus is walking in the streets, for some reason no one notices him. He looks up and sees people lining up to see a Movie.

The title of the movie: My Neighbor Pedro.

Adam: I was thinking of catching a movie, but it's for kids. I don't feel like watching it.

A Few Minutes Later

Kid: Please, Pedoro!

Pedoro: Huh? Have you called the police or something?

Kid: Please, Pedoro!

Pedoro: My phone's cut off right now.

Kid: Please, Pedoro....

Pedoro: You guys have no shame, coming to me saying "Pedoro, Pedoro" only when you're in trouble. This time, you knocked and ran, didn't you?! I know everything!

In the Movie Theatre, Adam is in one of the seats crying his eyes out. His sobs can be heard.

Adam: This is so touching. It's really getting to me. This kids' movie speaks to adults, too. It's a movie all adults should see.

???: Hey, you there! Your sniveling is too loud. I can't hear a thing. What was it about Ping-Pong Dash?

Adam: Sorry. Seems Pedro and that girl are about to..

Adam turns around and was shocked to see Roman Torchwick behind him, watching the movie and is also crying his eyes out.

Adam: You again! What's with you?!

Roman: That's my line, you filthy animal! What? You desperate for friends or something, you're too edgy to even have friends! You wanna be friends, huh?!

Adam: Idiot!

Suddenly all of the people in the Movie Theatre stood up in anger telling Adam and Roman to be quiet cause they are trying to watch the movie.

Roman: Go to work, lazy people. That's what this dude said.

Adam: "I'm pissed. Come up here and fight!" He said that too.

Said person the two of them are referring to is Qrow Branwen. Who happens to be also watching this movie.

Qrow: Wait! Why would I....?!

Everyone: Get them!!

The entire Movie Theatre turned into a brawl

Jaune: By now. Adam should give us the intel regarding Mt. Glenn.

Ironwood: Speaking of which. Qrow should be here, he said he was going to do something in Vale and never answered back.

Ozpin: Who knows, he's probably getting drunk again.

Jaune: Nothing new there.

Cardin: Jaune, mind telling them about the other news. The more important one.

Jaune: Oh right. Ozpin, James, you're heading with us to Arcadia and bring Qrow with you immediately.

Ozpin: Why?

Jaune: Easy, you are looking at the new Emperor of Arcadia!

Ironwood: That early?

Jaune: Seriously why is everyone saying that?

Ozpin: Considering Juniper also took the Throne at his age, it makes sense. I assume the rest of your sisters will do the same?

Jaune: Yes they will, and it seems our Ride is here.

They look at the window and see the Royal Aircraft has arrived in the Beacon Courtyard.

Nora: Finally we can go home.

Cardin: Yup.

As everyone is about to head to the elevator and yes, that includes Ozpin and Ironwood. Goodwitch all stops them and demands an explanation.

Goodwitch: Can someone please explain to me on what is going?! What is even this Arcadia?! And why is Mr. Arc over here becoming an Emperor?!

Ozpin: Don't worry Glynda. All will be known soon, you're in charge while I'm gone and quite frankly, the event that will be happening in Arcadia is more important than the Vytal Festival. Anyways, toodles.

The elevator doors close as Goodwitch just pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration.

Once they reached the Courtyard, they all see the Students all gathering around the Royal Aircraft.

Jaune: Do I need this?

Cardin: We're asking the same questions as well, Jaune. I just want to get this over with and go home.

Nora: Yeah, could use a beer when we get home.

Sky: Same.

Ozpin and Ironwood told all the Students to make a path as they watch a bunch of armored figures walk past them. All of them trying to figure out who they are. Jaune walks to the Arcadian Soldiers who are revealed to be Arcadian Shock Troopers.

Shock Trooper Commander: Your highness, we're all set and ready to go.

Jaune: Good, we're you able to pick up Qrow?

Shock Trooper Commander: Yes, your highness. He's over there by the seats, we heard he got beat up in a movie theatre.

Jaune: I'm not going to ask what happened there.

Ozpin: Are we ready, Mr. Arc?

Jaune: Yup. Let's go, before more drama unfolds.

And just his luck or because of Qrow's Semblance, drama has come to them.

Alistair: Well, well, well, look what we have here. It's Jaune and his little team of weaklings.

All the Arcadian Shock Troopers aimed their guns, Team CRDL brought their spears out as they are overflowing with magic, Lie is gripping his dagger and Nora is readying her bow and arrow.

The students all step back as Teams RWBY and Pyrrha went up to Alistair.

Pyrrha: Alistair, what is going on?

Ruby: Yeah, and who are these people and why do their weapons and armor look so cool?! Do you think they'll let me see them?!

Alistair: Oh them, they're you're old teammates, Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Wait, really?

Pyrrha went to look at her former team.

Nora: You have no business here, Outsider! Leave, and the same goes for all of you! I will not hesitate to use force!!

Lie: And the same can be said for my men!!

The Arcadian Shock Troopers all aimed their weapons at the Students as they all step back.

Weiss: Are you all crazy, you Dolts?! What do you think you are even doing?!

Lie: Protecting someone very important. Final warning, everyone leave, now!

Alistair: Oh, we will leave. But there is something that I want to say about you and your team!

As Alistair faces all of the Students.

Alistair: I have a secret that Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, and Nora Valkyrie have been hiding from everyone in Beacon and this is something that you should all know!! All 3 of them came to this Academy with Fake Transcripts!! You hear me, Fake Transcripts!! While all of us have been training all our lives to attend this prestigious school!! These 3 just came in with fake combat skills and somehow got in!! They robbed 3 people of their dream!! Their dream of becoming Huntsmen and Huntresses!!

They all can hear whispers and murmurs of the students with some glaring at Jaune and his team.

Nora: These idiots can try, all they're getting is their heads cut off and placed in a pike.

Lie: They'll be nothing left if they try anything.

Cardin: You got that right.

Alistair: And this is the team that you called friends, Pyrrha, Team RWBY. These 3 would have lead you to your deaths!! Especially Ruby, Yang and we know you ain't going to take that right?

He began smirking as Yang's eyes start becoming red, the thought of Ruby dying because of those 3 started to get her angry.

Weiss: I always knew those 3 weren't good for you, Pyrrha.

Alistair: Indeed, and that is why I was right when I said those 3 hindered your progress and they are nothing more than liars and a cheat!!

Jaune sees the crowd is getting angry as the Shock Trooper Commander walks up to him.

Shock Trooper Commander: Sir, he's using his Mind Control Semblance on the crowd. We need to leave now.

Cardin: Jaune, let's go. What he's doing will stir up a shitshow and we can't afford a dead Prince.

Ironwood: Indeed, who knows what will happen if you die here. Now move.

Team CRDL ushers Jaune inside as he is being followed by Lie and Nora as the Beacon Students start marching to the Royal Aircraft.

Shock Trooper Commander: Set weapons for stun and use your batons, full charge. Do not let them through!

The Students can be seen moving in closer and pushing the Arcadian Shock Troopers. The Commander looks at Ozpin and he gave them the order.

The Arcadian Shock Troopers all aimed their weapons and began stunning the students. Their bodies falling to the ground, some of the Arcadian Shock Troopers use their batons to hit the Students, bringing them down to the ground. A few got shocked by the batons and were knocked unconscious. Yang tried to charge at Jaune but was met with a stun blast that knocked her out.

Ironwood: Ozpin we need to go now!

Ozpin: Commander, let's go!

Shock Trooper Commander: Yes sir, alright people inside now!!!

All the Arcadian Shock Troopers rushed inside as the Beacon Students all fled the Courtyard, those that were knocked out were left there as the Royal Aircraft took off from Beacon.

In the Royal Aircraft, Jaune and his Team along with CRDL, Ozpin, and Ironwood are in the Conference Hall as they discuss what just happened.

Nora: So we're fucked when we go back to Beacon

Lie: It does not matter, once we revealed that Jaune is an Emperor of a hidden Kingdom. One that is more powerful than the 4 Kingdoms, they will have second thoughts.

Cardin: Let's hope they are not stupid enough to try anything or else it will be a declaration of war.

Jaune: Yup, wouldn't want to see something like that happening anytime soon. Arcadia destroying the 4 Kingdoms, let's hope it does not come to that.

Ozpin: Don't worry Jaune, I'll make sure the students behave if they try anything. They'll get severe punishments.

Ironwood: I'll make sure to help with that as well.

All of them began relaxing as the Royal Aircraft continues it's way to Arcadia.

Lie: So Jaune, what's the plan once you're Emperor?

Jaune: I would still have to discuss that matter with my sisters as they too would take the mantle of Empress or Queen in the Kingdoms. The same for you Lie, with you being appointed as a member of the High Council and leader of Clan Ren. You will be added in this discussion as well.

Ozpin: Do you have plans regarding the 4 Kingdoms?

Jaune: We do, we plan to reveal all of Arcadia to the 4 Kingdoms. My sisters and I will head to Vale and announce it at the Vytal Festival.

Ironwood: And no doubt with this, a lot of people in the 4 Kingdoms would try something.

Jaune: And we will deal with them swiftly, all those that stand against us will fall. Whether it be humans or Faunus.

Lie: Indeed, the only thing that will be left of them is their charred skulls.

Ironwood: I'll try and prevent the Council from doing something stupid, if not. Then they're deaths are signed.

Ozpin: The same can be said for me as well.

Jaune: Good. After many years of ignoring the 4 Kingdoms, it's time to help them once more.

They heard a knock and see one of the Arcadian Shock Troopers entering the Conference Room.

Arcadian Shock Trooper: Your highness, we have arrived.

Jaune looks out of the window of the Conference Room and sees his home. This is one of the many cities that Jaune will rule, the same can be said for his sisters as the minute he arrives, a new generation will take the Throne.

Jaune: Welcome home.

Author Notes:
- Give me names of Anime Characters that can be part of Lie and Nora's group.


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