Devils Among Fairies

Por Cameodc

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In the middle of their battle with Lucifero, a portal opened up beneath Asta and Liebe, sending them to anoth... Más

Chapter 1: Beginning
Chapter 2: A New Friend
Chapter 3: A Tale of Ancient Sins
Chapter 4: Breaking the Ancient Chains
Chapter 5: Meeting Two Fairies
Chapter 6: Resonance
Chapter 7: An Unfortunate First Meeting
Chapter 8: She-devil vs Anti-magic Devil
Chapter 9: Tears for the Devil part 1
Chapter 10: Tears for the Devil part 2
Chapter 11: Flame God vs Devil Knight
Chapter 12: Sisters and Brothers
Chapter 13: Two Knights vs Lord of Nature Part 1
Chapter 14: Two Knights vs Lord of Nature Part 2
Chapter 16: One Sided Beatdown and Parting
Chapter 17: Bonding Between Two Knights
Chapter 18: The Wizard of Time part 1

Chapter 15: Two Knights vs Lord of Nature Part 3

516 19 19
Por Cameodc

  (No one's p.o.v.)

  Asta and Erza charged at Azuma while brandishing their swords for their next attack. Azuma launched his next attack towards the knights.

  "Folium Sica!"

  Several massive funnels of sharp leaves began to swirl around him before they hone in an Asta and Erza, but Asta countered by using his Black Hurricane to slice through all of the small natural blades as he flew towards Azuma ready to attack. The tree wizard planned to counter Asta's incoming attack, but before he got within striking distance, the devil knight moved out of the way to reveal Erza with her Benizakura ready to attack. Azuma quickly defended himself by manipulating the roots to create a shield for him. As Titania's blade started to cut through the wall of roots, the tree wizard jumped back to a branch behind him before setting up his next move. He summoned a root to sideswipe Erza from the left while creating an explosion simultaneously on contact.

  "Burst Claw!"

  Before the explosion occured, Asta appeared in front and shielded himself and Erza with Demon Slayer coated in Anti-magic, softening the blow but causing them to fly back to a tree. Asta spun around to get behind Titania to cushion the impact for her so that she could bounce back into the fight quickly. Asta was able to withstand the force due to his dense muscles and shrugged off the pain and flew rapidly at Azuma again. The latter jumped at Asta to meet the charge head-on. The devil knight pointed both of his swords forward as he flew towards his opponent while Azuma reeled his arms back to unleash his own attack.

  "Bull Thrust!"


  Azuma thrusted his hands forward to meet the two blades and an explosion erupted from each hand. The blast caused both fighters to fly back and crash into a tree. 'He triggered the explosion at the right moment to push me back and kill my momentum. This guy is good, even with all those injuries he has he's managing to hold his own. But he seemed to have forgotten I'm not his only opponent.' Asta thought as Erza appeared next to the tree wizard and swung her sword in a rising diagonal slash. He controlled the tree to block the attack while he merged with it. The magicless knight then focused on searching for the enemy's Ki. It was tricky since Azuma had merged with nature itself, but he was able to faintly sense his Ki. Asta then waited for Azuma to surface before casting his Anti-magic version of Fast-movement to appear behind him to strike the tree wizard in his blind spot. Azuma was hit with a horizontal slash to the left shoulder, forcing him out of the tree and crashing into another. Erza went at the Seven Kin member and struck him with a diagonal slash from the right shoulder to the left hip, causing Azuma to fall to the ground. After impacting and bouncing off the ground, Asta quickly came flying at him with his Demon Slayer sword ready to unleash a downward slash. Once he got in range, the devil knight swung his sword down and strike Azuma in the abdomen with great force, causing him to vomit spit and blood before losing the ability to move. He withdrew before reverting back to normal and Erza landed next to Asta as they both stood over the downed enemy.

  "I lost, and to 2 worthy opponents at that." Azuma said as tree saplings began to grow from his body and he in turn began to fuse with the ground. Asta and Erza were shocked to see what was happening to him as Asta asked concerned, "What's happening to you?" "I had used my power too much, Lost Magic can be quite dangerous if you're not careful." The tree wizard replied. Erza asked, "Earlier you said that you were seeking Zeref, for what reason do you need him?" While the two knights knew that Grimoire Heart's end goal is to create a world where magic is everything, but they do not understand what that has to do with the Black Wizard. Azuma answered, "We need his help to reach the Primordial Magic, from which all magic is derived from. Without it, we cannot achieve our goal of creating the Grand Magic World." "The Primordial Magic? What is that?" Asta asked but Azuma didn't answer that and instead stated, "You both have defeated me, so I will keep my word. I'll shall return the magic power to Erza's guild members." Shortly after saying that, Azuma had completely turned into a tree, and left Asta and Erza shocked to see what had become of him.

  (Asta's p.o.v.)

  I couldn't believe what had happened to Azuma. I've seen a lot of different kinds of magic in my old world, but I never saw anything that can turn you into a tree. I had to wonder, are there any other types of insane magic in this world. "Asta." I turned to see Erza looking at me and she said, "Thank you for helping me, I don't think I could've won without you." "You're welcome, but I think you still would've won even with my help." Asta replied. Lisanna rushed towards the two knights and asked worriedly, "Asta! Erza! Are you two okay?" Erza answered, "We're fine Lisanna. Right now, we need to look for the others. They could be fighting the rest of Grimoire Heart right now and may need help." "Yeah, we better get moving." Asta agreed and the three of them began to search for the other members of Fairy Tail.

  2 hours ago

  (Liebe's p.o.v.)

  We had arrived in the area where we left Mira's guild mates, and we continued on to the spot where we put them for their safety. We soon came up on the ruins of an old tunnel left by the original inhabitants of the island and saw that there were people inside, tending to their own wounds and injuries. One was a light, pink haired guy wearing a white scaly scarf.

  One was a young blonde haired woman with brown eyes.

  There was also a little girl with long blue hair, a middle aged man with black hair, and a tiny, unconscious old man with bandages around his arms.

   Strangely, there was a maid with short pink hair with them and shackles on her wrists as well.

  But even more strangely, was that there was also a trio of bipedal, blue, white and black cats accompanying them.

  Mira saw them and went straight towards them while calling out, "Guys! There you are! Are you all okay?!" They all turned their attention to us and the blonde greeted, "Mira? What are you doing out here?" She replied, "It's a long story, but to make it short, I came out to look for Elfman and Evergreen." "We found them in here when we stopped to rest. Wendy's been healing them along with the rest of us." I chimed in by saying, "They were in that condition because they pissed me off." Everyone in the tunnel turned their attention to me and were startled by my appearance. Not surprising in the least. The pink haired guy walked up to me and said with an angry expression on his face, "You're the one who hurt our friends?! You've got a lot of nerve, you demon punk!" I replied in a furious tone as some of my ominous aura leaked out, "I keep telling everyone I meet today who make that same assumption, and I hate being reminded of the reason why I despise myself. So let me make this clear pinky, I'm not a demon, I'm a Devil!" The group in the tunnel and the pink haired guy trembled in fear from both sensing my presence and hearing the fury in voice. I continued, "As for your two friends over there, they gave me a lot of lip. Hearing their condescending tone about trespassing on this forsaken rock, when me and my brother had been stranded here for months without knowing which way to go to reach the mainland, it pissed me off to no end. It gave me more of a reason to resent the majority of you humans. So don't talk to me in that tone again if you don't want my sword shoved up your filthy ass!" Mira stepped up to me and said, "Now Liebe, let's calm down and be civil. Let me introduce you to my friends, okay?" I looked at her and thought for a moment before calming down and nodding.

She then said to her friends, "Guys, this is Liebe. As you can see he has a deep grudge against most humans and for good reason. The black haired man with him is Zeref. He became friends with Liebe and his brother, who have been stranded here on Tenrou for months." Everyone present was shocked to hear that the Black Wizard was standing right in front of them. Mira continued, "Calm down guys, he's not a threat. Actually, he's more of a victim than anything. For one thing, Grimoire Heart's here looking for him." The middle aged man stood up and said sternly, "The Black Wizard is anything but a victim. Have you not heard the stories about what he has done 400 years ago?" I replied, "This is another reason why I hate humans, you never stop to try and understand something. When you see something or someone you don't understand, you write them off as a danger with even bothering to investigate, just like how your kind tried to kill me when I was little, despite being injured and exhausted and moreover never even bothered looking you in the eye! So don't go condemning someone you don't even know before trying to understand them!" Mira's guild mates were shocked to hear what I said, but the middle aged man stepped back and looked away in shame. Mira then brought us back to the subject at hand by saying, "Liebe, these are my guild mates, the blonde girl is Lucy Heartfilia, she's a Celestial wizard. The pink haired boy is Natsu Dragneel, a Fire Dragon Slayer. The little girl is Wendy Marvell, she's a Sky Dragon Slayer. The maid in back is one of Lucy's Celestial Spirits, her name is Virgo the Maiden." I cut her off by saying, "I was wondering what she was, because I can tell that despite her appearance, she's not a human." This surprised everyone present except for Zeref as he already knew how I knew. The reason I could tell she wasn't human was because of her Ki, all races have a different feel to their Ki. Back on topic, Mira continued to introducing her friends, "The three cats are the Exceeds. The blue one is named Happy, the white one is Carla, and the black one is Panther Lily. As for the unconscious old man, he's our guild master, Makarov Dreyar." I asked, "I would ask about the black-haired man over there, but I honestly don't care." I turned my attention to the maid who was holding a pink outfit that was small enough to fit Wendy as she said to the little girl, "It's your turn to change clothes, Wendy. This would definitely suit you well." Hearing her say that she was giving the kid a change of clothes, made me wonder. I asked the maid, "Virgo right? Do you have any clothes that'll fit me up your sleeves?" They all looked at me puzzled and Mira asked, "Excuse me, but why do you need clothes?" I explained, "Devils have the ability to change their anatomy. For example, they can  sprout an extra set of arms if they wish. While me and my brother have been stranded on this island, I started to think that when we do manage to get to civilization, I was going to stick out like a sore thumb and cause and unwanted panic. So I've tried to alter my body to look like a human's in order to blend in with the crowd. But the problem with that is that this black mass covering much over my body is also a part of my body. So if I do change into a human form, it would disappear, leaving me as naked as a newborn." She blushed as she stated, "And since you and your brother don't have any spare clothes, you won't be able to do take human form until you do get some." I nodded and the others understood why I asked Virgo to give me some clothes. The maid responded by pulling out an attire that I very much liked. It was a black leather jacket over a red shirt with a pair of long legged pants.

Walked up to her and took the clothes and thanked her before going further back into the tunnel to change my appearance and get dressed.

  (Mirajane's p.o.v.)

  Liebe had walked off to change into a human form and put on the clothes that Virgo gave him. While he was gone, I told my guild mates about how I met Liebe, Asta, and Zeref, as well as the fight that I had with the young Devil and how he beat me. I also told them about what I had saw in his memories, and they were all sympathetic towards Liebe and understood why he didn't like humans. Lucy replied, "I see, no wonder he doesn't like humans." "Indeed, if I were treated like that, I would probably hate them too." Panther Lily commented. Before anyone else could voice their comments, a voice said from further in the tunnel, "I don't need pity from you people, it won't change a thing about my feelings towards the majority of your kind." We all looked to see Liebe in his human form, and I had to admit, he was very handsome.

  "I must say, your look very handsome right now." Virgo commented. Liebe didn't seem flattered in the slightest by her comment as he just ignored her. He was about to say something when he tensed up and quickly made his way to the entrance of the tunnel. I asked, "What's wrong?" He replied, "Someone's coming, be on your guard." We were confused for a moment until we all sensed a powerful source of magic coming towards us. We looked to see a middle aged man with long black hair in a clothed ponytail and wearing a white overcoat over his black and purple clothing.


  Liebe asked the man, "Who the hell are you, old man?" He replied, "I am Bluenote Stinger, I'm Deputy Commander of Grimoire Heart. And you are all in my way." As soon as he said that, we felt a weight coming down onto us as it pushed us down to the ground. However, I noticed that Liebe was still standing up, unaffected by the pressure. I could feel the air becoming heavier and colder as I felt his bloodlust and fury grow. "So, you use Gravity Magic, huh?" Bluenote was surprised by Liebe still able to stand but also began to tremble in fear as he felt his growing malice. Liebe continued, "Honestly, I know someone who is far better at using than you. However, I still find it offensive that you would use the same magic as him in front of me. The magic used by the bastard who killed my mother!!" He looked at Bluenote with a look of boundless fury and hate as he summoned his swords into his hands as he walked towards the Dark Mage of Grimoire Heart.

'I don't like where this is going.' I thought as I was about to bear witness to the carnage that was to start

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