Randy Marsh x Reader [Discont...

De Staressex

15.2K 294 452

This is gonna be one of probably many long stories about Randy, Why, because im obsessed with this man to an... Mai multe

Moving back in
What Are They Hiding
A Deal with the Devil
Everything is Silent
He's not all That bad
Dirty Sheets
Father Fucker
A Little Surprise Treat
Moving in... Again?
A Little "Family" Bonding Time
Im just a LITTLE Traumatized...
Just so... so many pancakes...
Notes app
Now don't get caught!
Please Read!!

Tegridy Farms

1.2K 21 53
De Staressex

Im forcing you to take this room

Your room is going to be a small cozy room with plants, you can imagine the decorations on the walls and the rest of the room however you want but this is your bed you take it or leave it buddy so, remember that for the story.



You wake up slamming your hand on your plugging in phone and turned it on, stopping the alarm, it was 7:30am and was time for you to get ready for your job.

Yawning, you get up seeing the sun peeking through the frosty windows illuminating your room, the main light unnecessary for your morning routine.

You grabbed the uniform you had been given, it was, well, a visor that said "Tegridy farm" and an apron that matched it with your name on it. All Randy said was to wear good clothes underneath for being on a farm so you put on some jeans despite the hatred for them... A t-shirt and some already worn down shoes that you didnt mind getting dirty. Finally you grabbed your earbuds and charged phone, and made your way downstairs, at this point it was only 8:00 from searching through your clothes for the right ones.

"Ah i heard you searching through your stuff," your mother said from the kitchen as she saw you make your way into the living room.

"Goodmorning Mom, sorry if i was loud," You said walking over, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh not at all, I hope you slept well, are you ready for your new job?"

"I slept okay. And im super excited, im only going to be working really in the giftshop but Randy will be having me help him move stuff alot as well when the gift shop isnt busy." You explain, starting to search the kitchen you so remember, everything was as it used to be so you had a vague idea of what could be there to eat, it moreso mattered on what your family had.

"I think that you'll do great. I think that its amazing that Mr. Marsh gave you a job, His son and Tyler have gotten pretty close while you were away." She explains before trailing off "and that... Eric Cartman boy too..."

"Oh mom if you dont like that Cartman boy so much why dont you just tell Tyler to stop being friends with him?" You ask, you had decided to just grab some water and make yourself some of the waffles you had found in the freezer.

"Well i have, But Tyler knows that Cartman is bad, all of the boys do apparently."

"Well then why do they still hang out with him?" You slid the frozen waffles into the toaster slots and started it.

"I dont know??? It might be that Cartman can get his way so easily... With well, anything."

"Well, Maybe I can go either talk to Tyler or just beat up on that kid Cartman." You joke before your mom gave you a small stern look "just kidding just kidding dont worry ma."

"I know..." She sighs, she grabbed her coffee mug and took a sip before rubbing her forehead

"Look, Just maybe, give him a chance for now, he hasnt done anything recently right?"

"I guess, it has been a while, but thats why im so nervous, i dont know if Cartman is being a bad influence on Tyler or if Tyler is being a good influence on Cartman it just... Im just scared Tyler will get hurt." Your mom said simply covering her eyes with the palm of her hands.

"Oh mom... Im sure Tyler knows that..." You say, walking up to her and rubbing her back. "But he's also got to experience these things, at least, bad friendships, they aren't good but they help us grow." You explain. "Plus i doubt Tyler of all people would let him get away with being a dick to him "

Your mom lets out a small laugh before moving her hands from her eyes, suddenly the toaster pops startling the both of you, you grab the two now hot waffles and a plastic bottle water and gave your mom one more kiss on the cheek.

"Dont worry too much about Tyler while im gone okay? I dont need you worrying yourself to death." You say as you made your way to the door.

"Okay honey, have fun at work!" She says as you wave, grabbing the keys to your dads truck that you asked to borrow as you still had the u-haul on the car, and heading out.


"Golden Marey Kush Farm... John & Judy Cannabis Acre..... High Valley Marijuana Farm..... Aha! Tegridy Farm! There we go." You say, pulling into the worker parking lot for Tegridy farm and you get out looking out at the large acres of hemp.

"Wow i guess he takes this shit pretty seriously..." You mutter as you make your way up to the farm, walking past you watched as people worked out in the fields you zoned out on them as you walked directly into a person on accident and bump each of you back.

"Oh my gosh im so sorry! I wasnt paying attention to where i was going." You say, looking up at the figure only to meet face to face with Randy Marsh.

"No no its okay! I was just coming out here to see if you had gotten here yet, we need you out in the gift shop." He said, You nodded quickly before he showed you the way, once you stepped in you were hit by a wave of weed and you couldnt help but feel like you had gotten punched in the face by it.

"Jesus CHRIST. Its so strong.." you mumble rubbing your nose a bit.

"Ah yeah sorry about that, you'll get used to it once you're on the farm for a while." He said, you noticed what seemed to be a... A towel? Behind the counter at the gift shop but you decided to try and question that later. "So here we sell our merchandise that is all handmade with hemp! We have shirts, hats, food, we have weed of course that you can buy, but in little miniature forms!" He said holding up what didnt even seem to be enough weed to make a joint between his index and thumb before putting it back down onto the pile he had picked it up from.

"And people... Buy this stuff?" You ask "i mean i like weed but wow i didnt know people were THIS. Into weed." You say and Randy gives a smug look.

"Of course people buy it! Thats why we're expanding and we have a giftshop in the first place, now. Lets get you situated behind that counter, get you trained with the register, and then we can show you around the farm, where you can eat on breaks, and where you can well, smoke." He said plainly.

You couldn't believe it. A job. Where you could smoke. All day. It was like a dream come true.

"Alright lets get goin'." You say ecstatically Randy gave a soft smile at your enthusiasm and you both make your way to the counter.

"Ah i see its the new hire." The towel said from behind the counter. "Does this mean i can go and smoke already?"

"No Towlie you gotta teach them how to use the cashregister. Then you can go smoke, but you HAVE. To come back." Randy said.

"Ugh fine lets get this over with." Towlie said slightly annoyed by having to wait to smoke. For the next 30 minutes Towlie showed you the ropes of the Giftshop and cash register, you caught onto mostly everything pretty quickly so it wasn't a pain. And once you got everything Towlie left to go to smoke in the back room of the gift shop.

"Okay, now that thats all done, We can go give you a tour how about that. Plus you can try some of our specials in progress!" Randy said, you excitedly nodded and followed him throughout the farm seeing all of the different strands of hemp they were growing and all of the production, it was a beautiful process to you and you enjoyed it alot and were so glad you were able to work on this farm.

"And that is the end of the tour," Randy says as you two made your way back up to the gift shop front door. "You have a few more hours in the gift shop with Towlie and at 3 you can get off, Remember to check in on our schedules on our calendar frequently okay?" Randy said, The calendar was in the Faculty lounges and break rooms, it didnt change often but you would rather check in on it than not.

"I will, and thank you Randy, this job means alot." You say with a soft smile, Randy gave a small sheepish smile and laughed.

"Dont worry about it, just get your butt in there and do some good work." He said and you gave a big smile.

"Will do sir." You say before walking back into the gift shop and going to behind the counter, and almost immediately you had to help Towlie with customers.


It was your break and you sat in the back of the gift shop where there was a vending machine, a sofa and table, and there was well, lots of weed back there. You were nervous because well, you smoked weed but not really like this, it was usually with the extract not the flower...

You looked over at the jars of pot on the shelves with all different labels, you just couldnt help yourself and you grabbed one of the jars thats label interested you. Opening it you searched for the paper and you find it, you find a good packer tool and get to work on making a joint for yourself.

As you are working to make yourself a Joint Randy walks into the back of the store with a few other workers carrying some boxes that had items for the gift shop.

"Hey, we're going to put these in the back, after your break can you restock the shop?" Randy asks as him and the workers make their way to the storage room that had other boxes of items as well.

"Yeah of course," you said before licking the paper and rolling it.

You look up at see Randy watching you make your joint and when you looked up he seemed to nervously shake himself out of a trance and the other workers had walked out of the room, you look back down at your joint and decide to just ignore that, he's probably just high like everyone else.

"Hey do you have a lighter? I couldnt find one back here." You ask Randy as you pack your joint with the rest of the flower.

"Oh, yeah here," Randy said, patting around his pockets before handing you a small white lighter.

"Thanks," You say before placing the Joint into your mouth. And lighting it. You take a large drag From it and exhale after a bit. "God damn.. this is really smooth." You mumble before taking another hit. Randy takes a seat next to you and you look over, holding out the joint for him to take.

"Thanks," he said, taking the joint and taking a hit as well. "ah yeah this is a good one, If you want you can take some home." Randy said, before he exhaled. Handing you the joint back.

"Heh, sure ill probably take some home, thanks Randy," you said, leaning into the couch, you decided to enjoy the joint and Randy nodded before heading out.

"Hey, Tomorrow im going to have a small party and uh, I dont know if you want to come i invited your parents as well and some others in the town. It's just going to be adults." He said "you dont have to say yes but i thought you would be interested, ill text you the details later." He added before giving a small wave and heading out.

You couldnt help but feel your heart flutter but you pushed these feelings down and waved back. "Just because he's nice to you doesn't mean you need to start going and feeling like this. You're just high." You growl to yourself, taking another hit before sighing. You decided to sit in the break room and finish the joint before heading back and stocking shelves in the gift shop.

You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and you already could tell it was the information about the party, leaving your phone you go on with your work day with Towlie, you both at this point were baked as hell, and you two had the time of your life, even though all you did was stare out at the ceiling and play with the merchandise with him between helping customers.

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