The 2nd Youngest Jenner

De AngelicaSolo133

4.5K 119 15

Y/n Jenner is the 2nd youngest of the Kardashian/Jenner. You may think just because her family is famous that... Mais

The karashian/jenner cast
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

1K 35 8
De AngelicaSolo133

Year: 2010
Age: 14 years old


I was in my room while the family is filming keeping up with the kardashians. I told mom and dad that I don't want to be filmed and they understood so they decided that they will keep me out of the spotlight because they know I want to make a name for myself. The world knows there is another Jenner that is older than Kylie but they don't know what I look like or what my name is, my family has been doing a great job of keeping me out of the spotlight. I was on my laptop to see if I got into an entertainment that I auditioned for. I was scrolling through my emails and see that I got in and I was happy. After the family stopped filming I will tell them the good news since they always there for me.

After the film crew left and I know I'm in the clear I headed downstairs and see my family. "I got some good news." I said. "What is it?" Mom asked me. "I got into BigHit entertainment they said I need to be in Korea in the next five days." I told them making them happy. "We need to get you packed." Kourtney said. My sisters all headed up to my room and helped me pack my belongings while my parents are getting me a dorm so I won't be lost. After an hour of my sisters packing my stuff they were finally done.

4 days later

I was with my family making sure no paparazzi was following us and headed to the airport and to the private jet. The pilot got all my bags and put them on the plane, I turned to my family and hugged them knowing this is the first time I'm on my own. Dad hugged me tightly. "Be careful over there." Dad told me. He has always been so protective of me ever since he found out I was born intersex. "I will dad. Are you able to hold the fort while I'm gone?" I asked him. "You know I will." Dad said. After I said my last goodbyes I went inside the plane and buckled myself in. After a few minutes the plane was in the air so I decided to put on my headphones and fall asleep for the rest of the plane ride.

13 hours later

I was woken up by the pilot telling me we just landed. So I grabbed my stuff and my bags since it was already out the plane and found my driver to drive me to my dorm. It took an hour to go to my dorm and it was really spacious. I put my bags in my room and grabbed my wallet and keys for the dorm and left so I could get some snacks for tomorrow. I decided to walk to the little convenience store that is just a couple blocks away from my dorm.

After 10 minutes I finally got there and looked around. Even though everything was in hangul but I know how to read Korean I just need to learn how to speak the language, I only know enough to get by but that's it. Anyways I was grabbing a few snacks when I accidentally bumped into someone. "I am so sorry, I wasn't even looking." I told the person in English. "No, it's okay. It was my fault." The girl spoke with a New Zealand accent. When I see her face clearly I couldn't help but stare at her. Is this what love at first sight look like? "My name is Jennie Kim. What's your name?" Jennie introduced herself. "Y/n Jenner." I introduced myself. "Are you knew here in Korea?" Jennie asked me. "Yeah, I just got here 2 hours ago." I told her. "You must be tired after the long flight." Jennie said. "Actually, I'm fine. I took a nap on the whole plane ride." I told her. "That's nice. Want to go to a restaurant with me so we could get to know each other a bit better?" Jennie asked me. "I would love too. But I'm paying for your food, no questions asked." I told her as we got to the cash register and payed for our stuff.

We got out of the convenience store and followed her to a small restaurant and went inside it. I looked around the restaurant as it had a homey vibe to it when Jennie grabbed my hand and dragged me to a seat. We ordered our food and started talking to get to know each other. "So any siblings you have?" Jennie asked me. "I have one older brother, four older sisters and one younger sister. How about you?" I told her. "I'm an only child." Jennie told. "Really? Does it ever get lonely?" I asked her. "Sometimes. But what does your family do for a living?" She asked. Jennie seems trustworthy to me so I decided to tell her the truth of my family. "Have you ever seen keeping up with the kardashians?" I asked her. "I've heard of them but never watched the show since I'm busy with training at YG. Why'd you ask?" She asked me. "Well, they're my family. I told them I don't want to be in the spotlight because I wanted to make a name for myself." I explained to her.

She looked so shocked. "Really? That's is cool." Jennie said. Then Jennie's phone buzzed as she checked her phone. "I have to go. But let's exchange numbers so we could meet up so I could teach you Korean." Jennie said. We both exchanged numbers and I payed the bill and we both left our separate ways. I went back to the dorm with my snacks and put them away in the cabinets. I went to my room and sat down thinking of Jennie. After a couple minutes I fell asleep for tomorrow of being a trainee.

The next day

I was dressed for my first day as a BigHit trainee. Since the building is close to where I live I decided walk to BigHit. I got in and immediately got my schedule and I went to vocal practice. After an hour I went to dance practice and I see a boy who looked a little older than me struggling on a move. The instructor said in English that me and the boy who was struggling name Namjoon to help him with his dance. As we get started on teaching him the moves that he was stuck on we got to know each other a little bit. After we were done he was finally able to master the dance down with my help. "Thank you so much, Y/n." Namjoon said in English. "No problem." I said. After that we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways. Around 4 I was done and heading back to my dorm.

2 months later

Me and Jennie had gotten closer throughout these two months. Today I'm asking Jennie out and I hope she says yes. I'm currently waiting for her at a little café when I see her coming to me and sat down in front of me and we ordered our food. "So I wanted to tell you something for a while now." I said to her. "What is it?" Jennie asked me. Okay, it's now or never. "Over the two months we've been friends, I actually started to like you more than that, and I was hoping you'd like to be my girlfriend?" I asked her. She didn't say anything which made me more nervous when she suddenly started smiling at me. "I would love to be your girlfriend, Y/n. But we have to keep this between us and our families." Jennie said. "Of course as long as I'm with you nothing matters." I told her which made her blush. After we ate we headed to a park while holding hands as she cuddled into my arm.

Then I get a text message from Pd nim, telling me to come to his office because it's important. "I gotta go. I'll text you tonight." I told her. I gave her a kiss and left to BigHit entertainment. I arrived to his office and knocked on his door and I here a 'come in' so I walked inside and see Namjoon with him as well. I sat down next to him confused as did Namjoon. "The reason I brought you two here today is because I'm planning on making a group called BTS. It will have a hip hop theme and right now you two are the only ones qualified until I find more members for you two." Pd nim told us. "That's great, pd nim. But what about the living situation?" Namjoon asked him. "Well since Y/n has her own dorm which is big enough for you two, I was hoping you will move in with her. If that's alright with you, Y/n?" Pd nim asked me. "I don't mind." I said. "Well, that's settled it then. Namjoon you will move in with Y/n. So pack your stuff as Y/n will help you get situated." Pd nim told us before he ended the meeting.

Me and Namjoon walked out and went to his dorm that he was staying in with his friend as I helped him. After two hours we were finally done moving his stuff into my dorm and sat on the couch tiredly. "You hungry, hyung?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm starving." Namjoon said. I got up and went into the kitchen to cook something. After an hour I finished making our food and set it on the table where Namjoon was sitting waiting patiently for the food.

"Everything smells good, Y/n." Namjoon told me. As soon as he took a bite I could tell he loved it. "This is delicious. Where did you learn how to cook?" Namjoon asked me. "My mom taught me." I said as I started to eat my food. After a couple minutes we were done eating and Namjoon decided to wash the dishes while I went to my room and see my mom is FaceTiming me so I answered and see my whole family with her. "Hey, Y/n!" Mom said as all my sisters greeted me. "Hey guys, I miss you." I told them. "We miss you too, Y/n." Kim said. "Have you eaten anything?" Dad asked me. "Yeah, I made some food for me and my bandmate Namjoon. We just finished eating." I told him.

"Wait, a boy is your bandmate?" Dad asked protectively. "Yeah, the ceo said he is starting a group with him and I. He hasn't found anyone else yet." I explained. "If he gives you problems let me know, ok?" Dad asked. "Of course. I almost forgot to tell you guys something, I met this girl her name is Jennie and me and her just started to date." I told them. Mom, dad, Kim and Kylie looked happy for me but Khloe, Kourtney and Kendall didn't. "That's fantastic, Y/n." Kim said. "Does she know who we are?" Mom asked me. "She said she heard of you but she never watched the reality show." I told her. "But what if she just using you for money?" Khloe asked me. "She's not." I told her. "You don't know that. Why would you tell some random stranger that you are a Jenner?!" Kourtney yelled making me flinch. "Because she seems trustworthy. Why are you making a big deal out of this anyways?" I asked her. "I know she is not good enough for you." Kourtney said. "You should break up with her." Kendall said. "What?! I'm not gonna break up with her." I said. "Well who is it gonna be. Family or your girlfriend?" Khloe asked me.

"You guys stop it. If Y/n sees the girl as trustworthy then she is not wrong." Kim said to them. "No. So choose, us or her?" Khloe asked me. I looked conflicted but I loved this girl so much. I look up and see mom, dad, Kim and Kylie telling me it's okay if I chose her. "I choose Jennie." I told them. Khloe, Kourtney and Kendall looked at me shocked probably not knowing I was gonna choose Jennie over them. "Then we don't consider you our sister anymore." Khloe said. Then Khloe, Kourtney and Kendall left. I was tears as some of my sisters disowned me. "Hey, it's okay, Y/n. I think you made the right choice." Kylie said. "Really?" I asked her. "Yeah, we can tell that Jennie makes you really happy. We don't want anything from keeping you for being happy." Dad explained. "Thanks you guys. I got to go. Big day tomorrow." I said. We said our goodbyes and hanged up the phone.

I can't believe that Khloe, Kourtney and Kendall all disowned me for being happy with a girl that I trust. Jennie has been nothing but kind and she helped me get better with my Korean. Why couldn't they see that she makes me happy? I decided to go to sleep.

The next day

I woke up and since I have a free day today I decided to hang out with Jennie and tell her what happened with my sisters. I changed into jeans, white t-shirt and my Jean jacket and put on my hat backwards and put on my shoes. I came out of my room and see Namjoon eating some ramen. "I'm going out. I don't know what time I will be back." I told him. "Okay, stay safe." Namjoon said. I walked out of the dorm and went to the park where I see Jennie waiting. "Hey, babe." I said to her. "Hey. What happened yesterday with pd nim?" Jennie asked me. "Well, he said that he is planning on making a band called BTS and chose me and this other dude named Namjoon. He said that the group will mostly focus on hip hop and right now me and him are the only ones qualified until he finds more members for us." I explained to her.

"When do you think you're gonna debut?" Jennie asked me. "I'm not sure. Probably three or four years from now. I mean BigHit is a small entertainment company so I doubt there will be a fast debut." I told her. She nodded her head. "Yeah, my pd nim thinks I should debut in a couple years because he is not sure on the group I'll be in yet." Jennie explained to me. "Anyways, have you told your parents about us?" I asked her. "Yeah, and they were very supportive and they really want to meet you." Jennie said surprising me. "Have you told your family about us?" Jennie asked. "I have and my mom, dad, Kim and Kylie supported us but Kourtney, Khloe and Kendall didn't." I said. Jennie gave me a questioning look. "Why didn't they support us like your parents, Kim and Kylie?" Jennie asked me. "They think that you were only with me for money so we argued and then they made me choose between you and them. So I chose you." I explained to her. "Why would they make you do that?" Jennie asked me as she held my hand. "I don't know. And then Khloe, Kourtney and Kendall basically disowned me as their sister and blocked my number so I won't call them." I said sadly.

I see Jennie look at me in sympathy. "You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here with you, don't let your sister's get you down. At least you still have your parents, Kim and Kylie on your side." Jennie said as she tried to make me feel better. "Yeah, you're right. Anyways when does your parents want to meet?" I asked Jennie changing the subject. "They want to meet you next week if that's fine with you." Jennie said. "Yeah, that's perfect. After I'm done training at BigHit I go to my dorm take a shower and change into something presentable and we'll go to your parents place." I said to her. "Yeah. They can't wait to meet you since I've always talk to them about you." Jennie said excitedly. "Well I'm glad my Korean is good so I could talk to them." I told her. "Yeah, your Korean has gotten way better since you came here." Jennie said. "And it's all thanks to my wonderfully beautiful girlfriend." I said to her making her blush.

Me and Jennie hanged out until we both had to leave and kissed each other bye. I headed back to the dorm and see Namjoon watching tv. "Hey, hyung. How was your day?" I asked him. "It's alright. Just wrote some lyrics and made a few beats but that's about it. How about you?" Namjoon asked me. "It was fun. I hanged out with my friend. It was good catching up with her. She was the first person I met when I came here to Korea." I told him. After that I went to my room and grabbed my songbook and started writing lyrics until I had to go to sleep.

1 week later

Today was the day that I'm meeting Jennie's parents for the first time and safe to say I'm nervous as fuck. I've been practicing my Korean and I'm almost fluent in the language. After my training ended for the day I went back to the dorm and took a shower for 15 minutes and then dried myself and put on something simple with blue jeans and a button up t-shirt. I went out the dorm but not before I told Namjoon where I'm going and left. I met up with Jennie at a park and we walked together to her parents house. "You nervous?" Jennie asked me. "Yeah." I told her. "Don't be nervous. My parents are nice, they're just gonna ask you some questions. That's it." Jennie said trying to ease my nerves.

I'm glad Jennie would calm my nerves a little. Jennie knocked on the door while I stood next to her still nervous. The door opened and I see a woman who I know is Jennie's mom answered the door as she greeted Jennie with a hug. Once they let go of the hug Jennie's mom looked at me and gave me a smile and hugged me as I hugged her back. She let us in the house and we see an older man who is Jennie's dad come up to Jennie and gave her a hug. When they let go of the hug her father looked at me while I stood there nervously. It was silent for a while as he stared me down before he let out a smile and greeted me. We all sat down at the dinner table eating and Jennie's father ambushing me with a lot of questions which is expected.

I answered his questions respectfully making him smile at me. "If you two are together for a long time, I would happily let you marry my daughter." Mr Kim told me making me smile and a blush from Jennie. "If we are still together I would ask you for her hand in marriage. I was always taught to treat people that are older then me with respect." I told him. "This is why I like you, Y/n. You're a lot better then Jennie's ex boyfriend." Mr Kim told me as he smiled at me. We both started talking about a lot of stuff while I see Jennie and her mom talking to each other while looking at me and her dad talking and laughing making her smile at us. I then told them of my condition of being intersex and they still loved me for who I am. "So I would wish for some grandchildren from you guys?" Mrs Kim asked us making Jennie blush while I smiled at Mrs Kim.

"Of course. As long as Jennie is ready to have kids and I won't force her to have kids." I explained to them. After dinner we all sat in the living room watching tv and making small talk as Jennie cuddled into me on the loveseat. "I told you that you have nothing to worry about." Jennie whispered into my ear. "I know. Meeting your parents was a good idea and I think your dad likes me better than your ex apparently." I whispered to her. "Yeah and he is right. You are better then him." Jennie whispered as she cuddled into me more. We stayed there until around 6:30 and we both had to go back to our dorms so we both bid them goodbye. I hugged Jennie's mom and then her dad. "Take care of my little girl, Y/n." Mr Kim told me. I let go of the hug and looked at him. "I will." I told him making him smile at me before me and Jennie headed out. I got to say it was a great to meet Jennie's parents and them approved of me to date their daughter. I made sure Jennie made it back safely in her dorm and walked to my dorm I share with Namjoon.

When I got home everything was dark so I could tell Namjoon is in his bed asleep. I changed into my pj's and went to sleep.

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