Sleepless Creatures || JOHNYO...

Door Kata_ko_04

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High school senior and insomniac, Taeyong is desperate. When the 18-year-old is almost killed one night, his... Meer

🥀 Introduction & Trigger Warnings 🥀
1 🥀 Blood & Tar
2 🥀 It's Just a Mild Concussion
3 🥀 The Worst Cliché
4 🥀 Speaking of Ash
5 🥀 Blonde Bombshell
6 🥀 Pills & Butterflies
7 🥀 A Rude Awakening
8 🥀 MIA Mondays
9 🥀 Chain Reaction Paranoia
10 🥀 Speedball Blues
11 🥀 Caught in the Act
12 🥀 Bite Me
13 🥀 Hello, Stranger
14 🥀 Not a Monster
15 🥀 Blood Link
16 🥀 Friday Night Movie
17 🥀 Taste for the Pain
18 🥀 Twice Bitten
19 🥀 The Unexpected
20 🥀 Kiss and Stake Up
21 🥀 Tameless
22 🥀 Lies & Shame
23 🥀 Cyanide & Strawberries
24 🥀 Untarnished
25 🥀 Golden Blood
26 🥀 Ragdoll
27 🥀 Friends to Rely On
28 🥀 Full Disclosure
29 🥀 Babylon Demon
30 🥀 Rogue
31 🥀 Dream a Little
32 🥀 The Unholy Trinity
33 🥀 Night Stalker
34 🥀 Denial is the Best Medicine
35 🥀 Pink Pill Blue Pill
36 🥀 Up in The Air
37 🥀 Regret & Understanding
38 🥀 Tamed
39 🥀 Happy Anniversary
40 🥀 Take Your Medicine
41 🥀 Bite Your Teacher
43 🥀 Dripping Wet
44 🥀 Loveseat Escapades
45 🥀 Jealousy
46 🥀 Drunk Texts
47 🥀 Training Day
48 🥀 Monster in the Basement
49 🥀 Kiss Your Friends
50 🥀 Historical Reunion
51 🥀 Confessions Long Overdue
52 🥀 Blood on Your Hands
53 🥀 Love-struck
54 🥀 Pillow Talk
55 🥀 It Wasn't a Dream
56 🥀 Home Sweet Home
57 🥀 Prescription
58 🥀 Vampire at the Window
59 🥀 Sweet Escape
60 🥀 Sating Desires
61 🥀 Gay Virginity
62 🥀 Just a Quick Shower
63 🥀 Neck Fetish
64 🥀 Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
65 🥀 Johnjaeyong
66 🥀 The Blood-link Drawback
67 🥀 Taeyong Treats
68 🥀Salty and Sweet
69 🥀 Don't Drink the Kool-aid - Part 1
70 🥀 Don't Drink the Kool-aid - Part 2
71 🥀 Hurry Up and Bite Me
72 🥀 Loving Abduction
73 🥀 Princess Treatment
74 🥀 Mending Stitches
75 🥀 Spectacular

42 🥀 Things to Clear Up

33 3 0
Door Kata_ko_04

Johnny woke up feeling energised and focused, and then guilty when it sunk in why. It was early, the sun just showing through the blinds. He checked on Taeyong, who was fast asleep, figuring he had around two hours before the teen started to stir. So Johnny went to his gym room, wondering if he could make a couple of hours last an eternity rather than face up to what he'd done.

He told himself, however, that whatever Taeyong threw at him, whatever he accused him of, any blame and derision, he deserved all of it.


Taeyong's POV:

Taeyong stretched, the sheets shifting around him. 

Without opening his eyes, he reached his hand over until he found his phone and groaned when he finally did. It was 7:30 a.m. He let the phone drop and scrubbed his palms down his face. He was actually surprised he'd woken up without the alarm doing it for him, considering how much he recalled drinking.

At least he had plenty of time to get ready for school. Vaguely remembering catching an uber home, Taeyong sat up, then got out of bed and shuffled out of the room, feeling his way out rather than opening his eyes.

So far, he didn't feel as horrible as he expected, which was strange, as he was painfully familiar with how hangovers affected him. Still just a little bit gross, but not vomit-inducing gross.

When he almost smashed into a wall where his bathroom door would normally be, Taeyong opened his eyes.

For once, just as a quirky little novelty, could he wake up in his own house?

What concerned him, even more, was that this corridor looked annoyingly familiar. Taeyong considered his options for a while, but then lumbered to the kitchen.

Johnny's back was to him on the other side of the benchtop, and though he was dressed in trousers and a white silk business shirt, his hair was wet like he'd just come from the shower.

For a moment they just stood there; Taeyong not moving, Johnny clearly pretending he didn't know the other was there. Eventually, the older man's shoulders slumped, and he turned around, leaned back against the cupboard and crossed his arms. And looked at the ground.

Was he waiting for Taeyong to speak first?

What the hell did he say? Why the fuck did you have to say all of that and make me feel like shit? Why did most of it have to be true? Taeyong knew how much he could trouble people if he wasn't careful. I didn't need you to point that out.

I'm sorry for not telling you about the hunters.

I'm sorry you probably felt like I was tricking you.

I'm sorry you hurt yourself on a weapon I brought that can kill vampires.

"How did I get here?" was what he asked instead.

Johnny looked up at him, seeming surprised for some reason. "You don't remember?"

What was that supposed to mean? Remember what?

"Taeyong," said Johnny. "I'm-I'm so sorry. I have no excuses. I shouldn't have done any of that, the bite, the— I don't know if there's anything I can do to make up for it— "

As Taeyong listened to what sounded bizarrely like a gushing panic attack, his mind came to a scratching halt and then rewound like a played-back vinyl.

"Bite? Whaddaya mean?" He had too much of a headache to deal with further confusion. "What bite?"

" really don't remember?"

This was becoming annoying. "Remember what?"

When Johnny spoke again, it sounded like he was worried about stepping in quicksand, and tepidly inching around. "You were drunk and showed up in an uber after 2. And um, we...I bit you. I was stressed, and when you said I could it shouldn't have mattered because you were drunk and I should've taken you straight to the bed and let you sleep it off. Taeyong I'm sorry, I can't believe I did that and I'd completely understand if you—"

"You bit me?" Johnny shut up. Taeyong spoke neutrally. He hadn't even noticed where. "Did you take blood?"

The other man averted his eyes. "Yeah, I did."

"Oh. Okay." Was that all? He thought something bad must have happened for Johnny to have acted like that rather than be pissed at him. He sat down at the table. It helped quell the hangover-induced nausea a little.

"Oh, okay?" parroted Johnny. "Seriously? No it's not. Taeyong, you were basically passed out on my couch! I'm no better than that vampire at the club."

"It's not itchy, I can't even feel where you bit me. So not it's not the same."

"I'm sorry," Johnny repeated, like he hadn't even heard Taeyong.

"Johnny it's fine. Even if I wasn't drunk I would've let you."

"Just because you think you owe me or whatever, it doesn't mean you should feel obligated."

"It's not just that," mumbled Taeyong. He almost wanted to drown himself again for saying that out loud. But at least it shut Johnny up again. "Really, it's fine, all right? When I saw you in class, I thought you looked off. I thought maybe it was just because..." I didn't tell you about the hunters. Taeyong didn't say that. "Do you feel better?"

Johnny opened and closed his mouth like a shocked fish. "...I do."

"Okay." That's good.

"Taeyong, I'm— are you sure? I swear that won't ever happen again."

"Hmm," he hummed in the affirmative.

The two went back to heavy silence. Well, it was definitely heavy on Taeyong's end. Johnny might not have looked pissed, but there was no doubt he wanted to know more about the bomb that had been dropped on him.

There's no better time than the present, idiot. "That night when Ash bit me, she didn't run off. She was staked by a hunter." Taeyong took a breath, and when Johnny didn't interrupt, or look like he was about to kick him out of the house, Taeyong continued, "I had absolutely no idea about them before that happened. I passed out, and woke up in their house. There's a family of them, and they told me they were keeping Ash to help them track down the Untarnished responsible. They fixed up the wound as best they could, and when they asked me about the other bite marks, I told them I didn't know how I got them. They think the vampire, who they know is the Blood Trader, must have attacked me when I was asleep.

"They said because of my blood type, I'd be a target, so they gave me the dagger, and told me about vampire history and the weapons they use. That's how I figured you were Untarnished. But I promise I didn't tell them anything about you."

Taeyong was scared to look up, but he did.

And Johnny still didn't look mad, just curious.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were helping me sleep. But it was more than...I didn't want you to hate me. I know that's a shitty excuse. I really wanted to tell you. And I tried. But every time I chickened out.

"We should end the arrangement," Taeyong forced himself to say, wanting to get in before Johnny said the same thing. "I shouldn't come here again. I'd lose a little sleep, but you could get killed if I keep coming here and they see us."

Again, Johnny didn't answer straight away, his expression neutral. "Taeyong," he said. "You already ended the arrangement."

Taeyong tried not to let it show how that hurt him. Johnny wasn't wrong. He shouldn't have expected another answer.

"I'd like to un-end the arrangement," said Johnny.

Taeyong looked up, surprised, hopeful, but quickly replaced it with a scowl. "You're an idiot then. Why would you want to risk it?" How could he be so positive about this? Yuta's family would kill Johnny if they found out about him.

"The hunters wouldn't necessarily think I'm a vampire just because you're coming here. I could just say I'm giving you A's in exchange for OnlyFans content." Taeyong laughed at the same time Johnny wrinkled his nose. "Yep, I just made that joke."

"How would you do in prison, by the way?" posed Taeyong while the other man continued to reflect in disgust. "Would you be smuggling blood bags in? Or just play surprise and suck when another inmate drops the soap?"

Taeyong thought what followed could be best described as Johnny nearly dying as he collapsed in a fit on the benchtop, either laughing or choking.

"That," wheezed Johnny, "is the worst thing I have ever heard. Dude, you can't say shit like that."

Taeyong ignored him and continued his suppositions, "Or, you've got a pretty face. You could just exchange OnlyFans favours with the inmates."

That snapped Johnny out of his fit immediately. He faced Taeyong with a steely gaze. "We need to be very clear on one thing, Taeyong. I am not pretty, I am painstakingly handsome. And this insanely handsome young man—" he motioned to himself "—is nobody's bitch."

"Painstakingly? Was that a pun—"

"Shut up."

Taeyong scoffed. This was nice. It was still dangerous, but because Taeyong wasn't good enough to decline keeping up the arrangement, it meant he'd just have to be smart about it; be even more careful. No drunken uber trips to Johnny's house, for one thing.

Johnny walked over to the dining table and placed a glass filled with pinkish juice in front of Taeyong. "I put extra strawberries in it to mask the cyanide."

"Thanks." Taeyong took the glass and sipped at it. It was sweet, he liked it.

"One more question," resumed Johnny, leaving then returning with his protein shake and a plate of toast. "Who's the hunter?"

Taeyong gulped some of the juice. He was afraid of this too. He really didn't want to betray Yuta's trust more than he already had. He was a good person and had been a good friend. But Johnny was innocent.

"They're..." Taeyong began. "They're not a bad person. I mean, their family might kind of be extremists, but not the hunter who's been helping me. And even if they might be a little severe in their views too, it's only because they were raised in it."

"Taeyong, relax," said Johnny. "You think I would try and take them out? Do I look like Terminator to you? Honestly, vampires can't always control or reel in the ones that decide to go Rogue, and humans aren't equipped to handle it. So hunters being here is probably a good thing.

"Maybe not great for me, and though I've never met one, I have heard that they're pretty indiscriminate in killing us. But still, if anyone can take a Rogue out, it'd probably be them. I just want to know who it is so I can be careful. Maybe win them over with my charm."

Johnny smiled that idiotic smile, and suddenly Taeyong felt less horrible about this.

Maybe this was a good thing? Not only would it help Johnny stay off their radar, but Yuta's family also wouldn't be distracted going after an innocent Untarnished.

"You promise you won't be mad? Because you've sort of already met."

Johnny raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Really?"

"It's...Yuta." Jesus fuck. There, He'd said it. He couldn't take shit back now.

Johnny nodded in casual acceptance. "Now that you say it, it makes sense. He's got crazy eyes. Wait, hold up. Is he actually a teenager? Hunters age slower than humans, you know."

"I thought the same thing when he told me that. But he laughed and said he isn't living his 21 Jump Street life just yet."

Taeyong took a piece of toast and took small bites as they talked, suddenly feeling a lot lighter after getting all of that off his chest. It didn't fix everything, but it was still better.

When they were done, Johnny took the plate and their glasses, and Taeyong wondered if he had enough time to go home and get ready for school.

"You can just take a shower here and use my stuff, you know?" said Johnny, as if reading his expression.

Taeyong looked at the man a moment longer to discern if Johnny actually was that stupid. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll just use your shampoo, conditioner, your cologne. Then maybe I'll roll around in your bed like a truffle pig just to make sure I smell enough like you to the hunter that has a wolf-like sense of smell." Taeyong raised an eyebrow at Johnny. "Being in your proximity can be explained by the fact that I'm in your class, but the rest might be a stretch. Still want to keep the arrangement going?"

Johnny pursed his lips. "Huh, I didn't think of that. Good one. But yes, I do."

Taeyong left to collect his bag and shoes that Johnny had left by the bathroom door. "Fucking dumbass," he muttered, knowing full well that Johnny would be able to hear him.

Taeyong heard the hairdryer coming from Johnny's room when he returned to the dining area, but the morning news program caught his ear. He walked to the T.V.

"...if you have any information regarding this victim...

...still unidentified...5ft9, East Asian ethnicity...between the ages...

...wearing this jacket..."

The ground seemed to sway beneath Taeyong's feet. 

That was Rizz. He'd barely known the man, other than he'd run with Knox and been the one to give him the taser. Late Friday night, or maybe Saturday morning, Taeyong had nicked his hand trying to open a bottle. Some of that blood had dripped into the drink, though Rizz had taken it anyway. Then the guy had lost half his clothes in a bet. Taeyong had lent him his, or Yuta's.

Taeyong couldn't remember too much clearly after that, the next thing being at the Challanar party and waking up in Constance's bed.

Shit, Rizz was dead because of him. 

Breathing suddenly became difficult, his throat was tight, and the room too hot. It was his fault. He'd basically killed someone. Again.

He had to get out of here, take a pink and blue med to ease the nausea and headache. Then...then he had to go to the police station.

He couldn't keep letting his uselessness and selfishness get in the way anymore.

Taeyong was halfway to the door when Johnny came out and saw him.

"Taeyong, what's wrong?"

Taeyong didn't have time for this. "I've gotta go," he muttered, more to himself. "It's my fault. It's always my fucking fault."

Johnny blocked him when he tried to go further. "What's happening? What's your fault?"

Taeyong didn't know whether he was hot or cold now, but jitters started wracking his whole body and the backs of his eyes started aching. "I just— I-I have to go. Johnny please move."

Taeyong tried to leave but Johnny stopped him. Taeyong struggled against the other man's hold but it didn't make a difference.

"Taeyong, your heart's beating a mile a minute. There's no way I'm letting you go out like this. Tell me what happened."

But panic started winning out. "Johnny let go of me! If I don't do something someone else will get killed and it'll be my fault again!"

Johnny didn't listen and crowded Taeyong back into a wall, holding him firmly by the shoulders.

"Taeyong calm down! The only thing you'll manage is passing out."

His voice became distant. It's my fault it's my fault it's my fault reverberated. Was this the suffocating sensation Eunkyung felt when the fumes clogged the car?

Johnny's voice cut through the smoke again. "Taeyong, I want to try something. Trust me?" His fangs extended.

Taeyong thought he might have nodded.

Johnny leaned in, and Taeyong vaguely registered his shirt being pulled down before fangs sank in above his collarbone. Taeyong hadn't realised that he'd scrunched his fists in Johnny's shirt, but continued to hold on through his agitation, and then when the pleasant warmth and tingling spread, he found himself relaxing into the bite.

Johnny's arms went from his shoulders, down to his arms before wrapping around him. When he extricated his fangs, Taeyong, eyes closed, let his forehead drop to Johnny's shoulder.

For a while, neither said anything. Johnny rubbed soothing circles on Taeyong's back, his other hand still wrapped around as he propped his chin atop Taeyong's head.

Taeyong simply allowed himself to drift. He wasn't sleepy exactly, but he did feel like his insides had spent a leisurely hour immersed in a spa. No headache. No trembles. And Taeyong honestly could've stood here and soaked in Johnny's body heat all day.

"How do you feel?" Johnny murmured against his temple.


Johnny's breathy chuckle tickled Taeyong's scalp. "Not exactly an answer."

"Good. What did you do?"

"I figured if I just didn't inject enough to knock you out, it might have a calming effect."

Taeyong became aware that he was still scrunching Johnny's shirt in his fists, so instead flattened his palms against the other man's chest. He didn't keep track of time, only focused on the lazy circles Johnny continued to rub on his back.

"Taeyong, what happened?"

Taeyong didn't want to talk about it, but then Johnny might've stopped and let go. "I heard in class," he mumbled, "that the Blood Trader had struck again. I didn't realise it was Rizz."


"He ran with Knox's crew," Taeyong admitted, glad his face was buried in the crook of Johnny's neck. He was too ashamed to look at Johnny. "The guy you saw at Irregular with me."

Johnny's grip tightened momentarily, but it didn't hurt and Taeyong continued, "We met up by chance on Friday night. They wanted to hang out so I went with them. It was just a party. But Rizz lost his clothes on a stupid bet so I gave him my jacket. We had a couple of drinks, and I accidentally cut myself on the one Rizz drank. I don't really remember much after that, but if the Blood Trader is an Untarnished that's after me, then Rizz died because he was wearing my jacket and had my blood on him."

The other man didn't move but sighed roughly, and Taeyong readied himself for the rebuke.

"Yes, this Rizz person was clearly your fault. So was Ashley. And what was her name? Tamara Haynes? She was your fault too. And the victims before her, especially the ones killed in other states when you were still in Seoul. Even years ago when you would've been a kid, and the Trader started making a name for themself, those killings were all your fault."

Taeyong grumbled but Johnny wasn't finished. "Unless you are the killer Taeyong, none of this is your fault. It is the Blood Trader's, and no one elses. It doesn't matter if they're after you. They are obviously an Untarnished Rogue, whose self-entitlement took a psychotic turn. Now, I've never met a Rogue, but Jaehyun, my cousin, sent me a list of all recorded Rogues. Maybe you can look at the pictures? But other than that, seeing as a whole family of Hunters are in Brook Vale, they probably are the best equipped to handle it. The only thing you can do is take better care of yourself."

Taeyong grumbled again, though this time in grudging acknowledgment.

The gap he had to go home and get ready was closing, but Taeyong didn't care. Until his phone buzzed snapping them out of the moment. The two broke the embrace and Taeyong looked down at the phone, wanting to avoid how things suddenly got a little awkward.

"Anything important?" asked Johnny, clearing his throat.

"Uh, no. It's just Mark. He's minding my bike for me."

Taeyong went to leave shortly after that. If he did go to the cops, what would he say when they started asking more questions? He should still leave another anonymous tip though.

"Taeyong wait." Johnny again caught him at the door. "You must be tired. Come back tonight if you want, and tomorrow. Whatever suits you. I know you'll be careful."

That sounded nice. He should still attend dance this afternoon though. And then Friday he had the celebration.

"I know Friday was our normal night. But I have the engagement party. If I made it, it'd be late. Would Thursday be okay?"

"Mmm hmm. Tonight?"

"I have ballet."

Johnny smiled warmly. "So you're doing that again? That's great." His expression dampened. "About what I said on Friday..."

"It's fine. Let's not talk about it."

"Just let me say this. When I heard you were still taking the pills, I was scared, and I lashed out with things I didn't mean. All I could think of was that time outside the club, when you collapsed, watching as the doctors pumped your stomach. And that time on the roof. And then when you stormed out, and the news. I spent the whole weekend terrified that something had happened to you, and that it was all because I let you walk out the door."

Johnny pressed his palms to either side of Taeyong's head, impelling him to look up. "You can come here anytime you want Taeyong, but you have to promise me, no more drinking. No more pills."

Taeyong tried to look away, but Johnny only raised his face again.

"Taeyong," said Johnny, more firmly. "Look at me, and promise me that."

Taeyong dragged his gaze up to Johnny's. "I promise."

And maybe, he thought, he really meant it.


I don't like leaving "misunderstanding" drama hanging around too long. It was one of my pet peeves when readying YA fiction. Like fucking seriously, JUST TALK PEOPLE!!!

But wait, more drama will be coming lol.

- Kat

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