Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)

By cheezeitsforlife

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Neteyam X Oc The forest was my home. It's where I was born and where I was expected to meet my end. When we... More



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By cheezeitsforlife

* Okay so I made smut...I wasn't going to but I did. Literally no one asked for it but I kept on hinting at it in other chapters so I thought I should follow through. This is my first time, take it easy on me I beg of you. I'll put a warning for before and after so if you wanna skip it than you can...enjoy? :)

After a long night of making fun of Lo'ak and Tsireya and exchanging stories with everyone, we headed back to the huts.

"Seems like you're getting pretty close with Ao'nung and Roxto." I said to Neteyam as we walked back

"We're getting there...I think."

I smiled at him, it's been a while since he's had people he can go to to hangout and have fun with. Well other than me of course.

"You will always be my best friend though." He interlaced our hands.

"You guys are so cheesy. Like you can't go one minute without saying anything gag worthy to each other." Lo'ak complained

"Lo'ak shut up, your just mad that isn't you and Tsireya." Kiri pointed out

I threw my arm over Kiri's shoulder, "Yeah, when are you going to grow the balls to ask her out?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lo'ak blushed, awwwww my baby bro is so whipped. 

"Sure you don't."

Me and Kiri smirked. We tag teamed him.

"Where's Tsireya?"

"I wonder if she'll be there?"

" Do you think she thinks of me?"

" Do you think Tsireya will like this?"

"I wonder what she's doing." 

"If only I could-"

" okay I get it!"

Lo'ak stormed off embarrassed but I ran after him and jumped on his back.

"Get off!"

He started swinging his body around, trying to throw me off. His efforts were futile. I was unrelenting, I could not be thrown.

He sighed, giving up. I placed my head on top of his and spoke sincerely.

"You know I'm always on your side right? So if you need me to put in a good word with Tsireya then I can."

Even though me and Tsireya weren't close like that.

"...I don't need your help."

I pouted. Sheesh, fine then. Be stubborn.

"Okayy, but you can't keep on waiting. If you do, she's gonna leave."

He hesitated, "I am just trying to figure out how to do it."

"What do you mean?"

I pretended to talk like Lo'ak."Tsireya, will you go on a date with me?"

Then I pretended to be Tsireya, " Of course Lo'ak. It was about time."

He dropped me like a sack of potatoes. Ouch.



We walked to the hut and I tucked Tuk in, she had been falling asleep waiting for us. I felt bad that she didn't have any friends here like she did in the forest. Her only friends were us. Even with that she was still the happiest kid I knew...granted she was the only one I knew.

She was special though, I couldn't wait for her to live her life. Same with Lo'ak, their futures held great promise. I just knew it. 

"I love you kid." I stroked her hair as her eyes started to droop.

"I love you RiRi." She yawned and then she was out like a light.

I kissed her forehead and walked over to Neteyam.

Lo'ak knocked out pretty fast, snores coming out of his mouth, Neteyam snored too but I never told him. He never moved in his sleep so it at least told me he was alive. Plus it was kind of cute...when it didn't involve me waking up in the middle of the night.

Some nights I considered filling his mouth with leaves to stop the noise.

Jake and Neytiri held each other lovingly, "Did you two have fun?"

I nodded, Neteyam shrugged.

"That is good.I am glad you two had fun."

"somewhat." Neteyam grunted and I pushed him

Jake raised an eyebrow at us, "did something happen?"

"Of course not sir."

Nothing of importance...

"I want Riti for myself." Neteyam said plainly.

What in Eywa's name made him say that?

My mouth dropped open in shock, hell even his parents' mouths dropped open.

Neytiri smiled, it was a wide and beautiful smile. It actually reached her eyes, it's been a while.

"My first born is becoming a man."

She placed her hand on his head and kissed his forehead. She kissed my cheek and went to lay down. Jake shook his head and placed his hand on Neteyams shoulder. He ruffled my hair in passing.

"Don't get into too much trouble."

Well we had their blessing, that's for sure.

Neteyam and I waited until everyone was asleep before we snuck out.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Neteyam sighed as I ran along the beach. I had gotten a sudden burst of energy. It wouldn't go away unless I got it all out right now. 

"Then go back loser!"

I was suddenly picked up off the floor and spun around.  The world blurring together. I was getting nauseous from all the throwing around.


"Shush. No." He slapped my butt and I gasped in faux offense.

"Ow! HELP ME I'M BEING KIDNAPPED" I tried to scream but he suddenly dropped me and covered my mouth.

His eyes wide as he looked around, he turned to glare at me.

I licked his hand, and he tugged it back.

He suddenly pulled me forward and threw me in the water.

I held my breath waiting, when it had been minutes and I didn't come up for air, Neteyam started searching through the water for me.

I swam up behind him and knocked his feet out from under him. He crashed into the water and I immediately ran, " RITI!!"

He chased me around the beach, I cackled as he tripped. He groaned as he got up, sand was everywhere, it was coating his eyelashes and hair. There was probably sand in all his crevices now.

I ran up to him and suddenly spun him around a few times, he was too grumpy. He needed to loosen up. He seemed quite done with me. I told that guy earlier that I had a lot to handle. I wasn't lying.

"Riti what-"

"Dance with me!"

I swayed my hips to the music that I started playing in my head, I held his hand and spun myself.

"There isn't even any music."

"Only boring na'vi need music too dance!"

He smiled and reluctantly sighed, he pulled me in and held my waist as we rocked side to side. He rested his forehead against mine.

We had watched Jake and Neytiri do this when we were younger.. Who would've thought we would be like that now.

I laughed as he suddenly dipped me.

He was the only person who could ever make me feel this content, this comfortable and loved.

He nudged his nose against mine, and his lips were centimeters away from mine. 

I closed my eyes expecting a kiss but he pulled me up and spun me away.

"Tease." I muttered under my breath, slightly bitter about him sikeing me out.

"You're one to talk." He smirked.

Then he tripped me, he actually tripped me.

Damn, twice. He fooled me twice. I have been letting my guard down too much, I usually was smarter than him. How did the world come to this?

I coughed as some of the sand got in my mouth.

"Wow babe you look amazing."

"I hate you."

"It's not good to lie maRi."

"I have no energy to get up." I failed my hands around in the sand. It was true, my limbs felt like lead. It seemed like my rush had faded, leaving only a limp body.

He rolled his eyes, "okay drama queen."

He went to grab my hands but I slumped my body like a dead fish.

He grunted and then stumbled next to me. I closed my mouth before more sand could get into it


"You love me."

He side eyed me as he wiped off the sand on his chest. I laughed. He was always side-eyeing people. Like everyday it was always silent watching from the side. 

I laughed so hard I held my stomach in pain. He was doing it again!!

"What the hell is so funny?"

I gasped for air, "Teyam you're doing the thing."

"What thing?"

"The side eye"

I pointed

"I am NOT!"

"YES YOU Are !"

I sat up and copied him. I scratched the top of my head and side eyed him with a furrowed brow.

"I don't look like that."

I copied his accent, "No Ri, this is a bad idea."

"That is practically insulting."

He wasn't mad though, I always knew when he was mad. Right now he was just amused.

"Eh, I find it cute."

"I am not cute." He said it so cutely.

"Yes maTeyam you are. You're the cutest person ever. Other than Tuk of course."

She would hurt me if she heard me say that to Neteyam.

"I am not cute. I'm manly."

I held in my laugh with my hand trying not to harm his ego more.

"Am I cute?"

He immediately responded, "Yes. Unbelievably so."

"How ?"

"Because you're small, lovable, and funny and you make this look on your face when your happy, that is so fucking adorable. It makes me happy when you're happy. And you get exited about the most random things but that's what makes it better. You have an odd brain but it's so cute, because I'm never bored with you. We can have conversations out of anything.You mean to me and you tease me but I love looking at your face because it's not only cute but it's the dance of the person I love."

I ignored my blush and butterflies in my stomach, "...Well same to you."

He rolled his eyes, " I confessed all that and that's what you give me?"

"I love ya, cutie." I reached out to him to give him a kiss but he pushed my grabby hands away

"Shut up." He huffed

"OH! I forgot to give you this!"

He suddenly held something in his hand.

It was a bead. A beautiful bead with swirling oranges and browns, and blue's. The colors where the same as home.

I wasn't going to ask where the hell he's been hiding it all this time. A question for another day.

I really did love beads. Even more so than seashells. It was the first time Neteyam has given me a bead. I didn't need a gift, he had given me his love and that was enough.

"Where did you get this?"

He rubbed the top of his head, "I've had it since we left home. I thought it would give you a sense of home."

He continued suddenly sparking up, " Oh! And I have a matching one..."

He pulled out his own bead. Again, don't know where the hell he was hiding that.

"I thought you'd like it. A little part of the bead is from our tree." He smiled proudly.

Before he could say anything I launched myself at him and he fell onto his back making a loud gasping noise.

"Ritiiii." He groaned as I knocked the wind out of him

I kissed all over his face, not an inch of his face has been untouched.

He laughed, trying to stop my kiss attacks with his hands

"You are the best boyfriend ever."

He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, I stared at him. No words could describe how I was feeling right now. They were overwhelming me.

"Riti!" Neteyam sat up alarmed

"Are you crying?"

"What? NO! Are you delusional?"

I quickly tried to wipe my eyes. I probably just got some sand in them.

"Why are you crying?!" He wiped my tears.


"Yes my love?" He still looked at me concerned

"Nga yawne lu oer ma Meuia."

He kissed my neck and chills went down my spine.

"Nga yawne lu oer too, maRi. If I knew you were going to be so happy about the bead, I would have given it to you earlier."

I rolled my eyes, when he smirked. 

"So do I get to tell Tuk that my presents are better than her's?"

I reeled back, "Hell no. I am not being put inside of that feud. She is my favorite."

He shoved me off of him, "Give me back my bead."

I stuck my tongue out at him. I admired it, Neteyam started to grab a straight strand of my hair to braid it in.

After a few seconds of silence.

"I'm sorry for earlier."

He was thinking about that still? What's done is done, and what's over is over.

I realized I probably overreacted. But the sight of that girl touching what was mine, the love of my life? It made me want to murder everyone. I honestly would have if Neteyam didn't step in front of me.

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"No I should have made it apparent from the second she touched me that I only loved you.I never offered her a lesson either."

I know that, the lying bitch.

"Neteyam, you have a problem with apologizing for things that you aren't in control of. People with two eyes can see that we are together, it should be her apologizing to me right now."

I squeezed his hands, "Yes I was frustrated, but I trust you. I trust you with everything I have."

"You're too good for me." He leaned back on his forearms.

He looked so good in the moonlight, the position was doing something to me.

It got me thinking what it would look like if I was in between his legs, and his mouth moaning my name, while I-

I pushed him to erase the dirty thoughts I was thinking.

He grunted from flopping over. I smacked his leg.


I usually thought that it felt like Neteyam was too good for me, that he'll find someone that truly deserves him. I thanked Eywa everyday for him and worried constantly he was going to disappear. Like one day I'll just wake up from this amazing dream and he'll be gone and I'll be all alone again. It's why I clung to him so much.It's why I invaded his space, cuddled him until he was practically suffocating, and loved on him. It was so that I had something to remember, just in case.

He dragged me over to him by my leg and placed himself into my lap. He was unphased by my light aggressiveness.

His nose scrunched as his eyes gazed at the sky in thought.

"I thought I wasn't the jealous type but...if anyone ever even tries to touch you or ask you out again, I'll break their hands. I don't understand how they can't get it in their heads that you're mine."

Why was that so hot? I knew Neteyam to be protective but never jealous.

I winked at him, "It's because I'm so gorgeous."

I was obviously joking but he was dead serious when he said "I know. It's also your personality. You need to make it worse so that they stay away."

I blinked at him in shock. I didn't know what to say to that.

"You're mine and I'm yours. No one else compares. No one can take my place especially not a lying bitch ass-"


I scowled thinking of her, I was really hoping she would take up my offer for archery.

I could have made it look like an accident, even though Neteyam stopped me I had another thing in mind.

" ... I know that look."

" What look?" I gave him doe eyes.

" You aren't going to do anything, right?" His eyes were suspicious.

" Of course not! What do you take me for? A hooligan?" I pretended to act hurt.


Damn he was using his stern voice with me

I rolled my eyes, "nothing that would cause permanent harm."

" Riti" he groaned, shaking his head but I could tell he was amused.

"There is no need to do anything to her. You're my everything."

"As you are to me. But you can't control what I can and cannot do. So I suggest as my amazing boyfriend, you act like you support me."

I gave him a cheeky smile, "...well do you need any help?"

"No, Lo'ak already agreed."

He frowned, "I thought that we were partners in crime?"

"You've gotten too soft."

"I have not!"

"Ever since we started dating, you have gotten really cheesy."

It wasn't me complaining, it was different but it was a good difference.

"Fine. You smell like fish poop. Is that better?"

That was the best he could come up with? I would have to work with him on his insults. My baby was too nice.

I took a minute to consider, it was horrible but I appreciated that he was making an effort.

"I'll accept it for now."

"I'm glad princess." 

He suddenly got up, "Common, we should get some sleep."

I laid on my back.

"I'm going to sleep under the stars tonight."

He frowned, I hated his frown. Well actually, I love everything about him but I preferred him smiling.

"Why are you frowning my love?"

"I want to sleep with you."

I stayed with my eyes closed in silence. I'm going to ignore the feelings that rose in me from that.
"Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Do you want me to be honest?"

"...not really."

I did it anyway.

"You snore. Loud."

He shook his head but I gave him a pointed look.

" But Ri, I can barely sleep without you."

I snorted, " Bullshit, I hear you snoring all the way at the water."


"Why do you want to sleep with me so bad?"

I was just curious. I found it cute, but I wouldn't give in so easily.

"It's cause you're cute when you sleep."

"I won't be cute when you wake up and there's a knife to your throat."

That was going to happen if he snored in my ear one more time.

"You're right, that would be sexy."

"Coommonnn." He groaned when I slapped him.

"I don't mention anything when you wake me up in the middle of the night!"

"You wake ME up in the middle of the night! When do I even wake you up?!"

"When you notice I'm not close to you, you tap my face until I wake up and and you just sleepily stare at me with your cute face until I open my arms so you can snuggle into them"

He put his hands on his hips

".... I don't recall this"

"I do, its my favorite thing you do when you sleep"

I threw my hands up in the air, "Which is whyyyyyyy you should sleep with me."

I looked up at the sky, "Fine."

I wouldn't tell him it would be because I wanted him to snuggle with me, and keep me warm. I didn't tell him that I listen to his heartbeat and it's like a comforting rhythm that lures me to sleep. I didn't tell him that It was the only way I could feel truly comfortable.

Before he could drag me back to the hut  "One condition."

" I knew it was too good to be true." He sighed

"We sleep under the stars tonight."

He looked at me, " Dad will be mad."

I shrugged, "Take it or leave it."

"Obviously I'm going to take it."

He plopped down next to me and we laid down.

------------------------------------- HERE IS DA SMUT MY PEEPS---------------------------

I apologize in advance.

He was big spooning me, one arm draped over my stomach and the other resting on my thigh.  I played with his fingers, interlacing them, pulling on them, bending them. It made me think of things that he could do with them. I could think of some.  His head was tucked into my neck,  breathing his hot air on it.

He left chills down my back. 

He trailed his lips from my ear down my neck.

"Mateyam, I need you to not do that."

I really really needed him not to do that.


"Because I will jump your bones."

He froze, I tried to calm my heart. Breathe in. Breathe out.

He tightened his arms, and slowly dragged his hand up my thigh to fondle my butt.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say in a strained voice.


He kissed down my neck and sucked.

I arched into him.

I didn't mean too, it just happened.

He untangled his other hand from mine and trailed it down my arm. It was a slow torture. He trailed his hand from my arm, skimming lightly across my chest, and down my stomach.

It landed close right above my loincloth. He drew circles into my skin.

I was holding my breath now.

"This isn't fair Neteyam."

"What do you mean maRi?" He spoke in a husky voice.

Kill me now.

He bit down on my shoulder, and his fingers slightly slipped through the loincloth.

"Can I?"

I nodded, holding my breath.

" I need words, love."

"Neteyam." I growled

He chuckled but still didn't move his hand.

"Fuck fine. Yes Neteyam."

"Yes Neteyam what?"

This motherfucker.

I turned my head, and launched my lips towards his.

Our tongues danced with each other.




All those feelings and more sprouted through me. I bite his lip and he was the one that moaned this time. I was the one suffering from the throbbing in between my legs that was not being sedated.

He pulled back and looked at me with lowered eyes, eyes that portrayed everything I was feeling and more.

Without a second thought I grabbed his hair and pulled his lips to mine again.

I took control, he wasn't allowed to get me all riled up and then not follow through.

Neteyam eagerly grabbed my hips and placed me over him. He used his hands to shift my bottom against his hardened dick.

Fuck that felt good.

When I came back for air Neteyam immediately dragged his lips to my chest. I unclasped my top, baring myself to him.

You'd think I'd feel insecure, but this was Neteyam. Neteyam who accepted me for who I was always.

"Tell me you want this?" He practically begged me.

"Want what?" I panted as I grinded against him.

I was trying to get more friction than I could with our clothes on.

"Tell me you want me inside you, fucking the shit out of you, and make you feel the most pleasure you will ever have in your entire life."

"I want that, I really really want that."  I nodded fast.

There was no hesitation, no need to second guess what we were doing. I wanted this, I wanted him.

He chuckled. But groaned as I circled my hips.

"Fuck your perfect" He groaned and then his lips attached to my hardened nipple.

Causing a flood in between my legs.

Hs tongue circled the bud flicking it's peak. He used his other hand to massage my other breast. I threw my head back, when he used his teeth to nip at the bud of my nipple.

I couldn't take it anymore, I needed his hand somewhere else. Somewhere other than my breasts.

I grabbed his hand and trailed it down to my loincloth.

His eyes shot up to mine.

"You're sure?"

"Am I going to have to do it myself?"

He shook his head, "I'll do it for you princess."

He used two fingers to probe at my entrance.

"You're so wet." He said in awe.

"No shit, that's what happens when you-" I gasped when I was interrupted when his fingers went inside of me.

"Don't get sassy with me, love."

I couldn't even form any words, just claw at his arms as he pumped his fingers in and out of me. He started off slow, and then he would speed up and do the same pattern over and over. It was driving me insane. I pushed myself closer to him, pleasure radiating off of every pore in my body.

"Get on your knees."

I immediately did what he said. I had no time to come up with a sassy retort.

"Good girl."

Then he started to use his tongue, while his fingers were still going at their impending speed.

I cried out his name.

He used his tongue to lick my up my slit, then he circled my clit. He pressed the flat of his tongue to my clit and then he started flicking it.

I couldn't handle the pleasure, it was becoming too much for me.

"Fuck Neteyam, I'm close."

He took his fingers out and replaced it with his tongue, tasting all of me.

I yelled his name as I came rushing down from my high.

I orgasimed so hard my knees were shaking from holding my weight.

He licked his lips and smiled at me, "Was that okay?"

I blinked at him and pushed him down.

"Oof." He grunted

" You know one day you won't be able to push me around like thaaaa" He ended with a moan as I kissed down his stomach, trailing my hands down his chest slowly.

"It's my turn, Teyam."

I smiled at him wickedly as his eyes shined with hunger.

"Let's see if you can hold out for more than I did."

His eyes widened, all confidence he had was gone.

"I've been wanting to do this ever since I first felt your hard on, in the water."

He winced, "I still don't forgive you for that."

"You're okay with this?"

He nodded fast.

I kissed him, tasting myself on his tongue.


I stayed by his ear, and started whispering dirty things that I planned on doing with him.

I felt him get harder.

My hand went to his hard cock, I started to pump him slowly. I squeezed him lightly on the way up, once reaching the top I collected his precum and brought my finger to my mouth. He tasted good. It didn't surprise me.

"Holy shit." Neteyam gasped watching me.

I started to pump him faster, and he started lifting his hips.

I suddenly removed my hand, causing him to release a whine.

I lowered my head until I was face to face with his dick.

I blew cool air over the tip before I wrapped my lips around it.

He tasted sweet and salty at the same time. I looked up at his face and started to bob my head up and down. Going almost all the way down to the bottom before coming back to the tip.

I watched as his mouth opened and let out a beautiful moan. His eyes squeezed together.

I flattened my tongue on the undershaft and felt as his vein pulsate when I hollowed my cheeks. He hit the back of my throat as I went down again and I used my other hand to lightly squeeze his balls.

" Fuck Fuck Fuck."

"You're doing so good, RI."

He started to thrust into my mouth. Grabbing my head and speeding my swallowing.

I could take anything he gives me.

"Shit I'm close."

He suddenly yanked my head up to kiss him.

"No more."

I tilted my head, confusion spreading through me. I thought that he was enjoying it?

"You were amazing love.But I want to be inside of you"

"I want to come, after feeling inside of you."

"Well if that's what you want." I smiled and placed my legs on either side of him.Straddling him.

"But I want to be on top." I whispered to his lips.

I grinded myself ontop of him, slicking him in my juices.

"Ri."He warned me in a quivering voice.

I whispered into his ear, "You have to be quiet. We don't want anyone waking up and interrupting us this time."

He grunted.

"I won't be able to stop even if they wake up."

I smiled, shifting myself and he stopped my hips.

I dragged his arms over his head, "You don't move."


I gave him a look


It was my first time, and it was definitely going to hurt me more than it was going to hurt him. So I was going to go as slow as I wanted, and at my own pace.

I didn't wait for him to say anything else as I used one hand to keep his cock straight.

I started to slowly lower myself down onto him, he bit his lip to hold back his moan.

It didn't hurt as bad as I thought-oh wait yep there was that sharp pain I was expecting.

"Why are you so big?"

He frowned, "Are you okay?We can stop."

I covered his mouth, "shhh."

I clenched my jaw as I got to the bottom finally, it felt really uncomfortable.

I was going to be really disappointed if this is how sex actually felt.

I sat there for almost a minute getting used to the feeling of his cock being inside of me, before the pain started to go away. An ache started to fill me so I thought that was my cue to start moving.

I lifted my hips and placed them down, oh that actually felt good.

I started bounce my hips up and down on his dick slowly, pleasure replaced any pain that I once felt.

Neteyam started to buck his hips into mine, helping me speed up the pace. He was moaning into my hand.

He suddenly ripped it off his face and sat up, I gasped at the new angle his dick was now hitting inside of me.

"You're so tight, Ri." He flicked his hips up faster, " You feel so fucking good."

I dragged him closer, tucking my face into his neck and biting down.

He grunted, he was in control right now. He was going at a speed I couldn't match. I would only slow him down.

He rolled me over so that now he was on top. I moaned at the new feeling.

"Fuck yes."

He was hitting a special spot inside of me, that was causing my entire body curl in on itself.

My hands clasped onto his arms, being the only thing that was keeping us stable.

His thrusts started to become a sloppy and he pinched my nipple. Causing me to cry out.

We where definitely being too loud.

"You have no idea how amazing you make me feel." He practically groaned as he lifted one of my legs.

I started to feel a build up sensation in my stomach, telling me that I was going to cum soon.

He slammed into me a few more times more harshly than the other fast ones.

"Come on love, cum with me."He grunted.

He pinched my nipple and thrusted at the same time and that's when I lost it. I cried out his name and sank my nails into his arms. There where no thoughts in my head, just fiery passion and pleasure.Neteyam cried out a moan as he felt my walls tighten around him, he stilled his hips and threw his head back, giving a few more fast thrusts before he stilled.

He slowly pulled out of me. And dropped next to me, pulling me closer so that my naked body was covered by his.

We laid in silence panting.

"That was amazing." Neteyam said with wide eyes

I smiled at him, "I blew your entire world huh."

He shook his head, "it was definitely the other way around."

I rolled my eyes, "Sure keep telling yourself that."

He gave a sweet kiss to my forehead, "You know I'm right."

Before I could protest, he rubbed my scalp, he knew that always made me fall asleep. The bastard. 

"Let's sleep maRi."

I hummed already half asleep with my head on his chest. I kissed where his heart was.

"I love you loser."

"I love you more."

—----- SMUT IS DONE PEEPS------------------

Next day.

We woke up to the sound of Jake and Neytiri yelling our names.

Neteyam stood up fast, ignoring the fact that he was naked, and his lower half was quite literally right in front of my face. It was giving me flashbacks of last night and it caused my cheeks to light up in flames. He put on a loincloth while I searched for my top.

"oh shit."

I searched around for my clothes, "Where is my loincloth? Neteyam, why are you wearing my Loincloth?!"

"Shit sorry."

He hurriedly gave it to me and put it on his, which was covered in sand. I tried not to laugh at his flustered face.

We heard Jake and Neytiri yell our names again.  I fixed my hair so that it would cover up any marks left from last night.

I saw Neteyam pout and I gave him a look.


"I'm proud of those." He muttered.

He scratched the top of his head and then I saw his own marks.

My eyes widened, "Go into the water."


"Uhhhhh, Just do it."

He took too long so I shoved him.

"Ri? Where are you?"

"Hey guysssss." I waved innocently, with a wide smile on my face.

Jake looked at me with narrowed eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Oh I slept out here last night."

That was safe. It wasn't a lie.

"Where is Neteyam?"

"Here dad." He popped out of the water

He gave them a wide smile. He was way too cheery. Now we both looked suspicious because of the wide smiles we had directed at them.

"He stunk so I threw him into the water." I explained to Neytiri's questioning eyes.

"I didn't hear you come back last night."

"Oh I went to find Ri, when I came back you were asleep."

Jake and Neytiri looked suspicious. They were totally not buying it. But fake it till you make it.

"RI!" Tuk called and I catched her before she could trip.

"What's going on?" Lo'ak asked, rubbing his eyes.

Kiri was already looking at me with wide eyes and a disgusted look on her face.

I gave her a pointed look.

"Shut up, Shut up or I will end you." I mouthed to her

She rolled her eyes, "You owe me." She mouthed back

I flinched, she always made me do the worst things when I owed her something.

One time I had her cover for me when me and Neteyam snuck out one night to go to our tree and she literally made me do all her chores, and then she made me tell Lo'ak and Tuk that she was my favorite. The two didn't talk to me for weeks.

Neteyam was coming up the water but I widened my eyes. Boy sit down.

I shook my head, he had dark hickies all up and down his neck. I wasn't generous with him last night. There was scratched along his arms too, from my nails.

"Neteyam what is that on your-"

I covered Tuks mouth quickly. I loved her to death, but the girl could not keep her mouth shut.

Neytiri was hiding her smile behind her hand.

I was so embarrassed right now.

"Do you think we are stupid?" Jake put his hands on his hips.

"Stupid is an objective word." I said seriously.

Lo'ak covered his laugh.

But as the amazing brother he was, he hurriedly jumped into the water with Neteyam.

"Common bro, We promised Rxxto and Ao'nung to go hunting with them, remember? We're already late."

They did no such thing. For once Lo'ak had saved us from the trouble we were about to get in.

That was more scary than getting in trouble with Jake. It meant the world was ending. Or he did something and needed us to do something so he was being really nice for a reason.

I put Tuk down, "Yes I need to go over there...and do something." I ran away as fast as I could.

Ignoring your problems makes them go away....for a little bit.


"Love you too dad!" I laughed.


3rd Person Pov

Jake's eyes softened after hearing those words from the girl. He considered her to be his daughter, he had raised her as one of his own. When he first saw her his heart had broken when he saw how skinny sand ratty he was, he knew she had a fighter's heart. Especially when she tried to bite him when she woke up from the Neurotoxin. He was shocked when he found out she was alone, no one would have been able to survive alone in the forest that long, especially a child. But she did. From the day he met her, she became his daughter too.

All these years she had called him Jake, never what he wished to hear from her.


"Yes maJake?"

"Did Riti just call me dad?"

Neytiri smiled at her husband, a beautiful smile gracing her face. Her heart had been full as well when the girl said it. She knew how happy it made Jake and she was going to patiently wait for her turn. When the girl would finally call her mom.

"She did."

He turned to her, "It wasn't just a ploy to keep her from getting in trouble, right?"

Netyri put a hand on his arm, "I do not think so."

Jake nodded, "Yeah. Yeah. Cool.Cool."

Neytiri chuckled at his frazzled reaction.

"I'm still going to be mad."

"I know."

"But maybe I'll be less mad."

Neytiri laughed, "They are teenagers, who are in love. We cannot stop them, they are going to do what they want. If we tell them not to do something, they will just purposely do it."

He frowned, "But they are too young."

Neytiri reminded him, "They are a year younger than I was when I met you."

Jake winced. "They are still my little kids."

"And they will always be...Just maybe not so little anymore." Neytiri reassured him

"We're still going to punish them." Jake was as stubborn as a mule.

"Oh definitely. I was needing help around the hut anyways."


Neteyam Pov:

My heart was racing. We were in so much trouble.

"Thank you bro."

Lo'ak was just staring at me. He didn't even say anything, he was just staring.

"So you guys fucked."

"BRO!" I splashed him, of course that was what he was thinking about.

"Well don't leave me hanging!"

"I am not telling you about me and Riti." I say. A blush spreading on my face.

If I would tell him about anything then I would say that it was mind blowing. The sound of her voice moaning my name, encouraging my speed. Her body on top of mine, her softness, her smell, her warmth. The look on her face when she came. It was the most pleasure I've ever had. The feeling of being inside of her was something I never wanted to forget. I didn't think I could orgasim as hard as I did but she proved me wrong. God she had me in a chokehold and wouldn't let go. I didn't want her to let me go.

She was perfect, she was an addiction, she was my weakness and my strength, she was my everything.

"She really fucked you up bro."


"Your neck...and your arms." Lo'ak looked with his eyebrows raised, "Riti's kinda freaky."

Then he winced, "So gross."

I looked down and Riti did do a number on me....why did I find that so hot?

I liked that she marked me as her's. It proves what we did was real, and not a dream. Eywa knows I've had a lot of those.


"Yes lo'ak?"

"How did you ask out Riti?"


Was my little brother....going to ask me for some advice? For the first time in his life? He was coming to me?

"I mean I asked dad and he was all weird about it."

I winced last time I asked dad for advice when we were back home and he started telling me about him and mom. I have never asked girl advice since. That one time under the tent was the only exception.

"Yeah do not ask dad for girl advice."

I thought about it, "I never really asked her out I kind of just confessed my feelings."

"That's it?"

"Well no there was some other stuff" I smiled at the memory of our first kiss.

"Ew, gross." I looked at him and gave him a look. He was literally asking me about what happened last night.

"She's still my sister."

I rolled my eyes.

" Our first date I surprised her with an Ikran ride"

"Riti must've loved that."

"She did ..."

I still remembered the look on her face when she saw Ale. It was just as beautiful as the face she made last night. I shuddered.

"... I want what you two have, that connection." 

"You will get it someday brother, do not think you won't. You just need to take the risk."

He hesitated.

"Trust me for once, little brother. I wish I would have confessed earlier, It would have given us so much more time."

Lo'ak finally smiled, "Thanks big bro."

"Anything for the mighty warrior." 

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"Race you to the reef?"

" Your on."


Riti Pov

I walked along the beach humming to myself.

I heard a noise and I whipped around. What the hell was that?

"Stupid fish. Stupid net. Stupid Ao'nung."

I walked further and saw that It was Tsireya muttering to herself. She was struggling pulling a net full of fish onto the beach.

I looked around but no one was there to help so I headed over.

Me and Tsireya weren't close, just acquaintances. She was a nice girl, just that I hadn't really been alone with her to get to know her.

Plus I was really awkward and made jokes that no one understood, so it wasn't exactly easy for me to make friends. I blamed being alone in the forest for the first 9 years of my life.

"Thank you for helping me. It is very kind of you."

I shrugged.

Then silence.

Aw I was doing it again. Make conversation Riti, I scolded myself.

"So you and Loak?"

Tsireya blushed. "What about us?"

I know I'm overstepping. Lo'ak said not to do anything. It was the only thing I could think of to talk about.

"Anyone with two eyes can see there's a connection between you two."

She waved her hand at me, but I knew she liked it based off of the dimpled smile she was sprouting.

"He's a good kid. Rebellious, but kind."

Tsireya nods, " I agree."

I smiled, this was going good so far...I think.

"I keep on waiting for him to make a move but he just.... Doesn't."

"He's stubborn and a wuss. He's probably overthinking it."

Tsireya bites her lip and nods, " I'll wait for him. It's no problem."

Awww. No.

I shrugged, "or you can make the first move."

Tsireya immediately protests against this, "No. No, he must do it. I do not want to look stupid."

"You're a big girl, strong and confident. You don't need a man to make the first move. Especially when they are taking forever."

"But what if he rejects me?"

Her eyes were sad at the thought.

"First of all not going to happen, the boy is down bad for you. Two, so what if he does? Then you can move on and find a guy who actually likes you and not one who would be taking up all that time and playing with your feelings."

Tsireya looked at me and then slowly nodded, " You're right."

"I know I'm right."

"how should I do it...?"

Uhhhhh. This I do not know. But I'll act like I do because that's what I've been doing for the entire conversation

  "just like ask if he wants to hang out later?"

" Is that how you and Neteyam did it?"

I blushed, shaking my head, "it's different for us. But it's different for everyone."

""Neteyam didn't ask you out?"

"I kind of just asked him if he saw me as a sister...."

"Huh." She pondered that.

"I don't know if you should-"

"Thank you for your advice. You are very wise. Lo'ak is lucky to have you as a sister."

She smiled at me and walked off.

"Wait where are you going?!"

"To ask Lo'ak if he see's me as a sister."

She was already in the water and disappearing.

Well...hopefully that went down okay. Lo'ak wouldn't be mad at me...right?


I need to find a hiding spot.

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