Son of a Lord

By JudeT56

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"I will take the very one that was meant to destroy me, who was prophesized to be my doom. I will take him an... More

Chapter one: Halloween Night
Two Meetings
The Murder
She Knows
The Meeting
Theo, meet Harry
The Hogwarts Express
The Sorting
Friends, enemies, and ferrets
"I miss killing people."
Snakes, Potters, and Potions
The Duel
"I'm a genius, did you know?"
Severus Snape
Such a Good Boy
Dark Magic
"I'm going to help you, little brother."
An intervention: Sirius Black
Suspicious James
Tom Riddle's good news
A Betrayal

Lily's request

2.1K 88 5
By JudeT56

Theo Potter

Theo was feeling...good. 

Surprisingly good. 

He felt stronger than he ever had before. His magic came easily in classes, he was focusing better when he was studying. He was beginning to think that this whole 'dark magic addiction' was the best thing to happen to him in a long time. 

That's not to say that the last couple of weeks hadn't been hard. His nightly sessions with Harry were brutal and unforgiving, but he came away stronger. 

"You need to control the magic," Harry always said, "Not the other way around." 

That was probably the best part of the whole scenario, Theo thought as he sat in transfiguration, having already transformed his teaspoon into a butterfly that twitched in his hand; getting to spend more time with Harry. They were really brothers now, and Theo couldn't be happier.  

The butterfly twitched again, more violently this time.

He really didn't understand why everyone was so wary of Harry anymore. He was the perfect student, he was polite to his professors, and he was helping Theo out of the kindness of his heart. 

The butterfly seized, flapping its bright orange wings once before they turned black and hard like stone, cold in Theo's hands. 

He didn't spare it a glance. 

Because that was part of this whole mess, Harry had told him. His magic was stronger, sure, but more inclined towards dark magic now. But that was perfectly fine because 'All magic is important, and it's ignorant to disregard a whole branch because of bias.' Harry's words of course. 

"Um, Theo?" Theo turned his head, seeing Ginny staring at the blackened butterfly in his hand. "I don't think it's supposed to look like that." 

Theo glanced down, closing his fist and crushing the butterfly, black ash staining his palm. He looked at Ginny, who's eyes were narrowed. 

"Haven't got the hang of it yet," he shrugged, "I'll just keep practicing." 

Ginny's eyes didn't leave his hand, "No Theo. I mean it's really not supposed to look like that-"

At that moment, McGonagall appeared in front of their desk, "Mr Potter, what is that filth on your hand?" 

Theo considered lying for a moment, but decided against it, "Uh, it's my butterfly, Professor?"  

McGonagall's eyebrows flew up, and she held out her hand, "Show me, now." 

Theo hesitantly raised his arm, startling when she grasped it, raising his palm close to her face. 

"What..." she murmered, "Mr Potter what exactly did you do to this poor creature?" 

Theo blinked, "I- I um-" 

"It was me," Ginny blurted, "I was being stupid and I accidentally, uh, burnt his butterfly." 

McGonagall released Theo's hand, gazing unimpressed at Ginny. "You," she paused, and Theo wanted to die, "burnt it?"

Ginny nodded frantically, "Yes! I'm so sorry Professor, it won't happen again, I swear." 

Theo just knew that McGonagall didn't believe a word of it, but she nodded slowly anyway, locking eyes with him, suspicion heavy in her gaze. "Ten points from Gryffindor then," she said, pursing her lips and walking away. 


After lunch, Theo walked into Gryffindor tower exhausted. His bones ached, and his blood felt hot in his veins, signs he'd learnt to know meant that his and Harry's session after dinner couldn't come fast enough. 

In the common room, Ginny sat with Ron and Hermione, their heads huddled together, their voices hushed even though there was no one else in the room. Theo's eyes narrowed when they stopped, glancing over to him guiltily. 

Gossiping then. 

Theo walked over to the still silent group, plonking himself down between Ginny and Ron, not caring if they had to move quickly out of the way. 

The silence remained after he sat, weighed down by heavy glances between Ron and Hermione, between Ginny and Ron. 

"What're we talking about then?" Theo asked finally, anger beginning to settle in his stomach. 

"Nothing mate!" Ron exclaimed too loud, "We were just-" 

"Ginny told us about what happened in transfiguration Theo," Hermione said, cutting Ron off.

Theo glanced at Ginny, betrayed. 

"What happened isn't normal," Hermione continued. "And the way you've been acting lately isn't normal either." 

Theo's expression darkened, "What do you mean?" 

"You've just been really weird," Ron said earnestly, "You're always fidgeting, and you're never around anymore." 

"And when you are around, you're not really there," Ginny finished. 

Theo scoffed, trying to bluff his way out of what was quickly becoming a huge problem, "If I'm not 'there', then where am I then?" 

Hermione stared straight at him. Straight through him. "With Harry," she said simply.

Theo's mind went blank, "What?" 

"You're thinking about him," Hermione continued. "And I know that when you disappear, you're with him." 

"So?" Theo asked, suddenly defensive, "He's my brother. I'm not allowed to spend time with my brother?" 

Ron sighed, "I get that he's your brother mate, but you've got to remember..." 

"What?" Theo demanded, "Remember what?" 

"That's he's been raised by You-Know-Who for Merlin's sake!" Ginny exclaimed. 

Silence again, heavier this time. 

Theo just stood up and walked away, ignoring the protesting voices behind him. 

Harry Potter

Harry couldn't concentrate on what Draco was saying because today was December. It was December which meant that it was so close to Yule, which meant that it was almost time. 

He could taste freedom on his tongue. 

It was delicious.

Kaa slithered through the dormitory, up Harry's leg and into his sleeve. 

"Hello beautiful," Harry hissed. 

In front of him, Draco paused in whatever he was saying and sighed, "Why do I even bother. You're not listening." 

Harry looked up to see Draco staring at him, unimpressed. 

"Keep going," Harry said, "I'm finding your story fascinating." 

Draco rolled his eyes, "As I was saying, Blaise then tried to apologise to Pansy, but that just seemed to rile her up even more. But then-"

He was interrupted by the sound of the common room door opening, and to Harry's horror, Lily Potter walking into Slytherin. It was simply unnatural. She looked unnatural in the room, standing stiffly with her hands in front of her, glancing between Harry and Draco nervously. 

"Can we help you?" Draco drawled. 

Lily cleared her throat, "Yes, actually. I was just looking for my son." 

Harry smirked, "Theo's not in Slytherin. Or did you not realise." 

Her expression faltered, anger and sadness and a terrible loss flitting over her face all at once. It was overwhelming that she felt all those things towards him. Towards Harry. He didn't want her to think about him at all. 

Lily pursed her lips together, taking a deep breath through her nose before continuing, "I was looking for Harry."

Harry feigned surprise, "Well in that case, what can I do for you Professor."

"I'd really rather you call me Lily." 

Harry frowned, annoyed now, "What was it you were after?" 

She blinked, "Yes. Of course. I was coming to ask if you would like to have dinner with us tonight. With myself, James, and Theo." 

Harry blinked, "The occasion?"

"Oh, no occasion," she said, smiling, "It's just that we haven't really spent much time together, all four of us." 

Harry laced his fingers together, Kaa slithering over them happily, "Where and when?" he asked. 

Lily beamed, "Seven o'clock, in the kitchens."

Harry shrugged, "I'll think about it. You can leave now." 

Perhaps knowing that with every second her presence was more unwanted, Lily said a quick thank you, and disappeared out of the common room. 

Harry looked to Draco, "Family gatherings I suppose." 

Draco smirked, "I don't envy you." 


December is upon them! Which means we're getting closer to the end of our story...

Don't worry though, still a good amount of chapters left. 

I'll try and update pretty soon (Those of you who've been here since chapter one know that that's a lie) 

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