The Path (Male Reader)

De Morning_Blankets

6.3K 388 112

There is one rule in the game. And it needs to be broken. There is one goal. And when you attain it, you die... Mais

Eyes Shut
The Cost of Growth
Normalcy In A Strange Place
Loss Of Innocence
A Shoulder To Rest On
Dog Days Of A Neighbor
The Changing Winds
Barware Bonds

The Taste Of Adventure

513 38 4
De Morning_Blankets

Flesh Bleeds From Your Bones

Skin Shall Peel From Your Corpse

Your Death Ushers In....

You let out a sigh which became visable in the cold air. You kept your hands in your pocket while Mizuno chewed on some stick he found among the leaves. You stared at the sky that seemed more gray than blue. A storm was crawling to the small town, ready to expose it's wrath on the unsuspected.

You heard the crunching of leaves and looked back to the apartment building to see Rose making her way over. She wore her Adventure Scouts uniform but with a coat over it to keep her warm. It was still pretty odd to see her like this. It was almost like a crack in her mature facade. Adventure calls to all children.

Rose finally reached you and you nodded, beginning your trek into the forest with the small girl. Thoughts raced through your mind. Scarlet was trusting you to keep Rose safe. You couldn't let her down. Not again.

Y/N: You ready to go?

Rose held her bag and nodded. She then did the Forest Adventure Scout salute, to which you tried to replicate the best you could.

Rose: Thank you for doing this. I'm sure you're a busy person.

You weren't. You actually didn't have much to do most days. You were more than happy to assist Rose in her quest for her badge. You snapped your finger and Mizuno let go of his stick, following you and Rose down the forest path. You haven't ventured too deep within the wilderness by the apartments, but you knew that there were trails you could take.

You planned on getting her back before lunch, as to avoid the weather, but you were sure that this would be done pretty quickly. How hard could it be to find some plants?

After walking for a while, you found yourself looking to Rose. She was still so young, yet you always felt like you were speaking to an old soul whenever you spoke to her. She was wise for her age, but wisdom did not mean she knew what she needed to know. She had this idea of what the world was, not realizing that she only understood the world that was around her.

Y/N: So, how's school going?

Rose: Pretty well. My teacher said that my grades are still good.

Y/N: Your grades? Well, that's good to hear. And your friends?

Rose was noticeably silent. This immediately caught your attention. She kept a good front, but she couldn't fool you. You knew the tell well.

Rose: I don't really...have a lot of friends.

You watched her from the side of your eye. You them looked forward to Mizuno who was sniffing along the trail. It was just the two of you here. You knew she would never admit to anything that troubles her.

She believed being an adult meant having to hide away your troubles. You bury your problems.

Y/N: I didn't have a lot of friends when I was your age either.

Rose seemed to be surprised by this. She always saw you as someone that people liked to be around. A guy who people flocked to for advice or even just for a good conversation. You were always so confident and filled with such valor that Rose almost felt like you were lying to her.

Still, you didn't appear to be. And why would you lie about something like this. Rose didn't quite understand you, and that irritated her to no end. You're young, yet you had money. You were so mature but you were so quiet about what experiences lead to your wisdom.

Rose: I find that hard to believe.

Y/N: It's true. I only had one friend until I was older. About Ruby's age, actually.

Rose: Really? Who were they?

You smiled fondly. Rose knew only what you told her. She knew very little about your past. Even Scralet didn't know much about you before you came here. You were an enigma, and yet you were an open book.

Y/N: She was my little sister.

Rose was absolutely shocked by this revelation. She was unaware that you had any siblings. Especially not a sister. Maybe that was why you were so kind to her and her sisters. You obviously knew how to treat one.

Rose: How old is she?

You sighed, scratching the palm of your hand with your finger tips. You looked around, trying to figure out what to say.

Y/N: She would be 16 this year.

You shoved your hands into your coat pocket while Rose looked at you. She would be 16? She quickly caught on and became embarrassed.

Rose: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.

Y/N: Why not?

Rose: Well, I'm sure it was hard for you to lose her. Talking about her must be painful.

Rose once again found herself to be thrown for a loop when you smiled. You reached over and placed a hand on the top of her cap.

Y/N: It was, but that was ages ago. I moved past it.

You pulled your hand away.

Y/N: Death is a natural occurrence in life. It comes to everyone eventually, some sooner than others, but to fight against it would be to resist your own mortality. It's why you have to enjoy life while you can. Make every second count.

Rose began to think about her time on this earth. Had she enjoyed her life up until now? She did everything she had set out to do with such progression that the adults praised her. But, did that make her happy?

Rose: You should tell my sisters that.

You hummed. Rose continued.

Rose: Scarlet always pretends to be the adult. She wants to do other stuff, but mother left her to take care of us while she goes and works. Carmen is always so busy with trying to find boys to mess with. I guess that makes her happy, but it makes us worry sometimes. And Ruby is always talking about death and damnnation like it's just a normal topic. It scares me.

You understood what she meant. Having so many sisters, none of which had any similar personalities, much be a lot to bare. Especially with Robin still in a wheelchair and Ginger always off in her own world. But, that brought another question to mind.

Y/N: Do you feel alone?

Rose didn't respond. Rather, she nodded her head. She didn't understand how she could be so open with you about this, but something about you just made her feel comfortable. Maybe it was because of your similarities. Maybe it was because you had actually asked.

You talked to her, and not in the way others did. You spoke to her as an equal, yet also as a child. Most other adults spoke to her as a child and showered her with praise. They remained oblivious to the fact that she was actually alone. The distance between herself and her peers seemed like something most would celebrate but, for Rose, it was a gap that she could not close.

She was off the boat and in the lake. The water was filling her lungs quickly and everyone was cheering because she swam just a bit further than usual. She was drowning but people congratulated her for being better at it than others.

You stopped walking when you noticed Rose had. You looked back to see her standing there with her head down and her shoulders trembling. She didn't understand why she had to be alone to be great. Why she needed to distance herself from her peers in order to please the adults around her. She wanted to play with other kids. She wanted to have friends to have sleep overs with. She wanted a boy to look her way without assuming she was some stand offish princess.

She wanted someone to be with her.

Y/N: What do you want to do?

Rose lifted her head to look at you. Through the tears she saw you standing there with a soft smile. What did she want to do? When was the last time anyone asked her such a thing? When was the last time someone cared to?

She sniffed and felt Mizuno nudge her leg. She began to subconsciously pet the animal. What did she want to do?

Rose: I want to....get my badge.

You nodded.

Y/N: Then we'll get that badge. But, after that, we're having hot chocolate.

Rose couldn't help but smile.

Rose: Can we have marshmallows too?

Y/N: Obviously. What psycho has Hot Chocolate without marshmallows?

Rose: Right?! It's the best part!

Rose and Mizuno rushed to your side to continue on your adventure to find some flowers. A storm may be coming in, but you had plenty of time to explore a bit more. After all, a child's sense of adventure should never be ignored.

It honestly didn't even take long for Rose to find the other plants she was looking for. You managed to make it back to the apartments before the rain began to pour onto the town. Instead of heading home, however, Rose went to your apartment for the hot chocolate you had promised. With the marshmallows.

You put on a show that she had been wanting to watch but couldn't out of fear of her sisters teasing her. She drank her hot chocolate with a massive smile on her face and even spoke to you about a boy in her grade that she had a slight crush on. Though, by the way she described him, it may have been more than a slight crush.

She still didn't completely understand why she was able to be this open with you. But she now understood why her sisters liked you. You were accepting of her woes and listened to her. You helped her understand things with new angles. You allowed her to be her age.

Rose: I think I get it now.

You raised a brow and looked at the younger girl sitting next to you. She set her mug down and turned to you.

Rose: I understand why Scralet and Carmen are so effectuated with you.

You smirked and rested your head on your fist.

Y/N: Really now? This is news to me.

Rose: Well you are quite handsome. At least, I believe so.

Y/N: Thank you.

Rose: And you're also very kind. You might look scary to other people, but you have a heart that cares deeply for others. You understand things and are willing to see them from different angles.

Y/N: Wow. You make me sound like a great guy.

Rose: You are. Scarlet doesn't just fall for anyone.

Your lips parted and your face suddenly became that of surpise. Scarlet liked you? You always figured she saw you as a friendly neighbor, or a friend at most. You were unaware of any romantic feelings on her part.

Rose seemed to catch your surpise and immediately stopped ranting. She quickly grew embarrassed and stood up.

Rose: Anyway, I should go now. Thank you so much for helping me today. It means a lot.

You shook your surpise and returned your focus on the second youngest Red.

Y/N: No problem. If you need any help from now on, don't be afraid to ask. Even if you just want to come over to watch cartoons or something. I'll be here.

Rose smiled. She said her goodbyes and left the apartment, leaving you and Mizuno alone. You sat back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. You knew Carmen had some kind of feelings towards you. She was known to hit on you every chance she had. Still, she was a minor and you knew that it was only teasing.

But Scarlet?

You lifted a hand to your head and brushed your hair out of your eyes. It was getting long. Much longer than when you first came here. Has it really been that long? You began to wonder how things were going back home. Was everyone okay? How was the family? You hoped they were safe.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a knock at your door. It was soft, yet audible. That could only be one person. The very one you were just thinking about.

You got up and headed toward the door. When you opened it, you found Scarlet standing there.

Scarlet: Hey. Sorry for the random visit.

You shook your head and leaned against the door frame.

Y/N: It's alright. I'm guessing Rose got home safe?

Scarlet: It's literally the door next to yours.

You both smiled. It was a stupid joke, but it didn't need to be a grand one.

Scarlet: Thank you for taking her today. She seemed really happy just now, so I'm guessing it went well.

You nodded.

Y/N: Went great. No incidents to speak of. Though.....

You quickly stopped yourself. Should you tell her what Rose said about being alone? Could she even do anything about it? Would it just be another burden on her already heavy plate?

Scarlet: What? Did something happen?

She deserved to know.

Y/N: Rose said she feels lonely. She feels....distant from kids her age. I don't know if that's something you want to talk to her about.

Scarlet thought about it for a moment before she nodded.

Scarlet: I will. Rose usually has a hard time opening up to people, but I'll try what I can.

Y/N: Just don't push yourself too hard. I don't like seeing you overwhelmed.

Scarlet was suddenly at a loss for words. You noticed things like that? When she was overwhelmed with her responsibilities? The ones that were thrown upon her so carelessly?

You looked at the The woman before you. The one who had to give up everything she had, every dream she had, just to help make a future for her sisters. Her eyes were tired. You couldn't blame her.

Still, though she didn't wear nice clothes or makeup or had that perfect model beauty, she was utterly gorgeous. That was just a fact you could no longer fight. Her maturity was motherly and she was always putting others before herself. You hated it, but she was admirable.

She rubbed her arm, unsure about what to say next. You were also unsure, which was a confusing feeling. You always knew what to say. But, maybe this time wasn't one to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Maybe it was just time to be a wolf.

Scarlet finally found what she wanted to say, but the words never came out. Instead, she found her waist being pulled towards you before her eyes grew wide at an unfamiliar sensation. Her hands soon rested on your chest, but she couldn't find it in herself to push you away. Instead, her eyes closed and she fell into your lips.

Your bodies pressed against each other, like magnets trying to find their opposites. You found your hand resting on her cheek, her skin warming up against your palm.

You both found yourselves locked into a flame of passion that neither could pull away from. Almost like a yearning that was finally met. A drug after suffering from a withdrawal. You didn't realize how much you wanted this until this very moment.

But when oxygen won over the kiss, you both pulled away. Your eyes locked and neither could pull away. Without much thought on the manner, Scarlet pushed on your chest, walling you into the apartment. The door closed soon after.

She had never done something like this before. She never had the chance to. Yet, here she was. Laying on her back as you admired every inch of her with your lips. She was nervous about you seeing her body, her bare skin that no one had seen before. Yet you were gentle and loving. Your hands moved along her body like they were moving through silk.

Marks soon littered her chest before your lips met again. Your hands joined just as your bodies did. You went slow at first, patiently waiting for Scarlet to get adjusted, before she demanded more. Enough wasn't enough for either of you.

Still, she came singing your name. It sounded like rain on the mountain while you burned alive. A young flame burnt as soft as a candle lit between your hearts that beat together.

Carmen stood outside of your apartment door with a stone face before she clicked her tongue.

Carmen: Guess I'll just be in charge of dinner tonight.

She then smiled, softly tapping the door.

Carmen: Way to go, sis.

She headed back to her home while you and Scarlet laid in each other's embrace. The rain outside didn't sound as violent as before.

This Is Not Your Peace

The Past Will Return For You

Sleep Now Dear Brother

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