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Par fwoolishh

235K 7.9K 5.7K

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3.1K 139 49
Par fwoolishh

(chapter xxv - midnight kisses)

SELENE WOKE UP to the feeling of cold, cleansing water being dropped on her face.

It wasn't just a quick splash of water, no — it was more...slow. She opened her eyes, and she watched in confusion as water mystically swirled around her — healing the scars from her previous battle. It cleansed the blood, and the dirt, and left with her being fresh — and drenched.

Suddenly, her heart started to race. With her nerves in a buzz from her..last interaction, she could barely even think. Without hesitation, she punched whoever was closest to her — their blurry silhouettes being the only thing her mind could process.

Annabeth (at least, she thought it was Annabeth — she didn't even fucking know), hissed in pain — reaching up to rub her cheek. "What the heck, Selene?"

She blinked profusely. Slowly, but surely — everything started to come back into view. Tyson, Grover, and Annabeth were at her side — Annabeth with a scowl, and Grover and Tyson with nervous, dreadful looks.

Briares was nowhere to be seen. Either he went off to the labyrinth on his own, or...

She shuddered at the thought. She didn't even want to think about it.

That's when everything slowly started to come back to her — Mal, Briares, Kampê. Percy, and what they said to each other before she went off to fight...


She didn't even want to say that bitch's name anymore. Gaea had taken the form of Kampê — possessed her, in a way. And then? She had enough power to command Kampê, her own daughter, to harm Selene until the point of near death.

Gaea's never done...any of that before. Sure, she corrupted Selene's mind back at junkyard, but it was more due to that spear. Plus, she couldn't even see or speak, not like Kampê had.

It was clear Gaea was getting stronger. And Selene had no fucking idea on how to stop it.

"Selene?" Grover questioned — stirring slightly.

She blinked again. Her mind was fuzzy, and her ears were ringing, causing a headache to start. "Ye — yeah?"

"I was asking you a question."

"Oh...I'm sorry. Could — could you repeat it? I just — I feel like I just lost half of my brain, holy Hades this is trippy."

Don't get her wrong....Selene has passed out before, but never to the point where she thinks she's high on drugs when she wakes up.

The background was still slightly blurred — and the only sound filling the room was a trickle of a fountain.

That's when the trickling started to get louder. Louder, and louder, and..louder. To the point she thought they were at a waterfall.

She grunted — holding a hand to her temple as she slowly, lifted her head up. She momentarily looked around, but didn't get much of a chance to — immediately getting pulled down by a pair of warm hands.

"No," a voice whispered, their soft tone cracking. "You need to rest, Sel. Keep laying on me, yeah?"

She could recognize that voice from anywhere.


She tilted her head up slightly to look at him. Percy was looking down at her — his eyes cracking with concern and worry. His brows were furrowed, but, as she met his eyes, he smiled. That smile wasn't his normal one, though — it wasn't the one that made her heart flutter. It was quick — more dejected. As soon as she blinked, it was gone — as if it had never been there in the first place.

Selene frowned, searching desperately for any kind of anger, or disappointment. "Percy, I —"

"Shh," He cooed — reaching down and brushing her hair out of her face. His eyes were now hooded — stopping her from seeing any trace of emotion in them. "Don't. I'm just glad — I'm just glad you're okay."

And while that was true — she was okay — it was clear that he wasn't. Seeing Selene unconscious with blood staining her clothes was the last thing he wanted to see. Knowing that he, willingly, left Selene to fend off Kampê alone, made it worse.

He was practically a wreck when he ran back into the labyrinth with her in his arms. There was so many emotions crashing in his mind — but Selene, and her unconscious state, silenced them.

She needed help.

And in that moment, despite all the fussing that was coming from Annabeth, the gasps that were coming from Grover, and the whimpers that were coming from Tyson — he focused.

He focused on Selene. He focused on her long dark hair, her slightly parted lips, her rhythmic breathing. The soft beating of her heart, the warmth of her body. He used all his power to help her. To heal her.

All he wanted was to see those navy blue eyes again. All he wanted to hear was her soothing voice again — laughing at idiotic he was.

He wanted her back.

So that's why he did everything he could to save her.

Because he almost couldn't in the first place.

"I'M GOING TO help her," Percy insisted for about the seventeenth time — running his hand through his hair. "I'm worried."

"Percy," Sighed Annabeth — rubbing her temples. "It's been five minutes."

"So? I let her run off towards Kampê, who, Cyclopes couldn't even fight! I'm an idiot! She's going to get hurt!"

"No, she's not," Annabeth said — so confidently he almost wanted to believe her. "She can handle her own. You trust her, don't you?"

"Of course I trust her," Percy answered. "And I know she can handle herself. I'm just...I have this feeling. Annabeth, I can't ignore it."

Annabeth sighed again. She was trying to hide it, but he could see she was worried sick, too — drumming her fingers on her thigh. "Fine. You can — fine. But you have to find her quickly. Grover and Tyson are across the way with Briares — and I can tell they found the entrance."

Percy shivered at that. He didn't really want to go back into the labyrinth again, but what choice did they have? It's either that, or Kampê eats them all for brunch.

Annabeth gave him a look. "Percy, you there?"

Percy stirred. "Oh, yeah shit — Styx. Sorry. I'm going. Thanks, Annie!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, shaking her head in amusement. "Whatever, loser. Just don't be long."

Percy nodded frantically. Without another word, he bolted off back towards the jail yard — faster than he ever had before.

Tourists all around him screamed bloody-murder. Security guards flocked around in groups — urging people away with their batons.

Smoke was in the air. Food carts were scattered everywhere, along with half-eaten hamburgers and spilled milkshakes. He thought that was a waste of food — I mean, it's just a dragon lady with a poison sword, nothing to worry about!

Suddenly, Kampê swirled into view — her wings wide. She seemed to like all the attention, because she grinned — grabbing a street lamp from out of the ground and chucking it at a group of mortals.

Percy didn't spot Selene anywhere.

'Gods, where are you, Star Girl?'

His eyes traveled to the floor.

And that's when he saw her.

Selene was laying — unconscious — in the grass, her hair sprawled out on all sides. Cuts littered her body, from her arms, to her face, to her thighs.

It didn't even look like she was breathing.

Percy glanced at Kampê. He wanted nothing more to charge her — to hurt her — but he knew that would not be ideal. She could kill him and Selene, easily.

So, Percy ran towards Selene. He kneeled at her side — picking up her limp body and bringing her to his chest.

He buried his head in her neck — trying to feel for a pulse as he said:

"Sel, don't give up. Please Sel, I'm here."

Percy practically held his breath, nearly crying in relief when Selene's fingers twitched slightly — her heartbeat slowly becoming more clear.

She was alive.

But barely. If he had wasted any more minute, she might've bled to death before he even arrived.

Percy got up — shifting his feet slightly and lifting Selene up. He quickly glanced at Kampê again — who was still causing mayhem — before taking off and running towards Annabeth.

Percy didn't know how Kampê managed to spot him when he was halfway there — whether it was because he's a demigod and he smells different (that sounds weird), or because Kampê just managed to narrow him down because he was carrying an unconscious girl. Whatever the reason was, Kampê was on his tail, and he was panicking.

Percy ducked as Kampê shot another spit of blue fire at him. Annabeth and Grover were ahead — frantically waving towards the open labyrinth entrance, as if that was going to make him magically go faster.

Suddenly something gripped his jacket — pulling him back onto the floor. Grover gasped, and Annabeth screamed — both of their eyes fixed on something above him.

Percy didn't have to look — he knew what had pulled him down. Desperately, he looked down at Selene — his sea-green eyes swarming with sadness.

And anger.

He set Selene gently on the grass, and Annabeth immediately rushed to her. Then, without a warning...

He blindly charged Kampê.

It was stupid — if Selene was conscious, she'd probably yell and talk about how much of an idiot he is after.

But he's doing this...for Selene. To be honest, he'd charge Kampê over and over again if it meant she would be safe.

He raised Riptide — the blades creating sparks as his and Kampê's met.

Kampê laughed — grumbling something in her language before thrusting and feinting at Percy's gut. Percy anticipated the move — easily disarming Kampê. Her sword flew to the side — clattering harmlessly against the cement.

It shouldn't have been that easy.

Percy glanced at her — unsure if he had won or not.

However, it seemed as if Kampê looked completely different. Her eyes, which, were yellow, were now glowing a bright green — so bright it almost blinded him. It was almost if she was being controlled by someone — her moves distant and robotic.

Kampê pushed him easily into the grass. He fell — Riptide under his hand. Her wings rose wide, and then, she began to speak.

It was a woman's voice. "Percy Jackson."

"How — how do you know my name?"

"I know a lot of things. I see a lot of things."

Grover kneeled next to Percy. Annabeth was a little ways away — watching as she messily fumbled for ambrosia.

"You're not actually Kampê...are you?"

"Smart boy," mused the voice. "No wonder she likes you."

"She? Who in the Styx is 'she'?"

The voice chuckled. "You know, some people are closer than you think. Anywho, I decided to...possess my daughter. To save your life."


"Wait, daughter?" Grover questioned. "Kampê is your daughter?"

Kampê smirked. "Do with that information what you will. Until we meet again, Percy Jackson. I suggest you run, before my daughter gains control of..herself, once more."

Percy didn't need to be told twice. He, along with the rest of the group, bolted into the labyrinth....

Ignoring Kampê's grumbling protests.

SEEING SELENE LIKE that...it hurt him. A lot. The fact that she almost died, in his arms...

He almost wanted to hug her — to cry, and to just say fuck it and finally kiss those lips he's been yearning for.

But once again — he doesn't know how to tell her. To explain his overpowering feeling in words without it being cheesy.

But at this point, he didn't care if it was cheesy or cliche. He just wanted her. He doesn't care how it happens.

"Sel," Annabeth started softly — drawing Percy back to the conversation. "What happened? What — what do you remember?"

Selene hesitated. "I — I don't know, Annie. It's fuzzy. I shot a few arrows, and — they didn't do any good. Kampê got to me and I..." She trailed off — looking up at the blank ceiling. "And...I blacked out."

The lies she listed came off her tongue with ease. She hated lying to her friends — but she didn't want to bring them in harm's way. She needs to prove that she can deal with this on her own — I mean, hell, Percy has his own prophecy to juggle, this is nothing.


Oh, who was she kidding. Having a evil Earth goddess speak to her? For months? That sure as fuck wasn't normal, nor was it nothing.

"Well, the important thing," Grover said, taking her other hand. "Is that we're safe. Right?"

Selene didn't state the obvious — they were anything but safe. Being trapped in a labyrinth with brutal traps was far from safe.

She was always a pessimist — but this time, she had a feeling everyone was.

"Yeah," Annabeth agreed with a cynical smile. "Real cozy."

Selene glanced over at Annabeth. Her best-friend was staring directly at the ground — hugging her legs close to her chest. Carrying the weight of this quest was far more than she was letting on, and Selene could tell she was getting agitated.

She then moved on to survey Grover. The satyr was fiddling with a rock — looking almost bored. But she saw past that facade — and instead, found a wave of longing and desperation crashing in his hazel-colored irises.

Her eyes shifted to Tyson. The cyclops looked nervous — looking around at the walls as if they were alive. His two brows knitted tightly in worry, and he bit his lip — resting his head between his knees and sniffling.

Finally, she tilted her head up slightly to study Percy. His sea-green eyes looked almost blue in the lack of light — his lower lip quivering. His arms were hooked under her shoulders — his hands small, feather-light circles just above her hips. She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment — feeling relaxed and safe under him. Percy seemed to notice this, and smiled — discreetly pulling her closer to his chest.

Selene went limp against him — looking up at the ceiling again. It seemed to twist, and turn into a spiral making her head hurt and her eyes ache.

She blinked, and the sound of the fountain — as well as the ceiling — turned back to normal.

She almost wished they didn't. The atmosphere now was so awkward — Tyson looked like he wanted to cry, and Annabeth and Grover kept glancing back down at her — unsure of what to say, or do.

"You guys rest," Percy's voice sounded from above her, after what felt like hours of silence. "I'll take first watch."

Annabeth frowned. "You sure, Perce? You seem..."

Annabeth didn't finish her sentence. She didn't need to, because everyone was thinking the same thing.

Percy was exhausted. It was clear. The dark circles under his eyes were becoming more and more evident to them, and his sea-green eyes, once full of mischief and cockiness — were now dull.

And that worried her beyond belief.

Despite Percy's previous orders, she pushed herself up — resting her elbows on her thighs, as she looked around the small room they claimed.

The area seemed as normal as you could get in a never-ending maze — a burnt out fire-pit, a skeleton of a thousand-year old cyclops in the corner.

She glanced over to Tyson. 'Maybe that's why he's so nervous.'

"I'm fine," Percy snapped blandly, glaring at the daughter of Athena. "I'll wake you up when I need to. Until then, all of you —"

He gave Selene a pointed look.

" —, get some rest. We're going to need it."

Annabeth sighed, but figured there was no use arguing with the boy. She settled in her sleeping bag, next to the fire-pit. Grover moved next to her, clearly not wanting to sleep far away, and Tyson slept next to the skeleton — snuggling it, as if it were a teddy bear.

Selene shivered at that, but didn't comment at his action — instead, moving to put her back against the wall, next to Percy. He didn't meet her eyes — his attention being solely focused on a small bouncy ball he kept throwing — back and forth, against the wall.

Over time, Selene focused on the ball, too. It went back and forth in a smooth motion — one second, it left Percy's hand, the next, it flew into it.

It was a simple process — but it was something that intrigued her, that's for certain.

Percy caught the ball for the seventeenth time (no, she wasn't counting). This time, he didn't throw it. With his attention still on the ball, he said — "How are you feeling?"

It was a question that was asked bitterly. Selene didn't exactly flinch at his tone, but her eyes flashed with hurt. She was expecting this — she was expecting the frustration, the anger. So why was she so taken aback by it?

"Better." She answered, swallowing thickly. "I'm feeling better."

"Good. I was real worried about you, y'know. When I found you unconscious in the grass."

This time, she did flinch. Her gaze traveled to Percy's hand again — his fist clenched so tightly around the ball, it looked like it was about to burst.

Not being able to look at him anymore, Selene turned her head to focus on the wall in front of her. "Well...thank you."

Percy raised a brow at her.

"I know that fountain didn't have magical healing water," She said with a slight scoff, bringing her knees up to her chest. "In fact, it looks like it hasn't had water at all for centuries. You used your vitakinesis...didn't you? To heal me?"

Percy sighed — bringing up his left knee, and resting his chin on it. "I've been practicing it ever since winter. When I saw you unconscious, I panicked. I don't even know how I managed to produce anything in that moment — I was a mess. Seeing you, like that..it just — gods, it made me realize how much I care about you."

Her eyes widen in surprise. With her lips slightly parted, she turned her head to look at him — her navy irises swarming with unreadable emotions.

Percy then looked to face her. Her breath almost hitched at his dull green eyes — those eyes that were once so full of life.

Her lips pursed slightly. "You — you care? Still?"


"Percy I — I, shit — I hurt you! I lied to you! I got myself hurt like — like an idiot, just because I wanted to play hero. And yet you still — you still...you still care?"

"...Yeah?" Answered Percy in confusion — scooting closer.

She scooted farther away from him — not accepting his comfort. Her eyes held a boatload of regret, guilt, and sadness in them. She almost felt as if she betrayed him — that she gave him false hope.

"I'll be fine."

What a stupid thing to say.

She then thought back to Mal — how he said she betrayed him, too. She didn't believe him at first, but now...

Now, it was starting to become more believable.

She hurt Mal. Beyond repair.

What if she does the same thing to Percy?

Questions like those started to throw Selene down a rabbit-hole of scenarios. Her brows knitted tightly in worry — more images and words being thrown in her mind by the second.

She clenched her shirt tightly — her eyes focusing solely on the fountain in front of her.

Drops of water fell from the fountain every now and then — staining the stone floor below it.




Selene let out a small whimper — shivering, under the labyrinth's harsh frigid air.

Percy, who's, been calling her name for almost three minutes now, starts to get seriously worried. She's spaced out, sure — they all have. But never like this.

Her breathing started to become uneven.

And he panicked.

Despite his frantic state, he handled her with surprisingly soft care — scooting in front, but not too close, to her.

Selene's eyes were unreadable. They were so blank...and — and lifeless, Percy could barely even think straight. He hated seeing her like this. He hated it.

Especially when he might've caused it.

"Selene," Percy whispered gently, yet, firmly. "You're having a panic attack. You gotta calm down, okay?"

Percy's words were only a ringing noise in her mind. But she saw him — despite her eyes filling with tears, despite the utter shitiness she was feeling in that moment, she saw him. She saw his messy black hair, falling in place just above his eyes. His sea-green irises — flooding with entangled emotions that she couldn't decipher. His lips — normally formed in a cheeky, cute grin, but now, in a regretful, terrified frown.

That's when the emotions swirling in his eyes were starting to become clearer.

He was angry — but not at her.

At himself.

Selene managed to let out a deep, shaky breath — the background around her blurring as she focused just on — him.

Slowly, but surely — she started calming down — listening to Percy's words of affection, coupled by his mumbles of reassurance. His soothing whispers grounded her — blocking out the distant rumble of the labyrinth, as well as the drip drip of the fountain.

"Breathe," Percy said softly. "Do it with me, yeah?"

Selene let out a whimper, which, was about all she could do right now. Her chest tightened — and she coughed, spluttering for breath.

"Okay, hey," Percy said — holding his arms out, but not exactly touching her. "Focus on me. Don't think about anything else right now."

Selene nodded slowly — her eyes never leaving his.

"Good," Percy whispered with a heartwarming smile. "Now, breathe with me. In —"

They both did inhaled in sync.

"— and out."


"In —"


"And out."

Exhale. This time, her breaths started getting more deep — less shaky and quick. Percy seemed to notice this, and gave her a small, encouraging nod — boosting her even more.

"One more, okay? In...and out."

She let out a sigh — that sigh releasing every scenario, every negative thought, and every negative word that pent up her emotions before.

You're okay.

You're safe.

Everything is...fine.

Truth be told — everything was not fine. But she wasn't going to think about that — not now.

She focused back on Percy. He seemed worried — his green eyes studying her for any sort of sadness, fear, or panic, panic that will send her into a rabbit-hole again.

He was relieved when he found none.

"I'm — shit — I'm so sorry." Selene managed to choke out — the feeling of gratitude now being overpowered by the wave of humiliation and embarrassment.

"Don't be, Sel. Gods, please don't be." Percy whispered — carefully grabbing her hands and squeezing them. "Can I — can I hug you?"

She nodded, and, without another word, he used his hands to tenderly pull her into him — his arms circling around her waist, engulfing her in a hug.

Selene blinked back tears — digging her face affectionately into the crook of his neck. Percy welcomed the action — resting his head on her shoulder. His breath fanned her her cheek — his lips brushing against her ear as he reached up to press a feather-light kiss to her head.

Selene enjoyed the embrace. At least, she tried her best to enjoy it — pushing back the embarrassment and the vulnerability she felt previously.

She felt pathetic — stupid — having a panic attack for the dumbest reason. Especially in front of Percy, who, has a lot more shit going on in his life than she does.

"Selene," Percy said — pulling away for the briefest moment. His expression held many emotions in them — and that made her worry.

However, the feeling of his hands — now tracing her face gently and softly — it silenced the corrupt shadows of hatred and shame that she's been feeling for gods knows how long.

"I'm here." Percy assured her — brushing away a stray hair from her face. "I'll always be here."

"I know," She whispered in reply — going in for another hug. "I know."

Percy formed a content smile — although she couldn't see it. He couldn't deny the giddy feeling that bubbled up at almost everything the girl did — though, he tried to keep it as inconspicuous as possible. He didn't know — but Selene could feel his face warming up as she leaned into it — and, sure enough, she formed a knowing smile, too.

The two rested in the embrace for a few seconds longer before Selene pulled away — grateful.

Percy flashed her a heart-felt smile — closing his eyes in comfort as he rested his forehead against hers.

Selene leaned into him, "Perce?"

Percy hummed in acknowledgement.

"Thank you. For everything." She whispered. "I wouldn't be who I am today without you."

Percy's heart skipped a beat at her words.

"I wouldn't be who I am today without you."

Simple words. Maybe even cheesy, for some. But to him, to hear her say that — it was everything and more.

Despite the tsunami of real, grounding emotions he felt, Percy still managed to form a teasing grin, his eyes still closed. "That was so incredibly cheesy."

Selene pulled away from him, whining, "Shut up! You ruined the moment!"

Percy laughed — opening his eyes. "What? It's true! 'I wouldn't be who I am today without you.' Seriously?"

Selene grumbled incoherent words — resting her back against the wall. Percy grinned at her — chuckling at her adorable look.

Percy moved to settle in next to her — throwing a warm arm around her shoulders, and pulling her closer — nudging her with his side. "Hey, don't be so sour, Selly. I was just joking. That was cute."

"Cute?" Selene questioned with a huff.

"Cute." Percy finalized.

Selene scoffed — rolling her eyes and elbowing him in the side. Percy laughed — that laugh soon silencing, as he glanced at her cautiously — the girl suddenly too silent for his liking. 

Selene sighed, slowly resting her head on his shoulder. After a few moments, she felt Percy rest his head on top of hers. The distant scuffling of Annabeth and the loud snores of Tyson were the only things echoing across the labyrinth's never-ending halls — filling the place with a strange warm, comforting feeling. She assumed this was about the best she can get in this hell, so she completely relaxed into Percy — her eyes heavy.

"Hey....Perce? What happened with Briares? Don't tell me he..."

"No," Percy answered rather quickly — lacing his hand in hers. "He..he was too scared. As soon as we found a place to rest, he — he ventured off on his own."

Selene frowned. "He was too scared...so he went off into the deadly labyrinth on his own? That sounds...bullshitty."

"I know!" Percy agreed — huffing incredulously. "I kept trying to convince him to stay, while Annabeth took care of you. I told him about Tyson. About the war, about Kronos, and Luke. But despite...everything — he still preferred to travel alone. It just makes me think — maybe I didn't try hard enough."

"Perce, what? Are you hearing yourself?" Asked Selene — pulling away for a second to look at him. "Percy fucking Jackson, I swear to the gods you are modest. You've...you've always tried. Even when everyone was against you, or thought you were crazy. Even when people treated you different, or blamed you for — for everything...you never gave up. That's what I admire about you. Some people may make you feel utter shit — just for the sole reason to get down on you. But you want to know the best part?....You don't let them. You've..you've never let them. Don't let this situation be any different."

Selene nearly melted away at the look he sent her. He was grinning from ear-to-ear — his sea-green eyes now illuminated with life and happiness. "You — you admire me?"

"Gods, I shouldn't have said that. It's going to get to your head."

"Oh yeah, — it definitely already has."

Selene snorted at that — rolling her eyes and completely going limp, letting herself fall against Percy again. Percy let out an "oof!" At the sudden impact, but didn't seem to mind — his arm slyly sliding down to her waist to keep her steady.

Okay, maybe that was a lie — he just wanted to hold her. He just wanted her to feel safe — protected, when she was with him.

And it worked. Selene finally allowed herself to rest for the first time in the horrid labyrinth, the comfortable feeling of being with Percy nursing her to sleep.

And as for Percy, well...it wasn't so hard for him. All his problems immediately melted away with even the thought of Selene Lock crossing his mind.

She just seemed to have that effect on him.

And he just seemed to have that effect on her.

They woke up the next morning to a CLICK! of a camera. It wasn't until Selene opened her eyes that she saw Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson, all laughing their heads off as they took more pictures of them.

Percy groaned — groggily reaching for the camera. "Stop," He whined. "Can you let a boy sleep?"

Annabeth ignored him — holding up the camera out of his reach. She grinned — taking one photo after another, Tyson and Grover peering over her shoulder and laughing.

Percy groaned again — nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. "I want to sleep. Go away."

Annabeth laughed so hard, her face started to turn red. "Grover, look at this one!"

"Gods, you have to print that one out!"

Selene (who was still half-asleep — absentmindedly running her hand through Percy's hair), blinked — glaring as her blonde friend stole another photo.

"Annie, I hope you know that taking photos or videos of someone or a group of people without their consent or exact permission is illegal in some places and you can be sued —"

"Oh, shut the hell up. I'm supposed to be the one that says those kinds of things," Annabeth grumbled — not looking up from her Polaroid.

"Excuse me?"

"You've been excused."

About a minute later, Grover, Tyson and Percy were practically wheezing at the sight of a riled up Selene Lock chasing a very scared-for-her-life Annabeth Chase. They were running around the room — Annabeth and Grover throwing the camera to each other back and forth whenever Annabeth ran by.

"Annabeth Chase, you delete those photos right now!"

"No way in hell, bitch!"

"I'll kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

Annabeth stopped with wide eyes as Lunar suddenly appeared in her peripheral vision — implanting itself in the wall, right above her head.

The room was now dead silent. Tyson and Grover held their mouths with their hands — biting on their lips to sustain their laughter. Meanwhile, Percy just grinned — his eyes focused intently on Selene, and her...really attractive sly fucking smile.

Annabeth shifted her eyes back to Selene. "Okay, never mind. Maybe don't try."

Selene huffed with satisfaction — her hands placed steadily on her hips.

Annabeth's lips formed into a cheeky grin, "I'm still keeping those photos, though."

"You — !"

"No, no! I take it back! I'm sorry! No — Sel don't you dare — not the books!"

"Yes, the god damn books!"





"No! Don't you fucking dare —"

Perch chuckled — fiddling with his beanie as the roles turned. Now it was Annabeth chasing Selene. Annabeth was quick, but Selene was quicker — jumping and sliding to make things harder.

Selene jumped over Grover. Annabeth followed, however, her knee skimmed Grover's head, causing her to...not so gracefully, fall to the floor. Grover hissed in pain, but Annabeth paid her no mind — getting up and taking off after Selene again.

It was, again, a cat chasing mouse game — until Selene took off, down the hall.

Annabeth followed suit, and their screams slowly echoed down the halls of the labyrinth — getting quieter and quieter each passing second.

"We should probably follow them," Suggested Grover.

"Yes! I want to play the game of Tag!" Tyson exclaimed — happily bounding off down the hall.

Grover and Percy exchanged amused looks, before running down the hall as well — Percy nearly bursting into hysterical laughter as Selene tripped over a root.

"Oh, fuck you, Perseus Jackson!"

hey everyone 💋

just wanted to let you know i've been editing the book for a past few days, adding small scenes, and chapter names. I suggest to reread some chapters so you aren't out of the loop!!

also, thank you for 2K VIEWS?? HELLO?!? it honestly means so much <33

love u all frfr ❤️

Continuer la Lecture

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