Everglow: The Trials Of Agaron


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After escaping with Ko through the everglow, Fischer awakens to a whole new world. They've no idea where they... Más

1 - New Worlds
2 - Amaryllis Falls
3 - Clearing The Air
4 - All Aboard
5 - Breaking Waves
6 - Home Sweet Home
7 - A Brief History Of The Past
8 - A Sinking Feeling
9 - Stripes
10- Angels
11 - Rise And Shine
12 - Mechanics
13 - Prisons
14 - Compliments To The Chef
15 - Breadcrumbs
16 - So It Begins
17 -The Endeavour
18 - Silent Stars
19 - The First Steps
20 - The Temple Of Agaron
21 - The Veranah
22 - Into The Abyss
23 - The Lantern
24 - Collapse
25 - Aftermath
26 - Symbols
27 - Lust
28 - Smuggler's Den
29 - The Griflock
30 - Negotiations
31 - Wishes
32 - Black Night
33 - Icarus
34 - Sky Of Acid
35 - Ghost Town
36 - The Darkhouse
37 - Catacombs
38 - Dark Descent
39 - Tunnel of Demons
40 - Hall of the Phoenix

41 - Zealot

160 5 7

The following chapter contains scenes of sexual assault and may be rather confronting for some readers. Viewer discretion is advised.


"Ko... I know I just hit my head... but I can't be the only one who's seeing that, right?"

Quin rubbed the back of her neck in confusion as they both gazed up at the shield. On it sat a symbol that bared an uncanny resemblance to a zaphermonarian.

The bottom of the symbol was pointed down like a triangle, mimicking a jaw. The eyes were two half ovals that were slightly diagonal that sat halfway up the face. A small thin rectangle jutted out from the top of the symbol, imitating a zapher's dorsal fin. On the top of the head on either side sat two long arch shapes; the zapher's fins. The one on the left side of the face was broken.

"Is... is that..." Ko quivered, almost speechless at what she was seeing.

"Well if it isn't our resident skydivers!" A voice called out from behind them.

The two whipped around to see Fischer, Spatch and Tonner walking up behind them.

"Fischer!" Ko cried out, breaking into a sprint. She ran up to him and instantly gave him a huge bear hug which he reciprocated.

"Hey! Oh thank god you two are al...right..." His eyes widened as he saw Quin.

"Holy shit Quin are you ok? What happened?" he asked with concern, running over to her.

"Hey there. Boy are you lot a sight for sore eyes," she jested.

"Likewise. But you look like hell, what happened?"

"Oh, just dropped a cave on my head, you know how it is," she laughed.

The three boys stood there, all of them with confused expressions on their faces.

"I don't even think I wanna know what that means. Anyway sorry we took so long. Had to show an oversized slug what for," Spatch explained.

Quin chuckled a little. "Yea, same."

"Wait... you guys fought one of those huge white bug things as well?" Fischer queried, a slight hint of concern on his tongue.

"Yup. Thank the angels she was with me. Otherwise I'd be mince meat right about now," Quin stated.

"You saved her?" Fischer asked, a smile on his face as he turned to Ko.

"Well, I'm honestly not really sure what happe-"

"She absolutely did," Quin said, cutting her off.

Fischer chuckled again, his eyes lighting up as he rubbed Ko's shoulder playfully.

"That's twice now."

She looked at him with confusion.

"Twice what?"

"Twice you've saved one of us."

"Oh, you're counting now?"

"Hell yea I am," he laughed.

Tonner stepped in, revolver in hand and a stern look on his face.

"If you lot are done with the reunion, back to business. Why are we here?"

Before any of them could move, another rumble shook the ground. Dust began falling from the ceiling and small rocks all around the walls began to bounce. The steel armour and weapons littering the ground began clattering and shaking, the sound echoing through the stone room.

"Oh crap, not again!" Spatch hissed as they looked around to try and figure out what was causing the tremor.

The sudden sound of rocks splitting apart shook the crew to their core.

"Look!" Fischer called out as he pointed up at the enormous statue of what he immediately recognised as a medieval knight.

The statue seemed to come to life, the dust all around it being shaken off as the entire thing broke away from the stone walls, its huge limbs groaning as it moved. The figure let out an audible moan as it began to shift, almost like it was metal bending after having too much stress put on it.

The being took one step forwards, its left foot impacting the ground with an enormous thud. It shortly followed by shifting its weight and kneeling down. Its right knee slammed into the ground, kicking up a giant cloud of dust as it did so.

The five all took a few steps back, gobsmacked by the size of the statue that had just come to life. It was at least ten metres tall and looked like it was made of pure sandstone. As the dust cleared and the tremors began to halt, the crew all got a good look at the statue as it knelt before them.

A few seconds of complete silence followed, the only sound being the slight crunching of rocks as they fell from the statue's enormous shoulders.

"What the?" Tonner stuttered, unable to properly form a cohesive sentence. Instinctually he raised his weapon at the statue despite knowing full well that bullets likely wouldn't do much to it. He had been under the impression that this whole trip was just a wild goose chase. That it was all for nothing and his allies were just a bit crazy. But now, well now he would be lying if he said he wasn't starting to suspect something a little more otherworldly was going on.

No-one moved as the dust settled, no-one was even sure what exactly was going on. Quin was about to open her mouth to speak when-

"The Phoenix arrives. Its presence fills these halls with life."

The statue boomed, its voice sounded like someone was banging on a gong. As it spoke, torches all over the room began to light up.

"What the hell is going on?" Spatch exclaimed.

"Uhh... h-hello?" Quin stuttered.

"Travellers. I must welcome you to the Hall of the Phoenix. I have awaited your arrival for many a century," it boomed.

The crew was silent, no-one quite sure what to say.

"With the lantern finally lit, the trial has begun."

"Trial? What trial?" Quin asked.

"The trial of Agaron. His will is that of the phoenix."

"Ok ok ok, first things first... who, or what, are you?" Spatch queried, still on edge.

"Of course. I beg your pardon. I am Cycle, the zealot of this temple. You are accomplices to that of the phoenix. I stand before you as but a messenger. A teacher of the road that you walk."

"Zealot? What zealot?" Fischer asked.

"Across this galaxy spans many ancient buried treasures. Each of these temples contains a zealot whose purpose is to guard and await."

"Wait... that temple we were at before didn't have one?" Quin stated.

"Your journey took you through the heart of a dead zealot. The sphinx you entered once served the Archangel as I now do."

Fischer's mind perked back to the statue of the creature that they had found in the previous temple they visited.

"Phoenix? I-I've heard that before. W-what's a phoenix?" Ko muttered, trying her best to speak up.

"Ko of house Teriatria. Daughter of Miralun and Haran," Cycle boomed.

"Y-you know me?"

"Indeed. I am knowledgeable of all who stand before me."

"Wait... you know who we all are?" Quin asked.

Cycle moved its head and shifted its gaze to a now slightly terrified Quin.

"Indeed, Quinneth Whitefern, daughter of Isark and Lilian Whitefern."

Quin's brow lowered at hearing her parents name.

"How do you know this?"

"I am cursed with the knowledge of all who live, and all who have lived. I can recall every memory. Every word, every day and night of those who breathe and those who no longer.

"Oh really?" Tonner asked, his gun still pointed at the statue's head.

"Tonner Dayuth. Son of Criss and Shimuka Dayuth. Your past, along with those of your accomplices, are known to me. Your crimes are numerous, as are your regrets.

Tonner's eyes widened slightly as the statue spoke. A wave of guilt washed over him and he almost felt like his knees were beginning to wobble. But he shook those thoughts from his head.

"Stow it. I didn't come here for a history lesson." The Griflock demanded as he snarled.

"As you wish."

Fischer took a step forward.

"S-so then... mr... Cycle? Can you tell us what is going on with Ko? She hasn't been going crazy right?"

Cycle lowered itself a slight bit more, its huge stony finger pointed at Ko.

"Ko of house Teriatria. You have been beckoned by Agaron. The last of the Archangels."

"Archangels? Wait... you're tellin' me they still exist?" Quin asked, her eyes wide.

"Not in this universe. But another. Their war spans all of that which exists."

"What do you mean?"

Cycle raised himself up slightly, his free hand once again grasping the sword.

"The Archangels were locked in conflict with the Fallen Angels since their inception. A bloody stalemate ensued. Brutal wars saw the erasure of each species. Except for a single survivor. He now roams the borders of existence, seeking a way to bring back that which was lost to time."

"Agaron... he's the one behind Ko's nightmares and glimpses?" Fischer questioned.

"Agaron himself has no hold on this universe. It is one of an infinite number. Created by the last Archangel in a desperate attempt at salvation."

"Wait. So... let me get this straight. You're saying that this Agaron dude created our whole universe?" Spatch asked with disbelief.

"You speak truth, Spatch Killian. Agaron began creating universes in an attempt to find that which he cannot have, a victory for his people."

Quin's eyes darted around on the floor as she tried to process everything that was going on.

"So this guy was buildin' universes to what? Try and find one where the Archangels win?"

"That is correct, Quinneth."

"So... so what does he need Ko for? What's this 'phoenix' thing about?" Spatch queried.

"The phoenix was chosen by Agaron as his personal messenger. Only one can make the connection to the last Archangel. The lantern lead you here. Now I will lead you to him."

"His personal messenger, wait what does that even mean?" Fischer puzzled.

"The phoenix must deliver the message of victory or defeat."

"What, and you can't?"

"I am unable to leave this temple."

"Of course you can't." Fischer rolled his eyes.

"I-I have to... I have to what?" Ko cried.

"Journey to the clock tower. There you will deliver the message."

"Oh yea? And what if we don't?" Tonner growled.

Cycle slowly turned to face the griflock.

"Should you refuse this task, then Agaron will erase this existence."

"I-I can't, I'm not who you think I am! T-there must've been some sort of mistake!" Ko stuttered, her mind racing at a million miles an hour.

"There has been no mistake. You have been given the gift of the phoenix. Complete this task and you shall be richly rewarded."

"Rewarded how?" Spatch asked.

"No, no no no! I'm not this phoenix! I'm just a slave! I'm just a zapher, I'm not some hero!"

Cycle kneeled back down next to Ko. His voice was noticeably more stern.

"To refuse this task, is to refuse his will. Do not deny that which has the ability to wipe all that was and will be."

"I-I can't... I can't, I'm sorry," she whimpered, holding her shoulders.

Cycle grumbled slightly. He paused for a second, as if he was thinking about something before releasing his grip on the sword and holding an open palm out in front of the crew. Before anyone could ask what it was, a swirl of dust kicked up and began to come together in his palm. It created what looked like a 3D animation out of purely sand.

Everyone gathered round, curious to see what it was he was showing them.

The sudden crack of a whip followed by a cry of pain was audible as the crew watched a 3D model of what looked a lot like Ko. It was chained up to a wall by its hands and every so often the crack of a whip could be heard, followed by the zapher being struck by it.

Fischer immediately recognised what was going on. As did Ko.

"Wait... what are you?" she stumbled.

A few more whip strikes followed before the scene swapped to the zapher being beaten up by a guard of some sort. She was struck in the legs multiple times.

"You think you're clever, you filthy little thief? Next time you won't be so lucky!" The guard berated.

"What's this?" Spatch asked with a rather confused and unsure look on his face.

The scene switched to multiple different shots of the zapher being beaten and abused, all the while voices could be heard tormenting and insulting her.

"It's... Ko..." Quin hesitated as she came to the realisation of what they were watching.

Ko's eyes widened and her fins drooped as low as they could go as she was forced to relive the memories she thought she had put behind her.

The group watched on in disbelief as she was abused, violated and assaulted. There were several scenes of her being electrocuted by guards, stripped of her clothing and touched in horrific ways, verbally chastised and insulted, along with a whole myriad of other horrific acts.

Ko's eyes were watery and she shook her head back and forth in disbelief. The whole crew couldn't believe what they were seeing. Even Tonner had a look of shock on his face. Fischer felt every part of his body go numb. His lips were parted, his eyes were locked on what he was seeing. He was fighting the urge not to throw up. He knew it was bad.

He had no idea it was this bad.

"No... no, please," Ko whimpered in a vain attempt to get the zealot to halt the projection.

Quin's hands covered her mouth in complete disbelief. Her biolights were a deep blue and her eyes were watery.

The next scene showed Ko working at some sort of lathe. It panned around to show two guards snickering and scheming. One of the guards walked up to her and appeared to 'accidentally' bump her as he moved. He hit her with such force that she was knocking into the lathe. The machine appeared to catch her right horn as she fell.

The crew could only watch in horror as the scene displayed the machine forcefully ripping Ko's fin clean from her head. The only colour they could see was the tan brown of the sand, but even then they could easily make out the fountain of blood that had erupted from what remained of her horn. Her gut wrenching cries of pain were matched only by the laughter of the guards as they stood by and watched her bleed out on the floor.

"Stop! Please, please! Stop!" she cried, tears falling from her eyes.

Immediately Fischer grabbed Ko and pulled her into a tight hug whilst holding a hand up to the statue.

"Alright alright that's enough!" He yelled.

The final projection was that of an inky version of Ko, laughing and snarling as it faded away into nothing but dust.

Tonner wasted no time pulling his revolver back out and aiming it directly at the head of the statue.

"What the hell was that huh?" He barked with furiousness in his breath.

Cycle simply looked over at him calmly.

"I believe it wise not to wish for conflict with one such as myself."

Tonner's finger was itching on the trigger. He was millimetres away from firing a shot.

"Tonner, hey, dude, just calm down alright? He's right, he could probably murder us in the blink of an eye. Just put the gun down ok?"

Spatch stood next to him, gently placing a hand on the top of the griflock's gun.

At first Tonner simply shrugged him of, his sights still set on the statue. But soon enough he came to his senses and realised that they were both right. He probably couldn't win a fight against a literal sand monster.

With the threat neutralised, Cycle turned his attention back on a weeping Ko and the boy who was comforting her.

"I apologise for showing you those unwanted memories. But you must know that they will continue to haunt you for as long as you refuse this task. His will is not one that is easily defiled."

"Then it won't be, we'll do it! Just don't do that again!" Fischer fumed.

"I apologise, accomplice Fischer. But I can only take acceptance from that of the phoenix."

Ko wiped away the tears from her bloodshot eyes. She blinked a few times before coming back to her senses.

Taking a look around, she noticed all eyes were on her. Everyone was waiting for her to say something.

"Y-you all don't have to do this..."

"Of course we do," Quin stated, standing up tall next to her.

"We're in this together now buddy," Spatch affirmed.

"You're not going to do this on your own Ko. We're here for you," Fischer said, a hand holding Ko's shoulder.

All eyes turned to face Tonner. He stared at them for a little bit, unsure of what to make of the situation he had found himself in. But after what he had just witnessed, there was a little voice nagging at him. One that told him this might just be a way he could repay all he'd done.

A slow nod confirmed his inclusion.

Ko turned to look at Cycle, still tears in her eyes. She wiped them away, a look of pain staining her face. But that was soon replaced by a look of determination.

"I accept."

Cycle nodded briefly before rising from his knee and seizing his sword. In a huge display of force, he pulled the stone sword from the ground. Gazing down at the five that stood before him, he paused for a few seconds.

"It is Agaron's will. The fate of your universe lies in your hands."

With one final roar, he slammed the sword down into the ground.

"The trials of Agaron, have begun!"


Author's note:

Thank you all so much for making it this far! I had to make the tough call to split book 2 into 2 parts, simply because it would be far too long otherwise. The crew will return in the next book, The Trials of Agaron: Pt2!

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