Domanium (Bakugo x Fem! Reade...

Galing kay abbijoe

63 3 2

In a time when pride ruled many kingdoms, one king decided enough was enough and worked to unite all kingdoms... Higit pa

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

14 1 1
Galing kay abbijoe

"Hello, Bakugo. Long time, no see huh?"

Bakugo stood there for a moment, "Yeah, I guess you could say that," he grumbled while he stared down at the ground to the side.

(Y/N) soften her gaze with a small smile. She took a deep breath and then spoke in a tone that sounded like they were in a formal meeting rather than a long-awaited reunion.

"Well, I hope that your travels have treated you well and I wish you luck on your future adventures."

(Y/N) turned back around and continued to walk up the ramp to finish boarding her ship. Bakugo was taken aback by this. Is she not feeling the same relief he was? Did she not want to revive Domanium? Has she not been out gathering people to help her fight for this cause? Did she not want to have peace throughout the kingdoms?

"Hey! Wait a min--" Bakugo was cut off the moment he tried to step forward to reach out to her but was stopped when Kaminari and Sero's swords were back in their original position making sure that Bakugo kept his distance from (Y/N).

(Y/N) continued to walk forward, pretending that she didn't hear a word from Bakugo. Ashido was following close behind her, trying her best to catch up to her friend to ask what is happening right now. How in the world did she know this stranger and why was she giving him the cold shoulder? Just as Ashido was about to ask her questions, Bakugo yelled out from the bottom of the ramp.

"I want to revive Domanium."

(Y/N) stopped dead in her tracks. She had a sneaking suspicion that that was the reason why he was here but hoped that it was just a coincidence that they happen to run into each other. Why he was so determined to follow after her? (Y/N) had hoped that if she wasn't fast enough to avoid him that maybe being blunt and short would get him to leave her alone. Clearly, that was not the case.

Ashido was finally able to catch up to (Y/N) and spoke softly next to her, "Why is he talking about Domanium (Y/N)?"

Ashido gives a questioning look to (Y/N) while (Y/N) just stands there flabbergasted for a moment before shaking it off, "it's nothing. Just an old dream that died out."

"Your father didn't think it was nothing."

Those words struck something within (Y/N). She whipped around very fast that Ashido was so stunned that (Y/N) nearly knocked her down. (Y/N) marched down the ramp towards Bakugo while Bakugo took a defensive stance awaiting what (Y/N) might do. (Y/N) quickly reaches him, with only two swords acting as a barrier between the two.

(Y/N) leaned in as far as she could before she spoke in a low, firm voice, "My father had a grandiose dream that, yes, too much of his credit almost came true. The key word there being almost. If you may have forgotten, Katsuki Bakugo, but that same dream came crashing down in hellfire within the span of a single night. So forgive me if I do not wish to repeat the same insanities of my father. My advice to you would be to give up this dream as well before you to burn in hellfire."

With a deep breath, (Y/N) straightened out her back before looking back down at Bakugo and turned around to finally complete the one task she had been trying to do since she saw him in the streets. Without turning around, (Y/N) stated firmly to Bakugo "leave and never seek me out again, or else I won't be as nice next time." With that, (Y/N) disappeared over the decking. Kaminari and Sero give one last to Bakugo before hurrying to follow their caption onto the ship.

The trio tries to catch up to (Y/N) to get some answers about the load of information that they had just received. Mina was the first to try to get some answers.

"Hey! (Y/N)! Wait! What does he mean that your father didn't think Domanium was nothing? Was your father King Kenshin?"

"Why wouldn't you want to revive Domanuim? It could help with stopping this war! And it would make trading so much easier and we wouldn't have to keep smuggling medicines and food to people in other countries." Sero chimed in.

"I still can't believe that your father is King Kenshin! I mean that man was my inspiration! He was a really awesome dude!" Kaminari raved.

(Y/N) finally reached the door to the captain's quarters. She paused making the trio wait in anticipation to see if she was actually going to answer their questions. (Y/N) turned around to face the anxious three.

"All of that is in the past now. I don't want to revive Domanium, I don't want to think about my father and I certainly do not want to hear another word about any of this!"

With that, she quickly opened the door and slammed it, leaving the three out there feeling unsatisfied with the response that they got while also feeling guilty for bringing up sore feelings. They decided that it was best to leave her alone for a while and let her cool down.

On the other side of the door, (Y/N) took a deep breath before sliding down the door. Finally feeling the weight of all the emotions that she had been putting off, she began to sob. It felt like all of the old wounds from that night were reopened in a matter of minutes. So, for the first time in a while, she sat there and allowed herself to cry about everything from that night. She cried about that beautiful dream being destroyed. She cried about the way people are being affected now since that night. She cried about the loss of her father from that night.

Bakugo stood there for a moment seething in rage. How could she just not acknowledge the hard work that her father had done all those years ago? How could she be so quick to call his dream, his achievement crazy! Does she not see the benefits that this could have once it is enacted? Bakugo finally collected himself and stormed off to find his partner.

It didn't take him long to see Kirishima running towards him. They got separated when Bakugo sprinted through the crowd to catch up to (Y/N).

"Hey, Bakugo! There you are!" Kirishima yelled while waving his hand up in the air letting his partner know where he was. Kirishima had a wide grin on his face that he quickly got rid of once he saw how mad his blonde companion was. He stopped where he was and Bakugo continued to stomp past him.

"So I'm guessing that it didn't go so well?"

"The little shit yelled at me for wanting to revive Domanium! I mean, it was her father's idea and it would have happened too if weren't for those motherfuckers! You know what, screw her. We don't need her anyways. We'll just revive it ourselves. Let the world think that she perished that night along with her old man." Bakugo ranted while Kirishima was trying his best to keep up with the fuming dragon prince.

"Whoa there man. Let's calm down. I'm sure that she doesn't mean that. That night was also pretty traumatic for her too. She probably doesn't want to repeat history. Let's look for a hotel room for the night and talk to her again tomorrow. We can let her know that she won't be alone in this and we'll make sure Domanium survives and thrives with us there." Kirishima surmised. His words made Bakugo slow down to a stop and think about it. He'd been so wrapped up in this mission that he never really thought about what that night could have meant to her. He still thought that she was an idiot for not wanting to revive Domanium but maybe his partner does have a point, much to his dismay.

"Whatever, let's just find a room so that we don't have to camp out another night. I'm tired of the hard ground and you trying to cuddle up next to me." Bakugo grumbled as he continued walking, now with a destination in mind.

"Hey! I don't try to cuddle with you! I just get cold and you're the closest thing to warmth!" Kirishima tried to defend himself while catching up to Bakugo.

"Just hurry up shitty hair."

Time had passed and the sun had begun to set. (Y/N) was still in the captain's quarters where she was now sitting at her desk staring out into the town. Most of the people should be starting to head home and the town will be quiet once again. A drastic difference from the busy morning at the market.

While (Y/N) was staring out onto the town, she could see the faint line of black smoke off in the distance. She leaned forward in her chair trying to decipher whether the smoke was from a house to provide warmth or if something more sinister was afoot. Her question was quickly answered by the plums of more smoke trails leading up into the air popping up across the town.

Ashido frantically knocks on the door yelling "(Y/N)! There's trouble in town! Everything is burning!"

(Y/N) swiftly sprang up from her chair, grabbing her belt while running out the door. She ran towards the town with her crew behind ready for a fight. Once they all reached the edge of the town, they saw nothing but pure chaos. The citizens were trying to run away and get to safety. (Y/N) turned around to her crew.

"Split up and get as many people out of here as possible," she spoke sternly.

"Yes ma'am" her crew answered and immediately went their separate ways. Before Ashido, Kaminari and Sero could leave, (Y/N) looked at them and added, "please stay safe out there and look out for each other." They all nodded and split off. (Y/N) stood there for a second then started to run in a direction that no one else was going towards.

Meanwhile, Bakugo and Kirishima seemed to have shared the same idea and was helping people from burning building and directing them out of town. They were helping a family out when Bakugo spotted the pink fairy blood from before also helping out. Once he made sure that the family was safe, he ran over to her.

"Hey, pinky! Where's your captain?"

"She's further into town. And my name is Mina Ashido!"

"Whatever." With that, Bakugo ran toward the direction of where (Y/N) could potentially be. There was no way he was gonna let her die tonight. Not before he had the chance to make her realize that she's being a complete moron.

In the center of town, (Y/N) heard distressed screaming coming from a building. She ran straight over and investigated.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" She yelled out.

"Yes! Please help us! My son and I are trapped and we can't get out!" A woman yelled back.

"Don't worry! I'm going to try to get you two out of there!"

(Y/N) looked at the rumble and saw a slab of concrete that she hoped she could move and that would give the two an opening to crawl out of. She pushed her entire body onto the concrete. At first, it didn't appear to do anything but then she felt it starting to move. She then put a little more weight into it and it suddenly fell down to the ground allowing her to look into the new opening she had just created.

When she looked in, she saw a mother cradling a small boy in her arms. They were both covered in dust and debris but they looked to be free of any injuries.

"Here, take my hand" (Y/N) said to them and they both grabbed onto her outstretched hand. (Y/N) was able to pull them out.

"Well, well, well. Isn't the girl that survived the night of heaven crashing to hell." a raspy voice said. (Y/N) and the other two snapped their heads in the direction of the voice. (Y/N)'s heart dropped to her stomach. As if one person from her past wasn't enough, the person that she had feared all of her life had come back.

(Y/N) quickly made sure the mother and son were ok before directing them to the edge of town for safety. Once they ran off, she stood firm in front of the man before her.

He still had his long shaggy blueish-grey hair along with the hand that covered his face. He looked like he grew up, now wearing a long midnight black cloke that reached all the way down to his feet. It looked like it swallowed him whole and that he was just a floating ghost passing by, but (Y/N) knew better. She knew that what stood before her was no ghost but rather a monster. A monster that took her father and his dream away from her that needs be cut down before he could harm anyone else.

(Y/N) slowly took out her sword from her belt and held it up to him. She repeated the same line that her father used towards his predecessor 10 years ago, "what business do you have here?"

The man before her started to laugh in an unsettling way that made the hairs on the back of (Y/N)'s neck stand up.

"How rude of you? Where are your manners that I knew your dear old dad taught you? I don't think we've officially met, I'm Tomura Shigaraki, (Y/N) (L/N)."

(Y/N)'s grip tightened on her sword at the mention of her father. How dare he speak about the man that he slained in cold blood so casually. Shigaraki could tell that he had struck a nerve with her and he could be more delighted. His plan was starting to fall into place.

"I'll ask you once more, what business do you have here?" (Y/N) asked in a harsh tone. Her patience with this man was starting to wear thin.

"Well, I happen to be visiting this small port town when I saw the daughter of King Kenshin walking around in broad daylight. And here I thought that you were dead all of these years and not just waltzing about like nothing ever happened," Shigaraki stated while opening up his arms to make a point. With him lifting his arms, (Y/N) was able to confirm that this wasn't actually a ghost but a physical being wearing a doublet with pants that were just as black as his cloke. The only thing that stood out was his blood-red shoes.

Shigaraki continued, "when I saw you, I knew I had complete master's mission and kill you. So I sent a few of my underlings to start fires within the towns because if you were anything like your father, you wouldn't hesitate to jump straight into the fire if it meant saving innocent people." He finished his little speech while staring right at (Y/N) with his candy red eye peaking through the hand.

(Y/N) felt fear run through her and she knew that she needed to act now or else she won't be making it back to the ship. She immediately lunged at Shigaraki hoping that she had caught him off guard. As she was about to pierce his heart he stepped to the side like she was nothing more than a child running past him. (Y/N) spun around on her heel to face her opponent again and went to strick him but was blocked by his Jian sword that had an aura of death around it.

(Y/N) quickly jumped back to give herself some distance from him. She didn't see any weapons on him earlier so where did he get this sword from? Especially one that is enchanted with dark magic.

(Y/N) charged him once again seeming like she was going for the same strike as before but swiftly changed her course of action and aimed for his legs. This forced Shigaraki back and she continued to swing at him, trying to land any sort of blow to him in order to gain the upper hand. Unfortunately, he was quick too, and was able to block all of her blows. They continued to fight like this until their swords clashed and they were face to face.

Shigaraki whispered out to her, his warm breath hitting her face like a fire, "You know, no one is sure how the war got started but they all certainly want it to end. With you out of the way, I'll be able to create my own Domanium only this time I will be their one true leader, unlike your cowardly father. I will rebuild this world up from the ramble that it will fall into."

(Y/N) pushed back and once again swung her sword down to try to cut him but as her sword was falling, he was able to duck and run towards her torso with his hand outstretched. Flashbacks to what that hand did to her father played in her mind but it was too late. There was no way she could move in time before he was able to touch her. She just hoped that Ashido and the others would be able to move on without her there. She hoped that they will still be able to help those in need. She wished that Bakugo won't be too upset that she had met the same fate as her father. Maybe this will be the push that he needs to give up this dream and stay safe.

A few centimeters away from her torso, Shigaraki was pushed to the side and rolled along the ground. Before her, Bakugo stood tall with his own sword in his hands ready for a fight.

Shigaraki shook his head and then stood up. The cocky grin that he had been wearing this entire time was finally whipped away. Now he just looked pissed off. Just as he was about to take a step forward. Ashido and the others came running up as well and surrounded (Y/N).

Shigaraki stopped in his tracks and just smiled. He rolled his shoulders back and puffed out his chest before saying, "well, this doesn't seem like a fair fight anymore. I guess I'll be going now but you better watch your back (Y/N). I will be seeing you again and next time, I won't go so easy on you."

Bakugo and Kirishima were about to rush towards the mad man but before they even had the chance to do so, a black portal appeared beneath him and he fell through. Just like, he was gone from their sights with no way to track him.

(Y/N) fell to her knees finally feeling relief that he was gone and she was alive. The trio quickly rushed around her making sure she wasn't hurt. Bakugo and Kirishima ran back to her as well and stood in front of her. Once she gathered her thoughts, she looked Bakugo in eyes and stated "We're going to revive Domanium."

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