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(onikam): @beyonce started following you. Still, It Was Worth It I Would Do It Again I Know You Hurt Me, But... المزيد



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بواسطة 4BEYGK


I've been feeling down since Onika kind of rejected me. Even if she didn't say it, she rejected me with her actions.

It caught me by surprise because I thought she liked me from all the stuff she was saying.

She's said sex and relationships weren't the same to her so maybe she just thought I was attractive.

We haven't spoken once since, I haven't reached out to her and she hasn't reached out to me. It's been over a week already.

I really like being her friend and hanging out with her but we haven't known each other for that long so I'll live.

I haven't really liked that many girls to be telling them I like them but we already did... stuff so I assumed there was something there.

Even my friends noticed my low mood so they forced me to leave the house with them. It was more like a kidnapping, I barely knew what was going on.

They put me in the backseat of Brysons car but they won't tell me where we're going. Now here we are.

"Are we going to get food? I'm starving." They could've at least fed me at one point during this kidnapping.

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride, we're almost there." Bryson was the most annoying because he was driving.

"If there's no food, can we get food? Preferably before?" That's all I cared about, they could take me wherever after.

"Shut up, we're here." Bryson pulled into the Target parking lot and I smiled. I love Target.

There's everything at Target. Target turns me into a millennial white mom, it's my therapy.

Bryson had the child lock on so I had to wait for him to open the door for me. We were also with Kelly, Frank, and Megan.

"I want to buy cookies and I also want to buy a new notebook but it has to be kind of small."

"A journal?" I love Frank because he likes to talk about all the dumb stuff I like to talk about.

"I don't really like the word journal. Notebook sounds way better." We started unintentionally walking ahead of them.

"True. Journal sounds like something a middle school girl writes about her crush in."

"That's more like a diary though, isn't it?"

"But a diary isn't even in the conversation, that's nowhere close to what you want."

I don't think we should be that interested in names of blank books.

"Whatever, I'm calling it a notebook." That's what I was calling it in the first place, the conversation was pointless.

"I want to get a lightsaber. And some snacks."

"Maybe I want a lightsaber too." We stopped walking when we get to the big red balls in front of Target to wait for them to catch up to us.

"Why were y'all walking ahead of us? You know Bryson has those skinny ass ankles, he couldn't keep up."

He mumbled, "The world would've ended if I said something like that. You're skinnier than me."

"Anyway. What part of the store do y'all want to go to first?"

"Frank and I wanted to go to the toys section." I really wanted a lightsaber now.

"Well we're going to the food so we can spit up and meet after we get what we want. Everyone can do a little haul when we get back in the car."

"Megan are you coming with us?" I doubt she would want to be a third wheel.

"Yes, I like her today." Kelly locked their arms together.

They have the weirdest most toxic friendship ever, it's been that way since elementary school. They love each other then they hate each other then they're not talking and repeat.

"Okay, make sure your phones are on. Please act like you have some sense in here, I don't want us to get kicked out again." It's happened more than once.

"Bey is always trying to be some mama."

"Well I'm the most responsible." By far. They act like kids.

"Please, you have the maturity of a preschooler." Kelly's thought she was grown since she got taller than me.

"Well you have the boobs of a preschooler." This was all Onikas doing.

They all started laughing, even Kelly.

"Bey turned 18 and said she's grown now." Bryson and Frank but especially Bryson found this amusing.

"It's that girl-" I cut Frank off by pulling him.

"We'll text you after we get out lightsabers, see you inside." I had to pull him inside because I didn't want to talk about Onika.

We went straight to the toys section and since a new Star Wars movie recently came out, they had a lot of different options.

"Oooh, I want this double sided one." Frank picked up one of the boxes.

"This one right here says it's for dueling, we could fight each other." That would be fun, I could imagine one of us getting seriously hurt already.

"Let's just both got the double sided ones and we can hit each other with those."

I guess that makes sense too.

I was going to agree with him until something ran into my leg and almost knocked me over.

"What the- oh." It was Onikas little sister. I forgot her name, I know it wasn't Mint but it was something similar.

"Woah. A child."

I helped her off the floor and got down to her level. "Hi, aren't you Onika's little sister?"

"No way." Frank was just irrelevant background noise.

She smiled, I'm sure she was glad I wasn't some scary stranger. "I remember you! You're the one that doesn't go to school."

Frank laughed behind me. "Me personally.."

"Yeah, that's me. Where's your sister?"

She shrugged, "I ran off because she was being mean."

"I know, she's mean to me sometimes too." More than mean.

"She say 'Ming come the fuck on before I leave you to be raised by wolves or worse, white people.'"

Frank and I both laughed. Why would she say that to her little sister and why did Ming sound more like Onika than Onika?

She actually looked scared at the thought of being raised by white people. I get it, I would've taken my chances with the wolves.

"You shouldn't run away, your sister is probably worried sick. You could've ran into someone else and they might've not been as nice as me, some strangers aren't."

"Nikas mean. She said she's bleeding but I don't care."

That's how I know Onika was lying at my house when she said she got her period because it's been more than a week since she hid from me in my bathroom.

I'm dumb. I was really going to go to the store for her.

"Maybe next time you want to run off, you should just ignore her instead. I promise it works. But we have to find her." I didn't really want to see her but I can't just leave this little girl here.

Megan, Kelly, and Bryson all came into the aisle laughing and abruptly stopped when they noticed Onikas little sister.

"Who's this?" Bryson pointed the baguette in his hand at her.

"She's Onikas little sister, she got lost." They all looked like they wanted to laugh again.

"No, my name is Ming." Ohhhh. I knew it.

"My apologies little lady. This is Ming y'all."

"What are we going to do with her? We can't keep her."

Kelly smacked Bryson upside the head, it was deserved after his dumb comment.

"Obviously we're not going to keep her little sister who's a human being. We just have to find Onika and return her I guess." We're talking about her like she's a birthday gift.

Bryson turned his head to the side. "How are we going to find Onika?"

"I would call her but I doubt she would answer so let's just walk around until we see her."

We were right in the middle so we started going aisle by aisle through the Target. I stopped and got the notebook I wanted when we were in the office section.

I was holding Ming's hand so I didn't lose her too when she was snatched from my hand. It happened so fast, it was like in a horror movie when someone suddenly gets pulled under a bed or something.

"What did I tell you about running away?! You had me looking for you around this place like a fucking crazy lady!" Onika looked mad, I wanted to just run away but I couldn't in front of my friends or they would've made fun of me.

She was holding Ming up by her arm. Ming's feet weren't on the floor, it was funny to see her swing her legs.

It's a good thing she's her sister and not her mom.

Onika looked pretty. She looked like she just rolled out of bed but like that was the look she was going for.

She had a cart full of snacks and junk food, Ming did say she was bleeding.

"I was with Yon, I was fine." I don't know how that nickname is the one that stuck with her.

Bey is right there and I've even been called Cé on a couple occasions but Yon? The middle of my name?

But if she likes it, I love it. I'm just glad she likes me enough to give me a nickname.

"Yon?" She looked up and her eyes widened when they locked with mine. "Oh."

She didn't notice me standing here the whole time?

"She just ran into me in the toy aisle."

I can't be mad at Onika for not having feelings for me but we're friends and she's been ignoring me. She's so blunt about everything else, I wish she would've just said it so we could've moved on and stayed friends.

"I'm sorry about her, she needs a leash."

"No I don't Nika, you were being mean."

"Shut up, you should just be glad she found you or you would've been getting seasoned and ready to be put in the oven."

She struggled to get out of Onikas grip. "I want to go back with Yon, I don't like you."

"Ming I'm not your mother but if you make me whoop me like I am-"

Ming covered her ears, she was ignoring Onika. It made me a little happy to see it.

Onika rolled her eyes and looked back up at me. "Uh thanks."

I was awkwardly shifting my weight from one leg to the other with my hands in my pocket. "No problem."

We didn't say anything else but we were just standing there. It was really awkward.

I cleared my throat. "Well I have to go back to my friends so... bye."

I turned around and walked away. I wasn't mad but she still didn't say anything about it and she's acting like it didn't happen.

I was in a bad mood the rest of the time we were at Target and I love Target. I can't believe she ruined Target for me.

My friends were acting a fool and I couldn't even enjoy it. They even played basketball and Bryson dunked on Megan.

I didn't pay much attention to anything they bought until it was time to do our little hauls.

They were recording it for no reason. They're just going to laugh at clips for the rest of the night and never look at the videos again.

Bryson went first since he's a driver. "Well we all collectively got a cow cake for Bey because she's heartbroken and condoms because me and Kelly are going to get into some thangs after I drop y'all off."

Everyone groaned and made disgusted noises when he said that.

"Not too much on him, y'all are sitting right where we're about to get busy." Kelly was already turned to the side but she still managed to look back like she was scolding us.

I don't know why they can't ever just say sex. They always have to use some weird phrase.

"Eww!" I lifted myself up, I don't want to sit down where they have sex.

"Bey, you're grown now too. Soon we're going to be disgusted to sit on your bed."

"I doubt it." That just made me sad again.

Bryson nudged her with his elbow. "See what you did? Just show us what you got."

She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I got this funny shirt that has this random black baby on it because it's funny, this cool drink I've never seen before, and some mascara."

The shirt was funny but I don't know why she bought it because she's definitely not going to wear it.

"Megan, your turn."

"I got dried mangos and this dildo looking brush."

The brush looked normal but the handle looked like little balls. Wouldn't that hurt?

Kelly laughed and took a picture of the brush. "Just nasty."

"Both of y'all are nasty, Frank go."

"I just got a lightsaber." He proudly showed the lightsaber off. He was so excited to show everyone.

Bryson coughed, "Nerd." He coughed a couple more times to hide it and cleared his throat. "My bad. I meant to say go Bey."

"I got a lightsaber and a dumb notebook." I barely held them up and put them back down. I can't believe they were really making me do this.

They tried to cheer me up the rest of the time we were out. They force fed me cow cake and played all the songs that I liked and even bought me food.

I felt better but I was still upset. I guess maybe to some people it isn't that big of a deal but my feelings are hurt.




Beys friends?

Beys feelings about Onika 'rejecting' her?

Ming running into Bey?

Bey and Onika's brief interaction in Target?

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