Straying From The Game

By Phoenix_Sky_09

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Love has different forms. Sometimes, we tend to see it as a very different one from the real form. And someti... More

Chapter 1 Back on the Game
Chapter 2 Party Drunks
Chapter 3 Individual Projects
Chapter 4 Hidden Truth at Home
Chapter 5 Hiding Her Pain
Chapter 6 Her Confidant
Chapter 7 They're Jealous?
Chapter 8 It's Not What It Seems
Chapter 9 Heart Status
Chapter 10 Fight or Fix?
Chapter 11 They Have their Own Secrets
Chapter 12 Failed Mission
Chapter 13 We're Coming Home
Chapter 14 The Trip Home
Chapter 15 First Destination
Chapter 16 She's His Girl Friend
Chapter 17 To Her Home
Chapter 18 At the Diaz Residence
Chapter 19 I'll Prove it to You
Chapter 20 Enjoy While It Lasts?
Chapter 21 The Diaz's Social Status
Chapter 22 Meeting Her Other Bestfriends
Chapter 23 Stories About Her
Chapter 24 Pieces of Advice
Chapter 25 Last Day of Fantasy
Chapter 26 The Ciphered Message
Chapter 27 The Consequences
Chapter 28 When in Paris
Chapter 30 Unofficially Yours
Chapter 31 Visiting Her Family
Chapter 32 Surprises
Chapter 33 All is Well
Chapter 34 Unveiled
Author's Note

Chapter 29 Make Her Happy

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By Phoenix_Sky_09


Genie got no time to rest when we returned back to Seoul. The next day, she immediately went to work. She never really sent us her schedule so I asked her manager for it. Since he isn't aware of what's happening between us, he did so without questions. I was shocked when I saw the fully booked days. That was how I knew of her trip to Paris so I made the adjustments.

We arrived back by the end of July and she began working on her second song. I never heard her songs before, because she won't let me, and during her MV shooting, I was at LA. I badly want to hear it but for some reason, she won't allow me. The maknaes has already heard it! Of course they were there during her MV shooting. I feel bad for not being there for her since she literally stayed by my side during my solo project, but what can I do?

Fortunately, I have no schedules until before the Blackpink reunion, and I'd just be travelling to California the day after, so I can now fully support her even for just a week straight. I'm happy she is allowing me close contacts during this time. I would wait up for her, accompany her on her schedules and was there cheering for her when she was learning the dance steps. She was only using the instrumental though so I couldn't hear the complete song.

August 5-9 is her schedule to shoot the MV of her second song. I didn't lose any chance and accompanied her everywhere, literally, and finally I got to hear one of her song, and it is beautiful. She would tell me to leave her to herself but I insisted. She would just shook her head and let me be. She has a lot of sets for the song, which I learned to be actually the lead track. Why she shot the B-side first then, I don't know.

Every break she had, I'd be on my feet giving her whatever she needed. While she was shooting, I'm behind the monitor cheering for her. I'd wait up for her, no matter how late she is staying. She fought me against it, but I didn't budge.

That went on until the Blackpink reunion on the 8th. She has sternly told me not to show up at her shooting this day or she won't talk to me for a week. I agreed since the unnies have begged me to come. News of Lisa arriving on the 7th filled the net and the old Chaelisa shippers has began to be hopeful.

Genie isn't aware of it though since she didn't even have time to check her phone and everytime we get back home, she would immediately sleep as is. It has always been me who has been taking care of changing and tucking her under the covers, including cleaning her make up. I felt rewarded though since she ain't avoiding me anymore and we kind of returned to be the old bestfriends, although I've been a good actress to suppress my feelings. I would hug her and call her baby at her work, but all in a friendly way.

It was mainly Jennie who organized everything. She booked a place at a five star hotel for us and has hired people to design it. It isn't a big event since it will only be the four of us plus our managers back then, our back-up dancers, and other staffs. On the way, I then wondered how come Genie has a shooting today when some of the people working with her MV will actually be there at the party. Maybe it was well taken care of. I just shrugged it.

I arrived early, and was actually the first among us four to arrive. A few people were already there and our own songs is blaring out of the speaker surrounding the venue. I was immediately engaged in conversations with the people who aren't working in the company now but has worked with us. They mainly asked how I've been and what's up with my career now.

Jennie and Jisoo arrived together and it isn't surprising anymore. Jennie has probably demanded that Jisoo pick her up. I made my way towards them and hugged them in greeting.

"Look who has changed for the past year" Jisoo unnie teased me since back then, I'm usually a little late.

"All thanks to my new members. They taught me to be always on time and better earlier on time" I grinned.

"They won't come?" Jennie unnie asked. We actually invited them.

"No, Genie has a shooting today and they went to accompany her" I replied. If not for the sake of publicity, I'd be there as well. I often see the unnies anyway so it isn't really a reunion, except for Lisa maybe, who is yet to arrive.

"Oh, some of your staffs are here though, how could she shoot?" Jisoo unnie commented.

"I've thought about that too, but maybe they made it work well by getting substitutes" I shrugged.

"Lisa is taking time to arrive, I wonder if she's lost after not being here for about a year" Jennie commented.

Now that I'm here, the idea of seeing Lisa again finally hit me. I felt my stomach flip. I don't understand my feelings, it is mixed. I wonder what will happen once we meet, because I'm convinced that I had already moved on. Does she still have feelings for me? I don't know, she has disappeared on social media for some time now so I don't know any update about her.

"Speaking of the devil maknae, Hey Lisa!" Jisoo unnie meet Lisa and hugged her tight. According to Jennie unnie last night, she just contacted her through IG and informed her of the venue and the details.

"Long time no see Lisa" Jennie unnie went next to hug her. When my turn came, I approached her awkwardly.

"Hey, welcome back" I managed to smile and hugged her too. I can't explain the feelings I had by then. Thankfully, she volunteered to pull away quick.

"Now that we're here, we should begin the craziness" Jennie unnie grinned.

She gestured to the host who stopped the music for a while and begin the program. The series of activities roll by my eyes, while I am trying to conclude my reaction to seeing Lisa again. We were presented on stage and was made to talk to share how have we been for the past year, including our achievements. Then we posed for pictures, individually, by twos and as a group. So that includes a duo photo with Lisa. During the group photos, we took it with different positions and we had posed next to each other for numerous times. I decided to be professional and touched her professionally as well, and I could tell she was surprised.

After we left the spotlight on stage, we went to our table at the middle and was served with food for lunch. Jisoo unnie lead a casual conversation and she expressed her delight that Lisa made it today.

"I made a promise to someone that I'd come, so I did" she replied.

"Someone? Who?" the unnies look at me but I too was clueless.

"Oh, someone, a good friend" she don't want to name a person. "And if you're wondering, they're not here" she added.

"Oh, okay, but still, we're happy that you came. Yah, we miss you! I don't have anyone to be crazy with" Jisoo unnie is sincere with her words. In reality, our unnie has a soft spot for Lisa but a softer one for me.

"I'm sorry for leaving like that" she apologized. And with that, I concluded what should I feel, anger for being left alone!

"It's okay if you left but you should have talked with us before Lisa" Jennie reprimanded.

"I know, but that time, I just made abrupt decisions. By the time I realized how wrong it is, I'm already at home, regretting my decision" she sighed.

"Then you should have come back, or atleast call?" I suggested, with annoyance in my voice.

"But I left you letters" she defended. Yeah, that letter which I now kept at the deepest of my drawer.

"It should have been better if you called as well and didn't cut communication" Jennie continued scolding her.

"I guess, I was kind of afraid that you're all mad at me so" she replied.

"No Lisa, we aren't. If ever, we felt worried for you that time, I for sure was" Jisoo spoke to her nicely.

"And if we were mad at you, do you think you had received our calls, which by the way you may have just watched on your screen" Jennie spoke hurt.

"I'm sorry. I know I deserve being called an asshole now" she ducked her head.

"It's not worth it. Everything has changed now anyway" I spoke and she turned to me, fear in her eyes.

"Chaeyoung, I know I've hurt you the most, I'm very sorry" she apologized. I glanced at the unnies but they are just listening.

"I guess I have forgiven you now" I replied calmly.

"But..." she urged me to continue it.

"But it doesn't change the fact that you left me" I blurted out.

"You broke up with me" she retorted her voice about to crack.

I noticed the unnies standing up and left us alone, probably to talk in privacy.

"I have no choice, but have you stayed, maybe, just maybe I could have find a way to save us" my tears threatened to fall.

"Your words back then scared me so much, and knowing I hurt you physically and emotionally, terrified me. The only way I could think of is to run away" she's crying now.

"Then you're a coward"

"I know I am, so even if you have tried to reach out, including the unnies and even your members, I was afraid to come back" she admitted.

"So why came today then?" I asked rudely.

"Someone said it's my last chance" she replied and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Who?" I asked but she shook her head, meaning no naming. Who could have stayed in touch with her?

"Fine, but chance on? Or with?" I asked.

"Chaeyoung, I regretted everything I did from the moment I decided to leave you. I took a break and hopped from one country to another, trying to clear my mind so I could think clearly and decide on what to do. But no matter where I am, I can't reach my goal, until I landed in Paris, two weeks ago. I stayed there until I decided to come here, after a good friend helped me achieve my goal" she paused but my mind went racing.

Two weeks ago? She was there when Genie and I went there? Someone told her today's her last chance, a good friend she said. Could it be?

"I gathered all my courage to came and finally show up to you, in hopes to be forgiven and perhaps..." I cut her off.

"You're already forgiven, but I'm sorry I have to leave" I stood up and she looked at me nervously.

"Chaeyoung-ah, please listen to me first" she pleaded but I have to confirm something.

"I'm sorry, I'm going" I gave her a quick hug then rushed to the exit but the unnies blocked my way.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jennie asked.

"To the company" I replied.

"What? But the party is here Chaeng!" Jisoo unnie asked confused.

"I have to go and see Genie" I replied trying to walk past them but they won't allow me.

"What? Why? Is she okay? Did something happen?" Jisoo unnie suddenly acted very worried.

"No unnie, but I have to talk to her about something" I replied desperate to leave.

"How about Lisa? Have you talked?" Jisoo asked again.

"Yes, she has asked for forgiveness and I forgive her, now, please let me go" I begged.

"Let her go Jisoo, we'll handle Lisa" Jennie pulled her bestfriend aside.

"Well, okay, take care Chaeng, bye" they waved and I quickly made my way down to the basement. I didn't want to disturb my manager so I took an Uber to the company.

When I got there, I was surprised to see no one in the sets. I guessed it right. She didn't have a shoot today, so where is she? I decided to call her.

"Unnie? Everything okay?" she asked.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Shooting?" She lied.

"Some of the staffs are here, you can't shoot without them" I stated a fact.

"Right, I'm still at the company though, the maknaes are with me" then I heard the girls greeting me hi.

"Where in the company?" I asked irritated.

"We're currently working on some contents for the physical album" she replied and I now know where.

"Okay" I replied.

"Why? Is the party alright? Lisa unnie came right? The maknaes told me she arrived yesterday" she asked.

"The party's alright, and she did came" I replied as I walked to where they are.

"Good then, Chaeng, I have to go, enjoy the party okay?" she bade however I didn't answer instead cut the call.

When I arrived, she is really with the maknaes and her A&R team composed of three people.

"Unnie?" she was very confused when she saw me. I gestured her to come out and we walked to the veranda.

"It was you right?" I asked but her brows were furrowed.

"It was you who made Lisa come back here. She was the friend you meet at Paris. You're the one who told her to come since it is her last chance with me?" I asked a little mad.

She slowly nodded. "Yeah, it was me alright" she admitted. My facial reaction instantly turned into anger.

"Why'd you do it? And all this time you had a communication with her?" I asked. She sighed but didn't answer.

"And what chance are you talking about? Genie, how many times do I have to tell you that I already moved on from her! Have I not yet proven myself enough that it was you now that I like?" I yelled frustrated. She looked at me dumbstrucked.

"So, you still don't believe me? I can't believe this. I've shown a lot of effort. I did my best to prove myself to you, but still, everything has gone to waste" my tears loved me so much because they're showing up again.

But even after I yelled at her and confessed to her for the second, third, or fourth time, she didn't utter a word. She just looked at me blankly. That broke me more.

"You're not going to speak?" I asked my voice cracking but she didn't open her mouth. "Fine" I exclaimed and storm away, leaving her still standing there.


I cannot speak. I was overwhelmed. Her words hit my heart hard. Even after she left, I remained standing until I saw her below taking an Uber. She even looked up at me before she entered the car but I remained glued on the spot. She must be thinking I'm an idiot right now.

Reaching for my phone, I called Jisoo unnie. It was so loud in the party so she has to move out.

"Unnie, what happened there?" I asked.

"Nothing eventful happened here except that Chaeyoung walked out while talking with Lisa and said she's going there" she replied.

"What did they talked about?" I asked though from her words, I think I can piece the puzzle together.

She narrated to me their conversation as a group then shifted to what Lisa told them when Chaeng has left. When she was done, she asked if she did came.

"She was here alright, and she has been very mad at me. She confirmed if it was me who made Lisa come today and..." She cut me.

"So it was you really?" she asked and I replied in the affirmation. I told her how I coincidentally meet Lisa at Paris then I continued to what happened earlier.

"She suspected me of having communication with Lisa unnie all this time. She also yelled at me asking me if she haven't yet proven herself that it was now me that she likes and that why don't I believe that she has already moved on from Lisa" I explained.

"And what did you say?" she asked.

"I never answered and she left me crying, and very mad" I replied sighing.

"Where'd she gone?" she asked.

"I don't know. I'll text you once I found out" I answered and we hung up.

I returned to the room where my team are and continued what we're doing but my thoughts is flying to Chaeyoung. After some minutes, I opened my phone again and found out she's back at the dorm. I texted it to Jisoo unnie and she said they're still at the party and will take Lisa who is nearly drunk home later at night.

I tried my best to focus on what we're doing. By 6pm, I told my team to go ahead and they did. I also told the maknaes to go home but they refused. By 8pm, I argued with them to go so they could cook for our dinner. They asked me to come home as well but I don't think I could face Chaeng already. I stayed working alone until 10 pm and my manager drove me home.

Jisoo unnie has texted me that they're home already by 9pm and Lisa is already asleep in her place. Jennie was also drunk and is at her house. Poor Jisoo unnie. Because she's bad at alcohol, she doesn't drink but end up to be always the one to take care of her drunk companions.

I ate dinner first when I arrived since I'm starving then I changed into PJs. The one who has taken care of me these past few days is very mad at me. I checked her on her room and she is now asleep, but she has evidently cried herself to sleep based from the dried tears on her face. I just kissed her goodnight then returned to my room, immediately falling asleep.

My alarm clock disrupt my dream so I groaned and turn it off before sitting down, rubbing my eyes. 5am is still early but I wanna warm up first by working out before we resumed with the last day of my MV shooting. I quickly prepared then slipped out of the dorm, not bothering to fill my stomache with anything. I'll just go and have breakfast at the canteen after work out. If there are two things I made sure to do on time while working hard, that is eating well and sleeping enough.

While having my breakfast alone at the company cafeteria, a notification flashed in my phone. Chaeyoung's departure for California? As if cold water was poured into me. She's leaving and again, we aren't in good terms. I sighed as I turned off the notif and continued eating.

The last day of shooting was great. The unnies came together after the maknaes and cheered at the top of their lungs. I was also surprised when Lisa came after lunch. She too cheered for me so I just smiled at them. Since it's the last day, we finished early so I thanked everyone who worked with me and we took pictures before we dispersed.

"Could we grab dinner together?" Jisoo unnie suggested.

"We would need a dozen of security guards if we are to go out all together" I joked but it could be true.

"Then, what do you suggest?" Blythe asked.

"To the dorm? The chefs will do the cooking" I grinned.

"Game, for the success of your MV shooting" Jennie unnie agreed and I danced in celebration. They laughed at me but I ignored them.

Everyone actually helped with the cooking, except me and Lisa, who asked to talk to me so I invited her to my room.

"You guys are right, I came back too late" she began and a tear immediately dropped to my floor.

"We did our best to warn you unnie"

"I know, but I'm afraid of what she'll say" she defended.

"But then, what happened because you're too scared?" I asked then I laughed at myself. Ain't I in the same situation recently?

"I was too late... She wants nothing to do with me anymore" she sobbed.

"So?" I asked.

"So I guess I'll go back home to Thailand and resume my job there" she replied.

"Just that? She left you without letting you say whatever you want to say then you immediately gave up? You won't pursue her?" I asked annoyed while relieved.

"It's not just that, also that!" she pointed to something in my table. It is a note.

'Genie baby, I'm very sorry for bursting out to you yesterday. I have to leave for California but I promise to do my best so that I could come back here just in time for the release of you solo debut. I love You. -Chaeyoung'

"What's with that note? She just said sorry and left a note?" I asked.

"That means she is sincere in everything she wrote there. I used to be the receiver of those notes. Now, you got the privilege" she breathed in to stop choking from crying.

"I'm not giving up because I don't love her anymore. I am giving up because while I'm being a coward, she found someone else more reliable to lean on, you, and she has fallen for you" she cried then.

"How can you say that?" I asked.

"If she didn't, she would have fallen back in my arms already, instead, she ran to you and left me without hearing me out" she explained.

"And from that note alone, I can read her sincerity. I'm sorry if you fought yesterday because of me" she apologized.

"We didn't fight. She called me out for several things but I didn't answer any of her accusations and questions" I assured her.

"Oh, but it seems I caused her to be mad at you"

"I guess not anymore" I smiled as I gestured at the note.

"Take care of her" she uttered.

"You already told me that before you left"

"No, it would be different if you will be in a relationship" she shook her head. I stared at her.

"You love her too don't you?" she asked but I didn't respond.

"But maybe you're thinking about me. Don't consider me Genie. Jennie was right. It was my fault since I was the one who run away. She told me last night, Chaeyoung has been happy with you. I want her to stay happy, so please make her" more tears spilled from her eyes.

"That would sound as if I'm on a mission again, to make her happy" I commented.

"It doesn't, because you love her too, as she loves you"

"You will hate me" I shook my head.

"I won't"

"You have all the time to regain yourself, win her back, I'll help you" I proposed but she shook her head wildly.

"If we are destined for each other, we will eventually find our way to each other's arms, but for now, I want to see her happy" she replied as she wiped her tears away. I gave her a pack of tissue.

"So I'll just be temporary then?" I asked a little hurt.

"That's not what I mean Genie" she refuted.

"Okay, but my decision is mine to control. I just have a request. Keep in touch every now and then. You're our friend after all, her bestfriend too" I requested.

"I'll try" she nodded.

We joined back the girls at the kitchen once she has fixed her make-up but anyone could still tell she has been crying.

"Yah Genie, what did you do to Lisa? Did you knock her out?" Jisoo unnie joked.

"I don't hit people unnie" I chuckled, well except for those assholes of a rapist. They were in jail as a reward now. It's a good thing it wasn't put in the newspaper, after our PR made a good job of keeping it a secret, the whole incident. Actually, even the maknaes and the unnies doesn't know about that. I sighed.

"You hit hearts though" Jeed joked and Jisoo unnie laughed with her. Lisa just smiled.

"But I could really smack heads" I glared at Jeed and she snickered away, making Lisa as her shield. She spoke to her in Thai and Lisa laughed.

"Oooh, Chaeyoungie is calling, let's face time her" Jennie answered and she adjusted her position so all of us could be seen on her screen.

"Chaeyoung-ah, we're at your dorm invading. Genie wanted us to cook dinner" Jennie greeted her.

"Really, hey guys, I feel sad I'm not there" she pouted.

"It's okay Chaeyoungie, I'm here so we don't need you" Jisoo joked and she pouted again. She's too cute.

"Unnie, you missed the best part of the shooting, do you know what Genie did?" Jeed teased and I looked at her in warning.

"Sad, what did she do?" she asked.

"She did a lap dance on one of the male dancers!" Jeed exclaimed and color immediately left her face. She actually dropped her phone and everyone laughed hard, except for me who was horrified.

"Jeed! I don't even know how to do a lap dance!" I screamed as I attacked her but Lisa and Jisoo unnie pinned me still laughing.

"Yah, Chaeyoung, I mean unnie, she is just kidding, I didn't" I looked at the screen as her face returned.

"Low-key, you can call her by her name you know, or better off, baby as well" Jennie teased. I turned to Lisa and she has a sad face on. I also swiped a glance on Blythe who is wearing the same reaction while the others are smiling teasing. I looked back on the screen and realized she is studying me.

"You're so annoying" I turned to Jennie unnie who laughed harder by my choice of words. Lisa smiled so with Chaeyoung but when I looked at her again, she returned to serious.

"But you did have a hug scene Genie, plus a piggy back ride" Blythe spoke and they teased me with it.

I looked at Chaeyoung again, and her jealous face is on. I smiled at her. "Chaeng, I hope you have a lot of girl friends there to have breakfast with. Since I have run into a good friend again, and we're good to have dinner together" Her face fell.

"Genie, I'll call you after your dinner can I?" she asked.

"No unnie, I'd be asleep or probably drunk by then" I grinned seeing bottles earlier. Her shoulders sagged as she said okay.

We talked casually for a few more minutes and I noticed Lisa and Chaeyoung locking gazes with each other. As if they're daring the other for a fight? Or something else? I can't tell. Finally they ended the call and we went on to devour our dinner then the bottles of drinks after. Jisoo has done a good job of keeping me controlled and in check.

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