Forbidden: Two Worlds [Jennie...


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The people with the least, tend to give the most. A lesson Jennie learns as she grows interested in Y/n, a po... More

S1C1: Perspective
S1C2: The Expensive Basket
S1C3: Ice Cream and movie Parties
S1C4: The Second Basket
S1C5: Unnacceptance
S1C6: Mr. Park and Grampa's Attic
S1C7: Nini
S2C1: Breakfast
S2C2: Stress and Exhaustion
S2C3: Pit of the Stomach
S2C4: The USB
S2C5: The Brownie Cake
S2C6: Guilt
S2C7: Let's Celebrate!
S2C8: Three Rules
S2C9: Empty
S2C10: Pinkie Promise
S3C1: The Corner
S3C2: Coffee
S3C3: The Missing Piece
S3C4: Nostalgia
S3C5: A Numbing Restart
S3C6: Officially Introduced
S3C7: The Studio
S3C8: Demo Complete
S3C9: Home Cooked Meal
S3C10: The First Night
S3C11: The Problem
S3C12: Interview
S3C13: No More Games
S3C14: Girlfriend's Intuition
S3C15: A Gecko Without A Tail
S3C16: Atlas No More
S3C18: Weightless Trophies
S3C19: Torches Passed
S3C20: Forbidden
Author's Note: Thank You

S3C17: Debut

736 30 9

Season 3 Chapter 17



That date was what both me and Haeun needed to relax. We ended up even running into Yuji and Yurim while we were out. Of course, we all hung out together. It even resulted in a cute article being written about us stopping at a small carnival and playing games. Some fans can be entertaining, as I have earned the nickname 'Y/n, winner of prizes for the cute ones'. I don't mind it, but there is a point where it gets to be too much. That doesn't even begin to cover the hate I was still getting. Complete with a situation where a fan threw a drink at me while we were there.

That was a few months ago at the start of fall when the weather began to chill. Appropriate for the situation at the time, one could say. Since then, things have smoothed out some. Jennie's interview aired, and she contradicted everything that Gecko had said and even admitted to their relationship being fake for marketing and really hammered on the practice, going so far as to put blame on the fans. It was the same, unfiltered Jennie I had known behind the scenes, just in the spotlight. There was the usual pushback and people saying I threatened her to say something, but her insistence on it being the truth curved a lot of that. Even more was snuffed out when Mr. Park made a very public display of lawsuits against some highly regarded people that were continuously spreading the lies that were debunked. Jennie also put out a public apology, followed by Gecko. Gecko's however, was not very sincere. Go figure. Thankfully, that has stopped most of the hate that has been thrown at me. What little is left is manageable.

None of that, however, matters to me now. About a week ago, 3YE's debut single was released. Unfortunately, the day after Blackpink's album release. The worry of the single underperforming due to Blackpink's release was very present in my mind. It was wrecking my nerves.

Not knowing what else to do, I found myself in the studio staring at a blank project in my DAW. Nothing at all on it, I hadn't even set up a track or instrument. I wanted to create to distract myself, but nothing came to mind. It didn't matter how hard I tried to concentrate on it.

My focus was broken by the sound of the front door opening, followed by the pattering of running feet. The pattering stopped by my open door. Haeun.

"Babe!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"What? What's going on?"

"Our debut single is flying off shelves. It's on the heels of Blackpink's album." She was shaking with excitement. "We're a hit!"

Her excitement transferred to me and I could feel it bubbling up. All the worrying I was doing, it turned out there was nothing to worry about. She ran over to me and jumped on my lap and into a hug. After she let go of my neck, she pulled out her phone and held it up for me to see. She wasn't kidding. While there was a gap in the sales, it wasn't very big. And this was just a text from Mr. Park, so the numbers could be closer now, though realistically, it could have also grown larger. As if reading my mind, she spoke up again.

"And these numbers are the most recent after they settled. Well, Blackpink's numbers have settled! We may pass them on our debut!" She was like a child who was given permission to get anything they wanted from a toy store. "Not that I'm saying we're better than thm, but it sends a message to Hwang that she messed up by cutting you off."

"I get what you mean. I know you're not meaning any malice."

"I mean... I'm still not forgiving Jennie for not making an effort to let you know what's going on, and even letting him say such things about you."

"I know. I understand, if it were swapped, I would probably feel the same." I knew I couldn't really fault her for what she was feeling, but I felt like a subject change would be a good idea. "So, what's Mr. Park have for you guys next?"

"We wait for the award show next month. We have a chance at being 'Best Rookie Group'. Also, with these sales, we may be heading to be nominated for group of the year, and on our FIRST release!"

One of my favorite things about being with Haeun was how adorable her excitement was. This is what idols should feel. Happy. They should be excited to release music. I'm not so dumb as to not realize that as this goes on, she will grow annoyed by fans. She knows this as well as I do. Eventually, harsher rules will be needed to keep them safe from fans and other threats from the industry. But for now, her smile is the only I care about. She's excited to begin her career as an idol after the first time not being successful.

She was happy, and the room was glowing.

"Why don't we celebrate? You can call the girls, and we can either have dinner here or at my place. You girls can decide."

"That sounds like an amazing idea! Let me call them!" She hops up from my lap and walks out of the room as she skimmed for a number.

I decide to pull up a list of local restaurants where I could order food for us. Before I had gotten very far into searching for a place to order from, my phone went off. It was Mr. Park. It was a text saying not to worry about buying food, it was on the way to the studio.

Sometimes I swear that man has a sixth sense. Though, I assume that Haeun told him what we were doing, so he'd know what was going on.

I respond with a text to thank him and then got up from my seat. I made my way out to the lobby area and into the cupboard that housed disposable plates, cutlery, and cups to set up spaces for us.

"Need help?"

"You wanna set this up and I'll get us some drinks from across the street?"


It was a nice, small celebratory get-together for us. We did it. We created something that became a success and people love. What little pull I had from working with Blackpink had helped this small group, and not in a small way. Quite the contrary. I thought I was lost when I was dropped by YGE. But I now find myself around more people who appreciate me.

The girls all happily dug into the food that Mr. Park had ordered for us. I ate along with them, but seeing them celebrating with smiles was something I wanted to commit to memory. I never wanted to forget this moment. Because if I forget it, I won't have anything to drive me to keep those smiles in place. If there is anything I'm actually afraid of, it's failing people I care about again. I don't want to fail like that ever again.

To be continued...

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