Naruko 10

De capzica28

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Naruko uzumaki finds a watch and a alien named azmath Mais

Chosen Heroine
Classic Ten part 1
classic aliens part 2
Additional Forms
all together
Never Back Down
hero time
A Hunter from Deep Space
The Anodite Hyuga
New Sensei and New Aliens
day off
the finals

The Alien Debut

45 0 0
De capzica28

As Naruko and her squad waited patiently at the tower for the time limit for part two of the Chunin exams to come to an end, Naruto stood up and looked at his team, "I'm gonna go check out more of this tower."

"Ok." Sakura said.

"Just don't go far." Sasuke warned him.

"Sakura, this is me you're talking too." Naruko said dryly.

"Exactly my point." Sakura replied. With a roll of her eyes, Naruko left the room.

The blonde walked around the inside of the tower getting to know the layout, until she discovered another team entering and had been admitted. It was a team from Kiri. He noticed one of the members had something wrapped in cloth on his back and had two handles.

"That must be some sword," she began, "I wonder..." he pondered before going over to meet them.

"Uh, can we help you?" the boy carrying the sword asked in worry.

"That sword on your back, is that one of legendary blades of the seven swordsmen?" Naruko inquired.

The boy was even more concerned, "Who wants to know?" he asked, as his teammates got ready in case Naruko was planning to try something.

"No reason, just thought I let you know I met one of the original seven swordsmen some time ago." Naruko answered.

"You what?" the boy asked in surprise.

"That's right. Zabuza Momochi; Demon of the Mist."

"You met Zabuza?" the boy gasped.

"Uh-huh," Naruko confirmed, " And I even watched him die." he added.

"Whoa." the boy gasped, as his teammates were surprised.

"The name's Naruko, and you are?"

"Uh, Choujuro," he answered, "And my teammates, Kaizo and Watashi." his two teammates bowed their heads in respect.

"Nice to meet you all." Naruto greeted them.

"Same here, I guess," Choujuro admitted, "So did you fight Zabuza himself?"

"Not personally, but I partook in the battle against him with a partner of his."

"Wow. What was it like staring into the face of the demon of the mist?" Choujuro asked curiously.

"Made me wanna shit my pants like crazy." Naruto explained.

"I'd only been told stories about his reputation and from our village history books. He was one of Kiri's best." Choujuro said in awe.

"I figured that out the hard way." Naruto added, "Well, it was nice meeting you three."

"Yeah. I guess we'll be seeing you around." Choujuro said, as the three took off for a room.

Naruko watched them leave and looked at Choujuro, 'He seems like a nice guy.' he thought, before continuing on.

Naruko managed to find a cafeteria, where she got herself a bite and took a seat at a table. She enjoyed her lunch, and noticed another team enter. They were Iwa shinobi, composed of two boys and a girl who appeared to be their strongest member.

"About time we found this cafeteria, I'm starving." the girl said, as she and her team got something to eat.

When they took a seat at a table in front of the one Naruko was preoccupying, one of the Iwa shinobi spoke, "Sure hope this stuff's as good as they say it is."

"It better be." the girl said.

"Hey!" Naruko called over, as the three looked over at him, "Take it from a shinobi in this village, you'll be very satisfied with the stuff we have to offer."

The girl scowled, "Well, we didn't ask you. Who are you anyway girl?"

"A handsome man once said it's common courtesy to introduce yourself first." Naruko answered smugly.

The girl fumed, before getting herself together, "I'm Kurotsuchi; the Tsuchikage's granddaughter."

"You're related to the Tsuchikage?" Naruto asked curiously.

The kunoichi smirked smugly, "Got that right, so who're you?"

"The name's Naruko. You and you're squad must be good to make it here." Naruko said.

"Oh, we're more than good," Kurotsuchi said, "We're the best in our village."

"I'll be hoping so when I see you guys in combat, hopefully." Naruto replied.

"You'll be sorry," Kurotsuchi said, before standing up and taking her food, "Let's eat back at our room." she told her teammates, who nodded and left with her.

Naruko continued to eat her lunch, until another voice spoke up, "Well, look what we have here." Naruko looked over and saw the Kumo shinobi she met before the Chunin Exams.

"Hey, it's you guys again. Nice to meet you made it." Naruko congratulated them.

Karui scowled, "Don't try and act all chummy with us, pal. We're not your friends."

Naruko gave her the stink eye at her rudeness, until Omoi spoke up, "Come on, Karui. Guy was just being nice."

"Don't defend him, Omoi!" Karui chided him.

"Karui, cool it!" Samui scolded her, and she shut up. She spoke to Naruko, "Once again, I apologize for Karui's rudeness."

"No harm done." he answered.

"So when did you get here?" Omoi asked.

"Yesterday." Naruko answered, leaving Omoi and Karui in shock.

"WHAT?!" they cried.

"You made it here before us?" Karui asked in disbelief.

"Whoa." Omoi gasped.

"The dangers in that forest were tough, but I just had to be tougher," she explained, before finishing his lunch, "Well, I'm heading back to my room. I'll see you all real soon." he left.

"I still can't believe she got here before we did." Karui grumbled.

"She must be better than she looks." Omoi suggested.

"We'll have to see it for ourselves." Samui said, as the three left.

Watching around the corner was a figure in a cloak, before he left. He walked into another room where Orochimaru was waiting, "Did you see her?" the rogue shinobi asked.

The figure removed his hood revealing to be Kabuto, "Yes. I don't understand how she was able to defeat you."

"I told you, the girl transformed into an alien species known as a Tetramand." Orochimaru explained.

"You still tell me these stories about aliens, and yet I have never seen one in my life." Kabuto said in skepticism.

"You were much too young to know about them, and by the time you came of age, the Plumbers had already shut down their operations here in the ninja land." Orochimaru explained.

"So what could allow Naruko to turn into this alien creature?" Kabuto inquired, while leaning against a wall.

"It has to be the famed device that came up so many times in Plumber's history... The Omnitrix."

"Omnitrix?" Kabuto wondered.

"Yes. And if she's wearing it, this could put a damper on my plan." Orochimaru feared.

"So what should we do?"

"For now we keep a low profile and wait until the moment is right. Then we'll take Sasuke." Orochimaru instructed, as Kabuto nodded in understanding.

A few days later, all the passed teams including the Konoha rookies, Guy's squad, Kabuto and his team, and the squads from Suna, Iwa, Kiri, and Kumo were present before the Hokage, the Jonin, and the proctors in the main room.

"I commend you all for completing the second stage of the Chunin Exams," Hiruzen began, "Before we continue on, is there anyone here wishing to withdraw from the ranks?"

"I do." Kabuto raised his hand. Naruto and the rest of the rookies looked at Kabuto in confusion, until he left the group.

Then a Jonin spoke up, "I am Hayate Gekko and I shall serve as proctor. You will all be selected to fight each other randomly via this screen." he motioned to a screen above that scrambled up all of the remaining challengers names.

Suddenly the names Yoroi and Sasuke showed up, as Hiruzen spoke, "Will all those besides the chosen ones move up top?" And so everyone did.

As Squad Seven watched from above, Kakashi approached, with Azmuth on his shoulder, "Azmuth?" Naruto gasped.

"Afternoon." Azmuth greeted them.

"Are you sure you should be out in the open with so many people around?" Sakura wondered.

"I don't have real reason to keep a low profile now. Besides I already talked with the rest of the higher up Shinobi and have agreed to let me watch the matches."

"Hey! What's that thing?" Kiba asked, as the rookies saw Azmuth.

Azmuth seeing them decided to answer, "Greetings, children. I am Azmuth of planet Galvan. Nice to meet you."

"Planet Galvan?" Hinata asked.

"You're an alien?" Chouji gasped.

"Freaky." Ino gasped.

"Sorry I can't answer more questions. I want to watch this match." Azmuth said, as they looked down to see the match between Sasuke and Yoroi had begun.

The two shinobi squared off with Sasuke dodging some of Yoroi's attacks. The Uchiha performed a fire jutsu and saw his flames weren't as powerful as they should be.

"What's going on here?" Sasuke asked himself, before he felt a tingling feeling, "Wait a minute, you're a chakra absorber!" he accused Yoroi.

"That's right," he confirmed, "And I'm gonna suck you dry!"

"I don't think so!" Sasuke called, as he used Taijutsu against Yoroi and with a combined move of Lee's and an original move of his own defeated Yoroi granting him a place in the finals.

Squad seven cheered, as Azmuth thought to himself, 'Clever using a Taijutsu move combined with someone elses and your own.'

Sasuke walked up to his squad, as Sakura spoke, "Will you be all right, Sasuke?"

"I'll be fine, after I've rested." he admitted, as he took it easy.

They watched as the next two names came up being Karui and Kurotsuchi. Kurotsuchi smirked, as she made her way down to the arena. Karui looked to her team, as Omoi spoke, "Be careful, Karui."

"I know." Karui nodded.

"Watch your back and whatever you do don't slack!" a sunglasses wearing man instructed through rap.

"Hai, Bee-sensei."

Samui spoke, "Go for it." Karui nodded, and left for the arena.

When the two kunoichi met on the arena, Hayate gave them the go, and the fight began. Karui drew her sword, and began striking at Kurotsuchi who was dodging. Above them, Tenten watched in astonishment, "Wow, the way she uses that sword is so skillful."

"Well, Kumo ninja have been known to have exceptionally skilled sword users." Guy admitted.

"But that Iwa kunoichi is fast." Lee noted.

Kurotuschi formed hands signs, "Water Style: Water Trumpet jutsu!" she expelled a jet of water from her mouth and onto the floor Karui was standing on. She started making hand signs again, "Next part. Lava style: Quicklime Congealing jutsu!" she spat some plaster material form her mouth and when it mixed with the water it started solidifying into cement trapping Karui's feet.

"Hey, what is this?!" Karui demanded, as she tried to break out by striking it with her sword with failing results.

"You can struggle all you want, but you won't be able to break out of that with your weapon. You may as well call the match, otherwise this whole thing will drag on."

Karui growled at her predicament, but knew the Iwa kunoichi was correct, and she declared forfeit. Kurotsuchi taking pity on Karui used earth release to break the cement allowing the Kumo girl to move again. The Iwa girl spoke up, "For what it's worth, you did impress me with your sword skills."

Karui answered, "Well, thanks, I guess." the two left the arena and went back up. When Karui met with her team, Omoi was saddened.

"Oh, man, sorry about that, Karui."

Bee interrupted, "No need for tears, Omoi. Karui did her best, and now we watch the rest." he rapped.

The next two names to be drawn were Chouji and Choujuro. Both shinobi were surprised, and made their way to the arena. Choujuro spoke up, "Let's both do our best, ok?" he asked hoping he didn't sound lame.

Chouji smiled, "Sure."

"You may begin!" Hayate announced.

Chouji started off by using his expansion jutsu and became a human boulder, taking Choujuro by surprise, "AH!" he cried, as Chouji was barreling around trying to bowl Choujuro over, who was jumping and dodging Chouji.

"Choujuro, get your head in the game!" Watashi called.

"We don't want to disappoint Mizukage-sama!" Kaizo added.

Choujuro knowing better than to disappoint his village leader, got up and spoke, "I don't!" he grabbed the sword on his back and suddenly the bandages came off revealing chakra that took the form of a mallet. This took the shinobi by surprise, as Choujuro used it to block Chouji, but the human boulder was still trying to overpower the Kiri boy.

"What is that?" Sakura gasped.

"That is the Hiramekarei; one of the legendary swords of Kiri's Seven Swordsmen." Kakashi explained.

"That's another of the legendary blades?" Sasuke inquired.

"Yes. And from my knowledge of that blade it can take the form of other striking weapons when encased in chakra."

"Wicked." Naruko said in amaze.

Tenten watched in pure nostalgia, 'Such a beautiful weapon.' she thought with delight.

"Come on, Chouji!" Ino called, while Shikamaru groaned at her loudness.

Choujuro started pushing Chouji back, until he overpowered the chubby boy sending the human boulder crashing into a wall. Chouji looked dizzy, and asked, "Is it time for lunch?"

"Choujuro is the winner!" Hayate announced.

"Chouji." Ino gasped.

"Well, I saw that coming." Shikamaru said dryly, as Chouji came up.

"Sorry about that guys."

"What matters is you tried, Chouji," Asuma consoled him, "How about after this I treat you to some barbeque?" he offered.

Chouji's eyes lit up and he cheered, "All right!" his teammates rolled their eyes.

The next two names chosen were Misumi and Kankuro. The two went to the arena, and the match took off with Misumi attempting to crush Kankuro by wrapping his body around him like a snake, but the Suna shinobi took Misumi by surprise utilizing his puppet known as crow and put the squeeze on him until he surrendered.

Azmuth while watching, thought to himself, 'So Suna still teaches the generation of this time to use those puppet creations? That boy certainly utilizes that one well.'

The next two names to be drawn were Shino and Omoi. Omoi was surprised, while Shino remained quiet and stoic.

"Ok, Omoi, this is it." Samui said.

"Right." Omoi nodded, as he went down to meet Shino.

"You may begin!" Hayate announced, as Omoi drew his sword and tried to strike Shino who jumped back.

"Go, Shino!" Kiba called, as Hinata watched hoping her teammate would be all right.

Shino deciding to no longer be on the defense, held out his arms releasing swarms of insects from his sleeves.

"Bugs?" Omoi asked.

"That's right, and these bugs are deadly." Shino warned him.

"Guess this calls for amping it up!" Omoi said, as he channeled his Lightning chakra into his sword and was able to ward the bugs away as if his weapon was a bug zapper.

"All right, now you're cooking, Omoi!" Karui called in support.

"Oh, dear." Hinata gasped.

"Utilizing Lightning style with a sword?" Sasuke asked, "Sounds like a clever idea." he admired.

Omoi using his electrified sword to repel the bugs went for Shino who was on the defense again, but didn't show any signs of worry.

"What's Shino going to do now?" Naruto asked.

"Let's just wait, and see Naruko." Azmuth instructed, as the girl continued to watch.

Omoi was feeling confident he had the upper hand against Shino. Shino knowing he had no choice, ran to Omoi, much to Kiba and Hinata's worry. Omoi seeing Shino running up to him struck at him with his lightning sword, only to see Shino dispersed into more bugs.

"What?!" Omoi gasped, as multiple of the foreign shinobi were equally surprised.

Shino was suddenly behind him, "You fell for my insect clone." he delivered a kick to Omoi's wrist, causing the Kumo shinobi to lose hold of his sword. Omoi tried to grab his weapon only for Shino's insects to surround him, "Make one move, and my insects will drain your chakra dry." the bug user warned him.

Omoi not seeing any way out of his predicament felt defeated and resigned. Hayate announced, "The winner is Shino!"

Squad eight cheered, while Kurenai smiled. Shino recalled all his insects, and Omoi picked up his sword and held out his hand to Shino, "That was a good match. You're real good."

Shino offered his hand in respect, "Same to you." the two shook on it, before going back up.

Kiba and Hinata congratulated Shino, until Azmuth floated by on his hover platform, "You did a good job down there, Shino. When Omoi had your insects at a disadvantage you still thought your way through the situation and overcame the problem."

"Thanks, I guess." Shino said, as the squads were still curious about the little creature.

They saw the next two challengers decided being Temari and one of the Iwa shinobi. They watched as Kurotsuchi's teammate took off attacking Temari, who was dodging, before whipping out the giant fan on her back and rode it into the air using her Wind element.

The Iwa shinobi utilizing the Earth element was able to raise some earth pillars so he could jump up to Temari's level, but that's what led to his defeat. Temari quickly jumped down and waved her fan upward releasing cutting wind that put tears in the shinobi's body surprising Kurotsuchi and her second teammate.

When the Iwa shinobi landed on the floor unconscious, Hayate called the match, The winner is Temari."

Kurotsuchi growled seeing how her teammate was defeated by Temari, and watched as he was taken away by the medical shinobi.

Azmuth spoke to Squad Seven, "That girl certainly knows how to utilize the wind element with skill, especially when in conjuncture with that fan."

"She could certainly be a challenge." Naruko added.

Sakura looked and saw her name come up along with the Kiri shinobi; Watashi, "That's me." she gasped.

"Ok, Sakura, this is it." Kakahsi said.

"Hai, sensei." she nodded.

"We'll be rooting." Naruko assured her, as Sasuke nodded in agreement.

"Thanks,." Sakura went down to the arena where the Kiri shinobi waited.

"I will make this quick and easy for you." Watashi warned her.

Sakura kept a firm look, not wanting to be intimidated. Hayate called the match, and Watashi went at it with Sakura. The girl not having too many jutsu to back her up and her Taijutsu skills nowhere near as good as Naruko and Sasuke's, was defeated just as Watashi said.

Sakura went back up to see her team, as Kakashi spoke, "You did all you could, Sakura."

"Yeah, but it wasn't enough." she sighed, "I need better training to help me fight like a real shinobi."

"Perhaps, I can help you, Sakura." Azmuth offered.

"You can, Azmuth, how?" Sakura asked curiously.

"After these matches, we'll talk." he promised, and she nodded.

They saw Shikamaru's name come up along with Tenten's, "Oh, great. Why couldn't my name get picked at the end?"

"Well, you better get down there." Chouji suggested.

"Whatever." Shikamaru sighed, as he went down and met Tenten.

"Begin!" Hayate announced.

Tenten at first pulled out some shuriken and threw them at Shikamaru who tried dodging but ended up getting on in his leg.

"Just so you know, I barely miss my targets." Tenten warned him.

"This is troublesome." Shikamaru groaned, as Tenten unraveled a scroll and summoned two sickles.

She started striking for Shikamaru, who was trying to keep his distance, while also coming up with a plan to turn the tides on the girl. After barely dodging her sickle swipes, Shikamaru was able to get behind her and use his family's shadow possessing jutsu to connect them turning her into a mirroring puppet.

"What good is this jutsu going to do, if all you can make me do is mimic your every move?" Tenten asked, as she was unable to move to her own will.

"By making you your own enemy." Shikamaru answered, as he started making Tenten grab a kunai and started stabbing her arm. Tenten cried, and Shikamaru recoiled as well.

"Hey, if you feel the same pain as me then why do this?" Tenten asked.

"Desperate times I guess!" Shikamaru groaned, "Unfortunately for me I hate desperate times." he continued to have Tenten continue poking the kunai into her skin, while bearing with the pain himself.

Finally Tenten couldn't handle the stabbing anymore, and withdrew the match. Hayate spoke up, "The winner if Shikamaru!"

"All right, Shikamaru!" Ino cheered, as Chouji applauded, and Asuma clapped.

Shikamaru ended his jutsu allowing Tenten to move freely. Tenten spoke to him, "You can really be scary when you want to be."

"I don't even do scary." he admitted flatly, as the two went up.

Tenten arrived at her team and spoke, "Sorry about that guys."

"Don't worry, Tenten, there's always next time." Guy assured her.

"Thanks, sensei." she smiled with renewed hope.

The next two names to come up were Naruto and Kiba, with both shinobi smirking. Naruko spoke to his team, "Here I go, guys."

Azmuth spoke up, "Good luck, Naruko."

"Not that I need it, but thanks." Naruko answered, as he went down along with Kiba.

Kiba spoke up, "You'll be wishing you were picked to fight me, Naruko."

"You shouldn't bark before you bite, Kiba." Naruto retorted, as Kiba growled at his comeback.

"Stay, Akamaru." Kiba ordered, as Akamaru went on standby.


Kiba charged at Naruko, tackling her. Naruto however held onto Kiba and dragged him with as they rolled across the floor, before letting him go. The two got up, as Naruko quickly summoned two shadow clones to help him fight Kiba, but the Inuzuka overpowered the two clones.

Naruko jumped back, as Kiba formed handsigns and started turning feral, "Now I gotcha!" he started coming at Naruko on all fours knocking him off his feet.

"Naruko!" Sakura and Sasuke cried, while the other shinobi were curious thinking the match would be over.

Naruko got up and scowled at Kiba, "Good move, Kiba, but I got a move of my own I want to share with you."

"You're bluffing." Kiba called it.

"I am not," Naruko rolled up his one sleeve and scanned through the Omnitrix, which Kiba suddenly noticed.

"What is that?"

"My move." She activated the Omnitrix and transformed into Wildmutt that let out a howl.

Needless to say just about everyone, save for Sakura and Sasuke were surprised by this sudden transformation.

"What that a transformation?" Chouji asked.

"I don't know." Ino admitted in surprise.

The Kumo team were surprised, as Karui spoke, "What the hell just happened?"

"He just turned into some kinda dog." Omoi answered.

Karui groaned, "I know that, you idiot! But how?"

"This is unexpected." Samui admitted while looking curious.

Kurotsuchi was wide eyed, "Ok, I did not see that coming."

"I'm glad I'm not facing him." Choujuro said to himself.

Kiba called to Hayate, "Hey, he can't just suddenly take a new form like this, can he?"

"There is no rule to that, she is clearly still Naruko." Hayate answered.

Wildmutt growled, and took off at Kiba. Kiba not being quick enough to know how to fight this new form of Naruto's ended up getting tackled to the ground and he struggled to wrestle with the beast.

"Man, Naruko, this is one ugly form you've taken," Kiba said, as he was getting pinned to the ground. Wildmutt suddenly let drool leak from his mouth and onto Kiba, "Ugh, now you're drooling on me!"

Akamaru ran to help his partner, by jumping onto Wildmutt's back biting him. Wildmutt howled at the feeling of Akamaru's teeth trying to sink into him, but wasn't so successful. Kiba taking advantage of his opponent trying to shake Akamaru off, rolled out form under him and threw smoke grenades.

"Oh, no, Naruko can't see now." Sakura gasped.

"How could she even see at all?" Sasuke asked, making Sakura confused, "she doesn't even have eyes."

"Don't count Naruko out," Azmuth warned him, "Vulpimancer's might not have eyes, but they're more like that Inuzuka boy than you know." the two were confused, as they watched as Kiba went into the smoke screen to attack Wildmutt, only to miss.

"What gives?" Kiba asked, until he found himself attacked by Wildmutt, "Ok, I guess you got some heightened senses as well. So let's see who's is better." the two attacked, but Wildmutt was proving superior due to his strength.

That feeling didn't last long, as the Omnitrix beeped and suddenly Wildmutt became Naruto again, putting surprised looks on everyone's face once again. Naruto saw himself, "Man, and I was getting to the good part."

"What the hell what that, Naruko?" Kiba demanded.

"That form you fought was an alien form I have acquired. His name was Wildmutt." Naruto explained.


"That's right. And I got some more forms right here," he held up the Omnitrix, "Fortunately for you I have to wait a bit before using it again."

"How'd you even get that?" Kiba asked.

"A friend." he smiled. Azmuth nodded feeling proud.

"Well, I'm gonna end this match right now! Akamaru; man beats clone!" Kiba called, as Akamaru transformed into Kiba, and the two performed a combo move knocking Naruto sending him rolling across the floor.

"Naruko!" Sakura and Sasuke called, while Hinata looked worried, and the foreign shinobi watched feeling it was over, until Naruko got back up.

"I'm not out yet, Kiba." Naruko said, as she summoned multiple shadow clones, that took on Kiba and Akamaru still in man beast clone.

The shinobi watched the two fight, while many were impressed with Naruto taking the most hits and was still going, "That guy can take a hit." Omoi gasped.

"Yeah. She's a stubborn one." Karui added. Samui nodded, still keeping her eyes focused on him, unaware Bee was also observing Naruko too. Closer than she was.

Kiba and Akamaru once again performing their combo move wiped out Naruto's shadow clones, and were about to attack the real one. Naruto realizing the Omnitrix was functional again activated it, and in a flash of green the dog partners were blinded and suddenly repelled backwards by a sonic vibration.

Everyone saw Naruto who had transformed into Blitzwolfer. Kiba and Akamaru noticed this, and the dog boy asked, "Another dog alien?"

"Wolf to be precise," Naruko answered, "Say hello. to Blitzwolfer. And if you though Wildmutt was tough. Well this one's even tougher." suddenly she took off and plowed through both Kiba and Akamaru like they were nothing.

Kankuro spoke to his sibs, "That kid's better than I thought."

"Quite so." Gaara mumbled to himself, with his focus on Naruko.

Blitzwolfer gained distance from Kiba and Akamaru, and summoned some shadow clones, "Even our ninjutsu still works in our alien forms. At least those who actually have appendages." he and his clones unleashed their sonic howls onto Kiba and Akamaru making them both crash into a wall knocking them out.

Hayate turned to Blitzwolfer who dispelled his clones and was Naruko again, "The winner is Naruko!"

"Yeah, Naruko!" Sakura cheered, as Sasuke and Kakashi nodded with smiles or in Kakashi's case, an eye smile. Azmuth smiled as he lightly clapped. Hinata smiled at Naruko for her victory but felt sorry that Kiba lost.

Naruko walked up to the balcony and met her team, "So, what'd ya think?" he asked her team.

"Not bad." Sasuke admitted.

"Those two aliens you turned into sure were something." Sakura added.

"Well, like I told Kiba, I got plenty more in here." She looked at the Omnitrix.

Azmuth spoke up, "Not bad using the Omnitrix as well as incorporating your shadow clone jutsu into them, Naruko. I'm sure if Ben were here he'd be proud to see how you used it."

"Thanks. And I aim to get better when using it in combat." Naruto asked.

"I know you will." Azmuth nodded.

The next match was between Lee and Kiri shinobi Kaizo. Kaizo pitted his water styled jutsu against Lee, but the Konoha shinobi was too fast for him, and was able to knock him out with a few powerful kicks.

Samui and Ino's names were picked next, and the two met on the arena. Ino stood and slightly glanced at Samui's chest and thought, 'How can she be so developed like that?'


Samui took off and fought Ino in close combat, with Karui and Omoi cheering her on, while Chouji cheered Ino on, as Shikamaru cheered dryly. Ino was trying her best to fight back, but her opponent seemed just as skilled in hand to hand combat as she was striking so fast she could barely keep up. Samui eventually grabbed the tanto she had sheathed behind her and struck Ino's shirt, putting a tear in it to expose her navel.

"Whoa, that was close." Ino said to herself.

Samui aimed her tanto at Ino, and spoke, "Sorry, but this match is over." she went on the attack again, not giving Ino any chance to use any of her jutsu and was eventually worn out, and knocked aside by Samui.

Hayate seeing Ino was too tired called the match, "Samui is the winner!"

"Yeah!" Karui cheered, as she and Omoi do a double high five, as Bee smiled.

Asuma came down and retrieved Ino bringing her back up to the balcony, "Sorry sensei. I was outclassed by her."

"Don't worry, Ino. You'll be stronger next time." Asuma promised her.

"Indeed," Azmuth came over, "And I can also help you, Ino."

"You can?" she asked in confusion.

"Yes. When this is over expect a visit from me some time."

"Uh, ok." she answered.

They watched as the next two names called were Hinata and her cousin Neji. The two cousins went to the field, and before Hayate could begin the match, Neji spoke up, "You should just give up, Hinata. You have no place being here. You only made it here because your teammates carried your lack of experience. Once a weakling always a weakling."

Hinata at first was shaken but shook it off, "I'm not running away from you, Neji."

"Then don't blame me when you lose." Neji warned her, and the two took off.

Azmuth watched the match with great interest, "A main and branch member of the Hyuga clan facing off. With a combination of the Gentle fist art and Byakugan, this should make for a very interesting match."

And so they watched, as the two cousins were giving it their all, until Neji started striking Hinata in fatal spots. Naruko called out, "Hinata!"

Neji stood perfectly calm, as Hinata was looking ready to collapse, "Are you ready to surrender now?" he asked.

"No." she answered.

Neji's eyes tightened, "What did you say?"

"I said no!" she repeated herself.

"Then prepare to lose!" Neji was about to strike again.

As Hinata's eyes started to glow and upon instinct thrusted her right arm forward, "NO!" she screamed as a magenta beam blasted from her hand and hit Neji sending him flying backwards and crashing into the wall.

Everyone gasped, as Azmuth looked equally shocked. Naruko spoke, "What the, did Hinata just..."

Hinata gasped as she looked at her right hand, "Did I do that?" she asked in shock.

Neji groaned, as he peeled off the wall, "What just happened?"

"I-I don't know." Hinata answered.

Neji frowned, "Well, let's see you try that again if you can!" he once again went on the attack, and as if responding to her feelings, magenta energy shields kept appearing on Hinata's hands as she was blocking Neji's strikes, before she took an opening and knocked Neji back once again.

Naruto spoke to Azmuth, "Azmuth, is Hinata doing what I think she's doing?"

"Yes, Naruko. Hinata is using the powers of an Anodite."

"A what?" Sakura asked.

"An Anodite, another alien species I learned about." Naruto explained, as he and everyone watched Hinata take the fight to Neji, who had no way of knowing how to counter this new power of Hinata's. Hinata eventually conjured two mana energy arms and grabbed Neji squeezing the life out of him.

"Hinata, stop it, he can't take anymore!" Naruko called.

"The match is over!" Hayate declared her the winner.

"Hinata!" Naruko screamed, as Hinata's eyes went back to normal.

She gasped, as the mana arms disappeared and dropped the weakened Neji to the ground. Hinata panted as Kurenai appeared and held her, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, sensei. But what did I just do?" she asked feeling scared.

Azmuth came down on his hover platform, "You Hinata, are part Anodite."

"Anodite? I don't understand." Hinata said.

"Not yet you don't. But it's time you talked to the one in your life who may know." Azmuth instructed.

"Father." she gasped knowing he had to know something.

And so Kurenai brought Hinata up to the balcony as Neji was taken away by the medics. When the sensei and student returned up, they were met by Naruko, "Hinata, you were amazing."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah. Well, except for the whole nearly crushing Neji part, but still pretty awesome."

Hinata smiled, "Naruko- nee chan."

The final opponents were between Gaara, and the last Iwa shinobi. When the match began, the Iwa shinobi attempted to attack Gaara by launched boulder projectiles at him using the floor below them. But every time he launched one, sand emerged from Gaara's gourd and shielded him from the attacks. This of course took the competitors by surprise, save for Gaara's siblings.

"Sand?" Naruko asked, while on the other side Bee was also surprised.

"Is he manipulating that sand?" Sasuke asked.

"Looks like we just found out how he never gets a scratch." Naruto added.

"How could he be manipulating the sand if he's not even moving?" Sakura wondered.

"I think there's more to it than that." Naruto explained.

"What do you mean, Naruto?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think he's got a hidden weapon on him," he thought to himself, 'Or inside him.'

From the other side, Bee was squinting at Gaara, and thought, 'Ain't no doubt about it.'

Another voice came into his thoughts, 'Yes. No doubt about it, Shukaku dwells within him. And I'm sure you've noticed the presence of another one of us.' Bee nodded to himself as his gaze were suddenly fixated on Naruko from the other side of the balcony.

Gaara squinted his eyes and held out his right arm as the sand started coming together around the Iwa shinobi restraining his arms and legs.

"Hey, what're you?!" he struggled.

Kurotsuchi called, "It's just sand can't you break out?"

"It's too strong!" her teammate struggled and started crying as the sand started tightening around his arms and legs as if breaking his bones, "I GIVE! I GIVE!" he cried in agony.

But Gaara wasn't stopping, he just kept his sand grip on his opponent. Hayate stepped in and drew his sword to cut through the sand that was solidifying, and freed the Iwa shinobi. Hayate spoke, "Gaara is the winner."

Gaara frowned as if he wanted to continue to torture his opponent until he died, but vanished in a shunshin of sand back up to his team.

Afterward, Hiruzen and the Jonin stood before the final thirteen competitors while the other shinobi waited at the side.

"Congratulations to all of you for making this far. In a month we will have the true finals to the Chunin Exams, where I, and the rest of the Kage from the other four nations will observe with various other lords to determine if you are Chunin material."

"Study this chart well and know you will be facing." Anko instructed, as they saw a tournament chart with their names.

Match 1: Naruko vs Hinata

Match 2: Kankuro vs Choujuro

Match 3: Temari vs Shikamaru

Match 4: Lee vs Samui

Match 5: Sasuke vs Gaara

Match 6: Watashi vs Shino

Match 7: Kurotsuchi vs Winner of Match 6

Naruko and Hinata looked worried about fighting each other, while Sasuke was surprised to be fighting Gaara.

Hiruzen spoke up, "You have one month to hone your skills and learn new techniques, and will meet at the Chunin stadium when the month is up. Good luck to all of you." he dismissed them, as some of the shinobi went their separate ways.

The last ones to stay were Squad Seven and Azmuth. Naruko spoke to Kakashi, "Well, sensei a whole month to train what're you going to do?"

"Well, Naruko, the Hokage informed me that he's found another teacher for you to help with your ninja skills." he explained.

"Plus, I shall also be assisting you." Azmuth added.

Kakashi turned to Sasuke, "We must also prepare you to take on Gaara, he could be a problem to not just you but to anyone who faces him."

"So what're we going to do?" Sasuke inquired.

"I have a move that you could very well benefit from." their sensei answered.

"Then let's get started." Sasuke replied.

"Um, Azmuth?" Sakura asked, as the alien turned to her, "You said you could also help me get stronger. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, Sakura, we still have plumbers training bases up in space, and I think both you and Ino could properly benefit from them. Naruko, Sasuke, if you like I can one day bring you two up there?" he offered.

"Thanks." Naruko thanked him, and Sasuke nodded.

"But for now, we must plan for the month." Azmuth finished, and they all nodded.

When Naruko left the tower with Azmuth, the girl spoke to the alien, "Azmuth, did you know Hinata was part Anodite?"

"Not a hundred percent, but I did notice some spark in her eyes." he admitted.

"How's that possible?"

"Well, maybe if you hurry you can catch Hinata, and both of you can find out."

"Right. I'm sure Jiji, won't mind a little wait." Naruto said, as he took off to find Hinata.

Elsewhere, in another building, Orochimaru was meeting with Kabuto who told him of what happened during the prelims, "It's just as you said, Naruko has a device that can turn her into alien creatures."

"I knew it," Orochimaru said with a scowl, before it shifted into a smile, "No matter. We have a month to prepare for everything. And we will acquire Sasuke Uchiha whatever it takes."

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