Hearts Awakened || Wooyoung...

Por Virago06

174 31 59

Wooyoung(Ateez) -Fantasy Fiction Since childhood, Ayelin has had nightmares about hearing someone call her na... Más

Author's Note (Ready for this?)
1. Beginning of the end
3. Dreams are Real
4. Lost and Found
5. Sunrise

2. All men do, is lie.

36 6 6
Por Virago06

"Shoot!" I exclaim glancing at my phone. It's 7:48 a.m. and I only have 42 minutes to catch the bus and get to the examination hall by 8:30.
I don't expect much from mornings because I don't want to get out of bed in the first place, but the day hasn't begun well. I take my backpack's strap off my shoulder and bring it to the front, carrying it like a baby carrier. I can catch the bus if I run to the bus stop,I just hope my knee caps don't fall out in the process. I take a deep breath and place my hands on the bag before leaping into the sidewalk with large steps. This isn't exactly safe, but I gotta do what I gotta do.I run faster and my heart rate rises and a burning sensation evolves in my knees,my knee caps might actually shoot out. Being a couch potato doesn't really help with running.I tighten my grip on the bag as I see a turn approaching; all I need to do is quickly take a large angle of rotation and I'll be through; I use all the physics I've ever read in my entire life, despite the fact that I barely passed my physics exam in high school. I turn to the right, but my path is suddenly blocked by a huge figure in front of me, and I feel a powerful force strike my body as my toes rise and I lose my balance, tripping on my heels.I accept my fate subconsciously and close my eyes, knowing what is about to happen next, and just like that my back is flat on the ground with an extreme torque. Wonderful. A feeling of instant regret flushes my brain. I saw this coming. It takes a second for my brain to register the pain. I slowly open my eyes and flex my elbow to support myself. As I move my torso to get up, a shooting pain runs up my spine. Weeks, it's gonna take weeks for me to fix my grandma back. I feel like I ran into a mountain.

The shadow in front of me shifts slowly, leaning forward and extending an arm. Oh, thank goodness I don't think I could have stood up on my own. I lift my hand to grab the arm in front of me, but instead it passes right through the side of my body to pick something up from the ground. My mouth opens in shock, and my heart breaks instantly. My head drops in disappointment, and I muster the courage to rise. That was insensitive. Even if I ran into someone, they should have the decency to pick me up. I immediately raise my gaze to meet the figure in front of me.

"You broke this thing" A slightly deep voice comes from the mouth of the person standing in front of me as he examines his phone in his hands, flipping it back and forth to assess any damage. Wow, am I hallucinating again for the second time in the same morning? The view in front of my eyes is unreal. Naomi's words rush back to my mind. Did I really call upon a Doom or Grim Reaper on myself?
My eyes settle on the god like man in front of me. His black hair rest softly on his face in an eboy cut, his bangs falling above his eyes lightly making them look immensely appealing and sharp.

"What am I supposed to do with this thing?" He holds the phone in front of me raising a brow as his full bottom lip curls into a soft pout. His lips are mauve pink and look as soft as a cotton candy and very juicy if I might add. He is dressed in a long black trench coat with a matching shirt underneath which really makes him look like he just walked out of a k-drama. I feel everything around me cease in slow-motion. I won't be too surprised if I see a hallow of bright lights falling above him next. He is simply beautiful.

"Do you have no voice?" His tone is sharper this time, and he moves his hand further away and taps his phone on my shoulder to wake me up from my dreams. The blow is stronger than expected, and I flinch in pain.

"Stop,it hurts!" I instinctively pull my shoulder back to save myself. I mentally curse myself for coming off rude to the handsome man. It's not like this absolute god of a man might have built a tiny interest in my very normal looking face but why ruin the moment.

"Oh, so you can speak" he says, taking a step back.
"Of course I do, I was just too surprised by the pain in my back" I try to come up with an excuse and that was a bad one. I can't even hold a normal conversation with people and he is just making me nervous by his presence.

"This thing is broken" he extends his arm once again to hand me his phone. My eyes land on his veiny hands, his knuckles are slightly red from the cold air.His long fingers wrap around his phone. Everything about him is insanely attractive. I softly grab his phone and take a quick look and notice that the screen is cracked. Instinctively,I hold the lock button to see if it turns on and it does. For a second I feel guilty but I don't have enough money to get his phone repaired plus it wasn't my fault, entirely? Was it? I mean I could pay in other ways if he wants me to. I grin mentally and surprise myself at my own thoughts. I'm not this wild normally, most of the times.

"It's not broken. Here i fixed it." I hand it back to him.

"Just like that? But the glass is broken on this thing?" Suddenly, he sounds agitated and his expressions change. I would have given him everything I have but I don't have a lot to begin with and it's an iphone. I would have to starve for a month if I gave him the money, it's my entire monthly allowance.

"I am sure you can get it fixed easily." I speak softly, trying to smile innocently at him, hoping he would fall for it and let me go.

"But you broke it?" The question sounds very innocent from him but I can't fall for it.

"I didn't break it.We both collided into each other. So you can get it repaired." I nodd my head trying to convince him that he is equally as guilty for this as I am but I can't hold eye contact with his intense gaze any longer. So, I look away trying to find my bag which is lying on the ground. My poor bag, I just bought it last week. I quickly bend down to pick it up from the floor.

"I don't even know how this thing works. You need to fix it. You broke it." His voice is higher pitched this time. I really don't want to argue with him because my thoughts go hazy whenever I look at his face but man is he making it hard for me.

"For the second time, I didn't break it. We both collided and it fell from YOUR hand." I try to make my point by exaggerating the word YOUR to make sure that my argument is valid.

"YOU were the one who slammed into me. So you should be held accountable. Furthermore, why were you running on the sidewalk?" There's a sudden shift in the conversation and he is clearly getting annoyed. As much as I don't want to ruin this, I neither have the time nor the money and choice to fix this situation.

"Sidewalk is a public service and it's for everyone. You are free to have a jog here or a morning run. So, it wasn't MY FAULT." This sadly is no longer a conversation; it is developing into an argument. I take out my phone to look at the time. It is already 8:10 p.m. The bus should arrive in five minutes. I'm going to be late, I feel the panic set in. I quickly put back my phone into my bag, pulling the zipper closed.

"Look,I really don't have time for this because I have an exam. Please fix it on your own and have a wonderful day." I smile looking at him trying to capture his features in my mind as I take a last look at him and finally take a step forward to walk past him. This conversation could have gone in a variety of different ways. I could have simply apologised and moved on with my life, remembering his beautiful face, but God has other plans for me today. Life isn't a k- drama and sadly my life is only filled with bad parts of it. I rarely see a hot guy, let alone one this attractive and I had to meet him this way.

"Where are you going?" I feel a hand grab my arm from behind and I am pulled by a strong force making my body turn around as I lose my balance once again, and my face lands in his chest. This feeling is oddly familiar but it is unquestionably superior and better to the previous fall.
The heat from his chest penetrates my skin, and I pull my body back slightly to meet his gaze. His scent is sensual and spicy, just like his personality.
His deeply set eyes land on me, and for a split second, my gaze was drawn to his lips, his plumped pink lips which look very kissable.
I snap back to my senses and take a step back rotating my wrist to break his grip, and we both break apart.

"Fine" I sigh and open my bag to find my wallet. I really don't have the time to continue with this anymore. I quickly take out a few dollars and reach out to grab his hand, holding his palm open and smash the crisp bills in his hand and close the zip of my bag.

"That's all I can give you. Please let me go now." I take one last look at him and turn around to leave. I hold back the urge to look at him once more even though I really want to. I check the time once again, 8:12. I have only fucking three minutes left. My body releases a deep sigh, I have no choice but to run again. I start taking large steps before slowly increasing my pace. I will be careful this time, thankfully I don't have to turn now. I just need to run in a straight line. My mind is still stuck in the memories of what happened seconds ago, his beautiful face flashing before my eyes as I cross the sidewalk with full speed. I have never been attracted to a guy like this before. Why do I feel as if a piece of myself was left with him?The realisation that I will never see him again causes a sudden drop in my heart. I turn around subconsciously, hoping to catch a last glimpse of him, even though I've already run a long distance. My eyes widen in surprise at the sight. I turn to check the front to make sure I don't collide with anything or anyone else, then turn back around to see the man running behind me.
Why is he chasing me? I speak out loud to myself.
I tighten my grip on my bag, securing it against my body increasing my pace. Is he really that pissed about me breaking his phone? I am starting to question my thoughts about him.
Is he possibly a kidnapper or worse a murderer? Did he mark me on his list?Why would he be so mad about his phone which is working fine.
"Stopp, listen to me" I hear his voice from behind me as he catches me looking at him. A shocked and confused reaction covers my face with my mouth hanging open, my lungs desperate for air. My legs are running like they have a brain of their own, I do wanna die but not today.

"Why are you following me?" I scream on top of my lungs to make sure he hears me. I notice people stopping in their ways to look at me. Oh god this is embarrassing. There are infinite ways this day could have gone differently but I am stuck in this situation.

"You've got to fix this!" He responds by yelling back while holding his phone in the air. His pace is faster than mine and he is closer to me everytime I look at him. His hair are flowing back and bouncing in air.
I squint my eyes to see the bus approaching from a greater distance, I am almost there. I'll be fine. I'll be there just in time.

"I've already given you the money!" I yell loudly before using all of my strength to quicken my pace one last time. The bus has come to a halt.
I take a few more big leaps before grabbing the door handle and leaping onto the footstep. I made it! I let out a sigh of relief. My body is drenched in sweat, and I can feel heat radiating from my limbs to my brain. My heart is pounding in my chest, and my mouth is still open trying to restore my breathing.
Thankfully, my knee caps are intact.

The bus's engine starts and I turn around quickly to see if he's still there. Soon after, I see him standing a few metres away from the stand, hands on his knees, struggling to catch his breath and panting for air just as I am.

"I have no idea what to do with your money." He uses every ounce of strength in his lungs to get the words out and into my ears. I keep my hand on the glass as the door slowly closes in front of me, trying not to lose sight of him. He is still mesmerising even though he is panting for air. Slowly the bus moves and he is out of my sight. I shake my head and take a seat, trying to process what just happened and gather my thoughts.
Who was he?
He has no idea what to do with my money? He has no idea what to do with the thing? Why did he behave like an alien disguised as a human on Earth? In the midst of uncertainty and confusion, my mind is flooded with questions. This sure is a strange day.


"I don't like you." His face looks like an angry pikachu as he whines like a baby.

"Well that's great because the feeling is mutual." I blurt out never breaking the eye contact with him. My feelings have done a whole cartwheel for this man in the past few hours. They went from admiration to I don't wanna see your face ever again really quick. I open my mouth to add one last thing to this argument but my body is taken by surprise when his arm wraps around my back pulling me close to him, his other hand resting on the back of my head softly and our mouths are just inches apart now. I feel electricity run in my body at his touch.


Hi besties!
This is it for the second chapter!
Do you guys like it by far?
Please feel free to drop down your reviews in the comments and let me know if you have any suggestions.
I hope this was decent enough and I am grateful for you sticking through these two chapters.🥺

Also, would you guys like it if I add Wooyoung's pov as well?


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