Billionaire Met His Match

Por Dreamer_heaven

70.1K 311 53

Finally today his revenge is completed... Or so he thought... "We all thought that Jones & Jones company has... Mais

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Important Note

Part 3

1.5K 44 2
Por Dreamer_heaven

Aiden's POV

I got out of Limo and gave a hand to Rihana and she came out as well. She has no idea why I called her here today. As we entered, lots of photographers snapped our picture and she kept clinging to me. Lord, I made a mistake calling her here may be. Press was asking who she was or what my relation with her but before she could reply I took her inside with me.

I am wearing a tux while she... well she is wearing something black which matches my bow tie. The gown she is wearing is barely covering her breasts and her ass. I can't believe she can't wear anything slightly decent. Just slight movement and her ass were showing to everyone. I guess I have to suffer tonight. She is actually a top model. But most of her work is financed by me. I don't mind, because she is really good in bed. That's what a woman should be right? So she is worth every penny.

I entered and then left her and went to look for Ryan. I found him with some random girl. Ryan is always like this. He just can't settle for one girl. I guess I am different than him in that. I only need a sex partner and Rihana is fine for me. I don't need to change. In fact I don't even have time to find a new one. But if you ask me if I am going to marry her or do I love her? Answer is NO. I don't.

I don't believe in love... it was love that forced my mother to follow my father and leave us alone. I won't be that weak ever. I will never ever fall for a woman and make myself that weak. I don't need anything like that in my life. I just want an heir and when the time will be right, I will use a rental womb and get it done.

"Is everything ready?" I asked and Ryan looked at his date and signalled her to leave and she huffed and left. I don't even know from where he gets these dumb girls.

"yes. Everything is ready. Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked and I smirked.

"Yes, tonight I will just jolt them, all three of them. Once they enter this party... I will make this party the door of hell for them" I said and he sighed.

"Ok, just let me know when you want the plan to execute...well I think it's time for you to greet your new guest... Turn around... she is here" he said and I don't know why I was feeling some different kind of excitement. I slowly turned around and there she is. At the entrance where press is trying to ask questions but she entered giving them a polite smile. As she entered and I looked at her closely. She has ordinary face, not filled with make up or anything. But still she was looking stunning.

She is wearing a simple grey gown and that was making her grey eyes popped out. Her gown is also simple. The upper half was having some intricate design and it was showing no skin still making  people crazy in imagination. That was amazing. She knows how to seek attention without even trying it. Her long black hair was styled on one side with slight waves. As I looked soon she turned around and a blond man entered with her.

I recognised him. It was Jack. Looks like Julie is not here. She won't come? That's not right... I have plans for her as well. She looked at Jack concerned as he was looking angry. But he smiled and brushed it off. Press must have asked what I told them... where their bastard father is! Looks like she is really close to him, she had a real care in her eyes for him. I didn't like that, soon they all three will be destroyed. Jack excused himself and now she was alone. I guess it's show time.

"your hands are empty... here... a welcome from the host" and I gave her a glass of champagne and she looked up at me as she took the glass and her eyes clashed with mine. She had some strong hold... her eyes has some hold! Like I was frozen. We kept looking at each other... silver to grey! I was the first one to break the contact and looked away. Focus Aiden... you are here to destroy her. Stay focused on the plan!

She then smiled at me... gosh! She is beautiful when she smiles. She has a small cute dimple on only one side. Normally it won't even be visible.

"thank you, you must be Mr. Miller" she said and I smiled.

"Yes Aiden Miller... you can call me Aiden. Mr. Miller sounds old" I said and she smiled.

"Ok... Mr. Aiden. I am Electra... Electra Jones. Thank you so much for inviting me. It was rather last minute invite I guess, but I know in our industry no one denies Mr. Miller" she said professionally and I realised that she is no fool. She came here on the same day invite but she has prepared herself. She has gathered all the information about the industry. Now only question is why she said yes.

"well... Ms. Electra sorry for the same day invite but you weren't in the country since today morning. So there was nothing I could do. In fact you actually created quite a buzz since you entered our industry. So I had to get to know you better" I said with a smirk and I can tell from her eyes that she is trying hard to figure me out.

"there is nothing much to know about me. I am just a normal girl trying hard to save his father's hard earned company" she said and I barely contained my rage... hard earned? More like stolen... well Ms. Normal girl... I won't let you win.

"I understand. I have heard a lot about Jones & Jones in last week. I am sorry for what ever is happening... but I am sure a competent and intelligent woman like you can bring it back from ashes for sure... right?" I purposely asked in the hope that she will tell me her plans. Flattery always works on women.. They are fools when it comes to a handsome rich man calls them intelligent.

"I don't think I am all those things but as I said I am just a normal girl and I will try my best to help my company. Now if you will excuse me..." She said and left and I was shocked. What just happened? Flattery never failed on any woman. Hell! Even the few ones in business industry always fall for this. Ryan came to me quickly.

"what happened? What did you guys talk about?" he asked but my eyes were fixed on that little mystery which was not letting me inside her at all. It is too fresh and my inner beast wanted to break her now even more.

"whom is she talking to?" I asked and Ryan looked at her.

"That's Mr. Patel. An Indian business man, he has a small business but mostly he is a good investor. Why is she talking to him?" he said and it took me a second to understand and then I smirked.

"I was really wondering why she accepted our invitation... now I know..." I said with a smirk and Ryan looked confused.

"why?" he asked and I pointed to her as she went to another company owner who was also mainly into investment.

"she is not here for the party, she is here to find investors for her new project. Look... she is talking to all those small company owners whose main income is based on investments..." I said and Ryan was shocked.

"but then why she won't talk to you? Or other big companies'owners? If her new medicine is as good as she said then any big company will be ready to invest. Why ask so many small investors to invest? That's kind of stupid, isn't it?" he asked and I smirked. That woman is slowly but surely impressing me. She is smart. I have to give that much to her.

"because she knows any big company's involvement won't let her company be independent. Her company is ruined right now...if she will ask any big company to invest then they won't just invest but they will take over the whole company and with new medicine's manufacture, they will ask for partnership with the profit in return. While if she convinces enough small investors who don't have much big companies, she won't have to be under pressure of a big company of swallowing her small one. Smart move!" I said and Ryan was looking shocked.

"I am sure she is not even telling the investors what her actual invention is capable of. She must be just asking for investment for her company's new start." I said. She wants all the profit and take her company to new heights without any interference. Not bad Electra Jones... I didn't expect that much from a Jones!

"Babe... why did you leave me all alone? Who was that girl you were talking to for so long?" I heard a whine as I looked at Rihana who came to me and put her hand around mine forcefully. She is really clingy. But now it's time to put first plan in motion.

"Nothing babe... I was just talking to Electra Jones... she is really interesting. You must have seen her in the news, whole day she was all over the news... she is really intelligent. I think she is interested in me as well... I mean doing business with me. I think I should give her a chance as she was practically begging for it." I said and smirked. Her expressions changed quickly. She followed my line of vision as I looked at Electra and she glared at her.

"I will be back babe..." she said and left.

"You have just unleashed Rihana on that poor girl" Ryan said and I smiled. It's show time. I went to the side corner to enjoy the show. She went right to Electra when she was talking to some other investors and before I could blink she took a glass from the waiter and threw the champagne right on Electra's face and all the investors moved away from her. Good, now after this show, she will lose them as well.

"What is wrong with you? Why would you do that?" Electra asked clearly angry and got a napkin out of her purse and started cleaning her face.

"Don't go near my boyfriend again..." she said and Electra was looking at her like she has lost her mind.

"What boyfriend! Are you crazy? You know what... whatever... I don't have time for this" and she was about to turn around to not create any scene when Rihana pulled her hand and she winced. I can see Rihana is pressing her nails hard in Electra's flesh but she was not reacting much in front of others. It was like she is trying really hard that no scene is created... probably in front of the investors she doesn't want it.

"Don't you dare leave. I am not done with you yet. Aiden is my boy friend and if you try to seduce him again, I will not leave you. I know very well girls like you, your bastard dad ran away with money and now you want to catch a rich man so you can enjoy on his money. But find another one you whore... Aiden is mine! Understood?" she asked but this time I saw some weird glint in Electra's eyes. It was anger... no Rage...!

"Say whatever you want to me, don't talk about my father... I am warning you." And with that she grabbed Rihana's hand and freed her self but didn't let it go but pulled her closer and said something in her ears and I saw Rihana's face lost all the colour. She quickly pulled away.

"I-I am sorry... it was my mistake" Rihana said and she quickly went away from her. Ryan was beside me and I was as confused as him.

"what just happened? Someone actually calmed that hyena down and even managed to get an apology from her, that too without creating a scene? What did she say to her?" he asked and I had no answer. I went away and looked for Rihana while she was gulping drink after drink clearly looking frustrated.

"what happened Rihana?" I asked and she stopped and quickly plastered a fake smile from me and came close to me... what is going on in her head?

"Nothing babe... I missed you" she said in her overly thin voice. How to ask her what she said without telling her I was listening on her. I signalled Ryan and he understood.

"Rihana... what happened there with Ms. Jones? I saw you both fighting or something... what happened?" he asked and she smiled.

"Nothing... it was just a misunderstanding... nothing else" she said and I can tell she is lying. But what did Electra say to her that she is backing off like this. The Rihana I know is not scared of anyone. For few minutes Ryan tried to get her secret out but she didn't open her mouth... whatever. I still have plans for tonight. I left her and I was about to go to Electra when some one slammed on me and I caught her. I recognised her instantly... It was Julie Jones...

So she came alone... not with her brother and sister... not a good thing to do within family.

"I am sorry... are you ok miss?" I asked and she gave me a seductive smile and bit her lips.

"I am fine... I am Julie Jones... you must be Aiden... I have heard a lot about you" and she batted her eye lashes which are fake for sure. I looked at her dress and I can tell she can give competition to Rihana in dressing slutty.

"Yes I am. Thank you for coming Ms. Jones" I said politely but she placed her hand on my bicep and slowly caressed it.

"Call me Julie... I had to come. I wouldn't miss this for the world. I have always admired you..." she said and I gave her a look.

"I mean your work... I have always admired your work. I can't believe you called me to your party. In past this has never happened" she said and I wanted to roll my eyes. That never happened because I hate you all Jones and I will die before letting you all set a foot in my life... but now times are different. Now you all will pay for what your bastard father did. She slowly started to move her hand and tried to hold mine but I freed my hand softly but gave a smile instead.

"You are really amazing Julie. I regret this never happened in past... but I promise that it will happen a lot in future" I said and her grin widened. Foolish girl. And she took out her purse and gave me her card. Wow... she is really not going to leave me, is she?

"Here... call me... I would love to..." she said and before she could finish she was stopped by someone... Electra.

"when did you came Julie.. What are you doing here? Come... Jack is over there" she said and tried to take her hand which had her card forwarded to me. So Ms. Electra doesn't want her sister to talk to me... this is interesting... she is trying to save her from me... But why? Julie pulled her hand rudely from her.

"Can't you see... I am talking to some one important. Leave me alone. And Jack stays with me, I see him all the time. Go and mind your own business" she said really rudely and I was shocked. Electra was looking hurt. So Julie doesn't like her... but Electra seems really caring towards her. Why is she behaving like this with her? Jack was not like her... wait... why am I worried... to hell with them... this is good. I have to use this.

I took the card from her with a smile and she gave me a huge smile back. I smirked inwardly. Electra is looking worried. This is getting more and more interesting. Julie left and Electra followed. She is really like a mother hen for both brother and sister I guess.

"Ryan... cancel the plans for twins today. I have found more interesting way to deal with them." I said and Ryan nodded. I actually planned their humiliation but now... I will deal with them differently. Especially Julie... come on... she came herself to me... how can I let go of this amazing opportunity... Electra... just wait and watch. I have found your weak point now I will press on it till it will bleed and you won't be able to do anything.

"one more thing Ryan... tell the small investors not to do any deal with her. Spread the news she is a liar... And if anyone will invest in her, then they will have to face me" now let's see Electra... how you will your self fall into my trap!

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Love you all.


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