Golden | Steve Harrington

Por Jammie_Dogger_Fan

53 8 0

Steve Harrington Fanfic Goldie Henderson, cousin to Dustin Henderson was as thick as thieves five years ago b... Más



11 2 0
Por Jammie_Dogger_Fan


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Letting out a huff Goldie carried the last of her boxes to the edge of the driveway, stacking it on top of the others, her body sliding down them for a quick rest on the warm tarmac. Exhausted would be an understatement here, she was dripping from the sun that was currently roasting her alive. Her eyes flickered down to the watch on her wrist, a gift from her grandmother that she just so happened to be named after, which by the way was currently reminding her that her best friend was now twenty minutes late. "Asshole" she muttered, as she forced herself to get out of a slump and double-check everything was accounted for. You see, her best friend was moving to Indiana because his dad, Neal - the dick, decided he wanted a fresh start with his new partner, Susan and her daughter, Max. The angels as Goldie like to call them. And they thought the best way to do that would be to leave this beautiful sunny state and move somewhere far far away. If you asked Goldie what she thought about all of this she would tell you it is "Absolute bullcrap!". So why the hell is Goldie at the end of her drive with all her belongings? Well, she spends most of her time going to see Billy, her best friend at his house and then having wonderful homecooked meals served to her by Susan since she never got any back at her home. And when Susan brought up that they had planned to move to Hawkins, Indiana where her aunt had lived well let's just say three out of the four people around the table convinced her to come with them, she was basically a part of this dysfunctional family anyway. Of course, Neal was completely against it, he was never a big fan of Goldie. To him, she was too outspoken and never conforming to what a woman should traditionally be like. In other words, she didn't like the way Neal spoke to her and stood up to him.

"Whats up sweetcheeks?!" a voice called out to her, his shiny blue Camaro coming to a halt next to her battered Chuck Taylors "You're late" She scoffed, her arms crossed as her hazel eyes stared the boy down. "Sorry Golds. I was saying bye to that fleabag, couldn't get that little bitch off of me. She even stained my shirt with her tears" He pointed to the wet mark above his chest to validate his excuse but it was useless, Goldie wasn't gonna let it slide that easily... not this time anyway.

"I thought you guys ended your fling last week?" Goldie questioned vividly remembering the way he brushed Amanda off despite her clinginess in school the other day. "What can I say? She's good in bed" Billy's deviously smirked, stepping out of his car to bring his friend into a tight hug, his nostrils taking in her sweet sweet vanilla scent. "That's your excuse for everything" shaking her head at the boy's actions, she withdrew from the embrace wanting nothing more than to get out of the scorching heat. Instead, she found herself being stared at. Rolling her eyes, at Billy's very readable expression she prepared herself to be read."What's up?"

"Did I, or did I not see you with that jerk, Johnny the other day?" he questioned as Goldie froze thinking back to how stupid she was to be caught. She was always lecturing Billy about not playing around with people if it wasn't going to be serious. "I have no idea what you're talking about?" A nervous chuckle escaped her lips, her body moving back and forth between the trunk and the pile of boxes, each time the trip getting more difficult as Goldie cursed Billy for purchasing  a car that was for picking up the ladies and not for practicality. "I thought I taught you better than that" he chuckled seeing how embarrassed Goldie had gotten. "You taught me absolutely nothing but how to flirt".

"and you're good at it, aren't you?"

"The very best thank, you. Now help me with my stuff you slacker. My aunt is expecting me sometime in the next week so we need to get a move on" Billy sent a knowing smile her way as he started to load the remaining boxes into his car.

"How did you even persuade your parents to move across the country with me?" Billy side glanced at his friend that was too busy looking out the window literally saying bye to everything she saw with big puppy dog eyes. "Well with you all moving across the country thanks to your old man-" The two rolled their eyes at just the thought of him. "I would have no one to keep an eye on me. I don't even know how to cook, I just told them that they shouldn't be upset if the place was burnt down when they got back from one of their trips".

"You're a woman of many talents, but cooking isn't one of them" Billy chuckled.

"Oh yeah? What are my other talents?" Goldie inquisitively raised an eyebrow as Billy smirked sending her his signature wink. "Disgusting..." she playfully remarked her fingers turning up the volume for the radio as the two rocked out and sang along until the break of dusk.

With Bille coming up to 6 hours of driving the two decided to swap so he could sleep for a bit, they still had a way until they would reach the motel where they were meeting up with his dad and he's not family, family. And even though for once in his car it was quiet it was oddly strange.

Opening the window a jar to feel the slight breeze, Goldie lightly tapped her fingers on the leather steering wheel making sure to check the mirrors for any oncoming traffic, changing lanes with ease along the deserted highway. It was like this for a couple more hours with only the very light snores of Billy filling up the car until a bright motel sign lit up the night sky. Pulling into the space next to Billy's "parent's" car Goldie waved to them through the glass, turning off the ignition and taking one more glance at Billy who didn't even stir, probably the only peaceful sleep he had had in a while. "How was the drive?" Goldie asked Susan who brought her into a warm embrace. "Quiet and you?" Goldie looked behind her to the still sleeping billy. "Weirdly quiet" Max snickered at the comment as she joined her side. "Your mum was very kind to make us some food for tonight" Susane smiled a hand rubbing her shoulder knowing how difficult it was for the girl back at home. "Well it's the least she could do, you've looked after me many times whilst she and my father are away on business and although I'm staying with my aunt she knows you are ready to report any gossip".

"Maybe... But not all of it though... I remember my teenage years, you don't want nosey parents spoiling it" She sent the girl a knowing smile causing the listening Max to cringe. "Ready for a sleepover?" Goldie smiled down at the redhead who held tightly onto her skateboard. "It's no fun when that jackass is going to be there too" She sighed knowing that Billy would also be joining them in the room. At least someone would be there to stop him from being an absolute jerk to Max. "I know... I promise when we're both settled into our new homes we will have one. Anyway, I can guarantee that Billy's going to spend plenty of time outside the house scouting out the new prey" Goldie sighed thinking about all the poor girls that were about to get their hearts broken.

Just as Max and herself had got into a conversation about new skateboarding tricks the two were interrupted by the car door opening behind them and a very dazed Billy stepped out with his arms stretched up, revealing his lower-toned stomach from his top riding up. "Morning Princess, how did you sleep?" Goldie mocked earning a snicker from Max who quickly whipped that smile off her face when she had been shot a death stare from the older male. "Weirdly nice..." he mumbled joining her side, his eyes scanning his temporary surroundings.

"You have to admit it's nice to get away from it all" Goldie remarked. At first, this sounded like a bad idea and she was only moving across the country with Billy because she didn't really have anyone close to her or understood her, they just liked her for having a pretty face and being friends with the king of high school. But Hawkins could be different, maybe people actually get to know you and want to hang out with you for you. Not just to mess around with her or throw themselves at her closet friend... not that Billy minds I'm sure.

"Don't you start with that fresh start shit either..." He scoffed, lightly pushing her with the palm of his hand.

"You better stop with the negative vibes"

"Negative vibes?" He quirked an eyebrow up and smiled brightly at his friend's choice of words. "How's this for negative vibes" his fingers immediately attacked her stomach wiggling them faster as she let out a contagious giggle, a snort escaping every now and then as she tried to push him away.

"Hey! You two, cut it out!" Neil called out immediately making Billy stop and clutch his fists in annoyance. "Neil, they're just having fun..." Susan mumbled her hand resting on his chest as she faced him, at least it was only a couple more days before the drive would be over and Goldie would do her absolute best not to see him again.

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Finally! After what felt like years of driving the two had pulled up in front of her aunt's house, as one leaf landed on the driveway another fell from the tree above, Goldie may or may not need to go shopping, if it was this cold here already, god knows what it will be like in winter...

"Dustin must still be at school..." She mumbled looking at the lack of a bicycle outside, well, that's if he still rides his bike to school, the last time she saw him was two years ago so who knows what he's into nowadays. To say she was nervous to see her family again was an understatement, which was rare for Goldie but there's a first time for everything, right? With the last box of her possessions on the doorstep, the two said their goodbyes so that Billy could head home and be shouted at by his old man for being late.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow dollface" Billy shouted from the car window, a smirk plastered across his sculpted face knowing the exact reaction he was going to get, and his prediction was right, as Goldie whipped around to stare at the boy, her locks flying over her shoulder to death stare at the boy. "Dollface me one more fucking time and I'll punch you in the dick".

"Whatever shit bag" Billy chuckled as he put his hand up to say goodbye before his Camaro sped off down the street, the surrounding leaves swirling around in the air from the sudden action. Slightly preferring the new nickname to Billy's usual go-to of 'Babe' or 'Dollface' that he threw around more than a simple 'Hello' she got to work on taking her stuff into her new home.

Her aunt, Claudia had made sure it was spotless for her and was extremely pleased to have someone new in the house. I mean don't get her wrong she loved Dustin to bits but she never really had a female friend and Dustin had always hinted at how lonely he had been since Goldie's uncles and she had split up. So Goldie's mission was to make sure they spent quality girl time together whilst she was there... you know, gossiping and going to the shops. But something told her it would be more playing with Mews, who was currently laying on her bed, his little paws kneading the sheets to flatten any lumps. Which meant Claudia and her niece could get to work on unpacking.

Although Goldie hadn't packed much you could see hints of her personality around the room. Such as the Rob Lowe poster on the wall and a few picture frames of her and Billy enjoying their summers on the beach, but probably her most impressive feature in the room was the various trinkets she had laying around. Whether that be seashells from her first surfing trip with Billy to the first flower she had received from a boy, that was pressed into a small picture frame. The little things meant a lot to her and she was destined on making those memories stay with her for as long as she could.

"I've never seen someone with more clothes in all my life..." Claudia gasped as she opened yet another box which was full of different coloured shirts. "I like clothes?" Goldie replied a little guilty as she slyly pushed a box under the bed to hide where she put her dresses. "I can see that sweetheart. Although I think we may need to get you a jacket or two. I don't want you freezing to death on me, your parents would kill me". Claudia's eyes widened as she pulled up a top with an offensive word printed on the front. "Is that Dusty?!" She quickly distracted her niece momentarily as she stuffed the t-shirt in her pocket. "Must've been another kid... Anyway I can go pick one up after school, I'll just ask Billy to bring me a jacket for tomorrow" Goldie replied to the earlier query not noticing the sudden disappearances of one of her tops.

"Billy, was the one who dropped you off?" Claudia questioned, there was no denying she didn't peak out the kitchen window to get a good look at the new eye candy I mean at first it was because she was excited to see her niece but that's when she saw him. "That's the one. I'm sure he will be a hit with the ladies... of any age" Goldie mumbled the last part of her comment already imagining the moms drooling over the boy. Not that he will mind, in fact, he probably will egg them on. It wasn't long before the two had finished setting up and were taking a water break when the front door swung open to reveal a rather excited Dustin.

"Goldie" He excitedly squealed showing off his toothy grin that Goldie absolutely adored. The two embraced tightly, catching up for missed hugs as his older cousin took the cap off his head and placed it on top of hers. "Hey curls, how was school?"

"AV club was cancelled which is just horse crap but I guess it's fine cause it means we can hang out at the arcade". Although they hadn't seen each other for some time, the two still spoke on the phone and even after all this time apart Claudia was still able to see the bond the cousins had. "You betcha kid! But, ugh... I haven't got a licence though" Goldie sighed thinking about how she hadn't been able to pass her test the first time and would have to retake the exam again in a month, she was seriously behind schedule on her life plans and it was driving her nuts.

"Oh, that's okay sweetheart. I'll drive you both to the arcade" Claudia piped up as she grabbed her keys off the hook and ushered them both outside. The drive was short but it allowed Goldie to take in more of Hawkins, noticing how more sparse it was to Cali but it defiantly felt like a tight-knit community. There didn't look like there was much to do at the moment although the construction of a new mall piqued her interest as she studied the passing billboard as much as possible. Unfourtantly for her it wouldn't open until next summer.

"I'll pick you up in a few hours. Here's some money for pizza. And stay safe, I love you both!" She called out handing the cash over to Goldie knowing her son would probably spend it on the games but also because he was already halfway across the parking lot by now.

"Thanks, Aunt C!" She called out quickly catching up to Dustin who was looking around for his gang. It was only when Goldie looked around she noticed the group waving them over. Dustin's friends were sweet, a sort of mixture of personalities but she noticed one of them more reclused than others as he stood there staring at nothing in particular, but it wasn't like a daydream, it was way too intense for that. As she looked between the group and Will she thought it best to check on the distant boy, her hand being placed on his shoulder brought him back to reality, his mouth letting out a sharp gasp like he was waking up from a nightmare. "You okay?" She questioned as his eyes scanned the room to figure out where he was exactly. It took him a moment to calm down but when he did he reluctantly nodded and gulped down any worrying thoughts. "What's your favourite game here?" Goldie questioned trying to distract the young teen from whatever just happened. "Ugh... Galaga" he answered, pointing over to the machine in question that was currently being played by another young teen.

A silence filled the air between the two Will found himself intrigued by the new girl just like she was to him. "What was it like? I mean California, did you like it " Will asked his eyes carefully watching me. "Beautiful... Always sunny. It was my happy place".

"So why did you leave then?" Lucas questioned her joining in with the conversation.

"I needed a new challenge".

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"You sure you don't want a ride?" Goldie questioned Dustin who shook his head in response, his little curls swaying momentarily in front of his eyes. "I'm going to meet Mike" He quickly lifted his leg over his bicycle and sped off but not before giving her a final wave as he rounded the corner, leaving Goldie to herself in the cool autumn breeze. She could only pray that Billy remembered to bring her a jacket. California was warm nearly all the time and whilst she loved the place, she couldn't have been any happier to get away from their school. Thankfully her thoughts were cut off before they drifted too far by the sound of blaring rock music filling the streets of Hawkins meaning, her ride had arrived.

"Fancy seeing you here, stranger" Lowering his sunglasses, so that they rested on his nose he sent a dazzling smile her way. Feeling the cold more than ever she quickly hurried down and got in the car. "Holy crap it's cold" she shuddered, her breath evident as her hands rubbed against one another to spark some warmth in her.

"Here you go sweetcheeks, as promised" Reaching into the back, Billy pulled out one of his denim jackets, completely ignoring his sister's presence.

"Hey Max" Goldie smiled as she wiggled the oversized jacket on. The girl knowing better than to open her mouth in front of her brother just replied with a timid smile but Goldie was well aware that Max was happy to have her presence in the car. "Did you get all your stuff moved in?" Billy asked as he put his foot down on the gas peddle causing her head to fling back into the headrest from the sudden force.

"Ow... Just about, there are a few things that are still in boxes. But I really need to get rid of some stuff so my little Maxine, if you want some free shit, let me know" the two fist-bumped before they all turned their attention to the outside.

"How's this for a fresh start? Can't get much fresher than the middle of fucking nowhere" He grumbled his eyes glancing into the rear mirror to send daggers at his sister, blaming her for the move. "It's a little shitter than what we're used to, I'll give you that... but the people here are really nice. I met some of my cousin's friends last night. Albeit they were like twelve"

"We'll see about that..." He let out a sigh as the sight of their new prison came into view. His hand reached for the volume, choosing to turn it up even louder, for no reason other than to bring attention to himself.

Thanks to Billy's obnoxiously loud revving and blaring music he had achieved his mission of getting everyone to stare at the three. Their grand arrival had played out perfectly in Billy's mind, as the car came to a halt. Goldie was first to leave the car allowing for Max to escape. Her fiery locks practically flew as she jumped out of the car and skated away as quick as she possibly could.

With Billy now exiting his prized possession, he was finally able to showcase his definitely inappropriate school attire... With a now lit cigarette perfectly balanced between his lips, he took a drag of it before passing it to his companion who happily took it from his fingers. Goldie wasn't a chain smoker per se... She knew what looked good and what didn't. So you could argue she was more a social smoker, possessing the ability that most people lacked - being able to quit, but right now she was a little nervous and stressed so one wouldn't hurt her. The two stood looking around the parking lot, Goldie's eyes taking in every person's features that dared to stare at the two. She was observant to say the least, always knowing who would be trouble and to watch her back, but she was mostly there to be Bill's wingman. Goldie's eyes were too busy looking at the three teens checking her friend out to notice the brown-haired couple stepping out of the red BMW to get a better look at the newbies. "Three chicks checking you out. 9 o'clock" She fake coughed giving him the info he always appreciated but instead of accepting it and acting on it, he ignored it. "There's still plenty of time to check out the animal stock" His arm landed around her shoulders comfortably, it now being one of their natural movements as he stole the cigarette back from her. "What a shit hole" he scoffed as the two looked at the building that definitely didn't seem as welcoming as their old school. Maybe it's because it lacked luscious green palm trees? Sure that had to be it...

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"I must say we are very happy to have you both here" The principal greeted them, his hand enthusiastically shaking the hands of the two unique students in front of him. "Well, we are just grateful that you would accept us both. Especially in the middle of a semester" Goldie replied pleasantly to the elder as he showed them around the now empty halls. Billy knew that Goldie was more pleasant to speak to so he often hung in the back when it came to speaking to people with some sort of authority. He was too confrontational and would probably have them kicked out before the end of the day. "Oh please, it was no bother. With your grades and Mr Hargrove's skills when it comes to physical activity, we would be pretty darn stupid to decline the two of you". He smiled, coming to a stop outside the door of a classroom before tapping his knuckles against the wooden material, not bothering to wait for a response.

Following the principal into the hushed classroom, they were greeted by a room full of nosey teenagers as they eyed up Billy's tightly fitted double denim look. "Mrs Pelton, these are your new students" He nodded at the woman before dismissing himself and leaving the elder lady to observe her new students obviously sensing that there was defiantly going to be a lot of gossip in the teacher's room later. "Well go on then, introduce yourselves" She gestured to the eager classmates as Goldie looked behind her to see Billy already eyeing up a seat next to some redhead. "Im Goldie" she spoke up first Sending a dazzling smile towards her teacher desperate to get on all their good sides. After all, she still cared about getting good grades to go to college and you never know when a favour will be needed.

Meanwhile, lord Billy took a rather more confident and sly approach at saying his name before b lining straight to his unofficial signed seat. If it wasn't for the eyes still on her she would have laughed and rolled her eyes at the boy's actions but instead, she made her way over to the only other available seat in the stuffy classroom. Goldie's eyes were mostly on the chalkboard for the entire lesson, trying to catch up on anything that was different from what she had previously been taught. Her eyes only glancing over to see how Billy was getting on with his new groupie every now and then. "So where you from?" Her classmate spoke up causing her to shake out the daze she was in and actually tune in to who was speaking. "Oh, ugh California" she mumbled taking in his physical features. If she had to guess he was one of the popular kids... a jock but not the ones she was used to seeing. For one it looked like a lot of time and effort went into that hair, not that it looked bad, it suited him. But for the most of it, he was very unreadable, she couldn't quite figure out his vibe. "So why did you move here?"

"It's complicated..."

"You with that new guy?" His head gestured to the side of them where Billy was allowing some redhead to put her hands all over him whilst she chatted his ear off. "You ask a lot of questions..." Goldie side-eyed him, her pen placed between her teeth, her choice of words causing him to refrain from asking anything else.

"The names Steve" He smiled packing up his things and heading for the door leaving Goldie to figure out where the hell her next lesson was.

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Somehow the two newbies had survived their first day being surrounded by gossip-fueled, horny teenagers, that were excited to throw themselves at them at any chance they got. She was mentally and physically exhausted already, as her fingertips massaged her temples trying to relieve her pounding headache. The number of times girls had come up to her asking "Are you with the new guy?" Or "Is the new guy seeing anyone?" Was just painful... so much for making real friends, it was just like home.

"There's a party tomorrow and we're going" Billy's body suddenly connected with the locker next to Goldie's, surprising the girl as he handed over the bright orange flyer. "A fancy dress party? I don't even have any normal winter clothes" she chuckled, stuffing it into her locker with the rest of her stuff and closing it shut, her actions replicating Billy's, as she leaned against the lockers. "Oh come on sweetcheeks, it will be fun. I'll even pick you up" The girl let out a long sigh as she reluctantly nodded, maybe it would be good for her to mingle and try and make some new friends other than Billy. "I mean being surrounded by complete strangers that are highly intoxicated, sounds like a right laugh"

"That's my girl" He placed the fallen strand of hair behind her ear, a small gesture that Billy often did as a sign of how close their bond was. But this gesture was now ruined by a group of boisterous guys coming up to her friend and patting him on the back with cheers. "Who's the hot chick?" One of Billy's new friends questioned, his eyes not peeling away from Goldie's figure. Noticing the frown on his best friend's face, Billy's jaw tightened as he looked at the male in question. If there was one thing everyone in this school would learn quickly is that Billy was extremely protective of Goldie. Their relationship had been complicated in the past and although they remained just friends, there was still a lot of love and care for each other. So, when Billy's eyes landed on the tongue that slyly moved across this guy's bottom lip, and eyes that looked like they were already undressing his friend, his body moved unconsciously and slammed him against the nearest locker. "She's off-limits! So take that smug face of yours and go find some cow to satisfy your needs" He spat with anger as his teeth ground together. Unfortunately, Billy had caused yet another scene as students stopped to have a look at what was happening, their murmurs clearly audible as Goldie rolled her eyes at the comments about Billy's biceps. "I can handle this myself" She grumbled causing Billy to let the boy go, who was still as stiff as cardboard. Billy moved closer to her temporarily ignoring his new friends. "Just asserting my dominance here" He whispered, a wink flying her way. It was all part of his plan of becoming Mr popular. "Whatever, I'll meet you by your car" Goldie sighed walking away from the unfolding scene.

With her booty resting comfortably on the hood of the car, the fresh air of Hawkins tingled at her skin. There was one thing this place provided that home never did and that was no pollution. She could only imagine all the views and places she could explore come summer. But for now, she would need to buy warmer clothes in order to not get sick. Watching the floods of students pour out of the school she noticed her chatty classmate earlier walk out with an arm around a girl, their eyes briefly drifting to meet as if they were discussing Goldie. They had probably just witnessed the scene unfold in the hall minutes ago. Letting out a sigh she turned her attention to the skateboard coming her way.

"How was school?"

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