Together Till the End (Short...

Bởi 1Derfullyyou

2.2K 53 5

A life story about a Girl named Samantha. Growing up in Ireland is hard enough, but what happens when Samanth... Xem Thêm

Together Till the End
1. My life is over
2. Missing practice
3. Haven't seen you in a while Bob
4. Finally Xfactor
5. Birthdays
7. Death wish
8. Carlos and Action Man
9. Salami
10. Peanut butter and bananas
11. Teddy
12. Mission Siall
13. Fall
14. Mom and Dad
New story?


137 5 0
Bởi 1Derfullyyou

So so so here's the next chappie!

Hope you like it!! My mom did!!

Lol jk she doesn't know I'm writing this so ssshhhhhhhhhhh

Anyways heeeeeerreeeee wweeeeeeeeee goooooooooooiiiio!

Ok from now on their going to stay 19 in the story unless they have a birthday in the story and i explainit if it takes place over a year and i dont make the story like 7 months long or something like that. idk haven't gotten that far in the timeline.

Wow hoped that made sense what you needed to know from that paragraph is that they are 19.


Still 19 (like 1 day after Sam's birthday which is 4 days after Nialls)

Sam's POV

I hugged my mum, dad and brother as I said goodbye to get onto the boat that was going to take us to England. From their we were going to take a train to London and I can't wait.

I'm not sad today, even thought I'm leaving and won't see my parents again for a while I can't help but be happy for what's to come in London.

Waving one last time I grabbed what I was taking with me and followed Niall onto the boat. The rest of the things were being flown to our new place.

And why we didn't fly?

Don't even get me started there is no way that I am flying! It's a metal death trap!! Who cares if it takes longer... Well I mean I do because I have a very short attention span but still!! I am not getting on a plain.

That's why we are flying all our stuff there. There is no way it would all fit on the train I mean Niall has so much stuff, he has like three suitcases just for his shoes and don't get me started on the boxes of hats.

But I'm pretty bad too, I mean not to brag but I got 6 boxes of socks on the plain!

Yup 6 boxes filled with ankle socks, different patterned and coloured, none with its matching pair. And I have a good reason for that too!

I never wear matching socks on my feet it's like some sort of disorder, it bugs me sooooooo much when I do it.

One time I accidentally wore the same socks and I left the house and couldn't change them so I had to deal with it for the rest of the day, HARDEST DAY OF MY LIFE!


"Sam it's time to get off the boat were in London and we need to get to the train." Niall said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Woah were in London already? We like just got on the boat." I said in amazement.

Niall chuckled, "Actually we've bean on the boat for an hour. You were so quiet what were you thinking anout?"

He said as we walked of the boat and over to the train station across the street.


"You were thinking about socks? For an hour?" He said with shock written on his face.

"Yah, so?" I said staring at him while we boarded the train.

"You know we've been friends for who knows how many years and you never cease to amaze me with what you think about."

I chuckled. "Yup I'm a pretty complex person. But you don't want to know what I all think about Horan, it's some pretty weird stuff."

"Ohh I believe you Samantha, I believe you." He said smiling as we sit down in our private booth that even had sliding doors!

"So why don't we mess this place up a bit?" Niall questioned me with a smirk and he raised one eyebrow.

"You read my mind." Was all I said before we took our jackets off and slid open our door.

Sneaking out of the room we tiptoed through the hallway. (Even though we didn't have to because we weren't really sneaking anywhere.)

"Is this an all expense paid train trip?" I asked Niall leaning back.

"Totally." He said smiling.

"Good cuz FOOD!!!" I yelled running over to the snack cart.

People stated at us as we cheered and filled two trays full each with food. Sitting down at one of the tables and shovelling it into our mouthes.

"Oh. My. Goodness. I am soooooooo full." I said laying back in the booth.

"Ugg. Me too, I can't believe we ate all that food."

"I can were beasts!" I said jumping up as Niall got up and laughed as we left the food cart.

"Let's explore this puppy!" Niall yelled running to the first door he found and opened it.

"Woah look at this room it looks so serious, lets do something in here."

I looked into the room, it was filled with books along each wall a desk places off to the side. A maroon love seat couch faced opposite of a maroon chair. Very sophisticated.

"I know what to do." I said pushing Niall in the room closing the door, taking off my scarf and start to tie it around Nialls eyes.

"Oh kinky are we Samantha?" He said smirking.

I hit his chest, "you cheeky boy. We're going to play Marco polo."

I took the scarf off of him and started tying it around my eyes.

"I'll be it since you have your head in the gutter."

"Ok, but I'm just saying we could do something else in here."

Dang it way did he have to say that my heart os beating 500 m/h and the butterflies in my stomach have started up again.

Uggggh this feeling needs to go away so I can just be normal around him.

I knew there was a blush creeping up on my face.

"Lets just play. Im Marco."


"Polo!" Niall shouts and I walk carefully towards his voice.


"Pol- hey that's not fair I tripped on the rug!" Niall whined trying to make up an excuse for why he got caught.

"No I'm just that good now put on the scarf and be polo." I firmly said crossing my arms.

"Fine, but be ready to put this back on because your going to be found quickly." He said putting the scarf on.

"Oh ok." I said sarcastically.


"Polo!" I shouted. Quickly tip toeing behind the couch.



He groaned "Marco?"

"Po-lo!" I said in a sing song voice. And quickly moved somewhere else.

"Marco?" Niall called clearly frustrated.

But only missing me by literally an inch.

"Polo!" I yelled again, jumping onto the desk.

Man I'm like a ninja.

Everybody watch out, here I come sneaking in your window beating you at Marco Polo.

He groaned again, "Marco?"

"Polo!" I yelled quickly hitting him on the forehead and jumping off the desk.

"Crap, shit, bitch." He said in frustration.

"Polo." I warned him calling him that instead of his name. I really don't like when people swear.

It's really hard to try and stop him too, Irish men and their colourful words.

"Sorry I mean crap, sherbet, bubblegum."

"Better." I smiled.

"That's it I'm done ." Niall said taking off the blindfold.

"Marco there you are I have been looking for you everywhere." Niall yelled his mood changing quickly.

I jumped from the couch onto his back.

"I'm right here polo. So what do you wanna do now?"

"I know." He said smirking and walked back to our room.

Niall put me down and walked to one if the bags he brought with him and pulled out two Nerf guns tossing one to me and cocking the other.

I was in shock.

"When did you put those in your bag? I went through your bags before we left and didn't see them."

(I only did it because I was looking for my phone and I thought Niall had it because he is always taking it and hiding it. I'm not some stalker girl)

He looked up at me. "What?"

"What." I said quickly.

"What were you saying?" He said with a knowing smirk.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuummmm.............. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumnmmm..........

uuuuuuuuuuuuummmm." I just stared at him.

"Lets go"I say walking out the door quickly, as he chuckled following me.

We tiptoed into a room with a bunch of people in it and his behind some seats peeking above them.

"So who's our first victim?" I whisper to Niall.

"How about that guy with the big eyebrows?"

"Those aren't eyebrows those are iyiyeyebrows!" I said and Niall burst out laughing.

I couldn't help it his voice is so contagious, I started laughing too.

We were both rolling around on the floor looking like retarded seals.

When we finally cooled down and stopped laughing we both stood up.

I looked at all the people staring at us.

"Don't worry the train is safe now, have a nice day." I say as me and Niall walk out.

"Okay let's try this again. But no jokes this time Sammy you know how much you make me laugh." He sad before we snuck into another room filled with people hiding behind some seats.

I can't believe he just sad that I make him laugh and que the butterfly's.

"So who this time?"

"The lady with the big hair the looks like snookie."

I snickered, "On three."


"Two." He said.

"Three!" We both fired hitting her dead on the forehead.

"RUN!" I shouted as I followed behind Niall.

When suddenly I felt a sharp pain shoot through my foot. Great just great I stubbed my toe.

"I'VE BEEN SHOT!" I yelled falling to the ground holding into my toe.


"Samantha ill help you." Niall rushed to my side.

"No, go. Go and save yourself, leave me ill be fine." I said dramatically.

"No ill never leave you remember, you never leave a man behind." He pulled me up and we turned around to see people staring at us like we were mad.

The girl with the Nerf bullets still on her forehead glaring at us.

Niall looked over at me and I knew what he was thinking.

We both bowed.

"Thank you, thank you. You have been a wonderful audience." Niall started.

"If you want to know where to bring our Emmy we are staying in room 115."

I said saying a random number as we turned around and ran out the room to our own.

I closed the door leaning against it sliding down to the ground.

"That my friend, was close."

I said standing up and walking to my bag.

"Polaroid or digital?"

"I want digital, you can have Polaroid." Niall says and I hand him

my digital camera.

"Break it and I break you." I say staring him in the eyes.

"Yeah yeah you say that every time."

He says and I sit beside him pointing the Polaroid camera at us and we both make a funny face, and I snap a

picture waiting for it to come out.

"Sam stand up and pose."

I get up and and look down to the side. and I see the flash as Niall takes a picture and chuckles.

"Your such a tumblr girl."

"Awwww thanks Nialler."

I say jumping in his lap and hugging him putting my head in his neck. Man he smells good, I wish I could stay like this forever.

The flash startles me as Niall takes another picture.

"Niall stand up."


"Just do it." I say and I set the Polaroid up on a timer putting it on the ground, and step my feet so the are in front of his putting my one foot on my tippy toe.

The camera goes off and I go and grab the picture.

"Why'd you take a picture of our shoes sammy?"

"I wanted a picture of our matching shoes before mine get all scuffed up from wearing them all the time. You know I really do love them. I couldn't have asked for a better present."

"And I love this hat so much Sammy out of all the ones I have, and I have a lot, this one is by far my favourite. And that picture, ill never go anywhere without it."

I leaned in and kissed his cheek, I could feel the sparks go through my lips and I swear I heard Niall gasp.

He coughed and we both backed up quickly. I know Niall felt that too. He had to.

"Niall it's your turn to pose." I said smiling at him.

He pulled duck lips and put up a peace sign, and I snapped a picture.

I laughed at Nialls face as I showed him the picture that I just took.

"You know Nialler, your a beautiful tumblr girl."

"Why thank you." He said handing me the digital and doing a series of poses.

And I walked around getting different angles of him.


"These pictures are going to look so good up on my picture wall once I get them all up in my new room. Nialler will you help me put them up?"

"No." Was all he said as he took a picture of my reaction with my Polaroid and then wrote at the bottom of the picture.

I read it "sam's reaction to me not helping her."

"So why won't you help me? I'm hurt that you wouldn't."

"Sam you know exactly why I'm not going to help, your just going to make me redo the picture and end up doing it yourself because you want them in a different order."

"Yah your right," I replied "and you the same way with your hats." I day pointing at him.

"What no I'm not how could you sa- ok yah, yah I am."

Someone knocked on the door and picked her head in.

"The train will be at the station in five minutes."

"Ok thank you." Niall said.

And the lady closed the door again leaving us to our privacy.

I got up and grabbed an elastic wrapping it around over a hundred of pictures that we just took, putting them away.

I then grabbed my digital camera and started putting it away too.

"You know it's going to take me forever to edit and download all these pictures of my camera. But it will defiantly be worth it when I'm done."

"I believe it I haven't seen the knew house we are moving into yet but the boys tell me that it is huge so you'll have a lot more room to put pictures up."

Niall said standing up and walking beside me to look out the window with me.

"You know the one thing I'm going to miss most. Would probably have to be seeing Doris every day. She was the highlight of my day," I say whipping a fake tear from my eye. "She was always so good at returning the ball to me."

The train stopped.

"Well I'm not going to miss her she was all sass and no class to me."

I giggled and playfully hit his arm.

"Come on let's go the boys are probably bouncing off the walls waiting to meet you."


Ok I am so so sorry it is taking me forever to upload but I really hope you liked this chapter so far it is one of my favourites

Hope everyone had a good valentines day!

I know I didn't. I'm dongle and ready to mingle ;)

Well I gotta go to bed now I am so tired good night guys.

N ~😘

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