Wicked Blood Games

By JamesScott792

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A colorful flashy pretty boy next door named Alonzo breaks out of his dark closet and into the lights. Steppi... More

Welcome To The Waterfalls
Cinderfella From The Banks.
Comfort from hell.
Climbing Clouds
Welcome To The House Of Dutchess
Middle Of The Jungle
Demons And The Savage
Chains That Has Been Broken
Wounds That Won't Heal
Skeleton's Closet
Running From What
Starting Green Dreams
No Angels Live Here
The Third Devil Is Here
Long Time Coming
The Bitch Named Fran
Cresent Moon.
No Church In the Wild.
Change Gone Come
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Meet The Mister
No Place Like Home
Strangers You Don't Know.

No Angels

4 0 0
By JamesScott792


                                                                                                                     I sat on the chair watching Tv. Well to be honest the tv was watching me, although I was watching the crazy ass pictures in my head. Like I really can't believe this shit. Why did I agree to do that shit. Preston my boy, and no I haven't gotten over it yet. Sometimes I get depressed because I blame myself and now it's the only thing I could think about. Then there I go sitting outside Tyrell's funeral with absolutely no balls to walk up in that bitch. I knew good damn well Preston or him wasn't suppose to be dead. This shit wasn't our fight at all. I watched that man cry looking me in my eyes knowing he was going to die. All because of fucking affiliation. This wasn't suppose to be like this. An eye for an eye is still two rights or two wrongs. My phone rings I looked at it and it was my dad. Hello
Hey son what you doing?
Nothing just watching Tv.
You feel like helping me with something?
Mane pops I'm high as a bitch, I do not feel like moving.
Mane bring your ass over here, All we need to do is put this wallpaper down. He intensely replied.
Why didn't you call me earlier, It's two in the afternoon.
I'll see you at two thirty. He ended before he hung up. I don't know who that nigga think he is. Dre walked in the living room and I instantly got up and put my house shoes on. What's up boo, He greeted and walked up on me with a hug.
None, I got to go help my dad.
God damn you gotta leave I wanna fuck. He whispered in my ear. Alright I'll be back he just want me to help him put wallpaper down. I'll be back in a hour.
Now where He putting wallpaper down at.
I won't know til I get there baby. Come on I gotta go. I said as I grabbed my keys and walked to the door. Hey you still mad at me. He asked me. I turned around looking at him. Yeah but I guess I gotta get over it. I be back in about two hours I said while walking out the door. I'm still trying to process this shit, so don't ask me no fucking questions and yes I'm still fucking mad but that's my man, and I love him. Plus I'm horny as a bitch. I can't wait to get back home. I pull up in front of my dad's house get out the car and walk in. I'm looking around but there isn't any wallpaper out. Aye pops, where you at.
I'm in the. room. He yelled back. I walked in his room.
Aye pops, where the wallpaper at we got to make this quick. He walked out his bathroom looking me with the most evil face. Boy you better tell me right motherfucking now why detectives are knocking on my door looking for you. He said as he quickly walked up and pushed me against the wall. My heart felt like it stopped. I just looked him in his eyes. What the fuck did you do Alonzo.
Pops I got to go. I said as I reached for the doorknob, He snatched me back and grabbed me by my collar. I can see it all in your face. At least tell me the truth, there are fucking detectives knocking on my door. I said as he looked me in my eyes. POPS I GOT TO GO. I screamed as tears fell down my face. The fucking door bell ring and Bangs to the front door. I look at my dad looking at me. I quickly wiped my eyes. We run to the window and long behold its the fucking detectives. Aye pops what the fuck did you say to them?
I said you was at work, Mane Alonzo what the fuck is going on.
Go answer the door. I said as we walked to the door.
Hey Alonzo, well we meet again. The scrummy peter griffin looking motherfucker greeted. My dad looked at me like what the fuck.
What is it detective.
Well we got some questions to just ask you confidential and I was wondering if you could take a ride with us down town.
Am I under arrest?
No Your not just a few questions.
You asked me questions before so you can ask them now. I'm not getting in yo car with you without a warrant. I don't even live here but here you are.
Woah my brother why so hostile?
I don't like the cops and you are bothering my family. So you can ask me anything right now.
I'm not a cop I'm a detective.
What's the damn difference.
Okay so what was your relationship with Tyrell your classmate.
You just said the relationship He was a classmate.
So can you tell me what happened at the party where Preston got killed, I mean that was your bestfriend right?
Yes that was my fucking best friend. What the fuck is it to you? I answered every fucking question they could ask me after he died.
So it is documented that Tyrell came and started a fight?
Yes. and somebody came shooting as they past us.
Do you think it was Tyrell?
I don't know who it was.
Was it one gun you heard?
Yes it was.
So If it was one gun then why was it two casings from two different guns going in different directions, Like somebody was shooting at each other?
Mane I just heard guns going off I got on the ground and crawled to preston because he was screaming he was hit. 
So if I'm not mistaking you and Preston was right beside each other when the shooting happened.
Yes. I answered.
So why wasn't you hit too?
I mean your the fucking detective so you tell me? He chuckled a little. I mean you asking me how I didn't get hit when I told you to hit the floor.
So let me give you a cronological order. You also said that we can have this conversation right here right, you sure you don't want to go to the to my office right? He said with a smile? I looked at my dad as he shook his head looking like a deer in headlights. I'm not going no where with you without a warrant. So ask all you want.
So remember that fight you was in at the club you was about seventeen, and I asked you about the shooting at the red light. He said with a smirk. My heart dropped to my dick. You recall that right?
Yes I do, and I also told you that I just got in a fight that night. 
Right not just a fight though a big brawl. Did you know that the person that was in the fight that you was in was the man that was killed.
I don't know who was killed at that time. I just whooped ass and when about my business, but there was many fights that happened, that's why it looked like a brawl.
This big brawl was at a gay club right?
Yes it was.
Can you tell me what you know about the burning of the Hackley House.
What the fuck is a Hackley House.
Oh you didn't hear about the Hackley House? chile they burnt that bitch to the ground. I think about six guys got killed. I know you heard about it. It was something about the House of Dutchess beefing.
What you mean the House of Dutchess beefing.
Oh man you got to hear about House of Dutchess. Them motherfuckers don't play no games. You know the owner of the club right? I forgot his fucking name. UMMMM----- He continued with a devilish ass smirk. If I could have passed out I would have. Oh you didn't know, the Hackley House is almost destroyed. I'm talking bout two whole generations to be exact, about two years ago they burnt the whole fucking Hackley House down.
You wanna know what's so crazy, the guy that got killed on broad street and the nigga that got killed in the fire, was Tyrell's brother.
Okay so you either your gay or your trying to be fucking funny.
Yeah I was just trying to make this meeting a little funny.
Well this shit isn't funny at all. I didn't that's news to me and that's crazy.
What's crazy?
I didn't know that?
Yeah, why did you and Tyrell get got into a fight?
Me and Tyrell fought through out the years since high school. He was fucking my girl at the time and was being funny like you are being now.
Why did ya'll fight at the party?
He pulled up on me and my friends and told them that I was gay.
So he knew that you was gay told it at the the party. Them people was shooting at ya'll right? He asked as he sat on the step.
I don't know who was shooting and I don't know who they were shooting at. I just know my bestfriend was killed and get the fuck up off my daddy porch cause your really not welcome here. He bursted out laughing.
Come on now give me a break. I'm on these feet bout 20 hours a day
You say that like I'm suppose to give a fuck, you on the job you don't need a break.
Alright so can you tell me where you was march the 23rd. I was here with my dad and my sister because they had to talk about their relationship.
Yup yes sir they did come to my house that day.
Yes sir so what did you talk about.
Stuff family issues nothing pretaining to nothing you talking about. I got the call while I was taking my stepmother to the store then dropped my sister off at the mall. Anything else.
Nah but what at coincidence huh?
Detective, your not gonna get your answers from here. So if thats all you can leave.
So where do I get my answers from.
So now your asking me how to do your job. Hell just like you popped up and interrogated me pop up some where else and interrogate some one else. Do you have anymore questions?
No sir. and you have a great day. Mr. Banks your son is a smart fella.
What the fuck that suppose to mean? My dad said as he bucked up towards him.
Nothing but he's a smart man.
Mane get yo ass up out my yard. My dad schooled back. He walked back to the car. The last time I saw my daddy look at me like that I was ten years old, probably younger. Get yo ass in that house boy. I quickly walked up the stairs opened the door sat on that fucking couch and yelled to the top of my lungs. I looked up and my dad was standing right there.
WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LIE TO ME !!!!! I yelled in anger. He slapped me so fucking hard I saw stars. He grabbed me by my throat and pushed me into the couch. Nigga do not try me in this motherfucking place, do you understand me. He pushed my head back. He pulled his chair up right in front of me. If your lying ass don't tell me what the fuck is going on and what the fuck you did. I swear I will beat it clean the fuck out of you. ALONZO DO NOT FUCKING PLAY WITH ME.
Aye pops I really have to go. I said as I stood up. He smacked me hard as a bitch back down to the couch. MANE STOP FUCKING HITTING ME.
You think I'm playing I promise I'm bout to beat the fuck out of you, you better start talking right fucking now.He demanded as he moved closer to me. Alonzo tell me what happened.
Pops I swear I did get the fighting at the dude at the club that night.
Alonzo I'm not fucking playing with you I'm about to wreck your shit.
Pops I'm trying to tell you. I got the fighting with this guy about dre.
About dre who the fuck is dre?
That's my ole dude.
The dude that was at the court?
Comtinue motherfucker.
Mane pops all I know is we got the fighting. Somebody ran up to his car and he started shooting. The nigga was dead in the street.
Who shot him?
Dre, pops they beat the man daddy up and everything. He just looked at me in a crazy daze. Aye son, do you know what happened to these people and tell me the truth.
Yeah. pops I didn't know that shoot out was going to happen I was just whooping ass. I went the fuck off on dre about that house fire, and HE KILLED MY FUCKING BESTFRIEND!!! I yelled out as I broke down.
Alonzo what did you do.
Yes pops, I was mad I was so so fucking mad that I couldn't turn back. This shit is way beyond me but I love him, really I do. He takes care of me This shit killed my bestfriend. Pops that wasn't suppose to be Preston in that casket that was suppose to be me,
How you know that?
Because he told me before I put a fucking bullet in his head. that nigga that was shot was his brother when dre burnt that house down two of his brothers died.
What the fuck mane.
Pops Tyrell used to fuck with my ex girl How the fuck was I suppose to know the had gay brothers in a fucking Hackley House.
So you do know about a Hackley House.
I'm in the House of Dutchess
Mane you can't be serious. all that shit that damn detective said was true. Mane Alonzo, what the fuck you got going on son???
Pops I was mad I been since the shit happened. Pops, that night I lost my only real fucking friend. I'm still angry about that shit and I expired his ass. He looked me in my eyes as he teared up. I know I fucked up.
Aye son you have no fucking idea cause you know that detective know way too damn much right?
Mane pops I have to go. I said as I looked for my keys.
Look mane don't tell them nothing else.
Okay I'm not.
Alonzo, why the fuck did you do it mane.
Cause I believe an eye for an eye.
Mane shut the fuck up, what the hell you think might happen to your fucking eye, karma is always a bitch to everybody.
Pops please don't tell anybody about this this. It got to go to your grave.
Mane get the fuck out my house, you think I don't know that, bye I got to go to work with this shit on my brain.  He scholed at me. I grabbed my keys and rushed out the door. I jumped in the car. I beat the fucking out my sterring wheel in rage before speeding off. I'm so fucking mad cause I know this could have been avoided but how Really, what the fuck was I thinking? I pulled up to the corner store behind the loft. I walked upstairs as I continued to look around. I keep thinking to myself how the hell that detective knows where my dad lives. I walked into the apartment. Dre was sitting on the couch. Mane we got to talk yo. I said intensely as I walked to the back room. I sat on the bed and put my shit down. Dre came in and smacked the fuck out my face. It stung like a thousand bees. I fell on the bed while he climbed on top of me and squeezed his hand around my throat. DREE GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING??? I screamed.
You motherfucking liar, what the fuck did you tell them.
What the fuck you talking about? He smacked the shit out of me once more and I tried my hardest to push him off me. He jumped down, grabbed my leg and pulled me off the bed making me hit my head hard. DRE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!! STOP DO YOU KNOW WHAT U DOING??? I pleaded as he was standing over top of me defenseless. Just hoping he wouldn't hit me again.
What the fuck did you tell them folks. You are a motherfucking liar. You don't even fucking know that I followed you. I know where you was at and I know who the fuck was with you. Do you hear what the fuck I'm saying to you my nigga? He said. He smacked me again and begin to drag me down the hallway. WAIT DRE THATS WHY I HAD TO TALK TO YOU!!! I screamed back while grabbing the end of the doorway. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me to stand up. I two pieced him quickly to the face and kicked him down to the ground. I ran to the  kitchen, and grabbed a knife in from the wood and quickly turned around knowing he was behind me. What the fuck is he doing? Dre please go head with that shit mane I'm telling you.
Bitch I saw you with that damn detective at your dads house, what the fuck happened.
Can you calm the fuck down so I can tell you. He just stood right there and looked at me. Dre I just walked in here said we have to talk and you beat my ass. Dre you hit me again in this bitch, I'm gonna kill you next. What the fuck is wrong with you. He walked in the living room. I put the knife in my back pocket and grabbed my face beginning to massage it. I walked in the living room and sat at the farest couch from him.
Why did you lie to me.
I didn't fucking lie to you. The fucking detectives came to my dad's house first.
But you was going to help him paint. Zo I followed you to his house bruh. I saw that damn detective and you talking in front of him.
Listen the detectives came to my dad's house. He knows if he would have told me that I wasn't coming. He lied I didn't.
Alonzo this shit isn't nothing to play with. Now tell me what the fuck is going on.
I'm trying to fucking tell you bitch.
What the fuck did you tell him.
I didn't tell him shit.
You can try again, you mean to fucking tell me that ya'll talked for about twenty minutes and you didn't tell him anything. Alonzo I was parked right at frank's barbershop across the street. Why the fuck was your dad about to punch him in the face.
So you was actually there.
Uh Yeah so try again.
Mane I swear to god I did not know that mane came there and was coming back.
Okay I believe it.
But guess what he told me everything that happened eveytime we had an problem.
What the fuck you mean? 
The fight we got into at the club plus the shooting, plus the burning of Hackley house. even talked about the fight that when Preston got killed.
I thought you didnt tell him about the fight?
I didn't .
So How the fuck does he know?
Hell I don't fucking know. I had to tell him, he was grilling the fuck out of me.
Mane Alonzo what the fuck you told this man. He said as he slowly got up, walked beside me and and sat down. I told him approached us and told us that we was gay and we started fighting. He asked me about my classmate tyrell and I said we was just a classmate that was fucking my girl in high school.
Okay and.
He was talking shit like what a coincidence and shit. He even know them niggas that was killed are Tyrell's brother.
Are you fucking serious? How do he know that?
Dre I don't know. Do you think I would be here if I didn't know what to say?
What did you say?
I didn't say anything, and it's crazy that he knows about the House of Dutchess the Hackley beef and everything. I told him I was in the House of Dutchess, but, I don't know anything about that shit. He even asked me where was I March 23rd.
Ayo Alonzo I swear to god.
You swear to god what. that man is up to something and he is smart, but I do not know how the fuck he knows what the fuck was going on at that damn time. He even asked me why wasn't I hit and somebody was shooting back at whoever was shooting at us. Mane like I said that mane is on to something.
You know what, I believe you, because them fucking crackers had nothing to say about me huh.
Dre he knows your dad is the owner of the club.
Well my damn somebody telling something.
You can see that.
I gotta call bruh mane.
Why the fuck you calling him for he can't do shit.
Look shut the fuck up and let me think. Waffle house had no cameras.
Oh my fucking god I can't believe we doing this right now.
Look we didn't fuck up with them, but we really need to keep our eyes open. This is that ball game right here.
What the fuck is the ball game. What the fuck are you talking about? I yelled as I stood up in front of him. 
Look we need to keep our eyes open. You still got that three eighty right.
Yes it's in the car but what the fuck are you talking about.
Look if someone told all that shit then motherfuckers are out here knowing shit. How that motherfucker know to ask you about the shooting when it was plenty people out there fighting,
It was tyrell's brother Dre, you was fucking Tyrell's brother.
Okay so how do he know you was out there anyway? How did he know to ask you about the fight when Preston died. Why did he ask you where you were at the time of his death and all you really did was fight a nigga that night. and everything that happened before. There is no clue but you had a fight. Why would he ask you and only you about this shit.
I don't know, because another motherfucker knows, but know they can't say too much. Now nobody was identified in nothing, but they asking you questions about everything. including the fights that lead up to most shit that happened
Mane shit, somebody snitching. How the fuck he know all that shit.
Naw they telling what they know, He also know that the hackley's and the dutchess are enemies are beefing. Now that man shouldn't know nothing about what actually happened. Somebody knows. Didn't you say that man say that the streets were talking and hell was coming? Did you tell somebody else?
No I swear, I mean I had to tell my dad because I wouldn't go nowhere,
I mean exactly what I said, he not gonna tell nobody he even helped it out. That day I was at his house. and he has cameras.
Why did you tell him.
He was right there and wasn't going nowhere, that man almost fucked me up.
What is it with your family and abuse.
You have some motherfucking nerve you choker.
Anyway, yo. This isn't a game. Somebody knows.
Okay so you think the police gonna come through on us.
Trust me the police is the least of my worries. All the guns I got are stolen, They can't trace nothing to us by name or face. Tyrell was their brothers,  so who do you think he told before the party.
I couldn't even tell you because All we did was fight I knew nothing about him but he was fucking my bitch.
But he was brothers with the Hackleys. Yeah he knew something so somebody else knows something you killing Tyrell and what we did before wasn't suppose to be connected.
So what do we do?
Listen to me I'm telling you, no more going out and no more fighting. These motherfuckers might come out of wood works.
Mane are you gonna tell me is there's something I don't fucking know about?
Look mane, the shit been going on for decades, my dad was fucking with one of the Hackleys. Some how he killed the nigga. I would never get the story because he never wants to talk about it, because he think the shit is over.
Wait please I'm not understanding.
When my dad started the House of Dutchess they killed the ballroom game but he was fucking with a dude name Braxton Hackley. You know that these houses was doped up in the most craziest way. They would get high and just start shit. Braxton and my dad broke up. Braxton comes up missing. My daddy didn't want to talk about it for nothing. I got with ole dude that was killed in the fire. We was so cool it didn't make no since. I didn't know he was a hackley until we was three months broken up.
He the last dude you was fucking with before you met me.
Yes. The whole time he was a hackley.
Ya'll get the fighting at the club. I shoot the guy. I didn't know who he was.
I think you lying.
Yes I am. I knew exactly who he was, but he wasn't going to get me. I didn't know he was Tyrell's brother, but I knew he was a Hackley.
They beat my dad up. I set the house on fire which had nothing to do with you right?
You and Preston get into that shit which killed him, then Tyrell gets killed. That night Preston got killed did you tell the police that ya'll got the fighting.
I swear to god I didn't.
You know tyrell didn't tell it.
So who knew to shoot at ya'll and tell it.
Some body that was in the motherfucking car. Somebody that knew every motherfucking thing.
Yes and he was in that fucking party. Did anybody try to jump you.
No they didn't, my boys was on his ass.
Somebody knows but they trying to play with the police. I wonder why my name hasn't come up since. I clutched my covers as goosebumps stared to cover my skin. He looked at me as I looked at him. If  somebody know something that the police don't. So we got to move.
Where the fuck we going?
I don't know, but wherever we go we got to be not seen. Main fucking reason why I told you to pipe down.
You tell me to pipe down because your fucking family is in a fucking gay war. Mane fuck you you mean to tell me all this shit has happened because of affiliation. MY FUCKING BESTFRIEND IS DEAD MOTHERFUCKER AND THIS IS NOT OUR FUCKING BEEF BECAUSE YA"LL ARE IN A FUCKING GAY WAR. I screamed at him while looking at him as if he was a physho lunatic.
Whether you like this situation or not we in this shit together, it's going to take the both of us to get out of it.
Dre, this ain't right mane. I said as tears started to drop from my face.
Well babyboy it is what it is now. we gotta ride. I'm sorry and I really didn't want this to happen and I'm sorry, but do you want to know the truth? The truth is the cops is not what I'm worried about. The cops would have been got our ass. It's whoever talking to them. This ain't no play play shit. I've had niggas pull up on me out of no where.
Mane yo. this shit is fucked up.
Look you know we got keep a low profile.
You think, so what's next. We gotta move in a couple of months.
I got to go to school Dre.
Okay we can move up Richmond and out the way. We got to go to the gun shop tomorrow.
Andre I'm not pulling another motherfucking picture.
LOOK YOU DO AS I FUCKING SAY!!! YO DUMB ASS WANNA LIVE DONT YOU!!! You gotta run with me babyboy. He ended as he walked out the front door. Mane we just stepped on some shit.

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