We were about to kiss...- Wil...

Par Olivia_Weasley54

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Season 2 of my Will byers x oc story I recommend reading the first one before you read this one!!! Enjoy not... Plus

Cast <33
Chapter 1- MAD MAX
Chapter two- Trick or Treat freak
Chapter 3- The Pollywog
Chapter 4- Will the Wise
Chapter 5- Dig Dug.
Chapter six- The Spy.
Chapter seven- The mind flayer

Chapter 8- The gate.

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Par Olivia_Weasley54

I chose a fan art cause that fan art is my current obsession, what other stories would you guys like to see? I'm thinking of doing a Will x Steph story but before all this happened yk? Let me know in the comments.

Let's go last chapter.




Both of the young teens pull eachother in for a hug.

"Is that..."

Lucas and Steph nod.

He pulls away.

"I never gave up on you."

"I called you every night. Every night for-"

"353 days." She finishes off. " I heard."

"Why didn't you tell me you were there?" He asks.

"That you were okay?"

"Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper says.

"The hell is this? Where have you been?" Hopper asks.

"Where have you been?" She asks.

Hopper pulls El in for a hug.

"You've been hiding her. You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike says pushing hopper in the back.

"Hey. Let's talk. Alone."

Hopper and Mike then walk off.


"Protecting her! Protecting her!"

"Listen. Listen to me. The more people know about her, the more danger she's in. And the more danger you and your family are in-"

"So I should be thanking you?"

"I'm not asking you to thank me! I'm asking you to understand me."

"I don't. I don't understand!"

"That's fine. That's fine! Just do not blame her!"

"I don't blame her! I blame you! I blame you!"

"That's okay, kid. That's okay."

"No! Nothing about this is okay! Nothing about this is okay!" He says, punching Hoppers stomach.

"You're stupid, disgusting, lying piece of shit!"

"Stop it!" He says pulling Mike in for a hug.


Steph runs up hugging her best friend.

"I know I just saw you not that long ago but I still missed you." Steph says to her best friend.

El smiles at her. "Me too."

Steph pulls away to let the boys hug her.

"We missed you." Lucas says

"I missed you, too." El replies.

"We talked about you pretty much every day." Dustin tells her.

They pull away.

El looked at Dustin noticing something.

She points at Dustins mouth.



"You have teeth."

"Oh you like these pearls?" He asks doing his purr.

Lucas and Steph shake they're heads.

"Eleven?" Max asks.

"Hey. Um, I'm Max." Max holds her hand out to shake. "I've heard a lot about you."

Eleven looks at her then walks past her.

Eleven then walks up to Joyce and hugs her.

"Hey, hey sweetheart. Hey."

"Can i see him?" El asks.


"It's not like it was before. It's grown. A lot. And I mean, that's considering we can get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs."


"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, uh, Demo-Dogs. Like demogorgon and dogs. You put them together, it sounds pretty badass..."

"How is this important right now?"

"It's not. I'm sorry." Dustin says.

"I can do it." Eleven states.

"You're not hearing me." Hopper says.

"I'm hearing you. I can do it."

"Even if El can, there's still another problem. If the brain dies, the body dies." Mike says.

"I thought that was the whole point." Max says.

"It is... but if we're really right about this... I mean, if El closes the gate and kills the mind flayers army..."

"Wills a part of that army." Steph says.

"Closing the gate will kill him."


Joyce enters Johnathans bedroom to see Will laying on the bed.

"He likes it cold."


"It's what Will kept saying to me. He likes it cold." She goes to close the window.

"We keep giving it what it wants."

"If this is a virus, and Wills the host, then..."

"Then we need to make the host uninhabitable." Johnathan finishes Nancys sentence.

"So if he likes it cold..."

"We need to burn in out of him."

"We have to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time."

"Yeah, somewhere far away."


"You should go with him." Steve says.

"What?" Nancy questions.

"With Johnathan."

"No, I'm... I'm not just gonna leave Mike."

"No one's leaving anyone. I may be a pretty shitty boyfriend, but... turns out I'm actually a pretty damn good babysitter."


"It's ok Nance... it's okay."


Steve walks off leaving Nancy in the backyard.


"Just be careful, okay? I can't lose you again."

"You won't lose me."

"Do you promise?"


El steps closer going in to kiss Mike.

"El, come on let's go."

El turns back to him.

"Okay. It's okay." Mike says squeezing her hand.

She lets go and gets in the car.


Stephanie sat outside on the poarch swing while everyone went back inside.

Steve sat next to her, they sat in silence for a few seconds.

Steve looks at his little sister.

"I'm sorry." Steve says.

"What?" Steph asks turning her head towards her brother.

"I'm sorry." He repeats.

"For what?" She asks.

"For not being the brother you were meant to have."

"What do you mean?"

"Over the years I've treated you like shit, no matter what, if it was around my friends, around Nancy, around mom and dad, and not even around anyone."

Steph hugs her brother.

Steve accepts the hug.

"You're all I got Steve. Your my best friend."

"You're mine too, Steph." He says.


"So what? We just not gonna talk about it huh?" Hopper questions.

"About what?" Eleven asks turning her head away from the window.

"Why all of a sudden you look like some kind of MTV punk."

Eleven turns her head back to the window.

"I'm not mad, kid. I just want to know where you've been. That's all."

"To see mama." She replies.

"Ok. How did you get there?"

"A truck."

"A truck?"

"A big truck."

"A big truck? Whose truck was it?"

"A man's."

"A man's?"

"A nice man."

"Okay. So let me just get this straight in my head. So a nice man in a big truck, he drove you to your mama, and then what? Your Aunt Becky gave you those clothes and that makeup?"

"I should've never left."

"No. No, this isn't on you, kid. I should've been there. I should have never lied to you about your mom. Or about when you could leave. A lot of things I shouldn't have done. Sometimes I feel like I'm... Like I'm just some kind of black hole or something."

"A black hole?"

"Yeah, it's a... you know, it's this thing in outer space. It's like, it sucks everything towards it and destroys it. Sarah had a picture book about outer space. She loved it."

"Who's Sarah?"

"Sarah? Sarah's my girl. She's my little girl."

"Where is she?"

"Well, that's kinda the thing, kid. She uh... she left us."


"Yeah. The black hole. It got her. And somehow... I've just been scared, you know? I've been scared that it would take you too. I think that's why I get so mad..." he says.

"I'm so sorry. For everything. I could be so... so..."


"Yeah. Stupid."

"Just really stupid." He says.

Eleven reaches over and holds his hand. "I've been stupid too."

"I guess we broke our rules. I don't hate it, by the way. This whole... look. It's kinda cool."


"Okay. Sure. Bitchin"


Steph and Dustin had cleared the fridge for the Demo-Dog to be stored in there.

"Is this really necessary?"

Steph shakes her head.

"Yes, it is, okay? This is a ground-breaking scientific discovery. We can't just bury it like some common mammal, okay? It's not a dog."

"But you called it a Demo-Dog?" Steph says confused.

"Whatever... just stuff that in the fridge Steve."

"Fine but you're explaining this to Mrs.Byers, all right? Christ. Help me out?"

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Grab the door, man."

"All right, I got the door."

Steph and Steve both push the creature in the fridge then slam the door.

Steve ruffles Dustins hair and the wraps his arm around Steph's shoulder.


"Mike, would you just stop already." Lucas says to get Mike to stop pacing.

"You weren't in there, okay, Lucas? That lab is swarming with hundred of those dogs."

"Demo-Dogs!" Dustin corrects

"The chief will take care of her." Lucas assures

"Like she needs protection." Max says.

"Listen, dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it. All right?" Steve says.

"Okay, first of all, this isn't some stupid sports game. And second, we're not even in the game. We're on the bench." Mike says making a point.

"So my point is... yeah we're on the bench, so there's nothing we can do."

"That's not entirely true. I mean, these Demo-Dogs, they have a hive mind. When they ran away from the bus, they were called away."

"If we get there attention..." Steph says

"Maybe we can draw them from the lab." Max says.

"Clear a path to the gate." Dustin says.

"Yeah, and then we all die." Steve says freaking out.

"Well that's one point of view." Steph says.

"No, that's not a point of view, sis. That's a fact." Steve argues with her.

"I got it!" Mike says, he walks over and points at a place on the wall.

"This is where the chief dug his hole. This is our way into the tunnel. So... Here, right here. This is like a hub. So you got all the tunnels feeding in here. Maybe if we set this on fire..."

"Oh, yeah? That's a no." Steve says almost immediately

"The mind flayer would call away his army."

"They'd all come to stop us."

"Hey..." Steve says trying to get all the teens attention.

"We circle back to the exit."


"By the time they realize we're gone-"

"El would be at the gate."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! This is not happening."


"No buts. I promised I'd keep you shithead safe, and that exactly what I plan on doing. We're staying here. On the bench. And we're waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand?" Steve assures.

"This isn't a stupid sports game."

"I said does everybody understand that? I need a yes."

"Yes." Steph says.

Max heard a car, she walks over to the window and sees her brothers car.

"It's my brother. He can't know I'm here. He'll kill me. He'll kill us."


Billy shuts his car off and steps out of his car.

"Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington?"

"Yeah, it's me. Don't cream your pants."

Billy rips his jacket off. "What are you doing here amigo?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Amigo."

"Looking for my stepsister. A little birdie told me she was here."

"Huh, that's weird. I don't know her."

"Small? Redhead? Bit of a bitch."

"Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, buddy."

"You know, I don't know this... this whole situation, Harrington, I don't know. It's giving me the hee bee jee bees."

"Oh yeah? Why's that?"

"My 13 year old sister goes missing all day. And then I find her with you in a strangers house. And you lie to me about it."

"Man, we're you dropped too much as a child, or what? I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here."

"Then who is that?" Billy asks pointing to the window.

Steve turns his head to see the kids watching.

"Shit! Did he see us?" Dustin asks.

"Well he pointed in our direction so I think he definitely did." Steph says.


"Oh, shit. Listen-"

Billy then pushes him to the ground.

"I told you to plant your feet."

Billy then opens the door. "Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise. I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max."

"Billy, go away." Max says starting to get scared.

"You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me. I break things."

Billy grabs Lucas by the neck.

"No stop! Put him down!"Steph yells.

"Get off of me." Lucas says trying to break free.

"You stay away from her!" Billy yells.

"I said get off of me!" Lucas yells kicking him.

"You are so dead,Sinclair! You're dead."

"No... you are." Steve says turning Billy around and punching him in the face.

"Steve!" Steph yells.

Billy then laughs. "Looks like you got some fire in you after all,huh? I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody's been telling me so much about."

"Get out." Steve's says angry.

Billy then tried to throw a punch but Steve doges it.

Steve throws another punch actually hitting Billy.

"Kick his ass, Steve!" Dustin yells.

Billy then laughs and smashes a plate against Steve's head.

"Steve!" Steph calls out.

Billy then knocks Steve out, but he doesn't stop fighting him.

Steph then turns to the table and sees a needle she whispers sorry to max and grabs the needle. Steph pushes through the boys and walks towards Billy injecting him with the needle.

She then jabs him in the neck.

He pulls the needle out of his neck.

"The hell os this? You little shit, what did you do?" Billy asks Steph.

He then falls backwards and laughs.

Max picks up a bat and walks over to Billy standing beside Steph.

"From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?"

"Screw you." He says to his step sister.

Max then hits the bat in between his legs.

"Say you understand! Say it! Say it!"

"I understand."

"What?" Max asks.

"I understand." Billy says the second time.

She drops the bat and grabs Billy's keys.

"Let's get out of here."

Nancy, Joyce and Johnathan all head inside the cabin.

"It's actually... kinda nice."

"We'll do it here." Joyce says crouching by the fireplace.

Will was layed on the bed and then tied up, there was heaters circling the bed.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Johnathan asks his mom.

"This thing has had Will long enough. Let's kill the son of a bitch."

Nancy throws a match into the fire while Joyce heats up the heaters.

They need the monster out of Will no matter what it takes.


Hopper and Eleven pulled up to the Lab, El looked at it.

All the memories flooded back.

"All right. You let me do the heavy lifting up front, all right? You save your strength till we're below. You okay?"

Eleven doesn't say anything and starts walking towards the lab.

Max and Stephanie sat themselves in the front while the boys all sat together in the back of the car.

Steve had turned his head towards Mike. "Nancy?"

Mike gives him a look telling "what are you on?"

"No, don't touch it." Dustin says to Steve who was about to touch his swollen eye.

Steve then turns his head towards Dustin and Lucas.

"Hey, buddy... it's okay. You put in a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight. You're okay." Dustin tells Steve calmly

"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai." Steph tells Max.

Max turns her head at Steve.

"Oh my god..."

"Just relax shes driven before." Lucas tells Steve.

"Yeah, in a parking lot." Mike points out.

"That counts." Lucas says.

"Oh, my god!" Steve says louder freaking out.

"They we're gonna leave you behind." Dustin says.

"I promised that you'd be cool, okay?" Dustin says.

"Whoa, no! Stop the car! Slow down." Steve says freaking out.

"I told you he'd freak out." Mike says.

"Stop the car!"

"Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max yells.

" Oh, wait, that's Mount Sinai. Make a left!" Steph tells Max.


"Make a left." Steph repeats

Max then turns the car. Leaving everyone screaming.

Will had woken up.
"What's happening? It hurts. It hurts!"

"Let me go! Let me go! It hurts."

All Joyce could think Bob, how much she missed Bob, how much she loved Bon.
Joyce then turns the heat up more.

"Mom!" Johnathan says.

Johnathan goes to hug Nancy he couldn't watch his brother go through the pain.


"I told you. Zoomer."

"And this is why we never underestimate women." Steph says.

Both girls hop out of the car. The boys following along.

Everyone walks towards the trunk getting ready.

"Hey, where you going?" Steve asks.

Steve was yelling at them to stop but nobody was listening.

"Steve! You're upset I get it. But a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now, I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe. So,keep us safe."  Dustin says

Dustin hands him the backpack which he grabs.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way." Mike says.

"You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" Dustin asks.

"I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know."

"Whoa hey, I don't think so." Steve says stopping Mike.

"What?" Mike says confused.

"Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame. Got it, dipshit? From here on out, I'm leading the way. Come on, let's go. Come on. Hey, a little hustle!" Steve says.


Eleven and Hopped walked around the lab. When Hopper heard someone. It was Doctor Owens.

Eleven had walked downstairs to go to the gate.


"Oh, god."

"What is this place?" Max asks.

"Guys, come on. Keep moving." Steve yells out.

Dustin looked up to see this weird flower thing in the wall.

"What the hell?"

It then sprayed Dustin.


"Dustin!" Steph calls out she runs towards him.

"What happened?"

"It's in my mouth! Some got in my mouth! Shit!"

Dustin then coughs it up. "I'm okay."

"You serious?"

"Very funny, man."

"Come on, Dustin." Steph says helping him up.

"All right Wheeler, I think we found your hub."

"Let's drench it."


Will kept screaming calling for help.

"It's not working. It's not working. Mom, are you listening to me?" Johnathan says.

"Just wait!"

"How much longer?" Johnathan asks freaking out.

The monster then broke out, Joyce tried to stop Will but then he started choking her.


Eleven and Hopper walked forward. They saw a Demo-Dog.

They stood there waiting.


"All right you guys ready?" Steve asks

"Ready." They all said.

"Light her up." Mike says

"I am in such deep shit."  Steve says

"All right."

Hopper steps out to shoot the demo-dog.


"Get the bell out of my son!" Joyce yells.


Steve throws the lighter. Lighting up the hub.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Let's go! Let's go!"
The monster was getting out of Will.

It then bursts through the door, flying into the sky. Nancy goes and runs after it.

"Will? Will?"

It had taken awhile for Will to wake up.


"Oh, Will."

Joyce then hugs her son, Johnathan joins in on the hug.


Eleven had to do it.

They had got the signal to close it.

They lowered themselves down.

Eleven didn't realize how big it actually was.

She grabs hoppers hand.


"Oh my God, Oh my God, oh my God."

They were all running back to the hole.

Mike then trips and falls.


Steph turns around and notices a vine attached to his leg.

"Help! Help!"

"One sec Mike!" She calls to him.

She grabs her pocketknife and cuts the vine.


Eleven looked towards the gate and let go of hoppers hand.

She lifts her hand up and starts to close the gate.


Mike grabs Steph and hugs her.

All the others then run back to help them.

But notice a creature they all jump back.


Dustin had started stepping over to Dart.

Everyone was telling him to stop but he ignored them.

"Hey, it's me it's Dustin."

He then gives him a nougat bar.

He feeds the food to Dart.

They all walk past him. And Dustin says goodbye one last time to Dart.


Eleven thought back to what Kali said, it was working she was closing the gate.

"Let's go!"

Everyone noticed that monsters were coming Steve starts to help everyone up.

"Oh shit!" Dustin yells.

Steph grabs Dustins arm holding on to him.

"Dustin! Steph come on!"

Dustin and Stephanie hug eachother thinking they're done for good.

The monsters then start to run past.

Steve grabs both Dustin and Steph and holds them while the monsters run past.

"Eleven." Mike says.


"Oh shit!"

Hopper had been shooting at all the Demo-Dogs.

Eleven was lifting herself in the air.

Lights started shining brightly.

She did it. She closed the gate.

Eleven and Hopper hugged.

"You did good kid, you did so good."

They sat there and continued to hug.

The lab was closed.

Done for good.


The fit for the snowball 😻 bro I'm so excited to write this part.... It's finally happening.

"Yeah, you got it. See?" Joyce says to her son.

"Do you always have to be filming everything?"

"No, no. Just the good stuff."

"Are you sure people still dance like this?"

"Yeah it's what's happening."

"Is it, what's happening?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's what's happening."


Stephanie had been applying the last of her makeup.

"Steve!" Steph calls out.


"Can you come help me?"


Steve walks in. "Whatcha need help with?"

"Can you take my braids out? And then add some hairspray."
He nods and takes the braids out.

He grabs the hairspray and sprays it.

"Oh mom wanted photos. So stand on the stairs."

Steve grabs his sisters Polaroid and snaps a photo.

"Ok that's enough we still gotta pick up Dustin." Steph says.

"Ok,ok,ok," Steve sets the camera down and puts his shoes on and opens the door for Steph.

Lucas had been practicing asking Max to dance.

"I love this song. You?"

"Yeah, I love it but not as much as I love you Lukey." His sister Erica says.

"Get out of my room!"

"Ow, that hurts." Max says grabbing her head.

"It's gonna be worth it. Promise."

"See? Pretty."

"Oh Dusty! Your ride!"


Steph and Steve and Dustin rode to the school.

"All right here we are. Steph go inside I need to give the talk to Dustin."

"Okay, bye Steve." She hugs her brother.

"No kissing or any of that!" He says as she steps out of the car.

"Bye Steve!"

A little after Dustin then steps out and stands beside Steph who was signing in.

"Looking very snazzy tonight sir."

"Thank you, my lord."

Steve directs his eyes towards Nancy. He then drives off to his home

Steph and Dustin walk inside together admiring the decorations.


Steph and Dustin walk towards the table passing by Nancy and greeting her.

"Holy shit what happened to you?" Mike asks.

"Excuse me?"  Steph says in shock, since Mike was starting at her.

"Not you Steph you look great, we mean Dustin." Mike says.

"Is there a bird nesting in there?" Max asks.

Steph laughs.

"No, there's no bird resting in here, asshole. Okay? I worked hard."

Time after Time by Cyndi Lauper started playing through the speakers, Max and Steph looked at each other and smiled, Max knew Steph liked Will and Steph knew Max liked Lucas.


Max turns her head towards him.

"Hey. It's nice right? You wanna Um... you know... Like, just you and me?"

"Are you trying to ask me to dance, stalker?"

"No, of course not. Unless you want to."

"So smooth. Come on." Max says pulling Lucas hand.

Max and Steph smile at eachother.

Steph is then tapped on the shoulder, she turns her head, it was the boy that called her a badass at that school assembly.

"Hey. Stephanie do you wanna um dance?"

"Oh, I'm sorry... I was kinda hoping for someone else to ask me."

"Ah its ok, have a good night."

Steph nods and says thanks.

She then looks at Will who was already looking at her.

"Hey, Zombie boy? Wanna dance?"

Will stutters but then Mike nudges him and motions towards Steph who was looking at the decor.

"Uh... no sorry."

"It's okay." She says patting her shoulder.

Steph then goes to sit down she rests her head on the table. Will sits across from her.

"Nobody's gonna ask me..."

"That's not true." Will says.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... do you wanna um... dance with me... maybe? You don't have to! I just was w-"

"I'll dance with you." Steph says quickly. She stands up and smiles at Will.

She holds her hand out for Will to grab which he does, Steph leads him to the dance floor to dance.

Mike hold a thumbs up for Will which he smiles at.

"Wish me luck, Mike. I'm going in."

Dustin then walks over to Stacy to ask her to dance.

She rejects. Leaving Dustin.

He walks over to two other girls which walk away.

He then looks around.

Nancy had noticed this. She walks over to Dustin who was sitting on the bench.



"Wanna dance?" Nancy asks holding her hand out.


"Come on, let's go."

Nancy then leads him out to the dance floor.

"Here." She helps him get situated to dance with her.

"Closer. A little closer. Okay. Now feel the music. The rhythm. Start to move to it. Yeah there."




"You know, out of all my brothers friends, you're my favourite."

"You've always been my favourite."


"Yeah. Girls this age are dumb. But give them a few years and they'll wise up. And uh, you're gonna drive them nuts."

"You think so?"

"Oh, I know so."

Mike had been sitting by himself, all alone but he noticed Eleven at the door.

Mike stands up and walks over to her.

"You look beautiful."

She then smiles at him.

"Do you wanna dance?"

"I don't know how."

"I don't either. Wanna figure it out."

Mike then leads El to the dance floor.

And they start to dance.


Will and Stephanie danced to the song.

"I love this song." Steph says, referring to the song playing, it's was Every Breath You Take.

She looks around the school gym admiring the decor.

"You look really beautiful." Will says.

She turns her head back to him, her face as red as a strawberry.

She smiles and whispers a thank you.

Dustin and Nancy slow danced and bopped there heads to the song feeling the vibes.


Max stared into Lucas eyes lightly smiling the hole time while Lucas had a grin plastered on his face.

Max brings herself to kiss Lucas for a quick second.

Both then smile at eachother and Max rests her head on his shoulder.


Steph and Will continued to dance to the music.

Steph looked away for a sec and in that moment Will decided now or never.


"Hm?" She turns her head to him.

"Uh...." They stand for a second and then Will brings her in for a kiss.

It lasted for a good few seconds. Stephanie felt butterflies in her stomach.

Will then pulls away smiling, Steph smiles back and kisses him again which he accepts.

She then gives him a hug and they never wanna let go.

"We were about to kiss..." Will says.

"What?" Steph says confused.

"Well, a few weeks ago you asked me what happened after our Polaroid, we were about to kiss, but we never did." He says.

"Oh yeah, well now we did." She says smiling as she rests her head on his shoulder.


Mike and Eleven danced but Mike then pulled El in for a kiss.

El smiles at Mike as they rest there forheads against each other.

It was still there. Watching. Lurking. And it was Angry.




YAS go me!!!

Ok book three

Continuer la Lecture

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๐ฌฟ ๐–๐ˆ๐‹๐‹๐Ž๐– [UNDER EDITING] โ–๐’๐“๐‘๐€๐๐†๐„๐‘ ๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ IN WHICH mourning brings two people together. โ you've always been there โž โžœ jonathan...
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163 1 8
Hello, I am going to attempt to write a continuation of the amazing story of Stranger Things, if you enjoy what you read let me know, any feedback wo...