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Crossing paths with the Goddess of Death turns her world upside down. Serena, a professional assassin walks f... Daha Fazla

Chapter 2: Sisters
Chapter 3: Unknown
Chapter 4: Fairytale
Chapter 5: Girlfriend
Chapter 6: A Friend
Chapter 7: Dinner Tales
Chapter 8: We're Connecting
Chapter 9: Because Of Hela
Chapter 10: Escape
Chapter 11: Kiss Me
Chapter 12: You're Beautiful
Chapter 13: I Like You
Chapter 14: Here, You're Smiling
Chapter 15: Falling In Love
Chapter 16: Home
Chapter 17: I Promise
Chapter 18: Always and Only
Chapter 19: For Eternity
Chapter 20: My Lover
Chapter 21: She Smiles
Chapter 22: Bound
Chapter 23: Like a Ghost
Chapter 24: In All Ways
Chapter 25: Mad

Chapter 1: Gold Dress

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lastfallenvalkyrie tarafından

Her footsteps echoed through the hall, the lights on the ceiling flickered as she walked past them. It was dark and quiet, the walls were made of metal and she could smell the awful stench of the place.

She made a turn in the next hallway, ahead were two doors heavily guarded by two agents. She stopped in her tracks, pulled out her ID then showed it to them. When they successfully scanned her code, she was welcomed inside the interrogation room.

"You're late." an agent inside said

"You're just early," she replied dryly, fixing her suit before sitting on the empty chair across the table.

She put her hands on the table then glanced at the man sitting in front of her, his hands cuffed to the table with a gun pointed at his head by the other agent standing behind him.

"General Dreykov." she addressed

"Natasha Romanoff." the man smiled at her, his eyes filled with lust and greed.

Natasha Romanoff shifted uncomfortably in her chair, she cleared her throat then opened the folder lying on the table.

"A high ranking office in the Soviet Armed Forces and the overseer for the Red Room, a top-secret training program where young girls are trained to be the world's deadliest assassins." she read the file then closed the folder, she leaned against the table

"What are you planning?" she asks

Dreykov only chuckles at the question "You shouldn't worry about me, Natasha."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, swallowing the lump in her throat. She glanced around the room, looking for any suspicious activities before looking back at the man sitting in front of her.

"What do you mean?"

Dreykov motioned his hand as if he was touching the air "Out there, walking freely is another Black Widow assassin." he closed his palm "One of my best creations, the one who stood above you all even though you outshined her every time."

Natasha's eyes widened, she shifted again in her seat before clearing her throat.

"This assassin of yours is dead. I've eliminated her along with Clint Barton five years ago."

Dreykov laughed, he leaned toward the redhead "Is she really dead? Did you find her body?" he asked

"There was no body to check, the whole building exploded. There was no-" Natasha felt her breath shorten, she slowly glanced at him with eyes filled with fear and guilt but he, the man in front of her had a smile of a sinister.

"She's out there alive, Natasha and she will get you. She will always come back to get you. She won't find peace until you're gone, Natasha Romanoff."

Natasha pushed herself away from the table, she made her way towards the door and grabbed the doorknob but before she could twist it, Dreykov once again spoke:

"She will forever haunt you. In your dreams and reality. Her name is Serena Sandiego."

She stood alone in the dark room.

A tall, skinny woman with blonde hair, wearing a ripped gold dress stood in the middle of the room, and in front of her was a begging man.

She impatiently tilts her head, her dark golden eyes staring down at the hopeless man, kneeling on both of his knees. His hands were clasped together as he begged for his life to be spared, being the only one left for all of his men were killed by the woman standing in front of him, her heel painfully piercing against his right thigh.

He grabbed a ripped part of her dress causing her to raise her foot and send him flying across the room, a loud slamming echoed through the empty hall. She spun the silver, blood stained blades in her hands as she walked towards the man.

Her heels clicked against the bloody floor, passing by cold, dead bodies whose eyes are gouged out. She stopped in front of the man and watched him try to crawl out of his own fate. She rolled her eyes then kicked him back towards the wall, leaving her right foot on his shoulder this time. She reached under her thigh and pulled out a gun, pointing it towards his wrinkled forehead.

"I detest awful, disgusting men like you." she spoke dryly, her voice stern and deep.

Anger fueling every word spoken.

Within a split second, an agonizing scream and a loud gunshot echoed through the room and silence immediately followed. She took one last glimpse of her artwork before closing the door.

She dragged her blades along the hallway, leaving bloody trails behind. The lights flickered as she passed by, her beautiful yet intimidating hums filling every corner.

The cold wind of New York welcomed her outside, she embraced the cool breeze then stepped out of the building. The streets were busy as usual even though it was already late, especially with all the Avengers and aliens shit going on.

She thought those are just a waste of time.

If the world is ending then let it end.

Why even bother getting in the way?

She's seen how the world works.

She was given away at a young age and was raised in a facility called the Red Room where little girls are taken to be trained into the world's deadliest assassins.

She was one of Dreykov's greatest creations, a woman with superhuman strength and incredible abilities. She was one of the most skilled and ruthless assassins to ever walk on Earth but was outshined by Natasha Romanoff every time.

Her hatred and envy only grew larger the more they grew up as rivals, always proving each other wrong, always getting into fights, beating, and hitting each other.

They used to be partners in every mission, they used to spare and fight in their free time. Others said they treated each other as sisters when they were younger, not until Romanoff left.

Serena chose to stay in the Red Room, having nowhere to go even if she tries to escape. She refused to take Romanoff's spot as the Black Widow, giving it away to Yelena Belova.

She refused to stand in that spot because the day Natasha Romanoff left was the day she promised herself that she'd be better than her.

That she'd be better than everyone else.

After proving what she's capable of and gaining Dreykov's trust, Serena left the Red Room to wander around the world, killing people here and there. It didn't take long before she became one of the most wanted unknown criminals in the world. She never left a trace or any evidence that could be held against her, she worked as quietly as possible and as ruthless as she can be at the same time.

A sigh escaped her mouth as she looked for her keys, she must've left them inside her apartment again. She threw her head back and furiously slammed the door with her closed fist.

"Third time this week..." she shook her head, she really needs to glue those keys in her palm.

After a series of picking the lock, Serena successfully entered her apartment with a broken hairpin. She stopped in her tracks when a white envelope lying on the floor caught her attention.

"I just finished a task, give me a break." she kicked the envelope away then locked the door behind her

Her whole body was sore and she stinks, it was the only thing she hated about being a killer. The smell of blood clinging onto her skin no matter how much she tries to get it off. Sometimes it takes a week and she has to wear a whole bottle of perfume to cover the scent whenever she goes out.

Her apartment was not colorful, most of the things she owns were dark colors. She stretched her arms along the way but stopped by the kitchen counter, she glanced at the proudly framed drawing on the surface. It was a drawing of two stick figures, one was a tall woman and one was a small boy, both of them holding hands.

Serena huffs, biting her lip as she stared at the masterpiece. She slowly took it with shaking hands and bought it closer to her chest, caressing the glass keeping the drawing protected.

With a sigh, she gently placed the drawing back on the counter and walked to her bedroom. She kicked her heels off and took off the bracelets around her wrist that discharges electricity.

Once she took off every weapon attached to her body parts and clothes, she grabbed a towel and went straight to the bathroom. She let her dress slide out of her body and fall on the floor, she covered her chest with her arm and took a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

Her long, ash blonde hair fell onto her shoulders and face. Serena glanced at her fit body then down to the tattoo on her right hip. Her eyes darted on her face, there were dark circles under her eyes but those didn't ruin her beautiful image.

She sighed then stepped into the bathtub "I'm not getting any younger..." she let herself soak under the cold, bubbly water "What a shame."

She spent most of her life alone, even before she was taken to the Red Room. She had no friends and her parents paid no attention to her when she was young. She preferred to be alone anyway.

When you're alone, it's quiet and peaceful.

But sometimes, it gets pretty lonely.

Even for the world's deadliest assassin.

Serena opened her eyes, she glanced around her bedroom and sighed. She couldn't sleep. She pulled herself into a sitting position and looked down at her scarred hands. This was the fourth time this week that she couldn't put herself to sleep.

After minutes of staring at her hand, she heard her own stomach growling in hunger. With that sign, Serena slipped out of bed, put on her slippers then left her bedroom.

On her way to the kitchen, the envelope she found in her doorway earlier caught her attention. She picked it up and leaned against the counter, quietly tearing the paper apart before pulling the paper inside.

"Pay Natasha Romanoff a visit." she read

Natasha's eyes darted to her own boots while walking, they were in a parking lot. She, Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers since they just got back from an urgent meeting.

She couldn't bring herself to focus on anything.

What Dreykov said back in the interrogation room bothered her. If what he said was true, then she's done for.

The men arguing and pushing each other off wasn't helping either, although, their voices were all muffled in her ears. She suddenly stopped in her tracks, causing the men to bump into her and stop their argument.

"You alright?" Steve asked, still glaring at Tony who perfectly mirrored the same expression he wore

"Shut up, you two." Natasha glanced around the place

Something wasn't right and she could feel it. She's been an assassin for years and they just have this feeling that tells them when something's wrong or if danger is near. Her attention snapped towards the other side of the lot, standing in front of the parked cars was a tall woman with blonde hair and a black mask covering her face.

"Who the hell is that?" Tony who now noticed asked, reaching for the remote button in his pocket that will activate his iron suit in times of emergencies

"Don't move," Natasha said, not taking her eyes off the woman. That stance and aura were familiar but she couldn't figure out whose it was.

The woman stepped forward, slowly walking in their direction. Natasha reached for the gun in her belt, fiercely watching every movement. The woman reached for her back, pulling out two sharp-pointed blades before her steps began pacing faster.

Natasha gasped, her eyes widening at the recognition of those weapons. She immediately pulled her gun out then urged the men forward "Run! Now!" she yelled, looking back and forth to keep track of their distance

"What's happening?" although confused, Steve ran

"Do you know the person?" Tony asked "We're heading onto nowhere!" he took notice especially when they were running straight for the wall since the entrance is on the left side and they already passed by it

"You two go to the entrance," Natasha instructed

"What about you?"

"She's here for me. Don't even try to help, you'll only make things worse. Now, go!" Natasha cocks her gun before running in the opposite direction, she glanced at the empty path then behind her only to find no one.

"Shit..." she stopped running, gun ready in her hands. Her grip tightened as she looked around, wary of her surroundings.

She attempted to take a step back but before she could, her ankles were kicked, causing her to fall to the floor. Her head hit the hard concrete, she immediately blocked the blade that came aiming for her neck. Instead of getting her neck sliced, she endured the pain in her arm from the cut.

Natasha grunts, struggling to get back up, especially with the woman sitting on her stomach, pushing the blade against her arm that was blocking it. She pulled her other hand free from the woman's grip then reached for her gun, she quickly raised it and fired, hitting the woman's shoulder.

The woman jumped away, holding her wounded shoulder.

Natasha chased her breath before pulling herself into a sitting position. She watched the woman take off her mask, throwing it against the floor with such strength, causing it to shatter into pieces.

Serena pulled her hair back, a faint smile on her lips as she threw her head back, breathing the air around them. The pain on her shoulder spread through her body but it was endurable, at least for a few more minutes.

Once she managed to take all the air she needed, she dropped her head and glanced at the redhead sitting right in front of her with a gun in her hand.

"Привет, сестра." she smiled. (Hello, sister.)

"Ты жив..." Natasha almost choked on her own words, she held her stomach and looked back to the widow assassin kneeling on one knee in front of her. (You're alive...)

Serena only stared back at her then once again spoke "Вы не можете убить того, кто уже мертв внутри." she sighed. (You cannot kill someone who is already dead inside.)

She pressed her knuckles against the floor then caught the shield that came flying towards her from behind with her bare hand. She slowly looked over her shoulder and saw Natasha's hero friend, Steve Rogers standing from afar, panting heavily with a shocked expression written all over his face.

Natasha's eyes widened "I said don't come and help!" then winced because of the cut on her arm, she didn't even notice that she started bleeding out.

Serena stood up, throwing the shield back to Steve. He caught it with one hand but stumbled back from the force that came along with it.

"Where's your place?" Serena asked

Steve only looked back at her behind the shield then hesitated upon answering "Upstairs..."

Serena made her way towards Natasha, helping her up from the floor as if they weren't trying to kill each other earlier. She put a hand on Natasha's waist and used her other free hand to guide her wounded arm.

"You have a gun wound on your shoulder." Natasha said when they began walking to the elevator

"It's fine. We should get you patched up." they both stood in front of the elevator, neither of them able to press the button. Serena's head whipped towards Steve was trailing behind them, hiding behind his shield like a child just in case Serena tries to throw her weapon.

"Quit standing there and press the bottom, idiot!"

Natasha chuckles, squeezing Serena's hand that was supporting her arm "Go easy on him." she whispered

Serena frowned "Why? I thought you fancied the Winter Soldier more than this... blonde, old, country captain." she glared at Steve "Besides, you two already have my permission to get married." she added

"Shut up." Natasha mumbled, stepping inside

"What are you doing?" Serena asked when Steve set foot in the elevator, he stared at them, completely lost "Take the stairs. You're a soldier, am I right? You'll manage, get lost." she kicked him away and watched the doors close on him

"I said go easy on him," Natasha whined

"You know I don't like men." Serena said, eyes dancing as she continued to tease the redhead

Natasha rolled her eyes "You're a lesbian, I get it!"

The rest of the elevator ride was quiet until they arrived on the designated floor. The doors opened and they were welcomed by the other Avengers standing in front of the entrance, all ready to throw punches.

Serena scoffs "Get out of the way! Can't you see my little sister is injured!" she yelled, full Russian accent, she shook her head then carefully guided Natasha inside

"Just do what she says..." Natasha sighed

"Little sister?" they muttered all at once, following the pair into the kitchen

Serena slowly took Natasha's jacket off, quietly muttering an apology every time the redhead winced in pain. She put the jacket aside and roamed around the place, coming back to the kitchen with the medical kit.

"I'm sorry, what is going on?" Tony asked, unable to keep his mouth shut because there are two women injured in his place and both are almost bleeding to death.

Serena grabbed the clean napkin from her pocket then pressed it against Natasha's wound, applying pressure.

Natasha hissed, taking a breath before turning to see her comrades "Everyone, meet Serena."

Serena kept her attention on the wound she caused, barely acknowledging the other people in the room.

"Wait a minute, isn't she the woman that was running after us earlier? What is she doing here?"

"She didn't mean any harm to you. Like what I said, she was only after me." Natasha watched Serena professionally handle her wound despite having a worse one "I can patch myself up, we should treat that gun wound. I used a 40 Caliber, I'm surprised you haven't passed out yet."

"No, stay still, Natalia." Serena glared and that was enough to keep Natasha steady on her seat. Serena was used to caring for children, believe it or not, she got along with children more than anyone did. She knew how to handle childish behaviours and Natasha was no different.

She carefully wrapped the bandage around Natasha's arm, remembering how children would often fall and skin their knees and she has to treat them every time, then give them a kiss on the forehead after.

Once she was done, Serena pats Natasha's head before fixing the mess she made from all the used materials. The redhead frowned at the affection, quickly fixing her hair.

"You met with him two days ago. He told you I was alive and here I am, a black widow assassin walking free in the streets of New York, killing men here and there." she walked across the room with the trash, her heels clicking against the floor "He sent me an envelope last night, he wanted me to pay you a visit and that's why I'm here." she threw the materials on the trash can then made her way towards the sink "What is it that you want?"

"Why are you here? What do you want?"

A chuckle escaped her lips, Serena wiped her hands then stood behind Natasha, putting her hands on her shoulders "I want to take my revenge on you."

"Revenge on what? You deserved what happened, you killed-"

"Innocent people. I took their children and brought them to our home. I killed the ones that didn't deserve to live. Yes, Natasha, I keep a book record about the awful things that I did in the past."

Natasha remained quiet, she shook her head before standing, marching towards the blonde. She pushed Serena off the sink, grabbed her collar then pinned her against the cabinets.

"You should've stayed dead."

"I died five years ago."

Serena stared at the woman standing right in front of her, her dark golden eyes looking back at those fierce green eyes. The helpless child she once knew now standing up to her, telling her what she deserves. The girl she trained and raised now fighting back.

"You don't know anything." she uttered

"Then tell me. What is it that I don't know?"

Serena pushed Natasha away, she grabbed her blades lying on the table, she walked past the other Avengers and headed towards the doors. She held the doorknob but instead of twisting it and leaving, she looked over her shoulder and glanced at Natasha.

"I wasn't the only one that you killed that day."

Then she left.


I decided to publish and continue this story because this was my original plot and makes more sense than the other one.

Characters may be out of character so please bear with me because I'm still studying them.

Don't worry, it's still about an original character and Hela. I know there's not a lot of comedy in this chapter but I promise in the next ones, there will be.

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