The Doctor & The 13 Reasons W...

Por espinosa1989

370 10 0

Hannah Baker is about to end her own life. She has already recorded tapes explaining why she did it. Just whe... Más

Chapter 1: One Last Try
Chapter 2: Hannah Meets The Doctor
Chapter 3: The Instructor
Chapter 4: Enter, Clay Jensen
Chapter 5: An Adventure Through Space & Time
Chapter 6: The Paternoster Gang
Chapter 7: The Weeping Angels
Chapter 8: A Session With Madam Vastra
Chapter 9: 13 Reasons Why (Reasons 1-5)
Chapter 10: 13 Reasons Why (Reasons 6-8)
Chapter 11: 13 Reasons Why (Reasons 9-11)
Chapter 12: 13 Reasons Why (Reasons 12 & 13)
Chapter 13: Back At Liberty
Chapter 14: The Clubhouse
Chapter 15: Attack of the Cybermen
Chapter 16: Back To The Future
Chapter 18: Saving Evergreen County
Chapter 19: Aftermath
Chapter 20: Graduation

Chapter 17: Hannah To The Rescue

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Por espinosa1989

The police have arrive to Liberty High in the present. They begin firing their gun at the Cybermen as the machines fire back. While the shooting is going on outside of the school, The Doctor along with the students and staff of Liberty are still imprisoned on the Cybermen ship. The Cybermen begin turning some of the students & staff into Cybermen. A Cyberman enters a room where The Doctor, Clay, & the others are being held.

Cyberman: It is time for you to be upgraded.

Tyler Down: What does that mean?

The Cyberman opens the cage door and grabs Marcus Cole.

Zach Dempsey: Let him go!

Courtney Crimsen: Marcus!

The teens cannot do anything but watch as the Cyberman closes the door to the cage and inserts Marcus into a pod.

Jessica Davis: What are they doing to him?

The Doctor: Cyber-conversion. They're converting him into a Cyberman.

Justin Foley: They're turning him into one of them?

The Doctor: He will no longer be human. He'll be pretty much dead.

The Cyberman completes the Cyber-conversion as the pod opens up to reveal that Marcus Cole has been turned into a Cyberman.

Clay Jensen: Oh, my god!

Sheri Holland: We're next!

Back on the surface, the police continue fighting off the Cyberman as they now begin to attack the town of Evergreen County. In that moment, Hannah Baker arrives as she finds herself back at Liberty in the hallway.

Hannah Baker: I'm back. I am back in the right time line, right?

Kevin Porter: Hannah?

Hannah turns around to see Mr. Porter. Porter is all bandaged up with blood stains on his head.

Hannah Baker: Mr. Porter? What happened?

Kevin Porter: They've taken almost everybody. All that's left are Coach Patrick, Mrs. Bradley, & some of the student. They're hiding in the school's basement? They've taken the rest.

Hannah Baker: What happened to you?

Kevin Porter: My office.

Hannah follows Porter into his office. Once they've enter his office.

Hannah Baker: Mr. Porter, about yesterday...

Kevin Porter: You really had me worried. I thought you were thinking about hurting yourself.

Mr. Porter sits down at his desk as Hannah sits down across from him.

Hannah Baker: Bryce Walker raped me.

Mr. Porter's eyes widen as Hannah finally told him what she tried to say to him yesterday.

Hannah Baker: And I wasn't the only one. After I left your office yesterday, I was about to take my own life.

Kevin Porter: I'm glad you didn't. Was that what you tried to tell me yesterday?

Hannah Baker: Yes. Thankfully, The Doctor came into my life.

Kevin Porter: You mean Mr. Smith?

Hannah Baker: Yeah. He's actually a alien and has fought those robots before. Have you seen him?

Kevin Porter: Last time I saw him, they took him. Where? I don't know. But I've seen those thing taking people into the cafeteria. Me and some of the teachers tried fighting them off... but they were too strong. They've killed some of the teachers and students. I was thrown into a wall, which explains the bandage on my head. They've taken out the police.

Hannah Baker: Then it's up to me.

Kevin Porter: Hannah...

Hannah Baker: I know what I'm doing, Mr. Porter. I'm going to save them. I'm going to find The Doctor.

Kevin Porter: Not alone you're not.

Hannah & Porter both leave the school's office as they begin making their way towards the cafeteria. They both go outside as they approach the cafeteria through the side. The can see Cybermen rounding up students & teachers.

Kevin Porter: I count at least 7 of them.

Hannah takes out a EMP pallet from the Cyberman supply kit.

Kevin Porter: What's that?

Hannah Baker: It's a EMP pallet. I throw one of these and it supposed to shut them down. How good is your aim.

Kevin Porter: Very good.

Hannah hands over a pallet to Porter as he throws it towards the window. The Cyberman sees the pallet as it goes off sending a EMP around the cafeteria, shutting down the Cybermen.

Hannah Baker: Oh, shit it worked.

Hannah & Porter both enter the cafeteria to free the hostages.

Kevin Porter: Everyone, come with me. I'll lead you to safety.

Porter & Hannah lead the students & teachers out of the cafeteria. Once outside, they look up in the sky and see a spaceship.

Hannah Baker: That must be their ship. How am I going to get up there?

Kevin Porter: Why would you want to go up there?

Hannah Baker: That's where everyone else are being held.

Then Hannah looks at her time vortex manipulator.

If this thing can take me anyplace and anywhere in time...

Hannah takes out the sonic screwdriver that The Doctor gave her back in 2002 and starts using pointing it at the Cybermen ship and scans it. She then uses the sonic screwdriver on the time vortex manipulator to set the coordinates.

Hannah Baker: Mr. Porter, take them somewhere safe.

Kevin Porter: Where are you going?

Hannah Baker: I'm going up there. Wish me luck.

Kevin Porter: Hannah, wait...

Hannah presses the time vortex manipulator as she teleports herself into the Cybermen ship. Back on the Cybermen ship, Marcus Cole has just been turned into a Cyberman.

Cyberman (Marcus Cole): Marcus Cole is no more. Long live the Cyberman.

Cyberman: Long live the Cyberman.

Tony Padilla: I do not want to be turned into one of those things.

Cyberman: Bring the next one.

Marcus begins making his way towards the cage as he opens it up. Marcus begins making his way towards Jessica.

Justin Foley: NO!

Justin jumps on top of Marcus followed by Alex.

Cyberman: Delete them.

Marcus pushes off both Justin & Alex out of the way as Clay, Tony, & Zach tried next but to no avail. Marcus grabs Jessica by her hair as Sheri, Ashley, & Courtney tried to stop Marcus but he pushes them out of the way. Marcus inserts Jessica into the pod as the Cyberman closes the cage door.

Clay Jensen: NO!!!

Justin Foley: JESSICA!!!

Alex Standal: LET HER GO ASSHOLE!!!

Cyberman: Begin conversion.

Out of nowhere, a pallet comes bouncing in as it goes off, shutting down the Cybermen.

Tyler Down: What happened?

The Doctor: That was a EMP pallet. But how...? Where...?

Hannah Baker enters the room much to everyone's surprise.

Hannah Baker: Sorry I took so long. Time traffic.

Clay Jensen: Hannah? You're alive.

The Doctor: But how?

Justin Foley: Hannah, Jess is inside that pod.

Hannah goes towards the pod as she takes out the sonic screwdriver and begins using it on the pod as it opens it up with Jessica coming out.

Jessica Davis: Hannah? You're alive!

Hannah Baker: Yeah.

Jessica embraces Hannah in hug as she's glad that she's alive.

Hannah Baker: I'm really sorry for not stopping Bryce.

Jessica Davis: I forgive you. I'm just glad that you're alive.

Bryce Walker: Hey, girls. Glad that you're both alive but we like to get out.

Hannah Baker: Shut the fuck up, Bryce!

The Doctor: Hannah, where did you get that?

Hannah Baker: From you.

Hannah uses the sonic screwdriver on the cage door as she let's them out.

Hannah Baker: I ran into you back in the year 2002. And you did not looked like this.

Zach Dempsey: Wait, you saw him in 2002?

Clay Jensen: How do you not remember meeting her in 2002 and I did?

The Doctor: I don't know.

Hannah Baker: He had to erase me from his memory. Why, Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey.

The Doctor: Oh, you've met that Doctor.

Hannah Baker: By the way, you forgot to mention that you can change appearances. Jenny told us that you can do that.

The Doctor: Time Lords regenerate when they're close to death.

Clay Jensen: So that's how you got back, The Doctor brought you here.

The Doctor: Impossible, I can't cross my time stream.

Hannah Baker: Which brings me to this baby.

Hannah shows off the time vortex manipulator.

The Doctor: A time vortex manipulator?

Hannah Baker: You gave me this and you also told me to give it back to you along with the sonic screwdriver.

Hannah returns The Doctor the sonic screwdriver & time vortex manipulator.

Hannah Baker: And you also gave me this Cybermen survival kit.

Hannah shows off what The Doctor gave her. EMP pallets, laser pointers, shock batons, & more.

Sheri Holland: A laser pointer?

The Doctor: It blinds them. Those pallets aren't enough to stop them.

Ashley: How are we going to stop them?

The Doctor: First, we need to free the others. Second, we need to destroy this ship. Destroying this ship will shut down all of the Cybermen on earth. But I also going to need the TARDIS in order to leave to get off of this ship for when I destroy it.

Clay Jensen: What are we waiting for? Let's go.

Jessica Davis: How are we going to get everyone off this ship?

The Doctor: We'll take them towards the teleport pads.

The Doctor leads the teens around the Cybermen ship as they use the laser pointer to blind the Cybermen followed by thowing EMP pallets and shock batons to subdue the Cybermen. They free the other students & staff. The Doctor leads everyone to the teleporter pads as he uses his sonic screwdriver to set up the coordinates to teleport everyone back to Liberty.

The Doctor: Everyone, 4 at a time.

The jocks hold off the Cybermen with the EMP pallets and shock batons as everyone teleports back to Liberty. 4 by 4, everyone returns to Liberty as the last ones to get teleported were The Doctor, Tyler, Zach, & Tony. Everyone is relieved that they managed to escape.

Hannah Baker: Everyone, it's not over yet. There are more of them attacking Evergreen.

Zach Dempsey: Evergreen County is our home. So we need to defend our home

Clay Jensen: If Jeff Atkins were here, he'd say "What are we waiting for? Let's kick some ass!".

Everyone agrees as they begins marching downtown. The Doctor heads for the TARDIS as Hannah, Clay, Tony, Jessica, Sheri, & Justin follow him inside as they take in the sight of the ship.

Justin Foley: Holy shit!

Sheri Holland: It's bigger on the inside.

Jessica Davis: How is it bigger on the inside?

Clay Jensen: It's a alien thing.

Hannah Baker: Doctor, the plan?

The Doctor: We'll take the TARDIS up to their ship and set it to self destruct. Away from the planet of course. I don't want to put you kids in danger...

Hannah Baker: Doctor, this is our planet. This is our home.

Clay Jensen: We know the risk.

Jessica Davis: What do we have to lose.

The Doctor: Alright, then. I need for you to distract the Cybermen while I sneak in to their control room to set the self destruction.

Hannah Baker: You can count on us.

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