Once Upon A Time In Colombia...

Oleh Icemoor47

228 15 80

The cowardly but loyal Oscar Madrigal is a Bengal cat who lives with his extraordinary family, the Madrigals... Lebih Banyak

About the Bengal
The Family Madrigal!
Pressure and Predictions
Why Can't We Talk About Bruno?
Of Self-Doubt and Apologies
The Catastrophic Collapse Of Casita and The Cowardly Cat
Forest Follies
Opposed to All Foes
Oscar And Tawney Against The World (Two-Part Chapter)
Una Reunión Muy Peluda


22 1 10
Oleh Icemoor47

Just to recap: We introduced you to the family, the self-conflicts going on with Mirabel and I, my first attempt to be a braver kitty being successful...

And now Antonio's ceremony is starting. I'm perched on the railing, next to Abuela. Ooh, this had better work. I need to see what a successful gift ceremony looks like. I MUST!

"Fifty years ago, in our darkest moment, this candle blessed us with a miracle... And the greatest honor of our family has been to use our blessings to serve this beloved community."

Cristo, why does she talk so slow?

"Tonight, we come together once more as another steps into the light... to make us proud."

I was nervous—no, TERRIFIED—about my gift ceremony. And so is he. Casita tried to get him to move, but he didn't budge. He was frozen in one spot. Glued, like I was last year.

He turned to his left and outstretched his hand. Who's he offering a hand to?


Oh, Mirabel. I guess she's walking him down to his door. Everyone, myself and herself included, knows that she's not supposed to, but if gets Antonio to budge, that's all that matters to me. Wish I had that confidence...

Especially since her own gift ceremony. She told me about that day... Walking down the aisle, anticipating what gift she could possibly get... And what would've been her door disappearing into the wall. Unfortunately, I could only imagine how distraught she was. And she was only five.

On that note, what a bogus way for someone's birthday to end!

In all honesty, I knew how that felt. My door (which was shorter than everyone else's doors, mind you) faded into the wall, too. Dios mio, did I want to run away. I felt like a flat out disgrace to this family. Sometimes I wonder if Mirabel felt the same way.

Every step for her felt like a painful reminder of our unsuccessful ceremonies.

Abuela, seeing Mirabel walk Antonio down, looked anxious. "Let her do this. It's getting Antonio to move... After all, it's not her fault she's underappreciated when she's trying to help." I whispered, the second half of my sentence laced with ponzoña (venom).

I ignored the condescending look Abuela gave me. I wasn't in the mood for arguing. Especially during a gift ceremony.

It was a slow minute, but Antonio was now at the second floor, in front of Abuela and his door.

"Will you use your gift to honor our miracle? Will you serve this community and strengthen our home?"

Of course... Mirabel and I have been trying to do that... Well, for Mira, the past ten years, for me, the past year.

Antonio nodded to both questions and stood in front of his door. This'll work. It HAS to work. He hesitated for a second, then placed his hand on the doorknob. The door flashed, blinding me for only a split second, then a keel-billed tucán flew in and landed on Antonio's arm.

It chirped at him, almost as if it was speaking to him. "Uh-huh, uh-huh, I understand you." Antonio said, delighted. Hang on... Is his gift what I think it is?

"Of course they can come!"

Wait, who can come?


The toucan squawked loudly. Then a bunch of other animals raced through the crowd to Antonio. Other tucánes, carpinchos (capybaras), pizotes (coatis), colibríes (hummingbirds), and a danta (tapir) or two. His door formed into what appears to be a zoo, with him in the middle!

No wonder he didn't wanna leave me alone when I was adopted! He just LOVES animals! Now he has his gift to prove it!

"We have a new gift!" Abuela announced happily.

Everyone below us cheered (even though Dolores had to cover her ears) as fireworks went off. We entered Antonio's new room for it to reveal a HUGE bosque lluvioso (rainforest)! "It's bigger on the inside?!" Alejandra exclaimed behind me.

As we all gawked at Antonio's new room, a roar could be heard behind us. I froze in place and slowly turned around, fearing that the roar came from what I think it came from.

The crowd stepped aside to make way for... Oh, dios mio...


"Antonio! ¡Cuidado (Watch out)!"

The jaguar scooped Antonio on his back and raced throughout the room. No importa (nevermind)... I guess he's not gonna eat him. I hopped up on Mirabel's shoulder. "It's amazing..." I was at a loss for words. Literally.

I'd snap my fingers if I had thumbs.

The jaguar stopped in front of the family... That we never felt like we were truly a part of...

"I knew you could do it. A gift just as special as you."

That hurt. It hurt us both. Feeling so... Alone, and unworthy. Sighing, I rubbed my head against Mirabel.

To be honest, I always felt as though I didn't have a gift. Assuming you know why. If bravery was a gift, I'd be so much better.

The family gathered together for a picture. There was a flash, and then... It seemed as though everything was now in slow motion.

This is getting out of control. We can no longer keep it together. Giftless, feeling useless... It's becoming too much. There has to be more to life than this... Right?

Don't be upset or mad at all

Don't feel regret, or sad at all

Hey, we're still a part of the family Madrigal

And we're fine, we are totally fine

*Oscar shakes his head, he disagrees with her*

We will stand on the side as you shine

We're not fine, we're not fine

We can't move the mountains (No we cannot)

We can't make flowers bloom (Tis sad but true)

We can't take another night up in my room

Waiting on a miracle

We can't heal what's broken (What counts is the thought)

Can't control the morning rain or a hurricane (It's just me and you)

Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain

Always waiting on a miracle, a miracle

Always walking alone (Sick of being alone)

Always wanting for more (Always wanting for more)

Like I'm still at that door

Longing to shine like all of you shine

Mirabel and Oscar: All we need is a change

All we need is a chance

All we know is we can't stay on the side

Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes (Oscar: Abre tus ojos, abre tus ojos, abre tus ojos)!

: We would move the mountains (Instead of testing my heartbeat)

Make new trees and flowers grow (I'll perform a fantastic feat)

Someone please just let us know, where do we go?

We are waiting on a miracle, a miracle

We would heal what's broken (Wouldn't that be great?)

Show this family something new (You have what it takes!)

Who we are inside, so what can we do?

We're sick of waiting on a miracle, so here we go

We are ready!

Oscar: Vamos, we're ready!

Both: We've been patient and steadfast and steady!

Bless us now as you blessed us all those years ago

When you gave us a miracle!

*looking at each other with similar forlorn faces*

Are we too late for a miracle?

Here we were, just her and me in this lonely, empty courtyard. Just like our dwindling sense of self-worth. Lonely and empty.

"Looks like it's you and me against the world, mi querida prima (my dear cousin). For we have been left out of the festivities once again."

"But..." Poor Mirabel was trying to hold back tears. "I want it to be all of us against the world. I love you, Oscar, I really do."

"I know. I may not have been the smartest kitty in my litter, but I know this; this "shunning us out" thing won't last forever. One day, things are going to take a turn for the better. One day, things will be very different."

"You really think so?" She asked me, as though she wanted to believe me, but couldn't fully.

"I know so. Mark my words, Mirab—"


"AH!" I flinched. "What was that?!" Then I saw it. One of the roof tiles. Mirabel walked over to inspect it. "Unbelievable. Scared by an inanimate object." I admonished myself. Abuela would be disappointed.

As she looked at the broken tile, she cut her hand on the sharp edge. "Ow!" She winced. Suddenly, the tiles on the floor were fritzing in their places. Was I scared? Of course! But I was also curious as to what in the world was going on.

Mirabel reached for the tiles... Then a huge crack formed on the floor with a loud noise that nearly gave me a heart attack. What's going on?!

The cracks just kept spreading everywhere! The kitchen, the halls, all the way up to Abuela's room, where we saw that the candle was petering out. We watched in pure horror at this catastrophe. Is the magic dying?! Or isn't it? Is this an illusion? Are we seeing things?


One thing's for sure; we need to get Abuela!

We raced through the crowd in Antonio's room. "The house is in danger!" The band stopped, and we found Abuela, who looked concerned.

"The tiles were falling, and there were cracks everywhere... And the candle almost went out." Mirabel said, out of breath. The people began to mutter uncomfortably amongst themselves. Abuela observed this for a moment before turning back to us. "Show me."

Back at the courtyard, the Casita... Wait... It looks unscathed now! But how?! It was up to the roof in cracks just a few seconds ago!

"What? No, that's... The cracks were there, they were... Everywhere. The house was in trouble, the, the candle was..."

Isabela looked at her and scoffed. I paid no mind to her snobbish action. Abuela looked up at the candle, then back to Mirabel, embarrassed and disappointed.

"Abuela, I promise—"

"That's enough." Abuela held her hand up to silence her.

"I wasn't the only one who saw it!" Mirabel said, gesturing to me. "Oscar, tell them!" She whispered in a 'help me out here!' kind of tone.

For whatever reason, the need to tell everyone what was happening to the house overpowered my crippling stage fright. And that's saying something.

"No, she's right, there WERE cracks on the floor, the walls... Everywhere! The candle almost went out! We both saw it, Abuela, you gotta believe us—"

"I said, that's enough." She said, more forcefully. I winced, then sighed, hopping back up on Mirabel's shoulders. Abuela put her face of confidence on and turned to the crowd.

"There is nothing wrong with la Casa Madrigal. The magic is strong! And so are the drinks!"

Did she just imply that we, minors, were drinking?! Does she really think we were hallucinating all of this?! I groaned, facepalming. "This is so humiliating, I am so sorry, Mirabel."

"It's okay. You tried to help... We both did."

I can't believe we just got gaslighted by a house!


"If it was all in our heads, then how did she cut her hand?"

Mirabel, tía Julieta, and I sat in the kitchen as the party continued elsewhere. She was preparing an arepa for her daughter. "Oscar's right. I would never ruin Antonio's night! Is that really what you think?" Mirabel asked her mother.

"What I think is that today was very hard for the both of you—"

"That's not... The entire problem." I cut Julieta off. "We were looking out for the family. And I might not be super strong like Luisa, or effortlessly perfect like Señorita Perfecta Isabela, who's never even had a bad hair day. But..." Mirabel sighed. "Whatever."

I've had bad hair days, but those weren't days when I was in a bad mood. Those would be days where I'm either woken up too early, being scolded for not eliminating pests fast enough, or having to take a bath.

Yeah, I ripped a bag of flour open once. Deal with it.

Casita delivered the arepa to Julieta, who moves closer to Mirabel. She takes a bite from the arepa. "I wish you could see yourself the way Oscar and I do. You are perfect, just like this. You're just as special as anyone else in this family." Julieta said. I nodded.

"Mhm. You just healed my hand with an arepa con queso."

Is she gonna finish that arepa con queso?

"I healed your hand..." Then Julieta got playful like. "With love for my daughter. With her wonderful brain..."

Mirabel tried to wriggle away from her mother's affection. "Agh."

"...Big heart..."


"...Cool glasses..."


Julieta gave Mirabel a big kiss on her cheek. "Ay, te amo, cosa linda."

Though she tried to snuggle up to Mirabel, she isn't won over. She extricates herself, "We know what we saw."

Julieta sighed. "Mira, my brother Bruno lost his way in this family... I don't want the same for you and Oscar. Get some sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow."

Easier said than done, tía Julieta. Now I'm paranoid that I'm gonna have nightmares. I mean, every night, I get at least a little paranoid about having nightmares. Nothing bad has to happen that day, either!

The scene was playing on loop inside my brain; the cracks forming everywhere, and the candle almost going out. It wouldn't go away, no matter how much I wish it would.

"Can't sleep?" Mirabel asked me. "No. I can't. I wish I could. But now I'm scared... Could the house really be in trouble?" I answered, then asked. "I... I don't know, mi amor. I just don't know." Mirabel bent down over her bed to stroke the back of my neck. Ohh... That feels good... "Try to get some sleep, okay? I'll have a plan by morning."

And within seconds, I drifted off to sleep.




Wait... What just happened?

Why am I back in the courtyard?

What's everyone else doing up? Don't they know what time it is?

Why is Isabela's dress a bunch of different colors? Wasn't it a bright pastel purple last I checked?

Why are Mirabel and Abuela arguing?!

"Luisa will never be strong enough... Isabela won't be perfect enough... Bruno only left because you only saw the worst in him!"

¿Que? Is that true? Could it possibly be true?

"Bruno didn't care about this family!"

That isn't true! We just don't know the reason WHY he left!

"He LOVES this family! I love this family! We all love this family! You're the one that doesn't care! You're the one breaking our home!"

It's true! I love this family! More than anything!

"Don't you ever—!"


"Our miracle is dying, because of you!"

In that very moment, the biggest crack anyone has ever seen appears on the floor.

Chaos, as Mirabel ran off to try and save the candle.

Everyone urging her to leave it and escape while she still can.

And me, glued to her shoulder. Petrified as too much was happening at once.

Finally, she grabs it. But then the tower comes crashing down. Down... Down... The only direction we could go from there.

We both landed on the cracked floor, candle in hand. We looked up at the debris that was about to fall!

But then...

It all cut to black.




"Oscar! ¡Despierta (Wake up)!"

And wake up I did. With a loud yell that probably would've woken Dolores up... And quite possibly everyone else on this side of the second floor. "Whoa, hey, Oscar, chill!"

My blurry vision finally cleared up. At that moment, I zeroed in on my surroundings. I was back in Mirabel's room. Thank goodness...

Trembling, I leaped into Mirabel's arms, not bothering to hold back the oncoming tears. She put her arms around me. My breathing was shaky and labored. An occasional sob slipped out. Mirabel, the good prima she is, rubbed my back in slow, gentle strokes from head to tail. I just couldn't bring myself to purr right now.

"It's okay. Breathe. I'm right here."

I meant to meow, like a normal cat, but instead it came out as "mama." And Mirabel only hugged me tighter. "Yeah, mamá's right here..."

The sobs eventually turned into small hiccups. It felt like horas (hours) before the trembling came down. She didn't stop stroking my back. Mirabel knows exactly how to calm me down after a nightmare...

As does Camilo. Last week, I dreamt I was being eaten alive by this enormous rope-like creature that humans probably call a serpiente (snake), and I almost bolted out of the room. Believe me or not, all it took for Camilo to calm me down was a tight hug.

All of the nietos (grandchildren), minus Antonio who occasionally draws a blank, have their own ways of getting me to settle down.

This nightmare is different, though... It was almost like I had a future vision. Kinda like...

"¿Pesadilla (Nightmare)?"

I nodded.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I didn't answer at first. Do I wanna talk about it? She's probably gonna think I'm crazy...

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but it might make you feel better—"

"The cracks came back." I blurted out. There was a mix of concern and interest on her face. I guess she believes me. "Tell me everything that happened."

"I don't even know... First, you and Abuela were arguing... Then Casita started to fall apart... I don't know, Mira... It was just a dream. It can't possibly be real..." I've felt unsure about a lot of things, but this would be at the top of the list. "Can it?"

Mirabel pondered on for a few moments, then sighed. "That dream you had, Oscar... It sounds real." She whispered. "I mean... You and I both saw the cracks, right?"


"And you saw cracks in your dream, right?"

"Are you suggesting that I just predicted the future? Because that'd be really cool... And terrifying."

"Your dream sounds terrible. I'm so sorry you had to see all that." Mirabel said, pulling me close again. "It's okay... So, if the magic really could be in trouble... What should we do?"

"Well, before I saw you thrashing and shouting in your sleep, I was thinking..." Mirabel trailer off, presumably for dramatic effect.


She took the family picture and showed it to me. "There's one person in this family who hears everything about everything..."


"... so if anyone would know what's wrong with the magic, it's her."

Señorita Dolores, why didn't I think of that before?

No, I'm serious, why didn't I? 'Cause, I could be a half a mile away from the Casita, away from everyone's earshot, and Dolores could still hear me. I learned this the hard way...

So tomorrow morning, we find Dolores. Time to save the miracle! And the Encanto!

Why did this chapter take me so long to finish?! Argh!

Anyway, I'm hoping the next one doesn't take as long. Get ready for Oscar's analysis of "Surface Pressure!"

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