Hating You

Bởi marvelshi

108K 2.1K 12.2K

{ENEMIES TO LOVERS} Ivory Fernández and Kylian De Luca. She's the top assassin. He's the top mafia leader... Xem Thêm

introduction <3
my amazing characters
01 | found you
02 | accompany the enemy
03 | message received
04 | rory
05 | training test
06 | under attack
07 | bad boys
08 | first mission
09 | just keep swimming
11 | friends
12 | avengers assemble
13 | second mission
14 | one star motel
15 | watching the stars
16 | pick up lines
17 | italy
18 | secrets
19 | birthday girl
20 | training session
21 | rooftop
22 | drunk words, sober thoughts
23 | speedy
24 | black ops three
25 | midnight talks
26 | the annual ball
27 | life isn't fair
28 | extraction
29 | stay
30 | truth or a lie
31 | fast and furious
32 | vienna, austria
33 | confessions
34 | eeny meeny, miny moe
35 | connected by light
36 | comfort
38 | one v. one
39 | father of the year
40 | forever
authors note <3

10 | it's not a date

3.6K 76 586
Bởi marvelshi

^^ dress 🤪 ^^

"Who killed my family?" I grit out, aiming my gun at the guy kneeling in front of me with his hand tied. "I asked a fucking question."

"He'll torture me," he mutters, lifting his head to meet my eyes. "Okay?" That's what all of them said and I'm really starting to lose my patience.

"You're going to have to kill me," he breathes out. Say nothing. I shrug and shoot his head.

My eyes flutter open and I let out a groan. Another shit nightmare? Oh great, it even woke me up at two in the morning.

I could wake up Kylian?

No. Every time he opens his mouth, I lose a brain cell.

Yes, do it.

No. Not doing it. I'll just go train. I need to anyway.

Hey, guys, another vlog on how I live my assassin life. Ew, I'm never doing that ever again.

After freshening up, I change my clothes and head to the massive training room. I had one in my house and it's way better if you ask me.

As I walk through the hallways, Elio stops me. "Are you just... always awake?" I ask, genuinely concerned.

"Yes," he smiles, "I'm a vampire actually." His sarcasm is much appreciated. Little does he know, I love vampires. By that, I mean Klaus Mikaelson.

"Really?" I gasp exaggeratedly, "That's good to know, señorita," I pat his shoulder teasingly and walk past him.

"Uh, I'm a señor, thank you. And you still haven't answered my question," he scoffs.

I stop and turn to face him. "Me is going to train, and you are going to fuck off, comprender?"

He sends me a blank look and when I hear no response, I start walking away. Of course, with my middle finger up.

"I don't like you!" he yells. If he wakes up Kylian, he's dead. Which is good. I don't like him.

"Awh, that's sad!" Very sad in fact. I'm amazing. Imagine not liking me? Embarrassing.

I also really want to throw a slipper at him for having the audacity to say that. Puta.

Once I'm in the training room, I flick the lights on and take a look around. Yeah, mine is way better.

I slip on some boxing gloves and start hitting the punching bag. Now, who's face should I imagine hitting?

Maybe Kylian's face. He did push me into a pool. I can't forget that.

Why not my family's killer? Do I know what they look like? Well... no. But whatever.

I've been trying to find that person for years, even Isiah tried to help but to no avail. I just hope they're still alive so I can be the one to kill them.

They ruined my life. I was sixteen. Who even wants to kill a sixteen-year-old? Bet they were just jealous of my amazing skills.

Like if you wanted to get better, you could have just asked me to teach you. No need to kill my parents.

I hope they're doing good six feet under. The casket better not be rotting or some shit.

The killer could be anyone, I think to myself. It literally could be my great-great-grandma who came back from the dead to kill them.

Why? Yeah, don't ask me. Ask her.


"Rory!" I hear someone yell. That can only be one person considering only one person calls me that instead of Ivory. Kylian Mbap- De Luca.

"There you are," he says, letting out a breath as he heads in my direction but I just ignore him and continue to punch the poor bag.

If he's here, how long have I've been training for? There's sunlight shining in through the windows, Ivory. Oh. Did I seriously not notice that?

"You realise I'm talking to you, right?" he scoffs. Well, no.

I finally stop what I'm doing and turn to face him. "You realise I'm ignoring you, right?"

"Watch your attitude, darling," he chuckles, his lips tugging up into a smile. What's funny about this? Except for his face- I really need to stop.

"Yeah?" I tilt my head slightly, taking off the gloves. "Or what?"

"Hit me," he shrugs, taking a step towards me. Is he mentally okay?

"Not trying to hurt your ego but do you want to get hurt?" I genuinely question. I mean, I don't mind hitting him. But he's asking me to do it? I think he's gone mad.

Without warning, he pulls out a gun. Does this man always have a gun on him? I immediately twist it out of his hands and toss it away.

"Nice reflexes," he smirks. Don't say it- oh, why not? "That's what she said," we both blurt out at the same time.

I thought he hated that phrase? What is up with him and his obsession with copying me.

"You've got to stop copying me," I huff. "Yeah? Or what?" he copies my words from earlier.

You see, this is why I hate him one hundred percent. He's annoying, cocky, and has the world's biggest ego.

So maybe hitting him isn't so bad after all? I kick him in the stomach and he stumbles back. "Oops?"

"That's it?" he teases. I know he's playing around with me and it's annoying. But am I still going to hit him? Yes. It's fun.

I throw a punch and it cuts his lips, making me take a step back. "That was a good hit." What? It's true.

He wipes the little blood with his thumb and shrugs. "Only that, love? You broke one of my ribs once."

Okay, in my defence... I actually don't have one but he did push me into a pool.

Again, I attempt to throw a punch at him but he grabs hold of my fist and turns me around so that my back is against his chest.

"Now you're dead," he whispers teasingly. Oh, he needs to shush. I bet I can easily kill him.

I elbow him and within seconds, I'm straddling him. "Am I, Kylian?" I ask.

Suddenly, he flips me over, him now hovering over me with a hand on each side of my head. Ho- ho, ho, yay Christmas. I totally wasn't going to say something else.

I try to get out of his grip but he stops me. "Have you've been training all night?" he questions.

"I don't think you care but I have," I shrug.

"Okay, you and I are gonna go out," he states rather than asks. There's no way he's being serious.

"Very funny, Dory," I mutter. Why would we willingly hang out with each other? No. No. No. One billion times no.

"We've been so busy with missions and working so why not? Friends for one night?" he suggests.

I mean, there's no harm in going out for one night with him? Besides, who knows, it might be kinda fun.

"I won't let you go until you agree, I'm also a mafia leader so take that as a threat," he jokes, poking his cheek with the tip of his tongue to hold back his laughter.

"Fine," I grumble. If anyone asks why I went out with this dipshit, my answer is because of force.

"Let's have fun- that's what she said," he blurts out and I laugh despite my efforts not to. "You're turning me into you, you know that, right?"

"That's good. I'm amazing," I smile mockingly. I am. He should be grateful. Who wouldn't want to be me?

"It's eleven in the morning, be ready by five, got it?" he makes known as he finally stands up and reaches his hand for me.

"You're kinda hot all bossy," I blurt out under my breath as he helps me up. Please tell me he didn't hear those very untrue words.

"Hmm?" he looks at me with a slight smirk. "Nothing," I quickly respond, walking away from him.

"I'll see you soon, it's a date," his smile only grows. "No, it's not," I huff. I will never go on a date with him.

Him equals idiot. Me equals perfection. We don't go together.

"Obviously, it's not. Don't flatter yourself," he scoffs. Um? What's that supposed to mean?

"I bet you'd love to go on a date with me," I smirk and he just rolls his eyes at my comment.

"I'll see you at five, Dory!" I shout as I'm about to step out of the room. "Eat before we leave!" he yells back.

I can't believe I'm willingly hanging out with him. Did I emphasise the 'willingly' while I said that to myself? Yes.

"Elio," I greet with a forced smile once I see him walking towards me. "You need to eat," he says, "so to the kitchen we go."

"Yay," I mumble sarcastically as he drags me away. I am perfectly capable of walking. We're not going to talk about my foot injury.

My eyes widen once I step into the kitchen considering there's a bunch of bakery foods on the table. Holy shit.

Noticing Riley and Bella sitting at the table, I take a seat next to them. "Hey putas."

"I may not know español but I know what that means," Bella huffs, crossing her arms while Riley just laughs. Sorry, fiancé.

I look up at Elio who's leaning against the island counter, taking a bite of an apple. "Just so you know, Ivory, Bella is planning a wedding with Riley."

I audibly gasp at his words. She did not. "You're cheating on me?" The pain I'm feeling right now is too much.

"In our defence, we also bought you a ring," Riley utters while pulling out a silver ring from her pocket and handing it to me.

"Don't fall for their tricks, Ivory," Elio sings as he walks out. "Oh, shut it!" Riley yells and throws an apple at him.

I like her. But she stole my fiancé. But she did give me a ring. But she stole my fiancé.

Bella then hands me a chocolate cupcake. Fuck, chocolate is my favourite. "Forgive me?"

"Hmm, I'll think about it," I shrug. You see, cheating is not something I forget about. I'm very hurt by this.

"So," Riley smirks, "what are you doing today... especially at five?" Wait- how does she know?

"Breathing," I state simply, "I'm going to be breathing." Well, it's not like I'm lying, right?

"Breathing next to Kylian," Bella whispers under her breath as if I can't hear. I'm very confused on how they know.

"I heard that and so what?" It's one night to get my mind off everything. Nothing else. They're acting as if it's a date. And it's most definitely not.

"Oh, my God," Riley exclaims, "Bella and I would love to help you get ready, I thought you would never ask."

"I never asked," I grumble. "Awh, it's fine, we'll help, don't worry," Bella feigns a sigh, placing her hand on her heart.


"Riley, are you trying to burn my hair?" She's been holding that curling iron on my hair for a cornering amount of time.

"Shush, I know what I'm doing," she rolls her eyes, finally releasing my hair from around the curling iron and it looks perfect. Okay, maybe she does know what she's doing.

"What about this?" Bella asks, holding up a red dress. "All the dresses you've picked are red," I tell her with a blank expression.

"Red is a hot colour," she shrugs. "You mean it's Kylian's favourite colour?" Riley laughs at my face drops. Is she serious?

"I'm going with a black dress," I shrug. I'm not going to dress up to impress him. This is not a date.

"So this?" she holds up the perfect black dress. It's square collared -one of my favourites. Also, the black sleeves look so good, and for what?

"I'm done, go get dressed," Riley practically pushes me into the walk in closet with the dress. They really want me to go, huh?

Quickly, I change into the dress and black high heels to match before looking at the mirror. Damn.

I reach for some sunglasses but stop. Should I? Yes. It's a necessity to the outfit.

I grab them and put them on. See, now I look even better. How is that possible? I don't know.

I step out of the room and spin. "So do I look hot or amazing?" I ask with a smirk.

"Amazing," "Hot," Riley and Bella reply at the same time. I can't say I disagree.

"Okay, now go then tell us everything," Riley grins as we walk out of the room. They're seriously acting as if this is a date.

"Sure," I mumble sarcastically, walking down the stairs with them by my side. Once I reach the bottom, I turn to them. "Remember this is not a date."

"Mhm, definitely," Bella says with a grin, nodding her head. "Now out."

Rolling my eyes, I step outside and see Kylian leaning against Mustang GT with a. cigarette in his mouth. 

I look him up and down. Am I breathing okay? He looks very... good with a suit on.

"You look... presentable," he shrugs. Presentable? Really?

"You said we have to be friends for today, so compliment me," I smirk. I might as take advantage of this.

"You look pretty," he mumbles, barely audible. "What was that, Dory?" I prod.

"I said you look pretty," he shrugs and opens the door for me. That was nice or whatever.

"You don't look too bad as well," I tell him as I get inside the car. I don't know where we're going but this better be worth it.

okay, i said i wanted them to hate each other more but i rlly wanted to write this chapter so they'll have an argument soon 👍

the next chapter is literally so cute, you can't blame me bro

they're so cute as well, someone hand me a rope 😇👍

word count | 2326

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