Queen Of The North (LOTR)

Av winterwarroir

832 27 1

She was no longer gone. The threat of her kingdom growing in the elven hearts. The betrayals and backstabbing... Mer

1. Prologue
2. Fellowship
3. Old Friends
4. Caradhras
5. Moria
6. Balrog
8. The Lonely Moutnain
9. Hail The Dead
10. Gondor
11. Osgiliath
12. Battle of Pelennor Fields
13. Mothers Of The Land
14. Black Gates
15. End Of All War

7. Helm's Deep

40 2 0
Av winterwarroir

Nyx sat with Dalzag looking over the edge of the cliff ''You think Gandalf survived that fall?'' Dalzag leaned against her with a great sigh ''there was another here... Zeuxippe, she was sent to kill you in the water. She must've killed the wizard down there''

Nyx help the man stand ''We need to see Gaia'' ''She still lives?'' His eyes seemed to doze down, love lingering his eyes. She was pure beauty in his eyes. But Gaia didn't share the feeling back when he confessed

''Yes... but she has a husband, do not hope, my friend. She is in Erebor, as the queen under the mountain. We must leave, come'' Nyx patted his back. Him lighting up in flames, to the purest form of a balrog coming back to life

''Take us there my friend'' Nyx jumped on his back, gripped tightly around his neck. His wings spread out to hurry them over the edge. Over the edge the flame fluffed out to dust ''Dalzag!'' within a panicked move, he whipped his whip wrapping it around the large stone piler holding them up

Dalzag dragged them up the whip ''So were walking all the way there...'' Nyx groaned, helping the man stand ''maybe cloths before we reach there'' ''Clothes are overrated'' both chuckled walking out into the heat of the sun. Their skin almost cried out in joy. Too long have they been locked in the darkness of Moria

''You remember this feeling?'' Nyx took a great whiff of air in ''When we first came out of Angband, the sun was hot, hotter than the flames we wore'' Nyx's nails drag into his side ''The sun wasn't up when rose'' Dalzag eyes glazed over

''Oh, you are right...'' Dalzag members still were faded from his sight ''It was still nice, leaving Angband'' they walked talking of the old days, who lived and died. Who came back from the dead and who never did.

''So, so you're telling me. The golden haired boy, what was his name?'' Dalzag chuckled ''Glorfindel, killed Gomzak?'' Nyx giggled through her nose with a nod ''I would never have thought''

''What happened to Rulzaker? I didn't see her in the last battle'' Dalzag coughed patting his chest ''She... well...'' Nyx running her hand up and down his side ''You killed her'' her long fingernail circled around the scar on his hip. The star of Rulzaker marking him ''She was going to kill Gaia'' Nyx understood

Rulzaker was an unpleasant Balrog. She would kill anyone, how dared betray Morgoth. Nyx had faced her, the same star on her thief. If he didn't kill her, she was going to on the last battle against the dark lord


''Edorla and The Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Theoden King of Rohan whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Theoden is now very strong'' Half of the fellowship looked at Edorla out to the descant

''Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here'' As they neared the gate, Rohan's flag fell to the ground. People stared at the rode into the city ''You'll find more cheer in a graveyard''

They walked up the long stairs, but got stopped at the door ''I cannot allow you before Theoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame, by order of Grima Wormtongue'' The men empty out their weapons

''Your staff'' Gandalf laughed ''You wouldn't part an old man from his walking stick, would you'' The man sighed, letting them through

Gandalf took Legolas arm, acting with his words ''The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late... Theoden King'' The man next to Theoden, whispered something in his ear ''Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow?'' his worlds were muttered out through the grey hairs of his bread

''A just question, my liege'' The younger man stood ''Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell, I name him. I'll news is an ill guest''

Gandalf spat to the man how walked down to him ''keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm'' Gandalf pointed his staff at him

''His staff. I told you to take the wizard's staff!'' The men how followed the fellowship in, attacked. Gandalf pointed his staff at Theoden while the men fought off the attackers with ease ''Theoden, son of Thengel, too long have you sat in the shadows'' Legolas knocked a man on his ass

Gimli pinned Grima to the floor, growling ''Hearken to me! I release you from the spell!'' The king started to laugh ''You have no power here, Gandalf the grey'' Gandalf ripped off his grey coat, the light shocking him back ''I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound'' The king slammed against the throne. A woman runs into the room. Aragorn catching her before she got too close to Gandalf ''Wait''

''If I go, Theoden dies'' Gandalf pressed him down again ''You did not kill me, you will not kill him'' ''Rohan is mine!'' ''be gone!'' ''Ahhh!!'' The king tried to attack Gandalf, only to slam back into the throne

The woman ran to the king. His eyes started to clear, hair going back to blonde, bread growing short ''I know your face... Eowyn... Eowyn'' He whispered, looking upwards ''Gandalf?'' ''Breathe the free air again, my friend'' He stood

''Dark have been my dreams of late'' ''Your fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped your sword'' A guard brought it to him, he pulled it out slowly. Looking down at Grima

The guards took him throwing him out of the hall, down the stairs roughly ''I've only ever served you, My lord'' ''Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!'' The people started to gather

''Send me not from your sight'' Theoden lifted up his sword to behead Grima when Aragorn caught his sword ''No, My lord! No, my lord, let him go. Enough blood has been spilt on his account'' Grima run pushing pasted the people, grabbing a horse leaving

''Hail, Theodon King!'' Aragorn called. The people bowled, Theodon looked behind him, the others bowling their heads ''Where is Theodred? Where is my son?'' Eowyn teared up

''My king... His dead''

''Helm's deep!'' Gandalf grumbled ''They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king?'' Gimli also grumbled as they walked into the horse stables

''he's only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helms Deep has saved them in the past'' ''There is no way out of that ravine. Theoden is walking into a trap, he thinks he's leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre''

Aragorn looked down ''Theoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you... The defences must hold''

''They will hold'' Legolas came closer ''Gandalf'' Gandalf stopped before jumping on his horse ''Nyx. Is she well'' Gandalf got up with the help of Aragorn ''Nyx is of the line of Dreki. They can live through anything'' that was all he could do for his anxious mind

He looked back to Aragorn ''With luck, my search will not be in vain. Look at my coming, at the first light, on the fifth day. At dawn look to the east'' ''Go'' Aragorn mumbled opening the gates. Gandalf took off out of Edorla's into the land of the north, hunting after Eomer

Aragorn walked into the hall, catching Eowyn blade ''You have some skill with the blade'' She spun her blade around, knocking Aragorn out of the way, returning it to his throat. Aragorn put his down

''Women of this country learned long ago those without swords can still die upon them'' she put away her blade ''I fear neither death nor pain'' ''What do you fear, My Lady?'' Aragorn asked. She looked back at him

''A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them. And all chance of valour has gone beyond recall or desire'' Aragorn lightly shock his head ''You're a daughter of kings... 'A shieldmaiden of Rohan'... I do not think that will be your fate'' Aragorn bowed his head walking back out to find the king

The people of Rohan had packed their stuff and started to make their way out of Edoras. Gimli rode on a horse while Eowyn leads the horse along ''It's true, you don't see many dwarf women. And in fate, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they're often mistaken for dwarf men'' Eowyn glanced back at Aragorn

''It's the beards'' He whispered ''and this, in turn, had given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground'' Eowyn laughed ''Which is, of course, ridiculous'' The horse got spoked raising forward, making Gimli stumbled onto his backside as it runs off

Eowyn helped Gimli up ''It's alright. It's alright, nobody panic. That was deliberate, it was deliberate'' Eowyn and Aragorn smiled at each other, only for it to drop in seconds. Aragorn mind wounding off, while she wounded what he was thinking about.

Later that day, Eowyn walked up to him ''Where is she?'' She asked ''The woman who gave you that jewel'' Aragorn didn't answer, getting sucked in his own head again ''My Lord?'' ''She is sailing to the Undying lands with all that is left of her kin'' Eowyn looked down, only to look up when riders rode past

It wasn't even a minute after, screaming could be heard. Aragorn run up to the hill ''A scout!'' Legolas shouted to him after he killed the orc. Aragorn rushed back to the people. The king meets him halfway

''What is it? What do you see?'' ''Wargs! We're under attack!'' The women started to cry and panic running back where they once were ''All riders to the head of the column!'' Theoden rode over to Eowyn ''You must lead the people to Helm's Deep, and make haste'' ''I can fight'' ''No! You must do this, for me'' Eowyn looked away as he rode off shouting commands ''Follow me! Hyah!''

The men rode up the hill, into battle with the wargs. Many got off their horse, like Gimli how faced down a Warg ''Bring your pretty face to my axe'' But before Gimli could kill it, Legolas shot it down

''Ha! That one counts as mine!'' Gimli turned, killing a warg that fell on him dead ''Stinkin' creature'' A orc jumped on top ready to kill Gimli, but all he did was twist the neck to kill the orc. Aragorn had gotten hock onto an orc as he tried to fight it. He ended up on the ground dragging across the hard floor

He stepped the orc through him off the warg, Aragorn looks to his wrist, tangled up in ropes. But he could not untangle it before going off the side of the cliff. Everything was over and down when Gimli looked around

''Aragorn!'' Legolas shouted ''Aragorn?'' Gimli followed, everyone glanced around finding him nowhere. Legolas walked over to the orc laughing ''Tell me what happened, and I will ease your passing'' Gimli held his axe up

''He's... dead... Took a little tumble off the cliff'' Legolas lifted him up ''You lie'' Before the orc answered with a laugh, he choked on his blood dying. Legolas took the necklace out of his hand. Legolas rush to Theoden. They looked over the cliff edge finding a fast running river. Theoden sighed looking back at his caption

''Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return, leave the dead'' Theoden took Legolas shoulder ''come''


''Where is he!'' Gimli pushed through ''Get out of the way! I'm gonna kill him!'' Aragorn glanced down at him ''You are the luckiest, the canniest, and the most reckless man I ever knew'' Gimli hugged Aragorn ''Bless you, laddie'' Aragorn patted his back ''Gimli, where is the king?'' Gimli nodded to the hall

Aragorn was close to the doors when Legolas stopped him ''Your late...'' Legolas looked him up and down ''You look terrible'' Aragorn smirked. They talked some more, unknowing to them Eowyn was ready to great Aragorn but stopped seeing Legolas pass over a bright white necklace.

It was beautiful she had to admit but she knew something was off. Aragon wasn't who she thought he was. She tried to smile but it dropped a little. Aragorn went up the stair to the great hall throwing open the doors.

The king stood; Aragorn explained what he saw ''A great host you say?'' Theoden asked ''All of Isengard has emptied'' ''How many?'' ''Ten thousand strong at least'' Aragorn was behind the king ''Ten thousand?'' ''It is an army bred for a single purpose... To destroy the world of men. There'll be here by nightfall'' ''...Let them come'' The king walked out the door, down the steps to the head guard

''I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall'' He walked out the gates ''We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping walls or set foot inside the Hornburg''

''This is no rabble of mindless orcs. These are Uruk-hai. Their armour is thick and their shields board'' Gimli pointed out ''I have fought many wars master dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep'' the king kept walking

Aragorn and Legolas followed after him ''They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman hordes will pillage and burn. We've seen it before, crops can be resown, homes rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them''

''They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages, they come to destroy its people, down to the last child'' The king looked at Aragorn grabbing his arm ''What would you have me do? Look at my men, their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end then I would have them make such an end, as to be worthy of remembrance''

''Send out riders my lord, you must call for aid'' Aragorn tied again ''And who will come? elves, dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead'' ''Gondor will answer''

''Gondor?! Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?! Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us?! Where was Gon-- No my lord Aragorn, we are alone'' The king turning jogging up the stairs

''Get the women and children into the caves'' ''We need more time to lay provisions for--'' ''There is not time, war is upon us''

The group walked off ''We will place the reserves along the wall, they can support the archers from above the gate'' Aragorn said ''Aragorn you must rest, you're, no used to us half-alive''

''My Lord Aragorn! Aragorn'' Eowyn called running up to them ''I've to be sent with the women into the caves'' She said ''That is an honourable charge'' ''To mind the children, to find food and bedding for when the men return. What renown is there in that?''

''My lady, a time may come for valour without renown, who then will your people look to in last offence'' ''Let me stand at your side, let me fight'' ''It is not in my power to command that'' ''You do not command the others to stay. They fight beside you because they would not be parted from you... Because they love you'' Eowyn snapped but her voice became softer at the end. Aragorn looked down

Eowyn realized what she had said, also looking down ''I'm sorry'' She moved to the side walking past him, then Legolas and Gimli. Aragorn looked sadly at her.

They continued their way down to the armoury, where young boys, men, and the elderly were pulled from their families and given swords and armour ''Farmers, stable boys. These are no soldiers'' Aragorn said as he threw down a sword

''Most have seen too many winters'' ''or too few... look at them, they're frightened I can see it in their eyes'' Everything went silent, looking at the elf. Legolas turn away, then turn back to Aragorn ''And they should be, three hundred against ten thousand!''

''They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras...'' ''Aragorn. They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!''

''Then I shall die as one of them!'' Aragorn snapped at Legolas, turning away going up the stair leading away from the armoury ''Let him go lad. Let him be'' Gimli stopped Legolas from following

Night had now fallen, and the men were ready to fight. Aragorn looked to get his sword after putting on his armour to find Legolas there holding it. Aragorn smiled a little ''We have traded you this fair, you have not let us astray... Forgive me, I was wrong to despair'' Aragorn shocked his head, taking the sword with one hand as the other held Legolas shoulder

''There is nothing to forgive, Legolas'' Legolas did the gesture back. Gimli came out holding his chainmail ''ew time I got this adjusted'' as he dropped it, it fell to his feet. Aragorn and Legolas both smirked

''it's a bit tight across the chest'' Gimli touched his chest. Legolas smirked looking at Aragorn. A horn then blows ''That is no orc horn'' Legolas said running up the stair, Aragorn close behind.

Elves matched into Helms deep, Haldir walked over to the shocked king ''How is this possible?'' The king asked. Haldir bowed to the king ''We bring word from Lord Elrond, of Rivendell. An alliance existed between elves and men. Long we fought and died together, we came to honour that allegiance'' Aragorn and Legolas run down the stairs

Aragon greeted Haldir with a hug ''You are most welcome'' Legolas then greeted Haldir. Haldir looked to the king ''We are proud to fight alongside men ones more''

It was nightfall when everyone was ready for the war ''Something coming'' an elf pointed off, to a lone figure. It held up a horn, blowing it. Long every wall along with Helms Deep it echoed. Behind the figure, were hundreds of men, cover by mist, the low light, put a dark mood to them

''Who are they?'' Gambling asked, Elves loaded their arrows. Two women stood forward. One with braid back black hair, tattoos running down her neck and think black and red armour stood forward. The other long blond hair, private hat holding it down, little armour on with a long sword

''I am Caien, daughter of Gaia, the wife of King Fili, King under the mountain of Erebor'' the blonde bowled

''I am Astrid, queen of Tamdrup'' The black haired one bowled next ''We bring word from Nyx, Queen of the Dragons, of Seas, and Lost People of middle earth'' Caien explained ''Queen Nyx couldn't come with us, because she fair to week. But she sent the armies of the lost, to defend Helm's Deep, to save your people'' Aside pointed to the door ''So before I get angry, I would open those door''

''Who do you we know you are not lying! A trick of Saruman!'' Caien laughed evilly ''You would dare question a daughter of a great Queen! I am the daughter of Gaia! I hold her power! I can wipe Helm's Deep off the face of Middle Earth!'' Scales covered Caien body and face ''Let me in'' The men didn't move

''Oh, that is enough Caien'' A known face to the fellowship stood forward ''Aragorn, you know me. Tell the men to let MY armies through'' Aragorn nodded to the king ''Who is she?'' Theoden asked

''Maleficent, the second born of Nyx'' ''You know her'' ''No, but she was with Nyx at the council'' Theoden gave the signal to open the gates. The new armies walked in ''Shields in front of the elves, protect them from the arrows of Orcs'' Astrid pointed up the wall ''Arrows, in the courtyard!'' Astrid pointed the other way

Theoden watched ''Swords... Front line'' Men cheered going back out the gate ''You're sending you men out?'' Theoden was shocked ''Problem?'' ''They'll be slaughtered'' Caien and Astrid laughed

Maleficent walked past the king, patting his back ''Children'' Maleficent chuckled, making Caien laugh even harder ''Come, child'' Maleficent looked the king straight in the eyes ''You can't be out in the storm''

Astrid took breaths in, trying to get words out ''Stop, it's wartime'' Caien grabbed her shoulder ''Problem are last one too!'' Astrid and Caien laughed even more ''Your making fools of yourself!'' A man took their shoulder laughing

''Jake!'' Jake shocked his head leading them out. Maleficent looked down at the king ''You're the child, come on'' Theoden growled ''I am far older than you--'' ''No you not'' Maleficent cut him off ''I was born before Helm's deep was built. My men, to share my age'' Maleficent smirked ''You are all children in our eyes'' ''You put your men outside the wall, why?''

''Before the battle, you pick a weapon. Axe, Sword, Bow, Shield. What you pick, depends on where you want to go. Bows backline, more chance to survive. Shields, next line up, more chance to die. Axe and sword... You want to die''

The rain started to pour down. Armour clicked each time the rain hit. Hair stuck to faces as the fire of the Uruk-hai grow ''They are here''

''What's happening out there?'' Gimli jumped up and down ''Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?'' Legolas asked. Gimli laughed, as the Uruk-hai stomped their spears. Everyone loaded their arrows. Everything then went still, an Uruk-hai had fallen to the ground

''So, it brings''

The Vikings looked up at an old man with one eye ''Hold!'' Aragorn snapped ''Oh shit'' Caien mumbled, as the Uruk-hai screamed ''I think there angry'' Jake mumbled ''Spears!!'' Astrid snapped

''Prepare to fire!'' elves loaded their arrows. The Vikings in front of them, closed in, protecting most of the elf bodies with the shields ''Their armour is weak at the neck and beneath the arm'' Legolas told his kin ''Release Arrows!'' Arrows shot past the Vikings head ''Shot!'' spears shot past Astrid's head ''Did they hit anything?'' Gimli asked Legolas

''Give them a volley'' Theoden said ''Fire!!'' Gamling shouted ''Fire'' it was repeated. Orcs got past the arrows; Astrid ducked in with the line ''Shield wall!!'' Orcs broke onto the shied some chipping and splinting

''Forward!!'' the Vikings broke out, taking down the Uruk-hai was easy. Orcs had gone around, letting ladder rise up ''Ladders!'' Aragorn snapped ''Good'' Gimli held his axe up ''Swords!'' Aragorn snapped again

''Three!.... Two!...'' A Viking called ''One!!'' The Vikings jumped up, knocking the first orcs off the ladder with their shields ''Axes!'' The Vikings moved back, with the elves, getting attacked by the Uruk-hai

Bodies from both sides fell to the floor, pilling upon each other ''Legolas! two already!'' ''I'm on 17!'' ''Huh!? I'll have no pointy ear outsourcing me!!'' Legolas killed two more ''Nineteen!''

''The ladder!!'' Caien yelled climbing up one. The others following, when they got up to the wall, many with the power, set the ladder on fire

''Is this it? Is this all you can conjure Saruman?'' ''Shh child, Saruman is a wizard he has something up his sleeve'' Maleficent hushed him.

Not long after, Maleficent coved her head as the wall exposed ''Oh shit'' Maleficent grabbed her sword, running down ''Caien!'' Caien shook her head, coughing up dust. Orc rushing in ''Gets up! Elves shot, Shot!'' Maleficent snaped.

The elves shot arrows, killing some of the orcs ''Aragorn!'' Maleficent rushed through the fire, grabbing him ''Where's Caien?!'' ''She was on the wall''

Maleficent lifted Aragorn, running up the stairs ''Charge!!'' Aragorn charged with the backline force. Maleficent collapsed down to Caien how was being protected by Haldir. She held her chest ''I can't breathe'' She sobbed tears running down her face

''It's going to be ok, Caien'' Maleficent throw Caien over her shoulder, making Caien gasp and cry out ''It hurts!'' ''Haldir! To the keep!'' Haldir nodded, calling to his men to fall back ''Haldir!'' Maleficent caught the blade coming for his back, with her hand ''yol!!!'' Fire shot out of her mouth, killing the orcs behind them

''Come on Haldir'' Haldir held her side, gasping ''Your hit!?'' Maleficent snapped looking to the keep, then to Caien ''Come here, my friend'' Haldir lent on Maleficent ''Hold'' she wrapped one of his arms over her waist

''Hold tight!'' Wings popped out of Maleficent back, ripping her armour. She runs a little, getting air born. The weight of two more bodies brought her down fast. The men of Rohan reach out, catching Haldir and Caien as Maleficent throw them

Maleficent caught the wall, ripping her nails off ''Help!'' the men throw a rope down, pulling her up ''Get them in!'' Maleficent stood up, hands dripping with blood ''Hurry up!'' Maleficent rushed to the gate ''Aragorn, Gimli get out of there!'' Theoden shouted

''Move!'' She pushed the king out the way. Aragorn pulled Gimli out the way ''Yol!!'' fire busted out of her mouth like before. It shot down most of the bridge, leaving only dust left ''Quickly!'' She help to put the last bit of wood down

She took a deep breath leaning against the wall ''Control'' ''Fall back! Fall back!'' ''They have broken through! the castle is breached. Retreat!!''

''Hurry inside! get them inside!'' Aragorn shouted, falling into the keep. Maleficent runs to the stairs case, where orcs run up ''iizyol!!!'' this fire was ice. It did not burn the orcs alive, but frozen them in place, killing them as soon ice hit them

''Quickly into the Keep!'' Her voice boomed. She was last inside ''barricade the doors! Get the injured into the lower halls, warn the women and children!'' man didn't question her commands doing what she asked

''The fortress is taken. It is over'' Theoden grumbled ''You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it! They still defend it, they have died defending it!'' Theoden looked away

''Is there no other way for women and children to get out of the caves?'' No one answered ''Is there no other way'' ''There is a way'' Maleficent answered, wrapping a cloth around her hand ''It leads into the mountains'' ''There is no such path--'' ''I built this keep, Theoden! I know my creation!'' She grabbed a man

''You! Warn the women, get them to leave!'' ''Where is the path?'' ''Second level, fair right. Should be an engraving on the wall, go!''

''So much death... What can men do against such reckless hate?'' ''Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them'' Aragorn looked up from the floor ''For death and glory'' ''For Rohan. For your people''

''The sun is rising'' Gandalf words flashed through Aragorn head ''yes... Yes. The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep, one last time'' ''Yes!!'' Gimli rushed to the horn ''Let this be the horn when we draw swords together'' Guards got horse ''Fell deeds, awake now for wrath, now for ruin and a red dawn!''

The doors were knocked down ''Forth Eorlingas!!!'' They rode through the doors, slashing down the orc, getting to the gates where they pushed the orcs off the bridge.

The men fought the orcs when they stopped looking up the east. Everyone looked, to see a white horse, with a man wearing all white sat. A man of Rohan and many others came behind him ''Gandalf'' Aragorn whispered

''Theoden King stands alone'' ''No alone... Rohirrim!!'' Eomer held up his sword ''To the king!!'' Gandalf made a bright white light as they made their way down. The riders rode over the orcs, killing any in seconds. There the battle was over, with the help of the trees when the Orcs tried to flee

''Mother is waiting'' Loki, Saylla the twins of Zeuxippe, and Tris daughter of Aphrodite sat on a cliff overlooking Helm's Deep and the battle ''Mother would want us back'' Saylla pointed out ''I don't want to go back there. It's so dark and snicking'' Tris didn't move to follow her cousins

 ''Come on Tris. It won't be for long she hates us there anyway. She'll just send us out again'' Loki patted her back ''I want to be with Aunty Nyx''

"Aunt Nyx, killed our fathers'' Saylla snapped ''Saylla don't'' Loki warned ''Because she had to! They planed to kill hundreds!'' ''Like she had to kill my bother?!'' ''Smaug was taken! He couldn't turn back!'' Loki didn't bother to take his breaths in to calm himself, shouting ''Enough!!''

The girls were silent ''Tris, go find Aunt Nyx, tell her we'll come, soon. Saylla, you and I are going back to end this'' Saylla glare at him ''I'm not--'' ''You are. You know that women are no longer our mother''

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