Bluebell eyes // Marinette Du...

De Simping_forMari

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng x (female) reader oneshot book ❤️ (slow updates) She/her pronouns, unless asked other... Mais

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Tagged <3
Not scared
Share your secret
Someday... (a dear Theodosia au)
Butterflies and science fairs pt.1

Butterflies and science fairs pt. 2

376 5 6
De Simping_forMari

Part 2 is here!
Tw: slight swearing
Request by: VarianWolf


"These wires are definitely cut through." Eugene said holding the wires in his hand. "Someone really did sabotage him.

"But who would do such a thing?" Cassandra asked.

"Ha Lila!" Marinette huffed as she came walking back over to the group.

"Have you found Varian?" Lance asked.

Marinette shook her head. "No but, the girls and Adrien are still looking for him.

"Lila you say? That's the volcano girl right? The one with the huge forehead." Eugene asked.

Marinette giggled at his remark. "Yes that's her."

"Why do you think she did it?" Cassandra said seriously.

"She's Lila. She would do anything to get what she wants." Marinette shrugged.

"We need proof though." Lance said. "We can't accuse her without any proof."

"Right..." Marinette said. Even though she was convinced it was Lila. She looked around and then pointed up at a camera. "Can't we check security cameras or anything?" she suggested.

"Good idea, follow me!" Eugene said.

"Wait you know where the monitoring station is?" Marinette asked.

"Believe me in all those years I went to this school, I've deleted a lot of footage of me and Lance doing things that could get us in trouble. So I'm basically an expert." Eugene smiled as he led the group towards the basement.


"I was supposed to win, I worked so hard for it, but that b-brat ruined it!" Varian sobbed into his knees as he was huddled against the tree. He failed to notice the black butterfly coming his way. Varian lifted his head to look at the element. It was only then when he heard the sound of wings flapping.

Before he could act the butterfly flew into the black element. "Black Rocker." A voice said. (Yup I took the tts fandom name 😅) "So no one appreciates your hard work and brilliant inventions? I'll help you win the contest of your life, but in return you must help me get something that belongs to me. Bring me the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir and I will give you the power to control The Black Rocks and take revenge on that Lila girl, so you can proof that your a worthy winner!"

"Let's see whose the loser now!" Varian said as he stood up and let Hawkmoth's power take over him.

Suddenly someone gasped behind him.
"Varian? What happened to you?!" Rapunzel looked at him horrified.

He let out a laugh: "Ha I'm not Varian anymore. I'm Black Rocker and no one's going to stop me from claiming my victory!" He screamed as he extended his hand towards Rapunzel. Black rocks came spouting out off the ground in Rapunzels direction.

Rapunzel screamed and was send flying back by the impact. She groaned as she laid on the floor. Varian stood over her with a smirk on his face. "Now let's get my revenge."

He used the rocks to lift him up and he started jumping over to the school.

Rapunzel who laid dazed on the ground, gasped and watched him leave.

"Oh not again Varian." she whined. She lifted herself off the ground and started running toward the school.


"That's Lila. That's most definitely Lila!" Marinette said pointing at the monitoring screen. While they examined the footage of the contest they could clearly see Lila sneaking away from the crowd to mess with Varian's project.

"So what do we do now?" Lance asked her.

"Tell the judges of course! Come on!" Marinette said, running towards the door.

When she reached the door she suddenly heard screams coming from the other side. She quickly opened it and peaked inside. People where running around, screaming as weird pointy, black rocks came out of the ground. Marinette looked at the scene with wide eyes, before closing the door again and turning back around to look at Eugene, Lance and Cassandra.

"Never mind I think Varian's been akumatized." she announced.

"WHAT?!" They yelled.

Eugene pushed past her to open the door.

"WHERE IS LILA ROSSI?!!" A booming voice screamed. A boy with bright blue hair, black goggles and a black and blue bodysuit stood on a big black rock.

Eugene squeaked and closed the door again.
"Yep that's definitely goggles!"

"What do we do?" Cassandra asked.

"We should wait for Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Lance said.

Marinette started sweating. She had to get out of here! She had to think of something!

"I-I uhh..." She began. "Y/n! My girlfriend is out there I need to find her!"

"You can't leave, it's to dangerous!" Eugene said.

"I don't believe Varian would deliberately hurt me, but I have to make sure Y/n is okay. I'll be back!" She yelled as she pulled the door open and ran straight into the scene.

Students were huddled together in corners, while others where trapped between black rocks. Varian still stood in the middle on a big rock. He looked over the chaos he caused, with a satisfied smirk.

Marinette tried to sneak into the locker room, but of course she had to trip over someone's project that laid scattered on the ground.

"Marinette!" Varian said sending black rocks in her direction.

Marinette tried to run but the rocks incased her middle and she was lifted off the ground. Varian brought her towards him.

"MARI!" Y/n, who was protectively stood over some students, yelled. Scared for her girlfriend's safety.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you." Varian said.

"No?" Marinette said raising a brow.

"No, not if you help me take down Lila. I know you want revenge on her too!" Varian said.

Marinette sighed: "Varian please rethink this, getting revenge is not the same as doing justice!"

"I'm Black Rocker! And who needs justice anyway?" Varian shrugged. "There won't be justice as long as that brat is still around!"

"I know what Lila did, but please you don't need to take her down. We found proof she sabotaged you! We can show that to the judges. Everything will be alright!"

"That's not enough. She needs to pay! And clearly we're not on the same line anymore so I don't need you!" Everyone in the room gasped as Marinette was swung across the room. But before she could hit the ground a certain kitty jumped and caught her.

"Woah careful M'lady we still got an akuma to fight!"

Marinette let out a shaky breath. "Thanks Kitty."

"No problem now go transform!"

"But-!" Suddenly black rocks were fired at them.

"GO NOW!" Chat yelled as he dodged the rocks and pushed Mari towards the locker room. He turned to the students that we're still huddled together. "Y/n escord the students out. I'll cover you!"

Y/n gave him finger guns: "You got it Chat! Come on everyone, lets get out of here!" They all followed her out of the school as Varian was still busy firing rocks at Chat Noir.
"Good luck babe!" she whispered before leaving.

Meanwhile Chat was dodging every attack by either spinning his baton or jumping to the side. Black Rocker groaned in frustration. He made the rocks come spouting out of the ground from all around him, causing Chat to hit the walk with a thud.

"CHA-" Ladybug ran out of the locker room, but immediately collided with the rocks and flew back inside the locker room.

Black Rocker used this opportunity to trap Chat Noir, who yelped when rocks encased him. He barricaded the locker room door so Ladybug couldn't get out. He looked around. That's when he noticed the courtyard was completely abandoned. All the students had sneaked out and so did Lila Rossi. He growled, he wasn't going to let her get away. He jumped of the big rock and left to go find the brat.

Chat watched him leave from his rock prison. He sighed and summoned his power. "Cataclysm." He touched one of the rocks, expecting it to crumble, but to his surprise it didn't. It still stood there, completely unaffected by the Cataclysm. Chat's eyes went wide as he looked at the rock.

"What?" He looked at his beeping ring. "It didn't work?!" He starter pulling the 'bars'. But not a slight movement. His heartbeat accelerated and he started sweating. "M'LADY!" He screeched.

"Chat I'm here!" He heard Ladybug's voice coming out of the locker room.

"H-HELP ME!" Chat grabbed the 'bars' and started pulling them. "GET M-MEOWT OF HERE!" He panicked.

"Hold on Kitty, I have to use the bathroom window, the door is completely blocked." Ladybug yelled back.

"Hurry up!" Chat said weakly as he sunk to the ground. He was trapped. He hated being trapped. He remembered the Sandboy incident when he got trapped in his room. Panic immediately rushed trough his veins as he tried to breathe.

"Hello? Varian?" A voice said.

"Bugaboo?" Chat squeaked.

"Chat Noir?" Rapunzel called as she entered the school and took in her surroundings. The tables were impaled, inventions were scattered around and black rocks were all over the place. In the back against a wall stood a tiny black rock prison with a panting Chat Noir inside. Dejavu washed over her.

She shook her head to get rid of the memory and ran over to Chat and kneeled in front of the bars. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Need... to... get... out!" Chat started hyperventilating.


Ladybug came swinging in, landing in a fight pose. Her eyes went wide at the sight of her partner and Rapunzel. She ran over to them. "Chat what's going on? Breathe!"

"I... can't!" Chat huffed.

Ladybug took her yo-yo and wrapped it around one of the bars and pulled. But the rock wouldn't break or even budge.

"What?" She tried to pull again, but harder. "It didn't break?!"

She looked inside the prison at the almost passed out cat. "Chat what's wrong?"

"I'm... c-clawstrophobic." He panted.

"Even when he's on the verge of passing out he can pun." Rapunzel giggled.

Ladybug looked around and then sighed as she looked at the top of the prison... that was open.

"Really? Chat just extend your staff..."

Chat looked up at the open ceiling and reached for his baton. He extended it, jumped out and landed on the ground next to the cage.

"Are you okay? Ladybug asked.

"I will be." Chat smiled weakly.

"Alright Chat breathe with me okay? Now take a deep breath in." While Rapunzel helped Chat return to his normal breathing rate, Ladybug walked around the courtyard examining the rocks and touching their pointy tops. She then noticed that Black Rocker was nowhere to be seen.

"Great now because of this fuss we lost Black Rocker. Chat, you gotta stop freaking out about everything so fast!" She said walking back over to her partner and the blonde next to him.

"I'm sorry M'lady..." Chat hung his head, not looking her in the eye.

Ladybug gave him a sympatic look and lifted his chin to make him look at her. "It's alright Kitty Cat, I'm glad you're doing better now." She pressed a small kiss on his cheek, then helped him up and led him to one of the bigger rocks.

"Now how can we reach the akumatized object if we can't break though those rocks?" Ladybug knocked on a rock with her knuckle.

"I don't know. I mean, if my cataclysm doesn't even work?" Chat said.

"We'll get to that later. Varian we're is he?"

"He probably went looking for Lila again."

"Ladybug? I think I can help. Please listen to me?" Rapunzel said.

Ladybug looked at Chat Noir, who gave a nod of confirmation.

"I know these rocks." Rapunzel said. "We had them at home in Corona before I moved here. They are made from a indestructible material, so that's why using cataclysm is useless."

"So what can we do?" Chat asked her.

"I no longer posses my Sundrop power so I can't help with fighting against them. And fighting Varian normally is probably useless since he's very quick with those rocks, you'd get hurt easily." Rapunzel said.

Ladybug thought and then nodded. "Alright, there is one last thing we can try." She grabbed her yo-yo and threw it up. "Lucky charm!"

An glass object landed in her hands.

"What's this?" She asked as she examined the the object.

"An erlenmeyer flask?"

Rapunzel gasped: "Of course! The solution!


"Varian created an chemical compound. It creates amber which can incase the rocks. Take me to Varians house and I'll show you!" Rapunzel said.

Ladybug nodded: "Alright! Chat go re-charge your kwami and then follow us. Come on Rapunzel." She grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the school's entrance.

"Ladybug wait!" A door was openend to their right.

"Eugene!" Rapunzel exclaimed running into her boyfriends arms. "Varian's been akumatized. We are going to save him!"

"But you don't have your powers anymore! How are you planning to defeat him?" Eugene asked, concerned.

"The amber solution."

Cassandra gasped: "Wha- but you know what happens when it touches the rocks. It can be very dangerous."

"I know Cass, but Ladybug's lucky charm told us to get the solution there's no other option!" Rapunzel explained.

"She's right and we should get going now, before Varian finds Lila and hurts more people." Ladybug said.

"Be careful sunshine." Eugene pulled Rapunzel in for a hug.

"Always." Rapunzel smiled.

"Please bring back our buddy?" Lance asked Ladybug.

"We will don't worry." Ladybug said as she wrapped her arm around Rapunzel's waist, threw her yo-yo and took off.

"M'lady wait for me!" Chat Noir sprinted past Rapunzel's friends, grabbed his baton and launched himself after the two girls.

They stopped on a tall building.

"Now, where can he be?" Chat asked.

They heard a high pitched scream, followed by crashes.

"Found him." He deadpanned.

They all jumped down and Ladybug put Rapunzel on the ground. "Go, I'll meet you there."

Rapunzel nodded and ran off.

"Chat distract Black Rocker."

"On it!" Chat replied.

Meanwhile Black Rocker had found Lila, who was on her way home, in the park and started chasing her.

Lila gasped when she noticed the villain following her and ran as fast as she could. Until a rock impaled her long hair. Lila flew back and hit the rock with her head.

"Gotcha." Varian smirked.

"Ouch! Aah my hair." Lila screeched. She got up and tried to pull her hair free. "You ruined my hair!"

"When I'm done with you, not only your hair will be ruined." Varian said as he started walking up to her. Suddenly a baton hit him in the face.

"Now now, Black Rocker lets play nice and not ruin people okay?" Chat Noir said pulling his baton back.

Black Rocker who had fallen to the ground, growled: "Shut up you mangy cat!" He aimed a rock at Chat Noir's face, but he dodged.

"Miss." Chat smirked.

Black Rocker sent even more rocks, but Chat still dodged them all. "Stand still, nasty flea bag!"

Chat looked at him defiantly as he jumped on one of his rocks. The rock that had impaled Lila Rossi's hair a minute ago, but was now empty.

"Wha-? Where is she?!" Black Rocker roared.

"Not so much to ruin now." Chat winked.

Black Rocker looked up at him with a scowl. "I'll make kitty kibble of you" He yelled as he sent even more rocks at Chat.

"Uh oh."


"Put me down you blasted bug!" Lila shouted as they swung above Paris' streets.

"Would you rather I left you to your fate?" Ladybug

Lila kept quiet.

"That's what I thought." Ladybug huffed.

"Just put me down already!" Lila snapped.

"As you wish." Ladybug said and she immediately jumped down on the roof beneath her. She put Lila down on the roof and swung off again.

"Hey don't leave me here!" Lila screeched after her.

"You wanted me to put you down, gotta go now, bye!" Ladybug yelled.

She quickly went on her way to Varian's house and entered trough the window of Varian's room were Rapunzel was already working on the solution.

"I'm here!" Ladybug announced.

"Good, do you have the flask?" Rapunzel asked.

Ladybug nodded and placed the flask on the table.

"He demonstrated this to me before." Rapunzel said as she went trough a chest full of all kinds of liquids. She looked at their labels and picked a few out of the chest and put them on the table.

"Take this." She said pushing a jar of powder in Ladybug's hands and she started pouring various liquids together in a and placed it on a burner.
"It has to become fluorescent yellow."

After heating it for a while it turned pink.

"Pink? Why is it pink?" Ladybug asked confused.

"I don't know!" Rapunzel yelled back and she turned down the burner.

"We have to hurry up, Black Rocker is only doing more damage to the city and I don't think Chat can distract him any longer." Ladybug urged.

"I know, wait-" Rapunzel said as the took the flask off the burner. She pointed at the jar that Ladybug was holding. "Put 2 scoops of this powder in the flask."

Ladybug did as she was told and handed the flask over to Rapunzel, who started swaying it. "That should do."

"Come on. We have to get back to Chat." Ladybug said.

Suddenly the glass window shattered and Chat came flying through, landing on the table. The table tipped and fell backwards with him.

Ladybug and Rapunzel were also send flying back due to the impact as glas flew everywhere. Bottles fell off the table and shelves and smashed.

Ladybug quickly scooped the flask out of the air before it could smash. The solution had turned yellow!

"Chat!" She exclaimed.

"Ouch..." Chat said, laying folded up between the wall and the table. Rapunzel pushed the table away and helped him up.

"Sorry, he started following you when he saw you swinging by. I tried to stop him, reall-" He cut himself off with a whimper as he pointed towards the window.

The girls slowly turned around and saw Black Rocker in the window opening. He looked furious as he looked around his messed up room.

"Guys run!" Ladybug screamed.

They all started running out of the room. Chat quickly closed the door behind him but black rocks immediately impaled it. He yelped and ran after Ladybug and Rapunzel.

They ran down the stairs, through the door and out off the house while they heard Varian shout behind them.

"Get out of here Rapunzel." Ladybug yelled. "Chat, we have to pour this solution one of the black rocks, preferably one that's close to Varian, it'll incase them."

"Got it M'lady!" Chat said, giving her a wink.

Suddenly they both got thrown up high in the air as rocks grew out the ground beneath them with great force. Varian looked after them, chuckled and slightly patted the rock that caused the heroes to get launched.

Ladybug quickly threw her yo-yo towards Chat Noir and pulled him against her. "Hold on Chat!" she commanded.

Chat nodded and held onto her as she created a net from the yo-yo string to catch them before they could get impaled by the rocks beneath them.

Varian groaned when the heroes landed safely in the net. "Come on!" he yelled.

"Sorry Black Rocker but you'll need more in store than a few measly rocks to get us out of the way."

"Oh just you wait, you'll see what I have in store!" Black Rocker grinned.

The ground started shaking when rocks came spouting out off the ground from all around them.

"Watch out!" Ladybug yelled as the rocks incased them.

Varian laughed evilly. "There's no way of defeating me now!"

The heroes watched as black rocks started surrounding Black Rocker. They grew higher, forming horns, wings and claws.

Suddenly a big black rock dragon stood before them.

Chat just gawked. "M'lady he just turned into a dragon. He literally just turned into a dragon."

"He can turn into any creature he wants, but we're not going to let him win!" Ladybug said. She took the cork off the flask. "Let's do this!"

"Don't worry Varian we'll save you." Chat whispered.

They started running towards Black Rocker at full speed. The dragon roared and sent more rocks coming at them.

Chat grabbed Ladybug's waist and extended his baton. They both flew up and Ladybug jumped onto the dragon's head.

"Now don't make this hard for us." She tipped the flask to pour the solution on his head, but a claw came sweeping at her.

"Woah!" Ladybug jumped of the head.

"Be careful, a smack from that claw will be very injurious!" Chat said. He tried hitting the dragon with his stick several times, but no use.

Whenever they came close, they were either swatted away or Varian sent black rock spouting out off the ground blocking their pads. This left them breathless.

"This won't work. He's too fast!" Ladybug panted.

Chat looked around for another solution, but then saw that Black Rocker, who hadn't moved much during their fight, was stomping their way. He looked at the ground and then smirked.

"I have an idea, Cataclysm!"

Chat used his cataclysm on the ground, which cracked and broke, so Black Rocker sank through the ground and got stuck. He roared angrily.

Ladybug gave Chat a praising scratch under the chin and jumped to pour the serum, but gasped when she saw the dragon's tail coming her way.

"Oh no! Not again!" she groaned. She gets hit by the tail and flies to the ground. She landed on her butt, causing the solution to fall from her hands and roll away. "The solution!"

Chat quickly snatched it off the ground.

"Chat throw it!" Ladybug shouted.

"Take this!" Chat threw the flask as hard as he could at Black Rocker.

Varian was trying to climb out of the crack in the ground, when he noticed the flask coming his way. On reflex he summoned a rock to prevent it from hitting him. The flask shattered against the rock and amber started incasing the rock.

"NO!" Black Rocker screamed. The started wriggling himself out off the crack, but the amber reached him and started making it's way up his body.

"No... NOOO!" Varian screamed, reaching his arm up to the sky as if he could escape. The amber also went up his extended arm and eventually stopped growing, leaving his whole body, except for the extended claw, incased.

Ladybug smiled and jumped up to the claw. She pulled it open and found a tiny piece of element in his claw. She took it and crushed it. The akuma came flying out and she immediately cleansed it. After she restored the damage, the amber had disappeared and Varian had transformed back into his normal self.

"Were am I?" Varian looked around confused.

Chat immediately ran up to him and kneeled by his side. "Are you okay?" he asked worried. He unconsciously reached out to him and lifted his arms to check for any injuries and then caressed his cheeks.

"Y-yeah." Varian said a blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Alright." Chat lowered his arms and looked at the floor. He picked up the little piece of unnamed element for the ground.
"I guess this is yours?" Chat noir said holding up the black element. "Did you make this?"

Varian nodded. "Yeah, but it's rubbish. I wouldn't have won anyway." he sulked.

"No! I think you should've won!" Chat said.

"Really?" Varian looked up at him.

"Yeah, this is so impressive!" He examined the element in his hand and then placed it back in Varian's gloved hand.

"Thank you Chat noir." Varian looked at him with his big blue sapphire eyes and a sincere smile.

Chat blushed too and rubbed his neck. "No problem! So do you want to go back? I think we should convince the judges to give you a second chance!"

"I don't know. My project basically exploded in their faces!" Varian exclaimed.

Ladybug came up to the two. "Maybe it did, but that's because Lila vandalized it."

"Really?" Chat Noir asked.

"Yeah! I checked security cams." Ladybug said.

"And after that she threatened me." Varian said.

Chat huffed and pulled Varian up. "Alright we're going back to that school. You are going to fix your project and Lb and I are going to convince the judges and make sure Lila gets disqualified for messing with other peoples projects, okay?!"

"Yes!" Varian said enthusiastically.

"Alright, lets go!" Chat noir said, scooping the boy up into his arms and jumping off.

Ladybug looked after them and squealed:
"They are so my new otp!"


Varian stood on the stage with a big smile on his face, his project fully functioning again. He pushed the lever to turn it off.

"The end result? Fifty pounds of sand turns into..." He reached into the invention and pulled a new piece of the element out and held it out for the audience to see. "This!"

The audience gasped at the sight of the black stone and started clapping and whooping. "I call this new element...


Adrien gasped.

"Aah, he named it after you!" Y/n teased, poking his cheek.

"Shut up!!!" Adrien yelled, hiding his red cheeks from the girl.

Varian jumped off the stage as the applause died down. Rapunzel immediately engulfed him into a hug. "That was amazing Var!"

Mr. Democles got on stage. "Alright contestants it's time to announce the winners of this year's science fair. But before we do that where is Lila Rossi?"

"Here! I'm here!!!" Lila came running in panting waving her arms. "F*cking Ladybug. Leaving me on a rooftop huh?" she panted as she quickly wriggled her way through the crowd towards the stage. "See they loved my project!" The liar said to a girl next to her.

"Lila Rossi your disqualified." Mr. Damocles announced.

"WHAT?!" Lila screamed. "For what?!"

"For sabotaging an other contestant's project."

"I didn't do such thing and even if I did, you don't have proof!" Lila told the principal.

"In fact we have. Security camera footage shows you cutting some wires on contestant 10's project." Ms. Mendeleiev cut in.

Eugene and Marinette did a fist bump.

"So you are hereby disqualified and suspended for 2 weeks. Messing with other peoples belongings is strictly against the rules." Mr. Democles said.

"No it's not my fault sir. It's... it's Marinette's fault! She manipulated me into doing it! I swear. When I refused she slapped me and then pushed me down the stairs!!!" Lila whined.

"What?" Varian looked at Marinette confused. "But you were with me the whole time." Marinette sighed and went to reason with her but Adrien got in front of her.

"Just quit it already Lila. Marinette never did anything to you and you seem perfectly fine, you don't even have a bruise or anything!" Adrien yelled at her.

"No look I'm limping. I can't walk." Lila said fake limping towards Adrien. "See, carry me babe!" Lila started clinging on Adrien. Adrien cringed and pushed her off. Other people started to get involved:

"Please Lila stop lying!"
"Not cool Lila."
"Just leave already!"
"It's obvious you're lying."

"NO IT WAS MARINE-!" Lila tried before she was grabbed by the shirt and lifted of the ground.

"Listen here you lying rat. Leave my girlfriend out of this we both know she's got nothing to do with it. She never hurt you or even touched you. So shut up and get lost!"

"Miss (L/n) release miss Rossi now! And Miss Rossi go home." Mr. Damocles yelled.

"Fine! But I'll be back for you Marinette and I'm going to make your life a living hell!" Lila seethed.

"You have to get through us first." Varian said taking Marinette's hand while Y/n grabbed her other.

"Whatever losers!" Lila said, stomping away.

"Alright Miss. Mendeleiev I give you the honor to announce this year's winners." Mr. Damocles said.

"Thank you Mr. Damocles." Miss. Mendeleiev said and she opened the folded paper in her hands.

"Third place goes to contestant number 21."

A blonde girl in the audience gasped and got on stage to claim her price, while the crowd clapped for her.

"Second place goes to contestant number 4."

Varian only got more nervous as Max also went to claim his price. Adrien noticed him slightly shaking and grabbed his hand to give it a comforting squeeze. Varian glanced at their intertwined hands, but quickly looked back up when Miss. Mendeleiev was about to announce first place.

Miss. Mendeleiev coughed and licked her lips. "And the first place goes to...

contestant number 10!"

Everyone around Varian started cheering.
"That's you!" Marinette yelled, while aggressively he shaking Varian.

"That's me." Varian said in disbelief.

"You won!" Adrien said pulling Varian into a hug. Immediately after he did his eyes went wide and he released the overwhelmed boy. "Uhh I mean."

Varian looked at him and smiled.

"Come claim your price Varian." Mr.Damocles called him.

Varian climbed up onto the stage and he looked at the cheering people in front of him.

A envelope with price money and a big golden cup were pushed into his arms and Mr. Damocles, Miss. Mendeleiev and Miss. Bustier all shook his hand and congratulated him.

His friends also got on stage. Rapunzel grabbed him into a hug, while Eugene, Lance and Cassandra slapped his shoulders. Kiera and Catalina both hugged his waist. "We knew you'd win!" Rapunzel said. "Of course my nephew is a genius!" Eugene said and he and Lance lifted Varian on their shoulders.

They all got of stage when a women with long purple hair came up to them.

"Hi Varian right? I'm Entrapta and I work at the University of the sciences and I love your project. It's absolutely and scientifically outstanding. That's why I would like to offer you a scholarship!"

"Really?! Wow that's amazing thank you!" Varian said.

"You deserve it. You are a very talented young man. We'll contact you when the time is there. For now enjoy your victory." Entrapta said shaking his hand.

Marinette, Y/n and Adrien came up to them. "Hey Var congrats." Y/n said. "A scolarship wow!"

"I know I don't believe it." Varian said wiping some sweat of his forehead and readjusting the goggles on his head.

"Hey Varian, uhh congratulations, you deserved this win." Adrien smiled and wrapped his arms around the raven haired boy. Heat immediately rushed up to  Varian's cheeks.

"Thanks A-Adrien." Varian said while pulling back and staring into his lime green eyes. Adrien stared back.

The sound of three squealing girls broke them from their trance.

"They are so cute together!" Rapunzel, Y/n and Marinette screamed, clapping and jumping around.

"Shut up!!!"


This was pt.2, maybe I'll write a part 3 in another book :)

Continue lendo

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1.9M 86.3K 194
"Oppa", she called. "Yes, princess", seven voices replied back. It's a book about pure sibling bond. I don't own anything except the storyline.
773K 28.7K 103
The story is about the little girl who has 7 older brothers, honestly, 7 overprotective brothers!! It's a series by the way!!! 😂💜 my first fanfic...