Knight in Bloody Armor

Por Grimmy27

82K 4.5K 443

After miraculously surviving a tragic car accident, in which her parents die, Faye is forced to live with her... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 24

1.1K 74 4
Por Grimmy27


I can't believe I was thrown out! This outing was supposed to be a nice date with my little fairy, but I ended up being kicked out instead, so I decide to join the other Warriors at the 'Night Bar'. It's a pub that was established by my dad about five years ago for the Knights to spend their free time in. That way they don't have to face people's contemptuous looks when they go out.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Look who it is!" Duma laughs from behind the bar when he sees me walk in. "Let me guess, the girls kicked you out." He mocks, pouring Dexter a drink. I honestly didn't expect the officers to be here with the Warriors.

"Yeah. And they didn't do it nicely either." I grumble sulkily, joining Dexter by the bar.

"Want a drink?" Duma asks with a smirk, clearly amused by my sour mood.

"Coke." I don't want to drink in case I'll have to drive later.

"So what happened?" Dexter questions curiously.

"They have a girls' day. - I groan - And as a guy, I'm banned from joining. Damn them, they stole my girl before I could even protest!"

"You're not the only one. See them? - Duma points at the guys sitting at the booths - They were kicked out in the morning along with the security and have been here for hours. Those Warrior girls are fucking vicious, I gotta admit."

"Yeah, they are."

"Though I have to say, it's a little reckless of them to send away the security. What if something happens?" Duma frowns in worry.

I understand his concern, but the girls are not helpless. "They girls are not weak, and they have Cindy with them. Even I'm not stupid enough to go against mom's protégé. Ghoul is almost as scary as Ghost." I chuckle amusedly. Cindy aka Ghoul is one of the first girls that came to mom's hotel. At first, she was a bitter teenager who didn't trust anyone, but now she's the general manager and trains the girls whenever mom isn't available. She even fought in the Cage a few times to test her skills on people who wouldn't go easy on her.

"Speaking of Warriors, did your mother tell you about the new girl she's about to take in?" Dexter asks seriously, no longer in the mood for jokes. Mom is taking a new girl in?

"No, she didn't. Why?"

"We're still investigating it, but it appears that the girl is actually your cousin." Dexter reveals and I gape at him in shock. My cousin?

"But I don't have a cousin... My aunt didn't have a kid." She was too busy whoring around for drugs and getting wasted.

"It appears that she did, but the child wasn't raised by her. From what we found out, she left the kid at the hospital right after birth and didn't contact her again."

"Then how did you find her?"

"We're looking into an escort business run by some scumbag from New York, and it appears he employs underage girls there. We're suspecting they're forced to work there, at least that's what our client has implied, so we're investigating the place. We've already found out identities of three of the girls working there, mostly because there are... videos of them with the so-called customers, and one of them is called Clara Benson." He says gravely.

Benson? Like my aunt? "Maybe it's a coincidence. I mean, it's a quite common name..."

"We thought that too, but she resembles you a lot. You could easily pass for siblings." Duma cuts in. "I know it sounds outrageous, but we thought you should know."

"Why didn't mom tell me?" I sigh in despair, leaning on the bar tiredly. She doesn't usually have secrets, so why didn't she tell me about this?

"She probably didn't get the chance. We only confirmed the girl's identity yesterday, and we all know what the boss is like." Dexter chuckles. Oh yeah, I know. The maids will have to bleach the whole house before Amantha comes back from grandpa's house or she might get sick because of the contamination. Gross.

"Yeah, dad specifically took Amantha to grandpa and sent the whole staff away just so he could have mom all to himself."

"Poor boss lady." Duma and Dexter laugh quietly, exchanging knowing smirks.

"Stop it, guys! - I admonish, cringing at the mental image my mind produces - I'd rather not know what they're doing."

"You poor child, - Dexter pats me on the back sympathetically - I feel for you." As if.

While we're on the topic of my parents... "Oh, I was actually meaning to ask you. You know my parents are leaving in a few weeks, right?"

"Yeah." The guys nod.

"Who's gonna be in charge of the Knights in their absence? I know the hotel will be left to Cindy, but what about the Knights?" I ask, genuinely curious about the future.

"Normally the General takes over when the boss is absent, but Kian has other responsibilities, so he can't do that. Boss said he'll appoint one of the officers before leaving, but we don't know who it is yet." Duma explains briefly. I wouldn't be surprised if dad appointed him as the General, mostly because he's mom's favorite, and everyone knows dad can't say no to mom. The queen's orders are absolute.

It's funny how much power my mom holds over dad. She has him wrapped around her little finger and he'd bend over backwards to please her. It's both comical and admirable. Dad's so devoted to mom that I wouldn't be surprised he'd kiss the ground she walks on.

Duma, Dexter and I talk for a while, sipping on our drinks casually, but then my phone rings, startling me a little. It's Faye's ringtone.

"Hello, my little fairy. - I greet warmly - Do you want me to save you?"

"K-Kaden... - I scowl at the scared tone of Faye's voice, my whole body tensing in fear - S-Simone told me to call you. There's some guy here. He-He's armed and is yelling and he's trying to get in. I don't know what's going on!" My girl cries through the phone, clearly terrified of the unwanted guest.

"I'm on my way, baby." I tell her before turning to Duma. "Trouble at the hotel. Some asshole's bothering the girls." I inform them then rush to my car after relaying the message to the security guards.

My heart is almost beating its way out of my chest as I race towards the hotel, internally thanking my dad for setting up the bar so close to it.

When I arrive at the scene, I'm met by not one, but over ten different fuckers trying to force their way inside. No wonder the girls are scared. They may be trained, but fighting ten armed guys would be a challenge even for them.

"Open the fucking door, little bitch! I ain't joking!" One of the men yells, lisping slightly as if he lacks a few teeth. Scumbag! Who the fuck is he?!

"Hey! - I shout at the men - Get the fuck away from those doors!"

"Fuck off, cunt." Another man grumbles, glaring at me hatefully. As if I'd get scared of you.

"Say that again." I growl lowly, punching the asshole in the face.

It takes but a moment for Duma, Dexter and the security to arrive, and once they do, the assailants lose their composure. They may have baseball bats, but we have guns. Well, except for me. I don't carry a glock on me at all times.

It's clear the men don't want to fight all of us.

Too bad, cause we want to fight them for bothering the girls. As our men knock out the asshole's buddies, I grab the biggest troublemaker by the collar and get in his face. "Who the fuck are you?"

"None of your business, cunt!" He grunts. He can barely stand due my tight hold but he still tries to act tough.

Well, tough luck, bitch! I'm not in the mood to play. "You have no idea who you're messing with." I chuckle darkly then slam the fucker's head against the door, knocking him out easily.

I don't bother checking on him, too worried about the girls, so I simply drop the guy on the ground and bang on the door. "It's me!" I let the girls know so they can let me in.

Once I'm inside, I pull my fairy into my arms, crushing her to my chest. "Are you okay?" I ask the girls, getting short nods from them. "Who is that guy?"

For the longest moment, no one answers, but what strikes me is Simone's terrified expression. She's shaking like a leaf, having to be held up by Kalra so she doesn't fall. "Simone?"

"That's him."

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